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在指导学生复习教材时,要全面整合,包括句型、课文、词汇、语法等等,对相关知识点要广泛的联系,以care为例,可以复习care的形容词careful、副词carefully、及其比较级more careful /carefully。 最高级 most careful/carefully;同时我们进行形容词的全面复习。此外,通过分类来进行,如:交通工具类: bus, car, boat, ship, taxi, plane, train, jeep, motorcar, bicycle, run car, airplane 国家类:China, America, Egypt, Brazil, South Korea, North Korea, Poland, New Zealand, Japan, France, England, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Holland, Vietnam, India, Italy, Greece, Mexico, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Spain, German, Switzerland, Thailand, Greece, South Africa

身体部位:head, foot, leg, tooth, hand, ear, eye, nose, mouth, face, arm, back, neck, stomach, throat, heart, knee, finger, toe, body, hair, beard, elbow,

服饰类:scarf, belt, sneakers, wallet, earring, hat, jeans, watch, straw hat, ring, skate shoes, backpack, tie, bag, pants, socks, dress, coat, shirt, T-shirt, skirt, shorts, sweater, shoes, uniform, jacket, earring, hair

场所类:club, restaurant, store, supermarket, museum, school, library, hotel, auditorium, pool, post office, bank, park, zoo, market, garden, hospital, TV Station, Police station, beach, cinema, church, factory, farm, shop, theater, aquarium, college, dining room, barber shop, gymnasium, gallery,

drugstore, laboratory, mall, plaza, store, video

颜色类: red, black, green, white, yellow, orange, brown, gray, pink, blond, blue, purple,

学习用品类:pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, paper, pencil-box, ink, notebook, dictionary, sharpener, schoolbag, backpack, textbook, flashcard

动物类:sheep, horse, monkey, dolphin, panda, tiger, fox, snake, rabbit, lion, shark, goat, dog, cock, hen, chicken, duck, elephant, camel, bird, wolf, polar bear, giraffe, koala, penguin, camel, seal, rabbit, octopus, kangaroo, parrot, turtle, ant, mouse, spider, , goldfish,

时 间 : January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December,

spring, summer, autumn, winter Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday , Morning, afternoon, noon, evening, night, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, Century

职 业:doctor, nurse, vet, policeman, policewoman, engineer, worker, farmer, reporter, teacher, inventor, scientist, driver, headmaster, player, singer, dancer, actor, actress, guide, waiter, waitress, assistant, boss, businessman, psychologist, author, writer, photographer, musician, guide, violinist, pianist, coach, clerk, sales assistant, cook, dentist, director, optometrist, translator, vegetarian, sportspeople, head teacher, master, pilot, chef, fisherman, lawyer, sailor, tutor ,collector,

球 类: basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, ping-pong, tennis, baseball, badminton, ice hockey, golf,

蔬菜类:carrot, tomato, cabbage, onion, potato, green pepper, mushroom, broccoli, pumpkin, lettuce,

水果类:apple, orange, banana, pear, peach, pumpkin, melon, grape, lemon, watermelon, .strawberry, lychee, papaya, mango, olive, plum, peach, loquat, apricot, cherry,

食物类:beef, noodle, dumpling, rice, chip, bread, sandwich, wheat, egg, Salad, hamburger, French fries, , porridge, cheese, hot dog, biscuit, green pepper, pancake, chip, fish, chicken, meat, tofu, pizza, candy, gum, barbecued meat, popcorn, brown bread, chocolate, shrimp, dessert,

乐 器: guitar, piano, drum, trumpet, violin, accordion, erhu,电 器: telephone, phone, computer, television, radio, fridge, refrigerator oven, microwave oven, blender, air conditioner, typewriter, recorder, lamp,

天 气: fine, rainy, cloudy, windy, stormy, foggy, sunny, snowy, cold, cool, hot, warm, humid,

学 科:Chinese, math, English, P.E, music, history, Physics, biology, geography, chemistry, politics, computer, science, art, algebra,

家族谱:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, uncle, aunt, sister, brother, son, daughter, cousin, husband, wife, parent,厨具:bowl, plate, table, dish, spoon, chopsticks, cupboard, fork, knife,

人物性格:funny, smart, cute, intelligent, friendly, shy, lazy, serious, unfriendly, quiet, easygoing, outgoing, generous, moody, lovely, lively, talented, upset, nervous, loving, unusual, creative, hard-working, warm-hearted, gentle, polite, confident, energetic, realistic, anxious, brave,

饮料: soda, coffee, milk, water, pop, beer, lemonade, juice, orange, iced tea, beverage, cola,

音乐:jazz, dance music, country music, classical music, national music, pop music

再如整合词汇复习,以名词中的职业称呼为例,可以在七年级下册unit 4和八年级下册unit10里的职业称呼进行复习;介词可以整合七年级上册unit 4和七年级下册unit2;数词可以整合七年级上册unit8和八年级上册unit 9;形容词、副词的比较级和最高级可以在八年级上册unit6和unit 12中找到突破等。同时,教师对教学大纲、教材要吃透,弄清各个知识的重点、难点,弄清重点知识的内涵和外延。对“四会”要求的知识点要深入充分掌握,不能“蜻蜓点水式”复习,使学生真正掌握基础知识,弄清知识之间的相互区别,进行系统有序的总结归纳,使之成为知识网,把知识转化为能力。初中英语语法句型复习






(1)I can swim.有情态动词can所以直接在can后面加not就可以了。I can’t swim.

(2)I am a student.有be动词am所以在am后面加not。I am not a student.

(3)当没有情态动词和be动词时,我们用相应的助动词帮助我们完成句子的否定含义。现阶段我们接触到的助动词有do, does, did,也就是说我们要用他们的否定形式即don’t, doesn’t, didn’t来帮助我们完成否定句。不要忘了将谓语动词还原哦!

①I like swimming.这句话是一般现在时,而且主语是I所以应该选取助动词do的否定形式don’t。I don’t like swimming.

②She goes to school by bus. 这句话也是一般现在时,但主语是She所以应选取的助动词是does,并用其否定形式doesn’t进行否定,并

将谓语动词goes还原为go。She doesn’t go to school by bus.

③I did my homework late yesterday.这句话是一般过去时,所以应用助动词did的否定形式didn’t进行否定,并把谓语动词did还原为do。I didn’t do my homework late yesterday.




1. 一般疑问句的问句


①I can swim.有情态动词can所以直接将can提前可以了。Can you swim?

②I am a student.有be动词am所以将am提前。Are you a student?

③当没有情态动词和be动词时,我们用相应的助动词帮助我们完成一般疑问句。现阶段我们接触到的助动词有do, does, did,也就是说我们要在句首加上Do, Does, Did完成一般疑问句。不要忘了将谓语动词还原哦!

1)I like swimming.这句话是一般现在时,而且主语是I所以应该选取助动词do置于句首,并将I改为you。Do you like swimming?

2)She goes to school by bus. 这句话也是一般现在时,但主语是She所以应选取的助动词是does,并将谓语动词goes还原为go。Does she go to school by bus?

3)I did my homework late yesterday.这句话是一般过去时,所以应将助动词did置于句首,并把谓语动词did还原为do。别忘了把I和my 改为第二人称哦。Did you do your homework late yesterday?


1. 一般疑问句的答句


—May I open the door?

—Yes, you can./No, you can’t.

—Must I do it now?

—No, you needn’t.




who:询问主格(人);what:询问物或干什么;whom:询问宾格;whose:询问所有格谁的;which:哪一个人或物;where询问地点;when询问时间,what time询问较为具体的时间;why询问原因;how询问用……方法,如何……;how还可以后接相应的形容词或副词询问其程度:how old询问年龄;how many询问可数名词的量;how much询问不可数名词的量和价格;how often询问频率;how long询问时间或某物体的长度;how far 询问指路程的长度。






例如:He went to school by bike yesterday.(就划线部分提问)第一步,确定特殊疑问词。by bike应该用询问用……方法的how来询问

第二步,改写一般疑问句。本句没有情态动词和be动词且为过去时,要在句首添加did,并将谓语动词went还原。Did he go to school by bike yesterday?

第三步,去掉被特殊疑问词代替的成分也就是划线部分by bike,再将特殊疑问词和删减后的一般疑问句相加。How did he go to school yesterday?




例如:Peter has a lot of books.(就划线部分提问)

Who has a lot of books?


例如:This is Tom’s book.(就划线部分提问)

Whose book is this?


例如:Susan watched football match yesterday.(就划线部分提问)

What did Susan do yesterday?


选择疑问句提出两个或两个以上可能的答案供对方选择,选项之间用or连接。在形式上它很像一般疑问句,但是回答时我们要用肯定句而非yes, no。例如:

—Do you like sandwich or hamburger?

—I’d like a sandwich.


a) 反意疑问句的问句


例如:He works really hard, doesn’t he?


第一、 not和no并不是唯一的否定句标志,前面我们提到过小学阶段还有五个隐形否定词,同样也标志否定:never, seldom, little, few, hardly。也就是说当句子中有它们时,同样视为否定句。He knows little about English history, does he?

第二、问句中前半句和后半句的时态是相同的,所以后半句要选用与前半句相应的助动词、be动词和形态动词。例如:Mary goes to school on foot, doesn’t she? You can help me, can’t you? It’s a fine day, isn’t it?

b) 反意疑问句的答句

在回答反意疑问句时,我们还是要用yes和no,所遵循的原则是“实话实说”。也就是说不管问句是前面肯定后面否定或是前面否定后面肯定,我们只看主干是否属实就可以了。另外要注意虽然问句前后不一致,但是答句的前半句和后半句必须要一致,不能出现Yes, it isn’t.或者No, I can.之类的荒唐句子。还有一点需要同学们注意的是,答句的时态和所选用的情态动词必须与问句相同。例如:

—Tom is a boy’s name, isn’t it?

—Yes, it is.

—Tom can swim, can’t he?

—Yes, he can.




1. 动词原形开头,例如:

Stand up.起立。

Be quiet,please.请安静。

1. Let引出的祈使句,例如:

Let’s play ball.我们玩球吧。

Let me help you.让我来帮你。

1. 如果要加人称,人称要用“,”隔开,例如:

Li Ming,come here.李明,过来。


1. Don’t +动词原形,例如:

Don’t swim in the river.别在河里游泳。

Don’t be late.别迟到。

2. 表示禁止时,尤其是标语等也可用“No+名词/动名词”来表


No smoking!禁止吸烟!

No parking!禁止停车!

1. Let所引导的祈使句有两种否定方式

Let’s(us,me)+not +动词原形,例如:

Let’s not say anything about it.对于这件事,咱们什么也不要说。

Don’t let +第三人称代词的宾格或名词+动词原形.

Don’t let them play with fire.别让他们玩火。

Don’t let the children touch the medicine.别让儿童够着药物。


1. 一般祈使句后可以加一个简短问句,变为反意疑问句,使语气


例如:Have a rest , will (won't) you?Stand up , will (won’t)


2. 但是let有两种反意疑问句

①Let’s表示说话人向对方提出建议,问句用shall we或 shan't we。例如:Let’s go,shall we?咱们去吧,怎么样?

②Let me或 Let us表示向听话人提出请求,征求对方同意,问句用 will you或 won’t you .例如:Let us go,will you?让我们去吧,行吗?


感叹句通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦、等感情。what修饰名词,how修饰形容词,副词或动词。这部分我们主要解决两个问题,一是如何区分what和how,二是如何将普通句改写为感叹句。



例1._______ nice weather it is!

例2._______ nice the weather is!

例3._______ time flies!


例如:_______ nice shirt it is!

What a nice shirt it is!



6、There be句型


(1) there be句型符合就近原则,离be动词最近的名词决定be 动词的形式,例如:There _____ a river and some trees by the lake.离所填的be动词最近的是a river,所以要用表示单数的is。

(2) there be句型也是有时态的,be动词需要根据时间,变化为is, are或者was, were。但无论是哪个,如果后面的动词都应该是doing的形式。

复习阶段整合三年的教材更加有利于教,有利于学,有利于形成知识体系,达到了最佳复习效果。同一教材,不同单元内容的整合其实是单元之间的顺序调整.可依据学生的兴趣和认识特点及教学需要对各单元的顺序进行调整.例如:考虑到多数学生的接受能力有限,新教材往往把一个学习内容(如一个语法现象)分散在几个单元或几册书里进行教学,教师可以把某些知识点整合复习.如:九年级Unit10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.里学时态是过去完成时,在这一课里,我联系三年里所学过的时态(一般现在时, 一般过去时, 一般将来时, 过去将来时, 现在进行时, 过去进行时 , 现在完成时,过去完成时 ), 8种时态整合复习讲授.把在初中阶段要求学生掌握的八种动词时态放在一起复习比较,表示相近意义的结构放在一起进行识别,提醒学生归纳总结不同的时间状语。例如: He reads books every day; He is reading books now; He read books last week; He was reading books when his mother came back home; He will read an interesting book next Monday; He said he would read an interesting book the next Monday; He has read about 200 books by now; He had read about 200 books by the end of last month。这样归纳,不仅提高了学生积极参与、积极实践的兴趣,使他们容易了解中学阶段的各种时态,哪些自己已经掌握,哪些还需要进一步复习,最重要的是培养了学生的应变能力。


在初中三年英语教材里,教师应带领学生把丰富的语言材料进行横向及纵向的归纳,使之形成一个有机的整体,让学生对所学的知识在头脑中形成一个相互联系的知识网络。按同一话题交际功能整合.或依据学生的兴趣和认识特点及教学需要对各单元的交际功能整合复习. 达到了最佳效果。例如对于话题:vacations,可以联系八年级上册unit3、七年

级下册unit10 和九年级unit7整合复习。又如话题Rules,联系七年级下册unit 12和九年级unit3同一话题进行整合击破难点。逐个击破,对所学的知识点要认真、准确地掌握,不能模棱两可,稀里糊涂,只有掌握准确的知识点,才能应付各种考试题型。下面是我们集中有关话题的作文Great changes in my hometown

More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didn’t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life .

Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years . The people have found a lot of ways of making money . Now there are many tall buildings . They are very beautiful . Roads are wide and clean . People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work . Many people have cell phones and personal computers. People’s living conditions have improved a lot . Thanks to the government’s efforts . my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful .

二、Save the earth

How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world .

It’s our duty to protect our environment . No matter where we live , we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy . We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling. We should plant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and fields. We shouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places . We mustn’t pick the flowers or step on the grass in public. If everyone tries his best to protect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful and our life will be better and better .

三、Improve our environment

Good environment can make people feel happy. To improve the environment means to qualify our life . What should we do to improve our environment ?

We should plant more trees . And we should prevent those

factories from pouring waste water into rivers , lakes and fields . Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into a dustbin . Don’t spit in public places . Don’t draw on public walls . It’s our duty to keep our earth clean and tidy

四、Pollution around us

In recent years our life is becoming better and better. But our environment is becoming worse and worse. It’s very bad for our life. Now many people have air-conditioners and cars, they produce (give off ) waste gas. More and more trees are being cut down. There are so much sand on the earth (leaving only sand ) . We often see factories pour waste into rivers or lakes. Water in the river is quite dirty. We haven’t enough clean water to drink in cities. Now we are in danger. It’s very necessary and important to protect the environment well. I think if everyone tries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much more beautiful , and our life will be better and better .

五、Make our world more beautiful !

Protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to humans . It’s our duty to take care of the nature around us . Animals and plants are our best friends ., and we should share the world with them . We shouldn’t kill wild animals , and we must protect forests because they are animals’ home . We must plant more trees and grass , they can make the world greener . The more beautiful the world is, the happier lives we will have . Let’s do our best to make the world beautiful.

六、Keep our school clean

We are studying in this school. It is our duty to keep it clean and tidy. It is not good to spit in public places, such as in the library, in the class. We shouldn’t leave rubbish here and there. Don’t draw pictures on the wall, they influence the look of our school . We should keep the classroom clean and tidy. And we should do some cleaning often. If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school, I’m sure our school will be more beautiful .

七、My country life

I like to live in the countryside. I live in a small village. There is a river near it. Lots of trees are around my house. I can see a lot of farms and birds. There is less noise. The air here is cleaner and fresher. There are fewer cars. I read aloud early in the morning. When it is getting dark, the moon is bright in the sky. It’s very quiet . What a nice place I live in !

八、How to learn English well

As we know , English has become an international language. It is more popular than any other language in China . English is widely spoken in the world and it is the most useful language around the world . But how to learn it well ?

The best way is to use it all the time . If we can talk in English , think in English we can learn it well . At school , we should learn to hear , speak, read and write carefully . We should spend enough time in practicing English . If we keep on working hard at English , we will be able to be good at it one day .

九、How I learn English

Hello, everyone. It is my honor to talk with all of you about how to learn English well . I like English very much . I always preview and master the main idea of the lesson before class. In class , I listen carefully , speak loudly and write carefully and take notes if necessary . After class , I do my homework carefully . I watch English movies and listen to English songs . I have booked an English newspaper . It’s Times English Post , I can learn a lot from it . I am not afraid of remembering the new words because I master many good methods .

I hope you work hard at English and make progress every day . That’s all .

十、How I improved my English

When I began to learn English, I was poor at it. I was quite worried at that time. Later I 1istened to the teacher attentively in class, and made notes carefully. If I had any question, I asked my English teacher or my classmates for help. Every morning I read the English texts aloud and listened to the English tapes. In the evening, after finishing my homework, I always read some English and


Now I am one of the best students at English in my class.

十一、The importance of English

English is the most widely spoken in the world. It’s spoken by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It's also very widely used as a foreign language in many other countries of the world. It's widely used for business between different countries. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English, too. It is really a bridge to so much knowledge . English is used by travellers and business people around the world.

It's one of the world's most important languages as it is so widely used. That's why more and more people in China are interested in learning English.

English is so useful that we must learn it well . Now let’s work hard at it and see who learns it faster and better in our class .

十二、I want to be an inventor TVs, telephone, fridges, cars, planes, computers and many other things are important inventions. They have greatly changed our life. Many people have their ideas and wishes. They want to invent some new things for the world. I am one of them. I want to be an inventor in the future, Inventions can bring fun and happiness to our life and make our daily life more convenient. Our life will become better and better. Now I am a high school student. I will try my best to work hard at my lessons to make my dream come true.

十三、I want to be a tour guide

I want to be a tour guide because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games. There will be many people to come to China from all over the world. Most of them don’t know Chinese. They want to visit many interesting places in China. I can be one of the guides. I can make much money, too. How happy I will be! So from now on , I must study hard. I am going to learn English every day. I will try my

best to make it come true.

十四、I like the Internet

The Internet is playing an important part in our daily life. It’s very useful. I often search the Internet for some information. I can read the latest news, do some shopping, and get all kinds of information from it. I can also download the information that I need and I can send e-mails and make telephone calls to my friends on the internet. The most important thing is that I am able to study all my lessons on the Internet.

The Internet makes my life more interesting and colorful and it has a wide effect on my study and daily life. I like the internet very much. How about you / Will you have a try ?

十五、The Internet

The Internet is becoming more and more important to us. Without it, we can’t do work better. We can go shopping without going out of our houses. And we can listen to music or watch movies on the Internet. It can also help a lot with our study. We can learn much knowledge on different subjects, and get information as soon as possible. But now, some of us work, study or play on the Internet for long time, especially for young people to play computer games. It’s bad for our eyes and health. If we make good use of the Internet, it will be our best friends and help us a lot .


Computer is a wonderful machine. It's a great invention in many years. It develops very quickly. The smallest computer is as big as a note-book. We call it pocket computer. Computer becomes more and more important in many ways. It has touched the lives of everyone, even people in faraway villages. It helps us to do with all kinds of information and we get knowledge from it. It can give us a lot fun.

十七、The importance of water Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important.

We can live without food for many days, but two or three days without water, usually makes people die.

However, not all of people understand this. They keep throwing rubbish into the rivers or lakes . Some factories even pour waste water into the river. As a result, many rivers and lakes have become so dirty that the water is no longer safe for people to drink .

Let’s do our best to keep the water clean to save ourselves .


Water is very important for our life. Every day we use water to drink, too cook and to wash. Water is necessary for all plants. They need water to grow. People can’t live without water. Plants will die without water. It is important to all living things. However, many people pollute lakes and rivers with waste water, so we must stop some people or some factories from wasting water or polluting water and help keep the water clean. At the same time we should save as much water as possible.

十九、I like sports

I feel that taking exercise is good for our health. I often felt tired when I was studying before. From this term I keep on running when I get up in the morning. After class I often go to play basketball with my friends. Now I feel much better than before and I never feel tired when I am studying And I improve a lot in my lessons. So please take exercise as often as possible .

二十、Introduce yourself

My name is Li Lei . I was born in Fuzhou on December 15 ,2000 . I’m studying at Yucai Middle School. I learn Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry, politics, and so on. I like English best. My favorite sport is football. My hobbies are drawing and computer. I’m very happy to live in a happy family. There are 3 people in my family. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. We love each other very much .

二十一、My best friend

My best friend is --- He is 15 years old. We are both in the same class. He works very hard. He is never late for school and he does well in all his lessons. He is always ready to help others. My math is very poor, so he often helps me with my math after class. His parents are both teachers. They are very busy, so he often helps do the housework at home. He is a little shorter than me but he is very strong. He likes playing football very much at school. We often play football together and he plays it pretty well . He gets on well with us . Everyone in our class likes him .



初二英语(下)测试卷 一. 单项选择 1. Who jumps ________ in your class? A. far B. farther C. farthest D. longer 2. ---I made the cake by ________. Help __________, Tom. ---Thanks, Jane. A. ourselves; yourself B. myself; yourself C. myself; yourselves D. ourselves; yourselves 3. There ________ a football game on TV this afternoon. A. is going to have B. will be C. is going to play D. will play 4. Wu Dong was _______ tired that he couldn't keep his eyes_________. A. too, open B. so, closed C. too, closed D. so, open 5. Can you hear __________? A. something B. anything C. nothing D. somebody 6. The students stop __________ when the teacher came in. A. to talk B. talking C. talked D. talk 7. I told him ________ story. A. the whole B. the all C. whole the D. all 8. Please _________ early tomorrow, mum. A. wake up me B. wakes me up C. wake me up D. will wake me up 9. He will go to the Great Wall if it __________ tomorrow. A. won't rain B. doesn't rain C. don't rain D. isn't raining 10. Can you tell us _________? A. where have you gone B. where you have gone C. where have you been D. where you have been 11. Li Lei, sit down, please. I'll ________ you some tea. A. take B. to bring C. get D. give 12. Don't forget to _________ your dictionary here tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. carry D. borrow 13. He couldn't wash ________ when he was five years old. A. his B. him C. himself D. herself 14. Why did you leave your daughter at home all by ________. A. yourself B. himself C. herself D. myself 15. I bought my son a bike, _________ he like it a lot. A. and B. but C. or D. at 16. _______ , Li Lei was far behind the others at first.


2010中考英语复习课本知识整理七年级下 Unit 4 I want to be an actor. 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语1、他是干什么的?:What does he do?=what's he?=What's his job? 2、和某人一起工作:work with sb 3、在、、、、、、工做:work at/in..... 4、为、、、、、、工作:work for... 5、给某人某物:give sth to sb=give sb sth 6、从、、、、得到、、、、:get sth from .... 7、穿着白色的制服:wear a white uniform(状态) 8、穿上你的衣服:put on your coat(动作) 9、有点危险:kind of dangerous 10、两个小偷:two thieves 11、和某人交谈:talk to/with sb 12、谈论、、、、、:talk about sb/sth 13、问某人问题:ask sb questions 14、工作得晚:work late 15、做某事迟到:be late for sth. 16、出去就餐:go out to dinners 17、忙碌:be busy 18、忙于做、、、:be busy with sth=be busy doing sth 19、对、、、、、、、感兴趣:be/become interested in.... 20、一个有趣的工作:an interesting job 21、努力工作:work hard 22、艰苦的工作:hard work 23、一项适合你的工作:a job for you 24、给你提供一个工作:have a job for you 25、和演员一起工作:work with actors 26、打电话给晚报:call the Evening Newspaper 27、在医院:in/at a hospital 28、很多,许多:a lot of=lots of 29、想要做……:want to do... 30、招聘广告:want ads 31、其他年轻人:other young people 32、参加校园剧的演出:be in the school play 33、需要一名医生:need a doctor 34、售货员,店员:sales assistant 35、警官:police officer 36、银行职员:bank clerk 37、害怕,恐怕…:be afraid of 38、电视台:TV station 39、警察局:police station 40、流行歌手:pop singer 41、重要人物;Very Important Person 42、出去:go out 43、校园剧:school play 44、尽可能快地:as soon as possible 45、晚报:evening newspaper 46、数钱:count money 47、有点儿危险:kind of dangerous 48、写故事:write stories 49、运动教练:a sports coach 50、图书管理员:a library assistant 51、在将来:in the future


中考英语复习重点: 第一阶段复习重点以知识点扫描为主 夯实基础。这一阶段主要是回归课本,命题不是以哪一本教材为依据,而是以新课程标准为依据,那么我们学的课本就不重要了吗?当然不是。回归课本不是眉毛胡子一把抓,而是在研究了课标和考纲后,将课本中的重要的知识点条理化、系统化。 第二阶段侧重专题练习,如词汇、语法、阅读、写作等,让学生建立一个完整的知识网络。此外,通过练习查漏补缺,及时解决存在的问题。高中招生的外语加试每年都是,除了初中英语教材以外,建议大家再复习新概念英语教材第二册,扩大词汇量。 第三阶段重点是全面提升学生应对考试的能力。要从以往的中考题中整理出一些信度好、指向性清晰的试题,让学生从知识到能力再到心态进行全面的模拟实战演习,而不是无选择地随便拿来某份考试卷让学生考考,这样既达不到训练的效果,也是在浪费学生的宝贵时间。通过这三轮的认真复习,不但能提升学生综合运用英语语言知识的能力,而且让学生对中考的题型、答题程序、审题、规范书写等都有所掌握,从而使学生满怀信心地参加考试,基础扎实了,心态平和了,自然能取得好成绩。 浅谈中考英语复习策略 综观历年的中考英语试题,其特点是突出听力、注双基、加大阅读理解、增强词汇和实际运用能力。考查的知识点覆盖面广,且体现学科渗透精神,试题难中易比例恰当。命题的基本思路和指导思想都符合《九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学大纲》规定的教学目标。 中考复习时间紧,任务重,而复习是教学过程的重要环节之一。教育家第斯多惠说过“必须时常回到所学会的东西上去加以复习,牢固地记住某些已学会的东西,这比学某些新的东西而忘掉以前所学的东西更为重要”。因此,学生在英语复习过程中务必有一条清晰的思路,通过复习,对已学会的知识进一步巩固、深化,对未学会的知识查漏补缺,使之学会。要达到这一目的,须“战略”部署明确、“战术”运用恰当,即要做到复习过程中整体设计科学、分步实施恰当、训练手段多样、复习时间分配合理,只有这样才能打有把握之仗。 笔者结合连续多年初三英语的教学实践,来具体谈谈初中英语总复习的策略。 一紧扣教材,循序渐进 教材是中考命题的基础和重要依据,教材是“源头”。在复习过程中要紧紧依据课本,复习教材要充分体现以下四性:“目的性、针对性、系统性、透彻性”。(1)目的性,即做到复习什么心中有数,这是前提。所以教师首先应在深入钻研大纲和教材的基础上,确定明确的复习目的。(2)针对性,这是关键,复习前教师要研究学生,找出薄弱环节,引导学生事先预先,明确目的要求,做到有的放矢,重点突出,有针对性地复习。(3)系统性,复习过程是帮助学生将所学的知识系统化的综合制作过程,通过复习,将学会的知识分析、综合、概括、抽象,上升到理论认识,形成一个完整的系统。所以复习应讲究系统性。教师在指导学生复习教材时,要全面,包括句型、课文、词汇、语法等等,对相关知识点要广泛的联系,以care为例,可以复习care的形容词careful、副词carefully、及其比较级more careful/carefully。最高级most careful/carefully复习被动语态时,应与各种时态紧密结合,全面掌握。(4)透彻性,“透”要贯穿在复习教材的始终,教师对教学大纲、教

新人教版七年级英语上册Unit3 教材梳理

Unit3 教材梳理 单词 pencil /'pensl/ n. 铅笔 book /buk/ n. 书 eraser /i'reiz ?/ n. 橡皮 box /b ?ks/ n. 箱;盒 pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒 schoolbag /'sku:lb?g/ n. 书包 dictionary /'dik ??n ?ri/ n. 词典;字典 his /hiz/ pron. 他的 mine /main/ pron. 我的 hers /h ?:z/ pron. 她的 excuse /ik'skju:z/ v. 原谅;宽恕 me /mi:/ pron. (I 的宾格)我 excuse me 劳驾;请原谅 thank /θ??k/ v. 感谢;谢谢 teacher /'ti:t ??/ n. 老师;教师 about //?'baut/ prep. 关于 What about...?(询问消息或提出建议..怎么样? yours /j ?:z/ pron. 你的;你们的 for /f ?:/ prep. 为了;给;对 thank you for... 为......而感谢 help /help/ v.&n. 帮助;援助 welcome /'welk ?m/ adj. 受欢迎的 You're welcome. 别客气。 baseball /'beisb ?:l/ n. 棒球 watch /w ?t ?/ n. 表;手表 computer /k ?m'pju:t ?/ n. 计算机;电脑 game /geim/ n. 游戏;运动;比赛 card /k ɑ:d/ n. 卡片 ID card 学生卡;身份证 notebook /'n ?utbuk/ n. 笔记本 ring /ri?/ n. 戒指 bag /b?g/ n. 袋;包 in /in/ prep. 在......里 library /'laibr ?ri/ n. 图书馆 ask /ɑ:sk/ v. 请求;要求;询问 ask... for... 请求;恳求(给予) find /faind/ v. (过去分词 found)找到;发现 some /s ?m/ adj. 一些;某些 classroom /'kl ɑ:sru:m/ n. 教室 e-mail /'emeil/ n. (=email)电子邮件 at /?t/ prep. 按照;根据;在(某处、某时间时刻) call /k ?:l/ v. (给......)打电话 lost /l ?st/ v. (动词lose 的过去式)遗失;丢失 must /m ?st/ modal v. 必须 set /set/ n. 一套;一副;一组 a set of 一套;一副;一组 短语 : pencil box 铅笔盒 excuse me 打扰了 the blue pen 这支蓝色的钢笔 Anna ’s book 安娜的书 ID card 身份证 school ID card 学生证 computer game 电子游戏 in the school library 在学校图书馆 ask …for …向…要… e-mail sb 给某人发电子邮件 call sb 给某人打电话 lose sth 丢失某物 find sth 拾到某物 a set of keys 一串钥匙 lost and found 失物招领 知识结构


2010中考英语复习课本知识整理八年级下 Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells? 【知识梳理】 【课文解析】 1. since的用法: (1)conj. ①(引导时间状语从句,从句中常用过去时,主句用一般时态或完成时)自从……以来;……以后。eg. It was years since l had seen her.自从我见到她(到那时)又过去好几年了。 his just a week since we arrived here.我们到这儿刚好有一周了。 ②(引起原因状语从句,通常置于句首)既然;因为 eg. Since he says so,it must be true.既然他这么说,那一定是真的。 (2)prep.自……以来 eg. I have lived here since childhood.自小我就住在这儿。 He hasn't been home sincel993.1993年以来他还没有回过家。 (3)adv.

①(与完成时态连用)从那以后;后来eg. He left the city in 1985 and has returned only once since.他1985年离开这座城市,自那以后只回来过一次。 ②以前 (4)构成短语:ever since从那以后(一直) long since很久以前;早已 2. since,from和for (1)from是介词,后接名词、动名词,表示事情的开始点,以from短语作状语时,句中的谓语动词可用一般现在、过去和将来时,如: (4)stop sb.(from)doing sth. 表示“叫某人停止做某事,阻止某人做某事”。例如: What can stop me(my)going? 有什么能阻止我去呢? Nothing shall stop us from studying.什么都不能阻止我们学习。 5. have to do sth. 表示“不得不做某事”,指客观条件的“不得不” I have to finish the work by myself.我不得不自己完成这项工作。 6. r un out of… 意为“从……地方跑出来;用光……” Class is over.The students run out of the classroom.下课了,学生们从教室里冲了出 课文解析


2017-2018学年九年级英语复习计划 一、指导思想: 为了努力提高学生整体成绩,让每一位学生发挥最大潜力,在中考中取得最好成绩,我依据《中学英语教学课程标准》和《英语中考说明》,根据我校学生素质和教学实际情况,特制定中考英语复习计划,从而有效地进行中考英语复习。 二、复习目标: (1)平均分:73.3% (2)及格率:58.6% (3)优生率:18.5% 力争达到同年级同学科中排名第2名 1、掌握基本的词汇知识。词汇总复习主要分为单词拼写、词语释义和词形转换三个方面。既要掌握基本词汇知识,又要具有运用词汇的基本能力,用构词法、音形相同相似比较法、归类法等记住单词。 2、体会英语语法的实际应用。语法的复习要兼顾句法和词法。在掌握句法的基础上,分析理解词法。注意理清语法知识脉络,使之系统化。归纳语法规则,指导语言实践,提高理解语法概念和规则的能力以及运用规则的能力。 3、正确使用交际用语。在复习中,要能运用初中阶段每个话题下的基本交际用语进行简单的交际。 4、注重阅读能力的培养。有意识地进行阅读技巧训练,如精读、略读、选读、速读、带着问题读,利用关键词、关键句去领悟隐含的意思等。 5、抓好听力训练。安排一定的时间进行强化性听力训练,熟悉测试题型。结合听课文原声带、听力训练题以提高学生的听力水平。 6、强化书面表达能力的培养。通过背诵典型的范文,大量的习作练习和指导,不断提高学生组织文章的能力,运用已学词汇进行描写的能力。 三、教材分析 1、学业水平考试涉及教材情况分析 学业水平考试涉及英语教材为《义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(新目标)》初一至初三共五本教材。它融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习等程序,包括4000多个单词和300多个短语。 2、重难点分析


仁爱版七年级英语(下)教材梳理篇(1) Unit5~6 &考点词汇 plane, train , ship , boat , weekday , early , catch , walk , ride , play , swim ,read , always , sometimes , seldom , never , make , dance , borrow ,. keep ,return , dormitory , lab , dinning hall , classroom , easy , interesting , difficult, boring , physics , geography , art , math , history , Monday , beautiful ,large , left ,. stop , someone , turn , across , danger , last , fast , careful &目标短语 thesame to 对……也一样 comeon 快点儿,加油,来吧 onfoot 步行 takea bus/by bus 乘公共汽车 havea short rest 短暂的休息 inone's free time 在业余时间 goto school 去上学 doone's homework 做家庭作业 fora little while 一小会儿 atthe moment/ now 此刻,现在

havelunch 吃午饭 atschool 在学校,在上课 havea rest 休息goswimming 去游泳 listento 听……haveclasses 上课 goto bed 睡觉 afew 一些,少量 ofcourse 当然 lookfor 寻找 ontime 按时,准时 puton 穿,戴上;上演 atthe back of 在……后面from...to...从……到……befriendly to 对……友好nextto 在......近旁,紧邻comein 进入,进来 infront of 在……前面talkabout 谈论,议论putaway 将……收起;把......放回原处inthe center of 在……中心atthe end of 在……尽头


第 1 课时 八年级下册 Modules 1-2
1.smell v. 有……的气味; 15 .jeans n. [用复数]牛仔裤
16.nervous adj. 情绪不安的;紧 29.afford v. (有财力)买
2.soft adj. 软的;柔软的 17.fair adj. (头发)金色的,浅 30.invite v. 邀请
3.sour adj. 酸的;馊的
31.move v. 搬家;改
4 .cookie n. 小甜饼;曲奇 18.pretty adj. 秀丽的;标致的 变……的位置

19.proud adj. 感到自豪的;感到 32.send v. 派遣去;命
5.lovely adj. 令人愉快
重 点 单 词
的;可爱的 6.done adj. 做完的 7.try n. 尝试;努力 8.pie n. 馅饼;派 9.sound v. 听起来;令人觉
20.stranger n. 陌生人 21.message n. 电子邮件;口信; 信息 22.hobby n. 业余爱好 23.mark n. 分数
33.Germany n. 德国 34.France n. 法国 35.tower n. 塔 36.ancient adj. 古老 的;古代的

24.ever adv.曾经;从来;在任何 37.king n. 国王;君王
10.salt n. 盐;食盐
38.queen n. 女王;王后
11.jam n. 果酱
25.enter v. (使)参加;(使)报名 39.way n. 方面; 态度
12.favourite n. 最喜欢的 26.competition n. 比赛;竞争 40.mix v. 相混合;融合
27.prize n. 奖品;奖项
41.miss v. 惦念;怀念;
13.ear n. 耳朵
28.dream n.梦;梦想;梦寐以求 想念
14.glasses n. [用复数]眼 的
42.count v. 数;清点

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4312220093.html,pete v. 竞争→competitor
1.smell n. & v. 闻;闻出 n. 竞争者;对手
→competition n. 比赛;竞争
→smelled/smelt(过去分词) 8.dream v. 做梦;梦到;梦想
2.soft adj. 软的;柔软的 →dreamed/dreamt (过去式)
→hard (反义词)硬的
词 汇 拓 展
→softly adv. 柔软地 3.do v. 做→done adj. 做 完的 4.salt n. 盐;食盐→salty adj. 咸的
9.invite v. 邀请→invitation n. 邀请;请帖 10.mix v. 相混合;融合 →mixture n. 混合物 11.send v. 派遣去;命令……去
5.nervous adj. 情绪不安 →sent (过去式)→sent (过去分
的;紧张的→nerve n. 神经 词)
6.proud adj. 感到自豪的; 12.France n. 法国→French n.
感到骄傲的→pride n. 自
→French adj. 法国(人)的;法语

1.have a try 尝一尝;试试 11.hear from 收到……的来信

12.in the right way 以正确的方
2.sweet tooth 对甜食的爱 式

13.be excited about…对……感
3.be proud of… 为……而 到兴奋
重 感到骄傲
14.shake hands with 跟……握手
点 4.sb.can't wait 某人等不 15.enter a competition 参加比
短 及了

语 5.at school 在学校;上学 16.win a prize/some prizes 获
6.first prize 一等奖

7.write about 编写;写作 17.at the moment 此刻
8.make up 编写;创作
18.be different from 不同于,
9.count down 倒数;倒计时 与……不同
10.a bit 有点儿
19.so far 到目前为止


知识点总结 一、考试性质和命题指导思想 上海市初中毕业英语科统一学业考试是义务教育阶段的终结性考试。它的指导思想是有利于推进中小学实施素质教育,有利于推进中小学课程改革,有利于促进初中教育教学改革,有利于切实减轻中学生过重的学业负担,有利于培养学的创新精神和实践能力,有利于促进学生全面和谐、富有个性的发展,有利于学生在高中教育阶段的可持续发展。考试结果既是衡量初中学生是否达到毕业标准的重要依据,也是高中阶段各类学校招生的重要依据。 考试对象为2012年完成上海市全日制九年义务教育学业的九年级学生。 二、考试目标 英语科统一学业考试旨在测试考生的英语基础知识和运用英语进行交际的能力。在语言知识和语言能力之间侧重对语言能力的考核。 语言知识包括语音、词汇、语法以及语言功能。 语言能力包括运用语言获取和了解信息的能力,以及按情景或要求传递信息、表达思想的能力。 依据《上海市中小学英语课程标准(征求意见稿)》(2004年11月版)规定的六年至九年级教学目标,确定语言知识和语言能力的考试目标如下: I.语言知识 主要测试学生在具体语境中对常用词汇、基础语法和常用语言功能的记忆、理解 和应用。 II.语言能力 1.听 主要测试学生理解口头英语的能力 (1)从所听材料中获取事实信息的能力; (2)理解所听材料的基本内容及上下文关系的能力; (3)推断所听材料的隐含意思的能力。 2.读 主要测试学生理解书面英语的能力。 (1)从各类语篇中获取事实信息的能力; (2)根据上下文理解词句意义的能力; (3)理解和归纳语篇主旨大意的能力; (4)推测语篇隐含意义的能力。 3.写 主要测试学生根据要求进行书面表达的能力 (1)运用词汇和语法知识写出正确的句子的能力; (2)用通顺连贯的语言围绕一个主题进行表达的能力。 三、考试内容 以上海市中小学课程教材改革委员会制定的《上海市中小学英语课程标准》(征求意见稿)规定的教材内容为考试的范围,包括《英语》(牛津上海版)六年级到九


2020中考英语如何复习 1.制订计划,认真实施。 制订英语计划时必须注意: (1)针对本学期教材内容,合理安排复习时间 (2)找出自己知识上的缺陷,复习计划要有侧重点 (3)循序渐进,切忌每次复习内容过多,使自身难以消化。 复习是一种自觉的活动,一旦计划已经制订,就必须自行积极认真地去实施,不可半途而废。 2.着眼课本,明确重点 有不少同学复习时把课本抛在一边,专攻复习资料上面的那些难题,结果时间耽误了,考试又考不到,后悔莫及。 期末复习则要求着眼课本,尤其是每单元的checkpoint必须重点复习,因为测试卷的命题依据多为这部分知识。 复习过程中,也不要忽视workbook上的练习题,应把那些体现每单元重难点内容的习题仔细再做一遍,以便更加强化和巩固课本内容。 3.四会并举,注重交际 任何一种语言的学习都离不开听、说、读、写四方面能力的培养,英语也是如此。 听力题在试卷里虽然只占20分左右,但也不能忽视,复习时应再听听教材的朗读磁带,做做每单元的听力练习。 在读方面,应在朗读课文的基础上再去找一些难易适中的课外阅读材料进行补充,以提高自己的阅读理解能力。 在写的方面,是指要进行课文缩写、看图说话等训练,从而来提高自己的书面表达能力。 新教材英语考试的考查重点偏重于学生的交际能力和实际运用能力,故期末复习时应当注重交际内容:对于本学期出现的节日祝贺、同意与不同意、借东西、打电话等交际用语均为要复习的重点内容。

4.以点带面,讲究方法 以点带面是指在复习过程中充分调动自己的联想力,把一些相关或不相关的知识联系起来。这种复习方法通常可以把单词作为中心,从其读音、词义、搭配、用法等方面进行多方位地发散思维。 例如,复习dead这个单词,可以这样进行联想: (1)从dead里的ea读[e],可联想到bread,head,ready,already,instead,sweater等词; (2)从dead的形容词词性可联想到其动词die和名词death. 讲究方法是指在复习过程中注重运用科学的复习方法,避免机械重复地死记硬背。实践证明,这样的复习方法效果比较显著: (1)比较法。 如把表示“花费”的take,spend,pay,cost这四个词语放在一起比较便知,它们各自的习惯搭配句型是有区别的: a.It takes somebody sometime to do something. b.Somebody spends some money or time on/in (doing) something. c.Somebodypayssomemoneyforsomething. d.Somethingcostssomemoney. (2)归纳法。 如把“V.+up”短语归纳在一起记忆,有look up(查寻),dress up(乔装打扮),hurry up(赶快),wake up(醒来),get up(起床),put up(举起),stand up(起立),turn up(调高音量)等。 英语9大题型及答题技巧 一、收集做过的试题,把所有错题抄在一个改题本上,用红色笔写上正确答案,并在错题旁边写一、两句说明错题原因,让自己加深印象,不再犯类似的错误。如还是没有明白,要及时问老师。 二、要加强阅读训练和听力训练。你现在有时间,但是千万别浪费,每天坚持阅读,练听力(有统一听力训练带)。 三、要每天利用至少半个小时的时间,大声的朗读和背诵所学过


中考英语复习计划 中考英语复习是九年级英语教学工作重中之重,复习的好坏直接关系到学生的中考成绩。为了努力提高全体九年级学生整体英语成绩,让每一位学生发挥最大潜力,在中考英语中取得最好成绩,根据我校九年级学生英语素质和教学实际情况,依据《中学英语教学课程标准》和《英语中考说明》,结合复习资料,特制定中考英语复习计划,从而有效地帮助学生进行中考英语复习。 从中考试题来看,试题容量大,覆盖面广,题型类型多,对学生应试的要求越来越高,对知识点的考查越来越灵活,不仅加强了对英语基础知识的考查,更突出了对灵活运用知识的能力的考查。我们九年级英语组的全体老师经过讨论,决定采用“三轮复习法”来进行中考英语复习。即是:夯实基础---专题训练---中考模拟。只有做到着眼全面,突出重点,点面结合,把全面复习和重点复习有机结合起来。把平时训练与中考模拟考试结合起来,这样既系统全面又有所侧重,能使学生较好地掌握所学知识,考出优异的成绩。 一、中考英语复习目标 1、掌握基本的词汇知识。词汇总复习主要分为单词拼写、词语释义和词形转换三个方面。既要掌握基本词汇知识,又要具有运用词汇的基本能力,用构词法、音形相同相似比较法、归类法等记住单词。 2、体会英语语法的实际应用。语法的复习要兼顾句法和词法。在掌握句法的基础上,分析理解词法。注意理清语法知识脉络,使之系统化。归纳语法规则,指导语言实践,提高理解语法概念和规则的能力以及运用规则的能力。 3、正确使用交际用语。在复习中,要能运用初中阶段每个话题下的基本交际用语进行简单的交际。 4、注重阅读能力的培养。有意识地进行阅读技巧训练,如精读、略读、选读、速读、带着问题读,利用关键词、关键句去领悟隐含的意思等。 5、抓好口语听力训练。安排一定的时间进行强化性口语听力训练,熟悉测试题型。结合听课文原声带、听力训练题以提高学生的听力口语水平。


(共24套238页)江苏省2019年中考英语复习(七 上至九下)课本知识点汇总 7上Units 1-4 基础训练部分 一、记忆训练部分 (一)重点词汇梳理

1 一只MP4 an MP4 2 擅长跑步be good at running 3 享受听音乐enjoy listening to music 4 在周末购物shop at weekends 5 戴眼镜的那个男孩the boy with/wearing glasses 6 观看电视排球赛watch the volleyball matches on TV 7 在开放日on the Open Day 8 开家长会have a parents’ meeting 9 穿白衬衫的那位男士the man in a white shirt 10 电话上听不清某人can’t hear sb well on the phone 11 教我们生物和地理teach us Biology and Geography 12 乘车上学take the bus to school go to school by bus/on the bus 13 从早上七点营业到晚上五点be open from 7:00a. m. to 5:00p.m. 14 叫醒他wake him up 15 在每周三every Wednesday/on Wednesdays 16 互相聊天chat with each other 17 练习做课外活动practice doing after-school activities 18 去上舞蹈课go to one’s dancing lessons 19 祝我们队好运wish our team good luck 20 做早操do morning exercises (二)重点句子梳理 1 我是高邮人,但现在我和家人住在扬 州. I come from Gaoyou, but now I live with my family in Yangzhou. 2 那个留着短发的男孩戴着一副眼镜. The boy with short hair wears a pair of glasses. 3 在她闲暇时间,听音乐使她高兴. In her free time, listening to music makes her happy. 4 他每天花大约半小时步行上学. It takes him about half an hour to walk


初一英语教材分析 通研教材 尊敬的各位领导、老师,大家好! 首先,感谢区教研室给我们这次学习交流的机会,也非常感谢袁老师给我这次机会,和各位老师共同 探讨第六册教材的教法。下面就前五个单元教法说一下我的看法,说得不当之处,请老师们批评指正。 前3个单元为起始单元,起始单元部分增加了字母教学的内容,引入了部分日常用语。可根据学生的 实际情况,灵活掌握字母教学的时间。 个起始单元的主要内容为26个字母和最基本的英语日常用语。本单元的教学 内容为:学习Aa---Hh 8个字母、见面时的问候语及其回答。总体内容不多,也不是很难,关键是做好一 个衔接工作,让没基础的同学克服心里的畏难情绪,感觉到英语不难又很有趣;让有基础的同学更进一步 培养起对英语学习的兴趣和自信。首先看教学目标,(一)知识目标1.掌握字母A-H的拼写、读音。2.知 道字母A-H构成的专有名词的意思。3.掌握元音字母A、E在单词中的发音规则。4.识读熟悉部分西 方国家的人名.5. 学会简单的见面语,并在真实场景中正确运用。(二)能力目标1、培养观察能力和搜 集资料进行处理运用的动手能力2、培养合作与简单英语的运用能力3、培养自主学习能力(三)情感目

标1、认识英语的重要性,激发学习兴趣。2、了解英汉姓名的不同,引入跨文化意识。本单元的重点是 1.掌握字母A-H的拼写、读音。 2.学会本单元的交际用语,教学难点1.能在真实场景中正确运用这些日常 用语。 围绕本单元的重难点,设计了相应的教学任务活动:1、英语知多少?目的:认识英语的重要性,激 发学习兴趣。2、走进英语的字母王国,目的:通过活动,了解学生已有的字母认识,集中认读26个字母, 引导学生自主学习,培养合作交流意识。3、为自己起个英文名字目的:了解常用英文名字,认识与中文 名字的不同。通过起名字,用英语问名字,接触英语,帮助学生互相认识。4、争做“英国绅士”, 熟练 运用问候语,培养英语交际能力增强同学间的友爱,增强西方文化意识。5、比拼大本营,目的:通过比 赛,总结归纳掌握本单元的要点。这一单元分四课时来讲:第一课时, (A 1a-3)首先进行简单问好,然后进行任务活动走进英语的字母王国来了解,认读字母.然后在小组内总结字母A-H的读音及书写的注意事 项,分小组展示.之后做听力训练,并通过做游戏来巩固这几个字母.最后听一首字母歌来结束课程. 第 二课时(A 4a4c---- B 1-2b),以一个小比赛开始,分小组展示A-H的读音及书写,评优,以此检测学生 对上节知识的掌握;接下来让学生为自己选英文名字,相互认识,并简单问候,然后结合课本在小组内自学


七年级上册(Unit 1-----Unit 12) 一.重点短语 1.in English 2.what color 3.first name https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4312220093.html,st / family name 5.ID card 6.telephone number 7.pencil case 8.pencil sharpener https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4312220093.html,puter games 10.lost and found 11.a set of 12.a phone of 13.under the tabler 14.on the sofa 15.on the dresser 16.in the drawer 17.math book 18.video tape 19.alarm clock 20.take…to 21.bring …to 22.tennis racket 23.play ping-pong /soccer /vollyball 24.sports collection 25.baseball bat 26.watch TV 27.play sports 28.on TV 29. basketball game 30.French fried 31.ice cream 32.running star 33.lots of /a lot of 34.for breakfast/lunch/dinner 35.at a very good price 36.in red /green 37.for oneself 38.have a look at /look at 39.on sale 40.date of birth 41.English speech contest 42.school trip 43.birthday party 44.school day 45.Art/Music Festival 46.English party 47.go to a movie 48.action movie 49.see a comedy 50.learn about 51.on weekends 52.in the movie 53.play chess 54.play the guitar /piano /drums 55.join the music club 56.rock band 57.be in /join 58.be good with sb. 59.go to school 60.getup 61.eat /have breakfast /lunch /dinner 62.brush one’s teeth 63.have/take a shower 64.go to work 65.after breakfast 66.take the number 17 bus 67.all night 68.get home 69.listen to 70.go to bed 71.in the morning/afternoon/evening 72.do one’s homework 73.my favorite subject 74.speakEnglish 75.be busy doing sth /be busy with sth 76.have math 77.after class 78. play with 79.call sb at…. 二.考点归纳 考点1.Thanks for doing sth Eg . Thanks for having us . 考点2.Here is / are … Eg .Here is a letter for you Here are some frowers for you . 考点3.take /bring take 带/拿走, 把sb./sth.从说话处带到别处 bring 带来/拿来,把sb./sth.从别处带到说话处 eg .The food is bad ,please take it away . Please bring your homework here tomorrow . 考点4.have 用法 1).肯定句: Sb/Sth +have/has/had +…. 2).否定句: Sb/Sth +don’t /doesn’t /didn’t +have … 3).疑问句: Do/Does/Did +sb/sth +have +…? 回答: Yes, sb +do /does /did No, sb +don’t /doesn’t /didn’t 考点5.Let’s + do sth 考点6.like 的用法 1) like sth 2)like to do sth /like doing sth 3)like sb to do sth 考点7.询问价格 How much +be +sth ? = What’s the price of sth?

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