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Unit 2 Marrakesh paraphrase答案

Unit 2 Marrakesh paraphrase答案
Unit 2 Marrakesh paraphrase答案

Unit 2 Marrakesh

1.The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot. (para 2)

The burying-ground is nothing more than a huge piece of wasteland full of mounds of earth looking like a deserted and abandoned piece of land on which a building was going to be put up.

2.All colonial empires are in reality founded upon that fact. (para 3)

All the imperialists build up their empires by treating the people in the colonies like animals.

3.They rise out of the earth, they sweat and starve for a few years, and the n they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard .(para 3) They are born. Then for a few years they work, toil and starve. Finally they die and are buried in graves without a name.

4. A carpenter sits cross-legged at a prehistoric lathe, turning chair-legs at lighting speed. (para 9)

Sitting with his crossed and using a very old-fashioned lathe, a carpenter quickly gives a round shape to the chair legs he is making .

5. Instantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Je ws. (para 10)Immediately from their dark hole-like cells everywhere a great number of Jews rushed out wildly excited.

6. every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible lux ury. (para 10)Every one of these poor Jews looked on the cigarette as a

piece of luxury which they could not possibly afford.

7. Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous. (para 16)

However , a white-skinned European is always quite noticeable.

8. In a tropical landscape one's eye takes in everything except the human beings. (16)

If you take a look at the natural scenery in a tropical region, you see everything but the human beings.

9. No one would think of running cheap trips to the Distressed Areas. (par

a 17)

No one would think of organizing cheap trips for the tourists to visit the poor slum areas (For these trips would not be interesting).

10. for nine-tenths of the people the reality of life is an endless, backbrea king struggle to wring a little food out of an eroded soil (para 17)

Life is very hard for ninety per cent of the people. With hard backbreaking toil they can produce a little food on the poor soil.

11. She accepted her status as an old woman, that is to say as a beast of b urden. ( 19)She took it for granted that as an old woman she was the lowest in the community, that she was only fit for doing heavy work like an animal.

12. People with brown skins are next door to invisible. (para 21) People with brown skins are almost invisible.

13. Their splendid bodies were hidden in reach-me-down khaki uniforms

(para 23)

The Senegales soldiers were wearing ready-made khaki uniforms which hid their beautiful well- built bodies.

14. How long before they turn their guns in the other direction? (para 25) How much longer before they turn their guns around and attack us?

15. Every white man there had this thought stowed somewhere or other in his mind. Every white man,the onlookers, the officers on their horses and the white N.C.Os. Marching with the black solders, had this thought hidden somewhere or other in his mind.


专科《有机化学》 一、(共75题,共150分) 1. 化合物的系统命名为: (2分) A.2,3-二甲基-2-乙基戊烷 B.2,2,3-三甲基戊烷 C.2,4,4-三甲基己烷 D.3,3,4-三甲基己烷 .标准答案:D 2. 下列化合物中不属于有机化合物的是: (2分) A.HCHO https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5b17817529.html,l4 C.HCOOH D.CO2 .标准答案:D 3. 炼油厂是根据烃的什么性质来得到汽油,煤油,柴油的: (2分) A.比重 B.溶解度 C.化学性质 D.沸点 .标准答案:D 4. 分子式为C9H12的分子共有几种同分异构体?(2分) A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 .标准答案:D 5. 下列分子中极性最大的是: (2分) A.CH3F B.CH3Cl C.CH3Br D.CH3I .标准答案:A 6. 甲氧基取代基是下述哪个取代基?(2分) A.—OH B.—OCH3 C.—C(=O)CH3 D.—CHO .标准答案:B 7. 下列化合物中沸点最高的是: (2分) A.丙酮 B.丙醇 C.丁烷 D.丙胺 .标准答案:B 8. 下列哪种化合物不能形成分子间氢键(2分) A. B. C. D. .标准答案:A 9. 下列溶剂中是质子性溶剂的是: (2分) A. B. C. D. .标准答案:B 10. 下列烯烃中,既是顺式又是E型的是: (2分)A. B. C. D. .标准答案:C

11. 下列两个化合物的相互关系是: (2分) A.对映异构体 B.非对映异构体 C.相同化合物 D.不同的化合物 .标准答案:A 12. 下列四种说法,哪一种欠妥?(2分) A.具有对称轴的化合物,一定没有旋光性 B.具有对称面的化合物,一定没有旋光性 C.具有对称中心的化合物,一定没有旋光性 D.具有S n(n>0)的化合物,一定没有旋光性 .标准答案:A 13. 下列化合物中是手性的是: (2分) A. B. C. D. .标准答案:A 14. 苯乙烯催化加氢,在室温低压下得到什么产物? (2分) A.无变化 B.乙苯 C.甲苯 D.乙基环己烷 .标准答案:B 15. 下列四个取代苯都被强烈氧化,不能得到对苯二甲酸的是: (2分)A. B. C. D. .标准答案:C 16. 下面四组醇,哪一组用酸处理后两个化合物会生成相同的碳正离子? A.(2分) A. B. C. .标准答案:C 17. 下列哪一种化合物实际上不与NaHSO3起加成反应? (2分) A.乙醛 B.苯甲醛 C.2-丁酮 D.苯乙酮 .标准答案:D


语文试题 1-7每小题2分,第8题4分,共18分。下列各题A)、B)、C)、D)四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项字母编号填在括号内。 1、下面词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一项是( ) A.小憩.qì洗濯.dí 厄.运è 静谧.nìB.犬吠.fèi 炽.痛zhì告罄.qìng 砭.骨biān C.枯涸.hé恬.静tián 澄.澈chéng 阴霾.mái D.磐.石pán 娴.熟xián 荫庇.pì 剽.悍piāo 2、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是() (1)读书加惠于人们的不仅是知识的增加,还在于精神的感化与性情的。 (2)中国政府一贯致力于世界和平与稳定,主张通过政治手段解决国际争端。 (3)姜堰溱湖风景区,经过千年的,形成了自己独特的自然风貌和文化神韵。 A.陶醉维持积淀 B.修炼维护积累 C.陶冶维护积淀 D.培养维持积累 3、下列标点符号使用错误的一项是() A.要提高阅读文言文的能力,可自学《古代汉语》(王力主编,中华书局出版)。 B.语言,人们用来抒情达意;文字,人们用来记言叙事。 年底,茅盾发表了一篇题为“锻炼”的长篇小说。 D.以《健康秩序、健康生活》为主题的“3.15”电视宣传活 动将由央视经济频道的11个栏目共同组织完成。 4、下列句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是() A. 他在大会上的即兴讲话逻辑严密、语无伦次 ....,博得了与会专家的一致好评。 B.正因为他具有海誓山盟 ....的崇高理想,才在工作中取得了出色的成就。 C.它们发现自己陷入了峰回路转 ....的绝境,一片惊慌,胡乱蹦跳。 一、积累与运用:

D.学生的学习水平是参差不齐的,因此教师的教学要尽可能 做到因材施教 .... 5、下列句子没有语病的一项是() A、国家、社会、家庭依法保障适龄儿童接受义务教育。 B、《标准汉语》的主要对象是为英语国家中国留学生子女及 汉语爱好者编写的一套汉语学习资料。 C、这次丰富多彩的活动,使我们明白了许多做人的道理。 D、在信息时代,一个人是否具有快速阅读、捕捉有效信息决定着一个人成就的大小。 6、填人下面文字中横线上的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是() 那霏霏的春雨,像蚕丝儿那么柔和,①,给人一种清新、神爽、舒适之感。烟雨迷蒙,使所有的景色若隐若现,若幻若真,② ! A.①飘在脸上,凉沁沁的②恐怕没有哪位国画家能挥洒出如此飘逸的笔墨 B.①凉沁沁的,飘在脸上②就像哪位国画家画出来的一幅优美的水彩画 C.①软绵绵的,飘在脸上②恐怕没有哪位国画家能挥洒出如此飘逸的笔墨 D.①飘在脸上,软绵绵的②就像哪位国画家画出来的一幅优美的水彩画 7、下列表述完全准确的一项是() A、诗歌这种文学样式,侧重于抒情言志。艾青《我爱这土地》中“——然后我死了,连羽毛也腐烂在土地里面”一句就表达了诗人对土地的眷恋,隐含了献身之意。 B、小说最主要的要素是人物。苏联批判现实主义作家契诃夫的代表作《变色龙》塑造了奥楚蔑洛夫这个媚上欺下,见风使舵的人物形象,变色龙也成了世界典型。 C、散文是一种描写见闻、表达感悟的自由灵活的文学样式。冰心的《人生》以“一江春水”和“一棵小树”为喻,表达了生命不止奋斗不息的意志和豁达乐观的精神。 D、戏剧按照不同的标准可分为许多类。如莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》按表现形式属于话剧,按内容性质属于喜剧,按篇幅属于多幕剧。 8、根据拼音写出相应的汉字。


Paraphrase & Translation Lesson 1 1.Conversation is not for making a point. Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view. In a conversation we should not try to establish the force of an idea or argument. 2.The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against him by building their French against his own language. The new ruling class by using French instead of English made it difficult for the English to accept or absorb the culture of the rules. 3.The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes. The phrase, the King’s English, has always been used disparagingly and joking by the lower classes. The working people very often make fun of the proper and formal language of the educated people. 4....that suddenly the alchemy of conversation took place, and all at once there was a focus. Then suddenly a magical transformation took place and there was a f ocal subject to talk about. 1.There is always resistance in the lower classes to any attempt by an upper class to lay down rules for “English as it should be spoken.”


全新版大学英语综合教程4(第二版)习题答案 Unit 1 Vocabulary I. 1. 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) declarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future 2) has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike 3) will/should never get in the way of her career 4) caught the foreign minister off guard 5) of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date/obsolete 4. 1) Being faced with … the occupation of … regions 2) crucial to … efficient … to reckon with … weaken … be brought to a halt 3) a heroic …the decisive …turned the tide …siege …by launching II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3) I spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather. III. Usage 1) fall ill 2) lay dead at home for two weeks 3) dropped dead from a heart attack 4) fell asleep.

高级英语课后答案 原句 paraphrase

Lesson 4 the Trial That Rocked the World 1. "Don't worry, son, we'll show them a few tricks." 2. The case had erupted round my head... 3. ... no one, least of all I, anticipated that my case would snowball into one of the most famous trials in U. S. History. 4. "That's one hell of a jury!" 5. "Today it is the teachers, "he continued, "and tomorrow the magazines, the books, the newspapers. 6. "There is some doubt about that," Darrow snorted. 7. ... accused Bryan of calling for a duel to the death between science and religion. 8. Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they might be related. 9. Now Darrow sprang his trump card by calling Bryan as a witness for the defense. 10. My heart went out to the old warrior as spectator s pushed by him to shake Darrow's hand. 1. “Don’t worry, young man, we have some clever and unexpected tactics and we will surprise them in the trial.” 2. The case had come down upon me unexpectedly and violently; 3. I was the last one to expect that my case would become one of the most famous trials in U.S. History. 4. The jury is a completely inappropriate. 5. Today the teachers are put on trial because they teach scientific theory; soon the newspapers and magazines will not be allowed to spread knowledge of science. 6. “It is doubtful whether man has reasoning power,” said Darrow sarcastically and scornfully. 7. ... accused Bryan of demanding that a life or death struggle be fought between science and religion. 8. People had to pay in order to have a look at the ape and to consider carefully whether apes and humans could have a common ancestry. 9. Darrow surprised everyone by asking for Bryan as a witness for Scopes which was a brilliant idea. 10. I felt sorry for Bryan as the spectators rushed past him to congratulate Darrow. Unit 6 Mark Twain --- Mirror of America 1. Mark Twain is known to most Americans as the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck Finn is noted for his simple and pleasant journey through his boyhood which seems eternal and Tom Sawyer is famous for his free roam of the country and his adventure in one summer which seems never to end. 2. His work on the boat made it possible for him to meet a large variety of people. It is a world of all types of characters. 3. All would reappear in his books, written in the colorful language that he seemed to be able to remember and record as accurately as a phonograph.


Unit Two Man and Technology Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ■ Working with Words and Expressions 1. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ■ Answers: productivity phenomenon isolation gradual opponent advent genetic universal extreme ))))))))) 123456789 10) nasty 11) boom 12) formal 13) survey 14) Similarly 15) modify 16) rough 2. In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ■ Answers: at the same time are stuck with for certain make no difference on average when it comes to are better off built into come to mind ))))))))) 123456789 10) close to 11) in favor of ■ Increasing Your Word Power 1. You will read six pairs of words which are similar in meaning but are different in usage. Reflect on the


有机化学复习题 一、选择题: 下列各题只有一个正确答案,请选出。 1. CH 3-CH-CH 2-C-CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 3 CH 3 分子中伯、仲、叔、季碳原子的比例是 A. 5:2:1;1 B. 2:4:2:1 C. 5:1:2:1 D. 4:3:1:1 2.烷烃系统命名中的2-甲基丁烷在普通命名法中又称为: A. 异戊烷 B. 异丁烷 C. 新戊烷 D. 叔丁烷 3.下列化合物不属于脂环烃的是 A. 甲苯 B. 2-甲基环己烯 C. 环己炔 D. 1.2-二甲基环己烷 4 烯烃中碳原子的杂化状态是 A. SP 3 B. SP 2 C. SP D. SP 3和SP 2 5. 炔烃中碳原子的杂化状态是 A. SP 3和SP B. SP C. SP 2 D SP 3 6.在下列脂环烃中,最不稳定的是 A. 环戊烷 B. 环丁烷 C. 环己烷 D. 环丙烷 7.马尔科夫尼科夫规律适用于 A. 烯烃与溴的加成反应 B. 烷烃的卤代反应 C. 不对称烯烃与不对称试剂的加成 D. 烯烃的氧化反应 8.下列化合物用KMnO 4/H +氧化只得到一种产物的是 A. (CH 3)2C=CHCH 3 B. CH 3CH=CHCH 2CH 2CH 3

C. CH 3CH=CH 2 D. (CH 3)2C=C(CH 3)2 9.经催化加氢可得2-甲基丁烷的化合物是 A. B.CH 3 CH 3-C=CH 2 CH 3-CH=CH-CH 3C. CH 3 CH 3-CH-C CH D.CH 3CH 3-CH C=CH 2 CH 3 10. 化合物C=C H 3 C CH 3 H 5C 2 COOH 属于 A. E 型或顺式 B. E 型或反式 C. Z 型或顺式 D. Z 型或反式 11. 1-戊炔和2-戊炔属于 A. 碳链异构 B. 顺反异构 C. 位置异构 D. 构象异构 12. 可鉴别2-丁炔与1-丁炔的试剂为 A. 溴水 B. Cu(OH)2 C. HIO 4 D. Ag(NH 3)2NO 3 13. 下列基团中,属于间位定位基的是 A. –OH B. –CH 2CH 3 C. –NO 2 D. –Cl 14. 下列基团中,属于邻、对位定位基的是 A. –COOH B. –NH 2 C. –CN D. –CHO 15. 下列化合物氧化后可生成苯甲酸的是 A. C(CH 3)3 B. CH(CH 3)2


职高高二年级语文试题(机、电、微机专用) 选择题: 1.下面加点字注音有误的是() A.诘责(jié)湍急(tuān)刚正不阿(ē) B.相处(chǔ)屹立(yì)脍炙人口(kuài) C.惬意(qiè)剔透(tī)高屋建瓴(líng) D.步骤(z?u)淳朴(chún)茅塞顿开(sè) 2. 下列词语中没有错别字的是() A.伫藏虐待滥竽充数拔山涉水 B.游戈细腻完壁归赵刻舟求剑 C.忙碌讥刺买椟还珠不可救要 D.逃窜捐款亡羊补牢再接再厉 3.下列句子中加点的词语运用有误的是() A.“鸟巢”体育场独具匠心的外观设计,令人叹为观止 ....。 B.虽然已经过了很长时间,但当时的情景依然历历在目 ....。 C.4·28胶济线火车相撞是近年来首屈一指 ....的恶性交通事故。 D.“祥云”火炬的设计使传统文化与现代科技相得益彰 ....。 4.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是() ①在战时,丘吉尔是英雄,因为他顺应了,推动了历史。在另一情况下,英雄也可能成为历史进程中的绊脚石。 ②孔庙、孔府、孔林位于山东省曲阜市,是中国历代纪念孔子、推崇儒学的表征,以悠久的历史、宏大的规模、丰富的文物珍藏、丰厚的文化以及极高的科学艺术价格而著称。 ③1995年,法国摄影师Yann Arthus开始了这项名为“地球”的摄影活动,从空中拍摄了一百多张照片,以此作为对新世纪的贺礼。他声称,这不仅是一个简单的地理目录,更是一份关于人类和生态的宣言。 ④国外有一种说法:“人的一生中只有两件事逃不过去,即纳税和死亡。”纳税是和生活消费密切相关的。 A.时势积聚鸟瞰因此B.时事积聚俯视因此 C 时势积淀鸟瞰因为D.时事积淀俯视因为 5.下列句子没有语病的一句是() A.我们学校的每一位同学将来都希望自己能对社会有所贡献。B.成功的教学,在于老师发挥主导作用,调动学生的主动性和积极性。 C.战士们冒着滂沱大雨和泥泞道路快速前进。 D.父亲嗜酒如命的毛病,每天与乡亲一醉方休。6.下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是() A、李明考上了清华大学,在建筑系学习;王芳考上了财贸学院, 读会计专业;我当上了餐厅服务员:我们都能开创自己的美好未来。 B、传染病要在人群中流行,必须同时具有三个条件:传染源、传 播途径和易感染人群,否则就无法传播流行。 C、任选诗中的两种鸟,展开想像,以《××与××的对话》为题, 写一个200字左右的对话片段。 D、矿藏,水流,国有森林,荒地和其他海陆资源,都属于全民所有 7.填人下面横线处的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是()去年夏天,我在杭州一所疗养院里休养。江岸后面是起伏的山峦和绵延不断的树林。 ①这儿的景色真是美极了!②那儿的景色真美!③六和塔静静地矗立在钱塘江边,④六和塔在钱塘江边静静地矗立着,⑤帆影点点的江面上碧波粼粼,⑥江面上帆影点点,碧波粼粼, A.②③⑥B.①④⑤C.②③⑥D.①④⑥ 8.下列语句中运用的比喻,不妥的一句是() A.他提着两个沉甸甸的大包,气喘吁吁地走着,像踩在棉花上似的 深一脚、浅一脚。 B.小战士斜挎着冲锋枪,在崎岖的小路上向前猛冲,脚步像踩在棉 花上一般的轻快。 C.一群仙女,踩在棉花似的云朵上,随着隐隐传来的仙乐,冉冉地 向远方飘去。 D.她突然看见山路中央盘着一条大蛇,蛇头昂起,张着大口,她顿 时感到两脚像踩在棉花上似的…… 9.措辞得体的一项是() A. 鲁迅先生不幸逝世,噩耗传来,举国震悼。 B. 张老师,我们全班同学都很赏识你的教学方法。 C. 中国政府历来主张,地区间的矛盾应以和平方式加以解决,不 能二句话说不到一块儿,就动刀动枪的。 D. 你既然身体欠佳,那你给老师打个电话,请半天假。 10. 下列各句中,句意明确的一句是() A.一个旅美侨胞投资兴建的职业中学将在明年年底建成。 B.这是两个朋友送的花瓶。 C.在主席台就座的还有其他学校领导。 D.他发现了敌人的一个哨兵 11. 杜牧《赤壁》分析不当的一项() 折戟沉沙铁未销,自将磨洗认前朝。 1

现代大学英语6 课后习题paraphrase原文及答案

Unit1 1. Virtue is ... self-centered. Key: By right action, we mean it must help promote personal interest. 2.... (Poverty) was a product of their excessive fecundity... Key: The poverty of the poor was caused by their having too many children. 3. ...the rich were not responsible for either its creation or its amelioration. Key: The rich were not to blame for the existence of poverty so they should not be asked to undertake the task of solving the problem. 4. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God. Key: It is only the result or effect of the law of the survival of the fittest applied to nature of to human society. 5. It declined in popularity, and references to its acquired a condemnatory tone. Key: People began to reject Social Darwinism because it seemed to glorify brutal force and oppose treasured values of sympathy, love and friendship. Therefore, when it was mentioned, it was usually the target of criticism. 6. ...the search for a way of getting the poor off our conscience was not at an end; it was only suspended. Key: The desire to find a way to justify the unconcern for the poor had not been abandoned; it had only been put off. 7. ...only rarely given to overpaying for monkey wrenches, flashlights, coffee makers, and toilet seats. Key: Government officials, on the whole, are good; it is very rare that some would pay high prices for office equipment to get kickbacks. 8. This is perhaps our most highly influential piece of fiction. It is a very popular story and has been accepted by many but it is not true. 9. Belief can be the servant of truth---but even more of convenience. Key: Belief can be useful in the search for truth, but more often than not it is accepted because it is convenient and self-serving. 10. George Gilder... Who tells to much applause that the poor must have the cruel spur of their own suffering to ensure effort... Key: George Gilder advances the view that only when the poor suffer from great misery will they be stimulated to make great efforts to change the situation, in other words, suffering is necessary to force the poor to work hard. Unit2 1. But these marks of wild country called to may father like the legendary siren song. Key: Though the place was not pleasant or disagreeable, my father was deeply attracted to it precisely because of its unexplored, uncultivated natural state, and the challenge. 2. "I'm afraid the day's going to catch us," I explained, wondering what great disaster might befall us if it did. Key: As a little girl, I believed my father's words, and was genuinely afraid of the possible disaster--if we didn't hurry up, the day would catch us and terrible things might happen. 3. ...from time to time he was halfheartedly sought for trial, though few crimes


全新版大学英语综合教程4【第二版】习题答案 主编:荫华 外语教育 Unit 1 Part II Text A lexf Organization Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One Paras 1-2 Introduction — Both Napoleon's and Hitler's military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter. Part Two Paras 3-11 Napoleon's military campaign against Russia Part Three Paras 12-20 Hitler's military campaign against the Soviet Union Part Four Para 21 Conclusion—the elements of nature must be rekoned with in any military campaign. 2. Sections Paragraphs Main Ideas Section One Paras 12-13 Hitler's blitzkrieg against Russia and Stalin's scorched earth policy Section Two Paras 14-18 the battles fought at Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad Section Three Paras 19-20 the Russian counter-offensive and the outcome of the war Vocabulary I. 1. 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) declarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future. 2)Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike 3)Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career. 4) Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard. 5)The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date /obso lete.


简单题目 1.用括号内的试剂和方法除去下列各物质的少量杂质,不正确的是 A、苯中含有苯酚(浓溴水,过滤) B、乙酸钠中含有碳酸钠(乙酸、蒸发) C、乙酸乙酯中含有乙酸(饱和碳酸钠溶液、分液) D、溴乙烷中含有醇(水、分液) 2.下列物质不能使酸性KMnO4溶液褪色的是 A、B、C2H2C、CH3 D、CH3COOH 3.(CH3CH2)2CHCH3的正确命名是 A、3-甲基戊烷 B、2-甲基戊烷 C、2-乙基丁烷 D、3-乙基丁烷 4.手性分子是指在分子结构中,当a、b、x、y为彼此互不相同的原子或原子团时,称此分子为手性分子,中心碳原子为手性碳原子。下列分子中指定的碳原子(用*标记)不属于手性碳原子的是 A、苹果酸 B、丙氨酸C H3CH COOH NH2 C、葡萄糖D CH CH2 CHO OH OH 5.某烷烃发生氯代反应后,只能生成三种沸点不同的一氯代烃,此烷烃是 A、(CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH3 B、(CH3CH2)2CHCH3 C、(CH3)2CHCH(CH3)2 D、(CH3)3CCH2CH3 6.有—CH3,— OH,—COOH,—C6H5四种基团,两两结合而成的有机化合物中,水溶液具有酸性的有() A、3种 B、4种 C、5种 D、6种 7.下列说法错误的是() A、C2H6和C4H10一定是同系物 B、C2H4和C4H8一定都能使溴水退色 C、C3H6不只表示一种物质 D、单烯烃各同系物中碳的质量分数相同 8.常见有机反应类型有:①取代反应②加成反应③消去反应④酯化反应⑤加聚反

应 ⑥缩聚反应 ⑦氧化反应 ⑧还原反应,其中可能在有机分子中新产生羟基的反应类型是 ( ) A 、①②③④ B 、⑤⑥⑦⑧ C 、①②⑦⑧ D 、③④⑤⑥ 9.乙醛和新制的Cu (OH )2反应的实验中, 关键的操作是 ( ) A 、Cu (OH )2要过量 B 、NaOH 溶液要过量 C 、CuSO 4要过量 D 、使溶液pH 值小于7 10.PHB 塑料是一种可在微生物作用下降解的环保型塑料,其结构简式为: n O CH C 2H 5C O 。下面有关PHB 说法不正确的是 ( ) A 、PH B 是一种聚酯 B 、PHB 的单体是CH 3CH 2CH(OH)COOH C 、PHB 的降解产物可能有CO 2和H 2O D 、PHB 通过加聚反应制得 11. 能与银氨溶液发生银镜反应,且其水解产物也能发生银镜反应的糖类是 ( ) A 、葡萄糖 B 、麦芽糖 C 、蔗糖 D 、淀粉 12. “茶倍健”牙膏中含有茶多酚,但茶多酚是目前尚不能人工合成的纯天然、多功能、高效能的抗氧化剂和自由基净化剂。其中没食子儿茶素(EGC )的结构如下图所示。关于EGC 的下列叙述中正确的是 ( ) A 、分子中所有的原子共面 B 、1molEG C 与4molNaOH 恰好完全反应 C 、易发生加成反应,难发生氧化反应和取代反应 D 、遇FeCl 3溶液发生显色反应 13.化合物丙可由如下反应得到: 丙的结构简式不可能是 ( ) A 、CH 3CH (CH 2Br )2 B 、(CH 3)2C Br CH 2 Br C 、C 2H 5CH Br CH 2 Br D 、CH 3(CH Br )2CH 3 14.某有机物甲经氧化后得乙(分子式为C 2H 3O 2Cl );而甲经水解可得丙,1mol 丙和2mol 乙反应的一种含氯的酯(C 6H 8O 4Cl 2)。由此推断甲的结构简式为 ( ) O —OH OH OH OH


班级: 姓名: 学号: ××××密××××××封××××××线××××××不××××××得××××××答××××××题× 中职学校 《语文》期末考试试卷 (考试内容为 语文(基础模块)下册 ,满分为100分,开卷,考试时间为90分钟) 温馨提示: 1、所有答案务必写在答题卡上,考试结束时试卷、答题卡、作文纸一起分类上交。 2、所有试卷要写清楚班级、姓名、学号等个人信息。 3、注意考场纪律,严禁舞弊。 一、基础知识(22分,每小题2分) 1、下列词语加点字的注音全对的一组是( ) A 断章取义.(y ì) 强聒.不舍(gu ü) 掠.夺(l ?a) B 不能容赦.(sh a) 痀偻..(g ōu l óu ) 闲游浪荡. (d àng ) C 不旁骛.(w ù) 蜩.翼之知(ti áo ) 教诲.(hu ǐ) D 亵渎..(xi a d ú) 不二法.门(f ǎ) 羡. 慕(qi àn ) 2、下列词语没有错别字的一项是( ) A 蘸水 缺撼 罅隙 孵化. B 掐丝 贮藏 辐员 寻觅 C 贮藏 涂墁 车辙 驱谴 D 暄嚣 蒂部 搀和 倒霉 3、下列词语解释有误的一个是( ) A 疏疏朗朗:形容线条稀疏的样子。 B 细琢细磨:仔地研究和思考。 C 推陈出新:推出陈旧的,创造新的。 D 专心致志:心思专一,一心一意,精力集中地做事。 4、下列短语结构完全相同的一项是( ) A 炎暑逼人 奇珍异品 赏心悦目 冰消雪化 B 明净如意 灵花异草 若断若续 结构巧妙 C 呕心沥血 斩钉截铁 披荆斩棘 惊心动魄 D 炯炯有神 精神饱满 绿草如茵 翩翩起舞 5、选出与下面的语句衔接最恰当的一句( ) 荔枝花期是二月初到四月初。花形小,绿白色或淡黄色,不耀眼。仅极少数品种有完全花。一个荔枝花序,生花可有一二千朵,但结实总在一百以上,____________________。 A 、荔枝花多,花期又长,宜选择适当的品种混栽在一起,以增加授粉的机会。 B 、荔枝花多,花期又长,是一种重要的蜜源植物。 C 、荔枝花多,花期又长,整株树以至成片的树林,那就成为“飞焰欲横天”、“红云几万重”的绚丽景象了。 D 、所以有“荔枝十花一子”的谚语。 6、下列句子运用的修辞手法依次是( ) (1)威海,你可知道,冰心曾为你流过多少泪。 (2)“‘芦柴棒’,去烧火!” (3)有几个“慈祥”的老板到菜场去收集一些菜叶,用盐一浸,这就是他们难得的佳肴。 A 拟人 借代 反语 反问 B 拟人 比喻 反语 反问 C 拟人 借代 反语 设问 D 比喻 比喻 双关 设问 7、对下列七句话进行排列,顺序最恰当的一项是( ) ①古诗说“南山塞天池,日月石上生。” ②而“海上生明月,天涯共此时”也是月出 ③光景却何等妩媚、遥远、璀璨 ④光景何等臃肿、崎岖、僵冷 ⑤看古诗便可知道 ⑥四周的大海,与四围的乱山 ⑦两者相较,是如何滋味 A ⑤⑥⑦①④③② B ⑥⑦⑤①④②③ C ①②⑦⑤③⑥④ D ①③②④⑥⑦⑤ 8、下列各句中没有语病的一句是( ) A 、工人、干部、技术人员,还有家属的同志们,都参加了庆祝活动。 B 、每当橘红色的斜阳撒下离别的金粉时,从这里就会送出美妙的音乐。 C 、火箭尾部喷出数十米长的火柱,给山河大地抹上一层金黄色。 D 、大家不由得鼓起掌来,看着参观团微笑着走进会场。 9.参照例句仿写的句子,表达准确的一项是( ) 青年人衰老的心说:“我的明天不过是凝结在荷叶上的露珠。” A 老年人年轻的心说:“我的明天乃是飘忽即逝的白云。” B 老年人年轻的心说:“我的明天乃是快要落山的夕阳。” C 老年人年轻的心说:“我的明天乃是将化作春泥的花朵。” D 老年人年轻的心说:“我的明天乃是即将入土的棺材。” 10.下列句子中运用比喻的一项是( ) A 它肯定会是一部分心血凝结成的作品,字字都能滴得出血和泪来。 B 眼睛也像父亲一样,周围都肿得通红。 C 她胸怀宛如大海,可以波涛大作,可以平静如镜…… D 他们的爽朗的笑声,落到水上,使得河水也似在笑。 11.《林黛玉进贾府》一文中,写林黛玉来到贾府时,“步步留心,时时在意,不肯轻易多说一句话,多行一步路,唯恐被人耻笑了去”,这是因为( ) A .贾府是贵族世家,讲究礼节,且等级制度森严。 B .她自觉出身低微,不如贾家高贵,有自卑心理。 C .她有寄人篱下之感,又极自尊,敏感多疑,所以小心谨慎。 D .林黛玉初进贾府,人地生疏,自然时时处处留心在意。 12、填空(6分,每小题2分) 1)《南州六月荔枝丹》文中“一骑红尘妃子笑, ”是唐代(杜牧)的《过华清官绝句》中的句子。 2)《红楼梦》是中国古典文学宝库里的真品,以_______、史、_______、薛四大家族的兴衰为背景,以_______和_______的爱情悲剧为主线,真实而艺术的反映了我国封建社会走向衰亡的历史趋势。 3)《_______ 》和《_______ 》《______ 》《_______ 》并称为四大名著。 二、阅读题(28分)

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