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Paper One 试卷一

(1996.6 A 卷)

16. It was felt that the lacked the _______to pursue a difficult task to the very end.

A. petition

B. engagement

C. commitment

D. Qualification

17. He does nothing that _______the interests of the collective.

A. runs for 竞选

B. runs against

C. runs over

D. runs into

18. Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says that his findings make him very _______about future.

A. optimistic

B. sympathetic

C. objective

D. precautions

19. In such a changing and complex society, formerly simply solutions to informational needs become _________.

A. confusing

B. acceptable

C. complicated

D. Feasible

20. When it comes to teaching ________, many parents believe that if they love their children and treat them kindly, the kids will know how to behave.

A. mentality

B. morality

C. majesty

D. Majority

21. Exercise seems to benefit the brain power of healthy and sick, young and old _____.

A. alike

B. alive

C. together

D. included

22. History has demonstrated that countries with different social systems and ideologies can join hands in meeting the common challenges to human ______and development.

23. Although sports _______the household, Joe drew the line when they interfered with family traditions and routine.

A. overwhelmed

B. affected

C. dominated

D. influenced

24. Shopping for a new swimsuit is one of least _______activities, because I almost always get salesclerk with a sick sense of humor.

A. favorable

B. popular

C. favorite

D. beneficial

25. It is during summer breaks that we first taste the satisfaction of work that _______into hard currency.

A. transfers

B. translates

C. transmits

D. Transplants

26.Skilled technicians and advanced technologies enable us to build uncompromised quality into all our cars, because our first ______is bringing you pleasure for years to come.

27. With keen ______, convincing facts and a global angle, Epstein vividly recorded a brilliant page of the great revolution.

A. inspection

B. intellectual

C. intention

D. Insight

28. Telecommunication developments enable the sending of messages _____television, radio and very shortly, electronic mail to bombard people with many messages.

A. via

B. amid

C. past

D. Across

29. The so-called intelligent behavior demands memory, remembering being a primary ______for reasoning.

A. resource

B. requirement

C. resolution

D. Response

30. Women’s central role in managing natural resources and protecting the environment has been overlooked more often it has been ______.

A. acknowledged

B. emphasized

C. memorized

D. associated

31. Technology has _______the sharing of information and the storage and delivery of information, thus making more information available to more people.

A. formulated

B. furnished

C. functioned

D. Facilitated

32. The new government _______the foreign-owned fields one after another.

A. took over

B. took out

C. took off

D. took on

33. One study found that job applicants who make more eye contact are ______as more alert, dependable, confident and responsible.

A. referred

B. perceived

C. recommended

D. presumed

34.Many proverbs _______in ancient Greece and Rome and in medieval Europe, spreading from country to country in Latin texts.

35. To give you a general idea of our products, we enclosed the catalogues showing various products handled by us with detailed ______and means of packing.

A. specimens

B. inspections

C. paraphrases

D. Specifications.


The country old hostilities between the two tribes eventually terminated through the persistent efforts of the local government.

A. vanished

B. diminished

C. shrunk

D. worsened

The leaders of the two countries are planning their summit meeting with a pledge to maintain and develop good ties.

A. strategy

B. standpoint

C. promise

D. priority

Computers will flourish because they enable us to accomplish tasks that could never before have been undertaken.

A. Implement

B. render

C. complete

D. assign

Herman’s success is due to his hard work and his ability to formulate plans which will get work done efficiently.

A. fulfill

B. approve

C. conceive

D. conduct

The farm ministers scheduled an emergency meeting in Luxembourg in hopes of easing the worldwide "mad cow" panic .

A. crisis

B. alarm

C. hazard

D. peril

The young man asked his parents not to worry because he was full of optimism about his career.

A. motivation

B. confidence

C. imagination

D. resolution

One’s awareness , both conscious and unconscious, of what happened in the past has a strong influence on one’s behavior.

A. storage

B. impression

C. perception

D. momory

On hearing of the case some time later, Conan Doyle was convinced that the man was not guilty, and

immediately went to work to ascertain the reuth.

A. explore

B. obtain

C. verify

D. search

All the staff members of the department made zealous efforts to clean up the hall for the Christmas party.

A. enthusiastic

B. concerted

C. gigantic

D. dedicated

The recent findings are also applicable to other areas of design engineering.

A. relevant

B. practical

C. convenient

D. comparable

Section B

Directions: In each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark out your choice on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully _____ the risks and benefits.

A. weighing

B. valuing

C. evaluating

D. distinguishing

More international trend for business and pleasure brings greater _____ to other societies.

A. exchange

B. contribution

C. expansion

D. exposure

Shortage of land and funding are blamed for the city’s _____ green space.

A. inefficient

B. inaccurate

C. inadequate

D. indispensable

If English is not our first language you can often be puzzled by ways of expression that the native speaker of English does not even have to _____ .

A. think out

B. think about

C. think over

D. think for

Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57.8 per cent and 46.8 per cent, _____ ,over February 1995.

A. individually

B. respectively

C. correspondingly

D. accordingly

This book is a _____ of radio scripts, in which we seek to explain how the words and expressions become part of our language.

A. collection

B. publication

C. volume

D. stack

A man’s _____ is best when he can forget himself and any reputation he may have required and can concentrate wholly on making the right decisions.

A. anticipation

B. acknowledgment

C. expectation

D. judgment

Does brain power _____ as we get older? Scientists now have some surprising answers.

A. descend

B. decline

C. deduce

D. collapse

The largest system serving email messengers is the Internet, a _____ of millions of computers linked worldwide.

A. unity

B. combination

C. network

D. connection

I _____ a letter to an Internet service that distributes journalists' questions to more than 750 institutions.

A. assigned

B. dispatched

C. attached

D. detached


少儿二笔试 一、看音标,写单词,标汉语 1、['?pl] 2、[pig] 3、[h?z] 4、['sevn] 5、['litl] 6、[t?e?] 7、['jel?u] 8、[ni?] 9、[braun] 10、[? i:p] 11、[plei] 12、[ee?] 13、[taim] 14、[hi?] 15、[h?:s] 16、[we?] 17、[hu:z] 二、看图完成单词

b s w c d m b r 三、看图片颜色,写单词 (黄)(红)(棕色)四、看一看,写一写

o the door c the window a s p a game c 五,看图完成句子。 (1)(2)(3)(4) (5)(6)(7)(8) 1.He has a . 2.She has an . 3.He a . 4.She pens.

5.What’s this ? It’s a . 6.What’s that? It’s . 7. this? a . 8. that? a . 9.Is he a . Yes,he is. 10.Whose is it? It’s her ? 11.Is this your ? Yes,it is. you. Not at all. 六,连词成句。 1.bun a . It’s 2.Is cake a this ? 3.. is This clock 4.is She frend . my 5.He a . has cap red 七,补全对话

八、看图,选出与之相符的单词完成句子。 1、Miss Li is a . A. doctor B. worker C. teacher 2、What’s this? It’s a A. room B. tree C. clock


细胞培养板的选择和使用(四) 点击次数:1678 作者:clearair00 发表于:2008-07-23 10:32转载请注明来自丁香园 来源:丁香园 (一)培养板的清洗和消毒 培养板一般为一次性使用,尤其在接触了有毒、有害等物质后更应该处理后丢弃。但如果要反复使用则一定要进行正确的清洗和消毒,以保证细胞培养的效果。 问:只有紫外照射可以保证无菌吗?可不可以从清洗方面做点工作? 答:看你什么用途了,一般贴壁生长的细胞用重复利用的培养板效果不是很好,因为培养板表层在生产时涂有一层促进细胞贴壁的物质,在清洗后多半会失去。悬浮或是半悬浮生长的细胞还可以。 我们一般是先泡酸过夜,清洗干净,三蒸水清洗,再用无水酒精浸泡清洗,再在工作台里用无菌水过一遍,在盖上盖子在烘箱里烤干,待烤干后,打开在超净工作台里近紫外(距离紫外灯<20cm)照射半个小时以上,效果很好,没有污染过。 其实不管老板有钱没钱,我们做实验室尤其是预实验或是摸条件时,我们一般都能省就省了,留点钱还不如买点好试剂呢:) 我们一般是先清洗干净,泡酸过夜,三蒸水清洗,在盖上盖子在烘箱里烤干,待烤干后,有两种选择:1、在超净台里近紫外灯(距离紫外灯<30cm)照射半个小时以上,六孔板一般半个小时,24孔板一个小时,96孔板时间更长,效果很好,没有污染过;2、到放射科照Co60,照完了尽快用。 我们这里肿瘤细胞耐性很好,所以重复利用没什么问题,如果原代培养比较娇贵的细胞最好用新板

子,也不是很贵。 我们的经验是:清洗后用消毒液浸泡,泡酸过夜,自来水反复冲洗,双蒸水冲洗三遍,无尘环境晾干,用之前紫外灯照射半小时以上,效果很好。我们现在的穷同仁一直在应用。 永久了也会变黄,因此如果做mtt或比色时是不能用的,在不熟悉细胞培养的时候可以先学学细胞记数,熟练了用新的,不过肿瘤细胞可以在旧板子上长得很好哟,原代的细胞比较难养,塑料的较好。 紫外的穿透能力很弱,板子紫外照射时是否将盖子翻过来一起照射那?还有,细胞瓶紫外效果如何? 板子泡酸后和瓶子一样的清洗方法清洗后,60度烤干,然后放在工作台里(打开盖子)用紫外线照射半小时以上,最好一小时或两小时,盖子同时反过来照。瓶子照射没有效果,要用其他方法同意楼上大家的意见。96孔和24孔板子在做完了后要先泡清洗计,在用棉花搽洗每个孔,这样有些贴壁细胞才不会有细胞碎片的残留,在做mtt是很重要,要不很不准的。后面就是冲洗,泡酸,3蒸水洗,紫外照射30-60分钟,不要时间太长,这样板子容易变色!但是如果是做MTT还是建议用新板子!旧板子做,结果不准! 泡酸时不要用刚配好的浓酸,因为那样会把培养板表面促进细胞贴附的一层膜腐蚀掉,细胞就无法贴壁了。用酸泡完后用自来水清洗,再用蒸馏水清洗3-5次,然后泡在75%的酒精里(酒精用纯的无水乙醇),用前在紫外线下照射1h。基本可保证95%以上无菌,用这些板做做预实验是没问题的。 1.钴60照射适合大量的板同时灭菌,最好攒一箱,再送去灭菌。 2.紫外消毒适合少量的培养皿或培养板,比如培养板,将盖打开,翻过来,连同板一起在紫外下照射2小时即可,事先不用酒精泡。 (二)方法讨论


U n i t1 pen [pen]钢笔 pencil ['pens?l]铅笔 pencil-case ['pens?lkeis]铅笔盒 ruler ['ru:l?]尺子 eraser [i'reiz?]橡皮 crayon ['krei?n]蜡笔 book [buk]书 bag [b?ɡ]书包 sharpener['?ɑ:p?n?]卷笔刀 school [sku:l]学校 Unit 2 head[hed] 头 face[feis] 脸 nose[n?uz] 鼻子 mouth ]mauθ]嘴 eye [ai]眼睛 ear [i?]耳朵 arm[ɑ:m] 胳膊 finger['fi?ɡ?] 手指 leg [leɡ]腿 foot [fut]脚 body ['b?di]身体 Unit 3 red [red]红色的 yellow ['jel?u]黄色的 green [ɡri:n]绿色的 blue [blu:]蓝色的 purple ['p?:pl] 紫色的 white [hwait] 白色的 black [bl?k]黑色的 orange ['?rind?] 橙色的 pink [pi?k]粉色的

brown [braun]棕色的 Unit 4 cat [k?t] 猫 dog [d?ɡ, d?:ɡ]狗 monkey ['m??ki]猴子 panda ['p?nd?]熊猫 rabbit ['r?bit]兔子 duck d?k] 鸭子 pig [piɡ]猪 bird [b?:d]鸟 bear[bε?]熊 elephant ['elif?nt]大象 mouse [maus, mauz]老鼠 squirrel ['skw?:r?l] 松鼠 Unit 5 cake [keik] 蛋糕 bread [bred]面包 hot dog 热狗 hamburger ['h?mb?:ɡ?]汉堡包 chicken ['t?ikin]鸡肉 French [frent?] Fries 榨薯条 Coke [k?uk] 可乐 juice [d?u:s] 果汁 milk[milk]牛奶 water['w?:t?] 水 tea[ti:]茶 coffee ['k?fi]咖啡 Unit 6 one [w?n]一 two [tu:]二 three[θri:] 三 four [f?:]四 five [faiv]五 six[siks]六


96孔微量板定量检测细菌生物膜的方法步骤(protocol) 摘要:96孔微量板定量检测法(polystyrene microtiter plate assay)检测细菌生物膜有着许多优势。一方面,在对大批样品快速操作时能保持试验的一致性。另一方面,微量板定量检测法不仅能对细菌形成生物膜定性,而且还能定量计算细菌形成生物被的能力,因此96孔微量板法被广泛应用于定量检测细菌生物被膜的方法。 关键词:生物膜 , 菌膜 相对于其它细菌生物膜体外培养方法而言,微孔板法有着当然的批处理优势,尤其是在对大批样品快速操作时还能保持试验的一致性,使得96孔板,乃至384孔板检测法大量应用于细菌生物膜的研究。微量板定量检测法(polystyrene microtiter plate assay)不仅能定性细菌能否形成生物膜,而且和不同染色方法结合,还能定量计算细菌形成生物被的能力,这对实验室生物被膜研究工作是非常有利的,因此96孔微量板定量检测法是目前实验室广泛应用的定量检测细菌生物被膜的方法。 主要试剂和仪器: 聚苯乙烯96孔板、PBS缓冲液、甲醇、1%结晶紫溶液、33%冰乙酸溶液、酶标仪或分光光度计。 实验步骤: (1) 在96孔聚苯乙烯微孔培养板中每孔加入100μl培养液,接种10μl过夜培养菌液,37°C静置孵育36h; (2)将培养液吸出,每孔加入200μl无菌PBS缓冲液清洗板孔3次;

(3) 每孔加入100μl甲醇固定15min,然后吸出培养孔中的甲醇,自然风干; (4) 每孔加入100μl 1%结晶紫溶液,室温下染色5min; (5) 吸出培养孔中的结晶紫染色液后,用流水把多余的染料冲洗干净; (6) 把培养板倒置在滤纸上除去残余的水,并在37°C烘箱中烘干或室温凉干; (7) 完全干燥后,每孔加入100μl 33%冰乙酸溶液,在37°C培养箱中作用30min以溶解结晶紫; (8) 590nm条件下,用酶标仪测定培养孔中溶液的OD值; (9) 每次试验每种菌株做3个孔的重复,试验数值取3次平均值(D值); (10) 以未接种菌的培养液作为阴性对照,阴性值的2倍作为界限值(Dc)。 结果判定: 基于D值,菌株可分为3类: (1)强生物被膜形成株(D>2×Dc); (2)弱生物被膜形成株(Dc<D≤2×Dc); (3)无生物被膜形成株(D≤Dc)。

酵母菌BIOLOG 96孔板介绍 2

YT 鉴定使用 YT鉴定板提供94个生化测试反应来鉴定/特征化一系列酵母菌。 A—C行测定是颜色,以A1孔作为参照孔。 D—H行测定的是浊度,以D1孔作为参照孔。 鉴定板培养24,48,或/和72h,形成特定图谱,读取获得鉴定结果。 注意事项: 1 用纯化后的菌落 2 用特定的培养基,最好转接2代 3 无菌操作,避免污染 4 尽量用一次性玻璃器皿 5 使用前预热接种用无菌水和鉴定板至室温 6 校正浊度仪,配制特定浓度范围的菌悬液 7 biolog的化合物包含对光和温度敏感的成分。鉴定板孔颜色变为深褐色表明碳源也变质。一些孔显示黄色或粉红色是正常的。 8 鉴定板测试的是活体细胞的代谢特性,一些菌在受到一些压力选择,如温度,PH,渗透压即使几秒也会失去代谢活力。为得到最好的结果,一定确保细胞有活性,操作时也要注意。 无菌水自己制备无菌水,在无菌间将其转入biolog提供的相同的规格的玻璃管中。(20ml 容量,20×150mm),每管放入12-15ml无菌水 测试步骤 1 在BUY培养基上26℃培养待鉴定的酵母菌。凡能用YT鉴定板鉴定的菌都可以在该条件下培养生长。 2 样品准备及观察特征 利用湿法制备(水片法)或革兰氏染色(如果需要的话)来确认待鉴定菌株是酵母菌。 转到BUY培养基培养,最好培养两代。 细胞需要新鲜培养,平板培养基上培养时间为24-48h 如果菌量较少不足以接种鉴定板,多接几块平板,培养24-48h 3 接种准备 以装有空白无菌水玻璃管调100%T透光率 用标准比浊管校正,应为47%T 制备特定浓度菌悬液 接种上鉴定板,不要操作20min,每孔100ul 4 培养 放于26℃培养鉴定板


96孔板的选择指南: 96孔聚苯乙烯微孔板 Item No. 孔型底颜色结合 力灭菌/盖子X个/包X包/箱 650101 U型底* 硬底透 明——/— 5 20 650161 U型底硬底透 明—+/— 2 50 651101 V 型底* 硬底透 明——/— 5 20 651161 V 型底硬底透 明—+/— 2 50 655101 平底* 硬底透 明——/— 5 20 655161 平底硬底透 明—+/— 2 50 655074 平底/独立柱状* 硬底白* LUMITRAC TM600高结合力+/— 5 8 655075 平底/独立柱状硬底白LUMITRAC TM200中结合力* —/— 5 8 655076 平底/独立柱状硬底黑* FLUOTRAC TM200中结合力—/— 5 8 655077 平底/独立柱状硬底黑FLUOTRAC TM600高结合力* +/— 5 8 655094 平底/独立柱状μClear?(软)*白高结合 力+/—10 4 655095 平底/独立柱状μClear?(软)白中结合 力—/—10 4 655096 平底/独立柱状μClear?(软)黑中结合 力—/—10 4 655097 平底/独立柱状μClear?(软)黑高结合 力+/—10 4 *U型底微孔底为圆形,适用于进行凝聚实验;无死角,适用于移取液体; 直径:6.94mm,孔高:10.3mm, 板高:14.2mm 总体积:323 μl ; 工作体积:40-280μl *V 型底微孔底部为V型,适用于精准取样;适用于存储微量样品。 直径:6.18mm,孔高:10.8mm, 板高:14.1mm 总体积:324 μl ; 工作体积:40-200μl *平底底部是水平的,光透底部不会发生偏折,适用于精密光学实验(底部读取信号); 口直径:6.96mm,底直径:6.39mm;孔高:10.9mm, 板高:14.6mm 总体积:382 μl ; 工作体积:25-340μl ;底面积:32mm2. *平底/独立柱状孔与孔之间距离大些,独立分开,能最大程度地减少交叉污染; 口直径:6.96mm,底直径:6.58mm;孔高:10.9mm, 板高:14.4mm


airship ant arm back bag ball band bar barn Bat bath bead bean bear beard bed beer bell belt bib bike bin bird black blue boat bone book bookshelf

boot bow bowl box boy bread brick bridge brown brush bull bun bus bush butterfly buzz cake can cap car cart cat chain chair cheese

Chess chick chimp chin chip chop church cliff clock cloud clown coach coat cog coin cooker core cot cow cowboy crab crayon cream crisp cross crown cube cuff

cup deer dice dish dog doll door dot dragonfly dress drill drink drum duck ear earmuffs earth earwig elbow fair fan farm feather feet fern fin fish five flag floor flower flute fly fog foot

fork four fox frog garden gate geese gem giant gift girl glass glue goat gong goose grape grass green hair hand hare hat hay head hen hill hiss hole


细胞培养瓶Nunc 可以完全接触到整个生长表面。符合人体工学标准。转就可以开关瓶盖,只需旋转1/3任何脚标处于向上的垂直状态则表“Y”“Y”标志可以确定瓶盖透气位置,可视性的即使示瓶盖在透气的的位置,任何脚标处于向下的垂直状态则表示瓶盖密封的,在培养瓶堆叠在培养箱中都可以轻易看见。培养瓶两旁都有标识刻度。/密封和过滤两种类型瓶盖。可以选用透气 细胞瓶面积容量工作体积细胞数目6 2ml25ml12.5cm210 5 50ml5ml25cm210 10ml 75ml35cm210 , ^. 15ml250ml75 cm210 8 o9 _8 40ml 700ml 150cm21.107 3 K* u- @( O0 O, n 补充:不同孔板所加培养液的液面都不宜太深,一般在2~3mm范围,结合不同孔的底面积就可算出各培养孔的适宜加液量(参考下表)。若加液量过多会影响气体(氧气)交换,而且在搬动过程中易溢出造成污染。具体所加细胞密度依实验的目的不同灵活掌握。 培养板

l: B2 V6 k1 z5 q' i细胞培养板细胞接种量4~5×10 4 96孔板 1.孔10 548 2孔2.10 5 10 5孔1 10 6孔1. { s; ?$ q8 l# |1 l 培养皿

生长面积容量细胞数(大约)0 1×10 6 35mm培养皿 2.660mm培养皿×10 6 7×10 6 100mm培养皿 10 7 培养皿150mm ×1.8 注:各种单层生长的细胞在培养皿中长满的细胞数,主要取决于器皿底表面积和细胞体积的大小。上表以Hela细胞为例给出的可获细胞量仅作参考。


Hold You can hold cup in your hand. Fall The ball fell off her hands. Beat The drummer is beating the drum. Choose The girl has chosen a green dress. Bite The boy is biting the burger. Clap The girl is clapping her hands Sink . The boy is sinking in the river. Bring Bring me a glass of water. Build The mason is building with bricks. Dig . The girl is digging the garden. Lick The boy is licking the ice cream. Knit . The lady is knitting a sweater.

Stay . The girls are staying alone. Pay . I am paying the bill. Hit . The boy is trying to hit the ball. Row . The sailor is rowing the boat. Dive . The boy is diving in the pool. Hide . The boy is hiding behind the table. Queue . People are standing in a queue. Chase . The baby is chasing the ball. Blow . He is blowing the candles. Skip . The girl is skipping. Pluck . Don’t pluck the flowers. Fight . The boys are fighting.


苍白的紫罗兰红色 PaleVioletRed #DB7093 219,112,147 HotPi nk DeepP ink 适中的紫罗兰红色 #C71585 MediumVioletRed 洋红 #FF00FF 255,0,255 LightPi nk 浅粉红 #FFB6C1 255,182,193 Pi nk 粉红 #FFC0CB 255,192,203 Crims on 猩红 #DC143C 220,20,60 Lave nderBlush 脸红的淡紫色 #FFF0F5 255,240,245 热情的粉红 #FF69B4 255,105,180 深粉色 #FF1493 255,20,147 Orchid 兰花的紫色 #DA70D6 218,112,214 Thistle 蓟 #D8BFD8 216,191,216 plum 李子 #DDA0DD 221,160,221 Violet 紫罗兰 #EE82EE 238,130,238 199,21,133 Fuchsia 灯笼海棠(紫红色) #FF00FF 255,0,255 DarkMage nta 深洋红色 #8B008B 139,0,139 Purple 紫色 #800080 128,0,128 MediumOrchid 适中的兰花紫 #BA55D3 186,85,211 DarkVoilet 深紫罗兰色 #9400D3 148,0,211 DarkOrchid 深兰花紫 #9932CC 153,50,204 In digo 靛冃 #4B0082 75,0,130 BlueViolet 深紫罗兰的蓝色 #8A2BE2 138,43,226 MediumPurple 适中的紫色 #9370DB 147,112,219 MediumSlateBlue 适中的板岩暗蓝灰色 #7B68EE 123,104,238 SlateBlue 板岩暗蓝灰色 #6A5ACD 106,90,205 DarkSlateBlue 深岩暗蓝灰色 #483D8B 72,61,139 Lavender 熏衣草花的淡紫色 #E6E6FA 230,230,250 Mage nta


1.教室 1.public-address speaker 广播 2.map 地图 3.chalkboard 黑板 4.class shedule 课表 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2c1591275.html,an 管风琴 6.globe 地球仪 7.eraser 黑板擦8.chalk 粉笔9.shoe rack 鞋架 10.platform 讲台11.desk 书桌12.chair 椅子 13.textbook 教材 2.水果超市

1.water melon 西瓜 2.plastic bags 塑料袋 3.mandarin orange 橘子 4.kiwi frui 奇异果 5.sugar cane 甘蔗 6.peach 桃子 7.grapes 葡萄8.honeydew melon 甜瓜9.basket 篮子 10.papaya 木瓜11.guava 番石榴12.lime 青柠 13.lemon 柠檬14.star fruit 杨桃15.seeds 种子 16.nectarine 油桃17.scale 秤18.grapefruit 葡萄柚 19.plum 李子20.mango 芒果21.taro 芋头 3.人体 1.head 头 2.eyebrow 眉毛 3.forehead 前额 4.chin 下巴 5.neck 脖子 6.cheest 胸部 7.navel 肚脐8.thigh 大腿9. foot 脚 10.buttocks 臀部11.waist 腰部12.abdomen 腹部 13.cheek 脸颊14.mouth 口15.teeth 牙齿 16.nose 鼻子17.eye 眼睛18.eyelash 睫毛


1.教室 1.public-address speaker 广播 2.map 地图 3.chalkboard 黑板 4.class shedule 课表 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2c1591275.html,an 管风琴 6.globe 地球仪 7.eraser 黑板擦8.chalk 粉笔9.shoe rack 鞋架 10.platform 讲台11.desk 书桌 12.chair 椅子 13.textbook 教材 2.水果超市

1.water melon 西瓜 2.plastic bags 塑料袋 3.mandarin orange 橘子 4.kiwi frui 奇异果 5.sugar cane 甘蔗 6.peach 桃子 7.grapes 葡萄 8.honeydew melon 甜瓜 9.basket 篮子 10.papaya 木瓜 11.guava 番石榴 12.lime 青柠 13.lemon 柠檬 14.star fruit 杨桃 15.seeds 种子 16.nectarine 油桃 17.scale 秤 18.grapefruit 葡萄柚 19.plum 李子 20.mango 芒果 21.taro 芋头 3.人体

1.head 头 2.eyebrow 眉毛 3.forehead 前额 4.chin 下巴 5.neck 脖子 6.cheest 胸部 7.navel 肚脐 8.thigh 大腿 9. foot 脚 10.buttocks 臀部 11.waist 腰部 12.abdomen 腹部 13.cheek 脸颊 14.mouth 口 15.teeth 牙齿 16.nose 鼻子 17.eye 眼睛 18.eyelash 睫毛 19.hair 头发 20.cerebrum 大脑 21.cerebellum 小脑 22.lung 肺 23.heart 心脏 24.stomach 胃 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2c1591275.html,rge intestine 大肠 26 samall intestine 小肠 27. kindney 肾 28.liver 肝脏 29.bladder 膀胱 4.自行车


学习用品(schoolthings) Pen钢笔Pencil铅笔book书Ruler尺子 Newspaper 报纸pencil-case 铅笔盒 Comicbook 漫画书 postcard明信片 bag包schoolbag书包eraser橡皮crayon蜡笔 Sharpener 卷笔刀story-book 故事书 Notebook 笔记本 Chinesebook 语文书 Englishbook 英语书Mathbook 数学书 magazine杂志dictionary词典 人体(body) foot脚head头face脸hair头发nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛ear耳朵 arm手臂hand手finger手指leg腿 tail尾巴 颜色(colours) red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑pink粉红purple紫brown棕orange橙 动物(animals) cat猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭rabbit兔horse马elephant大象ant蚂蚁 fish鱼bird鸟eagle鹰beaver海狸snake蛇mouse老鼠squirrel松鼠kangaroo袋鼠monkey猴panda熊猫bear熊lion狮子tiger老虎fox狐狸zebra斑马deer鹿giraffe长颈鹿goose鹅hen母鸡turkey火鸡lamb小羊sheep绵羊goat山羊cow奶牛donkey驴squid鱿鱼lobster龙虾shark鲨鱼 seal海豹Spermwhale 抹香鲸Killerwhale 虎鲸 人物(people) friend朋友boy男孩girl女孩mother母亲father父亲sister姐妹brother兄弟uncle叔叔;舅舅man男人woman女人Mr.先生parents父母Miss小姐lady女士;小姐mom妈妈dad爸爸 grandpa/grandfath er(外)祖父grandma/grandmoth er(外)祖母 grandparents祖父 母 cousin堂(表)兄弟; 堂(表)姐妹 daughter女儿son儿子aunt姑姑classmate同学
