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另外,口译是一种即时性很强的活动,它强调实效性、独立性、现场性、一次性,属于一种“个体劳动”,口译人员往往在毫无准备的情况下就要将听到的信息经过大脑瞬间的理解,再转换成另一种语言,口头表达出来,译员往往承受着更大的压力;而英语笔译则需要译者充分、正确地理解原文,反复推敲翻译出的文字,在必要时还可以借助工具书,查阅大量资料,反复思考与斟酌,甚至进行集体讨论,最后形成文字,用书面表达出来,与口译所要求的即时性完全相反。比如,当一个译员听到一个英语母语者说出“Rome was not built in one day.”这句英语谚语时,他的瞬间反应可能会是直译这句话的表层意思“罗马不是一日建成的”。而当一个笔译工作者看到这句话时,他却可以通过反复思考与推敲,找到与该英语谚语真正想表达的相对的汉语表达方式,即“伟业非一日之就”或“只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针”或“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”。


如果说翻译的过程是正确理解原文和创造性地用另一种语言再现原文的过程,那么英语口笔译的翻译过程也不同。英语口译的基本过程是输入———理解、转换———输出;而英语笔译的基本过程是理解———书面表达———反复校对。在口译过程中,译员只有通过听或看来接收信息,用最短的时间将信息理解后转换成另外一种语言,并用流畅的语言将接收到的信息表达出来;而在笔译过程中,译者通过对文章深入透彻的理解,再利用工具书和大量资料的帮助,将原文用书面形式表达出来,最后进行反复校对,直到译文的文字优美,内容忠实于原文。同样一句话“I couldn’t agree with you more”,如果是没有经验的译员可能会把这句话译成“我不能更多地同意你”,而笔译者可以经过查阅,发现这句话本身属于习惯表达,意为“我完全同意你”,更显译文的地道和用词的准确性。

再者,英语口笔译的标准也不尽相同。衡量口译优劣的基本标准是迅速、准确和流利,而笔译的衡量标准则是忠实与通顺。准确,是英语口译的灵魂,它要求译员应准确地用英语或汉语将一方的信息传达给另一方,从而达到双方交流的目的;流利,就是译员要迅速、流畅地将所获取的信息传达出来。而英语笔译的忠实与通顺同翻译家严复提出的“信、达、雅”大体上是一脉相承的,它要求译文必须符合原意并通顺流畅。比如,当口译员现场听到联合国序言“Wethe peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeedinggenerations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetimehas brought untold sorrowto mankind…”时,除非该译员是在联合国工作多年,对联合国各项条例和规章制度都了如指掌的资深专业译员,否则不可能将其像笔译译稿一样翻译为“我


笔者作为一个初涉英语口笔译领域的新手,在英语口笔译实践中有着自己切身的体会。笔者曾参加了2012 年“中国- 挪威精神卫生法宣传培训”大会同传和交传翻译工作。尽管会前笔者做了大量的案头工作,尽力去了解和精神卫生相关的术语以及背景资料,但几天的准备显然不可能十全十美。在第一天的全体大会的交传任务中,挪威方专家在演讲时提到“somatic disease”,这让不十分清楚病情分类又在事前不知道“somatic”是什么意思的笔者顿时慌了手脚,顺势译为“某类疾病”,却没有将其正确的含义“身体疾病”当场译出。虽然这种口译没有给与会代表们造成误解,但确实是令我影响深刻的一次误译。

另外,笔者也参与了美国9 年级原版生物书引进(英译中)的笔译任务。由于对生物学科的专业知识钻研不够,在翻译海洋生物群落部分中层带海域时,由于不了解海洋生物的习性及扑食习惯,笔者对一些大型鱼类“…or swim downto the ocean depths to feed on carcasses”的翻译原为“……或下游至深海以尸体为食”,后经反复斟酌,发现将译文中的“尸体”译为“动植物残骸”更符合语境和实际情况,如此使得读者更容易理解海洋生物群落的生物特性。



Give the floor to 请…发言 It is a great pleasure for me to我很荣幸… Relevant issues 相关问题 Updated research research result 最新的调查结果 Attach the importance to 对…给予重视 Lead-edge technologies领先技术 Minister Counselor公使 Natural heritage自然遗产 Shared concern 共同关心的问题 Well-deserved reputation良好的信誉 对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to 请…讲话Let’ s welcome to give a speech 双边会议bilateral conference 以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to 主办单位sponsor 颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony 贺词greeting speech 隆重举行observe the grand opening of 请…颁奖Let’s invite to present the award 取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony 全球庆典global celebration ceremony 宣布…结束 declare the closing of 请全体起立,奏国歌 Please rise for the national anthem. Collective stewardship集体管理 Competitive job market充满竞争的就业市场 Financial institutions金融机构 Forward-looking进取 Gross National Product国民生产总值 Meet the challenges 迎接挑战 Public authorities公共机构 Regulatory mechanism 法规机制 The threshold of our transition into the new millenmum跨越新千年的门槛 UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心Urban residents 城市居民 Well-serviced formal city服务齐全的高尚城市 把…列为重要内容place as the priority 不放松工作never neglect the work 节约用水 water conservation 对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere congratulations on 节约用水先进城市model city of water conservation 使…取得预期效果attain the results expected 授予…光荣称号 confer honorable awards on 为…而奋斗strive for


全国商务英语翻译统一考试 初级笔译试题 注意事项 1. 请首先按要求在试题卷和答题卷的标封处填写姓名、准考证号等; 2. 请仔细阅读题目要求进行答题,答案写在答题卷上; 3. 请保持卷面整洁,不要在标封区填写无关内容; 4. 答题时间为150分钟。 Part I Translate the following sentences into English or into Chinese. 1.早在1910年,通用电器就开始与中国发展贸易,被认为是最活跃和最有影响力的在华外国企业之一。 2.近年来,中泰两国国民经济发展迅速,为两国的经济、贸易合作提供了良好的基础。 3.本合同用中、英两种文字写成,每种文字正本两份。两种文本具有同等效力,签字后双方各执中、英文本一份为凭。 4.布朗先生曾经能吃能睡,但现在由于作为领导责任重大而变得吃不下睡不好。 5.由于我们也要支付我们供货商的货款,因此您的还款期限不能再延长了。 6.Do not ask questions that respondents feel are rude or embarrassing. If such questions are necessary, people should be offered the chance to say that they prefer not to answer. What constitutes an invasive question will vary from culture to culture. 7. He knew this guy was a smart political worker. But he was hard to control. In fact, he was a loose cannon who might do more damage to his side than the man he was running against. 8. As a region with the largest number of developed countries, the EU boasts abundant capital and advanced technology. Therefore, both the EU countries and China enjoy a high degree of complementarities in economic, trade, scientific and technological fields. 9. I had the honour of attending the opening ceremony of the Beijing Y outh Palace earlier this week and was proud to see that Compaq was making such a large contribution to China’s youth. 10. Though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we cite the incredible slaughter of men, women and children on the roads. Man versus the motor car! PartⅡTranslate the following passages into Chinese. Passage 1 On behalf of the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Association for Manufacturing Technology, I would extend my greetings to the seventh China International Machine Tool Show (CIM T—2010), and welcome the visitors to the U.S. Pavilion. We are proud of our U.S. Pavilion, where 170 U.S. exhibitors are displaying the latest world class machine tool technology and related manufacturing services. The technology and services demonstrated here are the primary building blocks for industrialization in every nation of the


英语翻译二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(15) (1/1)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese Translation Translate the following two passages into Chinese. Part A Compulsory Translation 第1题 This week and next, governments, international agencies and nongovernmental organizations are gathering in Mexico City at the World Water Forum to discuss the legacy of global Mulhollandism in water—and to chart a new course. They could hardly have chosen a better location. Water is being pumped out of the aquifer on which Mexico City stands at twice the rate of replenishment. The result: the city is subsiding at the rate of about half a meter every decade. You can see the consequences in the cracked cathedrals, the tilting Palace of Arts and the broken water and sewerage pipes. Every region of the world has its own variant of the water crisis story. The mining of groundwaters for irrigation has lowered the water table in parts of India and Pakistan by 30 meters in the past three decades. As water goes down, the cost of pumping goes up, undermining the livelihoods of poor farmers. What is driving the global water crisis? Physical availability is part of the problem. Unlike oil or coal, water is an infinitely renewable resource, but it is available in a finite quantity. With water use increasing at twice the rate of population growth, the amount available per person is shrinking—especially in some of the poorest countries. Challenging as physical scarcity may be in some countries, the real problems in water go deeper. The 20th-century model for water management was based on a simple idea: that water is an infinitely available free resource to be exploited, dammed or diverted without reference to scarcity or sustainability. Across the world, water-based ecological systems—rivers, lakes and watersheds—have been taken beyond the frontiers of ecological sustainability by policy makers who have turned a blind eye to the consequences of over-exploitation. We need a new model of water management for the 21st century. What does that mean? For starters, we have to stop using water like there's no tomorrow—and that means using it more efficiently at levels that do not destroy our environment. The buzz-phrase at the Mexico Water forum is "integrated water resource management." What it means is that governments need to manage the private demand of different users and manage this precious resource in the public interest. 下一题 (1/1)Section ⅡChinese-English Translation This section consists of two parts, Part A—"Compulsory Translation" and Part B— "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2". 第2题 能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。纵观人类社会发展的历史,人类文明的每一次重大进步都伴随着能源的改进和更替。能源的开发利用极大地推进了世界经济和人类社会的发展。

商务英语笔译实务参考答案 Unit 27 参考答案

Unit 27 企业文稿的翻译参考答案 一案例讨论 1.我想提醒您一下,我们办公室急需一部英文打字机。 2. 董事会在上周的会议上通过了你的建议。 3. 晚上6点休会。 4. 让我们为合作的成功干杯! 5. As is shown in the quarterly report that the sales has risen over the first quarter. 6. Several appointments and dismissals were announced at the meeting. 7. This proposal recommends a solution and provides budget and time schedule figures. 8. On behalf of our company, let me extend a warm welcome to the members of American Delegation who have been invited to visit this company. 四翻译实训 实训一请用连线将下列财务报表中的汉语词汇找出相应的英语译文。 1—5 F I A E H 6—10 C J D B G 实训二请将下列英语致词找出相应的汉语译文并体会其翻译方法。 1-5 J A I B H 6-10 F G D C E 实训三请将下列备忘录中的句子翻译成汉语或英语。 1.如蒙在2011年6月10日前填妥表格并送回办公室,将不胜感激。 2.我已接到会议通知,在此申请一部投影仪于会上实用。 3.凡骑车上班的员工请将自行车存放在办公楼后面。 4.若有人想在春节顺带休年假,请提前通知各自的经理。 5.请注意健康与安全检查专员明天将来我处检查工作。 6.The board is thinking of installing automatic coffee machines in the offices of each division. 7.The company has found it necessary to cut expense. 8.Please let me have your information by 12 May at the latest. 9.I am hoping to see a visible improvement. 10.The board of directors approved your proposal at the meeting last week. 实训四请分组讨论以下会议信息,将之整理成英语会议记录并填入下列表格。 Minutes Date: July 22, 2011, 9:00 a.m.


2018年5月翻译资格考试二级英语笔译实务真题及答案 英译中 第一篇文章 Near Cambodia's Temple Ruins a Devotion to Learning. 走进破败的柬埔寨庙宇,感受学习的热情。 Millions of tourists come here every year to visit the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat an influx that has helped transform what once resembled a small laid-back village into a thriving and cosmopolitan town with thumping nightlife and more than 10000 hotel rooms. 每年,都有数以百万计的游客造访吴哥窟,以观赏当地古老的历史遗迹,而这个游客聚居之地,也一改往日偏僻村落的闲适之常态,一举成为一座经济发展呈迅猛之势的国际化城镇。一万间宾馆客房拔地而起,赋予游客激情四射的夜生活。 But the explosion of the tourism industry here has also done something less predictable. Siem Reap which had no universities a decade ago is now Cambodia’s second-largest hub for higher education after the capital Phnom Penh. 但是,吴哥窟旅游业的爆棚式发展,也取得了某些意料之外的成果。十年前,暹粒还是一片学术的不毛之地,而今,暹粒已发展壮大成为柬埔寨第二大高等教育中心,高等院校规模仅次于首都金边。 The sons and daughters of impoverished rice farmers flock here to work as tour guides receptionists bartenders and waitresses. When their shifts are over they study finance English and accounting. 来自贫困稻农家的儿女们,一股脑地涌向暹粒。他们在这里要么做导游,要么从事接待工作;要么做调酒师,从事服务生的活计。每及轮班结束后,他们便会一头扎进金融、英语和会计的学习之中。 The establishment of five private universities here is helping to transform the work force in this part of Cambodia. Employers say that English proficiency is rising and that workers who attend universities stand out for their ability to express themselves and make decisions. A generation of students who would otherwise have had little hope to study beyond high school are enduring grueling schedules to get a degree and pursue their dreams. 暹粒设立的五所私立大学,正为改观当地的劳动人口推波助澜。老板们表示,员工的英语水平正在飞跃,接受高等教育的员工能表达自己的意愿,然后作出相应的决策,从而,也就容易在职场中脱颖而出。这一代学生本未对在高中毕业后继续深造寄予厚望,而现在,他们正在努力地完成繁重的学业,以期获得学位,追寻梦想。 Khim Borin a 26-year-old tour guide by day and law student by night says he wants to become a lawyer. But he sometimes has trouble staying awake in class during the high tourist season when he spends hours scaling vertiginous temple steps and baking in the tropical sun. 时年26岁的金?波林,白天做导游,晚上却是一名主修法律的学生。波林声称,他梦想成为一名律师。然而,在旅游的旺季,他每天都要爬上那令人晕眩的神庙台阶,且还不得不在热带阳光的炙烤下暴晒数个小时,这不免让他在晚间的课堂上心力交瘁。 But the symbiosis of work and study here came together without any master plan. 而在暹粒,工作与学习相得益彰,并无任何的总体规划。


商务英语笔译个人实习总结 1.通过本次实习使我能够从理论回到实践,更好的实现理论和实践的结合,为以后的工作和学习奠定初步的知识,使我能够亲身感受到由一个学生转变到一个职业商务英语笔译工作者的过程。 XX年6月中下旬开始在本校内为期2个星期左右的商务英语笔译的实习,起初我对笔译还不是太了解,选择笔译是基于我对笔译工作的特别爱好。商务英语笔译是一项需要耐心和精力的工作,它是以商务方面的资料为依据,要求翻译者对其进行全面,准确,快速的翻译,语言要表达准确,意思清晰。由于商务英语笔译的翻译材料大部分都是非文学的,例如合同,客户资料,商业等专业性文件,所以它的要求就更为严格,苛刻,同时又必须符合“信,达,雅”的原则,难度相当的大,其中要用到大量的专业术语,范围不仅仅包括我们平时上课时所认识的,更多的需要我们通过各种可行的渠道去查阅,具有很强的专业性。这就要求我们在翻译时要严谨,不能给读者以错觉。 这次实习主要针对商务合同的翻译进行重点突破,花了整整几天的时间才磕磕绊绊的翻译一个合同,感觉到了前所未有的压力,也突出了自己眼高手低的缺点,平时课堂上老师讲的用的寥寥无几,更多的是靠自己查资料来获取准确的信息。其中有些既晦涩又在网上很难查的一般都给不了,这

些都给刚开始翻译的我造成了各种各样的阻碍,往往会遇到原文看不懂或者觉得语法别扭不对的情况,这时候需要更大的耐心和毅力,需要坚持,对商务合同中的一些专业术语进行重点突破,查阅各种资料,在网上搜索各种专业术语,一点一滴的翻译,练得多了,慢慢就变的更加熟悉了,速度和质量慢慢的有所改善,当然和真正意义的笔译质量还是有相当的差距的。 工欲善其事,必先利其器。商务英语笔译也同样如此,它需要通过大量的网上资料和翻译软件来进行协助翻译,因此在掌握商务英语基础的同时,电脑成为了我们读取翻译资料的利器。在实习的过程中我们不难发现,其实很多相当一部分的专业术语需要我们通过电脑来进行翻译,来完成,基于此我们也有必要掌握一些简单的电脑知识和电脑软件,例如Word文档等等。看来要作为一名合格的笔译工作者,电脑知识也是其必要的一个方面。 在实习的过程中常常出现翻译质量不合格的问题,这些对我们初步介入笔译领域的初学者是司空见惯的,没必要害怕,但同时是必须要引起我们的重视的,所谓熟能生巧,这个工作就更要求我们不断的进行练习,不断的进行知识积累。这次实习对我们来说就是一个十分难得的机会,辅导老师给我们的作用也是希望我们能有更多的机会去接触并练习商务英语笔译,这些都有助于我们提高翻译水平和翻译质量。

商务英语笔译实务参考答案 Unit 14 分译与合译参考答案

Unit 14 分译与合译参考答案 一案例讨论 讨论一. 请选择下列英语句子的最佳译文。 1. B 2. C 3. C 讨论二. 请将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 我们将采纳他的建议,尽快改组领导班子。 2. 你和经理吵了架,但这并不能成为损坏公司财产的理由。 3. 解决与同事的矛盾应该当面与他谈,或者写信,而不宜在电话里说,因为其中一方很容易在一气之下结束谈话。 四翻译实训 实训一请从所给选项中选出最佳译文。 1-5 BBA AB 6-10 BBBCA 实训二请指出下列翻译实例中所使用的翻译技巧。 1. 分译合译相结合 2. 合译 3. 分译合译相结合 4. 合译 5. 分译合译相结合 实训三请根据所学翻译方法翻译下列句子。 1. 你应找你的新上任的经理詹姆斯商量你的计划。他在125D房间,电话是715232-2604。 2. 中国人对他们所取得的经济成就感到自豪,这是无可厚非的。 3. 那家钢铁厂今年生产了四百万吨钢材,创历史最高记录。 4. 生意上,史密斯先生不大表露自己的感情,只是察言观色,心领神会。这是他的特点。 5. 由于害怕有人阴谋推翻他的领导,他似乎完全失去了自信,但所谓的阴谋是他自己想出来的。 实训四请将下列各段翻译成汉语。 1. 技术正在改变着一切,正在为今日的海底探索者劈波斩浪,正在创造机会,使幻想、求知欲和惊叹变成实实在在的知识。 如果技术培适当地用作社会的服务工具,那它就是解决世界各地人民面临的社会经济问题的最大希望所在。技术历来如此。人类生活的最早遗物就是工具,我们的远故祖先正是用这些工具认识世界,改造世界,并使之日趋完善的。今天也是这样。 2. 但是,我不仅仅是为了公正才呼吁采取优先措施,把农村妇女从苦难中解脱出来,而是因为正如人们日益认识到的那样,如果不发展和利用妇女的才能,农村便不可能取得有意义


Handout 2 Number interpreting 千-thousand-1th 万-ten thousand-10th 十万-hundred thousand-100th 百万-million-1m 千万-ten million-10m 亿-hundred million-100m 十亿-billion-1b 百亿-ten billion-10b 千亿-hundred billion-100b 万亿-trillion-1tr 十万亿-ten trillion-10tr 百万亿-hundred trillion-100tr Sentence note-taking(C-E) 6. 最近一些学者提出发展中国家包括中国的劳动力成本优势威胁了他们的经济发展。 7. 中国仍然是一个发展中国家,城市和农村,东部和西部存在着明显的发展差距。 8. 就业和增长又是连在一起的,增长率下来了,更多的企业将减员,这样分流出来的人员更多了,失业人员就更多了。

9. 现在美国巨额的国际收支逆差产生的一个重要原因就是在结构变化当中还没有很好地调整自己。 10. 中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,美国拥有先进的科学技术和巨大的物质力量,两国之间有着很强的经济互补性。 Handout 3 Sentence note-taking 11. 美国是最大的发达国家,经济总量大,资本充足,科技发达,但劳动力成本高。

12. 过去长期以来我们就把农村问题只限于农业问题,从城市的远景和工业的发展,以及农业提供粮食、提供原料,这个角度来考虑农业问题。 13. 中国自建国以来执行发展生产力,提高人民生活水平的社会主义建设路线,从而决定了我国必然采取防御性的军事战略。 14. 至于中美经贸合作的迅速发展,对于周边地区经济繁荣乃至世界经济增长所起的促进作用,更是有目共睹。 15. 这种做法实际上是美国更大限度地参与国际分工,更大限度地利用别的国家的廉价劳动力和资源,这对美国经济的发展来讲,对美国产业结构的进一步调整来讲,是有利而无害的。


翻译二级笔译实务模拟28 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Section Ⅰ English-Chinese Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、Compulsory Translation(总题数:1,分数:30.00) 1.This week and next, governments, international agencies and nongovernmental organizations are gathering in Mexico City at the World Water Forum to discuss the legacy of global Mulhollandism in water—and to chart a new course. They could hardly have chosen a better location. Water is being pumped out of the aquifer on which Mexico City stands at twice the rate of replenishment. The result: the city is subsiding at the rate of about half a meter every decade. You can see the consequences in the cracked cathedrals, the tilting Palace of Arts and the broken water and sewerage pipes. Every region of the world has its own variant of the water crisis story. The mining of groundwaters for irrigation has lowered the water table in parts of India and Pakistan by 30 meters in the past three decades. As water goes down, the cost of pumping goes up, undermining the livelihoods of poor farmers. What is driving the global water crisis? Physical availability is part of the problem. Unlike oil or coal, water is an infinitely renewable resource, but it is available in a finite quantity. With water use increasing at twice the rate of population growth, the amount available per person is shrinking—especially in some of the poorest countries. Challenging as physical scarcity may be in some countries, the real problems in water go deeper. The 20th-century model for water management was based on a simple idea: that water is an infinitely available free resource to be exploited, dammed or diverted without reference to scarcity or sustainability. Across the world, water-based ecological systems—rivers, lakes and watersheds—have been taken beyond the frontiers of ecological sustainability by policy makers who have turned a blind eye to the consequences of over-exploitation. We need a new model of water management for the 21st century. What does that mean? For starters, we have to stop using water like there"s no tomorrow—and that means using it more efficiently at levels that do not destroy our environment. The buzz-phrase at the Mexico Water forum is "integrated water resource management." What it means is that governments need to manage the private demand of different users and manage this precious resource in the public interest. (分数:30.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:本周,世界水论坛在墨西哥城开幕,论坛将一直持续到下周。来自政府、国际机构和非政府组织的代表们齐聚一堂,探讨全球用水遗留问题,共商未来用水大计。 会议选址墨西哥城再合适不过。墨西哥城地下蓄水层的开采速度是地下水补给速度的2倍,由此造成墨西哥城以10年50厘米的速度不断下沉,现在,这里的许多教堂出现裂隙,艺术宫日益倾斜,水管和排污管道开裂。 世界上每个地区都面临水危机,只不过表现形式不同而已。在过去30年间,印度和巴基斯坦的部分地区大肆开采地下水用于农业灌溉,致使水位下降了30米,开采成本随之升高,给当地贫苦农民的生计带来严重影响。 全球水危机的成因是什么?部分原因是实际可用水资源短缺。水不同于石油或煤炭,是一种无限可再生资源,但是可用水资源却十分有限。目前,用水增加速度是人口增速的2倍,人均可用水资源在不断减少,一些最不发达国家尤其如此。


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英语翻译二级笔译综合能力模拟试题及答案解析(7) (1/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第1题 All the students of this university have free________to the Internet via a broadband connection. A.access B.entrance C.permission D.passageway 下一题 (2/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第2题 We can find a full______of his political belief in his newly-published books. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3515695698.html,position B.exposition C.deposition D.disposition 上一题下一题 (3/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第3题 He was always finding________with his daughter′s friends. A.blame B.error C.mistake D.fault 上一题下一题 (4/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第4题 This silk has gone right ________ and we have not sold a single piece of it for weeks.

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