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学术英语之社科 Unit 1 Section B 翻译

学术英语之社科 Unit 1 Section B 翻译
学术英语之社科 Unit 1 Section B 翻译

New Airport Landing Fees Delayed


1the government has delayed by at last a month a plan to reduce congestion at the nation's airports following stiff resistance from airlines.


2.A new federal policy allowing airports to charge higher landing fees during peak periods, and for other reasons, aims to reduce delays by encouraging airlines to spread their flights more evenly throughout the day .The policy which also encourages congested airports to include in landing fees the cost of expansion projects,had been scheduled to take effect in March,following a 45-day comment period.


3.But airline trade groups, which oppose the plan,requested a 30-day extension of the comment period. Their request has been granted, a Transportation Department spokesman said Thursday.



4.The Air Transport Association, which represents the nations’s largest airlines, welcomed the government’s decision for giving it “more time to thoroughly review the proposal and provide meaningful input”,said spokesman David Castelveter.

美国航空运输协会,作为美国最大的航空公司,其发言人David Castelveter表示支持政府“放宽时间进行彻底审查并提供有效信息输入的提议。

5.Airline delays, last year were the second worst since comparable data began being collected in 1995, the department said this week.


6.The association representing airport owners and operators said its members are ready to act now, but did not oppose the airlines’ request for an extension.


7.“Airports are ready to implement measures to address passenger congestion and delay today,”said Deborah McElroy, executive vice president for policy and external affairs at Airports Council International--North America.

国际机场协会北美地区政策与对外事务执行副总裁Deborah McElroy说,“机场现在已经准备采取措施应对乘客拥堵和航班延误。”

8.On January 14,Transportation Secretary Mary Peters said the policy will make it easier for

airports to reduce delays by charging fees based on traffic volume,instead of aircraft weight alone. The proposal also would allow operators of multiple airports, such as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, to distribute landing-fee revenue among facilities.

1月14日,交通部长Mary Peters 说,该政策使机场在通过基于交通流量而不是飞机载重收取费用可以更容易地减少延误。该提议也将允许多个机场的运营商,如纽约和新泽西港务局,将降落费的收入用于机场设施建设。

9.The Port Authority runs John F.Kennedy International Airport, LaGuardia and New Jersey’s Newark Liberty, which last year had the nation’s lowest on-time arrival rates, and aviation officials say delays there cascade throughout the system.

港务局运营的John F.Kennedy国际机场,拉瓜迪亚和新泽西的纽瓦克自由机场,是去年全美准时抵达率最低的,航空官员解释延误是因为其整个系统的级联。

10.”You can’t have all flights leaving JFK at five o’clock,”said Terry Trippler, a Minneapolis-based airline expert who wasn’t surprised by the airlines’request for an extension.Their schedules, he says, are done far in advance, leaving them little time to make changes the policy will require.

Terry Trippler说:“你不能让肯尼迪机场的所有航班在同一时间出发”,明尼阿波利斯航空的专家延期的请求并不感到惊讶。他说,他们的日程安排早就制定好了,这让他们只有很少的时间对政策的要求进行调整。

11.While generally supportive of the airline industry, Trippler said”they have failed to handle this situation and they’re going to have to do it...The government is going to win this one.


12.Transportation Department spokesman Brian Turmail said “the agency received a number of requests to extend the comment period and felt it appropriate to accommodate those requests so we could consider the broadest range of comments.”

运输部发言人Brian Turmail说:“该机构收到大量要求延长征询意见期的请求,认为考虑这些请求是适当的,这样我们就可以考虑来自最广范围的意见。”

13.Several requests came from airline industry trade groups, following the lead of the ATA, which last month called the proposal”congestion pricing disguised as an airport fee”.

来自航空业贸易组织的多个请求,下面的ATA,A TA上个月称该提案称为“以机场收费为掩护的拥堵收费”。

14.”Because the central policy issue at stake here--influencing airline market decisions through airport pricing--is inherently complex and historically has been controversial, we believe that it merits additional time to fully develop comments reflecting the views of industry stakeholders,”according to a letter dated January 30 and submitted to Federal Aviation Administration by the ATA, the Cargo Airline Association, the National Air Carrier Association and the Regional Airline Association.



15.The groups’ letter also asked the government to clear up some ambiguity about which airports it identified as “congested”. The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, the National Business Aviation Association and the International Air Transport Association also submitted letters supporting the ATA’s request.


16.The government maintains the plan will go into effect promptly,”Our intention remains to move forward as quickly as possible with this policy once the comment period closes,”Turmail wrote in an e-mail Thursday.

















学术英语(社科)8单 元A翻译

UNIT8 Hard Power, Soft Power, Smart Power 硬实力,软实力,巧实力 People often associate power of a nation with military might or economic strenght. Is these s omething more to the concept of power? The answer is in the affirmative, at least to some who study political science. This unit explores the complex nature of power and how it impacts international relations. 人们常把权力一个国家军事实力和经济实力。这些东西更是对权力的概念吗?答案是肯定的,至少对一些学习政治科学的人来说是肯定的。本单位探讨了权力的复杂性及其对国际关系的影响。 The complex nature of power 权力的复杂性 1. “Until human nature change, power and force will remain at the heart of international relatio ns,” according to a top U.S. official. Not everyone will agree with such a gloomy realpolitik assessment, but it underlines the crucial role that power plays in diplomacy. When the goals and interest of states conflict, which side will prevail is often decided by who has the most p ower. 一位美国高级官员表示:“直到人类的本质变化,力量和力量将留在国际关系的核心。不是每个人都会同意这样一个令人沮丧的现实的评估,但它强调,在外交上起着关键作用的力量。当国家的目标和利益发生冲突的时候,哪一方会获胜,往往取决于谁拥有最多的权力。 2. Power is the term we will use here to represent the sum of a country's capabilities. Because power in common usage carries the connotation of “hit-over-the-head” or “make you” capabilities, it is very important to stress that power as used here is more than that. As we will explore in the following pages, power can be based on positive persuasion as well as negative coercion. Indeed, power has many forms. Military muscle, wealth, and some others are fairly obvious and tangible. Others such as national willpower and diplomatic skills are much less obvious and intangible. 我们将用这一术语来表示一个国家能力的总和。因为普通的力量有“击中头部”或“使你的能力”的内涵,所以强调使用这里的力量是非常重要的。正如我们将探讨在以下页面中,权力可以基于积极的说服和消极的强制。事实上,权力有很多形式。军事力量,财富,和其他一些是相当明显的和有形的。其他如国家意志和外交技巧是不太明显的和无形的。


学术英语社科课文翻译 学术英语课文翻译 Unit1 人们如何做出决策 理性的人认为在保证金 1.经济学家通常假设人是理性的。理性的人们系统地,有目的地做最好的,他们可以实现他们的目标,考虑到可用的机会。当你学习经济学,你会遇到公司决定雇佣多少工人,有多少他们的产品生产和销售利润最大化。你也会遇到那些决定花多少时间工作和买什么商品和服务产生的收入来实现最高水平的满意度。 人们会对激励做出反应 6.激励是诱发一个人采取行动,如惩罚或奖励的预期。因为理性的人们通过比较成本和效益做出决定,他们会对激励做出反应。你会发现激励在经济学的研究中发挥核心作用。一位经济学家甚至认为整个字段可以简单地总结:“人们会对激励作出反应。其余的评论。” 11.考虑一下安全带法律改变司机的coat-benefit计算。安全带使得事故成本更低,因为他们减少受伤或死亡的可能性。换句话说,安全带减少缓慢而谨慎驾驶的好处。人们应对安全带,因为他们将改善路况,驾驶速度更快,不仔细。安全带带法的结果,因此,大量的事故。安全驾 1 驶的下降有一个明确的,行人造成负面的影响,他们更有可能发现自己在一次事故中但(与驱动程序)没有添加保护的利益。 12.起初,这个讨论的激励和安全带似乎是闲置的猜测。然而在1975年的一个经典研究,经济学家萨姆peltznab汽车安全法认为,有许多这样的效果。根据贝特兹曼的证据,这些法律产生了每次车祸的死亡事故。他的结论是,最终的结果是小司机死亡人数的变化,增加行人死亡的数量。 13.peltman对汽车安全的分析是一个另类的一般原则的例子,人们会对激励作出反应。在分析任何政策时,我们必须考虑不仅直接影响还不太明显的间接影响,通过激励工作。如果政策改变了激励,它会使人们改变他们的行为。 Unit2 1.每个研究领域都有它自己的语言和思考方式。数学家谈论定理、积分以及向量空间。心理学家谈本能、以及认知的不一致。律师谈论犯罪地点、侵权行为以及约定的禁止翻供。


Unit 9 Cultural globalization 1. Much of the early development of different languages, customs, and other diverse aspects of world cultures resulted from the isolation of groups of people from one another. It is not surprising ,then ,that a degree of cultural amalgamation has occurred as improved transportation and communication have brought people of various societies into ever-frequent contact . Analyzing the blurring of culture differences inevitably includes a great deal about fast food, basketball , rock music, and other such aspects of pop culture , but such analysis dose not trivialize the subject.Instead,a long-standing bottom-up line of political theory argues that the world?s people can build on commonplace interactions and increasing cultural commonalities that engender familiarity with and confidence in one another to create a global civil society that might evolve into a global nation. By the same process, if transnational civil societies develop, then regional and even global schemes of governance could conceivably form and supplement or supplant the territorial state. Scholars who examine the bottom-up progress of transnational integration look for evidence in such factors as the flow of communications and commerce between countries and the spread across borders of what people wear, eat, and do for recreation. 不同语言、习惯以及世界文化的其他各个方面的早期发展,源于人类群体之间的隔离。然而,不断改善的交通和通讯使得不同社会的人们更频繁地联系,一定程度的文化融合随之出现,这并不令人惊讶。分析文化差异的模糊性,不可避免的包括了大量关于快餐、篮球、摇滚音乐以及流行文化其他相关方面内容,但是这种分析并没有使主题变得简单。相反,一种长期存在的自下而上的政治理论观点认为,世界人民可以在普遍的交流和逐渐增加的文化共性的基础上存在,文化共性使人们彼此产生熟悉感和信任感,从而建立一个可能发展成全球国家的全球公民社会。在这个过程中,如果跨国公民社会形成,那么区域的甚至全球的治理方案就有可能形成,并且弥补或者取代领土国家。研究跨国一体化自下而上进程的学者们,正在国家之间通信和贸易的流通中,在人们吃、穿、娱乐方式的跨境影响中寻找证据。 2. While it is premature to talk of a world culture,and indeed that may never come,there is significant evidence of cultural amalgamation in the world。The leaders of China once wore …Chinese tunic suits ?;now they wear Western-style business suits。When dressing informally ,people in shanghai,Lagos ,and Mexico City are more apt to wear jeans,T-shirts,and sneakers than their country?s traditional dress.Young people everywhere listen to the same music,with,for example”Disturbia”by Rihanna on the Top-10 charts in many countries in additional to the United States in 2008.And whatever it means to our gastronomic futures ,Big Macs,fries,and milk shakes are consumed around the world. 虽然现在谈论世界文化为时尚早,而且它事实上可能永远不会出现,但确实存在世界文化融合的重要证据。中国的领导人曾经一度穿中山装;现在他们穿西装。


西南交通大学学术英语考试课文翻译(1,3,4,7,8) Unit1 人们如何做出决策 理性的人认为在保证金 1.经济学家通常假设人是理性的。理性的人们系统地,有目的地做最好的,他们可以实现他们的目标,考虑到可用的机会。当你学习经济学,你会遇到公司决定雇佣多少工人,有多少他们的产品生产和销售利润最大化。你也会遇到那些决定花多少时间工作和买什么商品和服务产生的收入来实现最高水平的满意度。 6.激励是诱发一个人采取行动,如惩罚或奖励的预期。因为理性的人们通过比较成本和效益做出决定,他们会对激励做出反应。你会发现激励在经济学的研究中发挥核心作用。一位经济学家甚至认为整个字段可以简单地总结:“人们会对激励作出反应。其余的评论。” 11.考虑一下安全带法律改变司机的coat-benefit计算。安全带使得事故成本更低,因为他们减少受伤或死亡的可能性。换句话说,安全带减少缓慢而谨慎驾驶的好处。人们应对安全带,因为他们将改善路况,驾驶速度更快,不仔细。安全带带法的结果,因此,大量的事故。安全驾驶的下降有一个明确的,行人造成负面的影响,他们更有可能发现自己在一次事故中但(与驱动程序)没有添加保护的利益。 12.起初,这个讨论的激励和安全带似乎是闲置的猜测。然而在1975年的一个经典研究,经济学家萨姆peltznab汽车安全法认为,有许多这样的效果。根据贝特兹曼的证据,这些法律产生了每次车祸的死亡事故。他的结论是,最终的结果是小司机死亡人数的变化,增加行人死亡的数量。 对汽车安全的分析是一个另类的一般原则的例子,人们会对激励作出反应。在分析任何政策时,我们必须考虑不仅直接影响还不太明显的间接影响,通过激励工作。如果政策改变了激励,它会使人们改变他们的行为。 UNIT3 1、失去一份工作可能是最痛苦的经济事件在一个人的生活。大多数人们依靠自己的劳动收入来维持他们的生活标准许多人会从他们的工作得到的不仅是收入,还有自己的成就

学术英语之社科 Unit 1 Section B 翻译

New Airport Landing Fees Delayed 机场降落收费新政策延期 1the government has delayed by at last a month a plan to reduce congestion at the nation's airports following stiff resistance from airlines. 受到航空公司的强烈反对,政府关于减轻国家机场的拥堵的计划,至少推迟了一个月。 2.A new federal policy allowing airports to charge higher landing fees during peak periods, and for other reasons, aims to reduce delays by encouraging airlines to spread their flights more evenly throughout the day .The policy which also encourages congested airports to include in landing fees the cost of expansion projects,had been scheduled to take effect in March,following a 45-day comment period. 一项新的联邦政策允许机场在高峰期收取更高的降落费用,或因其它原因,旨在鼓励航空公司在一天内更均匀地安排航班起落以减少延误。该政策还鼓励拥挤的机场将机场扩建项目的成本纳入到机场降落收费中。此项政策原计划三月份生效,并设置了45天的征询意见期。 3.But airline trade groups, which oppose the plan,requested a 30-day extension of the comment period. Their request has been granted, a Transportation Department spokesman said Thursday. 但是反对这项方案的航空公司贸易团体,要求将征询意见期延长30天。 星期四交通部发言人说,他们的要求已被批准。 4.The Air Transport Association, which represents the nations’s largest airlines, welcomed the government’s decision for giving it “more time to thoroughly review the proposal and provide meaningful input”,said spokesman David Castelveter. 美国航空运输协会,作为美国最大的航空公司,其发言人David Castelveter表示支持政府“放宽时间进行彻底审查并提供有效信息输入的提议。 5.Airline delays, last year were the second worst since comparable data began being collected in 1995, the department said this week. 交通运输部本周表示,去年的航班延误是自1995年参考数据被搜集以来第二糟糕的 6.The association representing airport owners and operators said its members are ready to act now, but did not oppose the airlines’ request for an extension. 代表机场的所有者和经营者的美国航空运输协会表示,其成员现在已经准备好实施这一方案,但并不反对对征询意见其的延长。 7.“Airports are ready to implement measures to address passenger congestion and delay today,”said Deborah McElroy, executive vice president for policy and external affairs at Airports Council International--North America. 国际机场协会北美地区政策与对外事务执行副总裁Deborah McElroy说,“机场现在已经准备采取措施应对乘客拥堵和航班延误。” 8.On January 14,Transportation Secretary Mary Peters said the policy will make it easier for


UNIT8 Hard Power, Soft Power, Smart Power 硬实力,软实力,巧实力 People often associate power of a nation with military might or economic strenght. Is these s omething more to the concept of power? The answer is in the affirmative, at least to some who study political science. This unit explores the complex nature of power and how it impacts international relations. 人们常把权力一个国家军事实力和经济实力。这些东西更是对权力的概念吗?答案是肯定的,至少对一些学习政治科学的人来说是肯定的。本单位探讨了权力的复杂性及其对国际关系的影响。 The complex nature of power 权力的复杂性 1. “Until human nature change, power and force will remain at the heart of international relatio ns,” according to a top U.S. official. Not everyone will agree with such a gloomy realpolitik assessment, but it underlines the crucial role that power plays in diplomacy. When the goals and interest of states conflict, which side will prevail is often decided by who has the most p ower. 一位美国高级官员表示:“直到人类的本质变化,力量和力量将留在国际关系的核心。不是每个人都会同意这样一个令人沮丧的现实的评估,但它强调,在外交上起着关键作用的力量。当国家的目标和利益发生冲突的时候,哪一方会获胜,往往取决于谁拥有最多的权力。 2. Power is the term we will use here to represent the sum of a country's capabilities. Because power in common usage carries the connotation of “hit-over-the-head” or “make you” capabilities, it is very important to stress that power as used here is more than that. As we will explore in the following pages, power can be based on positive persuasion as well as negative coercion. Indeed, power has many forms. Military muscle, wealth, and some others are fairly obvious and tangible. Others such as national willpower and diplomatic skills are much less obvious and intangible. 我们将用这一术语来表示一个国家能力的总和。因为普通的力量有“击中头部”或“使你的能力”的内涵,所以强调使用这里的力量是非常重要的。正如我们将探讨在以下页面中,权力可以基于积极的说服和消极的强制。事实上,权力有很多形式。军事力量,财富,和其他一些是相当明显的和有形的。其他如国家意志和外交技巧是不太明显的和无形的。


UNIT 3 Unemployment 1. Losing a job can be the most distressing economic event in a person’s life. Most people rely on their labor earnings to maintain their standard of living, and many people get from their work not only income but also a sense of personal accomplishment.A job loss means a lower living standard in the present, anxiety about the future, and reduced self-esteem. It is not surprising, therefore, that politicians campaigning for office often speak about how their proposed policies will help create jobs. 失去一份工作可能是最痛苦的经济事件在一个人的生活。大多数人们依靠自己的劳动收入来维持他们的生活标准,许多人会从他们的工作得到的不仅是收入,还有自己的成就感。一个失去工作意味着现在要定一个更低的生活标准,焦虑未来,并丧失自尊心。这并不奇怪,因此,政治家竞选办公室经常谈论他们所提出的政策将帮助创造就业机会。 4.In judging how serious the problem of unemployment is, one question to consider is whether unemployment is typically a short-term or long-term condition. If unemployment is short-term, one might conclude that it is not a big problem. Workers may require a few weeks between jobs to find the openings that best suit their tastes and skills. Yet if unemployment is long-term, one might conclude that it is a serious problem. Workers unemployed for many months are more likely to suffer economic and psychological hardship.


精品文档 Cultural Globalization 1.Much of the early development of different languages, customs, and other diverse aspects world cultures resulted from the isolation of groups of people from one another. It is not surprising , then, that a degree of cultural amalgamation has occurred as improved transportation and communication have brought people of various societies into ever more frequent contact . Analyzing the blurring of cultural differences inevitably includes a great deal about fast food, basketball, rock music, and other such aspects of pop culture, but such analysis does not trivialize the subject,. Instead , a long standing bottom up line of political theory argues that the world`s people can build on commonplace interactions and increasing cultural commonalities that engender familiarity with and confidence in one another to create a global civil society that might evolve into a global nation. By the same process, if transnational civil societies develop, then regional and even global schemes of governance could conceivably form and supplement or supplant the territorial state. Scholars who examine the bottom-up process of transnational integration look for evidence in such factors as the flow of communications and commerce between countries and the spread across borders of what people wear, eat, and do for recreation. 1、不同语言、风俗习惯以及其他不同的文化背景下,世界文化的早期发展,是从彼此分离的人群中产生的。这并不奇怪,那么,文化融合的程度已经发生,因为交通运输和沟通带来了不同社会的人们更频繁的接触。模糊的分析文化差异必然包括快餐、篮球、摇滚乐以及一些其他的流行文化,但是,这种分析并并不切题。相反,一个长期的自下而上的政治理论认为,世界上的人可以在司空见惯的相互作用和增加文化共性产生的熟悉和对彼此的信心创造一个全球公民社会,可能会发展成一个全球性的民族。通过同样的过程,如果跨国公民社会得到发展,那么治理区域甚至全球方案的可能形式和补充或取代国家的领土的形式。学者们研究了自底向上的跨国整合的过程,在通信和贸易的流动和国家之间的蔓延,人们穿着,吃,并做娱乐的传播这些因素之间的中寻找证据。 2.While it is premature to talk of a world culture , and indeed that may never come, there is significant evidence of cultural amalgamation in the world. The leaders of China once wore ‘Chinese tunic suits”; now they wear Western-style business suits. When dressing informally, people in Shanghai,Lagos, and Mexico City are more apt to wear jeans, T-shirts , and sneakers than their country`s traditional dress. Young people everywhere listen to the same music ,with ,for example “Disturbia”by Rihanna on the Top-10 charts in many countries in addition to the United States in 2008. And whatever it means to our gastronomic future, Big Macs, fries, and milk shakes are consumed around the world. 虽然谈一谈世界文化还为时过早,但事实上,这一世界文化的融合在世界上却有显著的证据。中国领导人曾穿“中山装”;现在他们穿西方风格的西装。在上海、拉各斯、墨西哥等城市的非正式场合,人们更倾向于穿牛仔裤、T恤衫和运动鞋,而不是他们的传统服饰。世界各地的年轻人听同样的音乐,,例如“女王”蕾哈娜出现在2008除了美国在许多国家十大排行榜。无论它将怎样影响我们未来的美食,巨无霸,薯条和奶昔,已经在全世界畅销。


Unit 9 第三段: Before looking further at the evidence of cultural amalgamation,one caution is in order. 在进一步看文化融合的证据之前,有一点要引起注意。 You will see that a great of what is becoming world culture is western,especially American,in its origins. 你会发现西方文化很大一部分成为了世界文化,尤其是美国,是它的起源。 That does not imply that Western culture is superior,its impact is a function of the ecnomic and political strength of Western Europe and the United states. 这并不意味着西方文化优越,它的影响是西欧和美国的经济和政治实力的作用结果。 Nor does the preponderance of Western culture in the intergration process mean that the flow is one way. 这也不是说,在融合过程中,西方文化的优势意味着流动是单向的。American culture ,for example,is influenced by many forgein imports,ranging from fajitas and sushi,through soccer,to acupunture. 例如,美国文化,被很多国外进口的影响,从吉它和寿司,从足球到针灸。 第四段: One of the most important aspects of converging culture is English,which


Understanding the impact of new media on journalism 了解新媒体对新闻事业的影响 1. Journalism is undergoing a fundamental transformation, perhaps the most fundamental since the rise of the penny press of the mid-19th century. In the twilight of the 20th century and the dawn of the 21st, there is emerging a new form of journalism whose distinguishing qualities include ubiquitous news, global information access, instantaneous reporting, interactivity, multimedia content, and extreme content customization. In many ways this represents a potentially better form of journalism because it can reengage an increasingly distrusting and alienated audience. At the same time, it presents many threats to the most cherished values and standards of journalism. Authenticity of content, source verification, accuracy, and truth are all suspect in a medium where anyone with a computer and a modem can become a global publisher. 新闻正在发生根本性的转变,也许最根本的自19世纪中期的便士报的兴起。在20世纪末,21世纪初,出现了一种新兴的新闻报道形式.它的显著特点包括:无处不在的新闻消息,全球信息的获得,实时报道,互动性,多媒体的内容和专门的内容定制。在许多方面,这是一个潜在的更好的形式,因为它可以重新将越来越不信任和疏远观众接入到新闻中。同时,它对新闻界最珍视的价值观和标准提出了许多威胁。只要拥有电脑和调制解调器,任何人都可成为全球化的新闻发布者。这样的传媒,其内容的权威性,信息来源的可鉴定性、准确性以及真实性均会受到质疑。 2. Although the easy answer is to point to the Internet, the reasons for the transformation of journalism are neither simple nor one-dimensional. Rather, a set of economic, regulatory, and cultural forces, driven by technological change, are converging to bring about a massive shift in the nature of journalism at the millennium. 虽然简单的答案是指向互联网,新闻业转型的原因既不是简单的,也不是一维的。相反,在当代,一组被技术变革所推动的经济,监管和文化力量,正在汇聚,导致大量的接入到新闻中。 3. The growth of a global economic system, made up of regional economies, all interrelated (witness the volatility in the word?s financial markets in August 1998, when drops in Asian and Russian markets triggered drops in European and U.S. markets) and increasingly controlled by multinational corporate behemoths, has rewritten the financial basis for journalism and the media in general. Deregulation, as outlined in the U.S. 所有区域经济相互联系(目睹了1998年世界金融市场的动荡,当时亚洲和俄罗斯市场的下滑引发了欧洲和美国市场也有下滑),不断由跨国企业巨头控制,他们一起构成的全球经济体系不断发展,重写了新闻业和媒体的金融基础。 4. Telecommunications Act of 1996 and played out in like fashion in many other parts of the world (where privatization of telecommunications has been a driving force), has spawned increasingly powerful competitive forces in journalism and communications. The end of the Cold War has unleashed a variety of pent-up cultural and political forces that have yet to stabilize.


Every field of study has its own language and its own way of thinking. Mathematicians talk about axioms, integrals, and vector spaces. Psychologists talk about ego, id, and cognitive dissonance. Lawyers talk about venue, torts, and promissory estoppel. 每个研究领域都有它自己的语言和思考方式。数学家谈论定理、积分以及向量空间。心理学家谈论自我、本能、以及认知的不一致性。律师谈论犯罪地点、侵权行为以及约定的禁止翻供。 Economics is no different. Supply, demand, elasticity, comparative advantage, consumer surplus, deadweight loss—these terms are part of the economist’s language. In the coming chapters, you will encounter many new terms and some familiar words that economists use in specialized ways. At first, this new language may seem needlessly arcane. But, as you will see, its value lies in its ability to provide you a new and useful way of thinking about the world in which you live. 经济学家也一样。供给、需求、弹性、比较优势、消费剩余、最低损耗,这些术语是经济学语言的一部分。在接下来的章节里,你会遇到很多新术语以及一些熟悉的词汇,这些术语和词汇被经济学家们用在经济这一领域。起初,这些新的语言可能看起来不必要的神秘,但是,你会看到,他的价值在于他能提供给你一种新的和有用的思考方式,让你思考你生活的世界。 Economists try to address their subject with a scientist’s objectivity. They approach the study of the economy in much the same way a s a physicist app roaches the study of matter an d a biologist app roaches the study of life: They devise theories, collect data, and then analyze these data in an attempt to verify or refute their theories. 经济学家们试图从科学的角度来阐释他们的学科。他们演绎经济学和物理学家演绎物质、生物学家演绎生命一样:他们设计理论,收集数据,然后分析这些数据,试图能够证明或者反驳他们的理论。

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