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Unit 1 In-depth Reading- Into the Ivory Tower

Vocabulary Preparation

1. graduate

vi. 毕业graduate from…从…(地方)毕业

* 你是从哪所大学毕业的?

Which university did you graduate from?

* I could skip every lecture for a month and still graduate.

Chinese meaning: 我可以一个月不去上课还可以照常毕业。

n. 毕业生;研究生

* 他是牛津大学的毕业生。

He is a graduate of Oxford/an Oxford graduate.

* 她是文学专业的研究生。

She is a graduate student in literature.

graduation n. 毕业

2. abroad

adv. 在国外,到国外travel/go/live abroad 去国外(旅行/生活)

* 小时候,我们从未去过国外。

We never traveled/went abroad when we were kids.

* The Harry Potter movies are very popular now, both at home and abroad.

Chinese meaning: 哈利波特的电影目前非常受欢迎,无论是在国内还是国外。

C.f.: abroad aboard在(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)上;登上(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)

* 飞机失事导致机上的160名乘客全部遇难。

The plane crashed killing all 160 passengers aboard.

* 为了出国,他正在努力争取奖学金。

He was going for a scholarship in order to go abroad.

3. challenge

n. 挑战challenge of sth./doing sth. …的挑战pose a challenge to sb. 对(某人)构成挑战face/meet/take a challenge 面对/迎接/接受挑战

* 他愿意接受各种角色的挑战。

He liked to accept/meet/the challenge of playing all roles.

* 这次罢工对政府构成了严峻的挑战。

The strike (has) posed a challenge to the government.

v. 挑战challenge sb. to sth. 向(某人)挑战(某事)

* After dinner my brother challenged me to a tennis match.

Chinese meaning: 晚饭后,我弟弟向我发出挑战要和我打一场网球赛。

challenger n. 挑战者challenging adj. 挑战的,考验能力的

4. experience

n. 经历,阅历;经验

* 我从自己的经验中得知这项工作有多难。

I know from my own experience how difficult the work can be.

* 他童年的经历给他上了很好的一课。

His childhood experience/His experience as a child taught him a good lesson.

vt. 经历;体验

* 许多老人在退休以后会经历许多问题。

Many old people will experience a lot of problems after they retire.

* Quite a number of women will experience anxieties when they are expecting a baby. Chinese meaning: 许多女人在怀孕期间都会有焦虑的体验。

experienced adj. 经验丰富的inexperienced adj. 没什么经验的


vt. (正式用法)等候;期待

* 请在大堂等候总统。

Please assemble in the lobby to await the President.

C.f.: await wait

* 他们都在等待着欧文的到来。

They were all waiting for Owen's arrival.

* Death awaits all men.

Chinese meaning: 人终有一死。

6. impact

n. 巨大影响have an impact on sth./sb. 对(某事/某人)造成巨大影响

* 计算机对现代人的生活造成了巨大影响。

The computer has a great impact on the lives of modern people.

v.影响impact on/upon

* The new Act will impact on/upon the development of food industry.

Chinese meaning: 新法案将会影响食品工业的发展。


n. 建议

* You may get handy tips on using school library by talking to professors.

Chinese meaning: 通过与教授交谈,你可以得到很多使用图书馆的实用建议。

n. 小费

* 在那家西餐厅吃完午饭,我总会留下5美元的小费。

I often left a 5 dollar tip after having lunch in the western style restaurant.

n. 尖端

* What's her name? It's on the tip of my tongue but I simply can't remember.

Chinese meaning: 她叫什么名字来着?话到嘴边,我一时想不起来了。


v. 有计划地使用;谨慎使用budget (sth.) for (sth.) 为了(某事)有计划地使用(某物)* 如果我们为了将来精打细算地使用时间,我们就离成功更近了一步。

If we budget our time carefully for the future, we will be one step closer to success.

n. 预算 a tight budget 预算紧within/over budget 未超出/超出预算

* From now on, I have to live on a tight budget.

Chinese meaning: 从现在起,我只得勒紧裤腰带生活了。

* 我们必须按时、不超支地完成项目。

We must finish the project on time and within budget.

9. set

n. (一)套;(一)系列 a set of

* 这家公司正面临着一系列的问题。

The company is facing a set of problems.

* 我在生日那天收到一套园艺工具。

I received a set of gardening tools on my birthday.

v. 设定,确定

* The government hasn't set a date for election.

Chinese meaning: 政府仍未确定选举的日期。

* 史密斯先生把闹钟定在早上8点。

Mr. Smith set his alarm for 8 o'clock in the morning.

* 桌上摆放了12位客人的餐具。

The table was set for 12 guests.

10. recommend

v. 建议;劝告recommend sb. to do sth. recommend sth. to sb. recommend that…

* I recommend that you (should) get some suggestions/advice from your schoolmates.

I recommend you to get some suggestions/advice from your schoolmates.

Chinese meaning: 我建议你从校友那儿取取经。

* 他向我推荐了一些网站。

He recommended a few websites to me.

recommendation n. 推荐;提议

11. manage

v. 管理,料理;做成(某事)manage to do sth.

* 管理足球队比想象的要难。

Managing a football team is harder than you think.

* How do you manage yourself to be so slim?

Chinese meaning: 你是怎么让自己这么苗条的?

management n. 管理manager n. 经理manageable adj. 可操纵的;可处理的

12. schedule

n. 工作计划;日程安排ahead of/on/behind schedule 提前/按计划/延后做(某事)

* 威尔逊先生于3月5日按时抵达北京。

Mr. Wilson arrived at Beijing on schedule on March 5.

* In spite of all the difficulties, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.

Chinese meaning: 尽管有许多困难,我们还是提前完成了任务。

take time out of one’s busy/tight schedule to do sth. 百忙之中抽时间做(某事)

13. access

n. 接近/使用…的机会/权力get/gain/have access to sth.

* As his private secretary, she has/gains/gets access to all his correspondence.

Chinese meaning: 作为他的私人秘书,她有机会接触到他的所有信件。

* 市民们可以免费使用这个图书馆。

Citizens have/get free access to this library.

v. (从电脑上或网络上)获取信息

* 可以从几个文档中同时获取信息。

Information may be accessed from several files at the same time.

accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的


n. 作业;任务

* All freshmen of this university are required to accomplish three written assignments the first year.

Chinese meaning: 这所高校的所有新生均需在入学第一年完成三项书面作业。

assign v. 分配;分派assign sth. to sb. assign sb. sth.

15. due

adj. 预期的be due to do sth. 预计做某事

* Her child is due next May.

Chinese meaning: 预计她的孩子将在明年五月份出生。

* 火车将于三个小时后到达。

The train is due to arrive after three hours.

* 如果书到期了我还没看完能续借吗?

Can I extend the book if I can’t finish it before the due date?

due to 因为,由于

16. approach

v. 靠近,接近

* 到本世纪末,这个城市的人口将接近1200 万。

The population of the city will approach 12 million by the end of the century.

* Spring is approaching.

Chinese meaning: 春天来了。

n. 方法,方式approach to sth./doing sth.

* 我们采取了一种新的方法来教语言。

We’ve adopted a new approach to teaching language.

17. priority

n. 优先事项;首要事情first/top/main/high priority

* 重建这一地区是当务之急。

Rebuilding the area is the first/top/main priority.

* You should decide on the priorities.

Chinese meaning: 你应该分清轻重缓急。

prior adj. 优先的;在前的

18. resource

n. 资料;资源resource room/center 资料室/重心natural/human/financial/mineral resources * 越来越多的人致力于保护水资源。

More and more people are engaging in the protection of/protecting water resources.

* Time is your most valuable resource, especially in emergencies.

Chinese meaning: 时间是你最宝贵的资源,特别是在出现紧急情况时。

resourceful adj. 机敏的;足智多谋的


adj. 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的readily/publicly/freely available 随时/随手/公开场合可以得到的

* 这些货品在杂货店可以随时购得。

These goods are readily available at grocery stores

adj. (人)有空的

* The manager is not available for the moment.

Chinese meaning: 经理现在没空。


prep. 经由/经过(某处)

* We flew home via Paris.

Chinese meaning: 我们乘飞机经巴黎回家。

prep. 通过/凭借(某种方式)

* 你可以通过互联网找到我们的主页。

You can access our homepage via the Internet.


v. 增加,增添gain confidence/strength/experience/weight

* Normally, women will gain weight after getting pregnant.

Chinese meaning: 女人怀孕后一般都会增加体重.

v. 获得gain independence/benefits/profits

* 这个国家100年前获得了独立。

This country gained independence a century ago.


n. 足迹;踪迹be on right/wrong track 步入正轨/误入歧途keep/lose track of ... 了解/不了解...的动态;与...保持/失去联系

* 我们有责任让他们走上正道。

It's our responsibility to put them on the right track.

* I lose all track of current affairs.

Chinese meaning: 我一点儿也不了解现在的时事动态。


v. 消耗(能量,燃料,时间等)

* 小型机动车消耗的燃料较少。

A smaller vehicle will consume less fuel.

v. (正式用法)吃,喝

* Before he died, he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.

Chinese meaning: 他死前喝了大量的酒。

consumer n. 消费者consumption n. 消耗,消费time-consuming 耗时的


n. 传送;递交;交付take delivery of... (正式用法)取(某物)

* 你什么时候能来取包裹?

When can you take the delivery of the parcel(s)?

n. 演讲方式、风格

* The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor delivery.

Chinese meaning: 这优美的诗被她拙劣的朗诵给糟蹋了。

n. 分娩an easy/difficult delivery 顺/难产 a delivery room/ward 产房

* 这名护士能熟练地接生婴儿。

The nurse is skilled in helping the delivery of babies.

v. deliver 递交;演讲;生产


v. 维持,保持;供养

* 保持温室内的温度很重要。

It's important to maintain the temperature inside the greenhouse.

* 他太穷了,供不起五个孩子。

He is too poor to maintain his five children.

v. 坚持,主张

* Johnson maintained that he was out of the country when the crime was committed. Chinese meaning: 约翰逊坚持说案件发生时他在国外。

maintenance n. 维持,保持;保养;供养


n. 资金(状况)(常用复数)

* 这位教师拒绝回答有关她个人财务状况的问题。

The school teacher refuses to answer questions about her personal finances.

n. 资金,钱财

* Unless we get more finance, we'll have to close the store.

Chinese meaning: 除非我们能弄到更多的资金,否则这家店得关门大吉。financial adj. 财政的;财务的;金融的


v. 奋斗,努力,争取struggle to do sth. struggle with/against sth.

* We go there to work and struggle to overcome these difficulties.

Chinese meaning: 我们去那儿是为了工作并努力克服这些困难。

* 这家航空公司正在高昂的成本中苦苦挣扎。

The airline is struggling with/against high costs.

* 我的母亲已经与癌症抗争了两年。

My mother has struggled against/with cancer for two years.

n. 奋斗,努力,抗争;搏斗struggle with sb. for/against sth.

* 该公司正与对手抗争,希望获得更多的市场份额。

The company is in a struggle with its rivals for more market shares.

* There will be no end to the struggle between good and evil.

Chinese meaning: 善恶之争永无止境。

* There was no sign of struggle at the murder scene.

Chinese meaning: 谋杀现场没有搏斗的痕迹。


adj. 完美的,理想的;最合适的be ideal for

* 这个游乐场是孩子们的理想去处。

This amusement park is ideal for children.

* This book would make an ideal gift.

Chinese meaning: 这本书是馈赠佳品。

idea n. 想法,观点idealism n. 理想主义idealize v. 理想化


adj. 相关的,有联系的be closely/strongly/directly related to... 与...有紧密/直接联系的* 许多英文谚语与动物有关。

Many English idioms are related to animals.

* 教育与收入关系紧密。

Education is closely/strongly related to income.

adj. 有家庭关系的

* Lily and I are distantly related.

Chinese meaning: 莉莉和我是远亲。

relative n. 亲属relationship n. 关系


n. 赊购;赊欠on credit贷款

* No credit is given at this shop.

Chinese meaning: 这家商店概不赊账。

* 你现在的信用额度是3000美金。

Your credit limit is now 3000 dollars.

* 在美国,许多人贷款购车购房。

In the United States, many cars and houses are bought on credit.

n. 学分

* I have barely enough credits to graduate.

Chinese meaning: 我的学分刚够能毕业。


n. 利润,收益gain/make/earn/turn a profit

* 某些网站年获利高达百万。

Some websites make/earn a profit of more than one million a year.

n. 利益,好处

* There is no profit in delaying the meeting.

Chinese meaning: 延期开会没什么好处。

non-profit 非盈利的profitable adj. 有利可图的


n. 账户bank account

* 我昨天刚开的户,明天就准备销户。

I opened a bank account yesterday but I'll close it tomorrow.

n. 描述give an account of ...

* 她详尽地向警方描述了所发生的事。

She gave the police a full account of what happened.

take sth. into account 考虑到,顾及

* Assignment is taken into account as well as class performance.

Chinese meaning: 除了课堂表现外,作业完成情况也要记入成绩。


v. 签字,签署sign up for sth. 报名(参加)课程

* I was forced to sign the agreement against my will.

Chinese meaning: 我被迫违心地在协议上签了字。

* 我能提前报名参加这门课吗?

Can I sign up for this course in advance?

n. 标志,标牌;迹象

* 墙上的牌子上写着“禁止吸烟”

The sign on the wall reads: "No smoking".

* The weather shows no sign of improving.

Chinese meaning: 天气没有一点好转的迹象。

signature n. 签名;签字


v. 提供,供应provide sb. with sth. provide sth. for sb.

* 他能给你提供消息吗?

Was he able to provide you with information/provide information for you? * The measure is designed to provide people with more jobs.

Chinese meaning: 这项措施的目的是为年轻人提供更多的工作机会。


n. 发泄的途径

* Children need an outlet for their energy.

Chinese meaning: 儿童的精力需要发泄出来。

n. 专营店;廉价品商店(奥特莱斯)

* 仅在北京,这家企业就有24家专卖店。

The business has 24 retail outlets in Beijing alone.


adj. 公共的;公开的;公立的;公众的

* 五月的第一天是公共节假日。

The first day of May is a public holiday.

* This may be the singer's last public appearance.

Chinese meaning: 这可能是这位歌手的最后一次公开亮相。

* 他拥有为大众服务的精神。

He has the spirit of public service.

* 总的来说,有两种学校:公立的和私立的。

Generally speaking, there are two types of schools: public and private.

n. 公众;公共the (general) public (广大)人民群众in public 公开地

* She never wants to be seen in public without her make-up on.

Chinese meaning: 她从不愿不化妆就公开露面。


adv. 很可能most/very likely

* 他极有可能坐飞机,而不是乘火车来。

He will most likely come by plane rather than by train.

adj. 可能的;预料的be more/less/most/least likely to do sth.

* Ticket price of all major scenic spots will be more likely to go up in the busy/high/peak season. Chinese meaning: 旺季时各大景点的门票很有可能会上涨。


n. 机会,时机,机遇take/seize/use the opportunity to do sth.

* 我想借此机会向我的家人感谢他们对我的支持。

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my family for their support.

C.f.: opportunity 机遇,好运chance (偶然的)可能性

* There is a chance that he may be alive.

Chinese meaning: 他还活着也说不定。

* 幸运的是,她最终得到了在世界五百强工作的机会。

Luckily, she finally got an opportunity to work with one of the world top 500.


v. 集中(注意力、精力)于...focus on/upon sb./sth.

* 这次讨论主要集中在五大主要问题上。

The debate focused on five main problems.

n. 焦点

* The war in Afghanistan has become the focus of world attention.

Chinese meaning: 阿富汗战争成为了世界关注的焦点。

Unit 1 Real World Reading -A Welcome Letter to Freshmen

Vocabulary Preparation


v. 包括,包含;容纳

* In general, a grammatical sentence contains a subject and a verb.

Chinese meaning: 一般来说,一个语法正确的句子包括主语和谓语。

* 这封信里含有有关他家庭成员的信息。

The letter contains information about his family members.


n. (一起供应的)全套物品

* 免费的信息咨询报已经于一个月前发至贵校。

The free information pack was sent to your school a month ago.

n. (纸)包,(纸)袋,(纸)盒 a pack of cigarettes/gum

* You can buy CDs in pack of ten.

Chinese meaning: 你可以整盒买唱片,每盒十张。

v. 包装,包裹;打包pack sth. up

* 我们收拾一下,去郊区过个周末吧。

Let's pack up and spend a weekend in the suburb.


v. 保证,担保,确保

* 已经采取措施确保安全。

Steps have been taken to ensure safety.

* Please ensure that all computers are switched off before leaving the office.

Chinese meaning: 请确保离开办公室前关上所有的电脑。

* 这种药能保证你晚上睡个好觉。

This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.


v. 提供最新信息clued up on sth. 对(某事)很熟悉,知之甚多clue sb. in/on sth. 给(某人)提供最新信息

* 她会给你提供与此相关的最新信息。

She will clue you in/on this.

* Please get me clued up on what I'm going to experience in college.

Chinese meaning: 请让我了解一些大学里我会经历的事情。

n. 线索clue to/about sth.

* 鉴定杀手身份的唯一线索就是一个烟头。

The only clue to the identity of the killer is a cigarette end.

* 我猜谜之前,能给我点儿线索吗?

Can you give me some clue before I guess the riddle?


n. 作用;地位;角色have/play a (important/major/minor) role in (doing) sth. role model 楷模、典范

* 她在那部电影里扮演了一个微不足道的角色。

She played a minor role in that movie.

* 公共交通体系在今天的社会中起着重要的作用。

Public transportation plays an important role in today's society.


n. 用法说明;操作指南(常用复数)

* 你可以根据说明书使用新洗衣机。

You may follow the instructions to use the new washing machine.

n. 教育,教学instruction in sth.

* Miss. Thompson gives instructions in mathematics.

Chinese meaning: 汤普森小姐教数学。

instructional adj. 教学的,教育的


n. (应付的)款项

* The next payment will be due in a couple of days.

Chinese meaning: 再过几天就该付下一笔钱了。

n. 付款

* 他坚持要求现金付款。

He insisted on payment by cash.

n. 报答,报偿

* 谨以薄礼聊表谢意,敬请笑纳。

We'd like you to accept this gift in payment for your kindness.

pay v. 付(款),付出repay v. 回报


n. 到达,抵达on/upon arrival

* 她一到就给我打了电话,所以我知道她平安无恙。

She phoned me on/upon arrival so that I knew she was safe and sound.

* There are about 200 arrivals and departures every day at this airport.

Chinese meaning: 这个机场每天有约200次航班到港和离岗。

arrive v. 到达,抵达


adj. 渴望,热衷于keen sense/eye be keen on doing sth. 热衷于做某事be keen to do sth. 渴望做某事

* 像狗这样的动物有着很敏锐的嗅觉。

Animals like dogs have a keen sense of smell.

* 我爷爷曾极其渴望回到家乡。

My grandfather was keen to return to his hometown.

* Some of my schoolmates are very keen on outdoor activities.

Chinese meaning: 我有些同学特别热衷于户外活动。


adj. 正式的;官方的

* To find more information, please log onto our official website.

Chinese meaning: 若想获得更多信息,请登录我们的官方网站。

* 按计划,正式演出是在明年九月。

The official performance is planned for next September.

n. 官员

* 高官们带着太太来参加宴会。

The higher officials came to the party with their wives.


adj. 社交的,交际的social life/skill/gathering

* 集体体育活动能帮孩子拓展社交能力。

Team sports help to develop a child's social skills.

adj. 社会的

* 在过去的十年中,这个可怜的国家经历了重大的社会变革。

In the past decade, the poor country has experienced major social changes. sociable adj. 好交际的,合群的socialize v. 社会化;交往,交际


Abrupt 1.marked by sudden changes in subject and sharp transitions "abrupt prose" 同义词:disconnected 2.exceedingly sudden and unexpected "came to an abrupt stop"; " an abrupt change in the weather" 3.extremely steep "an abrupt canyon" 同义词:precipitous sharp 4.surprisingly and unceremoniously brusque in manner "an abrupt reply Affluent 1.an affluent person; a person who is financially well off "the so-called emerging affluents" 2. a branch that flows into the main stream 同义词:feeder tributary confluent adj. having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value "an affluent banker" 同义词:flush loaded moneyed wealthy attain [ 'tein ] v. 1.to gain with effort 同义词:achieve accomplish reach 2.reach a point in time, or a certain state or level 同义词:reach hit 3.find unexpectedly 同义词:fall upon strike come upon light upon chance upon come across chance on happen upon discover 4.reach a destination, either real or abstract


16. The question is ________ me and I have no idea of it. A) beyond B ) over C) beside D) above 17. The output of our company this month is _______ that of last month. A) twice as much as B) twice as much C) twice many as D) twice as many as 18. Hardly had I got home ________ the telephone rang. A) then B) when C) as D) than 19. By the time you get back, I ________ all the work. A) would finish B) will have finished C) has finished D) had finished 20. It’ s required that the students ________ the term paper tomorrow. A) finished B) finish C) will finish D) may finish 21._______ the final examination is over, we can go outside for picnic. A) Even though B) Now that C) For D) With 22. Tom was the only one of the students who ________ named Outstanding Student. A) is B) are C) was D) were


1-50 Paper One Part I Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. There are many ways of _D_______ this problem. A) tackling B) fulfilling C) cutting off D) suppressing(抑制) 2. This part of the town is quite poor. The wealthy A________ is near the river. A) property B) neighborhood C) greenhouse D) surroundings 3. Grants are expected to total nearly $10 million over the next three years to 12 organizations to ___A_____ research into strategies that will increase the number of U.S. organ and tissue donors. A) expand B) extend C) stretch D) enlarge 4. The employer has the responsibility to provide workers a safe place to work, and to assure the ___D_____ worker has prompt medical treatment when injured without discrimination. A) slaughtered B) killed C) sliced D) injured 5. There are some things that we understand, but ___C_____ animals know nothing. A) that B) which C) about which D) for which 6. Seeing Bob coming in, she _D_______ in the middle of her story. A) gave up B) broke off C) relieved D) retreated 7. No one knows who killed her, but the police B________ her husband. A) doubt B) suspect C) expect D) predict 8. Pick the chair up instead of __C______ it along the ground. A) choking B) grasping C) dragging D) handling 9. When the fire engine arrived the house was already ___D_____ flames. A) within B) under C) in D) on 10. God __B______ that you should ever regret your marriage. A) prohibit B) disallow C) forbid D) proscribe 11. He is __D______ a farmer but he also writes novels. A) completely B) necessarily C) essentially D) remarkably 12. They have equipped the office with the _C_______ business machines. A) last B) latter C) latest D) later 13. The cat, sleeping in the sunlight, lay motionless as if it __C______ dead. A) should be B) has been C) were D) had been 14. We have enough time to __A______ the food and drinks before the guests arrive. A) lay out B) take over C) smooth out D) take advantage of


Vol.10No.1 2013年1月 第10卷第1期 Journal of Hubei University of Economics(Humanities and Social Sciences) 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版) Jan.2013一、词汇教学的重要地位 词汇是语言的三大要素之一,是语言的建筑基石。正如英国语言学家威尔金丝所言:“没有语法,人们表达的事物寥寥无几,而没有词汇,则无法表达任何事物。”可见,词汇在语言中占有重要位置。对于语言学习者、使用者来说,词汇知识是他们语言能力的一部分,在一定程度上,学生词汇量的多少能反映其英语水平,并决定其听、说、读、写诸方面的能力。 现代大学英语教学是以培养交际能力为目的,掌握大量词汇是培养交际能力的先决条件,否则语言交际就不能顺利进行。另外,英语学习的侧重点也从测试语法点转化为分析语篇,这就要求学生接受大量的语言信息,而语言信息来源于词汇,因此,学生掌握大量词汇才可以有效地进行交际和阅读。可见,在英语教学中,词汇教学占有重要地位。 二、词汇教学存在的问题 在多年的精读教学中,笔者发现学生在掌握词汇方面是薄弱的,他们不能理解句子的意思往往不是因为不懂语法,而是不理解单词的意义。通过了解学生记忆单词和教师讲解单词的方法,笔者发现词汇的教与学存在着以下一些问题: (一)教师在教学中重视语法教学,忽视词汇教学。传统的语法翻译教学法在中学英语教学中占主导地位,在一定程度上也影响了大学英语教学。 (二)教师讲课过多地重视课文主要意思和结构,忽视了讲单词,许多教师认为学生在中学已经学会了语音,会读单词,不应该花费课堂时间讲词汇,而应该集中讲课文。事实上,学生们虽然认识到词汇的重要性,但努力记单词并没有取得良好效果,学生感到很困惑。 (三)教师用字典解释单词,然而学生可能不理解新单词在不同语境中的真正含义。大部分学生依赖于字典学习词汇,而不能适当地、确切地运用单词。一个单词有多种意义,学生们不能确定在某个句子中的单词的确切意义。 (四)许多教师用近义词讲新单词,然而不区分近义词的差异。 (五)学生还有一系列其他问题,一词多义是学生学习的障碍,词语搭配对学生来说是很复杂的事情,词汇的内涵意义也不容易掌握。 因此教师应重视词汇教学,用好的方法教学生,尤其是精读课上,教师应把词汇与课文内容联系起来讲,这样学单词就不枯燥无味,在其他课上也要有意识地讲解新词,同时复习旧词,有效地提高记忆效率。我们作为教师,过去没有充分重视词汇教学,认为只要教会学生读单词,理解基本意思,学生自己背,老师再听写,这样就完成了词汇教学。事实上,教师应该用有效的方法教词汇,扩大学生的词汇量,深化词汇知识的深度。语言学家Laufer 曾说过,扩展词汇不仅是一个量的问题,词汇知识可能在不同的学习阶段从表层发展至深层,扩展词汇也不仅是熟悉新单词,它还包括加深已学过单词的知识,词汇的深度和词汇量是同等重要的。 三、词汇教学的策略和方法 为了使学生有效地、科学地学习记忆词汇,笔者提出以下几种方法,帮助学生提高记忆效率。 (一)语音教学 语音与词汇有密切的关系,学好语音对词汇有很大帮助。教师在讲新词时,首先应从读音开始,让学生掌握一定的读音规则,把握好重音、弱读等规律,严格要求学生养成准确发音的习惯。然后是单词拼写,引导学生掌握字母以及字母组合的发音规律。在记忆过程中,要让学生掌握英语单词中读音和拼写之间的对应关系,使学生把音和形联系起来,看词能读,听音会写。如:有一个发音组合:元音+辅音+不发音的e ,在这个组合中,字母e 不发音,元音字母通常发本身音。如果学生了解了这个规则,那么看到take ,use ,bike 等这种组合的词就会准确地读出来,听到时也会准确地拼写了。总之,学生掌握了读音规则,单词读准了,拼写的准确率也会随之提高,记忆单词会变得相对轻松。 (二)构词教学 语言是随着人类社会的发展而产生并发展的,许多新词的产生遵循语法规则,有一定的规律,也就是我们所说的构词法。学习英语单词的构词法,有助于提高记忆效率。常见的构词法主要有派生法、合成法、转化法。 派生法即在词根上加前缀或后缀构成新词,了解前缀、词根、后缀的意思,就可以记住几个词,如:由character 联想到 characterize ,characteristic ,characterization 。 大学英语词汇教学浅析 胡凌海 (忻州师范学院专科部,山西忻州034000) 摘 要:词汇是语言的建筑基石,在语言中占有重要位置。学生掌握大量的词汇,阅读和交际才能有效地顺利地 进行。因此词汇教学成为大学英语教学中的一个非常重要的部分,本文分析了词汇教学存在的问题并提出了一些词汇教学的策略和方法。 关键词:大学英语;词汇教学;策略;方法


第四节人与家庭 一、品质 able 有才干的,能干的;adaptable 适应性强的active 主动的,活跃的;aggressive 有进取心的ambitious 有雄心壮志的;amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的;analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的; aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的; capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办理仔细的;candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的;constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神 的; creative 富创造力的 dedicated 有奉献精神的; dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策 略的; disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的; well--educated 受过良好 教育的 efficient 有效率的; energetic 精力充沛的 expressivity 善于表达; faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的; generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的; gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默; impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的; industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的; motivated 目的明确的 intelligent 理解力强的; learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的; methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的; objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的; punctual 严守时刻的 realistic 实事求是的; responsible 负责的 sensible 明白事理的; sporting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的; systematic 有系统的 purposeful 意志坚强的; sweet-tempered 性情温和 的 temperate 稳健的; tireless 孜孜不倦的 voluble健谈的 Personality 性格 able 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的argumentative 好争辩的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 attractive 有魅力的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 bad-tempered 脾气暴燥的bigmouth 多嘴多舌的bland 冷漠的bossy 专横跋扈的 brave 勇敢的 brilliant 有才气的 capable 有能力的,有才能 的 careful 办事仔细的 caring 有同情心的 candid 正直的 clever 机灵的,聪明的 charitable 宽厚的 cheerful 开朗的 childish 幼稚的 comical 滑稽的 competent 能胜任的 conceited 自以为是的 confident 有信心的 conscientious 认真的,自 觉的 considerate 体贴的 constructive 建设性的 contemplative 好沉思的 cooperative 有合作精神 的 courageous 勇敢的,有胆 量的 creative 富创造力的 cultured 有教养的 dashing 有一股子冲劲的, 有拼搏精神的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 demanding 苛刻的 determined 坚决的 devoted 有献身精神的 dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策 略的 depressing 沉闷的 disciplined 守纪律的 discreet (在行动,说话 等方面)谨慎的 dishonest 不诚实的 disorganized 无组织的


大学英语词汇教学策略探究 关键词:词汇教学策略输入内化输出 摘要:本文作者根据认知心理学的相关理论探讨了如何在潜移默化中帮助学生更快、更好、更全面的掌握词汇。从词汇的输入、内化、输出三个环节入手制定出一套切实可行的词汇教学方案。 任何一种语言的学习都离不开字、词汇的学习与掌握,英语的学习亦是如此。英语词汇教学是英语教学的重要组成部分,词汇掌握得多少,直接影响学生外语能力的发展和运用。所以利用认知心理学的相关理论,科学地进行词汇教学,提高学生的单词记忆能力,防止遗忘,是英语教学中一项十分重要的任务。 根据认知心理学信息加工理论,词汇的学习可以分为输入,内化和输出三个环节。 (一)词汇输入

词汇的输入包括音、形、两方面。读音方面:教师应提供大量听音、模仿和实践的机会,帮助学生读准音。可使用以下方法:1、听录音跟读;2、老师示范领读;3、听课文注意语音语调。拼写方面:通过掌握单词的拼读规则和发音规则,增强学生对单词的记忆能力。在此环节,注重字母、字母组合在单词中的发音,并注重发音规律的渗透。有意识地培养学生见词就能拼读,听音就能拼写的能力。使学生们逐渐具有语言感知的能力。 (二)词汇内化 在英语词汇教学方面,众多专家一致认为词不离组,组不离句,句不离段。这充分体现了语境在记忆单词方面的作用。否则,记忆只能是浅层记忆不够深入。没有语境即使记忆了很多单词也不能够学以致用。因此,应该从以下两方面入手对所学词汇进行内化。 (1)在语境中记忆单词。词汇学习不是孤立的,从读音、拼写记忆词汇只能使学生通过读音记住、拼出单词,但单词的实际意义还得放入情境交流中,才能显示出生命力和交际功能。才能培养学生实际语言运用能力。许多语言学家的研究表明:第一语言学习者的词汇知识多数来自大量的阅读,可见,在语境中学


μúò?ì×ìa Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1.Dennison was known to pay his men handsomely, but in return he expected complete loyalty, total ______{s/1}, and absolute respect. [A]judgment [B]statement [C]commitment [D]assignment 2.During the interview I was the first to ask him______{s/1}questions that put the Bonn government in an awkward position. [A]. instructing [B]. intimidating [C]. rewarding [D]. embarrassing 3.I didn't realize the food problem was so______{s/1} in this city; with winter coming, many people would starve to death without more help. [A]. essential [B]. critical [C]. explicit [D]. effective 4.Some see themselves as the provider of ideas,______{s/1}others view their role as essentially managerial. [A]. when [B]. therefore [C]. while [D]. otherwise 5.[B]y the side of the new teaching hall ______{s/1}a library built in the 1930s. [A]. collects [B]. stands [C]. creates [D]. belongs 6.I'd like to take ______{s/1} of this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts. [A]. profit [B]. benefit [C]. occasion [D]. advantage 7.We finally ______{s/1}an agreement after a lot of hard argument. [A]. reached [B]. did [C]. arrived [D]. drove 8.It is desirable that the airplane ______{s/1} as light as possible. [A]. is [B]. were [C]. be [D]. had been


大学英语单词1 Unit1 P2 1.葡萄牙语(的);葡萄牙人(的)n.&a. 2.母语n. 3.西班牙语(的)n.&a. 4.放宽,变宽;扩大vt. 5.确信的,自信的;有信心的a. 6.(成功地)应付,对付v. 7.交流意见(或感情、消息等);沟通v. 8.常常地,频繁地ad. 9.【较正式】(尤指通过努力或计划)获得,得到;买到v. 10.显著地,引人注目地ad. 11.(开始)明白,了解(某事) 12.节奏;韵律n. 13.【正式】(尤用于商业书信中)关于,有关prep.fml 14.受欢迎的或有利的附加物,有利条件n. 15.习惯于……的a. 16.习惯于……的 17.步骤,程序n. 18.(事情、经历等)使人快乐的,有乐趣的a. P4 1.[无比较级]个人的;私人的a. 2.广告n. 3.(尤指面对反对意见)断言;声称;主张v. 4.根据……所说(或所示) 5.在某人方面;就某人而言 6.[(in)][常与in连用](说话、写作及演奏乐器等)熟练的,流畅的a. 7.谈到,提及[C;U] 8.有资格的,能胜任的a. 9.【贬】可笑的;荒谬的a. 10.否则;不然的话 11.自然地,天然的;非人力所为的a. 12.效率高的a. 13.做……是没用处的,无益的 14.争辩,争论,争吵v.

15.个人,个体n. 16.个性;人格;性格;品格[C;U] 17.多半;很可能;必定 18.程度;限度n. 19.在某个/某种/什么/一定/这样的程度上 20.[(to,in)][常与to或in连用]提供(或乐于)帮助的,有用的 21.有利条件,优势n. 22.(对……而言)具有优势 23.极端;极限n. 24.走极端 25.假定,假设vt. 26.精确的;准确的a. 27.对等词;等同物n. 28.【拉丁】反过来(也是这样),反之亦然 29.翻译;翻译作品;转化n. 30.为……提供,供给 31.(用于表示接着提到的事)更不用说,更谈不上 32.语调,音调n. 33.[一般用被动语态]把基地设在,以……为基地(或基础);底部,底座,根基,基础 v.&n. 34.以……为基础;以……为根据 35.行为主义者n. 36.喜欢做某事 37.心理学[U] 38.连续不断地;反复不断地ad. 39.鹦鹉n. 40.黑猩猩n. 41.理论家n. 42.在……看来 43.不像……;和……不同prep. 44.【正式】有关联;把……联系起来v. 45.将……与……联系起来 46.值得(做)某事…… 47.方法,手段n. 48.交往,交际;通讯;联络n. 49.和……近似,类似,相似 50.【术语】公式;方程式n. 51.有关的,有关主题的a. Unit2 P34 1.青年人n.


Test 1 1.With the _______of Mary,all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception 除了玛丽,所有的女孩都急切的想去参加舞会。 答案: B A exhibition 展览 B exception 例外with the exception of =except C except 除了...之外,(减去,不包括)介词 D reception 接待是receive的名词形式, 2.Although the traffic is not busy,he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A.spare B.fast C.moderate D.moral 虽然交通并不拥堵,但是他还是喜欢中速行驶。 答案: C A spare adj. 业余的,备用的,v 抽出(时间,精力),赦免 B fast adj 快速的, C moderate 稳健的,温和的;适度的,中等的;有节制的 D moral adj 道德的 3.All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.faded B.illustrated C.confined D.concerned 他到了65岁是时候,对所有的童年往事的记忆都慢慢的消退了。 答案:A A fade 褪色,消退 B illustrate 举例说明,图解 C confine 限制,禁闭分娩 E.g. He did not confine himself to the one language. 他没把自己局限于这一门语言。 D concern 关心,担心,涉及 4.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology.


浅谈大学英语词汇教学(一) 论文关键词:英语教学词汇教学语境 论文摘要:我国的英语词汇教学在很多情况下忽视了词汇存在的特定的语言环境,往往是孤立地教词,以致造成学生的词汇学习因缺乏语言的文化背景而思维简单。许多学生学习英语,“记住”了一定量的词汇,却难以得体地运用英语去表情达意进行交际。如何有效地进行词汇教学研究是目前英语教学领域中一个十分值得重视的问题。 Abstract:Englishvocabularyteachinginourcountryisbarelyrelatedwiththeculturalbackgroundsofthe vocabulary,withtheignoranceofthecontextandthedevelopmentofthem,therefore,itresultsinstuden tsexpressingthemselveswithdifficultyonsomeoccasions.ItistheissuethathowEnglishvocabularyteac hingeffectivelyisreinforcedatpresent. Keyword:Englishteaching;vocabularyteaching;context 1.引言 学生语言技能与交际能力的提高,是当今英语教学中一个亟待解决的问题,而提高学生语言技能与交际能力的基础在于准确理解词汇的意义,如何有效地进行词汇教学研究是目前英语教学领域中一个十分值得重视的问题。 语言运用中的负载信息主体是词汇,而词汇往往是英语学习的难点,因此,学好英语首先要克服生词障碍,准确理解词汇意义,提高语言应用能力。然而,在英语教学中,教师深深感到,由于学生的词汇量少,难以进行英语交流,阅读时困难重重,严重阻碍了学生英语应用能力的提高。对英语词汇教学方法的探索,总结出一套行之有效的英语词汇教学方法,并实施于英语教学中,必将会收到良好效果。 2.在语境中,理解词汇关联意义 在英语词汇教学中,教师只注重词的字面意义,即理性意义,而忽视了附加在词汇后面的内涵、情感的和牵涉许多联想的意义,直接影响语言应用能力的提高。教师应该既注重词汇的理性意义,又要引导学生注重词汇的关联意义。词汇意义大致可分为理性意义和关联意义,其中掌握词汇的关联意义是准确理解词义的关键所在。一个词除了其直接的、表面的、字典上的意义,还有其内涵的、情感的、牵涉许多关联的意义,这就是词汇的关联意义。关联意义是一种开放的、无限定的意义。词汇的关联意义分为四种类别:内涵意义(connotativemeaning),语体意义(stylisticmeaning),感情意义(affectivemeaning)和搭配意义(collocativemeaning)。 2.1内涵意义是指通过语言所指示是传递的意义(Leech,1987:33),由理性意义(概念意义)引起的附带性的意义或关联。它比词汇理性意义(概念意义)更为复杂,它不是意义的基本成分,而是语言使用者的内心所产生的各种联想。内涵意义具有不稳定性,它随着文化、历史和个人的经历不同而变化。如,family一词在中国孩子和西方孩子心中唤起的感情可能很不一样。内涵意义不仅随着时代和社会的不同而变化,而且即使在同一社团中,也会随个体的不同而不同。如:Cross对不信仰基督教的东方人来说,不过是个“十字形的东西”;对西方基督教徒来说就是耶稣受难、为人类赎罪的象征;对于生活在美国的黑人来说,在心中引起的联想就更加强烈、复杂了。 2.2词汇的语体意义是指由于交际方式、交际场合、交际对象、交际内容等方面的因素,所需要的词语在其长期使用过程中形成了特定的文体风格色彩。语体意义分为正式文体和非正式文体,如:TheconcertconcludedwithaperformanceofBeethoven’s5thsymphony; TheyendedtheconcertwithBeethoven’s5thsymphony.Conclude源于拉丁语,常见正式文体;而end是古英语词汇成分,多用于非正式文体。由于历史的原因,源于法语、拉丁语、希腊语的词汇多见于正式文体中。 2.3情感意义是关于讲话人或写文章那个的人对所谈事物或人的感情或态度的意义


七年级A级 meet v.认识,遇见lesson n.(一节)课class n. 班级student n. 学生year n. ……岁from prep.从……来close v. 关闭open v. 打开 city n. 城市 too adv. 也 can v. aux. 能够basketball n.篮球horse n. 马welcome v. 欢迎parent n. 父;母doctor n. 医生worker n. 工人 at prep. 在;向,朝photo n. 照片family n. 家庭her pron. 她的picture n.图片照片right adj. 正确的behind prep.在后面some adj. 一些any pron.任何一个one n. 一个物/人there pron引导句子many adj. 许多people n.人们;人have v. 有 email n.电子邮件 him pron.他宾格 make v. 做,制造 orange n. 橘子 fruit n. 水果 milk n. 牛奶 potato n. 土豆 tomato n. 西红柿 something 某事;某物 or conj. 或者 party n. 聚会 last adj刚过去的; 最近的 table n. 桌子 them pron.他们宾格 live v. 生活;住 would v. aux.愿意 film n. 电影 star n. 明星 team n. 队伍 evening n. 晚上 with prep.和…一起 great adj.伟大的 idea n.想法;主意 let v. 让 let’s = let u s让我 们 when adv. 何时 ask v. 询问;问 on adj.adv.进行上演 day n. 日子;白天 place n. 地点 swimming n.游泳 come v. 来 today adv. 今天 playground n.操场 stay v. 停留 game n. 游戏 talk v. 谈论 about prep. 关于 time n. 时间 o’clock n. 点钟 half n. 一半 past prep.超过… art n. 美术;艺术 at prep.在(某时) start v. 开始 have v. 吃 breakfast n. 早饭 house n.房子;住宅 lunch n. 午饭 go home 回家 dinner n.晚饭;正餐 finish v.结束;完成 park n. 公园 housework n.家务 always adv.总是 card n. 卡片 present n. 礼物 usually adv. 通常 often adv. 经常 never adv. 从不 get v. 得到 send v. 发送 OK int. 好的 ticket n. 票 pair n. 双;对 box n. 盒子 shirt n. 衬衫 lot n. 大量;许多 clothes n.衣服总称 music n. 音乐 singer n. 歌手 its pron. 它的 think v. 想,认为 trip n. 旅行 zoo n. 动物园 tiger n. 老虎 monkey n. 猴子 panda n. 熊猫 visit v.访问n访问 every adj.每一个只 more adj. 更多 here adv. 在这里 grass n. 草 leaf n. 叶子 world n. 世界 finally adv. 最后 first adv. 首先 use v. 使用 next adv. 然后其次 save v.保存;挽救


北方 BEIFANGJINGMAO 通过历年来在大学生当中的调查, 英语成绩差的同学往往是由于词汇掌握太少, 阅读时处处遇到“拦路虎”。一篇文章读下来, 手心出汗, 脑子里却空空如也。面对翻译和写作题, 更是举步维艰, 下笔便错。有些同学认为记单词味同嚼蜡, 把英语视为畏途。久而久之, 产生厌学心理, 甚至放弃、逃避学习。学习外语必定要过词汇关,英语学习更是如此。没有词汇量或词汇量太少就是“半文盲”, 谈不上什么水平, 听、说、写能力也只是纸上谈兵而已。英语的全部词汇估计有一百多万个, 学生们不可能也没必要记住所有的英语词汇, 但至少要熟练使用大学英语教学大纲中所要求掌握的词汇。然而这六七千个词就已经令不少同学头疼不已。怎样识记英语词汇, 成为英语学习中的一大难题, 怎样教会学生识记英语词汇, 也是教师在词汇教学中的难题。因此, 教师在英语教学中也要把握词汇教学的主旨, 有效地帮助学生记忆词汇并掌握词汇的用法。 一、词汇学习难的主要原因(一)客观原因 现行教材词汇量太大, 很多单词在教材中复现率低, 要“认识”单词、“识记”单词、“理解”单词,进而学好英语,的确得下苦功。目前, 现代化教学设施和教学手段尚未普及,教学任务比较繁重, 教师要在现有的条件下,充分调动学生的积极性, 发挥其主观能动性,争取有良好的收效。在英语教学中, 教师应对症下药、有的放矢,让学生懂得用科学的方法记忆单词,与“遗忘”作不懈斗争, 并以此贯穿教学过程的始终。 (二)主观原因 记忆力、理解力和创造力都是人的智能的具体表现。记忆力是人脑对过去感知的和对操练过的知识的反映, 是属于人的心理活动的范畴, 是人认识客观事物并运用知识解决实际问题的一种能力。有的人有惊人的记忆力, 能过目不忘,这种超强的智慧当 然是一笔财富, 一种幸运。而一般来说, 根据人的生理特征, 人的记忆力都有一个时间性, 随着时间的推移会减弱对于事物的记忆, 直至最后完全消失。实际上,常人的记忆力可以通过后天的环境教育、实践作用得到培养和发展。多读勤记是最基本的加深记忆的方法, 所谓“笨鸟先飞”、“勤能补拙”说的都是这个道理。那么具体可以通过什么方法来实现对于单词的记忆、产生良好的学习的效果呢? 二、词汇教学的主要方法 (一)词汇教学与语法教学相结合 英国著名的语言学家D. A. Wilkins 曾说:“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西,而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西”。也有人这样比喻词汇与语法之间的相互关系:语言好比一座大厦,语法好比其建筑的框架,词汇则是建筑该大厦的砖块。这一比喻虽不十分确切,但却非常形象地揭示了词汇与语法之间相互依赖而又彼此独立的关系。 外语教学中,语法和词汇哪一个更重要,则见仁见智。传统的外语教学强调向学生传授语法知识,在一定程度上把语法结构作为外语教学的终极目标。从二十世纪七十年代后期开始,词汇教学在外语教学中才得到重视,人们充分利用词汇和语义研究的成果,设计出许多旨在帮助学生掌握语言中基本词汇用法和练习的教学活动。应用语言学家们试图通过研究词汇习得的特点,寻找外语教学中词汇教学的最佳途径。我们认为,在大学英语教学中,词汇教学应该与语法教学相结合,教师不但要教会学生掌握语法知识,还要使学生掌握词汇学的基本知识——诸如构词原理、语义构成、语义关系、词源知识等。 (二)引导学生通过阅读增加词汇量 利用上下文对词义进行猜测的猜测法是词汇学习研究中讨论较多的问题,也是倍受许多教师青睐的一种词汇学习策略。对词汇教学来说,我们可以引导学生通过阅读来掌握词汇。通过阅读,学生不仅可以复习、巩固已掌握的词汇,还可以接触、学习新词汇,阅读是提高词汇量的最佳途径之一。在这方面,教师在讲解精读课文时,可从句子的结构、上下文的对比、对生词的解释和比较以及词的重述等方面来引导学生猜测词义。例如:《大学英语.精读》第一册“How to Improve Your Study Habits”这一课里,有这样一句话“even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work”, 这里“average”这个词 收稿日期:2008-04-07 作者简介:王爱萍(1976-),女,哈尔滨人,硕士,讲师,研究方向:英语教学。 文摘编号:1005-913X(2008)07-0205-CA 摘要:“:词汇教学是大学英语教学的重要组成部分。从某种程度上讲,词汇教学是大学英语教学成败的关键。词汇量的不足直接制约着学生外语水平的提高。大学英语词汇学习难的主要原因既有主观方面,也有客观方面。词汇的学习应该结合语法、阅读、语境和词汇的文化内涵,以此来增强学习效果。关键词:大学英语;词汇教学;词汇中图分类号:H313 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-913X(2008)07-0205-02 王爱萍 (哈尔滨理工大学 公共外语部,哈尔滨 150080) 大学英语词汇教学方法谈


1. band: vi. uinte in order to achieve something 团结,联合 vt. put a strip on 用带绑扎,给……装上箍n. [C] 1) (纸、金属、布等的)箍, 带 2)一群,一队,一帮,一伙3) (尤指演奏非古典音乐的)乐队 eg. (1) We should band together against a common enemy. eg. (2) The girl banded her hair in order to cool herself off. 2. sort out: 1)解决(问题);弄清(谜团)2) 整理;清理 eg. (3) Investigators are still trying to sort out why the accident happened. 3. futility:n. [U] lack of purpose, importance, or effectiveness; uselessness 无益,无效,无用 eg. (4) His efforts were accompanied by a sense of futility and doubt. 4. pursue : vt. 1) follow or engage in (study or other activity) 追求,从事(研究或其他活动)2) follow with intent to overtake, capture, or do harm to追赶,追捕 eg. (5) We are working together to pursue a common goal. 5. paradox: n. [C] 1) seemingly absurd or contradictory though often true statement 似荒谬矛盾但常正确的说法 2) self-contradictory or absurd statement 自相矛盾(或荒谬)的说法3) person, thing or situation having contradictory qualities etc. 有矛盾特性的人(或物) eg. (6) “More haste, less speed” is a well known para dox. eg. (7) It is a paradox that such a rich country should have so many poor people living in it. 6. bedevil: vt. confuse, annoy, or cause problems or difficulties for someone or something 使困惑,使烦恼,困扰 eg. (8) The working efficiency has long bedeviled the management. 7. stumble vi. 1)绊脚,绊跌,绊了一下 2) walk unsteadily 蹒跚而行,踉跄3) stop and / or make mistakes in speaking or reading aloud (说话时)结巴;说错 eg. (9) On his morning run, Mark stumbled over a fallen tree and hurt his ankle. eg. (10) He stumbled on a stone while running to school yesterday. eg. (11) He was embarrassed, stumbling over the words. eg. (12) Somehow he stumbled through his speech and sat down with great relief. 8. adaptable: a. able to adapt oneself / itself 能适应的;适应性强的 eg. (13) We need adaptable workers who are willing to learn new skills. eg. (14) I am sure she’ll cope with the changes very well; she’s very adaptable. 9. plus: n. [C] positive quality; advantage 正面因素;好处 eg. (15) Her knowledge of French is a plus in her job. eg. (16) Let’s c onsider the pluses and minuses of moving house. 10. assorted: a. of various sorts, mixed 各种各样的,几种混杂在一起的 eg. (17) The meat is served with salad or assorted vegetable. 11. plague: n. [C] 1) 瘟疫;传染病 2) (sing.) 普遍的祸害 vt. 1) 纠缠;使烦恼 2)

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