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医学英语翻译 课件整理
医学英语翻译 课件整理



What is translation?

Translation is the rendering of ideas or concepts from one language into another, i.e., the faithful representation in the target language of what is written or expressed in the original.

I. 医学英语翻译的标准

If you eat a skimpy breakfast or none at all, you're likely to experience mid-morning fatigue,the result of a drop in blood sugar, which your body and brain depend on for energy. For peak energy in the morning, be sure to eat a proper breakfast, low in sugar and fairly high in protein, which will provide a steady supply of blood sugar through the morning.



Example 2

?Emphysema, which afflicts more than one million Americans, is defined as a disorder of anatomy –the permanent enlargement of any part of the terminal part of the airway – and is accompanied by the destruction of the walls of the air sacs, which results in a loss of lung elasticity and a decrease in the surface area available for gas exchange.


?faithful representation of the original in the target language

?smooth/accurate expression of the original in the target language


1. 熟练掌握两种语言

2. 准确理解原文意思

3. 用译文语言正确地表达原文意思



III. 英汉词法及句法差异比较

a) I have a terrible headache.

b) He was badly wounded in the head.

c) They admired our efforts to work on the treatment of SARS with traditional Chinese medicine.

d) My initial reaction was driven by embarrassment.


1. 我头疼得厉害。

2. 他的头伤得很重。








Doctor: I‘m afraid you need an operation.

Patient: But doctor, I am frightened of hospitals.

Doctor: I know, but hospitals are useful places to turn to when you need them. Once the operation is over, you‘ll be all right. Shall I put you on the waiting list?

1. 词义的选择

?discharge 放电、排出;排泄物、出院

2. disorder杂乱、无秩序;病症、功能紊乱、障碍

3. depression 萧条、不景气;压抑、抑郁(症)

2. 词的增减

?Design should incorporate provisions to avoid any accidental collapse of a bed.


2. If you reduce the volume which a gas occupies to one third, then the pressure increases three times.



?Most of the information we have got came from that channel.

?Most of the information we have got is through that channel.

?Young as he is, the little boy can play the piano.

?Rocket research has confirmed a strange fact which had already been suspected: there is a ―high temperature belt‖ in the atmosphere, with its center roughly 30 miles above th e ground.






The sound of music may provoke visual hallucinations.

In the study of cells and tissues, we gain some insight into the laws of growth. For reasons that still remain obscure, cells develop various forms and those which are of the same kind congregate to form one of the basic tissues. These tissues become, in turn, the specialized organs. 汉译英练习


?I‘ll give you some herbal medicine to relieve your pain, and you can also have acupuncture if you like. Apart from that, don‘t eat anything very hot or very cold, and keep off stimulating foods, such as

sour or spicy food. Don‘t take too much exercise, just try to relax and enjoy life.




第二周Translation of double negative

Double negative denoting euphemism

●I haven‘t made any study of medicine for nothing.

●The doctors have brought back his life, not without risk.

●We cannot but regret to say that the patient is gone though we have tried every means.

Translation of the sentences of double negative denoting euphemism

1. 我并不是无缘无故地学医的。

2. 医生们挽救了他的生命,但并不是没有风险。

3. 我们不无遗憾地说,尽管我们尽了力,病人还是不行了。

Double negative denoting emphasis

●It never rains but pours.

●There is no man but errs.

●There is no smoke without fire.

●We would not have succeeded but for your in-time help.

Translation of the sentences of double negative denoting emphasis





Example of Chinese with double negative denoting emphasis


English translation of the Chinese example

●No one who returned from the front failed to express admiration for Bethune whenever his name was mentioned, and none remained unmoved by his spirit. In the Shansi-Chahar-Hobei border area, no solider or civilian was unmoved who had been treated by Dr. Bethune or had seen how he worked.

Occasion when double negative denoting emphasis not being done in the same way

1. Let me know without fail when anything unusual goes with the patient.


2. I never past that city but think of my happy days there .


Semi-affirmative and semi-negative


●We cannot undertake the operation without the patient making adequate preparations physically and psychologically.

●The senior doctor never makes any diagnosis unless he has examined a patient carefully and


Translation for reference




Seemingly affirmative English sentences turned into negative Chinese ones

1.He failed to finish the work in time.

2. It is still beyond our power to cure this disease.

3. We don‘t think the absence of this medicine can greatly influence the treating of this cancer.

4. Avoid eating too oily foods and stay away from cigarettes.

5. Many children in developing countries were denied medical care.

Translation of the sentences






Translation of words with negative prefixes and suffixes

It is still insecure to put this medicine into clinical use though some experiments have been done.


2. The doctor comforted the patient that his symptoms would soon disappear if he followed his advice.


3. The doubt remained unsolved what the cause of the disease was though the patient recovered from it.


4. This group is conducting an unprecedented research. 这个小组正在进行一项史无前例的研究。Negative English sentences turned into affirmative Chinese ones

The doctor told the patient that they could not make an accurate diagnosis before he received all the necessary examinations.

The investigation and the autopsy left no doubt that the patient died of poisoning.

Every patient with this disease, with no exception, must get an injection of 500 ml Bactocill the minute they are accepted.

He is such an indecisive sort of person that I don‘t think he can make a good doctor.

Translation of the sentences





Negative English sentences turned into affirmative Chinese ones

5. Don‘t lose time in sending the injured to the hospital, or they will die b y bleeding.

6. He manifested a strong dislike for this kind of medicine.

7. Florence Nightingale was the undisputed pioneer in modern nursing.

5. 赶快将伤者送去医院,否则他们会因失血过多而死的。

6. 他对这种药很是厌恶。

7. 南丁格尔公认是现代护理学的先驱。

Affirmative Chinese sentences turned into negative English ones





Translation of the Chinese sentences

Such cheating won‘t escape notice.

The young doctor careless prescribed to a patient and then hurried to see his girl friend.

For him, languages are still barriers impossible to go across.

It is not after many tests that the doctors found a way to cure this disease.


Patients hates to see doctors with stony faces.

I have done what I can as a doctor, but I think I am still far away from a good one.

The patient finally found out that he was mortally ill.

The patient watched with anxiety when the doctor was writing his prescription.

Some countries in the world deny cancer screening to their citizens.

The doctors lost no time in treating the man severely injured in a car accident when he was sent to the hospital, but they still failed to bring back his life.

Reference to the translation of the sentences in the exercises







第四周Adding and deleting of words in translation

?All the recent news on AIDS is bad. The death of a star player last year raised public concern about the epidemic almost to the panic. But the reaction subsided for a time as people were reassured about the reliability of new tests of donated blood and the improbability of contracting the disease casually. 最近有关艾滋病的消息都很糟糕。去年一个明星球员的死亡使公众对这一传染病的担忧几乎到了恐慌的地步。但这种恐慌在一段时间里又有所减退,因为人们对新的献血检验手段的可靠性恢复了信心,并确信这种疾病不会通过偶然的途径传播。

2. Ninety percent of the AIDS victims were young people. It is becoming increasingly difficult for these people in the high-risk groups to get health and life assurance, and in the absence of private coverage, public funds must be used.

90% 的艾滋病患者为年轻人。如今高危人群中的这类人越来越难获得健康和人寿保险。在个人无钱购买这些保险的情况下,必须动用公共基金。

3. More important, there is bad news on the medical front. In spite of a stepped-up research program there is no sign of an imminent breakthrough to a cure.


4. If developments in research maintains their current pace, it seems likely that a combination of improved attention to dietary and environmental factors, along with advances in gene therapy and

protein targeted drugs, will virtually eliminate most major classes of diseases.


5. Intelligence is a quantitative trait, which does have a genetic component, but we should not assume that it has a single dimension of expression. There are several limitations in measuring intelligence by a linear scale ranging from dull to bright, since individuals differ greatly in their genotypes.



In the last few decades, it has become accepted wisdom that diet plays a key role in health. Furthermore, it is generally understood that some, in particular fats, sugars, and salts, are bad if eaten in excess.

外科医生很快就可以进入眼睛实施手术了—至少在虚拟的意义上时如此。由虚拟现实—一种计算机系统,在这种系统中,手术将在计算机生成的虚拟世界中进行—发展而来的技术,可以让外科医生感到,他在手术中似乎可以看到眼睛的内部,这会产生一种他们置身其中的幻觉。 Surgeons will soon be able to enter the eye to carry out operations –at least in a virtual sense. Techniques derived from virtual reality – the computer system that immerses operations in an artificial computer-generated world – will allow surgeons to feel as if he could see the inside of the eye during an operation, creating the illusion that they are actually there.

第五周Translation of passive voice

Passive voice in English

the constitution of passive voice in English a)(S+ be+ V-ed) b) need V-ing

?the use of passive voice in English

?the frequency of the use of passive voice in English

Passive voice in Chinese

?the constitution of passive voice in Chinese (被、让、给、由、受/遭到)

?the use of passive voice in Chinese

?the frequency of the use of passive voice in Chinese

Translation of passive voice from English

?Obstetrics and gynecology are combined in the specialty that deals with pregnancy and birth and diseases of the female reproductive system.


2. According to our plan, a large illness prevention and control network will be built in a couple of years.


3. This kind of cancer cannot be cured with any of the medicine available.


4. Patient: I was knocked down to the ground, and when I got up, my left arm and elbow were grazed,

and now I have a pain in my ribs.

Doctor:Don‘t worry. Let me have a look … Take my advice, and when you have done what I tell you, all the pain won‘t be felt.



5. This observation has not been confirmed by other trials employing long tem tamoxifen treatment.


6. Based on the observation, oophorectomy should not be considered as adjuvant treatment outside the context of a clinical trial.


7. He was knocked down by a passing car when he was crossing the street.


8. 肌肉占人体重量的40%~50%,可分成三种类型:随意肌、不随意肌和心肌。

译文:Muscles, which constitute 40% to 50% of the body weight, can be divided into three types: voluntary, involuntary and cardiac.

Treatment that does not offer any meaningful benefit, for example, cardiopulmonary resuscitation for a person with metastatic malignancy, may not be offered.


Aspirin has been recognized as inhibiting normal platelet function and the mechanism has been clearly delineated.


It was decided to transfer him to Bellevue Hospital in New York City, where he could get the best care. 译文:医生们决定将他转到纽约市的Bellevue医院,在那里他可以得到最好的护理。Something about the connecting devices in Chinese and English

Connecting devices in languages

?Syntactic devices



Something about the connecting devices in Chinese and English

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

She had a balance at her banker‘s which would have made her beloved anywhere.



?If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天到了,春天还远吗?

2. She had a balance at her banker‘s which would have made her beloved anywhere.


3. 跑得了和尚跑不了庙。The monks may run away, but the temple cannot run away with them.

4.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。If you fail to enter the tiger‘s den, how can you get the tiger‘s cub?

How can one get tiger‘s cubs without entering the tiger‘s den?


I bought some books today. They cost me 30 yuan, but I found they were not the ones I wanted when

I got home.

4. His failure to observe the operation regulations resulted in the accident to the emergency treatment. ?他因为没遵守操作规程,致使抢救时出了意外。


?I am afraid that something severe may have happen to your ribs. You‘d better have them checked at the X-ray department.

?The rash may not respond to the treatment soon, because some traces of the cosmetics are still left on your skin. After these have been removed the rash will disappear rapidly.


3. I had a dance with the pretty girl who is from Hangzhou and who has a lovely voice.

4. The happy wife smiled, took her husband‘s hand, and placed it on her be lly; and he felt movement and life.


5. 仪器漂浮在水面上,遇到干扰就发光。

6. 他服了中药,症状得以缓解。

第六周Translation of noun structures in English

Noun structures in English

?Failure of the kidney to eliminate potassium leads to hyperkalemia along with other electrolyte imbalance and acidosis.

2. Although the production of such transgenic strains of animals carrying foreign genes is now a relatively routine technique in many laboratories, it is unlikely that such methods will be expended to human embryos, both for moral and technical reasons.

3. The effects of supplemental vitamins on the progression of retinitis pigmentosa require further study before treatment recommendations are made.

4. Management of severe cases is difficult and multidisciplinary. (It is difficult and requires cooperation of many disciplines to manage severe cases.)

Translation of noun structures from English into Chinese

1. Failure of the kidney to eliminate potassium leads to hyperkalemia along with other electrolyte imbalance and acidosis.


2. Although the production of such transgenic strains of animals carrying foreign genes is now a relatively routine technique in many laboratories, it is unlikely that such methods will be expended to human embryos, both for moral and technical reasons.


3. The effects of supplemental vitamins on the progression of retinitis pigmentosa require further study before treatment recommendations are made.


4. Management of severe cases is difficult and multidisciplinary.


?5. The existence of further therapeutic options for the underlying illness must be addressed.


?6. A thrombus may cause sudden closure of vessel with complete obstruction of the blood flow.


第八周Translation of Chinese sentences without subjects

Chinese sentences without subjects or with the subjects being omitted







Translation of Chinese sentences without subjects or with the subjects being omitted

?Doctor: What seems to be the trouble?

?Patient: I feel very tired and worn out all the time these days.

?Doctor: When did it begin?

?Patient: I don‘t know, but I feel really bad recently.


?Doctor: You have an enlarged liver and it is tender to touch. You seem to have chronic hepatitis. … You‘ll need absolute rest and avoid strenuous exertion. You can‘t drink any alcohol, and you should take the medicine I give you. There is no special treatment, and it will take you a long time to recover. You need to be patient.


译文:To defend against hypoglycemia, it requires both a fall in insulin levels and a rise in the four counterregulatory hormones. The fall in insulin levels is dominant, since if it fails to fall, hypoglycemia may result despite maximal counterregulatory responses.


译文:The first step in treatment is to know the patient. All pertinent information –medical, developmental, and social—must be sought before treatment is planned. The second step is to know the tumor: its usual behavior, usual rate of growth, mode of spread, whether it is local or systemic, and any features that may provide prognostic or therapeutic leads.


?The sound of music may provoke visual hallucinations.

?In the study of cells and tissues, we gain some insight into the laws of growth. For reasons that still remain obscure, cells develop various forms and those which are of the same kind congregate to form one of the basic tissues. These tissues become, in turn, the specialized organs.


?I‘ll give you some he rbal medicine to relieve your pain, and you can also have acupuncture if you like. Apart from that, don‘t eat anything very hot or very cold, and keep off stimulating foods, such as sour or spicy food. Don‘t take too much exercise, just try to relax and en joy life.


Characteristics of Chinese verb structures of the so-called “连谓式” and the so-called “ 兼语式”

1. 他退休后每天都是起床后去公园散步一小时,再打打太极拳。

2. 事故发生后,他立即参与抢救并驾车送伤者去医院。

3. 我们看了你的检查结果,并与外科医生讨论过你的问题。我们建议你住院做进一步的诊治。

4. 我打算安排这个化验与血沉一起做,因为血清碱性磷酸酶的升高和血沉的增快可能提示有广泛的转移。

Translation of the so-called “连谓式” and the so-called “ 兼语式”

1. After he is retired, he takes a walk and plays Taiji in the park every day after getting up, unless it rains.

2. He gave a hand in the rescue immediately after the accident and drove the injured to the hospital.

3. Wee have read the results of your examinations and discussed your case with the surgeons. We suggest you come into the hospital for further treatment.

4. I would order this along with a sedimentation rate, as increase in serum alkaline phosphatase and sedimentation might be suggestive of widespread metastases.

5. 雌激素能使大约50%病例的软组织癌消退,对有广泛骨转移的患者可促使形成高钙血症,还可进一步发生无尿症。

6. 医生建议他多做运动、少喝酒、不吸烟,并在半年后再回来做一次检查。

5. Estrogens produce regression of soft tissue carcinoma in about 50% of cases, and may precipitate hypercalcemia in patients with extensive bony metastases, and anuria may follow.

6. The doctor suggested he have more exercise, less drinks, and quit smoking, and come back for further examination half a year later.



?The purpose of this study is to find out the present situations of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, health concept, and health promoting lifestyle among high-tech industry employees, and to discuss the correlation of these three factors.




The purposes of this research are to explore the process of collaborative knowledge construction, the communication and interactive model, and the influential factors and supporting system of Wikipedia community.


Characteristics of extra-position in Chinese

1. 昨天不顾危险参与抢救车祸伤者的那个年轻人,他是一所大学的学生。

2. 要在那么短的时间里完成这一实验,这是不太可能的。

3. 老师要我们在一节课里学那么多东西,还要记那么多的单词,你说这不辛苦死了?

4. 尽管中医的治病机理还不是十分清楚,但几千年来它救治了数不清的人,这本身就是了不起的。

5. 有一种疾病,最初是在非洲的猴子身上发现,后来感染到人类,在随后的几十年里造成数以百万计的人死亡,它就是艾滋病。

6. 肾上腺髓质分泌一种重要的激素,其作用是在面对恐惧等危急情况时使身体做好应对的准备,这就是肾上腺素,它对循环、肌肉和糖代谢也都有广泛的影响。

?The young man who disregarded dangers to rescue those got injured in the accident was a college student.

?It was almost impossible to complete the experiment in such a short time.

?The teacher wanted us to learn so much, and to remember so many new words in one class. Don‘t you think it hard for us?

?4. Traditional Chinese medicine has saved countless people for several thousand years though it is still unclear how its mechanism is to treat patients. This is wonderful.

5. There was one sort of disease that was first found in monkeys in Africa but later infected human beings and caused millions of deaths in the following decades. This is AIDS.

6. Adrenal medulla secrets an important hormone whose function is to get the body ready when one faces dangers and other risky situations. This hormone, referred to as adrenaline, also has wide-arranging influence on circulation, muscle and glucose metabolism.



?This doctor has treated countless patients with her good-heartedness and medical kills. She is really an excellent doctor.

Translation of repetition from Chinese into English

1. 乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎和丁型肝炎主要是有血液或血制品传播。

2. 喝酒会损害肝脏,正如吸烟会损害肺部。

3. 对于他的病,医生建议他看中医。他去看了,病很快就治好了。

1. Hepatitis B, C and D are spread mainly by blood or blood products.

2. Alcohol drinking can do harm to one‘s livers, so does smoking to the lungs.

3. The doctor suggested he go to see a physician of traditional Chinese medicine, and he did as was told and soon recovered from his illness.


Characteristics of English long sentences

1. Lots of modifiers

2. Lots of joint parts

3. Complicated structure

?When a man looks at an object, the light passes through my lens, which brings it into correct focus on my retina, a kind of onionskin wall-paper which covers the rear two-thirds of my interior. Characteristics of English long sentences

2. Normal-pressure glaucoma is usually defined by the clinical features of optic disk cupping, visual field loss, open angles, intraocular pressure in the statistically normal range, and the absence of any causative ocular or systemic disease.

3. As we untangle the genetics and fundamental causes of glaucomatous damage to the optic nerve, researchers and clinicians will understand the destructive factors affecting the optic disk and should be able to make more rational decisions about therapy, no matter what the level of intraocular pressure.

4. This brain damage is often not diagnosed, however, because the identifying seizure is sometimes hard to recognize: there is only a short staring spell or period of unusual behavior, and only a momentary loss of consciousness, confusion or memory loss following the spell.

Steps in translating a English long sentence

?Understanding the basic structure

?Understanding the meanings of words

?Finding out the main part

?Making clear sentence levels

?Adjusting collocation

?Smoothing the expressions

Translation of English long sentences

?When a man looks at an object, the light passes through my lens, which brings it into correct focus on my retina, a kind of onionskin wall-paper which covers the rear two-thirds of my interior.


2. Normal-pressure glaucoma is usually defined by the clinical features of optic disk cupping, visual field loss, open angles, intraocular pressure in the statistically normal range, and the absence of any causative ocular or systemic disease.

2. 正常眼压青光眼通常是指,在临床特征上视神经乳头杯状凹陷、视野缺失、开角、眼内压在统计学上属正常范围,且没有成为诱因的眼内或全身性疾病。

3. As we untangle the genetics and fundamental causes of glaucomatous damage to the optic nerve, researchers and clinicians will understand the destructive factors affecting the optic disk and should be able to make more rational decisions about therapy, no matter what the level of intraocular pressure. Translation of English long sentences

3. 在我们解释给视神经青光眼造成损害的遗传因素及各种基本的原因时,研究人员和临床医生则会了解影响视神经乳头的各种破坏性因素,并且不管眼内压力如何,都可以做出更为合理的治疗决定。

Translation of English long sentences

4. This brain damage is often not diagnosed, because the identifying seizure is sometimes hard to recognize: there is only a short staring spell or period of unusual behavior, and only a momentary loss of consciousness, confusion or memory loss following the spell.

4. 这种脑损伤往往诊断不出来,因为有时病情发作是很难辨别:它可能仅短暂可见或一段时间里有异常表现,且过后只有瞬间失去知觉、神志不清和记忆力丧失。

Translation of English long sentences

The answer to the question of whether we should perform the operation immediately depends in part on what other forms of solutions are available.



Translation of long English sentences (拆分)

According to a report by the UN, the number of people being caught with AIDS in the world is incredible—it is now over thirty million.


2. One of the standard professional criticisms of Hollingshead and Redlich is that their figures are for treated illness (those who actually got to a doctor or clinic) and do not indicate the ?true prevalence‘ of mental illness in the population.


3. All medical people, in order to ensure to patients the rights and benefits from citizenship, shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the profession.


Translation of long English sentences (倒置)

4. Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.


5. The man in the street scarcely realizes that many forms of business, some major industries, and one or two minor professions could be completely abolished without gravely injuring a society; whereas the disappearance – or even what we see in some areas, the continuous neglect and degradation – of the teaching profession must mean a disaster to the entire nation.


6. I think it will be of interest to every one of us hereafter, whether we keep a diary or not, to note down upon a sheet of paper the actual circumstance which made him or her realize that this terrific episode had begun, and to record the exact time and hour when he or she experienced that circumstance.


7. You may think that you are familiar with the male or female reproductive systems, because you are either a male or a female, but do you know why a male‘s voice is deeper than a female‘s and why male‘s testes should be suspended in his scrotum?



Characteristics of medical papers

Informative text: conveying information, diffusing scientific knowledge, conducting scientific exchange, and reporting news.

Functions of informative texts: informing the reader about objects and phenomena in the real world. How to translate medical papers

?Laying stress on the functions of the texts;

?Ensuring the truth and accuracy of the texts in the transferring (Accuracy of content should not be judged primarily in terms of ―being true‖ to the author, but in not causing misunderstanding of the message by those for whom the translation is intended—Nida, 200)

How to translate medical papers

Technical translation is primarily distinguished from other forms of translation by terminology, although terminology usually makes up about 5-10% of a text.

Composition of a medical paper

Title: 视网膜下液肝细胞生长因子的表达与增殖性视网膜玻璃体病变关系的研究

?A Study on the Relation Between the Expression of Hepatocyte Growth Factor of Subretinal Fluid and Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy

Composition of a medical paper

?摘要目的探讨肝细胞生长因子(hepatocyte growth factors)在视网膜脱离后增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative vitreoretinopathy, PVR)中的作用。方法用酶联免疫吸附法(enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay)测定49例视网膜脱离(retinal detachment)患者视网膜下液(subretinal fluid, SRF)中肝细胞生长因子的含量。结果随着PVR程度及玻璃体混浊(vitreous opacity)的加重、病程的延长,肝细胞生长因子含量增加,P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论SRF中肝细胞生长因子改变与视网膜脱离后PVR的发生、发展有密切关系。

Composition of a medical paper


?孔源性视网膜脱离(retinal detachment, RD)是一种临床上常见的严重影响视力的疾病,而增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative vitreoretinopathy, PVR)是视网膜脱离的常见并发症和手术失败的原因,其病因目前仍未十分明确。目前认为一些体液因子与PVR的发生、发展有密切关系。肝细胞生长因子是一种多功能细胞因子cytokine,具有广泛的生物学功能,其对眼部的健康及疾病的影响正逐渐被人们认识,在眼科ophthalmology领域是研究的热点。本文通过对49例RD 患者SRF中肝细胞生长因子含量的测定,旨在了解肝细胞生长因子是否参与了PVR的发生、发展的过程。

Composition of a medical paper

?1 资料和方法.

?1.1 研究对象:




?2 结果Results

?3 讨论

Translation of a medical paper

?孔源性视网膜脱离(retinal detachment, RD)是一种临床上常见的严重影响视力的疾病,而增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative vitreoretinopathy, PVR)是视网膜脱离的常见并发症和手术失败的原因,其病因目前仍未十分明确。目前认为一些体液因子与PVR的发生、发展有密切关系。肝细胞生长因子是一种多功能细胞因子cytokine,具有广泛的生物学功能,其对眼部的健康及疾病的影响正逐渐被人们认识,在眼科ophthalmology领域是研究的热点。本文通过对49例RD患者SRF中肝细胞生长因子含量的测定,旨在了解肝细胞生长因子是否参与了PVR的发


Translation of a medical paper

Retinal detachment (RD) is a clinically common disease that affects severely the vision while proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) is a common complication of retinal detachment and the cause of operation failure, the cause of which is still not clear enough. There is the idea that body fluid has a close relation with the occurrence and development of PVR. Hepatocyte growth factors, a kind of multifunctional cytokine, have vast biologic functions. Their influence on the health and illness of eyes are gradually made known and become a hot point of study in the field of ophthalmology. By measuring the content of hepatocyte growth factors in SRF in 49 cases with RD, this paper tries to find out whether they get involved in the occurrence and development of PVR.

Translation of a medical paper

1. If it were possible to sterilize and release large number of insects, he theorized, the sterilized males would, under certain conditions, compete with the normal wild males so successfully that, after repeated release, only infertile eggs would be produced and the population would die out. Translation of a medical paper


Translation of a medical paper

2. About 1993, screw-worn fly was accidentally introduced into Florida, where the climate allowed it to survive over winter and to establish population.


Translation of a medical paper


Titles of medical paper in Chinese






6. 血液透析对尿毒症患者外周树突状细胞的影响

7. 老年人创伤的临床分析

8. 乳鼠心肌细胞的分离培养和细胞形态学观察

9. 青光眼持续高眼压手术治疗

Translation of titles into English

1 A study on the dependence of sinomenine.

2 Direct coronary stent implantation by introvascular ultrasound guidance (?)

3 A protocol of screening by kanamycin in studies of transgenic tomato oral vaccine

4. Comparison of clinical and angiographic outcomes of stenting for totally occluded versus nonoccluded coronary artery lesions

5. A study on hemodynamic change after treatment of central retinal vein occlusion with breviscapine injection

6. The influence of hemodialysis on dendritic cell in peripheral blood in uremic patients

7. The clinical analysis of geriatric trauma

8. Primary culture of myocardial cells and their morphological features

9. Surgical treatment of glaucoma patients with persistent intraocular hypertension

Translation of abstracts

摘要目的探讨血管内超声(introvascular ultrasound, IVUS) 指导下进行直接冠状动脉内支架置入术在治疗冠状动脉狭窄病变的可行性及临床疗效和预后。方法患者常规冠状动脉造影后,对46例拟行直接冠状动脉内支架置入术的病变血管段行IVUS检查,观察血管壁直径、狭窄处最小腔径及病变长度,并对斑块性质进行定性分析,根据IVUS和造影结果相结合,选择合适的支架,进行直接冠状动脉内支架置入术,支架置入和再进行IVUS检查,了解手术效果及决定是否需进一步处理。结果在IVUS指导下,该46处血管段成功进行了直接支架置入术,术后平均残余狭窄减少到(12.6±10.3)%,TIMI血流3级。7例术后IVUS检查不满意,经行进一步高压球囊扩张达标。所有病例随访6~24月,术后随访均无血栓形成及主要心脏事件(心脏性死亡、与靶血管的心绞痛、心肌梗死及再次血管重建)。结论在IVUS指导下行直接支架置入术的成功率高并发症少,临床应用安全有效。因此对于病变形态及血管解剖特点合适的患者,直接支架置入术是经济而有效的。

Translation of abstracts

Abstract: Objective To study the feasibility and efficiency of direct coronary stent implantation by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) guidance. Methods The 46 coronary artery lesions of 46 patients who could directly deploy stents were studied by IVUS after coronary angiography (CAG). The wall diameter, minimal lumen diameter, length and the quantitatively of lesion vessels were analysed. The suitable stents by the CAG and IVUS were selected. All of lesions were studied by IVUS after operation and decided whether to need further treatment or not. Results All cases were succeeded with IVUS guidance. The average post-stent residual stenosis was decreased to 12.6±10.3%. TIMI 3 flow was obtained in all patients. Further balloon dilation of the stent was performed by results of the IVUS imagines in patients. No thrombosis and major cardiac events (cardiogenic death, angina, myocardial infarction and revascularization correspondence with target vessels) during the follow up for 6-24 months. Conclusion Direct coronary stent implantation by IVUS guidance had higher success rates, less complications and save and efficient clinical results. Direct coronary stent implantation is benefit and efficient to the approptiate pathologic figure and vascular anatomical characteristic cases. Translation of abstracts

摘要:目的观察灯盏花素注射液治疗对视网膜中央静脉阻塞(central retinal vein occlusion, CRVO) 患者血流动力学的影响。方法应用彩色超声多普勒技术,检测灯盏花素注射液治疗29例(29只眼)CRVO患者的眼动脉(OA)、视网膜中央静脉(CRV)、视网膜中央动脉(CRA)血流动力的改变,并与对侧健眼进行比较。结果应用灯盏花素注射液治疗后视网膜中央静脉收缩期血流速度(PSV)和舒张末期血流速度(EDV)明显增加,而阻力指数(RI)明显下降,治疗前后两者相比较,差异有统计学意义(p<0.01)。结论灯盏花素注射液治疗CRVO可以改善血流动力参数,疗效明显,未发现明显的不良反应。

Translation of abstracts

Abstract: Objective To observe the hemodynamic effect on patients treated with breviscapine injection at central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO). Method To examine the hemodynamic change at the ophthalmic artery (OA), central retinal vein (CRV) and central retinal artery (CRA) in the eyes of 29 CRVO patients (29 eyes) treated with breviscapine injection and make a comparison with the other healthy eye. Results The peak systolic velocity (PSV) and the end-diastasis velocity (EDV) of the CRV increased significantly while the resistant index (RI) dropped greatly. A comparison of them before and after the treatment found the difference to be statistically significant (<0.01). Conclusion Treatment of CRVO with breviscapine injection improved the hemodynamic parameters on AION and the effect was noticeable, while no significant untoward effect was found.


Chapter 1 Passage 1 Human Body In this passage you will learn: 1. Classification of organ systems 2. Structure and function of each organ system 3. Associated medical terms To understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc. 了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。研究人体结构的科学叫解剖学;研究人体功能的科学叫生理学。其他研究人体的科学包括生物学、细胞学、胚胎学、组织学、内分泌学、血液学、遗传学、免疫学、心理学等等。 Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article. 解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。本文描绘并阐述了各系统的主要部分。 The skeletal system is made of bones, joints between bones, and cartilage. Its function is to provide support and protection for the soft tissues and the organs of the body and to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body. There are 206 bones in the human skeleton. They have various shapes - long, short, cube - shaped, flat, and irregular. Many of the long bones have an interior space that is filled with bone marrow, where blood cells are made. 骨骼系统由骨、关节以及软骨组成。它对软组织及人体器官起到支持和保护作用,并牵动骨胳肌,引起各种运动。人体有206根骨头。骨形态不一,有长的、短、立方的、扁的及不规则的。许多长骨里有一个内层间隙,里面充填着骨髓,这即是血细胞的制造场所。 A joint is where bones are joined together. The connection can be so close that no movement is possible, as is the case in the skull. Other kinds of joints permit movement: either back and forth in one plane - as with the hinge joint of the elbow - or movement around a single axis - as with the pivot joint that permits the head to rotate. A wide range of movement is possible when the ball - shaped end of one bone fits into a socket at the end of another bone, as they do in the shoulder and hip joints. 关节把骨与骨连接起来。颅骨不能运动,是由于骨与骨之间的连接太紧密。但其它的关节可允许活动,如一个平面上的前后屈伸运动,如肘关节;或是绕轴心旋转运动,如枢轴点允许头部转动。如果一根骨的球形末端插入另一根骨的臼槽里,大辐度的运动(如肩关节、髋关节)即成为可能。 Cartilage is a more flexible material than bone. It serves as a protective, cushioning layer where bones come together. It also connects the ribs to the breastbone and provides a structural base for the nose and the external ear. An infant's skeleton is made of cartilage that is gradually replaced by bone as the infant grows into an adult. 软骨是一种比一般骨更具韧性的物质。它是骨连结的保护、缓冲层。它把肋骨与胸骨连结起来,也是鼻腔与内耳的结构基础。一个婴儿的骨骼就是由软骨组成,然后不断生长、


医学考博英语翻译习题 An AIDS Mystery Solved (1) About 15 years ago, a well-meaning man donated blood to the Red Cross in Sydney,Australia,not knowing he has been exposed to HIV-1,the virus that causes AIDS. Much later,public-health officials learned that some of the people who got transfusions? containing his blood had become infected with the same virus; presumably they were almost sure to die. But as six years stretched to 10,then to 14,the anxiety of health officials gave way to astonishment. Although two of the recipients have died from other causes,not one of the seven people known to have received transfusions of the man’s contaminated blood has come down with AIDS. More telling still,the donor,a sexually active homosexual,is also healthy. In fact his immune system remains as robust as if he had never tangled with HIV at all. What could explain such unexpected good fortune? (2) A team of Australian scientists has finally solved the mystery. The virus that the donor contracted and then passed on,the team reported last week in the journal Science. contains flaws in its genetic script that appear to have rendered it innocuous?. “Not only have the recipients and the donor not progressed to disease for 15 years,”marvels molecular biologist Nicholas Deacon of Australia’s Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Re-search,“but the prediction is that they never will.”Deacon speculates that this “impotent”HIV may even be a natural inoculant? that protects its carriers against more virulent strains? of the virus,much as infection with cowpox warded off smallpox in 18th-century milkmaids. (3) If this ______ proves right,it will mark a milestone in the battle to contain the late-20th century’s most terrible epidemic. For in addition to explaining why this small group of people infected with HIV has not become sick,the discovery of a viral strain that works like a vaccine would have far-reaching implications. “What these results suggest,”says Dr. Barney Graham of Tennessee’s Vanderbilt University,“is that HIV is vulnerable and that it is possible to stimulate effective immunity against it.” (4) The strain of HIV that popped up? in Sydney intrigues scientists because it contains striking abnormalities in a gene that is believed to stimulate viral duplication. In fact,the virus is missing so much of this particular gene —known as nef,for negative factor —that it is hard to imagine how the gene could perform any useful function. And sure enough,while the Sydney virus retains the ability to infect T cells —white blood cells that are critical to the immune system’s ability to ward off infection —it makes so few copies of itself that the most powerful molecular tools can barely detect its presence. Some of the infected Australians,for example,were found to carry as few as one or two copies of the virus for every 100000 T cells. People with AIDS,by contrast,are burdened with viral loads thousands of times higher. (5) At the very least,the nef gene offers an attractive target for drug developers. If its activity can be blocked,suggests Deacon,researchers might be able to hold the progression of disease at bay,even in people who have developed full-blown AIDS. The need for better AIDS-fighting drugs was underscored last week by the actions of a U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel,which recommended speedy approval of two new AIDS drugs,including the first of a new class of compounds called protease? inhibitors?. Although FDA commissioner David Kessler was quick to praise the new drugs,neither medication can prevent or cure AIDS once it has taken hold.


医学论文英语摘要的写作及难句翻译 [摘要] 2.1 文章标题文章标题具备信息功能(提供文章的主要内容)、祈使功能(吸引读者阅读和购买)、美感功能(简单明了、新颖、醒目)和检索功能(方便读者和科技工作者检索、查阅及引用)。 2.2 语态在英语中却常常采用第三人称的被动语态。 2.3 时态:一般现在时和一般过去时,偶尔也会出现完成时。 结论”中的一句,是论文作者对研究工作进行的总结,并指出其对当前实际工作的指导意义,因此使用的是一般现在时。当然,使用何种时态不能一概而论。在翻译时,要根据原文中所要表达的意思来最后确定。 3 长、难句的翻译 不管是英语还是汉语医学文章,都有一个共同的特点,即它们的句子通常较长,结构较复杂,有时,长长的一段文字仅由一句话组成。在医学论文摘要中更是如此,要做好它们的互译还真不容易。这是因为汉语句子建构在意念主轴(thought?pivot)上'英语句子建构在形式(或主谓)主轴(form?pivot or subject? predict?pivot)上。也就是说,虽然句子是表达完整意义的语言单位,汉语强调的是意义,不太强调句子结构,许多句子没有主语,还有的句子主语不明显,但意义是明确的;而英语句子特别强调句子结构,绝大多数句子需要主语和谓语。这就要求在汉译英过程中注意句意的转换,学会抓找中心词和使用英语中的各个关联词。请看下列例子 例1:“以BPDE诱导恶性转化的人支气管上皮细胞株16HBE为模型,采用cDNA代表性差异分析方法,比较转化细胞及正常对照细胞间基因表达的差异,分离恶变细胞中差异表达的cDNA片段。”翻译:The malignant transformation of human bronchial cell line 16HBE induced by BPDE was used as a m odel for comparing gene expression between the transformed cells and controls. cDNA representational difference analysis was performed to isolate differentially expressed cDNA fragment in transformed cell s.分析:在中文原句中,出现了“以……”、“采用……”以及“比较……”、“分离……”这两个看似并列的机构'如果按照原文翻译'就会不知所云。因此,根据句意和英语的句子结构,将原文分成两层意思,按照两个句子去翻译。在第一层意思中,“上皮细胞株”在句中是中心词,但在实际翻译中,应通过所有格形式将“恶性转化”处理为中心词。翻译时,将它们的位置颠倒过来,并且为了保持和中文“以…”结构相一致,使用了被动语态。第二层意思中,“c DNA代表性差异分析方法”是中心词。其他结构按照英文习惯出现,层次分明,出落自然,毫无累赘之感。 例2:“这些感受器是神经末梢,它们嵌入血管壁,根据该血管扩张的程度发出冲动。”翻译:These r eceptors are nerve endings that discharge impulses according to the extent of stretch in the wall of the vessels in which they are imbedded.分析:原文虽然不是太长'但如果按照中文结构去译'就显得很幼稚。因此'就应使用英语中的各个关联词及关联结构。本句中采用的是定语分译法'即用一个主句带上一个定语从句'该定语从句又带上它自己的定语从句'这不仅符合英文习惯'而且逻辑性很强。整个译文层次明晰、流畅自然。以上是笔者在工作中的一些探索'希望能对进行医学论文英语摘要写作的医务工作者有所启发。 翻译的等效性和灵活性 1. 正确理解“等效翻译”


Unit2. Cells and Aging Aging is a normal process accompanied by a progressive alteration of the body’s homeostatic adaptive responses; the specialized branch of medicine that deals with the medical problems and care of elderly person is called geriatrics. 衰老是一种正常的生理过程,伴有机体内环境稳定适应性应答的进行性改变。 研究老年人的健康问题和保健的一门特殊医学分支被称作老年病学 The obvious characteristics of aging are well known; graying and loss of hair, loss of teeth, wrinkling of skin, decreased muscle mass, and increased fat deposits. The physiological signs of aging are gradual deterioration in function and capacity to maintain a constant internal environment (homeostasis) in response to changes in temperature, diet, and oxygen supply. These sings of aging are related to a net decrease in the number of cells in the body and to the dysfunctioning of the cells that remain. 衰老的明显特征众所周知:头发花白和脱落,牙齿脱落,皮肤起皱,肌肉减少,脂肪积存增加。衰老的生理征兆是机体对环境刺激反应的功能和能力的逐渐退化如 同维持机体内环境稳定来应对温度,饮食和氧气供应改变的能力减退一样,机体新


医学专业英语翻译 医学专业英语翻译如下: portable electric dental engine 轻便电动钻牙机,轻便牙钻portable hearing aid 袖珍助听器 portable microtome 手提式切片机 portable monitor 手提式监护仪 portable obstetric table 轻便产床 portable operating table 轻便手术台 portable photoelectric colorimeter 便携式光电比色计 portable suction unit 便携式吸引器 portable testing set 便携式测试仪器 portable typewriter 手提式打字机 portable X-ray machine 手提式X 光机 portacid 移酸滴管,滴酸器 portal 门,入门 portal venography 门静脉造影术 port B/L 港口提单 portcaustic 腐蚀药把持器 porte 柄 porte-acid 移酸滴管,滴酸器

porte-aiguille 持针器 porte-caustique 腐蚀药把持器 porte-ligature 深部结扎器,缚线把持器porte-meche 填塞条器 porte-noeud 瘤蒂结扎器 porte-polisher 握柄磨光器 porterage 搬运费 portial impression trays 局部牙托portion 部分,段,份 portligature 深部结扎器,缚线把线器port of arrival 到达港 port of delivery 交货港 port of departure 出发港 port of destination 到达港目的港 port of discharge 卸货港 portogram 门静脉造影片 portoraphy 门静脉造影术portovenogram 门静脉造影片 posion 阴离子,阳向离子 position 位置,状态 positioner 定位器(牙),位置控制器


Unit1肺和肾的功能 肺的血管系统 肺从两个血管系统----支气管循环系统和肺循环系统获得血液供应。它的营养血液来自于支气管循环系统,流向肺部除肺泡外的所有组织,因为支气管循环系统始于主动脉及上肋间动脉,接受大约1%的心输出量。大约三分之一的支气管循环的静脉输出流入全身静脉,然后回到右心房。剩余的输出流入肺静脉,并在心脏最小静脉的作用下,在正常情况下,以1%-2%的量自右向左分流。 肺动脉系统沿着气道从肺门向外周延伸,向下连接下段气道(直径大约2毫米)的动脉,它们壁薄且富有弹性。从这儿开始,动脉成肌肉化发展,直至其达到30微米,此时肌层消失。因为这些小肌肉动脉起着积极控制肺部血流分布的作用,所以大部分动脉压降产生在这些小肌肉动脉中。肺小动脉将血液排空,送入广泛分布的毛细血管网,进入肺静脉。肺静脉的壁很薄,它们最终在肺门处与动脉和支气管汇合,出肺进入左心房。 肾结构成分 人类肾脏在解剖学上位于腹膜后隙,与下胸椎和上腰椎平行。每个成年人的肾脏大约重150克,长、宽、厚分别为12厘米、6厘米以及3厘米。肾脏的冠状部分分为/由两个明确的区域(组成)。外周部的皮质大约1厘米厚,深部的髓质由几个肾锥体构成。这些锥体状结构的底部位于皮髓质结合处。锥体的顶部伸入肾门,称为肾**。每个肾**被一个肾小盏包裹。肾小盏与肾大盏相聚组成肾盂。经肾**流出的尿液汇集在肾盂,通过输尿管排入膀胱。 由主动脉分支出来的肾总动脉为两肾输送血液。肾总动脉通常分为两个主侧支,这两个侧支又进一步分为叶动脉,为肾脏上、中、下区域供应血液。当这些血管进入肾实质,变成叶间动脉通向肾皮质时,(这些血管)又进一步细分。细分后的更小血管在皮髓质结合处成为竖支--弓状动脉。从弓状动脉伸出的叶间动脉进入皮质。由于传入小动脉始于这些末端叶间动脉,所以为肾小球毛细血管输送血液。 组织学上,肾脏是由一个叫做“肾单位”的基本单位组成。每个肾脏约含有一百万个肾单位,“肾单位”有两个主要成分:过滤成分―紧包着毛细血管网(肾小球)和一个附着在上面的小管组成。这个小管包含几个明显的解剖和功能成分。 Unit 2细胞与衰老 衰老是一种正常的生理过程,伴有肌体内平衡适应性反应的进行性改变。研究老年人健康问题和保健的特殊分支称作老年医学。 衰老的明显特征众所周知:头发花白和脱落,牙齿脱落,皮肤起皱,肌肉减少,脂肪积存增加。衰老的生理征兆是肌体对环境压力反应的功能和能力逐渐减退.。如同保持不断地体内平衡应对温度、饮食和氧供反应变慢一样,机体代谢也减慢了。衰老的这些迹象与机体中细胞数的净减少及存余细胞的功能缺失有关。 衰老的另一个表现是组织的细胞外成分也随年龄的变化而变化。负责肌腱力量的胶原纤维的数量增加,而质量却随着衰老降低。动脉壁胶原质中的变化造成动脉壁伸展性缺失,如同动脉壁上的积聚物造成动脉粥样硬化(即动脉壁脂肪物质堆积)一样。弹性蛋白是另一种细胞外成分,主要负责血管和皮肤的弹性。随着年龄的变化,它的变粗,变碎并需要获得更大的钙亲和力,这些可能也是造成动脉粥样硬化的原因。 葡萄糖在机体中是最丰富的糖类,它在衰老的过程中也可能起作用。根据一个假设,任意给细胞内外的蛋白质增加葡萄糖,结果会在相邻蛋白质分子间形成不可逆交联。当人衰老时,会形成更多的交联,这可能导致正在衰老的组织变得僵化,丧失弹性。


这里汇聚了中西医学行业的大部分英语词汇和详细解说,如果要查询相关词汇,你可以点此word 文档工具栏的“编辑”,找到“查找”,然后点开输入你要查询的词汇就可以查询了。 西医篇: 1、医院部门及科室名称 2、医务人员名称 3、诊断和治疗常用词汇 4、常见疾病名称 5、常见手术名称 6、常用药物名称 7、常用护理术语 8、常用临床医学术语 9、医疗器材 10、医学英语快速记忆-后缀 11、主要人体系统名称 12、医院类型名称 13、医学词汇 14、医学常用字首与字根 1.医院部门及科室名称 out-patient department 门诊部 In-patient department 住院部 Nursing department 护理部 Admission office 住院处 Discharge office 出院处 Registration office 挂号处 Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室 Consultation room 诊察室 Isolation room 隔离室 Delivery room 分娩室 Emergency room 急诊室 Ward 病房室 Department of internal medicine 内科 Department of surgery 外科 Department of pediatrics 儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科 Department of neurology 神经科 Department of ophtalmology 眼科 E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology 口腔科 Department of urology 泌尿科 Department of orthopedic 骨科 Department of traumatology 创伤科 Department of endocrinology 内分泌科


医学英语翻译常用专业词汇 学英语教学担负着促使医学生从外语学习阶段向使用阶段过渡的任务,下面为大家分享医学英语翻译常用专业词汇,希望对大家有用。 医学英语翻译常用专业词汇如下: M (①meter ②molar) ①米②容积克分子的(溶液) MA (milliampere) 毫安(培) maceration 浸渍,浸软 maceration tank 浸渍槽 macerator 浸渍器 Mach 马赫(音速单位) machcardiogram (abbr. MCG) 心机械图(即对心电、心音、颈动脉波,心尖搏动图进行同步 记录,可对各图型和时相及其相互关系进行研究) machine(abbr. mach.) 机,机器,装置 machine parts 机器零件 machinery 机器,机械装置 macro- 巨,大,长,宏观 macroanalysis 常量分析 macrochemistry 常量化学

macroroentgenogram X 射线放大照片macroroentgenography X 射线放大工业照像术 made-up 人工的,制成的,预制的 madisterion 拔毛镊 madisterium 拔毛镊 madistor 晶体磁控管 magamp 磁性放大器 magazine ①杂志,期刊②箱,盒,办片匣,暗盒③软片盒magic 魔术,不可思议的 magic eye ①电眼②光调谐指示管 magic lantern 幻灯 magmeter 直读式频率计 magnalium 镁铝合金 magnesia anastomosis tube 镁氧吻合管 magnesium (abbr. Mg) 镁 magnet 吸铁器,磁铁 magnet for eye 眼用吸铁器 magnetic 磁(性)的 magnetic amplifier 磁性放大器,磁增强器 magnetic attraction 磁吸引 magnetic belt 磁性治病带 magnetic core memory 磁心存储器


医学英语翻译技巧:模糊语的功能与翻译 模糊性语言我们随处可见,它是人类语言主观性的体现,在交际中具有重要作用。医务工作者的交际对象是一个特殊群体——病人。在同他们交流的过程中,若恰当地使用模糊词语,就尊重了患者,又获得了患者的尊重;增加所陈述命题的准确性和可信度;还表示谦虚,起到了自我保护等功能。 医学英语中模糊语的功能 2.1表示礼貌和尊重 礼貌在言语交际中具有调节双方关系的作用,是人们在某些场合必须遵守的一个重要原则。语用意义上的礼貌所指范围宽泛,而且总是与英国著名学者利奇(Leech)提出的礼貌原则紧密联系在一起。利奇的礼貌原则包括六条准则:得体、慷慨、赞誉、谦逊、一致和同情。礼貌原则可以解释人们在言语交际中为什么使用模糊、委婉、间接和灵活的表达方式。就模糊语来说,如果运用得当,可以使话语显得礼貌客气,使双方得到理解和尊重,从而有助于达到理想的交际目的。 在医护人员与患者的交谈中,患者心理上往往比较脆弱,对某些问题心存忌讳,医护人员在充分理解的基础上,通常会自觉地选用某些模糊词语。例如:在涉及到排泄物或性行为等禁忌语时,通常用模糊性的委婉词语来避免,如用“number one”(一号)代替“piss”(小便),“number two”(二号)代替“dung”(大便,粪便),“communicate”(交流)代替“intercourse”(性交),这不仅能表明说话者的良好修养,而且也能避免受话者丢面子。如: 4)Patient:I have a pneumonia recently,but I think I’m over it. Doctor:I’m afraid you’d better have a further examination. 病人:我最近患过肺炎,但我以为已好了。 医生:恐怕你最好要作进一步检查。 5)Patient:Since the accident it has been stiff and looks black and blue.At times it feels numb. Doctor:It seems you may have broken your elbow,I’ll send you to the x—ray department to check. 病人:受伤后伤处僵硬发紫发胀,有时还觉着麻木。 医生:看来你的肘关节骨折了,我送你去放射科检查一下。 2.2增加陈述命题的准确性和可信度


医学英语文献3翻译(缺Unit1、3、7) U3 TC Beneficial bacteria may protect babies from HIV 有益菌或能保护婴儿防止感染艾滋病毒 毫无疑问,在喂养婴儿时,母乳是最好的选择。但感染HIV(艾滋病病毒)的母亲面临着一个困境:由于有些病毒会流入母乳,婴儿吃奶时便面临被感染的风险。目前两组研究队伍正在调查一场细菌之战以治疗这些脆弱的婴儿。他们将在母乳中加入抑制艾滋病的细菌。黎巴嫩,达特茅斯医学院HIV专家Ruth Connor 说,这些有益菌并不能保证儿童一定不会被感染,但可以大大降低感染概率。 在八月的“母乳喂养医学”中,她和来自西班牙马德里康普腾斯大学的同事,报告说将可以充分抑制HIV-1增长和感染的某些乳酸菌从健康女性的母乳中隔离出来。 试管研究对代表15个不同种类的38个细菌菌株进行了实验,它们都显示出了对HIV的抑制性。效力最小的可以抑制细菌6.7%的传染性;效果最好的可以抑制HIV感染细胞能力的55.5%. 研究者们试验了隔开的细菌和细菌产生的无细胞粘液。“我们想分清抑制HIV 的能力是不是由细菌的某些特定组成部分造成的,例如外部细胞壁,或仅仅是组成细菌的可溶性成分,”Connor 解释说。最终,她说每一项都被证明有抗病毒性,虽然细菌整体抑制性最好。 所有热灭菌都或多或少显示出了对HIV传染的抑制性,有11个可以杀掉41%甚至更多的HIV传染性。相比之下,只有六种菌株产生的可溶性细胞化合物证实具有抑制作用,而且只有一种可以减少至少41%的传染性。

Connor说小组的发现揭示了她和其他病毒学家以前一直困扰的问题:为什么艾滋病病毒测试呈阳性的女性母乳喂养的婴儿没有被传染。 她说,目前还不知道,到底是最有抑制性的一种或几种细菌(例如乳酸菌 /gramininis VM25;酵母VMA和戊糖片球菌VM95)单独提供了本质上防止HIV的保护作用还是共同作为自然的微生物群来起作用。Connor说,但其最终目的是通过传输一些额外的细菌,将益生素补充到母乳中。益生菌就是作为辅助消化或增进健康的食品补充剂的有益菌。 Connor说,有些有益菌是针对已出生的婴儿。它们被作为口服药丸服用或加入到婴儿食品中。该理念是在幼儿体内培养有益菌的生命群,这样就可以准备好击退任何可能被吸收的HIV。这是”保护不受传染的一个额外保护层,“Connor说。 要达到这样的结果,就要在刚出生开始母乳喂养时就开始执行,这样有益菌的效果最好,因而婴儿体内就可以优先具有反HIV菌株。 当然,这种婴儿补充物的发展还有很长的路要走。还要进行试验以确定当服用剂量较大时,有益菌不会引起腹泻或其他不良副作用——开始是大人,然后是健康的婴儿,最后是感染HIV风险很大的婴儿。 ”乳酸菌是人们从母乳中隔离出来的很普通的一种细菌,它可以有很多来源,”包括植物,酒和发酵的蔬菜或乳制品,加利福尼亚大学的David Mills 说。他说这会引起一个问题:从非人类处分离出来的同种类菌株是否引起的反应也一样?如果是的话,这就是一种非特定的作用(但可能还是很有用处)。”我很惊奇发现母乳中有这么多有机体,因为现在还不清楚它们是怎么到母乳里的,”伦敦西安大略大学加拿大益生菌研究与开发中心的Gregor Reid 说。他说,有一种关于来源的理论是,在怀孕后期,树状细胞——一些活跃的白


Patterns of trade and travel may encourage enthusiasms for language https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4c10109622.html,nguages other than English may become important regional business languages.Already the number of learners of Chinese as a second important language is on the increase. 贸易和旅游的模式可能鼓励语言学习的热情。除英语之外的语言可能成为重要的区域商务语言。作为第二重要语言的中国学习者的数量已经增加。 Snowden's leaks of highly classified matrial have resulted in numberous news stories about U.S. surveillance activities at home and abroad and have caused debate about the legality of those activities and the privacy implications for average Americans. 斯诺登泄露的高度机密的材料已经导致了许多关于美国在国内和国外的监视活动的新闻报道,引发了关于这些监测活动的合法性和对美国普通民众的隐私影响的辩论。 In addition to the dry period, people have never regarded water as a valuable natural resource. It is true that water is not a rare thing in the world. If it does not rain, the farmers will complain, but in the city with reliable water supply system, few people feel water shortage. We take it for granted that water is no more valuable than air. However, in part because of the increase in population, partly because of the terrible waste, water supply has become a big challenge in many parts of the world. This is a serious problem that can not be ignored. If we do not reduce blood cells, reduce waste, mankind will face disaster in the near future. 除了干旱时期,人们从不把水看成宝贵的自然资源。诚然,水不是世界上的稀有之物。如果天不下雨,农民会抱怨,但在有可靠供水水系统的城区,很少有人感到缺水。我们想当然地以为水与空气一样不值钱,到处都有。然而,部分因为人口增加,部分因为可怕的浪费,在当今世界很多地方,供水已成为一大挑战。这是一个不可忽视的严重问题。如果不降低需求,减少浪费,人类在不久的将来就会面临灾难。


学号:201209072108 班级:口腔二班姓名:陆小凯 Oral cavity Dentists use special terms to describe the surfaces of teeth. The labial surface(labi/o means “lip”), for incisor and canine teeth, is nearest the lips. The buccal surface(bucc/o means cheek), for premolar and molar teeth, lies adjacent to cheek, as illustrated in Figure 5-2. Dentists refer to both the labial and the buccal surfaces as the facial surface(faci/o means face). Opposite to the facial surface, all teeth have a lingual surface(lingu/o means tongue). The mesial surface of a tooth lies nearest to the median line and the distal surface, farthest from the medialline. Premolars and molars have an additional occlusal surface that comes in contact with a corresponding tooth in the oppsing arch. The incisors and canines have a sharp incisal edge. Figure 5-3 shows the inner anatomy of a tooth. label it as you read the following description: A tooth consists of a crown, which shows above the gumline, and a root, which lies within the bony tooth socket. The outermost protective layer of the crown, the enamel, protects the tooth. Enamel is a dense, hard, white substance-the hardest substance in the body. Dentin, the main substance of the tooth, lies beneath the enamel and extends throughout the crown. Yellow in color, dentin is composed of bony tissue that is softer than enamel. The cementum covers, protects, and supports the dentin in the root. A periodontal membrane surrounds the cementum and holds the tooth in place in the tooth socket. The pulp lies underneath the dentin. This soft and delicate tissue fills the center of the tooth. Blood vessels, nerve endings, connective tissue, and lymphatic vessels are within the pulp canal. Root canal therapy is often necessary when disease or abscess occurs in the pulp canal. A dentist opens the tooth fromabove and cleans the canal of infection, nerves, and blood vessels. The canal is then disinfected and filled with material to prevent the entrance of microorganisms and decay. Three pairs of salivary glands surround the oral cavity. These exocrine glands produce saliva that contains important digestive enzymes. Saaliva is released from the parotid gland, submandibular gland, and sublingual gland on each side of the mouth. Narrow ducts carry saliva into the oral cavity. 口腔牙医使用特殊的术语来描述牙齿表面。唇面(labi的意思是嘴唇)是指前牙最接近嘴唇的一面。颊面(bucc/ O是指面颊)对于前磨牙和磨牙是位于毗陵的面颊,如图5 - 2所示。牙医把唇和颊面称为面部表面(faci / o意思是脸)。牙医把唇和颊面称为面部表面(faci / o意味着脸)。和面部表面相反一面,所有的牙齿都有舌表面(lingu / o意味着舌头)。牙齿的近中面位于最靠近中线和远侧面,离medialline最远。前磨牙和磨牙咬合额外的表面与反向拱相应的颌面接触。切牙和尖牙有锋利的切缘。 图5 - 3显示了牙齿的内部解剖。下面是你要阅读的标签描述:牙齿是由牙龈表面的牙冠和埋在牙槽骨中的牙根组成。最外层是保护牙冠
