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麦琪的礼物一块八毛七分钱。全在这儿了。其中六毛钱还是铜子儿凑起来的。这些铜子儿是每次一个、两个向杂货铺、菜贩和肉店老板那儿死乞白赖地硬扣下来的;人家虽然没有明说,自己总觉得这种掂斤播两的交易未免太吝啬,当时脸都躁红了。德拉数了三遍。数来数去还是一块八毛七分钱,而第二天就是圣诞节了。除了倒在那张破旧的小榻上号哭之外,显然没有别的办法。德拉就那样做了。这使一种精神上的感慨油然而生,认为人生是由啜泣,抽噎和微笑组成的,而抽噎占了其中绝大部分。这个家庭的主妇渐渐从第一阶段退到第二阶段,我们不妨抽空儿来看看这个家吧。一套连家具的公寓,房租每星期八块钱。虽不能说是绝对难以形容,其实跟贫民窟也相去不远。下面门廊里有一个信箱,但是永远不会有信件投进去;还有一个电钮,除非神仙下凡才能把铃按响。那里还贴着一张名片,上面印有“詹姆斯·迪林汉·扬先生”几个字。“迪林汉”这个名号是主人先前每星期挣三十块钱得法的时候,一时高兴,回姓名之间的。现在收入缩减到二十块钱,“迪林汉”几个字看来就有些模糊,仿佛它们正在考虑,是不是缩成一个质朴而谦逊的“迪”字为好。但是每逢詹姆斯·迪林汉·扬先生回家上楼,走进房间的时候,詹姆斯·迪林汉·扬太太——就是刚才已经介绍给各位的德拉——总是管他叫做“吉姆”,总是热烈地拥抱他。那当然是好的。德拉哭了之后,在脸平面上扑了些粉。她站在窗子跟前,呆呆地瞅着外面灰蒙蒙的后院里,一只灰猫正在灰色的篱笆上行走。明天就是圣诞节了,她只有一块八毛七分钱来给吉姆买一件礼物。好几个月业,她省吃俭用,能攒起来的都攒了,可结果只有这一点儿。一星期二十块钱的收入是不经用的。支出总比她预算的要多。总是这样的。只有一块八毛七分钱来给吉姆买礼物。她的吉姆。为了买三件好东西送给他,德拉自得其乐地筹划了好些日子。要买一件精致、珍奇而真有价值的东西——够得上为吉姆所有的东西固然很少,可总得有些相称才成呀。房里两扇窗子中间有一面壁镜。诸位也许见过房租八块钱的公寓里的壁镜。一个非常瘦小灵活的人,从一连串纵的片段的映像里,也许可以对自己的容貌得到一个大致不差的概念。德拉全凭身材苗条,才精通了那种技艺。她突然从窗口转过身,站到壁镜面前。她的眼睛晶莹明亮,可是她的脸在二十秒钟之内却失色了。她迅速地把头发解开,让它披落下来。且说,詹姆斯·迪林汉·扬夫妇有两样东西特别引为自豪,一样是吉姆三代祖传的金表,别一样是德拉的头发。如果示巴女王住在天井对面的公寓里,德拉总有一天会把她的头发悬在窗外去晾干,使那位女王的珠宝和礼物相形见绌。如果所罗门王当了看门人,把他所有的财富都堆在地下室里,吉姆每次经过那儿时准会掏出他的金表看看,好让所罗门妒忌得吹胡子瞪眼睛。这当儿,德拉美丽的头发披散在身上,像一股褐色的小瀑布,奔泻闪亮。头发一直垂到膝盖底下,仿佛给她铺成了一件衣裳。她又神经质地赶快把头发梳好。她踌躇了一会儿,静静地站着,有一两滴泪水溅落在破旧的红地毯上。她穿上褐色的旧外套,戴上褐色的旧帽子。她眼睛里还留着晶莹的泪光,裙子一摆,就飘然走出房门,下楼跑到街上。她走到一块招牌前停住了,招牌上面写着:“莎弗朗妮夫人——经营各种头发用品。”德拉跑上一段楼梯,气喘吁吁地让自己定下神来。那位夫人身躯肥大,肤色白得过分,一副冷冰冰的模样,同“莎弗朗妮”这个名字不大相称。[莎弗朗妮:意大利诗人塔索(1544--1595)以第一次十字军东征为题材的史诗《被解放的耶路撒冷》中的人物,她为了拯救耶路撒冷全城的基督徒,承认了并未犯过的罪行,成为舍己救人的典型。] “你要买我的头发吗?”德拉问道。“我买头发,”夫人说,“脱掉帽子,让我看看头发的模样。” 那股褐色的小瀑布泻了下来。“二十块钱,”夫人用行家的手法抓起头发说。“赶快把钱给我。”德拉说。噢,此后的两个钟头仿佛长了玫瑰色翅膀似地飞掠过去。诸位不必与日俱增这种杂凑的比喻。总之,德拉正为了送吉姆的礼物在店铺里搜索。德拉终于把它找到了。它准是为吉姆,而不是为别人制造的。她把所有店铺都兜底翻过,各家都没有像这样的东西。那是一条白金表链,式样简单朴素,只是以货色来显示它的价值,不凭什么装璜来炫耀

——一切好东西都应该是这样的。它甚至配得上那只金表。她一看到就认为非给吉姆买下不可。它简直像他的为人。文静而有价值——这句话拿来形容表链和吉姆本人都恰到好处。店里以二十一块钱的价格卖给了她,她剩下八毛七分钱,匆匆赶回家去。吉姆有了那条链子,在任何场合都可以毫无顾虑地看看钟点了。那只表虽然华贵,可是因为只用一条旧皮带来代替表链,他有时候只是偷偷地瞥一眼。德拉回家以后,她的陶醉有一小部分被审慎和理智所替代。她拿出卷发铁钳,点着煤气,着手补救由于爱情加上慷慨而造成的灾害。那始终是一件艰巨的工作,亲爱的朋友们——简直是了不起的工作。不出四十分钟,她头上布满了紧贴着的小发鬈,变得活像一个逃课的小学生。她对着镜子小心而苛刻地照了又照。“如果吉姆看了一眼不把我宰掉才怪呢,”她自言自语地说,“他会说我像是康奈岛游乐场里的卖唱姑娘。我有什么办法呢?——唉!只有一块八毛七分钱,叫我有什么办法呢?” 到了七点钟,咖啡已经煮好,煎锅也放在炉子后面热着,随时可以煎肉排。吉姆从没有晚回来过。德拉把表链对折着握在手里,在他进来时必经的门口的桌子角上坐下来。接着,她听到楼下梯级上响起了他的脚步声。她脸色白了一忽儿。她有一个习惯,往往为了日常最简单的事情默祷几句,现在她悄声说:“求求上帝,让他认为我还是美丽的。” 门打开了,吉姆走进来,随手把门关上。他很瘦削,非常严肃。可怜的人儿,他只有二十二岁——就负起了家庭的担子!他需要一件新大衣,手套也没有。吉姆在门内站住,像一条猎狗嗅到鹌鹑气味似的纹丝不动。他的眼睛盯着德拉,所含的神情是她所不能理解的,这使她大为惊慌。那既不是愤怒,也不是惊讶,又不是不满,更不是嫌恶,不是她所预料的任何一种神情。他只带着那种奇特的神情凝视着德拉。德拉一扭腰,从桌上跳下来,走近他身边。“吉姆,亲爱的,”她喊道,“别那样盯着我。我把头发剪掉卖了,因为不送你一件礼物,我过不了圣诞节。头发会再长出来的——你不会在意吧,是不是?我非这么做不可。我的头发长得快极啦。说句‘恭贺圣诞’吧!如姆,让我们快快乐乐的。我给你买了一件多么好——多么美丽的好东西,你怎么也猜不到的。” “你把头发剪掉了吗?”吉姆吃力地问道,仿佛他绞尽脑汁之后,还没有把这个显而易见的事实弄明白似的。“非但剪了,而且卖了。”德拉说。“不管怎样,你还是同样地喜欢我吗?虽然没有了头发,我还是我,可不是吗?” 吉姆好奇地向房里四下张望。“你说你的头发没有了吗?”他带着近乎白痴般的神情问道。“你不用找啦,”德拉说。“我告诉你,已经卖了——卖了,没有了。今天是圣诞前夜,亲爱的。好好地对待我,我剪掉头发为的是你呀。我的头发也许数得清,”她突然非常温柔地接下去说,“但我对你的情爱谁也数不清。我把肉排煎上好吗,吉姆?” 吉姆好象从恍惚中突然醒过来。他把德拉搂在怀里。我们不要冒昧,先花十秒钟工夫瞧瞧另一方面无关紧要的东西吧。每星期八块钱的房租,或是每年一百万元房租——那有什么区别呢?一位数学家或是一位俏皮的人可能会给你不正确的答复。麦琪带来了宝贵的礼物,但其中没有那件东西。对这句晦涩的话,下文将有所说明。[麦琪:指基督出生时来送礼物的三贤人。一说是东方的三王:梅尔基奥尔(光明之王)赠送黄金表示尊贵;加斯帕(洁白者)赠送乳香象征神圣;巴尔撒泽赠送没药预示基督后来遭受迫害而死。] 吉姆从大衣口袋里掏出一包东西,把它扔在桌上。“别对我有什么误会,德尔。”他说,“不管是剪发、修脸,还是洗头,我对我姑娘的爱情是决不会减低的。但是只消打开那包东西,你就会明白,你刚才为什么使我愣住了。“ 白皙的手指敏捷地撕开了绳索和包皮纸。接着是一声狂喜的呼喊;紧接着,哎呀!突然转变成女性神经质的眼泪和号哭,立刻需要公寓的主人用尽办法来安慰她。因为摆在眼前的是那套插在头发上的梳子——全套的发梳,两鬓用的,后面用的,应有尽有;那原是在百老汇路上的一个橱窗里,为德拉渴望了好久的东西。纯玳瑁做的,边上镶着珠宝的美丽的发梳——

来配那已经失去的美发,颜色真是再合适也没有了。她知道这套发梳是很贵重的,心向神往了好久,但从来没有存过占有它的希望。现在这居然为她所有了,可是那佩带这些渴望已久的装饰品的头发却没有了。但她还是把这套发梳搂在怀里不放,过了好久,她才能抬起迷蒙的泪眼,含笑对吉姆说:“我的头发长得很快,吉姆!” 接着,德拉象一只给火烫着的小猫似地跳了起来,叫道:“喔!喔!” 吉姆还没有见到他的美丽的礼物呢。她热切地伸出摊开的手掌递给他。那无知觉的贵金属仿佛闪闪反映着她那快活和热诚的心情。“漂亮吗,吉姆?我走遍全市才找到的。现在你每天要把表看上百来遍了。把你的表给我,我要看看它配在表上的样子。” 吉姆并没有照着她的话去做,却倒在榻上,双手枕着头,笑了起来。“德尔,”他说,“我们把圣诞节礼物搁在一边,暂且保存起来。它们实在太好啦,现在用了未免可惜。我是卖掉了金表,换了钱去买你的发梳的。现在请你煎肉排吧。” 那三位麦琪,诸位知道,全是有智慧的人——非常有智慧的人——他们带来礼物,送给生在马槽里的圣子耶稣。他们首创了圣诞节馈赠礼物的风俗。他们既然有智慧,他们的礼物无疑也是聪明的,可能还附带一种碰上收到同样的东西时可以交换的权利。我的拙笔在这里告诉了诸位一个没有曲折、不足为奇的故事;那两个住在一间公寓里的笨孩子,极不聪明地为了对方牺牲了他们一家最宝贵的东西。但是,让我们对目前一般聪明人说最后一句话,在所有馈赠礼物的人当中,那两个人是最聪明的。在一切授受衣物的人当中,象他们这样的人也是最聪明的。无论在什么地方,他们都是最聪明的。他们就是麦琪。


Unit two: The plot and the Character Reading: O. Henry, The Gift of the Magi Plot ?A plot is a plan or groundwork for a story, based on conflicting human motivations, with the actions resulting from believable and realistic human responses. ?“The king died, and then the queen died.” ?“The king died, and then the queen died of grief.” Conflict in plot Fictional human responses are brought out to their highest degree in the development of a conflict. In its most elemental form, a conflict is the opposition of two people. They may fight, argue, enlist help against each other, and otherwise carry on their opposition. Conflicts may also exist between larger groups of people, between an individual and larger forces, such as natural objects, ideas, modes of behavior, public opinion, and the like. The existence of difficult choices within an individual’s mind may also be presented as conflict. External Conflict External conflict may take the form of a basic opposition between man and nature, or between man and society. It may also take the form of an opposition between man and man(between the protagonist and a human adversary, the antagonist. Internal Conflict ?Internal conflict, on the other hand, focuses on two or more elements contesting within the protagonist’s own character. ?Some conflicts, in fact, are never made explicit and must be inferred by the reader from what the characters do or say as the plot unfolds, as is the case in Ernest Hemingway’s Hills like White Elephants. Five Stages of Plot (1) ?Exposition:the exposition is the beginning section in which the author provides the necessary background information, sets the scene, establishes the situation, and dates the action. It usually introduces the characters and the conflict, or at least the potential for conflict. Five Stages of Plot (2) ?Complication: The complication, which is sometimes referred to as the rising action, develops and intensifies the conflict. ?Crisis: the crisis (also referred to as the climax) is that moment at which the plot reaches its point of greatest emotional intensity; it is the turning point of the plot, directly precipitating the resolution. Five Stages of Plot (3) ?Falling action: Once the crisis, or turning point, has been reached, the tension subsides and the plot moves toward its conclusion. ?Resolution:It is the final section of the plot which records the outcome of the conflict and establishes some new equilibrium. The resolution is also referred to as the conclusion or the denouement, the latter a Frenc h word meaning “unknotting” or “untying”. The Ordering of Plot (1) ?The customary way of ordering the episodes or events in a plot is to present them chronologically, i.e., in the order of their occurrence in time.


七年级上 第一单元:记叙顺序 1、《散步》 2、《爸爸的花儿落了》插叙 3、《从百草园到三味书屋》 4、《窃读记》动作、心理描写,卒章显志 第二单元:记叙性文言文 5、《狼》情节跌宕起伏 6、《桃花源记》 7、《世说新语两则》 8、《伤仲永》 第三单元:与众不同的人物 9、《背影》特写镜头 10、《最后一课》多种描写人物手法 11、《慈母情深》倒叙 12、《阿长与山海经》欲扬先抑情感线索 13、《陌上桑》侧面描写 第四单元:想象世界 14、《愚公移山》正侧面描写 15、《皇帝的新装》安徒生童话 16、《蚊子和狮子》伊索寓言 17、《画蛇添足》古代寓言 18、《农夫和蛇》克雷洛夫寓言 第五单元:诗苑漫步 19、四季抒怀:《早春呈水部张十八员外》、《钱塘湖春行》、《浣溪沙》、 《秋词》、《卜算子?咏梅》、《晓出净慈寺送林子方》 20、游子情思:《次北固山下》、《夜雨寄北》、《天净沙?秋思》、 《乡愁》两首(余光中、席慕容)、《理想》(流沙河) 七年级下 第一单元:感悟自然 1、《春》多修辞、多角度写景 2、《秋之韵》小标题 3、《紫藤萝瀑布》借景、感悟、哲理 4、《敬畏生命》 5、《地下森林断想》想象 第二单元:体味生活 6、《安塞腰鼓》精彩的场面描写

7、《论语》 8、《匆匆》 9、《那树》 第三单元:览景抒怀 10、《三峡》 11、《小石潭记》情景交融、移步换景、定点特写、动静结合 12、《记承天寺夜游》多种表达方式 13、游历四方:《望岳》、《观沧海》、《登飞来峰》、《游山西村》 第四单元:托物言志 14、《爱莲说》托物言志 15、《陋室铭》托物言志 16、《海燕》象征 17、《繁星?春水》(成功的花、荷叶母亲) 第五单元:人生百态 18、《社戏》 19、《变色龙》对比、道具、细节 20、《孤独之旅》环境描写 21、《心声》 第六单元:诗苑漫步 22、《沁园春雪》 23、《我爱这土地》 24:怀古幽思:《赤壁》、《泊秦淮》、《山坡羊潼关怀古》 25:忧国情怀:《过零丁洋》、《观刈麦》、《春望》、《己亥杂诗》《相见欢》 八年级上 第一单元:格物明理 1、《看云识天气》生动说明 2、《大自然的语言》 3、《故宫博物院》空间顺序民族自豪感 4、《从甲骨文到缩微图书》时间顺序 5、《花儿为什么这样红》列数字、打比方等说明方法 第二单元:谈古论今 6、《谈骨气》 7、《孟子两章》举例、道理论证相结合 8、《论读书》比喻、对比、归纳论证 9、《我有一个梦想》演讲词 10、《敬业与乐业》 第三单元:人生百态


The Gift of the Magi① One dollar and eighty-seven cents.That was all.And sixty cents of it was in pennies.Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing(强迫;胁迫)the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony②that such close dealing implied.Three times Della counted it.One dollar and eighty eighty--seven cents.And the next day would be Christmas. There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.So Della did it.Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs,sniffles,and smiles,with sniffles predominating.③ While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the first stage to the second,take a look at the home.④A furnished flat at$8per week.It did not exactly beggar description,but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad.⑤ In the vestibule(门厅;前厅)below was a letter-box into which no letter would go,and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring⑥.Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name"Mr.James Dillingham Young."⑦ The"Dillingham"had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid$30per week.⑧Now,when the ①麦琪(Magi,单数为Magus):指圣婴基督出生时来自东方送礼的三贤人,载于《圣经·马太福音》第二章第一节和第七至第十三节。 ②By...parsimony:by driving a hard bargain with the grocer,the vegetable man,and the butcher over every single cent,thus making one flush with shame for being so very stingy(吝啬的,小气的).Imputation[正式]罪名,污名。parsimony n.吝啬,小气,不大方。 ③Which...predominating:Which makes us spiritually aware of the fact that life is full of sobs,sniffles,and smiles,with sniffles being the most noticeable.Instigate v.(以行动)促使(某事发生);发起。'moral精神上的,心理上的,道义上的。Sniffle n.抽鼻子(声)。 ④While...home:While Della's sobs are gradually turning into sniffles,let us take a look at her home.Sub'side n.(of a feeling,pain,sound,etc.)gradually become less and then stop. ⑤The flat was almost too wretched for words to describe.The phrase"to beggar description"means to cause one's resources of description to seem poor and inadequate.mendicancy squad乞丐帮。 ⑥Which...ring:no one could get a ring by pressing the electric button;obviously,the doorbell had long been out of order.Mortal:人的;人类的。 ⑦Also...young:Close to the doorbell there was also a card with the name"Mr.James Dillingham Young"written on it.Appertain(to):属于;和……有关。Thereunto ad.到那里;向那里。 ⑧The...week:The middle name"Dillingham"had been put on display on the name card during a time when Jim was better-off with a weekly wage of$30.Flung to the breeze


One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty- seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas. There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl. So Della did it. Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating. While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the first stage to the second, take a look at the home. A furnished flat at $8 per week. It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad. In the vestibule below was a letter-box into which no letter would go, and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring. Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name "Mr. James Dillingham Young." The "Dillingham" had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid $30 per week. Now, when the income was shrunk to $20, though, they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest and unassuming D. But whenever Mr. James Dillingham Young came home and reached his flat above he was called "Jim" and greatly hugged by Mrs. James Dillingham Young, already introduced to you as Della. Which is all very good. Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray cat walking a gray fence in a gray backyard. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week doesn't go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. They always are. Only $1.87 to buy a present for Jim. Her Jim. Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling--something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim. There was a pier-glass between the windows of the room. Perhaps you have seen a pierglass in an $8 flat. A very thin and very agile person may, by observing his reflection in a rapid sequence of longitudinal strips, obtain a fairly accurate conception of his looks. Della, being slender, had mastered the art. Suddenly she whirled from the window and stood before the glass. her eyes

麦琪的礼物 英文版 The Gift of the Magi

麦琪的礼物英文版 The Gift of the Magi One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas. There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl. So Della did it. Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating. While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the first stage to the second, take a look at the home. A furnished flat at $8 per week. It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad. In the vestibule below was a letter-box into which no letter would go, and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring. Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name "Mr. James Dillingham Young." The "Dillingham" had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid $30 per week. Now, when the income was shrunk to $20, though, they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest and unassuming D. But whenever Mr. James Dillingham Young came home and reached his flat above he was called "Jim" and greatly hugged by Mrs. James Dillingham Young, already introduced to you as Della. Which is all very good. Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray cat walking a gray fence in a gray backyard. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week doesn't go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. They always are. Only $1.87 to buy a present for Jim. Her Jim. Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling--something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim. There was a pier-glass between the windows of the room. Perhaps you have seen a pierglass in an $8 flat. A very thin and very agile person may, by observing his reflection in a rapid sequence of longitudinal strips, obtain a fairly accurate conception of his looks. Della, being slender, had mastered the art. Suddenly she whirled from the window and stood before the glass. her eyes were shining brilliantly, but her face had lost its color within twenty seconds. Rapidly she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length. Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took a mighty pride. One was Jim's gold watch that had been his father's and his grandfather's. The other was Della's hair. Had the queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have let her hair hang out the window some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty's jewels and gifts. Had King Solomon been the janitor, with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed, just to see him pluck at his beard from envy.

the_gift_of_the_magi 麦琪的礼物英文版 欧亨利

p T h e G i f t o f t h e M a g i O NE DOLLAR AND EIGHTY-SEVEN CENTS. That was all. She had put it aside, one cent and then another and then another, in her careful buying of meat and other food. Della counted it three times. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas. There was nothing to do but fall on the bed and cry. So Della did it. While the lady of the home is slowly growing quieter, we can look at the home. Furnished rooms at a cost of $8 a week. There is lit-tle more to say about it. In the hall below was a letter-box too small to hold a letter. There was an electric bell, but it could not make a sound. Also there was a name beside the door: “Mr. James Dillingham Young.”


The Gift of the Magi It's a short story by O ? Henry that has moved me for a long time. Maybe most of you are familiar with its name:The Gift of the Magi. I have read it many times but every time I like to read it slowly and deliberately. I think "The Gift of the Magi" is meant to be savored. Maybe there is no necessity for me to repeat the main idea of the story. But I'm so fascinated with the short story that I want to retell it to you, and to myself. It happened to a very poor but blissful young couple named Jim and Della in the end of 18th century in England. Because of the maladies of that society and the effect of economic crisis, they worked hard but earned little. Life is very hard for them. Despite of this, their love to each other and the enthusiasm for life didn't changed at all. When Christmas day was approaching , Della used the money she got from selling her beautiful hair which she treasured very much to give Jim a fob for his grandfather's pocket watch. But Jim had already sold that watch to buy Della tortoiseshell combs to wear in her long hair, not knowing she'd cut it off. It appears that the gifts they gave each other have been useless. But I think they gave each other the best of what they had to make the other happy. Isn't that true love? We can image, in such rough conditions, as it said in the story, "Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, sniffles predominating." It is absolutely reasonable for them to be beaten by the misery. But the fact is that no matter how tough life had been, they wouldn't lose heart. With strong faith and their love , they did their best to make the other pleased." Whenever Mr. James came home and reached his flat , above he was called “Jim”and greatly hugged by Mrs. James." Maybe this account is the best description of their love and struggle against hard life. It was said that the poverties life is ,the firmer and truer love is." Actually, they'd given the very best they had out of love. Love has nothing to do with money, possession or status. It's consideration, tolerance and respect. It's giving one's best to the other even it means sacrifice. It's affection which connects two persons' hearts, and it's reinforced by adversities. Nothing did they have, at least they possess love. Never give up as long as love exists. From" The Gift of the Magi", from Jim and Della, I have learned a lot about love, life and hope.


Unit 8 Surprise endings 出其不意的结局 The gifts 礼物 / 麦琪的礼物 By O. Henry——欧·亨利 One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. 1 美元 87 美分,只有这么多。Della 数了三次了,1 美元 87 美分。 And the next day would be Christmas. She could not afford a present, so she sat down and cried.第二天就是圣诞节了,她买不起礼物,于是她坐在地上哭了起来。 Jim and Della had two possessions which they were both proud of. Jim 和 Della,有两件令他们引以为傲的家当。 One was Jim's gold watch that was from his father and his grandfather.一个是 Jim 的金表,那是从他父亲、他祖父那里传下来的; The other was Della's beautiful hair. It fell about her, and reached below her knee. 另一件是 Della 的一头秀发,披肩而垂,长及膝下。 Della put on her old brown jacket and her old brown hat. Then she went out of the door and down the stairs to the street. Della 穿上她的旧棕夹克,戴上她的旧棕帽,接着开门出去,下楼来到街上。She stopped at a store. The sign in front of the store read "Hair Goods". 她在一家商店前停下来,店门口的牌子上面写着——“发品”。 "Will you buy my hair" asked Della. "Twenty dollars," the woman said.“你买我的头发吗”德拉问。“二十美元。”女人说。


麦琪的礼物中文版麦琪的礼物论文角度麦琪的礼物一块八毛七分钱。全在这儿了。其中六毛钱还是铜子儿凑起来的。这些铜子儿是每次一个、两个向杂货铺、菜贩和肉店老板那儿死乞白赖地硬扣下来的;人家虽然没有明说,自己总觉得这种掂斤播两的交易未免太吝啬,当时脸都躁红了。德拉数了三遍。数来数去还是一块八毛七分钱,而第二天就是圣诞节了。除了倒在那张破旧的小榻上号哭之外,显然没有别的办法。德拉就那样做了。这使一种精神上的感慨油然而生,认为人生是由啜泣,抽噎和微笑组成的,而抽噎占了其中绝大部分。这个家庭的主妇渐渐从第一阶段退到第二阶段,我们不妨抽空儿来看看这个家吧。一套连家具的公寓,房租每星期八块钱。虽 __是绝对难以形容,其实跟贫民窟也相去不远。下面门廊里有一个信箱,但是永远不会有信件投进去;还有一个电钮,除非神仙下凡才能把铃按响。那里还贴着一张名片,上面印有“詹姆斯·迪林汉·扬先生”几个字。“迪林汉”这个名号是主人先前每星期挣三十块钱得法的时候,一时高兴,回姓名之间的。现在收入缩减到二十块钱,“迪林汉”几个字看来就有些模糊,仿佛它们正在考虑,是不是缩成一个质朴而谦逊的“迪”字为好。但是每逢詹姆斯·迪林汉·扬先生回家上楼,走进房间的时候,詹姆斯·迪林汉·扬太太——就是刚才已经介绍给各位的德拉——总是管他叫做“吉姆”,总是热烈地拥抱他。那当然是好的。德拉哭了之后,在脸平面上扑了些粉。她站在窗子跟前,呆呆地瞅着外面灰蒙蒙的后院里,一只灰猫正在灰色的篱笆上行走。明天就是圣诞节了,她只有一块八毛七分钱



2010年成人高考(专升本)大学语文 (60篇课文详解) 笔记依据教材 * 第二课寡人之于国也《孟子》 * 第三课秋水(节选)《庄子》 第四课大同 * 第五课谏逐客书 第六课陈情表 * 第七课五代史伶官传序 第八课答司马谏议书 * 第九课论毅力-梁启超 * 第十课灯下漫笔 第十一课谈时间 * 第十二课论快乐 第十三课选择与安排 第十四课论学问 * 第十五课郑伯克段于鄢 第十六课冯谖客孟尝君 * 第十七课李将军列传 * 第十八课张中丞传后叙 * 第十九课种树郭橐驼传 第二十课报刘一丈书 第二十一课马伶传 第二十二课往事(一之十四) 第二十三课背影 第二十四课故都的秋 * 第二十五课香市 * 第二十六课爱尔克的灯光 第二十七课箱子岩 * 第二十八氓 第二十九课国殇 * 第三十课陌上桑 * 第三十一课短歌行(其一) * 第三十二课饮酒(其五) 第三十三课从军行(其四) * 第三十四课山居秋暝 * 第三十五课行路难 * 第三十六课蜀相 第三十七课白雪歌送武判官归京 第三十八课杜陵叟 第三十九课无题 * 第四十课关山月 * 第四十一炉中煤 * 第四十二课发现 第四十三课再别康桥 * 第四十四课我爱这土地 第四十五课门槛 * 第四十六虞美人 第四十七课八声甘州 * 第四十八课水调歌头 第四十九课声声慢 * 第五十课水龙吟(登建康赏心亭) * 第五十一课天净沙?秋思 * 第五十二课前赤壁赋 * 第五十三课宝玉挨打 * 第五十四课风波 * 第五十五课断魂枪 * 第五十六课米龙老爹 第五十七课苦恼 * 第五十八课麦琪的礼物 第五十九课长亭送别 第六十课日出 (上列篇目中带* 号者为精读篇目 35篇)

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