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2012-02-20 15:24 来源:私人博客作者:佚名



















































































When we think of green buildings, we tend to think of new ones-the kind of high-tech, solar-paneled masterpieces that make the covers of architecture magazines. But the US has more than 100 million existing homes, and it would be __1__ wasteful to tear them all down and __2__ them with greener versions. An enormous amount of energy and resources went into the construction of those houses. And it would take an average of 65 years for the __3__ carbon emissions from a new energy-efficient home to make up for the resources lost by destroying an old one. So in the broadest __4__, the greenest home is the one that has already been built. But at the same time, nearly half of US carbon emissions come from heating, cooling and __5__ our homes, offices and other buildings. "You can't deal with climate change without dealing with existing building," says Richard Moe, the president of the National Trust. With some __6__, the oldest homes tend to be the least energy-efficient. Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2000, mainly due to the tiny cracks and gaps that __7__ over time and let in more outside air. Fortunately, there are a __8__ number of relatively simple changes that can green older homes, from __9__ ones like Lincoln's Cottage to your own postwar home. And efficiency upgrades (升级) can save more than just the earth; they can help __10__ property owners from rising power costs. [A] accommodations [B] clumsy [C] doubtfully [D] exceptions [E] expand [F] historic [G] incredibly [H] powering [I] protect [J] reduced [K] replace [L] sense [M] shifted [N] supplying [O] vast


最新英语七年级英语上册选词填空专题1 一、七年级英语上册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空。 (2)It's a nice day today. Let's ________. (3)I need to buy ________ eggs for my mother. (4)Mr. Smith is very rich (富裕的). He has ________ money. (5)After reading, my brother often ________ his book ________ the desk. 【答案】(1)Look out (2)go on a picnic (3)a big basket of (4)lots of (5)put;on 【解析】【分析】lots of 许多, go on a picnic 去野餐, put… on把……放在……上面, a big basket of一大篮子……,look out当心。 .(1)句意:注意,狗向你跑过来了,根据 The dog is running towards(朝;向) you! 可知,你一定要当心,故答案是Look out。(2)句意:今天天气不错,我们去野餐吧。根据 It's a nice day today 可知,人们可以进行户外活动,所以要去野餐,故答案是go on a picnic。 (3)句意:我需要为我妈妈买一大篮子鸡蛋。从句子结构上看,空缺部分表示鸡蛋的数量,能够表示数量的是a big basket of,故答案是a big basket of。 (4)句意:史密斯先生很富有。他有很多钱,根据 Mr. Smith is very rich 可知他很富有,所以有很多钱,很多lots of,故答案是lots of。 (5)句意:读完书之后,我弟弟经常把他的书放在桌子上。所以应使用put…on,故答案是put;on。 【点评】本题考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定打配合基本句型。 2.从方框中选择正确的单词填空。 and four ________. I can walk and run with them. I have two big ________. I can see with them. I have a mouth and a ________. I can________ with my mouth. And I can smell with my nose. I


2007. 12 Section A Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. As war spreads to many corners of the globe, children sadly have been drawn into the center of conflicts. In Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Colombia, however, groups of children have been taking part in peace education 47 . The children, after learning to resolve conflicts, took on the 48 of peacemakers. The C hildren’s Movement for Peace in Colombia was even nominated (提名) for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1998. Groups of children 49 as peacemakers studied human rights and poverty issues in Colombia, eventually forming a group with five other schools in Bogota known as The School of Peace. The classroom 50 opportunities for children to replace angry, violent behaviors with 51 , peaceful ones. It is in the classroom that caring and respect for each person empowers children to take a step 52 toward becoming peacemakers. Fortunately, educators have access to many online resources that are 53 useful when helping children along the path to peace. The Y oung Peacemakers Club, started in 1992, provides a Website with resources for teachers and 54 on starting a Kindness Campaign. The World Centers of Compassion for Children International call attention to children’s rights and how to help the 55 of war. Starting a Peacemakers Club is a praiseworthy venture for a class and one that could spread to other classrooms and ideally affect the culture of the 56 school. A) acting F) especially K) projects B) assuming G) forward L) respectively C) comprehensive H) images M) role D) cooperative I) information N) technology E) entire J) offers O) victims 第一步:略读全文,确定中心 本文第一句指出As war spreads to many corners of the globe, children sadly have been drawn into the center of conflicts. 这正是文章的主题句。 第二步:阅读选项,词性分类 动词acting,assuming,offers; 名词images,information,projects,role,technology,victims 形容词comprehensive,cooperative,entire 副词especially,forward,respectively 第三步:瞻前顾后,灵活选择 大部分空缺都可以根据前后语法关系确定词性,如第47题,根据该空格后下文内容,可推断出需要填入名词projects “参加和平教育项目”;第48题,空格位于定冠词the之后,可判断此处缺少名词,took on担当战争调解人的角色,确定填入role;第50题,前后都是名词,可以判断需要填入谓语动词,且第三人称单数,只有offers符合要求;第53题修饰形容词useful,肯定需要副词,从三个副词中选一个,难度大大降低;第56题,空格位于定冠词the之后,名词school之前,可以判断此处缺少形容词作定语。 第四步:复核检查,确定结果


Every year in the first week of my English class, some students inform me that writing is too hard. They never write, unless assignments 36 it. They find the writing process 37 and difficult. How awful to be able to speak in a language but not to write in it 38 English, with its rich vocabulary. Being able to speak but not write is like living in an 39 mansion(豪宅) and never living in one small room. When I meet students who think they can’t write, I know as a teacher my 40 is to show them the rest of the rooms. My task is to build fluency while providing the opportunity inherent in any writing activity to 41 the moral and emotional development of my students. One great way to do this is by having students write in a journal in class every day. Writing ability is like strength training. Writing needs to be done 42 , just like exercise; just as muscles grow stronger with exercise, writing skills improve quickly with writing practice. I often see a rise in student confidence and 43 after only a few weeks of journal writing. Expressing oneself in writing is one of the most important skills I teach to strengthen the whole students. When my students practice journal writing, they are practicing for their future academic, political, and 44 lives. They build skills so that some day they might write a great novel, a piece of sorely needed legislation, or the perfect love letter. Every day that they write in their journals puts them a step 45 to fluency, eloquence (雄辩), and command of language . Section A 36-45 M I F E H D B J C A 2


选词填空专项练习(一) The focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease -- especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy (46) ______, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and (47) ________ to exercise. The line of thought (48) ________ in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but not eat very nutritious (有营养的) foods, who feels OK but exercises only (49) _________, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at (50) _________ for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier. The field of medicine has not traditionally (51) _________ between someone who is merely "not ill" and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body's special needs. Both types have simply been called "well." In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to (52) ________ the terms "well" and "wellness" only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise, and they make a point of monitoring (持续观察) their body's condition. More important, perhaps, people who are well take active responsibility for all matters (53) _________ to their health. "Wellness" may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by (54) ________ attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a (55) ________ impact It came as some surprise when Diana, Princess of Wales, made a trip to Angola in 1997, to support the Red Cross's (46) ___________ for a total ban on all anti-personnel landmines (地雷). Within hours of arriving in Angola, television screens around the world were filled with images of her comforting (47) ___________ injured in explosions caused by landmines. During her visit, the Princess used every opportunity to repeat the message: "We must stop landmines." But, back in London, her views were not (48) ___________ by some members of the British government, which refused to support a ban on these weapons. Angry politicians (49) ___________ an attack on the Princess in the press. They describe her as "very ill-informed" and a "loose cannon (乱放炮的人)." The Princess responded by brushing aside the criticism: "This is a (50) _________ we do not need. All I'm trying to do is help." Opposition parties, the media and the public (51) ___________ voiced their support for the Princess. To make matters worse for the government, it soon emerged that the Princess's trip had been (52) __________ by the Foreign Office, and that she was in fact very well-informed about both the situation in Angola and the British government's policy (53) ___________ landmines. The result was a severe embarrassment for the government. For the Princess, the trip to this war-torn country was an excellent opportunity to use her (54) ___________ to show the world how much (55) ___________ and suffering landmine can cause. She


第一篇 Climate change has claimed its latest victim:Limacina helicina,a planktonic,predatory(捕食的)sea snail that’s a member of the taxonomic group more(36)__________ known as sea butterflies.(The name is(37)__________ from the wing-like lobes(叶瓣)the tiny creatures use to get around.)In a study(38)__________ published in joumal Proceedings of the Royal Society B,a group of scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)and Oregon State University have fo und that the Pacific Ocean’s dec reasing pH—its acidifying(酸化),in other words-is dissolving L.helicina’s thin shells. The researchers collected sea butterfly(39)__________ from 13 sites along the Pacific coast(between Washington and southern California,going over each with a scanning electron microscope.More than half of the shells(53%)from onshore individuals(40)__________ signs of “severe dissolution damage,”while 24%of(41) __________ individuals suffered dissolution damage.The study’s(42)__________ investigator, Dr. Nina Bednarsek of NOAA,described the affected L.helicina shells as having a texture not unlike “cauliflower” or “sandpaper.” According to the paper,there was a “strong positive(43)__________ ”between the proportion of sea butterflies with severe shell dissolution damage and “the percentage of undersaturated(未达到饱和的)water ”near the ocean’s surface.The researchers conclude “shell dissolution owing to(human.caused ocean(44)_________has doubled in near shore habitats since pre.industrial conditions across this region and is on track to triple by 2050,”a truly(45)__________ prediction.Moreover, the broader implications for ecosystem are unclear, as damaged shells make it harder for L.helicina to fight infections,stay buoyant,and protect themselves from predators. A. showed B. recently C. protected D. commonly E. derived F. samples G. offshore H. principal I. noticed J. correlation K. encouraging L. seaward M. acidification N. grim O. pollution


中考选词填空、句子连贯练习2 1.依次填入下面句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是()。 ⑴对于像盲孩子一样孤单弱小的人,我们应该________他们。 ⑵________诗歌,可以让我们唤起丰富的想像,体味自然的诗意和人生的情趣。 ⑶今年5月在萨格勒布举行的第49届世乒赛上,我国运动员________,囊括了五项冠军。 A.关爱观赏所向无敌 B.爱护观赏不可一世 C.关爱欣赏所向无敌 D.爱护欣赏不可一世 2. 根据下面语境,为空格处选择合适的词语。 他的脸上呈现出悲剧,一张含蓄了许多愁苦和力量的脸;火一样()的头发,盖在他的头上,好像有生以来从未梳过;深邃的眼睛略带灰色,有一种()不可逼视的光;长而笨重的鼻子下一张紧闭的嘴,衬着略带方形的下颏,整个描绘出()无比的生的意志。 A坚忍B凝重C蓬勃 3.根据下面语境,为空格处选择合适的词语,将其序号填在横线上。 飞鸟的飞翔是轻的,而飞鸟的翅膀是重的,鸟用自己的翅膀铸就了飞翔的快乐;农人收获时的心情是(1) 的,劳作时的脚步是(2) 的,农人用沉重的脚步换来了心里的轻松;太阳的声音是(3) 的,是阳性的,把庄稼碾得越来越厚,月亮的声音是(4) 的,是阴性的,把那些阳性的喘息渐渐抚平。 A.重B.轻 4.用成语替代文中画线的句子,使语言更为简洁。 淄博作为齐国故都,聊斋故里,陶瓷名城,足球故乡,历史文化非常的久远(A)。伴随着改革的大潮,淄博经济文化的发展每天每月都有新的变化(B),淄博人以其开放的心态,实干的精神使这座历史文化名城焕发出新的生机与活力。A. B. 5.依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是() 明天,摆在我们面前的路更,我们要吗?不!“不管前面是地雷阵还是万丈深渊,我们都义无返顾,勇往直前”。“雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越”。“勇气、信心、耐心、胸怀”,我们将沿着的目标前进!A.曲折撤退既定B.曲折退缩制定 C.崎岖撤退制定D.崎岖退缩既定 6.下列句子中加点成语使用不正确的一项是() A.处于豆蔻年华的我们,对异性产生倾慕之心是生理和心理发展到这一阶段的必然结果。 B.有人说“百年修得同船渡”,是“缘”把我们连在一起;我说只有“志”才能让我们走到一起,因为我们“志道”相同,所以我们同心协力,众志成城,追求事业,成就自我。 C.作家们会用手中的笔写下生命的美好,令人向往;画家们会用手中的笔勾勒生命的美好,如诗如画;音乐家会用歌声唱出生命的美好;幽雅动人…… D.溪水西流,你要迈着沉重的步伐向东前进,你要看看东方之神叱咤风云的威武雄姿。


三年年级选词填空训练 渴望愿望期望 1、我的()是长大了当一名科学家。 2、我们多么()每人都能有一本教科书呢? 3、他们没有辜负老师的(),在比赛中取得第一名。 安静宁静 4、演出开始了,剧场渐渐()下来。 5、在这里他过着十分()的生活。 惊奇好奇 6、我怀着()的心情,去参观科普展览。 7、他的进步实在太大,令所有人都感到非常()。 皎洁洁净 8 、一轮明月悬挂在高高的夜空,()的月光洒满大地。 9 、石板小路的尽头,有一眼()的山泉。 失望愿望希望 10、我有一个美好的(),()能乘着宇宙飞船到太空遨游。 11、我()了,只好远远的望着翠鸟那美丽的身影。 辩辨变便遍 12、在这次()论赛上,他表现很出色。 13、肉眼很难分()清的。 14、学校的()化真大呀! 15、呼伦湖畔()地都是野花。 16、纸用起来比竹片方()。 象像向 17、大()的腿()四根柱子。 18、我们要()于连学习。 介绍介入 19、他()一本书给我,说内容特别感人。 20、他()一起纠纷,让自己进退两难。 获得获取 21、由于他平时努力学习,团结同学()了“三好学生”的称号。 22、他在()了足够的利润后就携款逃跑了。 震动晃动

23、小姑娘看见窗台上有一点绿色的东西在()。 24、豌豆荚()了一下,这间小房子终于要打开了。 柔和温和 25、王老师对任何一个学生的态度都是那么()。 26、()的月光洒满了大地。 语言言语 27、大自然的()到处都有,睁开眼睛就能看到。 28、他的(),深深感动了我。 提醒醒悟 29、警察叔叔()我们,在人多的时候看好自己的东西。 30、老师的一番话,是他顿时()了。 幼幻 31在小姑娘的()小心灵里有一个美丽的愿望。 32、卖火柴的小女孩()想着能有香喷喷的烤鸭吃。 优犹 33、这么()美的风景。让我们()如走进了人间仙境。练炼 34、早晨跑步可以锻()身体。 35、多()习就能熟中生巧。 发现发明发生 36、最近,在新疆地区又()了一个大油田。 37、指南针是我国的四大()之一。 38、北京市的市容()了显著的变化。


2020-2021年七年级英语上册选词填空1 一、七年级英语上册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式补全对话。 B: Well, I travelled to Beijing and spent a happy holiday. A: Great! I look forward to going to Beijing. Tell me something interesting about it. B: OK. There are a lot of ________ and modern ________ in Beijing. I visited many ________ such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace. A: I ________ about them. They are very famous. How long did you stay there? B: I spent a week staying there. A: Did you enjoy yourself? B: Yes, of course. I enjoyed not only its beautiful ________ scene, but also the delicious food. 【答案】 traditional;buildings;places of interest;heard;natural 【解析】【分析】本文是Andy去北京度假参观了几个景点的对话。 nature,自然,build,建筑,hear,听到,tradition,传统,place of interest,名胜 (1)句意:北京有很多传统的和现代的建筑物。根据 and modern 可知and前后一致,其前是形容词,根据提示词可知是traditional,形容词传统的,故填traditional。 (2)句意:北京有很多传统的和现代的建筑物。根据there are,可知主语是名词复数,根据提示词可知此处是建筑物,building,故填 buildings。 (3)句意:我参观了很多名胜例如长城、故宫和颐和园等地方。根据the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace,可知都是名胜,many修饰名词复数,故填places of interest。 (4)句意:我听说过它们。hear about,固定搭配,听说,描述过去用一般过去时,hear 的过去式是heard,故填heard。 (5)句意:我不仅喜欢它美丽的自然景色,还喜欢美味的食物。scene是名词,其前是形容词做定语,根据提示词可知natural,形容词自然的,故填natural。 【点评】考查选词填空,注意词性,时态的变化,同时熟记固定搭配。 2.从方框中选择恰当的短语补全句子。 (2)I think ________ is good for our health. (3)I only want to eat ________ for lunch today. (4)Can you ________ me ________ my Maths homework? (5)Lily often says "Good night" to her parents before she ________. (6)She wants to ________ the cinema in five minutes. 【答案】(1)get up (2)doing morning exercises


【阅读难点】选词填空题的一般解题思路 1、研读首句,判断主旨 和完型填空题相同的是,选词填空题的首句通常不设臵空格。考生可根据首句来判断文章的体裁、背景、写作意图甚至中心思想。文章首句一般对全文起概括或提示的作用,因此,研读首句对解答此题比较重要。 例如:大学英语四级考试2014年6月(第2套)“选词填空”的第一句话是:The fact is, the world has been finding less oil than it has been using for more than twenty years now.(事实上,20多年间,全球的石油勘探量比石油的实际消耗量小。) 根据这句话,我们就可以判断:石油的消耗量大于石油勘探量,那么全球的石油是供不应求的,这也是文章的主题。那么下文可能围绕石油供不应求的原因来写,也可能阐述解决此问题的措施,倡导大家解决石油问题。由此可见,把握文章脉络、掌握文章主题对解题来说极为重要。 2、通读全文,把握大意 根据各段首句及末句中的关键字迅速通读全文,从整体上把握文章大意,明确文章主题及结构层次。很多考生认为自己的英语基础水平较差,通读全文就是在浪费时间,不如直接做题,但是,通读全文能够帮助考生了解文章脉络,这对解答题目大有裨益。 通读全文,即用较快的速度阅读全文,考生可采用跳读、略读等方式来了解文章大意,掌握文章内容。注意通读的时间不能太长,一般为1分钟左右,最多不能超过1.5分钟。此处以大学英语四级考试2014年6月(第2套)“选词填空”为例进行讲解。

The fact is, the world has been finding less oil than it has been using for more than twenty years now. Not only has demand been 36 , but the oil we have been finding is coming from places that are 37 to reach. At the same time, more of this newly 38 oil is of the type that requires a greater investment to 39 . And because demand for this precious resource will grow, according to some, by over 40 percent by 2025, fueling the world’s economic 40 will take a lot more energy from every possible source. he energy industry needs to get more from existing fields while continuing to search for new 41 . Automakers must continue to improve fuel efficiency and perfect hybrid (混合动力的) vehicles. Technological improvements are needed so that wind, solar and hydrogen can be more 42 parts of the energy equation. Governments need to formulate energy policies that promote 43 and environmentally sound development. Consumers must be willing to pay for some of these solutions, while practicing conservation efforts of their own. Inaction is not an 44 . So let’s work together to balance this equation. We are taking some of the 45 needed to get started, but we need your help to go the rest of the way. 根据首句的关键字oil(石油)可判断,本文围绕“石油”展开;由“the world


一、 1、. 2、the words is also important for learning English. 3、Can you give me some good about how to learn English? 4、My sister often an English notebook to practice her writing. 5、“We get excited about something and then end up _________ in Chinese”, 6、 7、I used to like ________ and other insects. 8、Betty is ________ of snakes. 9、My grandpa enjoys _______ pictures. 10、Don,, 11、 12、I did my homework _____ 11 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/481094195.html,st night. 13、Teenagers shouldn,t get their ears _______. 14、She isn,t _______ to meet net friends alone. 15、 16、 17、When that murderer(谋杀犯)was caught ,eueryone felt ________. 18、Lisening to light music can help you _________. 19、If I ________ you ,I,d it myself. 20、 21、 22、The students are getting ready for the _________ exams. 23、I can,t go to your birthday party this Saturday evening .I have an ___________ with Mary then. 24、“Pleased” _________ “happy” , do you know? 25、 26、 27、Jack ___________ art to P.E. last term. 28、I like music ________ ix loud. 29、People like the song because it has very good _________. 30、 31、 32、What imteresting songs did you listen to ? 33、The girl ________ coat is red is my good friend Han Mei. 34、The radio is too __________ . Please turn it down a bit.

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