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Pilot QA(QAD/LP)


粗纱Rough yarn

针洞Needle hole

色差Color shade

色纱Color yarn

单毛Single yarn

毛头Yarn end

线头Thread end

线仔毛Yarn thinness

粗细毛Uneven yarn

杂毛Mixed yarn

花毛Shade yarn


错花Wrong pattern

花针Tuck stitch

走字码Uneven tension

起横Uneven course

字码不均Uneven knitting tension

混毛不均Uneven twist yarn

混毛不均,起横纹Uneven yarn and show horizontal stripe


挑撞Hand stching

错缝线Wrong linking thread

夹缝线起蛇Puckering at armhole seam

胸贴不平均Placket not balance

笠错横行Incorrect course

粘边Selvage not straight

缝骨不对齐Seam not match

脚边起豆角Hem wringing

缝线太紧Linking tension too tight

缝线太松Linking tension too loose

侧骨手挑太紧,欠水平Hand stitch too tight at side seam not level 锁眼起蛇Interline zig-zaging

断锁眼线Broken interline

铡骨起蛇Over locking line zig-zaging

缝法埋堆Linking peaking

缝线松紧Uneven linking tension

挑撞欠佳Poor hand stitching

领子口不均匀Uneven seam of collar

落坑Run off

锄歪眼Wrong position of needle and point

领内子口不均匀Uneven seam allowance inside neck

珠路不均Uneven stitch density

铡骨散口Over- locking seam open

起耳仔Pull loop

领起耳仔Loose loop at neck

拆纱不清Unclear finishing yarn

断毛Broken yarn

袖口脚收口欠佳Poor stitching on cuff or bottom

食针Overlapped stitch

甩间纱Loose finishing yarn

铡骨线露面Wrong tension of over- locking

领口不能过头Narrow neck opening

单缝线Mis-linking yarn

夹花不对称Unmatch armhole fashion mark

挑贴跳线Stitching placket skipped stitch

膊骨止口太厚Too much seam allowance in shoulder

V领嘴挑线太松Hand stitching tension too loose inside v neck point 侧骨图案不匹配Pattern not match at side seam

膊骨和侧骨止口太厚Shoulder seam and side seam too bulky

膊带不留止口No shoulder tape allowance

不对坑(支)Unmatched rib

挑贴Stitching placket

挑脚线不牢Insecure blind stitches

挑脚线漏挑Blind stitches not securely caught inside

断缝线Linking yarn breakage

驳线欠佳Poor overlapping stitches

拆纱线后没拉眼Loops on collar stitch out of trimming

V领不对支Rib collar of 〝V〞 point not match

领内包止口厚Thick seam inside on neck

领谷起Bulky at neck

哈须Flat lock

夹缝线色不对衫身色Armhole linking thread color off body color

缝毛与衫身色不对Used wrong sewing color

空边、边缘缺棉Empty hem

棉絮不均Padded cotton is uneven

夹位露缝线Linking seam at armhole is too much visible

缝线松紧不均匀Uneven yarn tension

锄高Stitch on the higher position

崩边Broken selvedge

边不直Selvage not straight

对位不符Poor matching on cuff or bottom

上领扭纹Twist collar

缝线起蛇Puckering at seam

漏钑骨线Missing over-locking

爆口Open seam

针数不对Stitch not as specified

线色不配衫身色Mismatch of thread

领边缝线松紧不均匀Uneven linking at neckline

挑错针数Incorrect hand stitch count

V领尖不对支Rib collar of v-point not match

拆纱不良导致抽筋Poor trimming

收漏线头Absence trimming

粉笔痕Chalk mark

洗水效果不均匀Uneven washing effect

色差/缸差Different lots of shade

洗水痕Water streak /Streak mark

颜色斑点Color stain

油污Oil stain

污渍Dirty mark

枪水印Cleaning mark


有气味Odor smell


手感太硬Handfeel too harsh

手感太软Handfeel too soft

洗水过度Excessive wash

洗水不够软Handfeel not soft enough

手感比批办稍软Handfeel slightly softer than approved sample

染色横痕Uneven dying stripe

染色不均/有染色印Uneven dye color marks

臭味Bad smell

阴阳色Shaded parts

去污痕Stain removing mark

起毛不够Poor hairy effect

霉点Mildew stops

手感不够软The handfeel not too soft

手感比较鞋Handfeel is slightly harsh

手感太削Thinness handfeel



手感不够滑Handfeel not smoothly

什么色手感太鞋Handfeel not too harsh of ….color

前后幅不同缸Shade lot at front panel and back panel

前幅阴阳色Found shade with in front panel

袖与衫身不同缸Color shading between body and sleeve

洗水后脱色Staining after washing

同一件衫内有色差Color shading within one garment

配件与衫身之间有色差Color shading between trims and body

颜色与批核办不同Shade differs from approved standard

纸朴颜色不配合,引起色差Shading caused by poor color interlining matching 锈渍Rust mark

甩色Color fading

颜色太哑/闪Color too dull/bright


错缸Wrong dye-lot

件染Piece dye

吊染Dip dye

脱色Poor color fastness


领尖不对称Asymmetric collar point

领面松Wrinkles at top collar

领面紧Top collar appears tight

领面起泡Crumples at top collar

领外口松Collar edge appears loose

领外口紧Collar edge appears tight

底领伸出Collar band is longer than collar

底领缩进Collar band is shorter than collar

底领里起皱Wrinkles at collar band facing

底领外露Collar band lean out of collar

倘领偏斜Collar deviates from front center line

领窝不平Creases below neckline

后领窝起涌Bunches below back neckline

领卡脖Tight neckline

领离脖Collar stand away from neck

歪领Uneven collar

领不平衡Unbalance collar

领位不对称Asymmetric collar

左右领活不一致Uneven collar width

领尖不均匀Uneven collar point

左右前领嘴形状不一样Uneven lapel shapes

前领口溶位太多Too much easing at C.F. neckline

后领中太紧Collar too tight at CB

领座扭曲不平顺Collar band is twisting

领及前领咀不平顺Fullness at front collar and lapel 领圈不元顺Neckline is not smooth

领子装得不平顺Neck setting not smooth

后领圈有高低High/low back neck

领尖长短不一Uneven length of collar point

领尖太钝/不平滑Collar point too blunt/not smooth 领尖距太活/太窄Collar spread too wide/narrow

高低领尖Hi-low collar point

领歪/领扭曲Crooked / Twisted collar

领面布浮Fullness of top collar

领内藏杂物Some residues inside collar

领甩毛The wool of neck fall down

樽领领贴扭曲Turtle neck collar twisted

错领尺寸Collar size incorrect

反领不对称Collar points not uniform

反领谷起Collar fullness or puckering

高低领High/low collar ends

领尖高低Collar points high/low

领形差Poor neck shape

V领边左右不对称Uneven 〝V〞-neck sides

领卷边大细不均Uneven rolled edge of neck hole

领形不平服Neck shape not smooth

V领底挑口欠佳Poor hand stitching at〝V〞point of neck 领口起波浪Neck hole linking is wavy

领形欠元顺Neck hole opening are slant

领边内卷Edge of neck is rolled in

V领不够V〝V〞neck point is not〝V〞enough

领底分针不均Uneven linking at bottom of neck

左右领边有大细Neck R/L is not same length

领拉力太紧Neck stretch is too narrow

后领缝起皱Puckering at back neck seam

领下有疏孔Under the collar with drain holes

领卷边缝止口太厚Neck seam knots is too big

领两边起角The neck opening sides is stick out

领拉必须超32CM Neck hole stretch M/B over 32cm

V领咀不够尖Maze nice sharp finishing of V neck shape 卷边不好Poor bowing

领贴过松Collar too loose

领贴过紧Collar too tight

领顶过紧(无弹性)Collar edge is not too inelastic

膊位扭骨Twist shoulder seam

膊位太平(膊斜不够)Shoulder seam too flat

膊带太紧Shoulder tapes are too tight

导致膊位起啄Pulls upward and create a point angle

膊骨缝线太松Shoulder seam linking thread is too loose 后膊缝线起蛇Back part linking is wavy

膊骨走前Shoulder seam forward

膊骨太细Shoulder head magnitude

大细膊Uneven shoulder width

膊位起啄Puckering at shoulder point

高低膊Misaligned shoulder

高低肩位High/low yoke

膊骨太平Too flat at shoulder seam

膊骨太斜Too slant of shoulder seam

膊线弯曲不直Shoulder seam not smooth

膊头拱起Shoulder head not smooth

膊骨起蛇Shoulder seam wavy

膊两边不对称Shoulder yoke not balance

膊头缝线不平直Shoulder seam should be straight

膊骨左右不对称Unbalanced R/L shoulders

飞机袖Sleeve raise up

袖骨走前Underarm seam shown at front

袖走后Sleeve running to back

袖走前Sleeve running to front

前袖骨拉松Too loose at front sleeve seam

后袖骨过紧Too tight at back sleeve seam

卡夫装得不好Poor cuff setting

袖叉装得不好Sleeve placket is not set well

袖底缝被拉松Underarm seam was stretched

袖缝骨扭Twisted sleeve seam

袖扭纹Ribs of sleeve is twist

长短袖Uneven sleeve length

袖子偏前Sleeve leans to front

袖子偏后Sleeve leans to back

前袖缝外翻Inseam leans to front

袖口起皱Wrinkles at sleeve opening

袖里拧Diagonal wrinkles at sleeve lining

扭袖底骨Twisted underarm seam

袖肚太大Enlarge sleeve

袖咀卷边不均Uneven rolled edge at sleeve

袖顶起啄Top sleeve cap pulled inward

袖位起镜Pressing mark on sleeve

高低袖咀Misaligned at sleeve bottom

袖缝爆口Open seam at sleeve seam

袖咀口挑线太松Loose stitching at sleeve cuff

袖咀口挑线太紧Tight stitching at sleeve cuff

袖咀扭曲Knit sleeve cuff twist

袖起波浪The sleeve shape is wavy

袖尾凹入Sleeve tail concave into

袖尾起啄Puckering at sleeve end

袖褶距离不平均Uneven distance of sleeve pleat

袖口没埋口Cuff assembles to sleeve not closed

上袖要打褶(袖褶)Pleated seam on sleeve

袖错位Sleeve misplaced

扭袖Twisted sleeve

袖山起皱Diagonal wrinkles at sleeve cap

袖口边不平齐Cuff edge not level

袖底骨扭骨Twisted underarm

袖(膊头位)啄起Sharp point in sleeve head

袖扭骨Twisting sleeve

夹边过紧Tighten armhole tension

高低夹Unmatched armhole seam

夹位有疏孔Hole at armhole

夹底有疏孔Hole at underarm

夹位爆缝Open seam at armhole

夹位不直Armhole not straight

夹位要顺直Pls keep straight on armhole

夹缝不可拉开烫Avoid pressing out of armhole seam

夹形两边要对称Keep symmetrical straight on both side of armhole 夹顶起啄Pulling cut stitch on top armhole

夹位两边不对称Both side of armhole asymmetrical

夹圈太紧Tight armhole

夹骨起蛇Zigzag seaming at armhole

夹骨弯曲起蛇Wavy armhole seam

左右夹圈不对称Uneven left/right armhole

左右夹圈有溶位不平服Puckering at left/right armhole

袖孔不圆顺Armhole stting not smooth 夹圈起皱Puckering at armhole

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