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SSAT 阅读Reading解释和练习

Reading A.Read 1.Vocabulary 2.Sentence, look for main sentence, and know the main idea. Long sentence practice: a.Many anthropologists see this as proof of the Bering Strait migration theory, which holds that between 11000 and 6000 year ago, ancestors of Native America across a land bridge that had jointed the two continents. (定语从句) b.Nothing that tribal legends locate Apache origins squarely in the American Southwest, he offers an alternative explanation of newfound genetic link. (现在分词短语做状语) c.Stanford University linguist Merritt Rulen has discovered striking similarities between et, a nearly extinct language spoken in central Siberia, and various languages of the Athabaskan group, traditionally spoken by Native American living along the western edge of North America, including the Apache in he southwestern United States. (同位语从句,过去分词短语做状语) d.In the first quarter of the twentieth century, some women scientists who engaged in research worked at the most prestigious institutes of the period and enjoyed more career mobility than women researchers would experience again for several decades. (长定语从句在中间) e.Sabin, an anatomist at the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research noted for her research on the lymphatic system, is one important example. (同位语从句加过去分词) f.To have maintained an active role in research institutions, women would have had to share some of the decision-making power: they needed to be part of hiring, promotion and funding decisions. (表目的的不定式提前,冒号句) g.As a result, they found it almost impossible to provide opportunities for a younger set of female colleagues seeking employment in a research setting, to foster their productivity and facilitate their productivity and facilitate their career mobility, and eventually to allow them access to the top ranks. (it is impossible to do sth., and to do sth., and to do sth.…三个并列成分) h.Even those with very high professional aspirations accepted subordinate status as assistants if doing so seemed necessary to gain access to research position and too often these were the only position offered them in their chosen careers. (if 后面的句子很复杂,分析一下) i.Thus they could easily become highly visible targets for elimination from the staff, especially if their behavior was judged in the least imprudent. j.Women’s awareness that they were unequal colleagues, included in professional settings only on the sufferance of male colleagues, who held the positions of power, conflicted with their belief in meritocracy. (定语从句,过去分词) k.She relates that, during her ten years in the department, men were given at least six positions that she was qualified for and wanted desperately, but for which she was not even considered because she was a woman. (定语从句)

2019年需要哪些考试-精选word文档 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 需要哪些考试 需要哪些考试,如果你还不了解的话让小编为您介绍一下吧,希望对大家 有帮助! 托福、雅思、PTE三选一 这三类考试的作用一致,都是测试学生的语言水平。学生出国读中学、本 科或研究生,都要提交语言成绩。美国的大部分院校认可托福成绩,英国、澳 大利亚等国的院校也认可托福成绩。 不久前,用于英国签证及移民的雅思考试(IELTS for UKVI)首次采用机考,但雅思口语考试的模式不会改变。英国文化教育协会中国考试业务总监Tim Hood表示,人人对话的口语考试模式是有效检测学生英语口语能力的测评方式,可保证学生在真实自然的交流状态下发挥最佳水平。语言的本质是沟通,这在 留学的学习和人际交往中非常重要。面对面的口语考试,可为学生提供真实 的生活场景,帮助学生提前熟悉国外的学习生活。 托福、雅思的考试内容,很多是再现国外课堂真实情形。学生参加这几项 考试,重在提升语言能力,而非靠技巧短期提分。学生出国后,会遇到需要和 当地人使用流行词汇、用语和热点话题交流的情况。如雅思考试专注于评测真 实生活场景的交流,而不是要求学生强记大量将来用不到的专业学术词汇。 PTE学术英语考试和托福、雅思相比还很新,是7年前推出的国际性英语 水平测试。考试所有程序包括报名、付费、修改考试时间、修改考试地点、查 阅成绩以及后续的向申请大学寄送考试成绩单的服务安排均在网上完成。考试 成绩5个工作日内网上可查,非常方便快捷。 出国读中学 考SSAT SSAT,全称Secondary School Admission Test,中文名称为美国中学入 学考试,适用于美国、加拿大私立中学的入学,是申请者必须具备的一项考试 成绩。


SSAT各部分考试题型及答题技巧 SSAT考试题型分为写作和选择两种题型,选择题均为5选1,考生要想充分备考SSAT 考试,就要对各部分考试题型有充分的了解,然后找到相应的解答技巧,下面就带考生一起了解。 一、写作 写作为第一部分,考试时间为25分钟。这部分要求考生通过例子来支持或反驳一个观点。所举的例子可以来自个人经历、历史、文学等。这部分内容不计入总分,但会随其他部分的成绩寄送到所申请的学校。校方会根据需要,对之进行评估,并作为录取的参考依据之一。深圳SSAT培训班 二、选择题 接下来的四个部分均为选择题,包括数学两个部分(各30分钟,各25题)、语文(30分钟,60题)、阅读(40分钟,40题)。 1、数学。 无论是SSAT的低级还是高级,数学部分的考查内容均不超出国内初中教学的知识点范围,其难点在于:由于采用全英文命题,在理解应用题的题意时,一定要熟悉最常见的表达方式。 题目中不会有复杂的精确计算,但是考查估算能力,所以计算器是不允许带入考场的。数学两个部分的难度和范围完全一样,SSAT会在数学两个部分之间插入一个非数学的部分,以便让考生科学用脑。 2、语文。 语文部分是对词汇的直接考查,对于英语非母语的中学生难度很大。这部分共60道题,具体又分为:30道同义题、30个类比题。同义题,题干为一个单词,要求考生从5个选项中选出一个和题干中单词意义相同的选项。这部分考查的词汇量,在高级SSAT中达到9000词水平,在低级SSAT中达到7000词水平,远远超出了国内教学大纲的要求。 解答这类题时,除了依靠很大的词汇量,还可使用基于构词知识的猜测和排除等方法。类比题的形式接近中国古代的对对子,比如某道题,题干中给出的是“frog对toad”,则答案可以是“turtle对tortoise”(内在联系为水生对陆生)。解答这类题,挖掘给出的两个词之间的内在联系,甚至是拼写方面的,然后在选项中寻找内在联系类型相同的一项即可。


ssat考试试题总共有几部分? 正所谓“知己知彼方能百战百胜”,考生要想在美国中考SSAT 考试中取得一个不错的成绩,首先要对ssat考试试题有一个详细的了解,这可以帮助考生正确认识ssat考试并且制定合理的ssat备考计划,那ssat考试试题总共有几部分呢?下面小编带考生一起了解。 ssat考试试题分为写作和选择题两种题型。选择题均为5选1,答题方式为填写答题卡(考试时一定要记得带铅笔和橡皮)。下面是各部分考试的题型和具体内容: 写作 写作为第一部分,考试时间为25分钟。这部分要求考生通过例子来支持或反驳一个观点。所举的例子可以来自个人经历、历史、文学等等。这部分内容不计入总分,但会随其他部分的成绩寄送到所申请的学校。校方会根据需要,对之进行评估,并作为录取的参考依据之一。 选择题接下来的四个部分均为选择题,包括数学两个部分(各30分钟,各25题)、语文(30分钟,60题)、阅读(40分钟,40题)。 1、数学。无论是SSAT的低级还是高级,其数学部分的考查内容均不超出国内初中教学的知识点范围,其难点在于:由于采用全英文命题,在理解应用题的题意时,一定要熟悉最常见的表达方式。题目

中不会有复杂的精确计算,但是考查估算能力,所以计算器是不允许带入考场的。数学两个部分的难度和范围完全一样,SSAT会在数学两个部分之间插入一个非数学的部分,以便让考生科学用脑。 2、语文。语文部分是对词汇的直接考查,对于英语非母语的中学生难度很大。这部分共60道题,具体又分为:30道同义题、30个类比题。 同义题,题干为一个单词,要求考生从5个选项中选出一个和题干中单词意义相同的选项。这部分考查的词汇量,在高级SSAT中达到9000词水平,在低级SSAT中达到7000词水平,远远超出了国内教学大纲的要求。解答这类题时,除了依靠很大的词汇量,还可使用基于构词知识的猜测和排除等方法。 类比题的形式接近中国古代的对对子,比如某道题,题干中给出的是“frog对toad”,则答案可以是“turtle对tortoise”(内在联系为水生对陆生)。解答这类题,挖掘给出的两个词之间的内在联系,甚至是拼写方面的,然后在选项中寻找内在联系类型相同的一项即可。 3、阅读。阅读一般考7~8篇文章,来源非常广泛,题材和体裁五花八门,有时甚至考查短小的抽象诗歌。在如此快的阅读和做题节奏下,考生势必需要具备在快速阅读中掌握主题和定位细节的能力。


SSAT备考刷单词和刷题,从量变到质变 经常会碰到同学提出这样的问题,到底如何才能考出理想的SSAT成绩,今天三立在线教育给大家带来SSAT备考刷单词和刷题,从量变到质变一文,希望能帮到大家。 What is SSAT? SSAT,全称Secondary School Admission Test, 无论美国当地学生还是中国学生,都需要这个标化成绩,才能完成申请程序。SSAT分为3个考试难度——lower level(针对4-5年级学生),middle level(针对6-7年级学生)以及申请美高同学要考的upper level(针对8-11年级学生)总分也相对不同,对于upper level来说,满分是2400,且考察的能力程度也相对lower和middle level提高。 词汇部分Verbal 在正式学习SSAT之前,应适当背一些基础词汇再继续刷题,才能达到更好的效果。买一本词汇书,可以稍作预习。 SSAT考试的词汇部分也分为两类:Synonyms同义题和Analogies类比题。

第一部分Synonyms要求的是极广的词汇量,以及同义词的储备量,第二部分Analogies则要求的是理解两词之间的关系,常见的主要分为几种:并列、上升、下降以及词性的转换。 于是可以总结出SSAT词汇部分的两大关键点:刷题&刷单词 背单词的方法 也许你会觉得害怕,觉得不想再考SSAT了,但这是一个美高申请者不可逃避的过程,而且以一个过来人的身份,我不得不说,这种最简单粗暴的训练方式其实最有效。从一开始的每天600单词逐渐加到每天800单词,到复习的阶段甚至每天1000个单词都是有的。即使每天这样起早贪黑、无时不刻的背单词,我们还是会有生疏忘记的单词,所以最重要的背单词方法就是——温故而知新——不停地反复你背过的单词,把它们背熟到能够第一眼就能反应出意思,就算成功了。 在我第一次的SSAT成绩取消之后,再次复习SSAT词汇时就出现了不少忘记的单词,于是我计划每天复习50个list(相当于500单词左右),记下所有我忘记的这些单词,写好中文,在每天背另50个list之前,再把之前忘记的那些单词重新过一遍,标出那些过了几次却还是没有记住的单词,不断反复这些单词直到熟悉为止。这种反复性的背单词,至少对于我来说,是非常有效的,这样既不会减慢背单词的速度,也能加深对单词的印象。 当然,如果你觉得你自己没有那么自觉,你可以利用背单词软件帮助你。在这里推荐一款软件,个人觉得用着还不错:扇贝


SSAT陈述类写作真题题目分享 以下是资料下载小编给大家整理的SSAT陈述类写作真题,希望大家放松要求要每天多练习,祝大家取得自己满意的成绩。 1. Free speech on the Internet should be protected at all costs. 2. We learn more from mistakes than from our success. 3. Thanks to technological advances, the world is getting smaller every day. 4. Capital punishment serves no purpose and should be ended. 5. Tougher registrations should be imposed on buying handguns. 6. Voting is such an important responsibility that all citizens should be required to vote in every election. 7. We have become too dependent on technology in our lives today. 8. Education means developing the mind, not stuffing the memory. 9. The most important qualities of a hero are bravery, compassion, and selflessness. 10. We can reduce the level of violence in society today by stronger gun control. 11. Sports in a school should be considered as important as academics. 12. Travelling is one way to learn about other cultures. 13. Studying the past is one way to prepare for the future. 14. Pets provide more for owners than owners provide for the animals. 15. Students should wear uniforms to school. 16. Everyone should be computer literate. 17. Every day we have new things to learn. 18. A person is known by his or her friends. 19. If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well. 20. It is better to study with your eyes than with your ears. 21. Going backwards is the best way for us to move forwards.


2017SSAT 题型内容 SSAT(Secondary School Admission Test)考试是美国、加拿大等国私立中学的非常重要的入学考试,即为美国中学入学考试。下面是小编分 享的SSAT 题型内容,欢迎大家阅读! SSAT 题型内容SSAT 分为写作和选择题两种题型。选择题 均为5 选1,答题方式为填写答题卡(考试时一定要记得带铅笔和橡 皮)。 写作写作为第一部分,考试时间为25 分钟。这部分要求考生通 过例子来支持或反驳一个观点。所举的例子可以来自个人经历、历史、 文学等等。这部分内容不计入总分,但会随其他部分的成绩寄送到所申 请的学校。校方会根据需要,对之进行评估,并作为录取的参考依据之一。 选择题接下来的四个部分均为选择题,包括数学两个部分(各30 分钟,各25 题)、语文(30 分钟,60 题)、阅读(40 分钟,40 题)。 1、数学。无论是SSAT 的低级还是高级,其数学部分的考查内 容均不超出国内初中教学的知识点范围,其难点在于:由于采用全英文 命题,在理解应用题的题意时,一定要熟悉最常见的表达方式。题目中 不会有复杂的精确计算,但是考查估算能力,所以计算器是不允许带入 考场的。数学两个部分的难度和范围完全一样,SSAT 会在数学两个部 分之间插入一个非数学的部分,以便让考生科学用脑。 2、语文。语文部分是对词汇的直接考查,对于英语非母语的中 学生难度很大。这部分共60 道题,具体又分为:30 道同义题、30 个类 比题。 同义题,题干为一个单词,要求考生从5 个选项中选出一个和题 干中单词意义相同的选项。这部分考查的词汇量,在高级SSAT 中达到


读书破万卷下笔如有神 ssat 考试词汇部分介绍 SSAT考试针对不同年级的考试分为初级考试,中级考试和高级考试,其中初级考试的考试时间和形式基本一致,而中级和高级考试基本类似,下面小编为大家介绍的是初级考试和中高级考试中的词汇部分的介绍,希望对大家有帮助。 初级词汇中高级词汇 题量30 道60 道 时长20 分钟30 分钟 是否计分是是 考察内容同义,类比同义,类比 一、 SSAT初级词汇 SSAT考试的词汇部分分为两部分,第一部分是对同义词汇的考察,第二部分是类比关系的考察。 考察能力:这部分测试的是考生的语言理解,词汇关系以及同义词。 下面主要为大家详细介绍一下同义词和类比。 (1) Synonyms 同义词 同义词指的就意义相似的词汇,这类词汇不一定是意思上完全相同,学习这类词汇主要是为了能够让学生区别词汇意义之间语义色彩,帮助考生在写作和讲话选择精确,也能够体会他人话语中的细微差别。 我们在日常中会见到很多类似的词汇,比如:large- big,beautiful- pretty。在写作中利用同义词表达相同的描述会增加读者的趣味性。 考试中同义词选取的范围在三年级的范围之内,包含科学,技术,社会研究等领域等的词汇。 (2)Analogies类比 Analogies are a comparison between two things that are usually seen as different from each other, but have some similarities. 类比词汇就是两种表面上不同,但是有某种逻辑关系的词汇。对这类词汇的考察主要是为了帮助考生利用已掌握的知识建立两种事物之间的联系。 这种联系可以培养学生解决问题的能力,决策能力,理解,记忆,交流,逻辑推理以及阅读和词汇激烈。 这类问题要求考生掌握词汇意义的细微差别和词汇之间的联系。 SSAT考试中常见的几种类比关系:


SSAT作文题型和话题介绍 对于备考SSAT作文的考生来说,首先需要来了解一下自己参加考试类型的作文题型以及常考话题,这样在备考的过程中就更有方向和针对性,下面我们就一起来看看SSAT作文题型和话题介绍吧。 一.SSAT不同级别的写作题型 SSAT考试写作根据不同的级别,作文考试的题型也不同,以下就是SSAT考试中各个级别的作文题型。 1. 初级考试Elementary Level:看图说话题 例题: Look at the picture and tell a story about what happened. Make sure your story includes a beginning, a middle, and an end. 1. 中级考试middle level Choose between two creative prompts两个创意性作文话题中选择一个 例题: Directions: Schools would like to get to know you better through a story you tell using one of the ideas below. Please choose the idea you find most interesting and write a story using the idea as your first sentence. Please select the topic you find most interesting and fill in the circle next to the topic you choose. Sample Topics:

2018年 SSAT写作题目分类整理

下面对SSAT作文题目大概分了这几类:亲人篇,朋友篇,失败篇(成功篇,这两个可以互相转化,具体见下文),追求理想篇(比如你是追求金钱和名利还是do what you want),善恶美丑篇,素质道德篇,生活篇等。 成功失败篇 Can success be disastrous? It is true that one can always find opportunity, even in trouble? 科技,教育,娱乐,政治,体育,商界,艺术,职场,安全(战争), 成功篇 Do you agree that it is important not to take things for granted? It is true that the most memorable day of our lives re those in which we underwent some personal transformation or awakening? 成功篇,战胜恐惧 Do you agree with the idea that people can exercise control over their fear, or does fear control people? Do you agree with the idea that war is never justified? Brave heart------for freedom and justice~ 失败篇 What do you think of the view that the worst sorrows are those for which we are responsible? 追求理想篇-----接受挑战还是做有把握的事情? Do you believe, with Michelangelo, that it is better to risk failing in the attempt to do something too ambitious, or to succeed at something you were already sure


SSAT作文题——来自贴吧 People change without telling each other. People learn more from experience than books. 人们从实践中学到的东西比从书上学到的多。 No student will immune to peer pressure. 每个学生都会感觉到同伴压力。 Some people care too much. 有些人太在意。 Simple questions are the hardest to answer. 简单的问题最难回答。 In order to see the rainbow, you must endure the rain. 想要看到彩虹,必须先经历风雨。 Preparation is the secret of success. 准备是成功的秘诀。 Taking risks is an important part of learning. 冒险是学习的一个重要部分。 The act of kindness, however small, is never worthless. 做善事,即便很小,也都是有价值的。 Any problem can be solved with a little more effort and a positive attitude. 再努力一点,再积极一点,任何问题都能解决。 Behind a funny joke, oftentimes there is a deep meaning.

笑话背后通常都有深长的意味。 When a joke is funny,it always include hidden truth. When a joker is smiling, there is a deep meaning behind it. It is better to know when to exit than when to enter. 知道什么时候退出,比知道什么时候行动更好。Argument is the worst kind of conversation. 吵架是最糟糕的一种对话形式。 People dislike all things that are unfamiliar. 人们不喜欢他们不熟悉的东西。 Being curious is more important than cleverness or talented. 拥有好奇心比拥有聪明或天赋更重要。 It is better to find a remedy than to find it is a fault. 找出方法,比找出问题好。 Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩 Winning is not everything. 赢不代表一切 Look before you leap. 三思后行 Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达


SSAT写作 1.题型 SSAT作文题目主要分为三大类:谚语(proverb)、陈述(statement)及开放性问题(open question)。三类题目举例如下: 谚语类举例: Topic: Practice makes perfect. Assignment: Do you agree or disagree with the topic statement? Support your position with one or two specific examples from your own experience, the experience of others, current events, history, or literature. 陈述类举例: Topic: Students should wear uniforms to school. Assignment: Do you agree or disagree with the topic statement? Support your position with one or two specific examples from your own experience, the experience of others, current events, history, or literature. 开放性问题举例1: If I could visit another city, I would choose… 开放性问题举例2: How can we help the elderly in our community? 谚语与陈述类话题类似,题目由两部分组成:topic和assignment,写作要求为:针对话题表明态度(agree or disagree);然后采用1-2个具体的例子支持观点,例子来源于考生自己的生活经验、他人的生活经验、时事、历史以及文学。开放性问题类型较为多样,通常有两种模式:1. 给出一个不完整的句子,让考生将该句话补充完整,并作为文章的开头继续写下去;2. 给出一个问题让考生回答。 2.题目举例 如下是三类题型的分别举例,题目来源于:各类参考书、模拟题以及真题Proverb 1.The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. 2.Every cloud has a silver lining. 3.Experience is the best teacher. 4.Actions speak louder than words.


美国高中留学必备语言成绩 美国是世界上经济最发达的国家,教育体系完善。申请美国高中需要哪些语言成绩,的我在这里为大家整理了美国高中留学必备语言成绩,希望对大家有所帮助。 一、SLEP SLEP是Secondary Level English Proficiency Test的缩写,即中学生程度英语水平考试(母语为非英语国家的学生初中,高中的英语能力测验)。SLEP TEST是ETS主办的,SLEP满分为67分,测试时间90分钟。 从2012年7月1日起,SLEP考试被TOEFL Junior考试取代,由于美国高中对于SLEP成绩认可还在继续,还有一些学校接受和参考SLEP成绩。具体参考各学校的申请要求。 二、TOEFL Junior TOEFL Junior,即初中托福,俗称为小托福。是ETS托福家族最新成员(Educational Testing Service,美国教育考试服务中心)。为了适应中国学生的学习现状,进一步放宽小托福考试对年龄的限制,TOEFL Junior考试在中国大陆地区的报考年龄上限为17周岁(含),下不设限。 TOEFL Junior初中托福考试主要由三大部分组成:听力、语言形式和含义(可以理解为语法和词汇)、阅读。考试时间大概2个小时,满分为900分。 TOEFL是由美国教育测验服务社(ETS)举办的英语能力考试,中文音译为“托福”。新托福由四部分组成,分别是阅读(Reading)、听力

(Listening)、口试(Speaking)、写作(Writing)。每部分满分30分,满分120。 三、SSAT SSAT,全称Secondary School Admission Test,中文名称为美国中学入学考试,适用于美国、加拿大私立中学的入学。主要测量学生的数学、语文以及阅读理解能力,考察考生的逻辑思维和发展潜力。由Admission Test Board命题。 针对不同年龄的学生,SSAT考试分为高级(upper level)和低级(lower level),前者针对目前就读8-11年级的学生,后者针对目前就读5-7年级的学生。 SLEP/TOEFL JUNIOR 词汇量大概5000左右,TOEFL词汇量大概10000左右,SSAT词汇量大概14000左右,这几种考试难度递增,一般建议SLEP55分以上或TOEFL Junior 800分以上开始准备TOEFL 。TOEFL 达到80分以上开始准备SSAT,申请寄宿初中的学生也可学完TOEFL JUNIOR就准备SSAT。 一类的寄宿中学一般需要托福100分左右 SSAT成绩80%左右,二类寄宿中学一般需要托福八九十分左右 SSAT成绩60%左右,有语言课程的寄宿中学也接受TOEFL JUNIOR成绩。比较特别的是寄宿初中,寄宿初中一般用TOEFL Junior即可申请,但有部分学校同时也需要SSAT,如Fay School, The Bement School等。


202X年美国中学SSAT考试新政策 美国中学的SSAT考试在今年有新的变化,那么考试改革内容有哪些呢?想必是不少出国人士比较感兴趣的问题,和一起来看看202X年美国中学SSAT考试新政策!欢迎阅读。 202X年美国中学SSAT考试新政策 1. 加入基础层次测试 改革前的层次分类:Upper level 和lower level,Upper level适用于申请9年级及9年级以上的学生,Lower level则适用于申请6,7,8年级的学生。 改革后的层次分类:elementary level,middle level,upper level Elementary level:适用于申请4,5年级的小学生 Middle level:适用于申请6,7,8 年级的学生 Upper level:使用于申请9年级及以上年级的学生 新的基础层次的考试,用于美国小学4-5年级学生的入学。之前这个基础层次考试是不存在的。之前的“lower level”用于6-8年级的入学测试,现在的lower level已经变成了middle level,upper level不变,仍然用于9年级及以上的申请。 2. 评分标准的变化 ·评分标准没有变化 SSA没有改变其评分策略,仍看重学生分数所占的百分比。但是,它改进了对于分数的理解方法。大多数私立中学还是会考虑百分比分数而非实际的测试分数。 ·设立标准组(norm group)

之前,SSAT让所有的学生在每一个层次上进行对比,而现在,新建立了所谓的‘标准组(norm groups)’,专为国际学生设定。在这个分类下,国际学生的成绩将不再和美国和加拿大的学生进行对比了。 3. 题型的变化 改革前:考试题主要来源于考试公司专家所出的题库,满足不了美国私立中学的要求。 改革后:题目由私立学校的老师编写,(其中数学和阅读的部分难度都有上升,阅读中诗歌的比重加大) 阅读与数学的难度加大:阅读长度加长,诗歌难度加大。 4. 加试 每个考试将增加“加试部分”(15分钟),不会被评分,但是会被测量其作为未来考试的合适程度。加试包括阅读,词汇和数学。 5. 新的写作题目 旧版: 题目给出一个谚语或俗语,要求学生就此写一篇议论文 Topic: Practice makes perfect. Assignment: Do you agree or disagree with the topic statement? Support your position with one or two specific examples from personal experience, the experience of others, current events, history or literature. 新版: Lower level: 看图写文章,15min Topic:如有图


ap美国历史作文 【篇一:美国历史文化作文】 america is the worlds most developed countries, this article to describe its geographical features and cultural symbol. as for geographical features, the united states is a country in the western hemisphere.it consists of forty-eight contiguous states in north america, alaska, a peninsula which forms the northwestern most part of north america, and hawaii, an archipelago in the pacific ocean. there are several united states territories in the pacific and caribbean. the term “united states”, when used in the geographical sense, means the continental united states, alaska, hawaii, puerto rico, guam, and the virgin islands of the united states. the country shares land borders with canada and mexico and maritime borders with russia, cuba, and the bahamas. and as for american culture,there are five famous symbols of it. the first one is statue of liberty,which is also called liberty enlightening the world. her right hand hold a torch,the torch up to 12 meters,the left hand hold”the declaration of independence”,she symbolizes freedom,break the constraints of tyranny. next, barbie dolls is the most famous and best-selling doll in 20th century, and now barbie dolls has been made a series of movies and also adapted to a collection of small games. american gothic, whether we see it or not,there is no doubt that it is the only one which has been cultural label in many american paintings, it strongly reflect the american national spirits -- dare to explore and stand buffer! buffalo nickel print two images which was close to extinguish in american westward movement to commemorate. the last one is uncle sam.the artwork was created in 1917 as a recruiting poster for the u.s. army. it was officially recognized by american congress as american national symbol in https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3913462576.html,ter uncle sam was used to be on half america or american gorvernment, it was widely used in press. 【篇二:美国历史中英文】

ssat写作高分范文:Haste makes waste

ssat写作高分范文:Haste makes waste SSAT写作这部分要求考生通过例子来支持或反驳一个观点,所举的例子可以来自个人经历、历史、文学等等。而其俗语、谚语类主题的SSAT写作又有其独有的难度,一直都是让考生们非常头疼的SSAT写作题型。下面就和大家一起分享SSAT写作谚语类的高分范文:Haste makes waste(欲速则不达)。 ssat写作高分范文题目:It is better to be safe than sorry. 写作要求:Support your position with one or two specific examples from personal experience, the experience of others, current events, history, or literature. ssat写作高分范文如下: “Haste makes waste” is an old English idiom which tells us that if you do things too quickly or too carelessly, you are likely to make more mistakes and end up with bad result. It has been true throughout the history and is absolutely true in the world today. I want to sustain my opinion throughout the following two examples. One of the examples that I want to illustrate is the problem-causing construction of the stadium in my neighborhood which was constructed in order to hold the National Sports Game ten years ago. I learned from my mother that the stadium was built only for half a year in a great hurry and haste. At first, all of the people in our neighborhood were supremely amazed at the astonishing rapid rate and efficiency at building such a brand new stadium with the most advanced technology in our nation. But a good time never lasted long, 2 months later, portion of the roof collapsed due to the heavy storm and rain. This leaded to a series of continuing problem such as a big strike of labors and the shortage of money in mending and rebuilding the “new” stadium. Until 1 year later, the stadium which had been previously considered as the first class stadium over the country was reopened to public, unfortunately 8 months after the hold of the Nation Sport Game. The failure of my test may also be regarded as a very persuasive example of “ Haste makes waste”. Once I had a hard time preparing for an extremely complicated but important final-exam in my school. The fact is that I did not manage my schedule well and had to go over all the notes and papers in at most 6 hours, in other words, I did not have time to rest, to sleep, to have meals but just to keep working. This may seem to be an efficient method to accomplish so much work at the same time. But it turned out to be a terrible or even worse time for me. My head kept falling down and I felt drowsy and couldn’t hel p falling asleep. Actually I only studied for 3 hours in all, only half of the efficiency that I planned to reach. There could not be an even worse time for me and I learned a hard but meaningful lesson from it. In sum, nothing good can be done unless you do it with great clam and carefulness, if not, it will probably result in an even more costly and worthless consequence. Just as the example: most of the spelling mistakes are caused because people spell the words too quickly and carelessly without checking them again. Thus, what we should do now is try to be more careful and responsible of what we are going to do and avoid those unnecessary mistakes.
