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近几年高考词义猜测题在数量上保持稳定,每套试卷中直接考查词义猜测的试题不超过2道。但试卷中阅读理解部分生词量略有扩大,试题难度稍有增加。例如在2017年全国卷Ⅰ阅读理解中,有部分超纲单词(如unifying, emotion和insight)给出了汉语注释,另外一部分超纲词汇(如recontextualization)却没有附加注释。这些单词既不在《考试大纲》规定的词汇表内,又未加注释,这就意味着考生不仅仅需要完成试题中直接的词义猜测题,还需要凭借自己的知识积累和学习能力猜测出未加注生词的词义,这样才能透彻地理解文章,完成阅读理解任务。



What does the underlined word "..." in Paragraph...refer to?

What does the underlined phrase "..." in Paragraph...refer to?

What does the underlined word "..." in Paragraph...mean?

What does the author mean by "..." in Paragraph...?

Which of the following can replace the underlined word "..." in Paragraph...? 无论是直接的词义猜测题,还是阅读中需要理解不认识的生词,我们都可以利用构词法、逻辑关系、语法关系、生活常识、文化背景和上下文语境等方法来猜出单词或短语的意思。预计2018年此题型题量将会保持稳定,命题重点仍然是考查生词/短语的意思、熟词生义或代词的指代含义。




合成法是指两个或多个单词按照一定的组合规律组合在一起,形成一个新的单词。一般来说,新的合成词的意思就是各个组成词的意思的综合。例如:workmate是由work(工作)和 mate(伙伴)组合成的新单词,它的意思是"工友,同事"。这样的单词在平时阅读中经常见到,也比较容易猜测出它们的意思。






④air-conditioned ⑤pineapple


Encouraging this kind of thinking has a downside. I ran the risk of losing those students who had a different style of thinking. Without fail one would declare, "But I m just not creative."...

Q:What does the underlined word "downside" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Mistake.

B. Drawback.

C. Difficulty.

D. Burden.


根据构词法进行猜测,downside由down和side组成,字面意思为"下面的一边",初步可以猜测出词义为"不足部分"。再根据画线单词后的"I ran the risk of losing those students who had a different style of thinking"可知,我冒着失去那些有不同思维方式的学生的危险,说明我的这种教育方法也有不足之处。故画线词意为"缺点"。B。



un-,im-,in-,ir-,non-,mis-等是一些表示否定或者相反意思的前缀,它们用在单词的前面往往构成原单词的反义词。如:appear→disappear, possible→impossible, like→unlike, smoker→non-smoker等。又如前缀re-表示"又,再";co-表示"共同";mini-或者micro-表示"小的";over-表示"过于";super-表示"超级,极";tele-表示"远的"等。






④im balance


把一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变的方法叫做转化法。例如:The author emptied all his pockets to find his ticket.empty由形容词转化用作动词,在此表示"掏空"的意思。又如:Widespread protests have placed the President under serious pressure.place由名词转化成动词,表示"安置,使……处于某位置"。



①If you water plants, you pour water over them in order to help them to grow.

②When fortune smiled on him, he made the most of it.

③She smiled her thanks and arranged the guitar under her arm.


(2017·全国卷Ⅰ·C篇改编)The music can t be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same.Q:present在此处的词义是本句是2017年全国卷Ⅰ中C篇的一个长难句。句子之所以难以理解,是因为本句除了使用了对比结构外,还有词语的活用:presented。present 用作名词表示"礼物";用作形容词表示"现存的,当前的";在此句中被用作动词,表示"展现,表现"。这句话的意思是:今天的音乐不能以1908年或者1958年的方式表现出来。展现,表现。












英语中可以使用also, as...as, similarly, and, or, just as, likewise等词语表示相同或者相近的意思,这种表示并列的关系中,只要我们认识其中一个单词,就可以推测出另一个单词的意思。如:Mr. Green loves to talk, and his brothers are similarly loquacious. 分析:这个句子里面使用了表示并列关系的单词and,还使用了表示"相似"的单词similarly,由此可知,画线单词loquacious表达的意思和"loves to talk"的意思一样,即"健谈的"。



①My mother is short and fat. The principal of the school is almost as plump as my mother, and much shorter.

②Children often try to emulate or copy the behavior that they see on television.


(2017·全国卷Ⅱ·D篇)... Some plants pump out smelly chemicals to keep insects away. But others do double duty. They pump out perfumes designed to attract different insects who are natural enemies to the attackers. Once they arrive, the tables are turned.The attacker who was lunching now becomes lunch. ...

33.What does the author mean by "the tables are turned" in paragraph 3?

A. The attackers get attacked.

B. The insects gather under the table.

C. The plants get ready to fight back.

D. The perfumes attract natural enemies.


本题考查文章中对一句话的理解,属于广义的词义猜测题。在这一句后面,又使用了一句同义并列的句子来对其进行解释,根据后一句话的意思 "正在吃午餐的攻击者变成了午餐"可以知道,画线句子是指形势发生了转变。A。


in contrast, on the contrary, unlike, however, but, despite, while等词汇常

常会被用来表示前后关系的转折,其前后表示相反的意思。同样,我们也可以根据其中一个词汇来推知另一个表示相反意思的词汇。如:Like poles repel; unlike poles attract.分析:这是一个典型的表示对比关系的句子,前后表达了相反的意思,还使用了反义对比的词汇Like和unlike,由此可知,repel和attract的意思相反,repel在此表示"排斥"。



①Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I know. His brother, in contrast, is quite humble and modest.

②Our maths professor claims that all the problems he gives us are simple ones, but we feel that they are intricate and hard to solve.


英语中使用because, since, for, as, so, as a result, thus, therefore等词汇表达因果关系,因为因与果具有直接联系,所以也可以用来猜测词义。

如:Tom is considered an autocratic administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.


There were so many demonstrators in the Red Square that he had to elbow his way through the crowd.



...There are also varieties developed to suit specific local conditions. One of the very best varieties for eating quality is Orleans Reinette, but youll need a warm, sheltered place with perfect soil to grow it, so its a pipe dream for most apple lovers who fall for it....

Q:What does the underlined phrase "a pipe dream" in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. A practical idea.

B. A vain hope.

C. A brilliant plan.

D. A selfish desire.


本题考查猜测短语a pipe dream的意思。本段讲述了一种最好吃的苹果,它被叫作Orleans Reinette,但其种植条件苛刻,所以爱吃的人很难得到。该短语前有明确的结果连词so连接前后句,根据前面要求的条件可知,后面的a pipe dream表示"脱离实际的愿望",与B项"徒劳的希望"意思一致。B。











mean, refer to, is, that is, namely等后的内容往往是对前面进行注解性说明的,可以帮助猜测词义。

如:Annealing is a way of making metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly.




①Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken.

②It will be very hard but also very brittle — that is, it will break easily.


如:Jack is now a florist, who keeps a shop for selling flowers in our district. 分析:非限制性定语从句修饰限定了先行词的内容和范畴,因此根据后面的从句可猜测出florist的意思为"花商"。


同位语是对其前的内容进行解释说明的,所以,同位语也是猜测单词词义的一个好办法。如:Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are to speak and read intelligently.

分析:同位语the study of the meaning of words解释了Semantics的意思,因此可知,semantics的意思是"语义学"。


如:What is plagiarism? It is using others ideas and words without clearly mentioning where the information is from.



如:The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they were in the past.

分析:本句使用such as列举了epochal events的一些典型例子,根据例子(战争和重大科学发现)可以推测出epochal event指的是"重大的事件,有划时代意义的事件"。


冒号、破折号和括号等标点符号也可以表示解释,能帮助我们猜测词义。如:You may borrow from the library any periodicals: News Weekly, Readers Digest, The New Yorkers.




...The proposal attempts to deal with what some call the "death valley" of autonomous vehicles: the grey area between semi\|autonomous and fully driverless cars that could delay the driverless future....

46.What does the phrase "death valley" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. A place where cars often break down.

B. A case where passing a law is impossible.

C. An area where no driving is permitted.

D. A situation where drivers role is not clear.


本题考查文章中短语death valley的含义。在这一句话后面使用了冒号,冒号后的内容对这个短语的意义予以解释:能够拖延无人驾驶未来的介于半自动驾驶和完全无人驾驶汽车之间的灰色区域。D。


(2017·江苏卷·B篇)Before birth, babies can tell the difference between loud sounds and voices. They can even distinguish their mother s voice from that of a female stranger. But when it comes to embryonic learning(胎教),birds could rule the roost. As recently reported in The Auk: Ornithological Advances, some mother birds may teach their young to sing even before they hatch(孵化). New\|born chicks can then imitate their mom s call within a few days of entering the world. ...

58.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 1 means "".

A. be the worst

B. be the best

C. be just as bad

D. be just as gooddoor


在猜测短语rule the roost的意思时,我们可以注意到下文进行了举例,根据例子可知,鸟类在幼崽孵化之前就进行胎教,可见鸟类对幼崽抚育之好。B。




如:The snake slithered through the grass.


Most of the flowers are beginning to wither because of the cold weather.


When a doctor performs an operation on a patient, he usually gives

an anaesthetic to make him unconscious, because he does not want his patient to feel pain or to know what is happening to him.



...Frequently it happens that a place has two names: One is named by the people and the other by the government. As in many areas, old habits die hard, and the place continues to be called by its unofficial name long after the meaning is lost....Q:What does the underlined phrase "die hard" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Change suddenly.

B. Change significantly.

C. Disappear mysteriously.

D. Disappear very slowly.


本题考查对短语die hard意思的猜测。根据生活常识可以知道,习惯很难改变,而且在汉语中,形容某人固执时也会使用"死硬"这一说法。再结合文章意思可知答案。D。




(2017·全国卷Ⅱ·B篇)...We shared the belief that if you re fortunate enough to have success, you should put something back — he with his Newman s Own food and his Hole in the Wall camps for kids who are seriously ill, and me with Sundance and the institute and the festival. Paul and I didn t see each other all that regularly, but sharing that brought us together. We supported each other financially and by showing up at events....26.What does the underlined word "that" in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Their belief.

B. Their care for children.

C. Their success.

D. Their support for each other.dot




代词指代题一般是在人物或事物关系比较复杂的情况下设置的一种题型,考查考生对复杂关系的分析能力,要求考生对代词所在句以及紧邻几个句子的结构和意思都有准确的理解。文章中的代词it, that, he, him, them等可以指上文提到的人或物,其中it和that 还可以指代一件事。有时代词指代的对象相隔较远,考生要认真查找;有时考生需要对前面提到的内容进行总结概括,才能得出代词所指代的对象。考生可利用上下文语境,采用逻辑关系梳理法,使人物或事物的关系明朗化。要记住代词通常出现在原词之后,根据这条原则考生可以快速锁定答案,最后带入原句中进行验证。


The reason why a country like Britain does not buy snowploughs (扫雪机)is that they are used for a few days in any one year, and the money could be more useful in other things such as health care, education, helping the old and so on. Q: The word "they" refers to .

A. snowfalls

B. British people

C. snowploughs

D. countries like Britain




I am Peter Hodes, a volunteer stem cell courier. Since March 2012, Ive done 89 trips — of those, 51 have been abroad. I have 42 hours to carry stem cells(干细胞) in my little box because I ve got two ice packs and that s how long they last. In all, from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor(捐献者) to the time they can be implanted in the patient, we ve got 72 hours at most. So I am always conscious of time. ...29.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "courier" in Paragraph 1?

A. provider

B. delivery man

C. collector

D. medical doctor


本题考查单词courier的词义。根据下文中的"89 trips"和其后的"to carry stem cells(干细胞)"可知,作者是运送干细胞的人员。B。


III词义猜测 【命题特点】考查根据上下文推测生词和短语的能力,突出考查对语境的分析和把握的能力。【常见考法】 1. The underlined word “…”probably means____. 2. The word “…”used in paragraph “…”refers to/suggests____. 3. The phrase “…”in the sentence can be replaced by ____. 4. Which of the following is the cl osest in meaning to the word “…”? 5. What is the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph “…”? 6. By saying “…”, we mean_____. 7. What do you think of the expression “…”stands for? 8. The meaning of word “…”in the passage is related to_____. 一.通过定义或解释推测语义 有些概念性生词出现后,作者会给出它的定义、同位语、修饰性从句或是定语。这些修饰成分可以帮助我们推断出生词的语义 (1)定义句的谓语动词在文中多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define(下定义), represent, signify(表示,表明), constitute(指。。)等。 (2)解释则常用as you know, to be called, to mean, to refer to, that is(to say), in other words, namely 等词语以及同位语和定语从句来提示下文将前面的信息加以重复或解释。 (3)有时作者会用复述的形式来解释语义,而复述部分可以是词、短语或从句。 (4)还有下一些标点符号,如冒号、破折号、括号等都表示后文要继续解释说明前文。eg. 1. The powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid, that is, it could not be tasted, seen, or smelled. (无法察觉的,感觉不到的) 2. The Greek marriage was monogamous-----men and women were allowed only one spouse (配偶) at a time. (一夫一妻制) Exercises: 1. Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken. ____默剧,哑剧_______ 2. Anthropology is the scientific study of man. _____人类学______ 3. We will meet you in the foyer, the entrance hall of the theatre. ____门厅_______ 4. He began to shave his whiskers, which had grown thick on both cheeks(脸颊). ___胡须______ 5. Some computer scientists are developing artificial-intelligence machines that they say will think like people. ____人工智能_______ Test1 There is no cure(治愈)for Alzheimer’s. But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms(症状). 61. What is ARICEPT?(C) A. A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s B. A medicine to delay signs of aging. C. A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. D. A medicine to cure brain damage. Test 2 Here is The Pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou, wild boar and reindeer with surprising sauces. (1)According to the passage, The Pines is a ______. (D) A. place in which you can see many mobile homes


二轮复习阅读理解解题技巧之词义猜测解题指导 命题方式的特点 词义猜测是英语阅读的重要技巧,词义猜测题也是高考中常考的题型。考生要学会“顺藤摸瓜”,通过构词、定义、对比、因果、联想、上下文等线索(各种已知信息)确定词义。要求猜测词义的词一般为实词(动词、名词、形容词等)。另外,这类题也包括对短语和句意的猜测。 考试中经常考查的词汇有以下几种: (1)在特殊语言环境中具有特殊意义的常用词。 (2)专业化程度较高的词。 (3)生僻词。 (4)常用代词。 命题方式的考法 1.猜测单词或短语意义------巧用线索猜词义。 (1)“定义同位”猜词义,主要包括定义释词和同位/举例 (2)“逻辑关系”猜词义 (3)根据构词法猜词义 2.考查代词的指代意义---------“就近原则”猜词义 3.句意猜测类-------“意义吻合”定句意 常见设问形式 (1)The underlined phrase “___” in the second paragraph could be replaced by ______. (2)The underlined word “________” in the first par agraph probably means________. (3)What is the meaning of the underlined word in the second paragraph? (4)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “________”? (5)What does the underlined word “________” in Paragraph 2 refer to? (6)What do you think the expression “________” stands for? (7)Which of the following words can best take the place of the underlined word “______” in Paragraph 3? (8)According to the passage, the underlined word “________” is known as ________. 选项特点 (1)正确选项的特点 ①相应词语的同义词语。 ②对相应语句的解释、复述或概括。 (2)干扰项的特点 ①对原相应表达方式的不正确改写。


阅读理解专项突破 III词义猜测 【命题特点】考查根据上下文推测生词和短语的能力,突出考查对语境的分析和把握的能力。【常见考法】 1. The underlined word “…”probably means____. 2. The word “…”used in paragraph “…”refers to/suggests____. 3. The phrase “…”in the sentence can be replaced by ____. 4. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word “…”? 5. What is the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph “…”? 6. By saying “…”, we mean_____. 7. What do you think of the expression “…”stands for? 8. The meaning of word “…”in the passage is related to_____. 一.通过定义或解释推测语义 有些概念性生词出现后,作者会给出它的定义、同位语、修饰性从句或是定语。这些修饰成分可以帮助我们推断出生词的语义 (1)定义句的谓语动词在文中多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define(下定义), represent, signify(表示,表明), constitute(指。。)等。(2)解释则常用as you know, to be called, to mean, to refer to, that is(to say), in other words, namely 等词语以及同位语和定语从句来提示下文将前面的信息加以重复或解释。 (3)有时作者会用复述的形式来解释语义,而复述部分可以是词、短语或从句。 (4)还有下一些标点符号,如冒号、破折号、括号等都表示后文要继续解释说明前文。eg. 1. The powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid, that is, it could not be tasted, seen, or smelled. (无法察觉的,感觉不到的) 2. The Greek marriage was monogamous-----men and women were allowed only one spouse(配偶)at a time. (一夫一妻制) Exercises: 1. Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken. ____默剧,哑剧_______ 2. Anthropology is the scientific study of man. _____人类学______ 3. We will meet you in the foyer, the entrance hall of the theatre. ____门厅_______ 4. He began to shave his whiskers, which had grown thick on both cheeks(脸颊). ___胡须______ 5. Some computer scientists are developing artificial-intelligence machines that they say will think like people. ____人工智能_______ Test 1 There is no cure(治愈)for Alzheimer’s. But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms(症状). 61. What is ARICEPT?(C) A. A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s B. A medicine to delay signs of aging. C. A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. D. A medicine to cure brain damage. Test 2 Here is The Pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou, wild boar and reindeer with surprising sauces. (1)According to the passage, The Pines is a ______. (D) A. place in which you can see many mobile homes B. mountain where you can get a good view of the valley C. town which happens to be near the Banff National Park D. restaurant where you can ask for some special kinds of food

2020年高考英语二轮复习词义猜测类 专项练习附答案

第五讲词义猜测类专项练习 【分类真题】 (2019年全国卷II.A) My Favourite Books Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series(系列)of lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads. Matilda Roald Dahl I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl's writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful words. Matilda's battles with her cruel parents and the bossy headmistress, Miss Trunchbull,are equally fumy and frightening, but they're also aspirational. After Dark Haruki Murakami It’s about two sisters —Eri, a model who either won’t or can’t stop sleeping, and Mari, a young student. In trying to connect to her sister, Mari starts changing her life and discovers a world of diverse "night people" who are hiding secrets. Gone Girl Gillian Flynn There was a bit of me that didn't want to love this when everyone else on the planet did, but the horror story is brilliant. There's tension and anxiety from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust. It's a real whodunit and the frustration when you realise what's going on is horribly enjoyable. The Stand Stephen King This is an excellent fantasy novel from one of the best storytellers around. After a serious flu outbreak wipes out 99.4% of the world's population, a battle unfolds between good and evil among those left. Randall Flagg is one of the scariest characters ever. 21. Who does "I" refer to in the text? A. Stephen King. B. Gillian Flynn. C. Jo Usmar. D. Roald Dahl.


五大方法巧解高考英语词义猜测题 根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义是高考阅读理解题6大出题方向之一,也是考查考生英语语言能力和文化品格的一种重要方式。 词义猜测题可以针对单词、短语的意思进行命题考查,还可以针对某一句子的准确理解 或代词的精确指代进行设题。除了直接考查单词或短语词义猜测外,在阅读理解文章中,总会有一些单词或短语超出了《考试大纲》词汇表的范围,但又没有附加注释,也需要考生猜测,这也是对词义猜测的一种间接考查。 近三年词义猜测题考查频次一览表 2017年2016年2015年 全国卷Ⅰ2(代词that;短语the water catcher) 1(单词courier) 1(单词contributions) 全国卷Ⅱ2(代词that;句子the tables are turned) 2(单词downside;代词 it) 1(短语signed off) 全国卷Ⅲ1(单词displaced) 2(代词them;短语 a pipe dream) / 近几年高考词义猜测题在数量上保持稳定,每套试卷中直接考查词义猜测的试题不超过 2道。但试卷中阅读理解部分生词量略有扩大,试题难度稍有增加。例如在2017年全国卷Ⅰ阅读理解中,有部分超纲单词(如unifying, emotion和insight)给出了汉语注释,另外一部分超纲词汇(如recontextualization)却没有附加注释。这些单词既不在《考试大纲》规定的词 汇表内,又未加注释,这就意味着考生不仅仅需要完成试题中直接的词义猜测题,还需要凭借自己的知识积累和学习能力猜测出未加注生词的词义,这样才能透彻地理解文章,完成阅读理解任务。 词义猜测题考查的范围主要在以下几个方面:生词、短语、熟词生义、句子和代词的指代。 常见的设问形式主要有以下几种: What does the underlined word "..." in Paragraph...refer to? What does the underlined phrase "..." in Paragraph...refer to? What does the underlined word "..." in Paragraph...mean? What does the author mean by "..." in Paragraph...? Which of the following can replace the underlined word "..." in Paragraph...? 无论是直接的词义猜测题,还是阅读中需要理解不认识的生词,我们都可以利用构词法、逻辑关系、语法关系、生活常识、文化背景和上下文语境等方法来猜出单词或短语的意思。预 计2018年此题型题量将会保持稳定,命题重点仍然是考查生词/短语的意思、熟词生义或代词的指代含义。


高考英语词义猜测专项训练 请根据句意指出下列句子中划线单词的词性与汉语意思。 1. They were put into prison for founding an illegal organization. (意思: _________) 2. Being in poor health, the old lady looked weak and fragile. (意思: _________) 3. Before writing, we'd better take its framework into consideration. (意思: _________) 4. He is such a frequent visitor that all of us know him very well. (意思: _________) 5. Constant friction wore out the bottom of my shoes gradually. (意思: _________) 6. They grew some garlic, hoping for a good harvest in autumn. (意思: _________) 7. We picked some grapes and put t hem in the fridge to k eep them fresh. (意思: _________) 8. He drove his car into his garage, checked and repaired it carefully. (意思: _________) 9. A large vocabulary is fundamental to learning English well. (意思: _________) 10. To build up his body, Jack decides to take up gymnastics in the gym. (意思: _________) 11. Justin dreams of having a garment shop, selling expensive clothes. (意思: _________) 12. He is interested in geography and expects to travel around the world. (意思: _________) 13. My grandma stuck the broken pieces of glasses together with glue (意思: _________) 14. Under the guidance of Professor Green, I worked harder at geometry. (意思: _________) 15. The generous gentleman donates much money to the poor every year. (意思: _________) 16. An accident happened to her when she happened to be shopping. (意思: _________) 17. I am still green at teaching because I began teaching last year. (意思: _________) 18. So large is the hall that it can hold up to 5000 people in all. (意思: _________) 19.We’re short of hands at the moment and consider hiring some workers.(意思: _________) 20. Heads of many countries will gather to have a conference. (意思: _________) 21. Step by step, I’ve grasped the spirit of English and learned it better. (意思: _________) 22. She found her gold necklace gone and it was nowhere to be found. (意思: _________) 23. I am full now because I have just had a big dinner. (意思: _________)


高考英语阅读理解猜测词义题解题方法 对于高考生而言,英语词汇量还是很有限的,想要完全通读高考英语试卷,还要会猜测词义。 猜测词义时,一般可利用以下四个方面的线索: 一是针对性的解释 针对性解释是作者为了更好的表达思想,在文章中对一些重要的概念、难懂的术语或高深的词汇等所做的通俗化的解释。这些解释提供的信息明确具体,所使用的语言通俗易懂,利用它们来猜测词义就非常简单。 1.根据定义(definition)猜测词义 如果生词有一个句子(定语从句或是同位语同位语前常有 or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely, or other, say, i.g. 等或是同位语从句)或段落来定义,或使用破折号,冒号,分号后的内容和引号括号中的内容加以解释和定义,那么理解这个句子或段落本身就是推断词义。定义常用的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, be called, define, represent, refer to, signify 等。 例1.Do you know what a “territory” is ? A territory is an area that an animal ,usually

the male, claims(声称)as its own.(2005年湖北卷) [分析]由定义可推知,这里territory指的是:“动物的地盘”。 例2.In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S. today.(2005年浙江卷) [分析]由同位语an endangered wild cat我们很快猜出生词ocelots的义域:一种濒临灭绝野猫。 例3. Here is The Pines ,whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou ,wild boar ,and reindeer with surprising sauces . (2004年福建卷) According to the passage ,The Pines is a . A.place in which you can see many mobile homes B.mountain where you can get a good view of the valley C.town which happens to be near the Banff National Park D.restaurant


高考英语真题词义猜测题专练 做题方法指导 词义猜测题是高考英语阅读题的一种必考题型,难度中等偏上,常用以下方法: 1.根据前后语法关系 即根据所在段落、前后句的定语从句限定修饰关系,同位语从句的解释说明关系,代词指代,破折号等语法关系来判断词义。2.注意表逻辑关系的词 注意前后句子的转折、因果等关键信息词,如however, therefore, thus等。也可利用同义关系,如namely, similarly等。 2.利用上下文语境 根据段落语篇意思,特别是前后两句话语境往往也可猜出词义。 4.利用构词法猜词义 如un,in,dis表否定,re表“再...”,co表示合作等构词法知识。5.利用背景常识 利用日常生活和与文化背景有关的常识可以准确猜测句中生词的含义。 真题练习 (2020年全国卷I) While I tend to buy a lot of books, these three were given to me as gifs, which might add to the meaning I attach to them. But I imagine that, while money is indeed wonderful and necessary, rereading an author’s work is the highest currency a reader can pay them. The best books are the ones that open further as time passes. But remember, it’s you that has



III词义猜测 【命题特点】考查根据上下文推测生词和短语的能力,突出考查对语境的分析和把握的能力。 【常见考法】 1. The underlined word “…”probably means____. 2. The word “…”used in paragraph “…”refers to/suggests____. 3. The phrase “…”in the sentence can be replaced by ____. 4. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word “…”? 5. What is the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph “…”? 6. By saying “…”, we mean_____. 7. What do you think of the expression “…”stands for? 8. The meaning of word “…”in the passage is relate d to_____. 一.通过定义或解释推测语义 有些概念性生词出现后,作者会给出它的定义、同位语、修饰性从句或是定语。这些修饰成分可以帮助我们推断出生词的语义 (1)定义句的谓语动词在文中多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define(下定义), represent, signify(表示,表明), constitute(指。。)等。 (2)解释则常用as you know, to be called, to mean, to refer to, that is(to say), in other words, namely 等词语以及同位语和定语从句来提示下文将前面的信息加以重复或解释。 (3)有时作者会用复述的形式来解释语义,而复述部分可以是词、短语或从句。 (4)还有下一些标点符号,如冒号、破折号、括号等都表示后文要继续解释说明前文。 eg. 1. The powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid, that is, it could not be tasted, seen, or smelled. (无法察觉的,感觉不到的) 2. The Greek marriage was monogamous-----men and women were allowed only one spouse(配偶) at a time. (一夫一妻制) Exercises: 1. Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken. ____默剧,哑剧_______ 2. Anthropology is the scientific study of man. _____人类学______ 3. We will meet you in the foyer, the entrance hall of the theatre. ____门厅_______ 4. He began to shave his whiskers, which had grown thick on both cheeks(脸颊). ___胡须______ 5. Some computer scientists are developing artificial-intelligence machines that they say will think like people. ____人工智能_______ Test 1 There is no cure(治愈)for Alzheimer’s. But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms (症状). 61. What is ARICEPT?(C) A. A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s


高考英语词义猜测题解题技巧 一、代词指代题 1.解题步骤 2.解题指导 向上搜索时,先从上文最近点开始找,找不到再找次近的,一般答案不会离得太远,答案一定是代指上文最近的某个名词或短语。 [示例1] Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series (系列) of lifestyle books.Here she picks her top reads. Matilda Roald Dahl I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl’s writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful worlds.Matilda’s battles with her cruel parents and the bossy headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, are equally funny a nd frightening, but they’re also aspirational. 21.Who does “I” refer to in the text? A.Stephen King. B.Gillian Flynn. C.Jo Usmar. D.Roald Dahl. 分析:Step 1返回原文→找出出题的指代词I。 Step 2向上搜索→找最近的句子(Here she picks her top reads.),其中she指代Jo Usmar。 Step 3 带入原文→将找到的句子的意思代入替换代词I。 Step 4确定答案→选C。 二、词汇猜测题 词汇猜测题不是考查考生的词汇量,而是要求考生根据上下文中的已知信息对单词或词组的具体语义进行合理推测。涉及的词语有四类:熟词新义、生僻单词和词组短语。


高考英语阅读理解猜测词义题解题技巧 在阅读中我们经常会遇到许多生词。这时许多同学立即翻阅词典,查找词义。这样做不但费时费力,而且影响阅读速度、影响对语篇的整体把握。事实上,阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至段落都有联系。我们可以利用语境(各种已知信息)推测、判断某些生词的词义。近年来全国统一高考中加大了对考生猜词义能力的考查,因此,掌握一定的猜词技巧,对突破高考阅读理解、提高我们的英语语言能力都有非常重要的意义。 这种题常见的提问方式有: the underlined word “__”in the passage means __. what does “___”in the third paragraph stand for? the word/phrase “____” most nearly means ____. the word/phrase “__” could best be replaced by __. the word/phrase “__” in line…, para …refers to__ which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase/word/sentence “____”? what’s the meaning of “____” in line …, para …?the author uses the word “____” to indicate____? 做这种类型的题,要根据词、词组、句子所在的语境来判断其意义。因此熟练掌握一些猜词技巧是做好这类题的关键。命题者在出这类题时惯用常规词义来麻痹考生,我们要特别注意熟词生义,切不可脱离语境想当然。猜测词义时,要掌握以下三个做题要领和六


第一编专题一考点4 A (2019·天津卷,D) Would you BET on the future of this man?He is53years old.Most of his adult life has been a losing struggle against debt and misfortune.A war injury has made his left hand stop functioning,and he has often been in prison.Driven by heaven-knows-what motives,he determines to write a book. The book turns out to be one that has appealed to the world for more than350years.That former prisoner was Cervantes,and the book was Don Quixote(《堂吉诃德》).And the story poses an interesting question:why do some people discover new vitality and creativity to the end of their days,while others go to seed long before? We've all known people who run_out_of_steam before they reach life's halfway mark.I'm not talking about those who fail to get to the top.We can't all get there.I'm talking about people who have stopped learning on growing because they have adopted the fixed attitudes and opinions that all too often come with passing years. Most of us,in fact,progressively narrow the variety of our lives.We succeed in our field of specialization and then become trapped in it.Nothing surprises us.We lose our sense of wonder.But,if we are willing to learn,the opportunities are everywhere. The things we learn in maturity seldom involve information and skills.We learn to bear with the things we can't change.We learn to avoid self-pity.We learn that however much we try to please,some people are never going to love us—an idea that troubles at first but is eventually relaxing. With high motivation and enthusiasm,we can keep on learning.Then we will know how important it is to have meaning in our life.However,we can achieve meaning only if we have made a commitment to something larger than our own little egos(自我),whether to loved ones,to fellow humans,to work,or to some moral concept. Many of us equate(视……等同于)“commitment”with such“caring”occupations as teaching and nursing.But doing any ordinary job as well as one can is in itself an admirable commitment.People who work toward such excellence—whether they are driving a truck,or running a store—make the world better just by being the kind of people they are.They've learned life's most valuable lesson. 文章大意:主题:人与自我(做人与做事);话题:过有意义的成年人生活。本文是一篇议论文,文章主要论述了如何过一种有意义的成年人生活。


2017届新课标高考英语阅读理解猜测词意(词义)解题策略 高考考情分析解读: 词义猜测题是高考阅读理解题中的一种常见的题型。词义猜测可以是对一个单词的意义推断,也可以是对一个短语或一个句子的意义推断,既可以是生词生义,也可以是熟词新义,还可以是对替代词所替代内容的判断。通过对近年新课标全国卷分析统计来看,词义猜测题一般有1-2题。考查相对比较稳定,但难度略有增加,需要在复杂的句式中通过上下文综合分析才能得出答案。在词义猜测题中,所考查的词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上,要根据短文提供的语境,通过阅读上下文,根据已知的信息或常识来推测尚不熟悉的词或词组的含义。 2016年全国卷设问形式例子: (1)What does the underlined word “downside” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?(2016年课标全国卷Ⅱ) (2)What does the underline phrase “a pipe dream” in Paragraph 3 mean?(2016年课标全国卷Ⅲ) (3)What does the word “contributions” in the last paragraph refer to?(2015年课标全国卷Ⅰ) 常见的命题形式有: The underlined word in the second paragraph means “________”. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the last paragraph? The underlined word “________” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “________”. What does the phrase “________”in Paragraph 1 mean? 本学案结构:

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