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International Conference on Space Technol ogy Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:

At this special time of wonderful September, in this grand hall of the beautiful city, our respectable guests are here getting together. Jointly sponsored by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), undertaken by China National Convention Center at Beijing, the sixty-fourth session of the International Astronautical Congress will be open. Now, first of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event.

For this conference, we are following the agenda here. The meeting is supposed to last for five days,it is the first congress which covers the true sense of space science and exploration, space applications and operations, space infrastructure, space and society multidimensional fields.And it to be separated into two parts, to begin with, we’ll invite some representatives from our guests to give lectures about their latest researches and reports on the issue, and then we will have some symposiums.

And finally I wish you an unforgettable and prefect experience here.

Thank you!


英语演讲稿开场白【三篇】 篇一 经典英语演讲开场白范文: 1.We are drowning in news. Reuters alone puts out three-and-a-half million news stories a year. That’s just one source. My question is: How many of those stories are actually going to matter in the long run? That’s the idea behind The Long News. It’s a project by The Long Now Foundation, which was founded by TED stars including Kevin Kelly and Stewart Brand. And what we’re looking for is news stories that might still matter 50 or 100 or 10,000 years from now. And when you look at the news through that filter, a lot falls by the wayside. 2.Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you, General Caslen, for that introduction. General Trainor, General Clarke, faculty and staff at West Point, you have been outstanding stewards of this proud institution and outstanding mentors for the newest officers in the United States Army.


联合国秘书长世界难民日英语演讲稿 联合国秘书长世界难民日英语演讲稿联合国秘书长世界难民日英语演讲稿on this observance of world refugee day, we must note a troubling trend: the decline in the number of refugees who are able to go home. 在纪念世界难民日之际,我们必须注意到一个令人不安的趋势:能够返回家园的难民人数在下降。 in XX, more than a million people returned to their own country on a voluntary basis. last year, only 250,000 did so - the lowest number in two decades. the reasons for this include prolonged instability in afghanistan, the democratic republic of congo and southern sudan. XX年,一百多万人自愿返回了自己的国家。去年,只有25万人这样做,这是二十年来的最低数字。出现这种现象的原因包括阿富汗、刚果民主共和国和苏丹南部的长期动荡。 the theme of this year s observance -- home -- highlights the plight of the world s 15 million refugees, more than three-quarters of them in the developing world, who have been uprooted from their homes by conflict or persecution. 今年纪念活动的主题家园突显了全世界由于冲突或迫害而离


学术会议常用表达 1. 有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conference forum, international forum workshop (2)日期 dates/important dates/key dates (3)地点 location/venue conference location/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference conference themes/topics topic of interests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline deadline extended date for mortification of acceptance Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by… deadline for authors notification camera ready version deadline 3. 会议注册 deadline/closing date for registration registration form registration information registration fees and items official invitation letter payment telegraphic transfer only bank transfer bank draft/check 4. 会议进程及容 conference schedule/program preliminary conference program final conference program opening ceremony/session keynote session/parallel session/tutorial session keynote speech oral presentation poster presentation tea/coffee


国际学术会议欢迎词 【篇一:学术会议开幕致辞】 学术讲座开幕致词 尊敬的各位专家、各位同仁: 大家下午好! 阳春五月,春意盎然。今天,在多方的努力下,我们有幸邀请到中 国超声医学工程学会理事、中国超声医学工程学会超声心动图专业 委员会常务委员、妇产委员会委员、中国产前诊断专家委员会专家 张桂珍教授来院授课。我谨代表xx市中心医院全体职工向远道而来 的专家、同仁表示最热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢! 张教授从事小儿心脏超声心动图诊断和研究工作30余年,精通先心病、复杂心脏病及成人各种心脏病的超声诊断,潜心研究胎儿超声 心动图诊断近20年,完成上千万例胎儿超声心动图诊断,积累了丰 富的临床经验。主编《实用超声心动图学》,《先天性心脏病图谱》,《实用胎儿超声心动图学》等著作。我们举办此次学术讲座,将为从事小儿心脏超声心动图诊断和研究的专家、同仁们提供一个 互相交流学术意见、研究成果和工作经验的平台,籍以增进大家的 相互了解和友谊,促进交流与合作。 我们相信,通过为期两天的学术讲座与交流,与会各方将更加了解,合作将更加深入,友谊将更加深厚和持久。我们祝愿,所有与会人 员都能通过此次学术讲座,增进交流,切磋学艺,收获超声医学学 术发展的丰硕成果。我们希望,通过此次学术讲座,有更多的朋友 了解超声医学,我们愿与大家一道,携手并进,共谋发展。 最后,预祝学术讲座圆满成功!祝大家工作愉快,身体安康!谢谢 大家! 【篇二:医院学术会议欢迎辞】 尊敬的各位专家、教授: 下午好!在这金秋送爽的季节,我们相聚在黄旗山脚。今天麻醉医 学新技术交流学术会议在我院如期召开。我代表医院向在百忙之中 莅临我院传经送宝的各位专家教授表示热烈的欢迎!向积极支持我 院发展的各位领导和医学同仁们表示衷心的感谢! 近年来,东莞光华医院在市委、市政府的正确领导和上级卫生主管 部门以及各兄弟单位的帮助支持下,全院职工艰苦奋斗、开拓进取,


英文演讲稿开场白范文 Ladies and Gentlemen, Goodmorning! I ' m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Man ' s life is a proceof growing up, actually I 'm standing here is a growth. If a person ' s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that ' s passed, as you know I comehere, now I wonder what the future holds for me. WhenI come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once myteacher said : ” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft. ” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these proceI will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “ future ”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future. Howto say future? Maybe it 's a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.


艾玛·沃特森(Emma Watson), 0年4月15日出生于法国巴黎,英国女演员。以下是整理了艾玛沃森联合国演讲稿,希望你喜欢。 Emma Watson: Gender equality is your issue too 艾玛沃森:性别平等也关乎你 Speech by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson at a special event for the HeForShe campaign, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 20 September 20xx 联合国妇女亲善大使艾玛?沃森在20xx年9月20日纽约联合国总部为“他为她”运动举行的特别活动上的演讲 Today we are launching a campaign called “HeForShe.” I am reaching out to you because I need your help. We want to end gender inequality —and to do that we need everyone to be involved. This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: we want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality. And we don’t just want to talk about it, but make sure it is tangible. 今天,我们启动了一项名为“他为她”的运动。 我向你伸出手,因为我需要你的帮助。我们希望终结性别不平等——为此,我们需要所有人都参与其中。 这是联合国同类运动中的第一项:我们希望努力并激励尽可能多的男人和男孩倡导性别平等。而且希望这(性别平等)不只是空谈,而是确确实实的看得见摸得着。 I was appointed six months ago and the more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often be e synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop. For the record, feminism by definition is: “The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.” 六个月前,我被任命为联合国妇女亲善大使。而随着我谈论女权主义越多,我越发现,“争取女性权益”太容易被当作是“憎恨男人”的同义词。如果说有一件事是我确实知道的,那就是,这样的误解必须停止。 必须郑重声明,女权主义的定义是:“相信男性和女性应该拥有平等权利和机会。它是性别间政治、经济和社会平等的理论。”


[英语演讲开场白]精彩英语演讲开场白示例篇一: 精彩英语演讲开场白示例 精彩英语演讲开场白示例 有了好的开头,英语演讲便成功了一半。 英语演讲稿开头怎么写?希望岱恩英语老师分享的精彩英语演讲开场白示例能够为你提供帮助。同时,岱恩英语老师也要提醒大家,一场成功的英语演讲光靠英语演讲稿是不够的,还需要掌握很多英语演讲方法和技巧,并且一个人的英语演讲能力也是需要反复锻炼才能提升的。希望大家好好学习,早日成为英语演讲高手! 最新英文演讲稿开场白 尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享?? honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!I feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today I”m going to look together with you into this question:?? Good morning everybody!It’s my honor to speak here,and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I’d like to talk something about..... Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the English

Speaking Competition for Grade 2005. First of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. I’m Sammy from Cla6, Grade 2005. There are all together 26 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition, all from Grade 2005. And this competition will be mediated by a panel of five judges. Also on the panel are “question masters” who will be responsible for raising questions of today’s contestants. Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges. Ladies and gentlemen, MiLiu, welcome; MiLuo, welcome?OK, after introducing our judges, now let’s go over the rules of the competition. Each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech and 2 minutes to answer questions raised by the judges. During the prepared speech, a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal that there is half a minute left. Then, at the end of 3minutes, a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out. So, please raise the red board. Thank you!


郑凯——绿水青山就是金山银山 Ladies and gentlemen. 女士们先生们 Good evening. 晚上好 Here is a question for you. 请问各位 What would you do with half bottle of water left. 喝不完的瓶装水你会怎么办? Option A:Throw it away. 选项A:扔掉 Option B:Keep it and drink later 选项B:保存着 What's your choice? 你怎么选择? B 选项二 That's nice. 很好 It seems that all of you here today is Water resource activists. 看来今天在座的各位都是水资源卫士. I'm really happy to see that. 我很高兴看到这样. Well done! 真棒! Many people are not aware of this situation of water shortage. 很多人没有认识到水资源短缺的状况. For example,let's have a look at this picture. 举个例子,让我们一起来看看这张照片. According to the surveys,the total amount of bottled water wasted in one day globally can supply a million children for three days maybe even longer.


学术会议简单主持词 尊敬的各位专家学者,同志们,朋友们: 经过近1年时间的筹备,由xx省社科联和xx市人民政府主办、xx市社科联承办的xx学派国际学术研讨会现在开会。我把出席今天大会并在主席台就座的领导向大家介绍一下: 《xx》杂志社原总编辑、中央党校学术委员会副主任邢xx; 中共xx市委书记陈x;x 中共xx市委副书记陈x;x xx省社科联常务副主席廖xx; x市x委常委、宣传部长周xx; xx市人大副主任来xx; xx市人民政府副市长周x;x x市x政协副主席汤x。x 出席今天大会的有来自美国、日本、韩国、我国台湾、香港以及内地北京、上海、陕西、江西、浙江、江苏等地的专家、学者和来宾88人,这里我就不一一介绍了。 今天上午的主要议程有四项: 1、xx市委书记陈xx致辞; 2、原xx杂志社总编辑、中央党校学术委员会副主任邢xx讲话; 3、全体正式代表合影; 4、大会学术交流。 现在先进行第一项议程,请中共xx市委书记陈xx致辞,大家欢迎!

年终岁末,带着收获的喜悦,井下作业公司第一届学术交流大会开幕了! 出席本次大会的代表有100名,分别来自公司各条战线的科研工作者、从事工程技术管理的基层领导和公司领导、机关相关部室负 责人。同时我们还荣幸的邀请到局老专家刘xx同志和公司老专家陈xx同志,群贤毕至,欢聚一堂,共同进行学术交流。在此,我谨代 表公司党委、行政向莅临大会的各位代表、专家表示热烈的欢迎!向 奋战在生产一线的全体科研工作者表示崇高的敬意! 立足现实,着眼未来。我们要以本次大会为契机,通过定期举办高层次、高水平、综合性的学术交流活动,进一步加强公司科研工 作者技术分析、总结和学术交流能力的培养,努力营造良好的学术 氛围,促进科研工作者知识、技术的充分交流与共享,并与公司人 才选拔与激励政策形成合力,着力提高科研队伍整体素质和能力, 增强技术创新力和核心竞争力。同时,鼓励科研工作者在原始性创 新方面有所作为,促进不同学科的交叉和融合,使广大科研工作者 开阔视野,增长知识,始终站在科学的前沿,成为公司快速发展和 科技进步的一支中坚力量。我们还要通过举办本次交流会,进一步 营造“尊重知识、尊重人才”的社会风尚,鼓励和发展跨专业、跨 区域、跨单位的学术交流、科技交流、人才交流,加速“科技兴企”、“人才强企”战略的实施,为抓住发展机遇、迎接新形势下 的挑战,创造有利的环境和条件。 千里之行,始于足下。希望各位代表以实事求是的精神和科学的态度,认真分析总结公司当前在科研方面面临的形势和任务,积极 为公司的科研工作出谋划策,用新思路、新体制、新机制和新方式,走出加快提高公司核心竞争力的新路子。广大科研工作者要继续保 持艰苦奋斗、勤奋不懈的良好工作态度,发挥自己的聪明才智,为 井下的建设和发展再做贡献。同时希望广大科研工作者特别是青年 科研工作者要发扬老一辈石油科研工作者的精神,把井下作为自己 事业成功的摇篮,把扎实工作作为自己事业成功的起点,一步一个 脚印踏实工作,不断吸收国内外同行业先进的技术和经验,深入生 产实际解决问题,从而实现自己的人生价值。


英文演讲稿开场白 第一篇:英文演讲稿开场白 opening statement mr. chairman, senator thurmond, members of the committee, my name is anita f. hill, and i am a professor of law at the university of oklahoma. i was born on a farm in okmulgee county, oklahoma, in 1956. i am the youngest of 13 children. i had my early education in okmulgee county. my father, albert hill, is a farmer in that area. my mother's name is irma hill. she is also a farmer and a housewife. my childhood was one of a lot of hard work and not much money, but it was one of solid family affection, as represented by my parents. i was reared in a religious atmosphere in the baptist faith, and i have been a member of the antioch baptist church in tulsa, oklahoma, since 1983. it is a very warm part of my life at the present time. for my undergraduate work, i went to oklahoma state university and graduated from there in 1977. i am attaching to this statement a copy of my resume for further details of my education. i graduated from the university with academic honors and proceeded to the yale law school, where i received myjd degree in 1980. upon graduation from law school, i became a practicing lawyer with the washington, dc, firm of ward, hardraker, and ross. in 1981, i was introduced to now judge thomas by a mutual friend. judge thomas told me that he was anticipating a political appointment, and he asked if i would be interested in working with him. he was, in fact, appointed as assistant secretary of education for civil rights. after he had taken that post, he asked if i would become his assistant, and i accepted that position. in my early period there, i had two major projects. the first was an article i


KARRY WANG’S SPEECH IN UN HOST: I’d like to turn to very special guest Mr. Karry Wang, the youngest United Nations Environment Programme Goodwill Ambassador. He’s also, I think, is a very fashionable gentleman. And I hope we’ll lean about what makes his passion for suitable fashion drive us to the 2030 agenda. 今天我想介绍一个特殊嘉宾,也是最年轻的联合国环保亲善大使,王俊凯。我认为他也是一名时尚达人。我希望我们可以看到他的热情,并鼓励我们早日提上2030年的日程。 KARRY WANG: Distinguished guests, your excellengy, good afternoon! I’m Karry Wang from China. 尊敬的来宾、阁下,大家下午好。我是来自中国的王俊凯。 It is s great honor to be here with you today and speak about the 17 sustainable development goals launches by the United Nations in 2015. These goals have become the beacon of national efforts all across the earth. 很荣幸今天能与你们一起探讨联合国在2015发布的17个可持续发展目标。这些目标已成为世界各国努力的方向。 Common concerns have been: one, how do we promote and achieve these goals two, how do we better lead the public’s attention and participation 我们共同担忧的问题是:一,我们要如何推广并且实现这些目标?二就是我们如何引导公众关注并参与。 The fashion industry is crucial to achieving sustainable development goals. Every customer’s choice in the fashion field has an impact on our future. 时尚产业对实现可持续发展目标至关重要,每个消费者在时尚领域的选择都影响到我们的未来。 Fashion is not something that is found in dress only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street , in the mind. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, the way we think and what is happening around the world. It is closely related to every country and everyone. 时尚不仅仅在于我们穿什么,是啊还是那个无处不在,在空中,在街上,也在我们的脑海里,时尚与我们的思想有关,与我们的生活方式,思考方式,甚至是世界正在发生的事情都息息相关。它和每个国家每个人都紧密相连。 If we can consciously change consumption behavior and have sustainable lifestyles, then it’s a new fashion. 如果我们能有意识的改变消费行为,并形成可持续发展的生活方式,那么这就是新时尚。 Today we are about to witness launch of the United Nations Alliance of Sustainable Fashion, which I believe will give fashion a whole new mission and build a platform for discussion and engagements of sustainable fashion.


学术年会开幕式主持词 导读:本文学术年会开幕式主持词,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 学术年会一般都规模较大,所以需要进行较长时间的筹备,开幕式主持词该如何准备呢,下面是为大家整理的:学术年会开幕式主持词,欢迎阅读 学术年会开幕式主持词(一)各位代表、各位专家、各位领导、女士们、先生们: 大家下午好!菏泽市首次微创外科学术会议,经过单县中心医院积极筹备,今天胜利开幕。会议将展示近年来微创外科领域内的临床实践所取得的新成果、新进展,对微创外科的治疗经验进行讨论,在此,我代表菏泽市医学会对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺!这次会议得到了市县两级领导的关心和支持,市卫生局党委委员、助理调研员王群刚,市立医院副院长李建军,单县政府王效彤副县长,单县卫生局付道春局长,菏泽市牡丹人民医院孟令奇院长,砀山县人民医院高洪波院长,巨野县人民医院杨钟晓院长,成武县人民医院李云玲院长,丰县人民医院周长江院长,曹县中医院韩锦聚院长,单县中心医院赵利华院长等领导同志在百忙中参加会议开幕式,会议特邀全国著名微创外科专家牛军教授和陈雨信教授为会议做专题学术报告,会议得到各级医疗单位的积极响应,都派来代表参加会议,另外,周边地区医疗单位也来参加会议,请允许我以菏泽市医学会的名誉,对光临本次

会议的各位领导、名位专家、各位代表以及为本次会议付出努力的单县中心医院的有关同志表示衷心的感谢!现在我宣布大会正式开幕! 会议进行第一项,由请单县政府王效彤副县长到欢迎词。 会议进行第二项,由请市卫生局党委委员、助理调研员王群刚同志讲话。 会议进行第三项,由请菏泽市立医院副院长李建军同志讲话。 刚才几位领导做了重要讲话,对我们会议的召开和学科的发展将起到很好的指导作用,话不在多,直点精髓。各位领导、各位专家、各位代表,微创外科是一门近年来发展较快的学科,它是多学科共同发展的集成,它具有创伤孝疗效佳、痛苦少、费用低等优点和优势,但对医院的要求较高,医院必须有精湛的医术、精尖的设备、开放的思想、优质的服务,才能开展好这方面的工作,单县中心医院远见卓识,不断引进人才、提高技术、购置设备,在微创外科方面做了大量的工作,取得了很好的成绩,为我市微创外科学科的发展做出了较大贡献,这次会议在单县召开是对单县工作的肯定,将对我市微创外科进一步发展起到积极的推动作用,同时也为微创外科分会的成立奠定了基础,我相信在大家的共同努力下,在领导的关心支持下,微创外科一定能够顺利、快速、较好地发展壮大。谢谢大家!开幕式到此结束。 全体代表与领导到门前合影,合影后马上回来进行学术讲座。 学术年会开幕式主持词(二)尊敬的各位专家学者,同志们,朋友们:


马云联合国演讲稿英文 篇一:马云XX联合国创变者致辞英文演讲稿 Thank you very much! I am so humbled and honored to be here tonight. I never thought that I would have a chance in my life to be in the United Nations. I learned my English by myself when I was 12 years old, for whatever reasons, I don't know. I just felt in love with this language. Every morning from 5 oclock I rode a bicycle for 40 minutes, to the Hangzhou hotel looking for foreign tourists to teach me English. I showed them around the city, they taught me English. Since then, I began to have a habit. You should use your own brain to think about it, just one more minutes. When everything about it is yes, wait one minute. When everybody says no, wait for one minute. Think about it carefully. Cause if you look at the world from a different way, you may do it in a different way. And tonight, Im so honored to be inspired by all the Game Changer partners. By listening to their stories, I know there are so many things I should do,


最新英文演讲稿开场白; 尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享 honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!i feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today im going to look together with you into this question: good morning everybody!its my honor to speak here,and i am very glad to share my topic with you. then today id like to talk something about..... (大家早上好!能在这里做此次演讲我十分荣幸,也很高兴能跟大家一起分享我的主题,今天我想演讲的是......) good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the english speaking competition for grade XX. (掌声~~~) first of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. im sammy from cla6, grade XX. (译文:女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到05级英语演讲比赛的现常首先,请允许我来个自我介绍。我是今晚的主持人来自05级6班的典典。) there are all together 26 contestants to compete in todays english speaking competition, all from grade XX. and this competition will be mediated by a panel of five judges. also on the panel are question


篇一:最新马云在斯坦福大学演讲中英文对照 以下为马云在斯坦福大学演讲全文: 马云:大家好。我今天感到非常荣幸能来到这里和大家见面。大约几个月前,斯坦福邀请我来演讲。我没有意料到。很多人说因为所有关于雅虎,阿里巴巴,和许多其他的新闻,这个时间点来这里演讲是非常的敏感。但是既然我做了一个承诺,我还是来了。今天如果你有任何问题要问我,我都会一一回答。 the following is the ma at stanford university speech: ma : hello everyone . today i feel very honored to be here to meet you . about a few months ago , stanford invited me to lecture . i did not expect . many people say that because of all about yahoo , alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive . but since i made a promise that i came. today, if you have any questions to ask me, i will be to answer every qestions. 今天是我来美国的第15天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。这个计划没有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家问我为什么要来这里。要打算作收购雅虎的准备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为我累了。过去16年来太累了。我在1994年开创我的事业,发现了互联网,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作。那时候我觉得自己就像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奋斗着、生存着。在政府机关工作了16个月之后,1999年建立了阿里巴巴。i came to the united states today is the first 15 days , and i was too tired . in 1994 i created my career, discovered the internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job . at that time i felt like a mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , all the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive . work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of ali baba . 我们还幸运地拥有着淘宝网,支付宝,阿里云和集团下其他的公司。所以,建立阿里巴巴12年后的今天,我决定需要休息一段时间。尤其今年的挑战实在是太艰辛了,这也是我没有意料到的。中国人说每12年是一个本命年。阿里巴巴今年在中国刚好是第12年,也遇上了许多棘手的问题,好比今年初因为供应商欺诈事件导致首席执行官辞职,还有vie的问题,虽然我到现在仍然不知道什么是vie,以及把淘宝分成四个公司的决策。所以,忙完所有这些事情之后我累了。我告诉自己,为什么不花个一年好好休息。尤其明年是我个人的本命年,肯定会比今年更辛苦。我想要花多一点时间好好准备,迎接明年更艰苦更困难的挑战。我需要好好休息才能为3到4年后的挑战做好准备。这三年如果事情出了错,大家可以批评淘宝,阿里巴巴或阿里云的首席执行官。但是三年后,如果事情出了错,那就是我的错。所以我准备在美国花上一段时间好好思考和放松。前两天,我开始再次练习起高尔夫球,好好放松。所以,来美国的目的真的不像是大家揣测的这么复杂。 particular, this years challenge is too difficult , and this is what i did not expect to . chinese people say that every 12 years is an animal year . alibaba in china this year happens to be the first 12 years, have encountered many difficult issues , such as suppliers of fraud earlier this year because of events leading to the resignation of wealthy father , nor very powerful uncles , do not want to have thechance of success. i remember in 1999 came to silicon valley looking for funding , with many venture capitalists approached , growth will occur in china . then i founded alibaba, 12 years have passed , and today

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