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1、The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 1、外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。

2、The defendant challenged the admission of the evidence by the court on the ground that the evidence was irrelevant.2、被告以证据没有相关性为由反对法院对其予以采信。

3、The failure of either party at any time or times to require performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same.3、任何一方在任何时候未要求另一方履行本协议任一条款,并在不影响其以后强制执行该条款的权利。

4、“Affiliate”means any person or company that directly or indirectly controls a Party or is directly or indirectly controlled by a Party,including a Party's parent or subsidiary, or is under direct or indirect common control with such Party.4、“关联公司”指直接或间接控制一方(包括其母公司或子公司)或受一方直接或间接控制,或与该方共同受直接或间接控制的任何人或公司。

5、Nothing in this Agreement or in the performance of any of its provisions is intended or shall be construed to constitute either party an agent, 1egal representative, subsidiary,joint venturer,partner,employer,or employee of the other for any purpose whatsoever.5、本协议的任何内容或本协议任何条款的履行,无意表示、亦不应被理解为任何一方为任何目的可以充当另一方的代理人、法定代表、子公司、合营方、合作伙伴、雇主或雇员。

6、If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement or any document executed in connection herewith shall be invalid,illegal,or unenforceable in any respect under any applicable law, the provision/provisions shall be deemed to have been severed from this agreement.6、如果本协议或涉及本协议而签署的任何文件中某条或数条条款,根据任何适用法律在任何方面是无效的、不合法或不能强制执行的,视为该条款从本协议中删除。

7、deliver the house as is.7、按照房屋的现状交付房屋。

8、The software is provided as is.8、按软件现有状况提供软件等。

9、The law shall be effective as of January 10, 2009。The contract takes effect upon its execution。


10、Without the prior, express written consent of the Principal, the Agent may not assign this Agreement to any other party.10、未经委托方事先明确的书面同意,代理方不得将本协议转让给任何第三方。

11、the agreement binds all the parties to it。bind sb. to do。11、协议对各方均有约束力。使某人负有做…事情的义务等。

12、If Party A materially breaches this Contract,Party B or its successor in interest is entitled to terminate this Contract or claim damages for the breach of contract.12、如果甲方实质性违反


13、The seller issued a notice of call to the buyer to urge the buyer to pay off the balance of the amount due and owing to seller.13、卖方向卖方发出催款通知,要求买方向卖方支付已到期尚未支付的账款余额。

14、Notices or other communications required to be given by one Party pursuant to this Agreement shall be written in Chinese.14、一方根据本协议要求发出的通知或其他书信应以中文书写。

15、In case a settlement agreement is reached through conciliation between the debtor and creditors, the court shall make a decision in accordance with the contents of the composition reached by and between both the parties.15、经债务人和债权人经调解达成和解协议的案件,法院应当根据双方当事人和解协议的内容,作出判决。

16、BOT project concession period consists two parts: concession period limit and concession period length. 16、BOT项目特许权转让协议中有关特许期的约定涉及两部分内容,包括特许期限定和特许期长度。

17、Each party agrees to protect the other's Confidential Information at all times and in the same manner as each protects the confidentiality of its own proprietary and confidential materials.17、各方同意,在任何时候都以保护自身专有资料和机密资料相同的方式保护另一方的机密信息。

18、Party A agrees to pay RMB 5000yuan in consideration for the service rendered by Party B.18、甲方同意支付5000元人民币作为乙方提供服务的对价。

19、Neither Party may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the other Party’s prior written consent, expect to any corporation resulting from any merger, consolidation or other reorganization involving the assigning Party.19、任何一方未经另一方事先书面同意,不得转让本协议的全部或部分,除非转让给涉及转让方的因兼并、合并或其他重组而产生的任何公司。

20、A waiver by one of the parties at any time of a breach of any term or provision of this Agreement committed by the other party shall not be construed as a waiver by such party of any subsequent breach to be committed by the other party.20、一方在任何时候放弃追究另一方违反本协议任何条款或规定的行为,不应被视为该一方放弃追究另一方以后的违约行为。

21、When a Party (the “Disposing Party”) wishes to transfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to a third party, it shall provide a written notice (the “Notice”) to the other Party (the “Non-Disposing Party”).21、一方(“转让方”)欲将其全部或部分注册资本出资额转让给第三方时,应向另一方(“非转让方”)提供书面通知(“通知”)。

22、The effect of all this is that, on the creation and sale of the Bankers’Acceptance, the Borrower receives a sum of money and, on the later maturity date, the Borrower pays back a slightly higher sum of money. 22、全部这种做法的效果在于,在设立和售出银行承兑时,借


23、In accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter “China”), the consent of the creditors shall be obtained for the delegation of obligations to become effective.23、根据中华人民共和国(以下称“中国”),义务的转让须取得债权人的同意方可生效。

24、Either party may, at its sole discretion, assign the whole or any part of the contract or any benefit or interest in or under the contract, provided a prior notice of the same shall be given to the other party.24、合同的任何一方都可以自行决定全部或部分转让本合同,或转让本合同项下的利益和权益,但应提前通知合同另一方。

25、The JVC becomes bankrupt or is the subject of proceedings for liquidation or dissolution by reason of insolvency or ceases to carry on business or becomes unable to pay its debts as they become due.25、合营公司破产,或因资不抵债而进入清算程序或解散,或终止其业务,或无力偿付到期债务。

26、Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, Distributor shall immediately cease to be a Supplier distributor and all monies then owed to either party hereunder shall become immediately due and payable notwithstanding any credit terms previously made available to Distributor. 26、本协议到期或终止时,经销商作为“供应方”经销商的身份应立即终止,即使经销商被明确允许赊销付款,双方的欠款也均应即时得到清偿。

27、Notices given by personal delivery shall be deemed effective on the date of personal delivery,provided that receipt shall be acknowledged in writing by the receiving party.27、在专人送达之日视为生效,但收件方应书面确认已收到通知。

28、“Encumbrances”include any option,right to acquire,right of preemption,mortgage,charge,pledge,lien,hypothecation, title creation,right of set-off,counterclaim,trust arrangement or other security or any equity or restriction (including any relevant restriction imposed under the relevant law).28、“权利负担”包括期权、收购权、优先权、抵押、押记、质押、留置、押汇、所有权的产生、抵付权、反诉、信托安排或其他担保、或股权、限制(包括有关法律规定的任何有关限制)。

29、The failure of either party, in any one or more instances, to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of future enforcement of that or any other term.29、如果当事人犯下错误并导致本协议对其强制执行了某项条款,则不应被解释为协议放弃了将来对其强制执行此项条款和其它条款的权利。

30、Either party has the right to terminate the engagement by providing written notification to the other party. The engagement shall be deemed terminated once either party has received notice of termination.30、任何一方都有权在向对方发出书面通知后终止本聘用协议,聘用在另一方收到终止通知后即视为终止。

31、The contract is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B in Shanghai.31、合同由甲乙双方于上海订立。

32、in the course of the execution of the contract。32、在合同履行过程中。

33、During the valid term of this Agreement,if any party changes its address at any time it shall forthwith notify the other party in writing of such change.33、在本协议有效期内,若任何一方在任何时候变更其地址,应立即书面通知另一方。

34、Each party shall indemnify the other from any and all losses that may arise out of breach by such party of any of the warranties set forth in this Article.34、一方如果违反其在本条中的任何保证而使另一方发生损失,应向损失方做出赔偿。

35、Distributor shall immediately notify Supplier, upon discovery thereof, of any infringement or potential infringement of Supplier’s interests in the Marks and undertakes to cooperate with Supplier in its efforts to cure such infringement.35、一旦发现存在侵犯或潜在侵犯供应商的商标权益的行为,经销商应立即通知供应商,并应与供应商通力合作制止此类侵权行为。

36、a warranty,representation,undertaking, indemnity, covenant or agreement on the part of two or more persons binds them jointly and severally.36、两人或两人以上对其所作的保证、陈述、承诺、赔偿、约定或协议负有连带责任。

37、“Face Amount”means in respect of a BA Instrument, the amount payable to the holder on its maturity, and in respect of a Documentary Credit, the maximum amount which the issuing Person is contingently liable to pay to the Beneficiary.37、“票面金额”对银行承兑汇票而言,指到期时应付持票人的金额,对跟单信用证而言,指发行人可能应付受益人的最大金额。

38、“Lien”means any mortgage, charge, pledge, hypothecation, security interest, assignment, encumbrance, lien (statutory or otherwise), title retention agreement or arrangement, restrictive covenant or other encumbrance of any nature or any other arrangement or condition that in substance secures payment or performance of an obligation.38、“留置权”指本质上保证清偿或履行债务的任何抵押、担保、出质、质押、担保物权、让与、债务负担、留置(法定或其它方式的)、保留所有权协议或安排、限制性约定或任何性质的其它债务负担或任何其它安排或条件。

39、If a receiver, manager or other custodian (interim or permanent) of the Collateral or any part thereof is appointed by private instrument or by court order, if any execution, winding up, liquidation, sequestration, extent or other process of any court becomes enforceable against of with respect to the Debtor or the Collateral or any part thereof, or if distress or analogous process is made against the Collateral or any part thereof.39、如果根据私下协议或法院命令,对“担保物”或其任何部分任命了接管人、管理人或其它保管人(暂时或永久的),或如果任何法院对“债务人”或“担保物”或其任何部分的任何执行、倒闭、清算、扣押、扣留或其它处分成为可执行的,或如果对“担保物”或其任何部分提起扣押或类似处分。

40、If Party B materially breaches this Contract,Party A is entitled to request Party B,by issuing

a written notice,to redress the breach within fifteen(15)days upon receiving such notice.40、如果乙方实质性违反本合同,甲方经发出书面通知,有权要求乙方在收到书面通知后十五(15)天内改正违约行为。如果乙方在十五(15)天期限内未予改正,甲方则有权解除合同并要求得到违约赔偿。

41、The Term Loan Facility will mature on the fifth anniversary of the date of the Credit Agreement. The amount available under the Term Loan Facility will be reduced by equal quarterly amounts of U.S. $ on each of the  consecutive quarters ending with the  anniversary of the Term Loan Facility with the amount available thereafter being U.S. $.41、“定期贷款服务”在贷款协议生效日的第五个周年到期。将从“定期贷款服务”金额中减去在定期贷款的第 周年结束时每个 连续季度的等额季度金额 美元,因此支付金额为美元。

42、Party A shall maintain the confidential information herein。42、甲方应当对此处的保密信息保密。

43、The Borrower shall not (and shall ensure that no other member of the Group will) enter into any amalgamation, demerger, merger or corporate reconstruction without the prior written consent of the Lender.43、未经出借方的书面同意,借款方不得(并保证集团内的其他任何成员不得)进行任何合并、中止合并、兼并或公司重组。

44、The reimbursement obligation of the Borrower under any Documentary Credit shall be unconditional and irrevocable and shall be paid strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement under all circumstances.44、借方对任何跟单信用证的偿还义务应是无条件和不可撤消的,并且在任何情况下均应严格按照本协议的条款支付。

45、The Pledgee, in appointing or refraining from appointing any agent, shall not incur liability to the agent, the Pledgor or otherwise and shall not be responsible for any misconduct or negligence of the agent.45、受押人在指定或拒绝指定任何代理人时,不对代理人、抵押人或其他方承担责任。受押人对代理人的任何不当行为或疏忽不承担责任。

46、Issue or permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to issue shares, or any options, warrants or securities convertible into shares, except to the Borrower or another Restricted Subsidiary, provided in each case, the shares, option, warrants or securities have been pledged to the Lender pursuant to the Security Documents.46、股份资本,除向借方或另一个限定子公司发行外,不得发行、或允许任何限定子公司发行股份、或任何期权、股权认购证或可转换债券,除非根据担保协议已将这些股份、期权、股权认购证或可转换债券质押给贷方。

47、All security held by the Lender for the obligations of the Borrower shall also secure outstanding amounts under this credit facility. All such security is to be in form and substance satisfactory to the Lender.47、贷方拥有的借方义务的所有担保还应担保本信贷服务项下的未付金额。所有该等担保在形式上和实质上均应令贷方满意。

48、Each of the Borrower and the Restricted Subsidiaries has all requisite corporate power and authority to (i) own, lease and operate its properties and assets and to carry on its business as now being conducted by it, and (ii) enter into and perform its obligations under the Loan Documents to which it is a party。48、公司(法人)权力是各借方和限定子公司拥有所有必需的公司权力和授权以(i)拥有、租用和经营其财产和资产,并继续从事其现在从事的事业,(ii)签署贷款文件并履行其在贷款文件下的义务。

49、Party A further represents and warrants that the Land is free and clear of any and all claims,charges, easement, encumbrances,1ease,covenants,security interest,liens,option,pledge, rights of others,or restrictions,whether imposed by agreement,understanding,law,equity or otherwise.49、甲方进一步陈述和保证,土地不存在任何权利主张、抵押、地役权、权利负担、租约、契约、担保权益、留置权、购买权、质押、他人权利或限制,无论是以协议、谅解、普通法、衡平法还是其他方式设定的。

50、The assets and undertaking of the Guarantor are insured for the full replacement value thereof. The Guarantor is not in default with respect to any of the provisions contained in any such insurance policy and has not failed to give notice or to present any claim under any such insurance policy in a due and timely fashion.50、担保人的财产及企业都已全额投保。担保人没有违反上述保险合同中的任何条款,并且,依照上述任何保险合同,担保人也都按期及时地提出了报告或者提出了索赔。无论目前还是将来,上述保险的收益都将全额支付给担保人。与上述保险有关的所有保费都已全额支付。

51、The premises,plant,machinery and equipment.raw materials,components and the Products shall be insured by JVC for adequate replacement value against fire,storm,tempest,accident,flood,theft and other risks which may destroy or diminish the value of the Products or which may render the Products unfit for consumption.51、合营公司应为场地、厂房、机器设备、原材料、部件和产品投保,一旦发生火灾、暴风雨、风暴、事故、水灾、盗窃和可能损害或降低产品的价值或使产品不适宜于消费的其他风险,保险获得的赔付应足以重置该等财产。

52、Insurance shall,to the extent it is available on premium and terms comparable to those abroad and as required by applicable Chinese law,be obtained in China and such policies will be denominated in Renminbi of foreign currency or both,as appropriate.52、如果中国具备与国外保险费和条款相类似的保险,且中国适用法律要求进行保险,则可以在中国投保。保险单根据具体情况应以人民币、外币或两种货币计价。

53、there are to ways to incorporate a company limited by shares, one is incorporation by promotion, the other is incorporation by share offering to the public.53、股份有限公司的设立方式有两种,发起设立和募集设立。

54、prior to the listing of shares in the stock exchange, the company shall disclose various documents to the public as part of its efforts for information disclosure, one of which is prospectus.54、股票在证券交易所上市以前,公司作为信息披露的一部分,应当公布各种相关文件,其中之一就是招股说明书。

55、provided that the acceptance of rent by landlord after the expiration of the term of the tenancy hereby created shall not be deemed to operate as a waiver or breach of any of the terms hereof nor as a new periodic tenancy by way of holding over or otherwise . a new tenancy shall only be created by a fresh tenancy agreement in writing signed by the landlord and the tenant.


56、The Board meeting requires a quorum of over two thirds of the total number of directors. When the quorum is less than two thirds, the decisions adopted by the Board meeting are invalid。


57、Over ninety countries ratified an agreement to ban the use of these chemicals. The contract made by an infant may take effect if it is ratified by the guardian of the infant.57、九十多个国家批准了一项禁止使用这些化学品的协议。未成年人订立的合同如果经未成年人监护人追认可能会发生效力。

58、Renter may seek to be indemnified for damages for unreasonable downtime of the System or the right to rescind the remainder of the term if there is not timely repair or replacement of the System.58、“承租人”可对“系统”的不正常停机提出赔偿要求,而且在“系统”没有得到及时维修或更换的情况下有权利要求废除条款中的剩余部分。

59、submit an application to the competent authority for the registration of a company。submit the dispute of a contract to arbitration commission。59、为注册公司向有关部门递交申请。把合同争议提交仲裁委员会等。

60、this clause shall survive the termination of the contract60、本条款在合同终止仍然有效。

61、either party may terminate the contract provided that a written notice thereof is sent to the other party.61、任何一方均可终止本合同,但应当向另一方发出书面通知。

62、Both Parties undertake to mitigate the loss resulting from the force majeure event.62、双方均承诺减轻由不可抗力事情引起的损失。

63、where an employee is granted any period of annual leave, the employer shall pay him annual leave pay in respect of that period not later than the day on which he is next paid his wages after that period.63、如果雇员被给与任何一段期间的年假,雇主最迟须于该期间后的第一个发薪日付给该雇员该段期间的年假薪酬。

64、The buyer shall have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the buyer’s right to claim compensations.64、买方仍有权撤销部分或全部合同,且不损害买方索赔的权利。

65、A contract may be formed if an offer is accepted within the specified time and in the required


66、The draft is accepted by the negotiating bank。66、议付行对汇票进行了承兑。

67、Party A shall defend Party B in any action resulting from the infringement of the licensed intellectual property。67、就与授权使用的知识产权相关的诉讼,甲方应当为乙方进行抗辩

68、Any negligent conduct of Party A, whether it is action or forbearance, that resulted in loss of party B shall be deemed to be breach of this Contract。68、甲方的任何疏忽行为,无论是作为还是不作为,只要引起乙方损失,即可是为甲方对本合同的违约。

69、The partner of the law firm advised the Manager on various specialist legal issues。69、该律师事务所的合伙人就各种专业法律问题向经理提出了法律建议。

70、The suspect acknowledged and confessed all his criminal activities to the court.70、犯罪嫌疑人向法院承认了全部犯罪行为。

71、Notices given by personal delivery shall be deemed effectively given on the date of personal delivery,provided that receipt shall be acknowledged in writing by the receiving party.71、在专人送达之日视为有效送达,但收件方应书面确认已收到通知。

72、This two-stage process can be combined by submitting to the MOC a signed technology import contract with an application for import permit.72、上述两步程序也可合并进行,即向商务部提交已签署的技术引进协议和引进许可申请书。

73、The application of the arbitration rules of the Arbitration Institute in effect on the date of the signing of this Agreement is not subject to judicial review.73、仲裁庭适用本协议签署日有效的仲裁机构的仲裁规则时不受司法审查。

74、apply to the Ministry of Commerce for approval of the establishment of a joint venture.74、向商务部申请批准成立合资企业。

75、The Threshold for the contribution of a single-member company is RMB 100,000yuan,which shall paid in a lump sum.75、一人有限责任公司的最低出资额是人民币10万元,并应当一次性缴纳。

76、The right of contribution exists only in favor of a tortfeasor who has paid more than his pro rata share of the common liability, and his total recovery is limited to the amount paid by him in excess of his pro rata share. No tortfeasor is compelled to make contribution beyond his own pro rata share of the entire liability. 76、分摊请求权仅因某一共同侵权行人支付了超过其在共同责任中的按份份额时而产生,其可获赔偿的数额以其支付超过其按份份额为限。任何共同侵权人都不能够被强迫分摊超过其所占全部责任的按份份额

77、The shop undertook to keep the goods for me provided that I paid a deposit. 77、商店答应,


78、As of September 11, Beijing will upgrade or ban more than 92,100 vehicles which failed to meet the city's emission standard. 78、从9月11日起,北京准备改善92100多不符合该市排放标准的车辆或对其予以禁止。

79、This contract shall take effect as of the said date in the first page hereof.79、本合同从自第一页载明的日期起生效。

80、The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.80、工厂由于未能遵守政府的安全条例而被关闭了。

81、Failure to comply with the regulations can result in a six month prison sentence.81、如果不能遵从这些规则,可能会被判以6个月监禁。

82、Silence or failure to give prompt notice of Party A within a reasonable period of time shall be deemed to be the consent of party A to the extension of the contract.82、甲方在合理期间内保持沉默或没有及时发出通知,视为甲方同意对本合同的延续。

83、Where the price of the goods is not speicified in the contract, it shall be determined with reference to the fair market value of the similar commodity.83、合同中没有明确货物价格的,应当根据类似商品的公平市场价格进行确定。

84、The court decided that the litigatin fee shall be borne by the losing party.84、法官判决,诉讼费用由败诉方承担。

85、The contract was terminated due to changes in such unforeseeable circumstances as production and management conditions。85、合同因生产经营条件变化等不可预见的情况而解除。

86、All Rates quoted herein are exclusive of tax and service charge。86、本报价中的所有费用均不包括税收和服务费。

87、A contract made in PRC may not be performed in accordance/pursuance with its related laws and regulations.87、在中华人民共和国订立的合同不一定根据中华人民共和国的相关法律法规进行履行。

88、Where the parties do not intend to be bound until a formal contract is prepared and signed, there is no contract, and the circumstance that the parties do intend a formal contract to be drawn up is strong evidence to show that-they did not intend the previous negotiations to amount to an agreement.88、如果在准备和签署正式合同以前,各方不愿意受到约束,则双方之间不存在合同关系。双方希望订立正式合同的情况是表明他们不希望把之前的磋商当做协议的有力证据。

89、During the term of this contract, in case that the borrower changes the pattern of management or the ownership construction by the means of contracting, leasing, pooling, transforming to stock company, establishing joint venture, separating, merger, foreign investment, transferring of ownership, resolving or any other action, the borrower shall seek the lender's consent and ascertain the new source of repayment or provide new security.89、合同期间,如果借方希望通过协议、租赁、联营、变更为股份有限责任公司、组建合资企业、分立、合并、对外投资、所有权转让、解散或其他行为改变经营方式或所有权结构,借方应当取得贷方的同意,并确定新的还款渠道或提供新的担保。

90、Shareholders’Meetings shall consist of regular meetings and interim meetings. Regular Shareholders’Meetings shall be convened once a year. 90、股东大会包括定期会议和临时会议,定期会议应当每年召开一次。

91、Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth above, the Purchaser may deem that the Contract has been made and entered into if the Seller has started manufacturing of the Goods, delivery of any part of the Goods, or otherwise initiated the performance of any part of the Seller's obligations under the purchase order.91、尽管有前述相反之规定,如卖方已开始此订单项下货物的生产、发送货物的任一部分或开始履行卖方义务的任一部分,则买方可视为合同已签订。

92、Without prior written approval, no Party shall assign any and all of its rights and interests and delegate its responsibilities under this Agreement to any third party. 92、(任何一方未经事先书面批准,不得将其在本协议项下的任何和全部权利和权益让与及将在本协议项下的责任委托给任何第三方)。

93、Party A represents that it has the authority, authorization, power and right to execute this Agreement.93、甲方就拥有签署本协议的权威、授权、权力和权利。

94、Neither party may alter and change any part of this agreement without the prior written approval of the other party.94、任何一方未经另一方的事前书面同意不得对本协议的任何部分做修改或变动。

95、Party A hereby authorizes and empowers party B to participate in the action on behalf of Party A which shall be valid till such authorization expires or otherwise is withdrawn or terminated by Party A,as the case may be.95、甲方谨授权乙方代表甲方参与诉讼,该授权在授权期限届满或被甲方撤回或终止之前(视情况而定)持续有效。

96、Both Parties hereto hereby agree willingly to bind and obligate themselves to act and perform as follows.96、双方在此同意受本协议约束,执行以下条款….。

97、Any and all of which will be entitled to invoke such terms and conditions on their behalf and enforce such terms and conditions against you.97、它们之中的任何一方及所有各方均有权作为其代表援引该条款与条件并对您执行该条款与条件。


浅谈目的论指导下的法律翻译 【摘要】本才子毕业论文主要探讨在目的论指导下的下法律翻译问题 【关键词】目的论法律翻译 随着各国间政治、经济、科技、贸易、商业、教育、文化等各方面的交流日益频繁,法律翻译的重要性也日益凸显。中国不仅是世界上的人口大国,同时也是世界上的立法大国。现在已经有包括宪法在内的重要法律法规、部门和地方性法规等3 000多部,近几年更是以每周制定一部新法的速度递增(潘庆云,1997)。因此,法律翻译的迫切性更加显著。 一、目的论的提出 长久以来翻译界一直就翻译标准进行了长期的争论,是采用"直译"与"意译"、"归化"与"异化"、"可译"与"不可译"。以往的研究大多从微观的角度进行,忽视了法律文本翻译应该重视的法律文本的功能及翻译的目的(李克兴、张新红,2006)。然而任何交际行为都有意图或目的,书面文本的意向性尤其突出(张新红,1998)。1971年,赖斯在《翻译批评的潜力与制约》一书中,虽然坚持以原作为中心的等值理论,但是在实践中发现有些等值是不可能实现的并且也不需要刻意追求实现的。因此,赖斯认为译者应该优先考虑译文的功能特征而不是对等原则。1978年赖斯的学生弗米尔(Hans Vermeer)在《普通翻译理论的框架》中,率先提出重社会文化及交际功能的翻译目的理论,摆脱了以原语为中心的等值论的束缚,提出了目的论(Skopos Theory),奠定了德国功能主义的理论基石。目的论突破了对等理论的局限,打破了以原文为中心的等值翻译理论,更加注重译文的功效及译者的主功能动性,为翻译工作提供了一种新的视角及方法策略。 二、目的论 Skopos Theory在希腊语中表示"目的""目标"。奈达认为决定翻译的首要因素是"目的"(Nord, 1997:27)。目的论认为,"译者的任务是为了一个既定的目的在不同的语言和文化群体之间搭起一座理解的桥梁",这个理论的中心是任何行动都是有其目的,行动执行者要根据实际环境等因素选择一种最恰当的方式方法来达到其预定的目标。因此,翻译作为一种行动,译者也会根据其翻译目的,参考所有的有关因


?法律英语典型句型的翻译 ?1. OTHERWISE ?2. SUBJECT TO ?3. WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO ?4. WHERE ?5. ANY PERSON WHO DOES... SHALL ... ?6. FOR THE PURPOSE(S) OF ... ?7. PROVIDED THAT ... ?8. NOTWITHSTANDING ... ?9. SA VE.../ EXCEPT (FOR)... ?10. IN RESPECT OF… 1.OTHERWISE ?Otherwise 在法律英语中的用法: ?跟unless引导的句子(让步状语从句)连用; ?置放在连词or之后使用; ?与than一起,通常用来否定句子的主语。 例1 OTHERWISE ?In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, "state" means a territory or group of territories having its own law of nationality. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap.30, Wills Ordinance, Art. 2) ?在本条例中﹐除文意另有所指外, “国家”指拥有本身国籍法的领域或一组领域。 例2 OTHERWISE ? A notice under subjection (1) shall, unless it otherwise provides, apply to the income from any property specified therein as it applies to the property itself. ?根据第(1)款发出的通知书﹐除其中另有订定外﹐亦适用于通知书内指明的财产的收入﹐一如适用于该项财产本身。 例3 OTHERWISE Any person who by threats, persuasion or otherwise induces a witness or a party not to give evidence in any hearing before the Board commits an offence. ?任何人籍恐吓﹑怂恿或以其它手段诱使证人或一方当事人不在仲裁处聆讯中作证﹐即属犯罪。 例4 OTHERWISE ?If 2 or more persons are defendants to a claim, as partners or otherwise, a process may be served on any of them and an award may be obtained and execution issued against any person so served


一、律师部分 案件受理费 court acceptance fee 案情重大、复杂 important and complicated case 案由 cause of action 案子 case 包揽诉讼 monopolize lawsuits 被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件) 被诉人 respondent; defendant 本地律师 local counsel 毕业证 diploma; graduation certificate 辩护词 defense; pleadings 辩护律师 defense lawyer 辩护要点 point of defense 辩护意见 submission 财产租赁 property tenancy 裁定书 order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定) 裁决书 award(用于仲裁) 裁决书 verdict(用于陪审团) 采信的证据 admitted evidence; established evidence 草拟股权转让协议 drafting agreement of assignment of equityinterests 查阅法条 source legal provisions 出差 go on errand; go on a business trip

出具律师意见书 providing legal opinion 出示的证据 exhibit 出庭 appear in court 传票 summons; subpoena 答辩状 answer; reply 代理词 representation 代理房地产买卖与转让 agency for sale and transfer of real estate 代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记agency for notarization,trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate andincorporations 代理仲裁 agency for arbitration 代写文书 drafting of legal instruments 待决案件pending case 当事人陈述 statement of the parties 第三人 third party 吊销执业证 revocation of lawyer license 调查笔录investigative record 调查取证 investigation and gathering for evidence 调解 mediation 调解书 mediation 二审案件 case of trial of second instance 发送电子邮件 send e-mail 法律顾问legal consultants 法律意见书 legal opinions


法律格言英文 导读:本文是关于格言大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、犯罪对公共利益的危害越大,制止人们犯罪的手段就应该越强有力。 The greater the harm of crime to public interests, the more powerful the means to stop people from committing crimes should be. 2、受刑者不应被当作受辱者,而应被当作悔过者重新回归社会。 The victim should not be treated as a humiliated person, but as a repentant person to return to society. 3、公心在胸,不止一事一案;廉字当头,贵乎贯穿始终。 Public heart is in the mind, not just one case; honest words are the first, and it is precious throughout the whole process. 4、人心是杆秤,法律是准绳。 The human heart is a bar scale, and the law is the criterion. 5、听讼当庭审公正办案则是非明辨,断案凭证据严肃依法则曲直分明。 It is not clear to handle a case impartially when hearing a lawsuit, but it is clear to judge a case by serious evidence


法律英语重要词汇Torts 1、Intentional torts: (1)Intentional torts against person: Assault and battery ②False imprisonment ③Infliction of mental distress ④Defamation (libel and slander) ⑤Invasion of the right of privacy Misrepresentation (2)Intentional torts against property: Trespass to land ②Trespass to personal property ③Nuisance Conversion 2、Unintentional torts ---Negligence 3、Strict liability. Quiz 1 1. 诽谤,损毁他人名誉n. defamation / adj. defamatory 2. 公布,公开n. publication 3. 挪用,盗用(公款)v. embezzle / n. embezzlement

4. 恶意malice 5. 不动产realty ; 动产personalty 6. 虚假陈述misrepresentation 7. 扣押,拘留v. detain / n. detention 8. 留置lien 9. 因果关系causation 10. 诉讼费用costs 11. 特权privilege 12. 口头诽谤slander 13.(对他人不动产的)滋扰或妨害nuisance 14. 侵占(他人动产)conversion 15. 不可预见的unforeseeable / unforeseeablility 16可预见性foreseeability 17. 跟单买卖documentary sale 18. 适当的理由,充分的根据probable cause 19. 重新审判的动议motion for new trial 20. 公众人物public figure 21. 未经他人允许将他人的姓名或肖像擅自用于商业用途 The appropriation of a person’s name or picture for commercial purposes without permission 22. 法定(为法律所认定或认可)的损害


Unit 1 Section A 1.在法学家的眼中,合同只是包含双方当事人意思一致的条款。合同经常被用于达成许诺的表示,法律会予以执行或至少会以某种方式加以确认。英国法将合同定义为随着要约和承诺出现的一种协议。一方当事人做出要约,另一方当事人接受要约。当这些发生的时候(提供其他必要的因素,即约因和订立合同的意向存在),合同也就形成了。 2.在对合同定义的探讨中一些法学家认为承诺或者协议都不能完整的描述合同的定义。法学家们声称《美国合同法重述》忽略了契约的本质,即等价交换是合同的本质。没有迹象表明合同应该是双方的事务,一方承诺为某些事情,另一方承诺给予相应的报酬。因此说合同是一个承诺就忽略了一个事实,即在承诺成为一个合同之前,通常有一些行为或承诺是为了其他承诺做出的。甚至说,合同是由没有迹象表明它们是作为对其他承诺回报的一系列承诺构成的。但是如果认为所有的合同都是一方提供商品,一方给予对等的价值交换的真诚契约,这种想法是错误的。 3.每一个承诺都是一种协议,由多个承诺构成的每个人的对价也是一种协议。协议意味着两个或两个以上的人对同样的事情上达成一致的意思表示。它可能会产生法律义务,也可能不会产生法律义务,在这个层面上,并不是所有的协议在法律上都是可执行的。 4.这些学者还是对这些定义持不同观点,他们认为依据合同承诺或契约所作解释的先决条件是当事人业已达成协议或承诺之后构成了合同关系。事实上,情况并非总是如此。人们有时候进行交易并不是基于先前的承诺或协议。典型例子就是同时发生的买卖交易。在商场里买东西然后为所买物品支付相应对价。 5.毫无疑问这些都是合法的合同,但是却被人看作是由协议或承诺产生的合同。在这种情况下坚持认为在交换金钱和物品前要有先协议或一系列承诺存在意味着双方当事人有时间受法律约束去履行他们的承诺或协议。但情况不一定就是这样。还必须认识到这也可能是很好的主张,即就法律意图而言,在买卖进行之前就有隐含的协议存在。 6.承诺和协议无疑接近于合同概念的中心,但是至少有两种其他的想法也很接近中心。一种观点是诱导他人依赖于他,并促使其改变立场的人,不应该让人失望。另一种观点是帮他人的忙,致使其获得利益的人,一般都应该为其所造成的困境而获得赔偿。合同义务经常被强加到一些对谁都没有承诺或同意承担责任的人身上。为了使结果与传统上对合同的定义相协调,可以采用两种方式。一种是依赖于隐含的协议或承诺,另一种是责任被强加的并不属于真正的合同,但实质上却是一种不同类型的法律责任,比如说,侵权行为责任。 7.实际上,我们可以从1973年柏林农场诉美国棉花运输联盟案中得出合同的定义。那一年美国农场棉花的价格以惊人的速度增长。原因有:中国的大量需求,棉花种植地区多雨的天气,因大雨而推迟种植以及美元的贬值。当年在棉花的种植前,棉花种植者就会与棉花购买者先订立期货交易合同,在不保证棉花的质量和重量的前提下等到棉花收获时每磅以固定的价格卖给棉花的需求者。然后农场会利用这个合同负担培育棉花。 8.在1973年初,棉花种植者以每磅30美分与同时期棉花市场差不多的价格制定了合同。


法律英语词汇大全完美 版 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

法律渊源s o u r c e o f l a w 制定法 statute 判例法 case law; precedent 普通法 common law 特别法 special law 固有法 native law; indigenous law 继受法 adopted law 实体法 substantial law 程序法 procedural law 原则法 fundamental law 例外法 exception law 司法解释 judicial interpretation 习惯法 customary law 公序良俗 public order and moral 自然法 natural law 罗马法 Roman Law 私法 private law 公法 public law 市民法 jus civile 万民法 jus gentium 民法法系 civil law system 英美法系 system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系 civil law system 普通法 common law 大陆法 continental law 罗马法系 Roman law system 衡平法 equity; law of equity 日尔曼法 Germantic law 教会法 ecclesiastical law 寺院法 canon law 伊斯兰法 Islamic law 民法法律规范 norm of civil law 授权规范 authorization norm 禁止规范 forbidding norm 义务性规范 obligatory norm 命令性规范 commanding norm 民法基本原则 fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则 principle of equality 自愿原则 principle of free will 公平原则 principle of justice 等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange 诚实信用原则 principle of good faith 行为 act 作为 ac 不作为 omission 合法行为 lawful act 违法行为 unlawful act 民事权利权利能力 civil right 绝对权 absolute right 相对权 relative right 优先权 right of priority 先买权 preemption 原权 antecedent right 救济权 right of relief 支配权 right of dominion 请求权 right of claim 物上请求权 right of claim for real thing 形成权 right of formation 撤销权 right of claiming cancellation


关于英语名言句 关于英语名言句 关于英语名言句精选: 1. Be sift to hear, slo to speak.多听少说。 So nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。 3. Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.随遇而安。 4. Be slo to promise and quik to perform.不轻诺,诺必果。 5. Beteen the up and the lip a morsel ma slip.功亏一篑。 Beteen to stools one falls to the ground.脚踏两头要落空。 7. Better an open enem than a false friend.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 8. Better an empt purse than an empt head.宁可钱袋瘪,不要脑袋空。 9. Better good neighbours near than relations far XX.远亲不如近邻。 10. Be just to all, but trust not all.要公正对待所有的人,但不要轻信所有的人。 关于英语名言句: 1. Never sa die.永不气馁! Nurture passes nature.教养胜过天性。 3. Nothing is impossible!没有什么不可能! 4. Believe that god is fair.相信上帝是公平的。 5. Adversit is a good disipline.苦难是磨练人的好机会。


浅谈法律英语教程 随着我国法律体系的逐步完善,法学教学与研究也得到日益深入地发展。为使从事涉外法律实务的工作人员提高英语水平,在工作中更加得心应手,本站特意收录的这部法律英语下载教程希望它能成为法律工作者阅读英美法学原篇、领略法学经典的垫脚石、敲门砖。 法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of theLaw,即法律语言,在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。从此概念可以看出,法律英语所使用的语言不仅是英语本身,还包括其它语种,如法语、拉丁文等。 法律英语特点: 第一、词汇特点,准确用词与模糊语言的同时出现,尤其是立法语言常把准确性与模糊性这一矛盾纳入同一法律规范。根据严格解释原则,在适用法律时,书面文字是法官解释法律文件的唯一依据,因此法律语言用词造句必须十分准确。法律语言尤其是立法语言中很少使用描绘性形容词,而且对表示时间、范围、程度等副词使用极为严格,为了避免不必要的歧义。

同时,为了追求语意确切、论证周详,法律语言中常使用同义、近义词。如《香港刑法摘要》(Digest of Hong Kong CriminalLaw)第八章关于参加暴动并阻碍船舶、飞机、或者铁路列车罪中规定It is an offence for any persontaking part in a riot to unlawfully and with force (a)prevent ,hinderor obstruct ,or attempt to prevent,hinder,or obstruct,the loading orunloading,or the movement of ;or (b)board,or attempt to board withintent to do so ;any motor vehicle,tramcar ,aircraft ,train or vessel. 然而在现实中,有许多案子是由于对法律文字的理解不一造成的,这就有赖于法官在具体案件中对法律条文进行解释。如:某一民间贷款协议中写道I will pay back in a year ,双方当事人对in 产生不同理解,一方认为是within 之意(在之内),另一方则认为是after 之意(在之后)。 法律语言的模糊性,是指某些法律条文或法律表述在语义上不能确指,一般用于涉及法律事实的性质、范围、程度、数量无法明确的情况。法律模糊语言包括:(1)模糊附加词即附加在意义明确的表达形式之前、可使本来意义精确的概念变模糊的词语,如about ,or so. (2)模糊词语,即有些词及其表达形式本身就是模糊的,如reasonable ,good.(3)模糊蕴涵有的词概念清晰却含有模糊意义,如night[英国法律中为了区分夜盗罪(burglary)与为抢劫而侵入住宅罪(house-breaking),立法上采用了night 一词,然后将其解释为日落后一小时至日出前一小时;然而各地所处时区不一样,实际中还是难以把握.


一、 action 诉讼 to bring an action/lawsuit against sb. 向某人提起诉讼,到法院告某人 defendant 被告 appellant 上诉人 appellee 被上诉人 cause of action 案由 transaction 交易 to join sb. as plaintiff/defendant 与某人共同起诉、把某人作为第三人被告合并起诉to make a complete determination of a controversy彻底解决争端 to be liable 负有责任 to rest on 依靠,依赖 adversary 敌手,对手;敌对的 adversary system 抗辩制 advocate 用户,提倡;拥护者,辩护者 produce 拿出,出示 evidence 证据 inquisitorial 纠问的 civil law tradition 大陆法传统 presentation 介绍,陈述 intervene 干涉,介入 safeguard 预防措施,保证条款;保护 prevalence 流行,盛行 manifold 多种多样的 contest 比赛 interested 有利害关系的 resolution 解决 to bear the burden of 承担 to reduce... to 把.....降为,把......归纳为 unbiased 无偏见的 satisfy 满足,符合 critic 批评者 merit 事实真相,是非曲直 phase 阶段 reside 属于,归于 affirmative 肯定的,积极的 join 合并 to be liable to sb. for sth. 因某事对某人负有责任 to rest on 依靠 to reside in/with 属于 二、 allege 声称 allegation 声称

英语名言警句50句 中英对照

001 The sting of a reproach,is the truth of it. 指责带给你刺痛,正是它的忠实之处。 002 Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher. 美德和幸福犹如母女。 003 TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 行善者,人人铭记之。 004 It’s the easiest thing in the world for a man to dec eive himself. 自欺是世上最易之事。 005 ’Tis easier to prevent bad hadits than to breadk them. 防止染上恶习远比消除恶习容易。 006 An old man in a house is a good sign. 家中有老是一个好迹象。 007 Speak with contempt of none,form slave to king,the meanest bee,and will use,a sting. 别用言词贬低任何人,无论国王还是奴隶。最卑戝的蜜蜂也 008 Beware,beware!he’ll cheat’ithout scruple,who can without fear. 当心,当心!行骗而无所畏惧者,也将无所顾虑。 009 How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults.or resolution enough to mend them! 承认并改正错误,需要有足够的勇气和决心 010 If thou dost ill,the joy fades,not the pains;if well,the pain doth fade,the joy remains. 你若作恶,消失的是快乐而非痛苦;你若行善,消失的 011 Trick and treachery are the practice if fools,that have not wit enough to be honest. 傻瓜习惯于诡计和背判的伎俩,他们还没聪明到学会真诚待人 012 Great beauty,great stength,and great riches,are really and truly of no great use;a right heart exceeds all. 貌美,力大,有钱,实无大益;一 013 Let our fathers and garandfathers be valued for their goodness,ourselves for our own. 让父亲和祖辈因他们的善行受到尊重,让我们因我们自己的 014 Thirst after desert,not reward. 渴求美德而非奖赏。 015 If thou injurest conscience,it will have its revenge on thee. 伤害良心,将受到良心的严惩。 016 If thou wouldest live long,live well;for folly and wickedness shorten life. 若欲求长寿,生活须行善,因为蠢行和邪恶会把生命缩短。

法律英语 课程大纲

《法律英语》教学大纲 Legal English一、说明 1、课程的性质、地位和任务 《法律英语》是依据《大学英语教学大纲》对大学英语应用提高阶段在专业英语方面的教学要求,适应中国加入世贸组织后进一步扩大对外交流形式的需要,以培养更多既有扎实法律专业知识又精通外语的法律人才的需求,所开设的法学专业本科必修课程的课程。 本课程以英美为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。 本课程历时一个学期,其教学目的旨在培养和提高学生在法律领域里应用英语的能力。在教师的指导下,学生通过阅读一些精选的法律类英语文章掌握法学基本概念和基本理论以及专业术语。在教学过程中着重于扩大学生的专业词汇量,提高学生的英语阅读理解水平。同时,本课程采用个人发言和小组讨论等多种形式以增加学生的语言实践机会,使他们能将专业知识与英语知识很好地结合,最终具有较强的英语口头交流能力和翻译能力。 2、课程教学的基本要求 (一)使学生正确理解课程的性质,全面了解课程的体系、结构,对法学专业英语有一个整体的认识; (二)使学生掌握基本词汇和表达方式; (三)密切联系实际,通过分析研究法学领域的国外案例和法学名家的文章节选,加深对法学知识的理解和掌握;能把英语的学习融入到对法学理论与实践的认识和研究中,以提高运用英语的能力; 二、教学大纲内容 本课程在学习内容的安排上兼顾英语语言的学习应用和法律专业知识两个方面。 (一)Introduction to Legal English 导论(2课时) 1、基本要求 (1)To categorize law in different ways (2)To learn how to read cases (3)To learn the skills of presenting


摘 要:针对目前国内法律英语翻译中存在的一些问题,本文全面系统地总结了法律英语的基本特征,法律英语翻译需遵循的原则和基本方法,介绍了影响法律英语翻译的一些因素,如文化的差异、法系的差异和思维方式的差异等,希望能够对提高我国的法律英语翻译的整体水平有所帮助。 关键词:法律英语 英语翻译 文化差异 法系差异 心理思维差异 法律英语,是以英语为基础,用以表述法律科学概念及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语,它是在立法和司法等活动中形成和使用的具有法律专业特点的语言。法律英语特点鲜明,在词汇使用上庄重规范,书面语多,句法结构纷繁复杂,大量使用祈使句、被动语态、综合复杂句以及虚拟语气等。法律英语目前已经成为法律与英语中的一门交叉学科,在社会上日益得到广泛的重视和应用,本文主要对法律英语翻译进

行了总结分析,希望能够对法律英语翻译的进一步发展有所帮助。 一、法律英语的特征 法律英语就其文体来说属于职业专用英语,是一种正式的书面语体,是应用语的一个分支,也是具有良好发展前景的一种语种。其行文庄重、结构严谨、表达准确。作为一种专用英语,法律英语在词汇的使用、句法的安排、文体的选择上都有自己独有的特征,具体来说: 1.句法特征 句法特征是法律英语特征的重要组成部分,常包括惯用长句,分词短语使用普遍(为了清晰地表达句意,法律英语往往更多地使用分词短语来代替从句做定语、状语或宾语),介词和介词短语使用频率高,条件从句使用率高。法律英语句法的这些特征是我们研究和对其进行翻译时所必须深入考虑和分析的。 2.词汇特征

词汇特征是法律英语特征的又一重要组成部分,具体来说分为使用法律专门术语(法律英语在长期的法律实践中逐渐形成了一些具有个性化色彩的法律语言);拉丁语频繁被使用(由于历史和现实的原因,拉丁语在英美法律实践中频繁被使用);相对词义的词语大量涌现;普通词语被赋予法律含义,如Party在法律英语中被理解为“当事人”等。 3.文体特征 法律英语属于书面英语。在起草法律文件时,严密准确是法律英语最重要的最基本的要求和特征。只有严密准确的法律英语才能保障法律的权威性,才能更好地反映立法意图并体现立法原则,才能更好地维护法律双方当事人的利益,才能更好地便于对法律进行解读和执行,从而有利于提高整个社会的法制水平。 二、法律英语翻译 1.法律英语翻译的一般原则

法律英语词汇大全 完美版

法律渊源s o u r c e o f l a w 制定法 statute 判例法 case law; precedent 普通法 common law 特别法 special law 固有法 native law; indigenous law 继受法 adopted law 实体法 substantial law 程序法 procedural law 原则法 fundamental law 例外法 exception law 司法解释 judicial interpretation 习惯法 customary law 公序良俗 public order and moral 自然法 natural law 罗马法 Roman Law 私法 private law 公法 public law 市民法 jus civile 万民法 jus gentium 民法法系 civil law system 英美法系 system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系 civil law system 普通法 common law 大陆法 continental law 罗马法系 Roman law system 衡平法 equity; law of equity 日尔曼法 Germantic law 教会法 ecclesiastical law 寺院法 canon law 伊斯兰法 Islamic law 民法法律规范 norm of civil law 授权规范 authorization norm 禁止规范 forbidding norm 义务性规范 obligatory norm 命令性规范 commanding norm 民法基本原则 fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则 principle of equality 自愿原则 principle of free will 公平原则 principle of justice 等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange


关于法律的英语名言:法律有权打破平静 1、法律有权打破平静。 Law has the right to break the peace. 2、战鼓一响,法律无声。 Where drums beat, laws are silent. 3、法律一多,公正就少。 Laws one more, just little. 4、法律源于人的自卫本能。 Law is the result of self-preservation. 5、法律是一种强制性秩序。 Law is a kind of mandatory order. 6、法律之内,应有天理人情在。 Within the law, should have them in. 7、有多少罪孽就会有多少法律。 How many SINS will be how many laws. 8、法律只但是是咱们意志的记录。

Law is only but we will record. 9、水者火之备,法者止奸之禁也。 Water is a case of fire, legislators stop rape of the ban also. 10、好法律是由坏风俗创造出来的。 The good law is created by the bad custom. 11、举证职责之所在,即败诉之所在。 The responsibility of proof, namely the losing. 12、宪法,就是一张写着人民权利的纸。 The constitution, is a piece of paper written on the rights of the people. 13、法律和制度务必跟上人类思想进步。 Be sure to keep up with the progress in human thought of law and system. 14、法律地在暴力面前是没有发言权的。 The law is no say in the presence of violence. 15、法无授权不得为,法无禁止不得罚。 Law without authorization shall not, without prohibited shall not be punished. 16、法律因罪恶而发展,并且惩办罪恶。 Legal development for their SINS, and punish the evil.


Legal English 考试分数占70 上课回答问占10 Presentation 占20 客观题 填空 主观题 名词解释 占20 判断 占80 简答题 选择 翻译 论述题 第一章 总体介绍 重点 前五个 关键词 法系 英美法特点 两个主义 遵循先例 三推一 1.【legal family 】 The doctrine of legal families seeks to establish common groups, identifying similar legal practices, activities and subject matter and thereby classifying the entirety of global legal transactions and activities into "families" according to particular criteria. The traditional and almost exclusive focus on the continental European and Anglo-American systems. 法系的信条是争取建立共同的团体,识别相似的法律实践,活动和主题从而将整个全球法律事务和活动分为“家庭”根据特定的标准。传统的和几乎独有的法律都集中在欧洲大陆和英美系统。 Main characteristic ① In the way of thinking and mode of operation of law, the common law system is the use of inductive methods. 归纳法 ② in the legal form, the case law plays an important role.判例法很重要 ③In the classification of the law, common law there is not strictly department law In the classification of the law, common law there is not strictly department law 普通法无严格分类 ④In education law area, common law in the United States is mainly located in vocational education.职业教育 ⑤In the legal profession, judges of the Federal Court of Justice are generally from lawyers. 从律师做到法官 4.【遵循先例原则】


Research in the Translations of Legal English Polly Abstract This research paper summarizes the basic characteristics of legal English, some principles to obey and some skills to use when translating the legal English into Chinese. In addition ,I introduce some factors affecting the translation of legal English such as lexicon and culture background. Doing such research benefits my study both in law and English.Since I am a law-major student, this research is very helpful for improving my knowledge in law and translation.It is a worthy research to do for an ET-class student in the same way. Contents 1.Introduction (4) 2.Characteristics of Legal English..........................................................................................4-6 Lexicon characteristics.....................................................................................................4-5 Syntactic Characteristics..................................................................................................5-6 Factors Affecting the Translations of Legal English...........................................................6-7 Lexicon factors.. (6) Culture Background Factors (7) Principles of Translations in legal English..........................................................................7-8 Solemnity. (7) Accuracy (8) 5.Conclusion...........................................................................................................................8-9 Introduction Translation is a comprehensively complicated procedure.It is cross-linguistic,cross-culture and cross-social.Meanwhile,translation procedure is not just a language transforming procedure.It is more about a culture transforming procedure.Legal English, as for its own literary style,it should be formal when used into profession career.Therefore, legal English is a specific and professional language as a variant in the whole English register. There are particular expressing ways and norms in legal English, because countries who use common law make them happen gradually by juridical practices. Consequently, legal English is quite different from common English, with forming its own special literary style. Due to the different histories and customs in different countries’ legal systems, although they have familiar juridical sources,their legal construction can not easily be familiar.Translation of legal English involves comparasion to different legal systems while trying best to make the translation match the original text.Translators have to master the characteristics and culture of legal English so that to better translation works. Characteristics of Legal English Lexicon characteristics Lexicon is the basis of language.According to Mellinkoff's Dictionary of American Legal Usage: “Lexicon of legal English is divided into six types including profession law terms, old English vocabulary, loanwords which the etymology is Latin and French words, common words with professional meaning,formal words and words in pairs”(Mellinkoff .6)
