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Kikujiro 菊次郎的夏天 英文影评

Kikujiro 菊次郎的夏天 英文影评
Kikujiro 菊次郎的夏天 英文影评

Kikujiro's summer --- A Coming-of-age Story

Kikujiro's summer is a Japanese movie of 1999. It is a road movie written, acted and directed by Takeshi Kitano. Unlike today’s popular movies with much dialogue and complex plots, this movie has its beautiful calmness. Separated by several chapters, this movie tells a simple story about Kikujiro’s journey of accompanying a young boy, Masao, for searching his mother during the summer vacation. Even though the result is hurtful (the boy finds out his mother has abandoned him and lives with a new family), this funny and touching odyssey presents the audients the best parts of human nature. From each chapter, one can see the growing love and the maturation of the two characters. At the end of the movie, the man totally changes his images of a gambler and becomes responsible and warm-hearted. After his gentle words of love and a series of affectionate actions, the boy is no longer lonely and dispirited. In the movie, the director Kitano uses the odds and absurd actions of a group of people to present his Japanese humor. Most members of the group are treated as the outcasts from accepted social norms. Lonely as they are, they don’t lack of humor. Their humor reflects a comfort from a shared isolation. Kikujiro's summer is not only a journey combined with sadness and happiness but also a part of childhood and a coming-of-age story.

As all of our group members are speaking Chinese as the minor language, we are holding some basic knowledge about Asian culture. We chose this Japanese movie, for one reason, we think Japanese culture is similar to Chinese culture which is not hard to understand; for another reason,once entered into the 1999 Cannes Film Festival, this movie is quite famous at international level. From this representative Japanese movie, we can also compare Japanese culture with Chinese and French culture. However, this movie is sometimes quite confusing. Some of us are quite disappointed at the beginning. The two characters don’t have much conversation and the dull boy who always has his head bowed makes the film more boring. I agree that it is not an intricate or fascinating movie that we usually watched in cinema, but this movie has its attractiveness with its funny and subtle storytelling. We have a pair of comic bikers, a lone van traveler, an arguing truck driver, a fun juggling couple, prankish hitchhiking gags, and a rather extensive betting session at the bicycle races. There are occasions for sentimental tears. For instance, when the boy finds his mother has abandoned him, the man tried so hard to comfort the boy, and to cheer him up. Also, when the man takes a side trip to visit his own mother, he says nothing but only looking at his mother's lonely back. Even though the child appears to be a sulky non-smiling little boy most of the time, a boy will be a boy when it comes to play and open up to lightness of the heart. Besides the characters, we also have some discussion about the humor in the movie. One of French students in our group thinks that the main plot and comic effects of the movie are presented in old ways. Some of the comic scenes are bizarre and Japanese humor is difficult to understand. Indeed, Japanese sense of humor is different from French humor or Chinese humor. With the difference of culture and language, verbal humor is hard to be absorbed. People are more attracted by physical humor. In the movie, the comic effects are more presented by the oddness, childishness and absurdity of the man. Sometimes we think he is stupid, rude and makes trouble out of nothing, but sometimes we are touched and amused by his frankness, attentiveness and petty shrewdness. Moreover, some of us raised a query about the personal relationship in the movie. Most characters are strangers to each other. The boy doesn’t know the name of the man until the end of journey. In this complex society, it is dangerous for a young boy

to go on a journey with someone unfamiliar. In the movie, the director has indeed presented some potential danger in society like the teenage bullies and the pedophile, but this ugliness of society can be covered by the kind side of human nature. The teenage bullies can be educated and the pedophile can be punished. The world is beautiful because we still have a lot of kindhearted people, like the receptionist of hotel, the fun juggling couple, the van traveler, the two bikers, the man and his wife. In our discussion, one last thing should be mentioned is the music of this movie. Admittedly, the music is the soul of the movie. The theme music “summer”is one of the most famous compositions by Hisaishi. With a light tripping rhythm,this pure and fresh music is like a cool breeze in summer that bring people refreshing and happy mood. Even though some of us may not know the movie, everyone has a feeling of familiarity about the music. At that moment, I felt that music can be a language shared by all.

菊次郎的夏天 观后感

他俩夏了夏天 ——《菊次郎的夏天》观后感 伴着那美好的音乐, 你我将会永远记住那个动人的夏天。 这是一部公路电影, 这也是关于旅程,关于人生,关于生命的电影。 在一大一小两个人走在去往目的地的路上, 每一次摩擦都促进了双方对彼此的了解, 每一次融合都进一步加深了两个人的关系, 正如人生。 这是一个男人为一个孩子带来的童话。 就算全世界都认为他游手好闲邋遢猥琐,至少在小男孩心中,那个有菊次郎陪伴的夏天永远是最美好的。 摇摇天使之铃,就会有天使来到身边。谁会想到这个终日骗吃骗喝满嘴粗口的中年男人,也会说出这么美好的谎言呢。白色的沙滩,菊次郎坐在正男身边,正男低声抽泣着,小手里攥着淡蓝色透明玻璃的天使之铃。风吹铃声响起,小男孩没有看见天使,我看见了。他穿着白色衬衣,脏兮兮的裤子,还有一头乱糟糟的头发,在一旁小心翼翼的守护着男孩小小的心。 没有找到妈妈也没有关系,正男会坚强起来的。多年后,正男会忘了那个住在海边小屋里的美丽女人的面孔,但清爽的海风和白色的沙滩永远留了下来。 一路上正男做了无数噩梦,饶舌的女人们,穿红衣的变态男人,乱舞的妖怪。梦里的妈妈没有来救他,醒来后见到的都是菊次郎。做个有八爪鱼和玉米地的梦吧。感谢菊次郎和路上邂逅的三个男人。还有另外一个世界的,这世界里没有我们的妈妈,却有北斗星的童话和裸体红绿灯的游戏。 不得不提的是,久石让的summer出现在影片的多处,且多是伴随着主人公的路途的奔走,爱死了这些画面,看着都觉得励志,而这些无需言语。久石让的配乐推动剧情发展,酝酿情绪,在情节感伤处攫取力量,在欢乐处画龙点睛。听着听着任何愁绪溜走了,有的只是柔情似水,融了化了。 小正太遇上怪蜀黍,当久石让遇上北野武,一切化学反应都美妙得无以言喻。就像是给心放了个最轻松的假,简单而温暖~什么都不用去想,没有沉重的学业和生活的负担,只有最淳朴善良的人们,和你一同找回最单纯的快乐。 未来某天当他说,小子,我带你去找妈妈。即使知道赌自行车输掉会被骂,可能两天两夜等不来一辆车,也许还要被庙会的混混揍,但还是会立刻背上天使翅膀的小包,心甘情愿地跟他走。 我们一起去海边,去流浪。 高二(6)班 许可


Director: Gabriele Muccino Title: The Pursuit of Happiness Press: Columbia Pictures Year: 2006.12.15 Shining words or sentences: 1. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. 2. I'm the type of person, if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer. 3. There is an I in "happiness", There is no Y in "happiness", It's an I 4. Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say? Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants. 5. You want something. Go get it! Summary: The film "The Pursuit of Happiness" is based on a true story. Chris Gardner, the lead of this story, is on the edge of bankruptcy. As the result of poor, his wife leaves him. In order to raise his son, he works hard and becomes a stock trader. In the end, he becomes a famous financial investor. Comment: Today is cruel, tomorrow is crueler, the day after tomorrow is beautiful, but most people have died in tomorrow night. The reason why they die is that they give up. So, they can't see the beautiful sunshine in the day after tomorrow morning. Never give up, and you will succeed. In the film, we can see the leading man work hard and he never abandon any chance to get a good job. And because of his good quality-optimistic, he gets the chance to practice for a job. Even he faces so many difficulties, he does not give up. As the result, he succeeds. "Anything is possible". We all know that this sentence is the slogan of Lining. Nothing is difficult to a man who wills. If people give up, he will lose all opportunities. But if he doesn't give up, everything will become better. There will be no worse. So, never give up and just do it.


Love and belief It is a boarding school called “bottom of pond”. There is a strict principle—“action-reaction”. It is a punishment to students who makes mistake. In this school, students are all problematic youngsters. Clement Mathieu holds the post of warden .He teaches them music, and make up a chorus. At finally, the problematic youngsters turn to be aggressive, honest, upright young boys. How does Mathieu make so big change on these problematic youngsters? I think love and belief are the gifts what is given to the students by Mathieu. The first day when Mathieu went to the school, Uncle Maxence was badly hurt by someone’s trick. The headmaster immediately carried out the principle “action-reaction”instead of taking uncle Maxence to hospital at once. NO one dared to confess. So the headmaster gave the word that everyone would take 6 hours confine, in turn. Boniface was first to be confined unluckily. The pro-warden told Mathieu that Le Querrec was the peace breaker .Instead of handing over Le Querrec to the headmaster, Mathieu asked him to give a hand to the infirmary, and looked after uncle Maxence until he got recover. When uncle Maxence got deteriorated , Le Querrec felt sorry and shameful.In this way, Le Querrec got a lesson, and make compensation to uncle Maxence .Meanwhile ,he got respect of others. Ever since students made mistakes, Mathieu always used his methods to gave students lessons instead of maltreating. The same day, Mathieu asked students to write down their names, ages and what they wanted to do in the future in paper. All the students wrote seriously, everyone’s dream was so perfect. He realized that these students were not so incorrigible. They just laked of belief. Mathieu decided to teach them music .Everyone joined in the chorus. He found Morhange was a genius in music. Under continuous training, the chorus got the compliment from charity society. What is the most important, everyone were not that they used be. They spent a lot time singing. They found joy, found freedom, find belief from music. They were not the one who always made troubles. Especially, Morhange understood appreciation. These all contributed to making him enter into the Institute of Music in Lyons, and became a famous conductor of music in future. As what was singing in the song, if you had belief, you would get light of hope, zealous of life, lane of glory. Last, Clement Mathieu is a good sample of teacher. He uses his tender way to make students realize what is love, what is belief. The power encourages students to find the road to rainbow, uncover the prelude of spring in grey morning. 0307100512 王潇霞


The discussion on I think this movie is very meaningful. I like it very much. You must think so too. You must all have a lot to say. But according to what we have appointed, I’m the Chair, so please let me show you my opinion first. The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy\'s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle. As far as I’m concerned, this movie shows us three things: freedom, friendship, and hope. If we take a movie as a novel, then


菊次郎的夏天观后感 生活中,一颗善良和真诚的心能影响和改变人与人之间的关系。这是一部讲述关于菊次郎带着小正男找妈妈的故事。 影片随着轻快的旋律拉开序幕,清新的钢琴声驱走了炎炎夏日的燥热,带来几分清爽的凉意。菊次郎是个游手好闲,欺善怕恶,斤斤计较,装腔作势,浑身痞子样的中年大叔,他带着内向木讷,常常低着头但又懂事细心,乖巧听话的小正男在暑假踏上寻找正男妈妈的路程。影片中的人物形象和性格都刻画的非常成功,从不同的事把他们的特征表现的淋漓尽致,如菊次郎好赌不服输,刚启程就带着正男去赌赛车,知道眼见路费快赌光了才肯罢休;在路边搭顺风车,用尽一切办法截停车辆:菊次郎装瞎子,让小正男装可怜来博取司机的同情心,幸好他们遇到了热情的情侣,周游各地的诗人和好心的宾馆服务员,才能顺利到达目的地。他们与这“一大一小”也都是萍水相逢,或者让他们搭顺风车,给予帮助;或者一起结伴玩耍,欢声笑语。菊次郎也有可爱又小孩子气的一面,别看他一脸恶狠狠的样子和他背后吓人的纹身,在酒店里因为不会游泳而闹出了很多笑话,但他不服气,一次又一次下水尝试又一次次差点溺水被人救起,于是他在房间的桌子上偷偷练习着游泳姿势。看到他笨笨的动作,逗得我咯咯笑起来。在得知妈妈改嫁并且有了新家庭后,正男伤心的哭起来,那个孤独无助的背影让人非常辛酸。菊次郎看到这一幕也露出了他同情的目光,为了安慰小男孩,几乎用威胁的方法骗来了一个天使之铃,编了一个善意的谎言,说这是妈妈搬走以前留给他的,只要摇摇铃铛,天使

就会出现保护他。看到这里,我对菊次郎的形象有了新看法:一直表现的浑浑噩噩的一个混混模样的他,展露出了他人性本善良的一面,包括后来在车站里偷换路人的食物给小正男充饥,明明自己也饿得慌,嘴里却说自己不饿的托辞,还有在庙会上陪正男玩的不亦乐乎,但却为了占小便宜而耍赖最后遭人暴打,可他骗小男孩说是从楼梯上摔下来的。我从他身上看到了有责任有义气会懂得为他人着想的新品质。小正男等受伤的菊次郎熟睡后,拼命的为他买药包扎,这一幕深深的令我感动,两个原本素不相识的陌生人,阴差阳错的一起出行,两个孤独的人一路上相互依靠,相互慰藉,质朴而纯粹,却打动人心,不禁让人反思:世间本是如此美好。现实生活中,人的本质被伪装,被污蔑,被怀疑,被埋没,我们不能一眼看出一个人真实的模样,但用真诚和善良打动一个人后,渐渐的,真实的品质就会流露出来。 后来,归程中遇到了“好人先生”、“光头佬”和“肥佬”,他们得知正男的经历后为了弥补他,陪他一起玩耍,度过了一段美好时光。他们在夏天里相遇,相伴,共同经历,各自成长,然后回到最初的起点……

The Pursuit of Happiness(当幸福来敲门)经典电影英文影评

The Pursuit of Happiness(当幸福来敲门)2006 With a title like The Pursuit of Happiness, you expect the characters to get to the promised land. They do, but if the journey matters more than the destination, this is a movie to skip. The Pursuit of Happyness is long, dull, and depressing. It expands into two hours a story that could have been told more effectively in one. This is not the feel-good movie of the season unless you believe that a few moments of good cheer can redeem 110 minutes of gloom. Sitting through The Pursuit of Happiness is a chore. Downbeat movies aren't inherently bad (in fact, many are powerful), but this one provides artificial characters in contrived circumstances. How is it that movies "inspired by a real story" often feel more fake than those fully embedded in the realm of fiction? Will Smith has generated Oscar buzz for his portrayal of Chris Gardner, the real-life guy whose rags-to-riches story forms the basis of the movie. (Impoverished guy becomes capitalist poster boy.) While it's fair to say that this is one of the best straight performances of Smith's career, it didn't blow me away. In and of itself, the acting, while effective, is not Best Actor material, but it wouldn't surprise me if the movie's prestige factor and Smith's popularity earn him a nod. Meanwhile, his female co-star, Thandie Newton, isn't going to be considered for any award. Newton spends about 90% of her screen time doing an impersonation of a harpy: screeching, bitching, and contorting her face into unpleasant expressions. Smith's son, Jaden, is okay as the movie's child protagonist; it's unclear whether his occasional deficiencies are the result of his acting, Steven Conrad's writing, or Gabriele Muccino's direction, but there's not much personality behind the cute features and curly hair. Chris Gardner (Will Smith) is down on his luck. It's 1981 San Francisco and his self-employed business of selling portable bone density scanners isn't doing well. His wife, Linda (Thandie Newton), does nothing but yell at him and give him a cold shoulder, and the lack of domestic harmony is impacting the disposition of his beloved son, Christopher (Jaden Christopher Syre Smith). That's when Chris' life turns into a country song. His wife leaves. He is evicted from his home. He goes to jail, neither passing GO nor collecting a much-needed $200. He gets hit by a car. He is robbed. He makes his son cry. He alienates a friend over $14. He gets to spend a night in the cleanest public restroom in the history of public restrooms. But there's a bright spot, although you need a dark-adapted eye to find it. Despite having no experience, Chris applies to enter an internship program at Dean Witter. He would appear to have no chance to get in until he amazes the head of the program (Brian Howe) by solving the Rubik's Cube puzzle in the back of a taxi cab. It's a blessing that the movie doesn't use a stock villain to impede Chris' herky-jerky trip to the top, because that would have tipped the movie into the empire of the unwatchable. However, the lack of a strong conflict makes the two-hour running length seem very long. Thankfully, there's also not much in the way of overt melodrama, but that could be a byproduct of having characters who are not deeply realized and have narrow emotional ranges. It's tough to connect with Chris and his son. Although they are played by a real-life father and son, there's no chemistry between them. We're constantly told how desperately Chris loves Christopher, but it takes a long time before we begin to buy it. Most of the time, Christopher seems like an annoying piece of baggage that Chris drops off at daycare when he has other things to do. The film's most compelling scenes are those that show Chris struggling to enter the rat race. Granted, this is no Glengarry Glen Ross, but it shows the pressure these salesmen are under and how important the contact lists are. In the overall scheme of things, however, these sequences are background noise. They are neither plentiful nor lengthy. The movie spends more time following Chris on his futile sales rounds for the bone density scanner than it does accompanying him during his broker training. The moral of the story is as trite as they come: don't let anyone convince you to give up on your dreams. Disney animated films have been doing this better for decades. The Pursuit of Happyness concludes with a caption that tells us what happens to Chris after the end of the movie; it promises a better story than the one we have just watched. The film is also marred by a persistent (although not verbose) voiceover that adds nothing to the story while frequently jerking us out of the experience of watching it. I don't need Will Smith telling me: "This part of the story is called 'riding the bus.'" This is the English-language debut of Gabriele Muccino, who has made a name for himself in Italian cinema. The Pursuit of Happiness has the kind of slow, drab tone one occasionally associates with a director raised outside of the Hollywood system. What can be an asset in some circumstances is a detriment in this one. The Pursuit of Happiness isn't enjoyable, and its meager pleasures, including the eventual "payoff," aren't enough to justify the unrelenting misery. The Pursuit of Happiness is competently made and gets lots of the details right, but when it comes to the emotional core of the story, it loses the pursuit and misses the "happiness."

The choir boys放牛班的春天中英观后感

The Choir, translate it into Chinese is FangNiuBanDeChunTian. It’s so ingenious that I’m read all of my sweet smiles. 放牛班的春天”,名字译得很巧妙,单是读着都漾出善意的笑 Spring is not who can give others, it has always been there, all we need is just a smiling guide. 春天,不是谁能够送给谁,它早就在那儿,我们需要的只是一位微笑的领 路人。 There is nothing can comparable to the song which is sang by children, It has no artificial trace of affectation, It is the effect of training cannot achieve, it is from natural, just like the grass on the mountain, the snow on the mountain tops, the moon in the clouds. 童声有无可比拟的优点,就是它毫无人工做作的痕迹,并不是训练而成的 歌声,而是天然而然,就像坡上的草,山顶的雪,云间的月。 When the film come to the end ,rang the song----《Cerf-volant》,the pure sound of the children flew out of the window from the secret chamber which is like a high castle. At the same time, many paper planes with childish handwriting drop from the clouds one by one, like the angel’s feather. They gently fall at Maxiu’s feet, almost make me cry. 当影片临近尾声,响起那首《Cerf-volant》,孩子们清澈的音声从高高的城堡式的禁闭室中飘逸到窗外,合着一架架承载了稚嫩笔迹的纸飞机,仿佛天使的羽毛一片片,一片片,一片片落到马修的面前,差点让我落泪In the sunshine, no words and the childs can’t see the outside world, while their song is like the gentle waves and their waving hands are telling the parting love and the soul kisses. 阳光下,没有言语,也看不到外面的世界,然而孩子们的歌声如轻柔的海 浪层层相叠,一双双挥舞的小手写满了离别的眷恋和心灵的亲吻。 Every heart needs love , needs tolerant and understanding. Every child comes from pure place should be the very love treasure. 每一颗心都需要爱,需要温柔,需要宽容,需要理解。每一个孩子都来自纯净无邪的地方,永远都应该是人间万分疼惜的珍宝。 In the face of these children, the more I believe is “Where there is wise man, there is the swift horse”. 面对那些孩子, 我更愿意相信我不喜欢的韩愈说过的话:世有伯乐,然后 有千里马。

肖申克的救赎 观后感、影评

肖申克的救赎观后感、影评.txt生活,是用来经营的,而不是用来计较的。感情,是用来维系的,而不是用来考验的。爱人,是用来疼爱的,而不是用来伤害的。金钱,是用来享受的,而不是用来衡量的。谎言,是用来击破的,而不是用来装饰的。信任,是用来沉淀的,而不是用来挑战的。剧情简介: 影片从1946年讲起,缅因州一位银行家安迪喝得醉醺醺地上了自己的车,还把手枪里装了子弹,接着有他妻子与人私通的画面,再下来他就被判刑入狱,成了肖申克监狱的重罪犯。 在狱中,他与黑人囚犯雷德互相帮助,成为好朋友;而以博格斯为首的一群囚犯却经常袭击安迪。后来,狱警们发现了安迪的理财能力,都来找他做投资咨询,甚至孩子升学问题也来找他请教。监狱长让他做假帐,从中渔利。 多年过去,有一天,安迪郑重地对雷德说:如果你出狱,一定到某地一棵树下把一个盒子挖出来。当天夜晚,安迪越狱。雷德获释后照安迪的话做,两个朋友在墨西哥海滨重逢了。 <肖申克的救赎>对谁的救赎 《旧约.以赛亚书》中说道:“锡安必因公平得蒙救赎,其中归正的人必因公义得蒙救赎。但悖逆的和犯罪的必一同败亡;离弃耶和华的必致消亡。”据说这里就是“救赎”一词的起源。据粗略统计,在整部《以赛亚书》中,这个词一共出现了16次之多。很明显,它象征着基督思想的实践,具有非常重要的意义。以至于到了宗教时代,“救赎”因其明确的指向性而一度成为了左右西方精神世界的关键词。既然如此,那我们可以得出如下的结论:即“救赎”产生于特定的人群(基督徒)和特定的年代(宗教年代),而随着20世纪以来西方社会中信仰的缺失,人本主义代替了神本主义,这个词似乎也将不复流行。 然而,在二十世纪九十年代,着名导演弗兰克.德拉邦特从斯蒂芬.金的《春天的四个故事》中看似无意地提取出了这个银行家的故事。随后,一部伟大的电影诞生了。这部电影的名字叫《肖申克的救赎》,一个信仰缺失的年代里关于救赎的故事。 那么,在这部影片里,德拉邦特想要表现的是谁对谁的救赎呢? 没有任何辩驳的自由,巧舌如簧的检察长把安迪的生命交给了肖申克漫长的岁月。被冤枉的银行家不会甘于命运,然而肖申克并非福地,第一天晚上就有人被活活打死了。“把信仰交给上帝,把身体交给我。”监狱长的训词非常露骨,他的意思无非是“在这里,你们没有自由,必须无条件地做任何事,不要有什么不切实际的幻想,那是属于上帝的”,于是,一场关于尊严和人性的斗争就此开场,不过在这场斗争中2,救赎主不是上帝。 救赎主是两个字:希望。被救赎的也是两个字:自由。 或许这篇文章的读者会认为我太过抽象化了,但是当你在头脑里从头至尾一而再、再而三地不断闪回那些片段的时候,你会轻而易举地理解我这么说的缘由的。 希望,是整部影片的主题。 在安迪来肖申克之前,监狱里的话题除了变态、打架就是无所事事地消磨时间,混乱、肮脏、恐惧、绝望共同织就了这里恶劣的环境,犯人没有任何人权可言,为监狱长无偿出卖他们的廉价劳动力。在安迪入狱之后,这个不甘现状的银行家尽管依然无力改变犯人受压迫受


《当幸福来敲门》的英文观后感 Throw the trouble away -----------The feeling after reading book “The Pursuit of Happiness” Recently, I have read a book named The Pursuit of Happiness. May be you have already seen the movie. But as for the spirit which can only described by the words, I have made a choice which is reading the book by myself. It?s a very famous story and many people are moved by this story. When I close my eyes and think about my real world. Is there any trouble that I can?t deal with exist? No, of cause not. Think about Chris Gardner, the hero of this book. How difficult the situation is when he gets no job, no money? Chris hasn?t seen his father until the age of 28. So he swears that he must be a great father for his son ----Christopher. But thinking about his career and the badly-off current. He has to lead his kid hang out every hospital to sell the bone scanners for money. Aidentally, he knows that act as a bill broker merely


Review of the Shawshank Redemption Abstract: It is really an amazing movie I have ever seen in my lifetime. The cast and the story of the movie are really successful. Andy is a passionate character, and he is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover despite his claims of innocence. It is so touching to spend almost two decades in the prison. Old-fashioned prisons in the 90s are full of bad guys who do not expect anything from the life. And, they do not think how they escape here. However, Andy with his close friend in the prison, Red, tries redemption from this prison, by the time, Andy tries to do beautiful things for people in the prison not to attract attention. It is unbelievable that they escape from the prison. But, Andy approaches to place of exit. It is actually amazing, it is really incredible. They go to their dreams to live a peaceful and quiet life. Also, Andy prepares a trap for the chief of the jail. After the redemption, they become free anymore. It is really an amazing movie. Easily one of the best movies made during the 90s and definitely one of the top “prison” movie of all-time. The more time you watch it, the more you love it, and the more you learn from it. An absolutely encouraging story to those who are desperate or sad or complaining about bad luck. If you never give up and try to figure out a way ahead, nothing can stop you to the brightness and freedom. Everything you have experienced will bring you positive influences if you take it positively. I used it to encourage people around me, for example, a girl who is suffering from the depression, a classmate who has just lost her favorite pet, and a friend who lost his job recently. Key words: Hope; redemption; freedom; courage Text: 1.Production Frank Darabont secured the film adaptation rights from author Stephen King after impressing the author with his short film adaptation of The Woman in the Room in 1983. Although the two had become friends and maintained a pen-pal relationship, Darabont did not work with hin until four years later in1987, when he optioned to adapt Shawshank. This is

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