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the open window英文完整版
the open window英文完整版

The Open Window

By Saki (H H Munro)

In this story a very imaginative young lady of fifteen plays an amusing trick on a visitor to her aunt`s house. As you read, watch closely how smoothly she conducts herself. The story is told with a charm and grace that is characteristics of this English author (1870-1916),who commonly wrote under the pen name of Saki.

“My aunt will be down presently,Mr. Nuttel,” said a very s elf-possessed young lady of fifteen;“in the meantime you must try and put up with me.”

Framton Nuttel endeavoured to say the correct something which should duly flatter the niece of the moment without unduly discounting the aunt that was to come. Privately he doubted more than ever whether these formal visits on a succession of total strangers would do much towards helping the nerve cure which he was supposed to be undergoing.

“I know how it will be,” his sister had said when he was preparing to migrate to this rural retreat,“you will bury yourself down there and not speak to a living soul,and your nerves will be worse than ever from moping. I shall just give you letters of introduction to all the people I know there. Some of them,as far as I can remember,were quite nice.”

Framton wondered whether Mrs. Sappleton,the lady to whom he was presenting one of the letters of introduction,came into the nice division.

“Do you know many of the people round here?” asked the niece,when she judged that they had sufficient silent communion.

“Hardly a soul,” said Framton. “My sister was staying here,at the rectory you know,some four years ago,and she gave me letters of introduction to some of the people here.”

He made the last statement in a tone of distinct regret.

“Then you know practically nothing about my aunt?” pursued the

self-possessed young lady.

“Only her name and address,” admitted the caller. He was wondering whether Mrs. Sappleton was in the married or widowed state. An undefinable something about the room seemed to suggest masculine habitation.

“Her great tragedy happened just three years ago,” said the child;“that would be since your sister's time.”

“Her tragedy?” asked Framton;somehow in this restful country spot tragedies seemed out of place.

“You may wonder why we keep that window wide open on an October afternoon,” said the niece,indicating a large French window that opened on to a lawn.

“It is quite warm for the time of the year,” said Framton;“but ha s that window got anything to do with the tragedy?”

“Out through that window,three years ago to a day,her husband and her two young brothers went off for their day's shooting. They never came back. In crossing the moor to their favorite snipe-shooting ground they were all three engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog. It had been that dreadful wet summer,you know,and places that were safe in other years gave way suddenly without warning. Their bodies were never recovered. That was the

dr eadful part of it.” Here the child's voice lost its self-possessed note and became falteringly human. “Poor aunt always thinks that they will come back some day,they and the little brown spaniel that was lost with them,walk in at that window just as they used to do. That is why the window is kept open every evening till it is quite dusk. Poor dear aunt,she has often told me how they went out,her husband with his white water proof coat over his arm,and Ronnie,her youngest brother,singing 'Bertie,why do you bound?' as he always did to tease her,because she said it got on her nerves. Do you know,sometimes on still,quiet evenings like this,I almost get a creepy feeling that they will walk in through that window - ”

She broke off with a little shudder. It was a relief to Framton when the aunt bustled into the room with a whirl of apologies for being late in making her appearance.

“I hope Vera has been amusing you?” she said.

“She has been very interesting,” said Framton.

“I hope you don't mind t he open window,” said Mrs. Sappleton briskly;“My husband and brothers will be home directly from shooting,and they always come in this way. They have been out for snipe in the marshes today,so they will make a fine mess over my poor carpets. So like you menfolk,isn't it?”

She rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and the scarcity of birds,and the prospects for duck in the winter. To Framton it was all purely horrible. He made a desperate but only partially successful effort to turn the talk on to a

less ghastly topic;he was conscious that his hostess was giving him only a fragment of her attention and her eyes were constantly straying past him to the open window and the lawn beyond. It was certainly an unfortunate coincidence that he should have paid his visit on this tragic anniversary.

“The doctors agree in ordering me complete rest,an absence of mental excitement,and avoidance of anything in the nature of violent physical exercise,” announced Framton,who laboured under the tolerably

wide-spread delusion that total strangers and chance acquaintances are hungry for the least detail of one's ailments and infirmities,their cause and cure. “On the matter of diet they are not so much in agreement,” he continued.

“No?” said Mrs. Sappleton,in a voice which only replaced a yawn at the last moment. Then she suddenly brightened into alert attention - but not to what Framton was saying.

“Here they are at last!” she cried. “Just in time for tea,and don't they look as if they were muddy up to the eyes!”

Framton shivered slightly and turned towards the niece with a look intended to convey sympathetic comprehension. The child was staring out through the open window with dazed horror in her eyes. In a chill shock of nameless fear Framton swung round in his seat and looked in the same direction.

In the deepening twilight three figures were walking across the lawn towards the window;they all carried guns under their arms,and one of them was additionally burdened with a white coat hung over his shoulders. A tired brown spaniel kept close at their heels. Noiselessly they neared the house,and then a hoarse young voice chanted out of the dusk:“I said,Bertie,why do you bound?”

Framton grabbed wildly at his stick and hat;the hall-door,the

gravel-drive,and the front gate were dimly noted stages in his headlong retreat. A cyclist coming along the road had to run into the hedge to avoid (an) imminent collision.

“Here we are,my dear,” said the bearer of the white mackintosh coming in through the window;“fairly muddy,but most of it's dry. Who was that who bolted out as we came up?”

“A most extraordinary man,a Mr. Nuttel,” said Mrs. Sappleton;“could only talk about his illnesses,and dashed off without a word of good-bye or apology when you arrived. One would think he had seen a ghost.”

“I expect it was the spaniel,” said the niece calmly;“he told me he had a horror of dogs. He was once hunted into a cemetery somewhere on the banks of the Ganges by a pack of pariah dogs,and had to spend the night in a newly dug grave with the creatures snarling and grinning and foaming just above him. Enough to make any one lose their nerve.”

Romance at short notice was her specialty.

the open window 中文版

The Open Window “努特尔先生,我婶婶很快就回来了,”一个颇自负的十五岁小姑娘说道,“那时候您可得多包涵点。” 弗兰顿.努特尔设法说上几句阿谀的话,恭维一下这位侄女和那位很快就回家的婶婶。他越来越疑心,对这么一大群毫不相识的人作正式拜访,于他的正在治疗的神经病究竟有何益处? 当他做好准备到乡下去时,姐姐对他说:“我看,你要是老不合群,不跟人打交道,整天在家郁闷,病情会越来越严重。我写封信,给你带去,和那边我的熟人认识。我记得他们当中有不少热情的好人。” 弗兰顿想:萨伯莱顿夫人——就是他正在拜访的这位女主人——是不是也在“好人”之列呢? 小侄女觉得他们静坐太久了,于是打破沉默,问道:“这儿的人您认识多不多?” “几乎没一个,”弗兰顿道,“我姐姐在邻近的教区长家里住过,那可能是四年前的事情。她给我信,让我和这儿的人认识。” 说完,他不可掩饰地流露出后悔的心情。 “这么说,您一点也不知道我婶婶的事啦?”自负的少女又问道。 弗兰顿承认:“我只知道她的名字和地址。”他不知道萨伯莱顿的丈夫是否还健在,但屋子里的摆设使他觉得夫人不可能是个寡妇。 “她有个大大的悲剧,发生在三年前,”女孩说,“那时候您姐姐已经搬走了。” “大悲剧?”弗兰顿反问。在这个幽寂僻静的小乡村,“悲剧”一词根本不可思议。 “您不觉得奇怪,为啥这样冷的十月天气,下午我们还把窗户敞开着?”侄女手指向一扇开向草坪的巨大落地玻璃窗。 “是啊。这时节,天气已经有点凉意了,”弗兰顿道,“但这窗户跟你婶婶的悲剧有什么关系呢?” “刚好是三年前的今天,她丈夫和两个弟弟从这窗户前走过,去打猎。他们再也没有回来。在穿过沼泽地到他们最中意的水鹭狩猎场时,三个人被一片险恶的泥沼吞没了。您知道吗,那个阴雨连绵的可恶的夏天,林子里原先安全的道路神不知鬼不觉陷进了泥沼。时至今日,三个人的尸体还没找到,真可怕!” 讲到这,姑娘的声音不再像原来那么平静安详了,她支支唔唔地说: “可怜的婶婶还一直认为他们有一天会回来,他们三个和一条棕色小长耳狗——它也不见了——就像以往那样,从这扇窗户走过。就为这,每天傍晚窗户都开着,一直开到天黑得见不着人面。可怜的婶婶,她老是对我讲起他们是怎样走出去的。丈夫臂上搭着一件白色的雨衣,最小的弟弟隆尼,哼着一支歌‘噢,伯特利,你为何蹦蹦跳跳?’。他总是这样拿她开心,因为婶婶说过,这支歌令她心神不安。你知道吗?有时候,比如说像现在这样安宁寂寞的傍晚,一想到他们随时会从那窗户走进来,我就浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。” 她停了,打了个冷颤,弗兰顿也不觉一哆嗦。


农田水利学课程考试试题及答案 姓名年级专业学号 一、名词解释(每小题2分共10分) 1.灌水率: 2.排涝模数: 3.平均排除法: 4.(排涝计算中的)设计内水位: 5.容泄区: 二.选择题(共10分) 1.灌溉设计标准是反映灌区效益达到某一水平的一个重要技术指标,一般以( )与( )表示? A、灌溉设计保证率、抗旱天数。 B、水文年型、降水量。 C、设计灌溉用水量全部获得满足的年数、抗旱天数。 D、水源来水量、灌区需水量。 2.什么叫田间渠系的灌排相邻布置?() A、灌溉渠道与排水沟道的规划布置。 B、田间各级渠道规划布置的形式。 C、田间灌排渠系并行相邻的布置形式。 D、田间灌排渠系交错的布置形式。

3.渠道的输水损失包括以下四个部分:() A、干渠、支渠、斗渠及农渠等四级渠道的水量损失。 B、渠床土质、地下水埋深、渠道的工作制度及输水时间。 C、自由渗流、顶托渗流、渠床土质、与渠道的工作制度等。 D、渠道水面蒸发损失、渠床渗漏损失、闸门漏水与渠道退水等。 4.什么叫渠道水的利用系数?() A、灌溉渠系的净流量与毛流量的比值。 B、某一级渠道的净流量与毛流量的比值。 C、田间实际灌入的有效水量与末级渠道的供水量之比。 D、实际灌入农田的有效水量和渠首引入的水量之比。 5.在渠道规划设计中,渠道最小流量有何作用?() A、用以校核对下一级渠道的水位控制条件。 B、用以校核渠道不淤条件。 C、用以确定修建节制闸的位置。 D、用以校核对下一级渠道的水位控制条件和确定修建节制闸的位置,并按最小流量验算渠道不淤条件。 6.什么叫雨水径流集蓄灌溉工程?() A、导引、收集雨水径流,并把它蓄存起来加以有效灌溉利用的工程技术措施。 B、田面、坡面、路面及屋面庭院等各类集水工程。

适合中学生阅读的英文小说 The open window 英汉对照

适合中学生阅读的英文小说 The Open Window 英汉对照 by H.H. Munro (SAKI) "My aunt will be down presently, Mr. Nuttel," said a very self-possessed young lady of fifteen; "in the meantime you must try and put up with me."Framton Nuttel endeavored to say the correct something which should duly flatter the niece of the moment without unduly discounting the aunt that was to come. Privately he doubted more than ever whether these formal visits on a succession of total strangers would do much towards helping the nerve cure which he was supposed to be undergoing "I know how it will be," his sister had said when he was preparing to migrate to this rural retreat; "you will bury yourself down there and not speak to a living soul, and your nerves will be worse than ever from moping. I shall just give you letters of introduction to all the people I know there. Some of them, as far as I can remember, were quite nice." Framton wondered whether Mrs. Sappleton, the lady to whom he was presenting one of the letters of introduction came into the nice division. "Do you know many of the people round here?" asked the niece, when she judged that they had had sufficient silent communion. "Hardly a soul," said Framton. "My sister was staying here, at the rectory, you know, some four years ago, and she gave me letters of introduction to some of the people here." He made the last statement in a tone of distinct regret. "Then you know practically nothing about my aunt?" pursued the self-possessed young lady. "Only her name and address," admitted the caller. He was wondering whether Mrs. Sappleton was in the married or widowed state. An undefinable something about the room seemed to suggest masculine habitation.

the open window中文翻译 以及作者介绍

“家姑母马上就要下来了,纳特尔先生。”一位故作深沉的十五岁的小女士道:“在此期间您得暂时忍耐我了。”弗拉姆顿.纳特尔尽力想说几句得体的话,即能适时恭维了眼前的侄女有得提防止怠慢了就要登场的姑母。私下里他却比平常更加怀疑这种接连不断的正式拜访完全陌生之人对他正在进行的镇定神经的治疗是否有益。 “我知道是怎么回事。”他姐姐在他准备隐居乡里的时对他道:“你会把自己完全埋起来,不跟一个活人讲话,你的神经会因为闷闷不乐而更加糟糕。我会多写几封信,将你介绍给我在当地认识的所有人,我记的有几个人相当不错的。” 弗拉姆顿在想,眼下他已经呈上一封介绍信的这位萨普尔顿太太是否属于不错的阵营。 “这一带您认识的人很多吗?” “我几乎谁都不认识。”弗拉姆顿道。“家姊四年前曾在这儿小住,住在教区长公馆,您知道,她给了我几封写给这里一些人的引见信。” 他的最后一句话带上了明显的悔恨语气. “这么说来您实际上对家姑母一无所知了?”这位颇为自持的年轻女士道. “只知道她的姓名和住址。”拜访者承认道。他在捉摸萨普而顿太太是已婚呢还是寡居。房间里某种无以名状的气氛让人觉得逐个该是个男性的居所. “她的重大悲剧就发生在三年前,”侄女道:“应该是令姊离开之后的事了。”“她的悲剧?”弗拉姆顿问,在这个宁静的乡居之地,似乎绝无发生什么悲剧的可能。 “您也许会想,十月天的午后温暖干吗还要把那扇窗户大开着。”侄女道,指向一扇开往草坪的巨大法式窗户。 “虽然已是十月天了,今年倒还暖和,”弗拉姆顿道:“不过听您这么说,那扇窗难道跟您提到的悲剧有关?”“三年前的一天,她丈夫和她的两个幼弟就是通过那扇窗户出去打猎的。他们在也没有回来。经过那片沼泽地到他们喜欢猎

the open window 赏析

本科生课程大作业 课程名称:英国短篇小说赏 析 开课时间:2014年秋 任课教师: 学生姓名: 学生学号: 提交日期:2014-11-10

The Open Window The author is Hector Hugh Munro, whose pen name is Saki. Saki is an excellent author and playwright. The scholars always compare him to O Henry. The stories of Saki are very short, usually about five hundred. But readers enjoy a lot about his vivid plot, humorous words and extraordinary description of characters. Being similar with O Henry, Saki is famous for his bedding, the unexpected end and an amazing suspense. The Open Window is outstanding in above features. The whole story is only approximately 1,000 words while the vivid plot and highly logic structure bring us a delicious breast. Apart from his wonderful description, the subtle feeling of irony in the story is also worth analyzing. That’s also the reason I like this short story. The niece, Vera first in the story employs the ghost as the hook or suspense, which draw the attention of Mr.Nuttle immediately. Framton Nuttle is a slightly nervous person who is undergoing a nerve cure. His sister introduced him to visit Mrs. Sappleton in anther town to take a rest. The Vera actually leads the whole conversation. Then Vera tells a few words about the tragedy of Mrs. Sammpleton and takes the French window into Mr. Nuttle’s eyes. In her statement, she emphasizes the tragedy just 3 years ago , which is because that Mr. Nuttle’s aunt lived there 4 years ago. The hook is so great and captivated. In England, an October day was a little cold especially in the evening, nearly below 0 Celsius. But the window is still open. It is abnormal for Mr.Nuttle. The whole suspense is so successful for the Mr.Nuttle who is curious about the open window and asks the reason. Next, Vera has the chance to continue her lie and tell Mr.Nuttle that Mrs Sammpleton believes that her husband and her brothers, who were killed in a shooting accident three years before, will come back one day. In this sense, if her husband and brothers are back, they must be the ghosts. To make Vera herself more trustful, Vera shows her excellent play. When Mrs Sammpleton points out that her husband and her brothers are coming, Mr.Nuttle sees the facial look of Vera and look out of the window. Vera “was staring out through the open window with a dazed horror in her eyes”. The facial look of Vera is appealing and creating a horror atmosphere. There must be something unusual thing happening. To Mr.Nuttle’s horror, he thinks he is seeing ghosts and running away. Vera employs all the normal elements to establish the ghost story which successfully make the nervous Mr.Nuttle get away. But the end is different from the ghost story and also reasoning in logic. There is no ghost actually. It is only the tricks by Vera. And it is the ghosts in Mr.Nuttle’s mind that tease himself. However, the short novel is more than telling a wonderful story. The unnecessary and over-elaborate formalities in society is also an irony. On this point, we need to focus back to Saki’s life experience. Saki was brought up by his two aunts who flatter their status and emphasize on rituals only, without loving and mercy actually. In their mind, being a good manner, obeying the law and to be polite kid is better than one with fair sole, mercy, loving and tolerance. Undergoing the parenting by aunts, Saki had experienced a bored childhood. On this


农田水利学课程考试试题及答案 姓名 年级 专业 学号 一、名词解释(每小题 2 分 共 10 分) 1. 灌水率: 2. 排涝模数: 3. 平均排除法: 4. (排涝计算中的)设计内水位: 5. 容泄区: 二.选择题(共 10 分) 1. 灌溉设计标准是反映灌区效益达到某一水平的一个重要技术指标,一般以 ( )与 ( )表示? A 、灌溉设计保证率、抗旱天数。 B 、水文年型、降水量。 C 、设计灌溉用水量全部获得满足的年数、抗旱天数。 D 、水源来水量、灌区需水量。 2. 什么叫田间渠系的灌排相邻布置? ( ) 3. 渠道的输水损失包括以下四个部分: ( ) A 、干渠、支渠、斗渠及农渠等四级渠道的水量损失。 B 、渠床土质、地下水埋深、渠道的工作制度及输水时间。 C 、自由渗流、顶托渗流、渠床土质、与渠道的工作制度等。 D 、渠道水面蒸发损失、渠床渗漏损失、闸门漏水与渠道退水等。 4. 什么叫渠道水的利用系数? ( ) A 、灌溉渠系的净流量与毛流量的比值。 B 、某一级渠道的净流量与毛流量的比值。 C 、田间实际灌入的有效水量与末级渠道的供水量之比。 D 、实际灌入农田的有效水量和渠首引入的水量之比。 5. 在渠道规划设计中,渠道最小流量有何作用? ( ) A 、用以校核对下一级渠道的水位控制条件。 A 、灌溉渠道与排水沟道的规划布置。 B 、田间各级渠道规划布置的形 式。

B、用以校核渠道不淤条件。 C、用以确定修建节制闸的位置。 D、用以校核对下一级渠道的水位控制条件和确定修建节制闸的位置,并按最小流量验算渠道不淤条件。 6.什么叫雨水径流集蓄灌溉工程?() A 、导引、收集雨水径流,并把它蓄存起来加以有效灌溉利用的工程技术措施。 B、田面、坡面、路面及屋面庭院等各类集水工程。 C、各类形式的水窖、水窑窖等蓄水工程。 D、各类最为有效节水的灌溉方式。 7.集流面的处理主要包括哪三类方法?() A 、采用混凝土、水泥土、三七灰土进行表面处理。 B、采用塑料薄膜、或塑膜复沥青、复草泥。 C、植被管理;地表处理;化学处理。 D、采用钠盐、硅有机树脂及粗石蜡等化学处理方法。 8.蓄水工程有哪几种主要的类型?() A 、引水渠沟或管道、入水口、拦污栅、沉沙槽、蓄水设施以及放水装置等。 B、涝池、旱井、田间蓄水池、水窖、水窑窖等。 C、引水渠、蓄水窑洞与放水暗管与放水暗渠。 D 、沉沙池、进水管、水窖等。 9.什么叫续灌方式?() A 、类似于自来水管道可随机用水的供水方式。 B、输配水管道进行输水、配水和灌水的方式。 C、是指上一级管道按预先划分好的轮灌组分组向下一级管道配水的方式。 D 、是指上一级管道向所有的下一级管道同时配水的方式。 10.什么叫集水效率?() A 、降水特征(次降雨量、降雨强度)和集水面质地、坡度、前期含水量与集水面尺寸。 B、集水面的处理材料、集水面积、集流路径和汇流时间。 C、随降水强度的增大而提高。 D、某时段内或某次降雨集水面的集水量占同一时期内的降雨量的比值。 三、简答题(每题6分,共30分) 1.四种地表取水方式的使用条件


农田水利学课程考试试题 姓名年级专业学号 一、名词解释(每小题2分共10分) 1、渠道设计流量: 2、灌溉水利用系数: 3、最小流量: 4、田间净流量:: 5、不冲流速: 二.单向选择题(共10分) 1.地下水临界深度是指? () A、地下水埋藏深度。 B、在一定的自然条件和农业技术措施条件下,为了保证土壤不产生渍害,所要求保持的地下水最小埋深。 C、在一定的自然条件和农业技术措施条件下,为了保证土壤不产生盐碱化和作物不受盐害,所要求保持的地下水最小埋深。 D、在一定的自然条件和农业技术措施条件下,为了保证土壤不产生盐碱化和作物不受盐害,所要求保持的地下水最大埋深。 2.对于控制一定地下水位要求的农田排水系统,下列哪种说法是正确的?() A、在同一排水沟深度的情况下,排水沟的间距愈大,地下水位下降速度愈快,在一定时间内地下水位的下降值愈大,在规定时间内地下水位的下降值也愈大。 B、在允许的时间内要求达到的地下水埋藏深度ΔH一定时,排水沟的间距愈大,需要的深度也愈大。 C、在允许的时间内要求达到的地下水埋藏深度ΔH一定时,排水沟的间距愈小,需要的深度也愈大。 D、在同一排水沟间距的情况下,排水沟的深度愈小,地下水位下降速度愈快,在一定时间内地下水位的下降值愈大,在规定时间内地下水位的下降值也愈大。

3.设计排涝标准时,需选择发生一定重现期的暴雨,一般选择标准是?() A、1-5年。 B、5-10年。 C、10-15年。 D、15-20年。 4.对渍害最不敏感的作物是?() A、小麦; B、玉米; C、高粱; D、水稻。 5.特别适宜防治土壤次生盐碱化的农田排水方式是?() A、明沟排水; B、竖井排水; C、暗管排水; D、暗沟排水。 6.在进行排水沟设计时,用来校核排水沟的最小流速的设计流量是?() A、排涝设计流量; B、排渍设计流量; C、日常排水设计流量; D、排涝模数。 7.农田长期渍水不会造成下列后果? A、土壤的透气性很差。 B、土层都处于强烈的氧化状态。 C、利于硫化氢等硫化物的形成,对作物根系产生永久性伤害。 D、有机质矿化程度低,分解释放的有效养分少,不能满足作物生长的需要。 8.防治土壤盐碱化的水利技术不包括?() A、明沟排水 B、井灌井排 C、灌水冲洗 D、放淤改良 9.什么叫计划用水?() A、灌溉水量的分配方法。 B、就是按作物的需水要求与灌溉水源的供水情况,结合渠系工程状况,有计划地蓄水、引水、配水与灌水。 C、是指灌溉水在灌区各级渠系调配、管理的方式。 D、是指灌溉水通过各级渠道流入田间的方法。 10.灌区用水计划一般来说有哪四种主要类型?() A、水源引水计划、渠系配水计划与田间的用水计划等。 B、水权集中、统筹兼顾、分级管理、均衡受益。 C、年度轮廓用水计划、某灌季全渠系用水计划、干支渠段用水计划及用水单位的用水计划。 D、上下结合、分级编制,统一调度、联合运用。

the open window英文完整版

The Open Window By Saki (H H Munro) In this story a very imaginative young lady of fifteen plays an amusing trick on a visitor to her aunt`s house. As you read, watch closely how smoothly she conducts herself. The story is told with a charm and grace that is characteristics of this English author (1870-1916),who commonly wrote under the pen name of Saki. “My aunt will be down presently,Mr. Nuttel,” said a very s elf-possessed young lady of fifteen;“in the meantime you must try and put up with me.” Framton Nuttel endeavoured to say the correct something which should duly flatter the niece of the moment without unduly discounting the aunt that was to come. Privately he doubted more than ever whether these formal visits on a succession of total strangers would do much towards helping the nerve cure which he was supposed to be undergoing. “I know how it will be,” his sister had said when he was preparing to migrate to this rural retreat,“you will bury yourself down there and not speak to a living soul,and your nerves will be worse than ever from moping. I shall just give you letters of introduction to all the people I know there. Some of them,as far as I can remember,were quite nice.” Framton wondered whether Mrs. Sappleton,the lady to whom he was presenting one of the letters of introduction,came into the nice division. “Do you know many of the people round here?” asked the niece,when she judged that they had sufficient silent communion. “Hardly a soul,” said Framton. “My sister was staying here,at the rectory you know,some four years ago,and she gave me letters of introduction to some of the people here.” He made the last statement in a tone of distinct regret. “Then you know practically nothing about my aunt?” pursued the self-possessed young lady. “Only her name and address,” admitted the caller. He was wondering whether Mrs. Sappleton was in the married or widowed state. An undefinable something about the room seemed to suggest masculine habitation. “Her great tragedy happened just three years ago,” said the child;“that would be since your sister's time.”


农田水利学计算题 1、某小型灌区作物单一为葡萄,某次灌水有600亩需灌水,灌水定额为25m 3/亩,灌区灌溉水利用系数为0.75,试计算该次灌水的净灌溉用水量和毛灌溉用水量。 解:W 毛=MA/η水=25*600/0.75=20000(m3) W 净=MA=25*600=15000(m3) 2、某灌区A =0.2万亩,A 蔬菜=0.16万亩,A 花卉=0.04万亩,m 蔬菜=20m 3/亩,m 花卉=15m 3/亩。求综合净灌水定额m 综及净灌溉用水量。 解:m 综=α1m 1+α2m 2=0.8*20+0.2*15=16+3=19(m3/亩) W=m 综*A=19*2000=38000(m3) 3、某小型提水灌区,作物均为果树,面积1000亩,用水高峰期最大灌水定额为25m3/亩,灌溉水利用系数为0.75,灌水延续4天,每天灌水20小时。试计算水泵设计流量。 解:Q 设= =25*1000/(3600*20*4*0.75)=0.12(m3/s ) 4、已知苏南某圩区,F=3.8Km2,其中旱地占20%,水田占80%。水田日耗水e=5mm/d ,水田滞蓄30mm ,旱地径流系数为0.6 。排涝标准采用1日暴雨200mm ,2天排除,水泵每天工作时间22小时。试求泵站设计排涝流量Q 和综合设计排涝模数q 。 解:R 水田=P-h 田蓄-eT=200-30-5*2=160(mm ) 水ηTt A m t T W Q k j j ij i i i 360036001∑==??=

R旱田=αP=0.6*200=120(mm) ∴Q=(R水田F水田+R旱田F旱田)/3.6Tt =(160*3.8*0.8+120*3.8*0.2)/3.6*2*22 =3.65(m3/s) ∴q =Q/F=3.65/3.8=0.96(m3/km2) 5、冬小麦播前土壤最大计划湿润层深度为0.6m,土壤平均孔隙率42.5%(占土壤体积百分比),土壤田间持水率为70%(孔隙百分比)。播前土壤含水率为45.0%(孔隙百分比)。计算冬小麦的播前灌水定额。解:M=667Hn(θmax-θ0)=667*0.6*0.425*(0.7-0.45) =42.5(m3/亩) 6、已知某渠系如图1-4-3所示,干、支渠采用续灌,设计灌水率q=0.78m3/(s·万亩),一支灌溉面积为2万亩,二支灌溉面积为2.4万亩,三支灌溉面积2.5万亩,支渠的灌溉水利用系数为0.82,干渠渠道水利用系数0.9。 【要求】 (1)计算各支渠设计流量; (2)计算干渠设计流量和灌区灌溉水利用系数。 解:(1)Q1=qA1/η支水=0.78*2/0.82=1.90(m3/s) Q2=qA2/η支水=0.78*2.4/0.82=2.28(m3/s) Q3=qA3/η支水=0.78*2.5/0.82=2.38(m3/s) (2)η水=η支水*η干=0.82*0.9=0.74 7、1)下图渠系干、支渠续灌


河海大学2002年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 名称:农田水利学 一:名词解释(每小题4分) 1、作物需水量 2、喷灌强度 3、灌溉水利用系数 4、作物水分生产函数 5、排渍水位 6、排水承泄区 二、判断题(每小题2分,共20分) 1、土壤中的毛管水是不能被植物根系吸收利用的水分() 2、灌水定额是灌区的单位面积在单位时间内的灌水量() 3、水库取水方式适用于河道水位和流量都满足灌溉引水要求的情况() 4、规划固定式喷灌系统时,支管轮灌方式是否合理对于管的设计流量有显著影响() 5、设计灌溉渠道时,如果糙率系数取值偏小,就会使渠道断面偏小,从而影响渠道过水能力() 6、田间排水沟的间距取决于土壤性质和排水要求,和排水沟的深度无关() 7、排渍模数是排水渠单位面积的排渍流量() 8、灌溉渠道实行轮灌的主要目的在于减少渠道渗漏损失() 9、喷灌工程不适用于地面坡度变化复杂的农田使用() 10、用平均排出法计算的排涝设计流量比可能出现的排涝设计流量偏大() 三、问答题(每小题8分,共40分) 1、灌溉渠道的设计流量、加大流量、最小流量在渠道设计中各有什么用途? 2、排水沟道系统的规划布置要考虑哪些原则? 3、局部灌溉包括哪些类型?渠道衬砌有何优缺点? 4、渠道的水量损失包括哪些方面?渠道衬砌有何优缺点? 5、灌溉管道系统的工作制度包括哪些内容?各自的适用条件是什么? 河海大学2001年攻读硕士学位入学考试试题 名称:农田水利学 一:名词解释(每小题三分) 1. 凋萎系数2、作物需水量3、灌溉设计保证率 4、灌溉制度5、日常水位6、排水承泻区7、排渍模数8、轮灌 二、判断题(每小题而分) 对以下概念,你认为正确的在括号内填“+”号,你认为错误的在括号内填“-”号。 1、土壤中的吸湿水是可以被作物根系吸收利用的水分() 2、鉴定土壤水分对作物生长是否有效的主要标志是土壤含水量() 3、制定作物灌溉制度的基本原理是水量平衡() 4、从河道引水灌溉时,如果河道流量大于灌溉引水流量,但枯水期水位偏低,饮水不足,应修筑水库调节径流() 5、设计灌溉渠道时,如果糙率系数取值偏小,就会失渠道断面过大而增加工程量() 6、上层滞水是停留在包气带土壤中的重力水() 7、地下水的流量、流速、水位等运动要素随时间而变化的运动叫做地下水非稳定流动() 8、田间排水沟的间距取决于土壤性质和排水要求,与排水沟深度无关() 9、制定旱作物灌溉制度是作物地下水利用量指的是地面以下土层的储水量() 10、用平均排出法计算的排涝设计流量比可能出现的排涝设计流量偏大() 三、问答题(每小题6分)


t h e-o p e n-w i n d o w- 中文版

The Open Window “努特尔先生,我婶婶很快就回来了,”一个颇自负的十五岁小姑娘说道,“那时候您可得多包涵点。” 弗兰顿.努特尔设法说上几句阿谀的话,恭维一下这位侄女和那位很快就回家的婶婶。他越来越疑心,对这么一大群毫不相识的人作正式拜访,于他的正在治疗的神经病究竟有何益处? 当他做好准备到乡下去时,姐姐对他说:“我看,你要是老不合群,不跟人打交道,整天在家郁闷,病情会越来越严重。我写封信,给你带去,和那边我的熟人认识。我记得他们当中有不少热情的好人。” 弗兰顿想:萨伯莱顿夫人——就是他正在拜访的这位女主人——是不是也在“好人”之列呢? 小侄女觉得他们静坐太久了,于是打破沉默,问道:“这儿的人您认识多不多?” “几乎没一个,”弗兰顿道,“我姐姐在邻近的教区长家里住过,那可能是四年前的事情。她给我信,让我和这儿的人认识。” 说完,他不可掩饰地流露出后悔的心情。 “这么说,您一点也不知道我婶婶的事啦?”自负的少女又问道。 弗兰顿承认:“我只知道她的名字和地址。”他不知道萨伯莱顿的丈夫是否还健在,但屋子里的摆设使他觉得夫人不可能是个寡妇。

“她有个大大的悲剧,发生在三年前,”女孩说,“那时候您姐姐已经搬走了。” “大悲剧?”弗兰顿反问。在这个幽寂僻静的小乡村,“悲剧”一词根本不可思议。 “您不觉得奇怪,为啥这样冷的十月天气,下午我们还把窗户敞开着?”侄女手指向一扇开向草坪的巨大落地玻璃窗。 “是啊。这时节,天气已经有点凉意了,”弗兰顿道,“但这窗户跟你婶婶的悲剧有什么关系呢?” “刚好是三年前的今天,她丈夫和两个弟弟从这窗户前走过,去打猎。他们再也没有回来。在穿过沼泽地到他们最中意的水鹭狩猎场时,三个人被一片险恶的泥沼吞没了。您知道吗,那个阴雨连绵的可恶的夏天,林子里原先安全的道路神不知鬼不觉陷进了泥沼。时至今日,三个人的尸体还没找到,真可怕!”讲到这,姑娘的声音不再像原来那么平静安详了,她支支唔唔地说: “可怜的婶婶还一直认为他们有一天会回来,他们三个和一条棕色小长耳狗——它也不见了——就像以往那样,从这扇窗户走过。就为这,每天傍晚窗户都开着,一直开到天黑得见不着人面。可怜的婶婶,她老是对我讲起他们是怎样走出去的。丈夫臂上搭着一件白色的雨衣,最小的弟弟隆尼,哼着一支歌‘噢,伯特利,你为何蹦蹦跳跳?’。他总是这样拿她开心,因为婶婶说过,这支歌令她心神不安。你知道吗?有时候,比如说像现在这样安宁寂寞的傍晚,一想到他们随时会从那窗户走进来,我就浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。” 她停了,打了个冷颤,弗兰顿也不觉一哆嗦。


本文由我司收集整编,推荐下载,如有疑问,请与我司联系 window.open打开弹出而不是窗口 window.open打开弹出而不是窗口- 行为不一致[英]window.open opens pop up and not window - behavior inconsistent In my javascript code I am using the window.open method and the behavior is totally inconsistent: depending on the way I write the code it will either open a new tab or open a pop up window (which is blocked by the pop up blocker). I don’t know how to work around it thanks for your help. The html code: ?在我的javascript代码中,我使用window.open方法并且行为完全不一致:根据我编写代码的方式,它将打开一个新选项卡或打开一个弹出窗口(被弹出窗口阻止程序阻止) 。由于你的帮助,我不知道如何解决它。HTML代码: a target=“_blank” Visualiser /a The javascript code: ?javascript代码: function quoteVisu(){ quoteCreate(1); quoteCreate is a method with an AJAX call ?quoteCreate是一个带有AJAX调用的方法 function quoteCreate(num_function){ var request=$.ajax({ url: url_up, type: “POST”, beforeSend: function(xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader(‘X-CSRF-Token’, $(‘meta[name=“csrf-token”]’).attr(‘content’))}, data: {q_param: { title: title, total: total, list: list, client: idclient, tax_rate: tax_rate success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (num_function==1){request.done(goShow(data.quote_id))}; if (num_function==0){request.done(goBack());} dataType: “json”return true; and the goShow method: ?和goShow方法: ?function goShow(quote_id) { var url_visu=“/visu_pdf/quote_visu.”+quote_id window.open(url_visu, ‘_blank’); return true; The code above gives a pop up window which is not the behavior expected. If I put the window.open in the quoteVisu method for example I will have a tab open and not a pop up which is what I want. But if I put it there I don’t have the answer from the JSON which is needed for the new window url.

考试科目:05级英文写作 考试时间:120分钟 试卷总分100分

(20%) 1. simile 2. metaphor 3. personification 4.metonymy 5. synecdoche 6. euphemism 7. irony 8. overstatement 9. transferred epithet 10. oxymoron 11.alliteration 1.I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ( ) 2.When the news of the failure came, all his friends said that it was a victorious defeat. ( ) 3.On hearing that he had been admitted to that famous university, he whispered to himself, “I’m the luckiest man in the world. ( ) 4.The picture of those poor people’s lives was carved so sharply in his heart that he could never forget it. ( ) 5.The assistant kept a respectful distance from his boss when they were walking in the corridor. ( ) 6.He is not the man who lets his heart rule his head. ( ) 7.No eye saw him, but a second later every ear heard a gunshot. ( ) 8.The front garden was a gravel square; four shrubs stood at each corner, where they struggled to survive the dust, and fume from a busy main road. ( ) 9.The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is natural manure. ( ) 10.My handwriting looks as if a swarm of ants, escaping from an ink bottle, had walked over a sheet of paper without wiping their legs. ( ) II.Error Correction. (20%) Directions: examine the following sentences carefully and decide if they are correctly written. If there is error in the sentence, correct them. 1.It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields. 2.Du Fu was one of the greatest poets. 英语系出题教师:庞宝坤、梁玉系(部、中心、教研室)主任:张文英

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