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裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第93课上课讲义

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第93课上课讲义
裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第93课上课讲义


Lesson 93 A noble gift 崇高的礼物

Where was the Statue of Liberty made?

One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.



【New words and expressions】(13)

★noble(1)adj. 高尚的,高贵的

←→ ignoble [ig?n?ub?l] a.卑鄙的

a noble mind 崇高的思想

(2) adj. 贵族的、高贵的

a man of noble birth 出身高贵的人; a noble family 名门望族

(3)壮丽的、庄严的、宏伟的 a noble oak 一颗极大的橡树

★monument(1)n. 纪念碑

a monument to soldiers killed in the war 阵亡将士纪念碑.

eg:People erected a monument in his honor .


(2) n. 史迹、遗迹

an ancient monument 古代遗迹; a national monument 自然纪念物(3)n. 不朽的成就、丰功伟业

★statue n. 雕像

a bronze statue 铜像; a statue of Buddha 佛像

the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像

statuesque [.st?tju'esk] adj. 雕像般的, 均衡的, 轮廓极美的

a statuette 小雕像

★liberty(1)n. 自由、解放

religious liberty 宗教自由

eg:Give me liberty , or give me death . 不自由,毋宁死!

(2) n. 自由、权力

civil liberties 民权、civil liberty的复数

eg:You have the liberty to vote . 你有自由投票权


take a liberty = be guilty of a liberty 无礼

take the liberty of doing sth = take the liberty to do sth冒昧地做某事eg:I take the liberty to us use you phone . 我冒昧地用你的电话

set sb at liberty 释放; set a hostage at liberty 释放一个人质

★present [pri?zent,] (1)v. 赠送、贡献、呈递

present sth to sb = present sb with sth 将….赠送某人

eg:The principal presented a diploma to each of the graduates .

= The principal presented each of the graduates with a diploma .


eg:The prize was presented to the winner . 奖被颁给获胜者。

= The winner was presented with the prize .

(2)v. 提出、交出、显示

eg:I presented the letter of introduction to the receptionist .


present a calm face 不露生色

★sculptor n. 雕刻家

sculpture n. 雕刻术、雕刻品

eg:He studies sculpture . 他学习雕刻术

eg:He made a beautiful sculpture . 他雕刻了一个漂亮的作品。

★actual adj. 实际的,真实的

an actual happening 真实的事件

the actual conditions 现实的情况

eg:The actual price was lower than I had thought .


in actual fact 实际上

actuality [?kt?u'?liti] n. 实在, 现实, 现状

in actuality 实际上; 事实上

actually adv. (1)实际上、事实上

eg:Did you actually see the accident ?你真的看到这起事故?

eg:He looked calm , but actually he was very nervous .


(2) adv. 真的、竟然

eg:That big-bodied Tom actually fainted at the scene .


★copper(1)n. 铜

(2)铜币 penny 便士; halfpenny 半便士

(3)(口语)警察俚语中用 cop

★support(1)v. 支持,支撑

eg:That bench won’t support four people .这长板凳无法支撑四个人。

eg: Tom was supported by his friend on either side .


eg:I don’t support his opinion that the defense expenditure must be increased . 我不赞成他增加防御开支的观点。

(2)v. 扶养、赡养

eg:He supports a large family . 他养一个大家族。

(3) n. 支撑、支持、支撑物

eg:The table has three supports . 这个桌子只有三只脚。

eg:The bridge w ill fall down if we don’t add more support .


(4)n. 维持生技计、维持生计者

eg:Father is the chief support of my family . 父亲是我们家的维持生计者。

a mean of support 维持生计的方法

★framework(1)n. 构架,框架

(2) n.构造、机构、组织

the framework of society 社会结构

* frame (1) n. 骨架 the frame of a ship 船的骨架

the frame of a car 车的骨架

eg:The frame of the house was completed in a week.



eg:The paintings in the museum have gold frames around them .


(3) n.体格

a person with a strong frame 一个具有强壮体格的人。

★transport(1) v. 运送、输送

eg:The yellow bus transports passengers from the airport to the city . 黄色的公共汽车运输旅客从机场到城市。

eg:The goods were transported by plane . 空运货物。

eg:The goods were transported by ship . 用船运货物。

be transported with 为……心荡神驰

eg:He was transported with joy . 他喜不自胜。

(2)transport n. 输送、运送、交通工具= transportation (美)

the transportation of vegetables to distant parts of the country.

= the transport of vegetables to distant parts of the country


eg:Have you got transport to the party ?去参加宴会你有交通工具?

★site(1)n. 场地

eg:The site for the new school has been bought .

working site 工地

(2) n. 地点、现场

the site of an old palace 旧宫殿的地址

cite 引用、举例; sight 视野、视线

★pedestal(1)n. 底座

(2)n. 桌子(两侧有抽屉)的支撑

put a person on a pedestal 崇拜某人

= set a person on a pedestal


构成: be + done

will be done must be done

can be done may be done

could be done might be done


Where was the Statue of Liberty made?

One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.

★One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France.


※ was presented to 被赠送

present n. [‘prez?nt] n. 礼物 v. [pri’zent,] 赠送

accent n. [‘?ks?nt] 口音v. [?k’sent]重读

conduct n. [‘k?nd?kt] n.行为;管理(方式) v. [k?n'd?kt] 为人

contest n. [‘k?ntest] 竞赛 v. [k?n’test,] 竞争、争辩

contrast n. ['k?ntr?st] 对比 v. [k?n'tr?st]使对比

export n. ['eksp?:t] 出口 v. [eks'p?:t]

import n. [‘imp?:t] v. [im’p?:t,] 进口

increase n. [‘inkri:s] v. [in’kri:s] 增加

insult n. [ ’ins?lt] v. [in’s?lt] 侮辱

produce n. [‘pr?dju:s] 产量 v.[pr?’dju:s] 生产

protest n. [‘pr?utest] 抗议书 v. [pr?’test] 抗议

record n. [‘rek?:d] 录音v. [ri’k?:d] (将声音等)录下

transport n. [‘tr?nsp?:t] n. 运输 v. [tr?ns'p?:t] 运输

The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete.


※take …to do 花……去做

eg:It took us thirty minutes to walk from here to the station .


eg:It took him a lot of money to buy a fur coat .


eg:It will take a lot of courage to tell the truth .


The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel.


Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.


The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour.


※ at the entrance of 入口处

entrance 入口←→ exit 出口

By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris.


※ erect(1) v. 建造 build

eg:They’re planning to erect a monument .他们正筹划竖立一座纪念碑

(2) v. 竖立、竖起

erect a tent 搭起帐篷; erect a flagpole 竖旗杆

(3)adj. 竖直的、直立的 upright [‘?prait]

eg:She was sitting erect . 她正襟危坐。

The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America.


the following year = the next year 第二年

take ……to pieces 把某物拆卸开

come to pieces 瓦解(粉碎, 成为画饼)

in one piece 完整无损的

piece by piece 一部分一部分地, 一件件地, 逐渐地

tear …to pieces 将……撕成碎片

eg:He tore the letter to pieces . 他把信撕得粉碎。

By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.


※put ……together 放在一起;组织在一起

officially 官方地, 正式地, 公务上, 职务上

eg:They attended the ceremony officially . 他们正式出席了这个仪式。

Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.


※ symbol (1) n. 像征

the symbol of peace 和平的象征

eg:A Pimple is a symbol of youth. 青春痘是青春的象征。

(2) n. 符号 phonetic symbols 音标

eg:♀is a symbol for female , and ♂for male .


※ millions of 数以百万计; thousands of 成千上万的

hundreds of 数以百计,许多、成千上百的

※make one’s ho me 定居= settle down

home (1) n. 家

a home away from home = home from home 宾至如归得地方

(2) adj. 像家一样的

home cooking 家常菜; home life 家庭生活; the home office 总公司

(3) adv.

go home 回家; stay home 留在家里; drive home 开车回家

1.Who was the statue presented b ?

A. from b. by c. to at

2. Copper is a kind of d .

a. stone

b. marble 大理石

c. wood

d. metal 金属

3. It’s a symbol of liberty . It b liberty .

a. replaces 替换、取代

b. stands for 代表、象征

c. is a representative 是……的代表

d. is an agent for 是……的代理人

4. From his b I judged that he was a man of some education .

a. voice 嗓音(天声)

b. accent 口音、口气

c. sound 声音(泛指所有声音)

d. dialect 方言(与地域有关)

1. Key structures:被动语态:

eg:The statue had been put together again . 这座雕像被重新组装起来

2. Main Points:

be presented to 被赠送给; be transported to 被运送到

at the entrance of sth = at the entrance to sth 在入口处

take sth to pieces 把某物拆成若干小块; put together 组装

make one’s home 寓居、安家

1. All I want is a proper cup of coffee . Made in a proper copper coffee pot . you can believe it or not . But I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot . Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are no use to me . if I can’t have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot , I’ll have a cup of tea .

* proper [‘pr?p?] a.适合的;正当的;固有的;严格意义上的

* tin [tin] n.锡;罐头*iron [‘ai?n]n.铁

* no use 没用*copper [‘k?p?] n.铜;铜币

2. A clipper ship shipped several clipped sheep . Were there clipped sheep the clipper ship’s sheep ? Or just clip ped sheep shipped on a clipper’s ship !

* clipper ['klip?] n.快速横帆船* shipped 装运

* clipped adj. 剪过羊毛的

* sheep [?i:p] n.(绵)羊;易受人摆布的人


A private conversation私人谈话 【NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS】生词和短语 ★private adj.私人的 it's my private letter/house ;private school:私立学校 public:公众的,公开的 public school ; public letter 公开信;public place :公共场所privacy:隐私 it's a privacy. adj. 《Private Ryan》 private soldier:大兵 private citizen 普通公民 private life:私生活 ★conversation n.谈话 subject of conversation:话题 talk.可以正式,也可以私人的 conversation. 比较正式一些 let's have a talk They are having a conversation. conversation 用的时候比talk正式,意思上往往不非常正式. talk:可正式可不正式 dialogue:对话 China and Korea are having a dialogue. 正式 chat: 闲聊 gossip:嚼舌头 have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词 ★theatre n.剧场,戏剧 cinema: 电影院 ★seat n.座位 have a good seat(place) take a seat : 座下来,就座 take your seat/take a seat Is the seat taken? 这个座位有人吗?no/yes sit sit down ,please seat take your seat,please be seated,please 更为礼貌 seat是及物动词,后面有宾语 sit是不及物动词,后面不加宾语 seat后面会加人; seat sb; seat him; seat:让某人就座 sit he is sitting there. you seat him; 〖语法精粹〗 4.When all those present(到场者)_D_ he began his lecture.(重点题) A.sit B.set C.seated D.were seaed sit,sit down; seat,be seated;take a seat ★play n.戏 ★loudly adv. 大声的 ★angry adj. 生气的


【知识点讲解】 1. 今天我们初步介绍动词不定式:正如课本中出现的'Do you want to speak to her?','Tell her to come at once'.中 want to do/tell sb to do ,动词后边都有动词不定式的结构,即(to+V). want to do 表示想做……,有此结构的词,还有plan, decide, 而tell sb to do ,表示告诉某人做……,此类结构的词,比如order, require,request 等。动词不定式的搭配不胜枚举,关键的还是大家对这种结构有一个初步的了解,在今后的学习中多接触,多积累。 2 课文的题目,Full of mistakes, 错误百出。题目中的full of 是一个结构,通常的使用是be full of+ n,表示装满/充满了……,比如说瓶子里满是水。The bottle is full of water. “想想瓶子里装满了牛奶。”应该怎么说呢? 3 我们再来讲讲mistake 这个单词,mistake ,n 错误,比如犯错误,make mistakes/make a mistake. 4 最后,我们来讲讲and 这个连词。连词,顾名思义就是把事物连在一起的词。比如说,你和我,就是you and me. 他打开门进来了,He opened the door and walked in (and 在这里就是连起两个动作)。同时,and 还可以连接两个句子,有承上启下的作用,如课文中的 And here's a little present for you. 有并列,递进的关系。 Lesson105 THE BOSS :Where's Sandra, Bob? I want her. BOB: Do you want to speak to her? THE BOSS :Yes, I do. I want her to come to my office. Tell her to come at once. SANDRA: Did you want to see me? THE BOSS :Ah, yes, Sandra. How do you spell "intelligent'? Can you tell me? SANDRA: I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T. THE BOSS :That's right. You've typed it with only one 'L'. This letter's full of mistakes. I want you to type it again. SANDRA: Yes, I'll do that. I'm sorry about that. THE BOSS :And here's a little present for you. SANDRA: What's it? THE BOSS :It's a dictionary. I hope it'll help you. 老 板:鲍勃,桑德拉在哪儿?我要找她。 鲍 勃:您要同她谈话吗? 老 板:是的,我要她到我的办公室来。叫她马上就来。 桑德拉:您找我吗? 老 板:啊,是的,桑德拉。"intelligent" 怎样拼写?你能告诉我吗? 桑德拉:I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T 。 老 板:对的。但你只打了1个“L ”。 这封信里错误百出。我要你重打一遍。 桑德拉:是,我重打。对此我感到很抱歉。 老 板:这里有一件小礼物送你。 桑德拉:是什么? 老 板:是本词典。我希望它能对你有所帮助。


目录 Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 (4) Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐 (11) Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片 (16) Lesson 4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 (21) Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞 (25) Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西.巴顿斯 (31) Lesson 7 Too late 为时太晚 (38) Lesson 8 The best and the worst最好的和最差的 (44) Lesson 9 A cold welcome 冷遇 (49) Lesson 10 Not for jazz不适于演奏爵士乐 (55) Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another礼尚往来 (60) Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风 (64) Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年 (68) Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? (74) Lesson 15 Good news 佳音 (80) Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求 (85) Lesson 17 Always young 青春常驻 (90) Lesson 18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事! (96) Lesson 19 Sold out 票已售完 (99) Lesson 20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟 (104) Lesson 21 Mad or not? 是不是疯了? (110) Lesson 22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封 (115) Lesson 23 A new house 新居 (119) Lesson 24 It could be worse 不幸中之万幸 (122) Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? 英国人讲的是英语吗? (125) Lesson 26 The best art critics 最佳艺术评论家 (130) Lesson 27 A wet night 雨夜 (136) Lesson 28 No parking 禁止停车 (143) Lesson 29 Taxi! 出租汽车! (149) Lesson 30 Football or polo?足球还是水球? (154) Lesson 31 Success story 成功者的故事 (159) Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便 (165) Lesson 33 Out of the darkness 冲出黑暗 (171) Lesson 34 Quick work 破案“神速” (177) Lesson 35 Stop thief! 捉贼 (180) Lesson 36 Across the Channel 横渡海峡 (186) Lesson 37 The Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 (193) Lesson 38 Everything except the weather 唯独没有考虑到天气 (198) Lesson 39 Am I all right? 我是否痊愈? (203) Lesson 40 Food and talk 进餐与交谈 (208) Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat? 你把那个叫帽子吗? (213)


《新概念英语》第二册就讲了这么几种时态相对于第一册的时态学习,到了第二册,时态仍然是重要的学习内容,但其比重已经降低,第二册在新增了一些时态的学习的同时,更多强调的是如何去运用在第一册中已经学过的内容,同时相比与第一册偏重听说能力的培养而言,更偏重对学生读写能力的培养。 为此,我们还是先来温习一下上一篇文章的内容: 英语动词的时态总共有16种,是由动作发生的时间(动词的时,即tense:location in time)和动词采用的不同形式(动词的体,即aspect:a single block of time, continuous flow of time, or repetitive occurrence)来决定的,请看表一: 表一 为了便于大家教与学,小编现对第一册的课文进行了汇总分析,发现第一册里总共就讲了七种时态(其中,一般将来时分了两种情况,即be going to和will/shall),这些时态在书中依次出现的顺序是:现在进行时、一般将来时(be going to)、一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时、一般将来时(will/shall)、过去进行时、过去完成时。下表汇总了这些时态在教材中所覆盖的课文及其简单说明,以便大家在教与学中,更好地前后连贯起来,请看表二: 表二

以上为第一册的内容,而第二册所要学习的时态数量就更多了,当然比重更大的还是在复习第一册学过的时态。下表汇总了第二册的所有需要复习和新学的时态,请看表三: 表三

把表一和表三进行对比,可以看出,第一册和第二册都没有涉及的时态有4种,即过去将来时、过去将来进行时、过去将来完成时、过去将来完成进行时。看来人们一般不大会玩穿越,回到较远的过去,然后在这个较远的过去的某个时刻开始,畅想更近的过去将做什么、将在做什么、将做完什么、将已经在做什么了(光这么说起来就已经够变扭的了,呵呵)。 与第一册相比,第二册新增了5种时态,即将来进行时、将来完成时、将来完成进行时、现在完成进行时和过去完成进行时,这也是第二册时态教与学的重点和难点。


Lesson74单词讲解 1.limelight n.舞台灯光 in the limelight在聚光灯下,万众瞩目 out of the limelight 2.precaution n.预防措施 pre- prepack v.预先包装 prepaid adj.预付费的 Lesson74课文&语法讲解 本课重点: 特殊的非限定性定语从句 1.An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off. 2.Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes,they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them. 3.But as they soon discovered,disguises can sometimes be too perfect. Among them will be Debbie's mother,who swam the Channel herself when she was a girl. 非限定性的定语从句 特殊的非限定性的定语从句,修饰整句话 They sell the goods in a very low price,which is a bad way to do business. Disguises can sometimes be too perfect,which they soon discovered. 特殊的非限定性的定语从句,修饰整句话 Disguises can sometimes be too perfect,which they soon discovered. Disguises can sometimes be too perfect,as they soon discovered. Disguises,as they soon discovered,can sometimes be too perfect. As they soon discovered,disguises can sometimes be too perfect. 4.'It couldn't be better,Gloria,'Brinksley Meers agreed. 5.Why don't we come more often? 提建议: Why don’t sb do sth? Why not do sth?


Lesson 105 Full of mistakes 错误百出 一、本课重要单词 spell: v. 拼写; How do you spell your name? 你的名字是怎么拼写的?Intelligent: adj. 聪明的,有智慧的; The girl looked intelligent. 这女孩看起来是聪明伶俐。 另外表达聪明的,常见的还有clever。 mistake:n./ v. (1) n. 错误 a spelling mistake 拼写错误 make a mistake 做错,犯错 (2) v.误解,弄错,误会; 常见的短语为:mistakesthforsth把…误为…;例: mistake him for you: 把他误认为你。 present:既可以用作名词还可以用作形容词跟动词,(1) n.礼物 Present:指礼物的一般性用语 gift:是稍正式的说法 (2) 赠送,呈献,奉送; present sth to sb = present sb with sth把…赠送给某人My friend presented a dictionary to me. 我的好朋友送给了我一本字典。

dictionary: n.词典; I looked up the word in the dictionary. 我在词典中查找单词. 二、本课重要知识点 1. Do you want to speak to her? 你想要跟她说话吗?在本句中需要掌握的是want一词的用法: ①主语+want sth:想要、、、,表示主观的希望,想要,例: I want a bottle of water.我想要一瓶水。 He wants some books.他想要许多书。 ②want to do sth:想要去做、、、例: I want to eat an apple.我想要吃个苹果。 Tom wants to go swimming.汤姆想去游泳。 ③want sb to do sth:想让某人去做、、、例: I want my mother to drink some water. 我想让妈妈喝点水。 She wants me to open the door. 她想让我去开门。 2. This letter is full of mistakes. 这封信错误百出。 在本句中需要引起注意的一个知识点是be full of 与be filled with 的用法: be full of 与be filled with都可以表示“充满…..”这个意思,二者用法稍有不同:


新概念英语第二册:第93课课文详解及语法解析 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to… by the people of France. 世界上最的纪念碑之一的自由女神雕像是……由法国人民赠送给……的。 (1)one of 引导的短语(其后面名词要用复数)与 the Statue of…为同位语。 (2)the people 通常指某个国家的人民,指复数的“人们”时通常不用 the: It was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. 它由巴索尔地正式赠送给美国人民。 He never pays attention to what people say. 他从不在乎人们会说什么。 A lot of / Few people went to their wedding. 许多/没几个人参加(了)他们的婚礼。 2.The actual figure was made of copper… 这座雕像的主体是用铜制成的…… made of 指用某种材料制成,并且原材料的性质或形状没变,从成品可以看出其原材料。(cf.第10课词汇学习) 3.it was taken to pieces,它被拆成若干小块。

take…to pieces 为固定短语,表示“把……拆开/拆散”: When the machine broke down again, some mechanics took it to pieces. 当那台机器再次出毛病时,一些新概念师便把它拆开了。 This machine is too large to be transported in whole. It has to be taken to pieces first. 这台机器太大了,无法整个地运送,得把它先拆开。 4.the statue had been put together again,这座雕像被重新组装起来。 put… together 为固定短语(是take…to pieces的反义词),表示“把……装配/组合起来”:They managed to put the machine together. 他们设法把那台机器组装了起来。 I can't put the broken vase together. 我无法把那打碎的花瓶重新拼起来。 5.to make their homes in America,在美国安家落户。make one's home 表示“定居”、 “居住”: Ian (has) left England and made his home in China. 伊恩已离开英国,并在中国安了家。


Lesson8单词讲解 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2912654092.html,petition n.比赛,竞赛 compete v. 2.pool n.水池 swimming pool Lesson8课文&语法讲解 形容词/副词的作用 形容词/副词的三种比较级别 形容词/副词的作用 形容词(adj.)修饰名词 副词(adv.)修饰动词/句子/其他的形容词或副词 形容词(adj.)修饰名词 This is a wonderful world. We are living in a beautiful new house in the country. Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable. 副词(adv.)修饰动词/句子/其他的形容词或副词 Roy acted quickly. Suddenly,one of the children kicked a ball. It rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. The students from elite universities catch up very quickly.形容词/副词的三种比较级别 最高级 比较级 原级 形容词/副词的最高级 adj./adv.的最高级+(介词短语表示比较的范围) “(……范围内)最……” 通常用于三者或以上的比 较 My younger sister is the tallest in her class. The most serious problem of the project is the lack of power. 形容词/副词的比较级 adj./adv.的比较级+(than比较的对象) “(和……相比)更……” 通常用于两者之 间的比较 Aeroplane tickets are more expensive than train tickets. Sometimes machines can perform much better than human beings.


Less o n 105--106 Full of mistakes 错误百出 回答:1. What was Sandra’s present? 一、Key words 1. spell ;spelling ; 2. intelligent ;intelligence 3. mistake ;把…误认为…,错把…当做…mistak e……;错误地mistake 4. present ;把…赠送给(某人)sth sb= sb sth 5. dictionary ;查字典look up the word in a dictionary;活字典,知识广博的人a walking dictionary; 英汉词典an English-Chinese dictionary 二、Key structures Do you want to speak to her? I want her to come to my office. This letter’s full of mistakes. I’m sorry about that. 三、Text 1.I want her. 译文: 【讲解】want sb.想要找某人。例如:Y ou are wanted on the phone.有电话找你。 2. Do you want to speak to her?译文: 【讲解】这句话使用的是动词不定式的结构。want to do sth.想要做某事。 3. I want her to come to my office. 译文: 【讲解】want sb to do sth .想要某人做某事。 4. T ell her to come at once. 译文: 【讲解】tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事。 5. Y ou’ve typed it with only one “L”. 译文: 【讲解】这是现在完成时,强调过去某个时间发生的动作对现在的影响。即:单词拼错了。句中的it指的是intelligent这个词,with是介词,在这里是指“用”。 6.This letter’s full of mistakes. 译文: 【讲解】主语为this letter,固定结构“be full of”做谓语,mistakes为宾语。be full o f…充满了… 7. I’m sorry about that.译文: 【讲解】be sorry about对某事很抱歉;be sorry to do很抱歉做某事。 四、Grammar focus ——动词不定式 动词不定式有两种形式,一种是带to的不定式,另一种是不带to的不定式;其后面的动词必须是原形。 1.不定式在句中可作主语、宾语、补语等。

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第82课

Lesson 82 Monster or fish? 是妖还是鱼? 【New words and expressions】(7) monster n. 怪物sailor n. 海员 sight v. 见到creature n. 动物,生物peculiar adj. 奇怪的,不寻常的 shining adj. 闪闪发光的oarfish n. 桨鱼 ★ monster (1)n. 怪物 a one-eyed monster獨眼怪物 eg:A dragon is a fabulous monster . 龍是一個傳說中的怪物 (2)巨大物、(做形容詞)巨大 eg:The spaceship was a real monster . 巨大的宇宙飛船 a monster pumpkin 南瓜 monstrous adj. 畸形的, 怪異的, 巨大的 a monstrous iceberg 巨大的冰山 monstrously adv. ひどく、非常に ★ sailor (1)n. 海员、水手 eg:His father is a sailor . (2)乘船的人(與adj. 連用) a good sailor 不暈船的人←→ a bad sailor 暈船的人 sail(同音詞sale)(1)n. 帆put up a sail 揚帆 (2)n.航行、航程go for a sail 乘船去航行 eg:It’s a forty-minute sail from Dove to Calais . 從多佛到加來需45分鐘的航行 in full sail 以全速;set sail 啟航 (3)v. 揚帆、航行,(使)行使 eg:The yacht sailed around the cape . 那艘遊艇繞岬航行。 eg:He sailed his boat into the harbor . 他將船直接駛向港口。 eg:Can you sail a yacht ?你會駕駛遊艇? sail close to the wind 幾乎犯法;冒風險 sailing n. 航海;sailing boat (英)帆船(美:sail boat)★ sight (1) v. 见到 eg:They sighted land at last . 他們終於看見陸地了 (2)n. 視力、視覺 near sighted =short sighted 近視 far sighted =long sighted 遠視 lose one’s sight 失明 (3)n. 視野 go out of sight 從視線消失、看不見了;come in sight 映入眼簾in sight 看得見,被見到;在望,在即 eg;I caught sight of his tall figure in the crowd . 在人群中我看見他高大的身影。

逐句精讲新概念英语第二册第93课 崇高的礼物

逐句精讲新概念英语第二册:第93课 崇高的礼物 Lesson 93 A noble gift 新概念英语2课文内容: One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America. 新概念英语2句子讲解: 1、One of the most famous monuments in the world,the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in thenineteenth century by the people of France. 世界上最的纪念碑之一的自由女神像是在19世纪时由法国人民赠送给美国的。 语言点one of the most +形容词+名词in the world世界上最……的……之一:Time is one of the most precious things in the world. 时间是这个世界上最弥足珍贵的东西之一。 2、The great statue, which was designed by thesculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. 这座巨大的雕像是由雕刻家奥古斯特o巴索尔地设计的。他花了10年的时间才雕刻完成。 语言点1 sth. be designed by sb.某物是某人设计而成的 语言点2 sb. take +时间to do sth.某人花费……时间完成某事 3、The actual figure was made of copper supportedby a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. 这座雕像的主体是用铜制成的,由艾菲尔特制的金属框架支撑着。 4、Brfore It could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.


Lesson111 The most expensive model 讲义重点 一、本课重要单词 model: n. 型号,式样;另外model还有“模特”“模范、榜样”的意思,例: a fashion model 时装模特儿 afford:v. 付得起(钱); deposit :n. 预付定金,押金,保证金(通常以单数形式表示)Make a deposit of 500 dollars on a new car. 为买新车付500美元的订金。 instalment: n.分期付款;“以分期付款的方式”可以用一下三种方式来表达:in instalments;by instalments;on instalments;price: n. 价格; 表示price的“高,低”时,形容词用high, low; 表示东西的“贵,便宜”时,用expensive, cheap.重要句型:What is the price ofsth: 某物的价格是多少? What is the price of this camera? 这个照相机多少钱? 另外还可以说,How much is the camera? 这个相机多少钱? 二、本课重要知识点 1. How much does it cost? 它花费了多少钱? 在本句中我们要掌握英语中关于“花费时间/金钱”常见的几个重要句型: (1)cost的主语一般是物,关于cost的一个常见句型是:

①It cost sb +时间/金钱to do sth:花费某人时间/金钱做某事,例:It cost me $1000 a year to run a car. 使用一辆车要花我1000美元一年。 It cost me a lot of money to buy books. 买书花了我很多钱。 ②另外在表达“某物花费多少钱/时间”时,常用:物体+cost sb+钱数,例: This house cost me $90,000. 这座房子我花9万英镑。 This book will cost us a great deal of time. 这个工作将花费我们大量的时间。 (2)spend的主语一般是人,spend表示花费常用以下句型: ①spend some money/ some time on sth:在某方面花费时间金钱。介词on后接名词或代词。例: Tom spent a lot of money on books. 汤姆买书花了很多钱。 He spends two hours on his homework every day. 他每天都花费两个小时做作业。 ②表示"花费(时间、金钱等)做某事",则常用句型spend some money/some time (in) doing sth,此时第二个动词要用动词-ing形式,介词in可以省略。例: Mother spent all her energy (in ) educating the children. 妈妈花全部的精力来教育孩子。


新六年级英语(新概念)2014年春季班讲义十三 姓名班级成绩 课堂表现 Ⅰ.根据105课课文内容回答下列问题 1.Bob’s the office assistant, isn’t he? 2.Who wants to speak to Sandra? 3.What must Bob do? 4.Does the boss want Sandra to come at once? 5.What does the boss ask Sandra? 6.How do you spell ‘intelligent’? 7.How did Sandra type it? 8.What does the boss want Sandra to do? 9.What does he give Sandra? Ⅱ.选择最为恰当的词填空。 1. ‘Your story is ___________ of mistakes.’the teacher said. (full/plenty) 2. ---I think that girl’s clever. --- I don’t. I thinkshe’s ___________. (intelligent/stupid) 3. Is this right, sir? --- No, I’m sorry it’s ___________. (mistake/wrong) 4. I can’t spell the word. I’ll look it up in a ___________. (dictionary/paper) 5. ‘I’m ___________ about that.’ She said. ‘I won’t do it again’ (afraid/sorry) 6. My mother wants to ___________ to me.(say/speak) Ⅲ. 用want/don’t want sb. to do改写句子。 例:You must keep this photo. I want you to keep this photo. You mustn’t lose it. I don’t wat you to lose it. 1.They must watch this film. _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.They mustn’t miss it. _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.She must type this letter again. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.She mustn’t send it. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5.He must answer all the questions. _______________________________________________________________________________


Lesson 67 Volcanoes 火山 【Text 】 Haroun T azieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs, he could not stay near the volcano for very long. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. It threatened to surround him completely, but T azieff managed to escape just in time. He waited until the volcano became quiet and be was able to return two days later . This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures. Tazieff has often risked his life in this way. He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive. 【课文翻译】 波兰科学家哈罗恩·塔捷耶夫花了毕生的精力来研究世界各地的活火山和深洞。1948年他去了刚果的基伍湖,对一座后来被他命名为基图罗的新火山进行观察。当火山正在猛烈地喷发时,塔捷耶夫有办法把帐篷搭在离它非常近的地方。尽管他设法拍了一些十分精彩的照片,但他却不能在火山附近停留太长的时间。他发现有一股岩浆正向他流过来,眼看就要将他团团围住,但塔捷耶夫还是设法及时逃离了。他等到火山平静下来,两天以后又返回去。这次他设法爬进了基图罗火山口,以便能拍摄照片和测试温度。塔捷耶夫经常冒这样的生命危险。他能告诉我们的有关活火山的情况比任何在世的人都要多。 New words and expressions 生词和短语 【生词讲解】 1. volcano n. 火山 (volcanoes) an active volcano 活火山 a dormant volcano 休眠火山 violently adv. 猛烈地,剧烈地 manage v. 设法 brilliant adj. 精彩的 liquid [5likwid] adj. 液态的;n. 液体 escape v. 逃脱 alive adj. 活着的

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