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1. Once so ?uid, the political situation had, two years after the declaration of the Republic, _____ so much that further change seemed inconceivable.

A. revitalized

B. warmed

C. intensi?ed

D. clotted

E. destabilized

2. Paul Robeson. Jr. wrote that his father was a ?esh-and-blood artist whose accomplishments made him susceptible to hagiographic treatment by potential biographers. Robeson’s achievements were real, and there was no need for _____.

A. disclosure

B. hyperbole

C. retraction

D. muckraking

E. reticence

3. The scientists who ?rst proposed that Moon’s craters had resulted from impacts (i)_____: almost all of these craters were circular, and yet most impactors in heliocentric orbit would have an oblique path and hence would be expected to form (ii)_____ craters.

4. When the United States government created the Post Of?ce at the founding of the republic, it didn’t invite rival postal ?rms to compete; in fact, it created a monopoly. That monopoly, however, was (i)_____ free expression because of policies Congress adopted, which (ii)_____ the circulation of newspapers irrespective of their viewpoint and spread postal service throughout the country.

5. The cowbird can seem a rather comical creature with a slow, awkward walk and often upraised tail. Less (i)_____ is the cowbirds’ habit of laying their eggs in the nests of other birds. The (ii)_____ nesters will usually accept the cowbird egg and raise the baby cowbird as their own. Unfortunately, cowbird eggs hatch sooner than the eggs of other species and the young cowbirds (iii)_____, using their size to their advantage in getting more food from the parents.

6. The scientist (i)_____ that the now familiar term “global warming” is (ii)_____, arguing that the atmospheric buildup of long-lived greenhouse gases is setting in motion centuries of shifts in climate patterns, coastlines, water resources, and ecosystems—hardly (iii)_____ one would describe with a gentle word like “warming”.

The physicist Wallace Sabine pioneered the scientific study of architectural acoustics when he was asked in 1895 to fix a university lecture hall in which the echo of a speaker’s words rendered them unintelligible. He found that the length of time it takes a sound’s echo to decay is d etermined by the absorption of the sound’s original energy by surrounding material. By hanging panels of sound-absorbing felt on the walls, Sabine reduced the echo enough to make the hall usable. And the data he compiled yielded a mathematical formula for the relationship between a room’s echo duration, its quantity and quality of sound-absorbing materials, and its spatial volume.

7. Which of the following can be inferred about the ‘university lecture hall’ mentioned in the passage?

A. It was not originally designed to be used for lecture.

B. It was more suitable for listening to music than for listening to the spoken word.

C. Its walls had surfaces made of material with very poor sound-absorbing properties.

D. Its poor acoustics resulted from its being designed to accommodate a large audience.

E. It was constructed at a time when sound-absorbing building materials were not readily available.

8. The passage suggests that Sabine’s work made which of the following possible for the first time?

A. to make a room soundproof

B. to build an auditorium out of sound-absorbing materials

C. to construct an enclosed space in which sound would not echo

D. to design a building to meet predetermined specifications with regard to echo duration

E. to render any large room usable for public lectures and performances

Received feminist wisdom has conceived of history as a male enclave devoid of woman subjects and practitioners, particularly before the twentieth century. As Ann For Freedom put it in 1972, from Herodout’s to Will Durant’s histories, the main characters, t he main viewpoints and interests, have all been male. Feminist accounts of the 1970s and 1980s viewed historiography (the writing of history) as overwhelmingly his, coining the term herstory and presenting it as a compensatory feminist practice. Herstory d esignated women’s place at the center of an alternative narrative of past events. Rosalind Miles’s description restates the popular view: Women’s history by contrast has only just begun to invent itself. Males gained entry to the business of recording, defining and interpreting events in the third millennium B.C.; for women, this process did not even begin until the nineteenth century. The herstorical method provided a means for feminist historians to explore materials by and about women that had previously been neglected or ignored. Herstory promoted curricular transformation in schools and was used as a slogan on T-shirts, pencils, and buttons. Exposing historians tacit and intentional sexism, herstorians set out to correct the record–to show that women had held up half the historical sky.

Despite the great scholarly gains made behind the rallying cry, herstory’s popular myth–particularly about the lack of women who have recorded history–require revision. Herstory may accurately describe feminists efforts to construct female- centered accounts of the past, but the term inadvertently blinds us to women’s important contributions to historical discourse before the nineteenth century. Historiography has not been an entirely male preserve, though feminists are justified in faulting its long-standing masculine contours. In fact, criticism of historiography’s sexism is not of recent origin. Early eighteenth-century feminist Mary Astell protested that the Men being the Historians, they seldom condescend to record the great and good actions of Women. Astell, like those who echoed her sentiments two and a half centuries later, must be credited for admirable zeal in setting out to right scholarly wrongs, but her supposition that historians were only male is inaccurate. Her perception is especially strange because she herself wrote a historical work, An Impartial Enquiry into the Cause of Rebellion and Civil War (1704). Astell’s judgment is at the same time understandable, given that much historical writing by women of the late seventeenth century was not published until the nineteenth century. Despite their courage and their rightful anger, Astell and her descendants overlooked early modern woman writer’s contributions to historiography.

9. It can be inferred that Rosalind Miles refers to the third millennium B.C. primarily in order to

A. present an overview of what the practice of history once entailed

B. suggest that the origins of historical study are much earlier than had been previously though

C. suggest why the third millennium B.C. has received so much attention from historians

D. establish a contrast between men and women in terms of how long they have been recording history

10 It can be inferred from the passage that the term herstory

11. Mary Astell is discussed by the author as an example of an eighteenth-century feminist historian"

A. who was representative of the intellectual interests of the woman historians of her time

C. who shared with modern herstorian’s a mistaken assumption regarding the wri ting of history

D. whose major work aroused much controversy at the time of its publication

E. whose major work still has not received the attention from scholars that it deserves

12. The author implies which of the following about Astell’s supposition?

A. It is likely to have arisen because of Astell’s unawareness of much of the historical work written by women."

B. It was one that Astell reconsidered after she wrote her own historical work.

C. It was one that was not shared by other feminist historians of Astell’s time.

D. It was one that inspired Astell to write her own historical work.

E. It directly contradicts one of the basic claims of herstory.

13. Nature-loving pilgrims from the eastern United States altered the country’s attitude toward California’s sequoia groves, transforming those stands of great trees from scienti?c curiosities to places of _____.

A. recreation

B. mystery

C. veneration

D. solitude

E. reverence

F. acclamation

14. Established scientists recognize that p eer review of manuscripts submitted to scienti?c journals is critical to science, but this recognition _____ a certain ambivalence in them, since reviewing takes time away from their research.

A. obviates

B. mitigates

C. engenders

D. tempers

E. induces

F. exacerbates

15. Despite ______ leaving their old jobs behind, workers were eager to move because there were to be no layoffs under the union contract at the new location.

A. jubilation over

B. indifference to

C. misgivings about

D. outrage over

E. trepidation over

F. enthusiasm for

16 After the Turkish Republic was established, traditional hamams (bathhouses) seemed to many Turks to be outmoded, but thanks to tourism, hamams have experienced a _____, becoming important cultural sites for foreign and Turkish visitors alike.

A. proliferation

B. retrenchment

C. transformation

D. revival

E. slump

F. renaissance

In various writings from the 1940s on popular culture, George Orwell examined commercial texts such as comics and crime novels, seeking out political meanings that ran counter to what he considered an inherent tendency toward socialism in the English common people. The public, he concluded, was often being duped by a convert patrician conservatism, conveyed through commercial culture, that res trained the people’s radical instincts. These works constituted some of Orwell’ s greatest writing, yet those who see him as a lone precursor to today’s cultural studies, a field in which scholars examine the ideological implications of popular culture, are mistaken. A number of left-wing writers in the 1930s, many of them associated with the Communist Party, saw the need to take popular culture seriously.

The passage suggests which of the following about George Orwell?

A. He regarded commercial texts a vehicles for the views of ordinary people.

B. He regarded many commercial texts as having an insidious effect on readers.

C. He considered commercial text such as comics to be unworthy of serious analysis.

D. He initiated a new direction in scholarship by taking popular culture seriously.

E. He regarded commercial texts as inappropriate vehicles for political ideas.

Some historians have recently challenged the “party period paradigm,” the view, advanced by McCormick and others, that political parties—especially the two major parties—in the United States between the years 1835 and 1900 evoked extraordinary loyalty from voters and dominated political life. Voss-Hubbard cites the frequency of third-party eruptions during the period as evidence of popular antipathy to the two-party regime. He correctly credits third parties with helping generate the nineteenth century’s hi storically high rates of voter turnout by forcing major parties to bolster supporters’ allegiance, lest minor parties siphon off their votes, and with pushing policy demands that the major parties ignored. Formisano stresses the pervasive record of nonpartisan and anti-party governance at the local level, and women’ s frequent participation in nineteenth-century public life, prior to their enfranchisement, in nonpartisan and antiparty ways as evidence of the limitations of the party period paradigm. Yet McCormick would deny that the existence of antiparty sentiment during the period undermined the paradigm, since he has always acknowledged the residual strength of such sentiment during the nineteenth century. In any case, the strength of the paradigm is its comparative thrust: the contrast it draws between the period in question and earlier and later political eras.

18. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. correct a common misconception about a historical period

B. identify a feature of a historical period that has often been overlooked

C. challenge the validity of evidence used to support a claim

D. discuss certain challenges to a particular view

E. account for a particular feature of historical period

19. Select the sentence in the passage that describes how a historian might reply to attempts to call his theory into question.

20. In the context in which it appears, “evoked” most nearly means

A. elicited

B. recalled

C. cited

D. suggested

E. elaborated


详解GRE阅读最常见三种题型 阅读题不管是放在哪一类考试上都能够算得上是一枚重磅炸弹。但是GRE阅读题因为是针对阅读英文能力的一种考察,那么对于中国考生而言也并非是容易的。以下GRE考试培训机构老师就要为考生们介绍GRE阅读最常见三种题型。 1. 主题题:一般在第一题,也会在中间2,3题,通常在末题出现的几率很少,解题技巧一般是从中心词(论述对象),配合TS(往往在首段出现,一定要记住“从前不从后”,原来的主旨为准),有时还要将下面的细节段落的层次关系概括考虑入内,得出答案。GRE考试培训机构老师表示若考生们在突破时可以边读边想,那么这个题不用15秒就可以看出,而后再使用原来积累的错误项的标志来“审核”(一定要注意永远别使用“排除法”来解这种题,否则浪费的时间是无法弥补的!),哪些标志呢?关键是记住细节段里的举例事物,唯一性,绝对性词汇就行了! 2. Insgroupsto题型:大家要注意到直接出现insgroupsto字样与也许会出现的“变体”,判断方式为该题问的是一种“因果联系”,还有作者提及A是为了什么,关于这个A能够是例子,又或是一个论证细节等等,那事不疑迟,马上从题干的事物出发返回到原文定位,而后快速的判断此层面的逻辑关系,而后决定是向上或者向下找几行,找到那个原因,提取“中心词”(有显着特征的词)而后在5个选项里识别出来,填上答案,不出30秒。 3. 作者态度题:回忆问及的事物是否给过“情态形容词或副词”修饰过,注意是“回忆”,针对此类词前面我已说过必须要注意留心,自己在突破里也许已经有所发现,大部分的书上还举出了动词,只要这种词一出现考生们都比较看得清,谁都知道是否定,但在此我举的就十分的隐蔽,独自的指出好像谁都知道,但在


2016年5月8日GRE考试真题回忆解析 2016年5月8号的GRE考试已经过去,为此天道小编为大家整理了关于2016年5月8日GRE 考试机经的详细内容,希望对大家备考GRE有所帮助,更多GRE机经请关注天道教育GRE频道。 2016年5月8日写作机经 Issue题目 1. Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. 2. The best way to solve environmental problems caused by consumer-generated waste is for towns and cities to impose strict limits on the amount of trash they will accept from each household. 3. The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority. Argument题目 1. A recently issued twenty-year study on headaches suffered by the residents of Mentia investigated the possible therapeutic effect of consuming salicylates. Salicylates are members of the same chemical family as aspirin,a medicine used to treat headaches. Although many foods are naturally rich in salicylates, food-processing companies also add salicylates to foods as preservatives. The twenty-year study found a correlation between the rise in the commercial use of salicylates and a steady decline in the average number of headaches reported by study participants. At the time when the study concluded, food-processing companies had just discovered that salicylates can also be used as flavor additives for foods, and, as a result, many companies plan to do so. Based on these study results, some health experts predict that residents of Mentia will suffer even fewer headaches in the future. 2. A recent sales study indicates that consumption of seafood dishes in Bay City restaurants has increased by 30 percent during the past five years. Yet there are no currently operating city restaurants whose specialty is seafood. Moreover, the majority of families in Bay City are two-income families, and a nationwide study has shown that such families eat significantly fewer home-cooked meals than they did a decade ago but at the same time express more concern about healthful eating. Therefore, the new Captain Seafood restaurant that specializes in seafood should be quite popular and profitable.


GRE阅读真题之OG整理 今天小编和大家分享一下GRE阅读真题之OG,快来一起学习一下吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 GRE阅读真题之OG OG-1 Passage 10 In the United States between 1850 and 1880, the number of farmers continued to increase, but at a rate lower than that of the general population. 1. Which of the following statements directly contradicts the information presented above? A. The number of farmers in the general population increased slightly in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880. B. The rate of growth of the United States labor force and the rate of growth of the general population rose simultaneously in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880. C. The proportion of farmers in the United States labor force remained constant in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880. D. The proportion of farmers in the United States labor force decreased from 64 percent in 1850 to 49 percent in 1880. E. The proportion of farmers in the general population increased from 68 percent in 1850 to 72 percent in 1880. GRE阅读真题之OG OG-1 Passage 11 A ten-year comparison between the United States and the Soviet Union in terms of crop yields per acre revealed that when only planted acreage is compared, Soviet yields were equal to 68 percent of United States yields. When total agricultural acreage (planted acreage plus fallow acreage) is compared, however, Soviet yield was 114 percent of United States yield. 1. From the information above, which of the following can be most reliably inferred about United States and Soviet agriculture during the ten-year period? A. A higher percentage of total agricultural acreage was fallow in the United States than in the Soviet Union.


GRE逻辑题的解题技巧—削弱结论型题目 根据GRE逻辑题的题目类型,将其划分为五类:支持结论型,削弱结论型,分析逻辑结构型,得出结论型(推断题),和解决矛盾型。接下来重点介绍GRE逻辑题削弱结论型题目的解题技巧,大家好好进行复习吧,以便更好冲刺GRE高分。 GRE逻辑题中削弱结论型题目与支持结论型题目非常像,当然它们之间的差别也是显著的,一个是削弱结论,一个是加强结论。削弱结论型题目回忆很多的形式出现:Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? Which of the following, if true, could present the most serious disadvantage of XYZ Corporation’s new marketing initiative? Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the view that the drug treatment will NOT be successful? 几乎所有削弱结论型题目的正确答案都会挖掘出论证中出现的一个错误或者破坏论证中的假设,又或者直接否定结论。其错误答案也具有一定的特征:第一点就是与结论无关,很多错误的答案与前提条件有关,但是与结论无关,不正确的答案只是提供一些与前提条件相关的不必要信息;第二点就是答案的方向错误,一些错误答案事实上支持结论。 同支持结论型题目一样,你需要记住的是逻辑论证中既会有结论,也会有相反的结论。 下面列举个例子进行说明: The national infrastructure for airport runways and air traffic control require immediate expansion to accommodate the proliferation of new private, smaller aircraft. The Federal Aviation Authority (the FAA) has proposed a fee for all air travelers to help fund this expansion. However, this fee would be unfair, as it would impose costs on all travelers to benefit only the few who utilize the new private planes. Which of the following, if true, would allow the FAA to counter the objection that the proposed fee would be unfair? A. The existing national airport infrastructure benefits all travelers. B. The fee, if imposed, will have a negligible effect on the overall volume of air travel. C. The expansion would reduce the number of delayed flights resulting from small private planes congesting runways. D. Travelers who use small private planes are almost uniformly wealthy or traveling on business.


高手分享GRE阅读四种做题方法 大家是能够总结出gre阅读词汇在阅读里的重要作用,更多的对一些重点词汇了解,如此针对gre阅读考试有更多的帮助,当大家把一些做题方法了解了,才清楚如何有效复习。以下上海gre培训老师为大家介绍下GRE阅读四种做题方法。 针对GRE考试而言学术化才是最大的纲,同时还是与托福雅思的纲不同的地方,雅思托福的命题目的都趋向生活化,但是针对新GRE阅读考试而言,学术化表示了措辞的规范和温和。对于考生的意义在于,文章的整体是温和的,文章中出现的极端的言辞全部需要注意的,文章中的事实都和大家学术生活共时的,对于过去的追忆和反现实的虚拟状态,都是非常明显的潜在出题点。 上海gre培训老师表示特别是针对虚拟语气,通常代表然而非然之状态,也许会有负评价出现,用态度题的方式考察。但是所有过分极端的言辞,如绝对的说法,大多数,比较级特别是强烈比较级,在文章里的出现要注意,还有一种也是强烈的对比的标志,就是以大写字母标注的时间,指明某时之前或之后,我们称之为时间强对比。 当大家做题时要掌握gre阅读技巧是: 1.首先读文章然后做题, 阅读速度一定要快, 勇敢的省略, 记住:看题时间与看文时间相比,前者更长。 2.两遍法, 第一遍通读, 重点看文章的结构、focus、作者态度, 第二遍在解题时定位阅读。

3.解其它题目时都需要返回原文中定位, 严格把握文字对应法, 每个正确答案都必须找到依据, 绝对不可凭记忆或知识背景做题。 4.不要精读, 根本不需要了解文章的意思, 速度一定要快, 一定要作笔记, 时间不够看首段和各段首句。 以上是上海gre培训老师介绍的GRE阅读四种做题方法的详细内容,希望大家能从中受益,不断改进自己的备考方法提升备考效率,从而获得满意的成绩。


2020年6月12日GRE写作真题回忆ARGUMENT The following appeared in a memo to the board of directors of Bargain Brand Cereals. "One year ago we introduced our first product, Bargain Brand breakfast cereal. Our very low prices quickly drew many customers away from the top-selling cereal companies. Although the companies producing the top brands have since tried to compete with us by lowering their prices and although several plan to introduce their own budget brands, not once have we needed to raise our prices to continue making a profit. Given our success in selling cereal, we recommend that Bargain Brand now expand its business and begin marketing other low-priced food products as quickly as possible." ISSUE Teachers’ salaries should be based on their students’ academic performance. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.


美联英语提供:GRE阅读样题解析 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4816422901.html,/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 本文与考生分享了GRE阅读样题解析,下面为考生解读GRE阅读高分技巧请考生们认真备考,希望对参加GRE考试的考生有所帮助,祝愿考生顺利通过GRE考试。 阅读知多少 首先,先了解下GRE阅读考试内容: GRE语文部分包含填空,阅读和逻辑,阅读所占的比重基本是50%,题量大约10道题目左右。 在GRE阅读部分,按照阅读文章长度划分,我们可以分为短阅读和长阅读、按照阅读文章题材划分,我们可以分为社会话题、文学评论、自然科学、生命科学等;按照阅读考察题型划分;可以分为主旨题、结构题、态度题、写作用意题等。 下面让我们一睹GRE阅读的真面目:首先来揭秘短阅读:Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music inclassical composition, a n approach that had been in hibernationin the United States during the 1960s, co mposer Philip Glass(born 1937) embraced the ethos of popular music withoutimit ating it. Glass based two symphonies on music by rockmusicians David Bowie and

Brian Eno, but the symphonies’sound is distinctively his. Popular elements do not appear out ofplace in Glass’s classical music, which from its early days hasshared certain harmonies and rhythms with rock music. Yet thisuse of popular elements h as not made Glass a composer ofpopular music. His music is not a version of popu lar musicpackaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listenerssteeped in rock rather than the classics. 这就是GRE短阅读。短阅读后面跟的题量是不确定的,1道、2道、3道都是有可能的。题型如下:选句子题 Select the sentence that distinguishes two ways ofintegrating rock and classical m usic. 这就是我们GRE阅读的选句子题,这类题目需要考生能够按照题目要求从原文中去勾选一句符合题目要求的句子作为答案。 单选题 The passage addresses which of the following issues relatedto Glass’s use of pop ular elements in his classical compositions? A. How it is regarded by listeners who prefer rock to theclassics B. How it has affected the commercial success of Glass’smusic


It seems imprudent to refuse the offer of an expedient that is so _选requisite for(常与for连用)必需品_____ success. 拒绝这样一个对成功很有必要的权宜之计,好像过于鲁莽。 A. Contingent on --be contingent on-=be dependent on取决于。比如The time of his arrival is contingent on the weather他到达的时间要视天气而定。 B. Reminiscent of 令人回想到 C. Inimical to 对。。有敌意的 D. Requisite for E. Subordinate to(常与to连用)使居次要地位;隶属 Although most of the faculty were 选circumspect慎重的____ in their praise for Irrin’s tenure as university president, Dayal created a completely different impression in her hagiographic account of Irrin’s leadershi p. 尽管大多教员在表扬Irrin担任大学校长的表现时比较慎重,Dayal却给出一个完全不同的印象:她对IRRIN的领导十分推崇(hagiographic偶像化。。。), A. Unabashed 不害羞的#n0u#q1d^*7B4L2H%L B. Enthusiastic 热情的3G m5g A2x1U C. Insincere 不真诚的 D. Obsequious 逢迎的 E. Circumspect 慎重的 Fortunately, the writer does not, in general, _选deviate from偏离_____ her practice of withholding the perpetrator’s identi ty until the last chapter, since one of the greatest pleasure of reading her mystery novels is speculating about the culprit’s identity. 幸运地是,这个作家基本还是按照她以前的做法(没有偏离以前的做法),在最后一章才揭露罪犯的身份,因为读这个作家的悬疑小说的最大乐趣之一,就是猜测罪犯的身份。 A. Expend on 在。。。花费 B. Deviate from 偏离 C. Rationalize 使合理化 D. Disguise 伪装 E. Rely on 依靠 Overly strict parent’s too often respond to their children’s actions asymmetrically, _选A.chastising…laudably___ them when they do wrong but never rewarding them when they behave _laudably____. 这个题目比较简单,就不一一解释了。大概是说,严格的父母经常对孩子的表现做出不对称的反应:孩子犯错就chastise严厉苛责,孩子表现好的时候laudably,却没有表扬。 A. Chastising…laudably B. Commending…disobediently C. Penalizing…impulsively D. Ign oring…approximately The company may soon have some legal issues to address, given that some of its new policy appears to _选contravene违反____ recently passed legislation. 这题也不解释了。 A. Contravene 违反 B. Comply with 遵从 C. Give credence 给出信任??

GRE阅读真题 SECTION A 短 详细解析

GRE阅读真题9004SECTION A(短)详细解析 想要提升GRE阅读成绩,从真题出发是最好的选择,所以小编为考生分享GRE阅读历年真题9004SECTION A(短)详细解析,希望对考生所有帮助。 Because of its accuracy in outlining the Earth’s subsurface, the seismic-reflection method remains the most important tool in the search for petroleum reserves. In field practice, a subsurface is mapped by arranging a series of wave-train sources, such as small dynamite explosions, in a grid pattern. As each source is activated, it generates a wave train that moves downward at a speed determined uniquely by the rock’s elastic characteristics. As rock interfaces are crossed, the elastic characteristics encountered generally change abruptly, which causes part of the energy to be reflected back to the surface, where it is recorded by seismic instruments. The seismic records must be processed to correct for positional differences between the source and the receiver, for unrelated wave trains, and for multiple reflections from the rock interfaces. Then the data acquired at each of the specific source locations are combined to generate a physical profile of the subsurface, which can eventually be used to select targets for drilling. 1.重点词汇 1. accuracy ['?kj?r?s?] n. [数] 精确度,准确性 2. seismic ['sa?zm?k] adj. 地震的;因地震而引起的 3. outliningn. 列提纲;描绘轮廓;提纲挈领v. 概括(outline的ing形式);画…的轮廓


这里的GRE单词,是俞老师的红皮的GRE单词书,群言出版社的那本。一共是51个list。 当然,并不要求大家去背这本单词书,只是让大家了解一下背单词的一种方法,大家留心一下就会发现,记单词最重要的不是背新词,而是复习旧词。 大家可以把这种方法用在背高考,四六级,考研,出国考试等等的词汇上,相信一定有用,当然,前提是一定要坚持住,中间坚决不可以放弃。 万万 关键词:GRE单词

前17天的每个单元格中的不带星号的第一行是每天第一遍新背的单词,下面带有星号的单词是以前背过的,需要复习的单词。 经过笔者自己的实践和对同学们背单词的实际情况来测算,以这样的标准第一遍背一页红宝书单词(10个)需要5分钟。这时第一个记忆周期已到,请读者在背下一页前,立即返回第一个单词,把这10个单词迅速复习一遍。因为此时对单词的记忆程度在90%以上,所以只需要几十秒钟,但是对于记忆这些单词所起的作用是极大的。第二页也是如法炮制。用这种方法背过6页以后,第二个记忆周期(30分钟)已到,立即从第一页开始复习。由于这些单词刚刚背过两遍,所以这一遍复习也只需要三分钟。然后用同样的方法背1~12页。整个List大约一个小时。 用以上的方法背过的单词一定会记得很牢固。因为这种方法不但利用及时的复习改造了遗忘曲线,延缓了遗忘速度,而且基本上克服了前摄抑制和后摄抑制的影响。相当于每一个List被分成12个小的单元,每个小的单元自成一个复习系统;每6个小单元组成一个大单元,2个大单元各自成为一个复习系统,很大程度上避免了先后输入的信息之间的互相干扰。同时,这种在一个短时间内反复复习的方法,也起

到了对所记忆的单词进行过渡学习的效果,有助于把这些单词的记忆形成功的延续到下一个复习周期。 我们来分析一下这个时间表。前3天和第18天之后的任务量相对较小,可以不用去管它。第4,5,6,7这几天每天要花3个小时背新单词,3个小时复习以前的单词,加在一起是6个小时;第8天到第14天每天要花7个小时;第15,16,17,这3天的任务量最大,每天要花8个小时。到第17天之后,不需要背任何新的单词,而且背词者对红宝书中的80%以上的单词已经复习了多遍,已经很熟悉了,于是复习的任务量也大幅度地下降,所以整个的背单词任务就只剩下扫尾工作了。也就是说,如果要想17天把这些单词基本搞定,从第8天到第17天中间的这10天最关键,能不能咬牙挺住,决定了这场与单词的搏斗能否成功。至于这种背单词方法的效果,相信只要大概地研究一下上面地时间表,任何人都不会有疑问:只要能够坚持下来,一定可以记得很牢。简单地统计一下,仅仅在前17天中背过的单词便高达4万零3百词次,平均每个红宝书单词背过次,背词者对于70%到80%的单词的掌握都可以达到很熟练的程度。 执行本计划的注意事项: 第一:读者可以根据自己的实际情况对上面的时间表作修改,不必泥古不化。不过请记住一点,那就是复习弊背新词重要。如果时间实在安排不开,宁可不背新词,但是一定要完成复习的任务。 第二:背新单词最好安排在早晨或是中午,以便在12小时猴的晚上作复习。在两天以上的复习周期中,不必拘泥于复习单词的时间到底

GRE阅读逻辑题 讲解

逻辑题讲解版1.0版 写在前面: 1.请同学们先在讲义上做题,带着问题来看这个讲解版。此为1.0版。适当时候我会加入新的题目的讲解,将其升级为 2.0 或者 3.0版本。不过这个目前应该是够用了。 2.以下的正确答案用黄色标示,错误选项的错误理由用“impose few rules and regulations”标示。 3.逻辑题中的错误选项大多都是跟本题没有任何关系的。逻辑题的错误选项的编撰者遇到的最大的 问题就是由于逻辑题的文章篇幅较短,无法使用文章中已有的部分来编制错误选项。于是,只能从文章之外寻找一些线索了。 4.此处的17题虽然不多,但是有一定的代表性。请各位在课外多做一些其它的GMAT的逻辑题强化此方面的能力和意识。 5.当然,各位应该知道GRE的Verbal部分的逻辑题数量较少。主要还是纯阅读部分的掌握,还记得我们上课经常说的那些东西吗?我想我上课中经常重复的东西可能还在你们耳边“阴魂不散”吧?“三强词汇”,“四大金刚”,“取非” “同义变换”。。。。。。。 归纳题: 例子1: T o be mentally healthy, people must have self-respect. People can maintain self-respect only by continually earning the respect of others they esteem. They can earn this respect only by treating these others morally. Which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn from the statements above? 解释:此题采用公共元素直推法。读完题目后我们知道正确答案肯定要跟mentally healthy 和treating these others morally 有关。 (A) People who are mentally healthy will be treated morally by others. (B) People who are mentally healthy will have treated morally those they esteem. (C) People who are mentally healthy must have self-respect in other to be treated morally by others. (D) People can expect to be treated morally by others only if they esteem these others. (E) People who have self-respect seldom treat morally those esteem. 其它的选项都跟这个没有关系 例子2: Experienced pilots often have more trouble than novice pilots in learning to fly the newly developed ultralight airplanes. Being accustomed to heavier aircraft, experienced pilots, when flying ultralight craft, seem not to respect the wind as much as they should. The passage implies that the heavier aircraft mentioned above are


经过笔者自己的实践和对同学们背单词的实际情况来测算,以这样的标准第一遍背一页红宝书单词(10个)需要5分钟。这时第一个记忆周期已到,请读者在背下一页前,立即返回第一个单词,把这10个单词迅速复习一遍。因为此时对单词的记忆程度在90%以上,所以只需要几十秒钟,但是对于记忆这些单词所起的作用是极大的。第二页也是如法炮制。用这种方法背过6页以后,第二个记忆周期(30分钟)已到,立即从第一页开始复习。由于这些单词刚刚背过两遍,所以这一遍复习也只需要三分钟。然后用同样的方法背1~12页。整个List大约一个小时。 本背词法的标准速度是一天花3个小时背下3个新的List。笔者建议本书的读者选择上午特别是早晨的时间来背新单词,因为此时人的生物节律处于最高峰背单词的记忆力最好,而且也不存在对日常琐事的前摄干扰。到了晚上,也就是背过单词的12个小时之后,到了第三个记忆周期,一定要复习今天新背过的单词。晚上复习的有点在于,由于背过单词后就要睡觉,所以不存在后摄干扰,有助于保持记忆。笔者经过仔细测算,发现对于绝大多数的同学来讲,这一遍复习只需要第一遍背单词的不到三分之一的时间,即每个List小于或等于20分钟,3个List在50~60分钟之间,注意请读者把这一遍复习的顺序与早晨初背的顺序作一个调换,如早晨的顺序是List1,List2,List3,则这一遍请调整为List2,List3,List1,其目的在于根本克服前摄抑制和后摄抑制的问题。在以后的复习当中,读者可以根据自己的情况灵活地调整复习地顺序,把以前记得最不清楚地部分放到自己记得最牢固地位置。 其后的复习模式请按照前面所讲的方法继续下去,分别在1天后,再过2天,4天,7天,15天后作复习。这里的天数是指时间间隔的天数,而不是指第几天。也就是说,如果10月1日早晨背的单词,晚上要复习,2号,4号,8号,15号,30号各自要作一次复习。等到这个大循环结束后,背词者对单词的记忆可以说是非常熟练了,因为他对每一个单词都背过至少9遍。在此之后,背词者只需要每天花上45分钟左右复习3个List,就可以对所有的红宝书单词一直保持牢不可破的记忆。 整个背单词的过程需要背词者有一个周密的计划。考虑到读者对此可能缺乏经验,笔者在下面替大家安排了一份背单词的计划,这也是笔者两年前自己用来背单词的时间表:


使用说明 (1) GRE阅读(No. 2—No. 9) (2) No. 2-1 (2) SECTION A (2) SECTION B (5) No. 2-2 (9) SECTION A (9) SECTION B (12) No. 2-3 (16) SECTION A (16) SECTION B (20) No. 3-1 (23) SECTION A (23) SECTION B (27) No. 3-2 (30) SECTION A (30) SECTION B (34) No. 3-3 (38) SECTION A (38) SECTION B (41) No. 4-1 (45) SECTION A (45) SECTION B (49) No. 4-2 (52) SECTION A (53) SECTION B (56) No. 4-3 (60) SECTION A (60) SECTION B (64) No. 5-1 (68) SECTION A (68) SECTION B (71) No. 5-2 (75) SECTION A (75) SECTION B (78) No. 5-3 (82) SECTION A (82) SECTION B (86) No. 6-1 (89)

SECTION B (93) No. 6-2 (97) SECTION A (97) SECTION B (101) No. 6-3 (105) SECTION A (105) SECTION B (108) No. 7-1 (112) SECTION A (112) SECTION B (116) No. 7-2 (120) SECTION A (120) SECTION B (123) No. 7-3 (127) SECTION A (127) SECTION B (131) No. 8-1 (135) SECTION A (135) SECTION B (139) No. 8-2 (143) SECTION A (143) SECTION B (147) No. 8-3 (150) SECTION A (150) SECTION B (154) No. 9-1 (157) SECTION A (157) SECTION B (161) No. 9-2 (165) SECTION A (165) SECTION B (169) No. 9-3 (172) SECTION A (172) SECTION B (176) No. 9-4 (180) SECTION A (180) SECTION B (184) No. 9-5 (187) SECTION A (187)


2019年10月30日GRE填空真题回忆2016年10月30日GRE填空真题回忆 1. Anthropologist Jane Goodall was _____ in her determination to anthropomorphize the animals she observed with such empathy, and so resisted her editors’ attempts to recast her descriptions in more dispassionate language. A. fickle B. stalwart C. solicitous D. pretentious E. whimsical 答案:B 解析:and 前后方向一致。And后面Jane Goodall 拒绝编辑以一种更不带感情的语言去编辑她的描述,所以前面半句也要体现她反对不带感情,即她支持要带有感情,所以选B—坚定她决心将那些(怀着共如此共情情绪去观察的)动物人格化的想法。 2. Though acquaintances are first overwhelmed by his ______, they soon appreciate that, contrary to appearances, he is not without self-interest. A. egotism B. magnanimity C. ambition D. profligacy

E. brilliance 答案:B 解析:Though 让步,所以逗号前后转折,后半句说他并不是无私的,前面半句应该体现无私,选B慷慨大方。
