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7-1 Red Planet 7-2 Lost in the Jungle 7-3 The Broken Roof 7-4 The Lost Key 7-5 The Willow Pattern Plot 7-6 Submarine Adventure 7-7 The Motorway 7-8 The Bully 7-9 The Hunt for Gold 7-10 Chinese Adventure 7-11 Roman Adventure 7-12 The Jigsaw Puzzle 7-13 The Power Cut 7-14 Australian Adventure 7-15 The Riddle Stone Part 1 7-16 The Riddle Stone Part 2 7-17 A Sea Mystery 7-18 The Big Breakfast 7-19 The Joke Machine 7-1 Red Planet Wilf came to play with Chip. They made a rocket ship out of bits and pieces. The rocket ship looked quite good. Wilf and Chip played in the rocket ship. They pretended to be spacemen. “The rocket is going to take off,” said Wilf. “Five…four…three…two…” Floppy ran up. He wanted to get in the rocket ship with Wilf and Chip. “Go away, Floppy,” called Chip. “The rocket is going to take off!” Nadim came to play. He had his computer with him, but he liked the look of the rocket ship. He wanted to play in it too. Just then, it began to rain. “There’s not room for all of us,” said Chip. “Let’s go inside and play with Nadim’s computer.” They played a game on the computer. It was called Red Planet. They had to land a rocket on the planet. Wilf and chip crashed the rocket. Nadim didn’t. he was good at the game. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. Chip and Wilf pulled Nadim away from the computer and ran into Biff’s room. “Come on,” called Chip. “It’s time for an adventure.” The magic took them to a rocket ship. It took Floppy too. The rocket looked as if it was about to take off, but the door was open. Nadim wanted to look inside the rocket. “Come on,” he called. Chip didn’t want to go inside. “It may not be safe,” he said. “Why not?” said Nadim. “This is a magic adventure.” They went inside the rocket. There was nobody there. “Look at this computer,” said Nadim. Floppy jumped up and put his paw on a button. Five…four…three…two…one. The rocket began to take off. Up it went and out into space. “Oh no!” said Chip. “I don’t know where we’re going.” They began to float about inside the rocket. Nadim found some boots. He put them on. “We must put these boots on,” he said. “They will keep us down on the floor.” They went to the window and looked out. They saw a big red planet. “We are going to land on that planet,” said Nadim. “We will soon be there.” Nadim made the rocket land. “I wouldn’t like to do that again,” he said. “It’s a good job Nadim knows about computers,” thought Wilf. “I wouldn’t like to crash here.” There was red dust all over the planet. There were red rocks and red mountains. Floppy didn’t like the look of it. He began to bark and bark. “There are no trees,” he thought. They wanted to go


2020 牛津阅读树学习心得文档Contract Template

牛津阅读树学习心得文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,报告一般是指适用于下级向上级机关汇报工作,反映情况,答复上级机关的询问。按性质的不同,报告可划分为:综合报告和专题报告;按行文的直接目的不同,可将报告划分为:呈报性报告和呈转性报告。体会指的是接触一件事、一篇文章、或者其他什么东西之后,对你接触的事物产生的一些内心的想法和自己的理解 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 牛津阅读树学习心得篇1 我们家是从去年9月份左右开始读牛津树,到现在已经坚持了快要一年了。两个娃一个当时3岁一个5岁,从Stage1已经阅读到stage6了。 在这期间也买过好多其他的英文读物,但是孩子们就喜欢牛津树,所以几乎这9个月的时间都是在读这套分级读物。 我的孩子从0起点到现在的突飞猛进,全拜这套书,这是我们接触的分级读物中最好的,没有之一。 据说牛津树是教材,有人就当做真正上课的教材给孩子教。 我觉得这个是对牛津树极大的误解。我们是这样有效且快乐的阅读的: 1.阅读它没有任何功利,享受绘本的无穷乐趣,牛津树的乐趣是绝无仅有的。 我根本没有看什么阅读指导,只是专注于亲子阅读中是否得

到了快乐。不得不说,牛津树是我们购买的所有绘本中最搞笑和有趣的。而且你需要善于发现。阅读的时候不要在意孩子学会了多少英文单词,而是我们是否每次都有乐趣。生活化可以模拟的情节、经常偷看的邻居叔叔、搞笑的经常飞起的帽子、时不时出现的眼镜、在背后搞笑的Floopy。每次拿出一本新书,孩子们就欢呼着一起来找这些“包袱”。 牛津树的画面非常丰富,我们常常会讨论里面的细节。例如Thefrightinthenight这本书,孩子们会模仿Biff的恶作剧,会讨论书中说的两个bedroom是哪两个,会研究Gran的卧室和厨房里面都有些什么和我们家有什么不同。牛津树真是非常精致的一本书,你会发现每个孩子和大人都有固定的穿着,孩子们有固定喜欢的玩具等等,何等精细的制作! 2.安排个合适的阅读时间 我是安排在睡前半小时阅读,孩子们每次读完书就必须去睡觉。孩子们读完有些恋恋不舍,就会要求我再读读Beforereading 和Afterreading。通过读Beforereading,孩子们掌握了常见字。现在孩子可以自主阅读牛津树。我3岁的儿子已经可以自主阅读到Stage5,女儿可以自主阅读到Stage3or4. 孩子们还将Stage5中的一个故事带去参加CCTV英语风采比赛。 3.安排合适的时间听音频 坐车在路上是个非常无聊的时刻,我刻录了牛津树的音频在车上。牛津树的音频有的部分挺搞笑,孩子们听了会嘎嘎大笑。


内容文字3牛津阅读树.3-1 The Steel Band. A band came to play. “My name is Stan,”said a man.

“I want you to help us.” “I want you to clap,”he said. “Clap your hands and tap your feet.” “I want you to sing a song.”“Sing it with us.” The children sang with the band. “Now clap as you sing”said Stan. “Who wants to play in the band?” The children put up their hands. Everyone wanted to play. “You can all play,”said Stan. Wilf hit the drum. “Tap it,”said Stan. “Don't bang it.” What a grand band! 1. Stan[st?n] n. [男子名]斯坦(Stanley 的昵称)(m.) 2. tap[英] [t?p] vt. 开发;(从容器等)汲取(液体);割[打]开…取[放]液体vi. 轻声走;跳踢踏舞 3. bang [英] [b??] vt. 猛击,猛撞 2

3-2 Pond Dipping. Wilf and Wilma were at the pond. The net got stuck. “Help me pull,”said Wilf. They pulled the net. It was stuck on some junk. Wilma got a big stick. “Let's pull it out,”she said. Wilf and Wilma pulled. They couldn't pull the junk out. Mum and Dad helped. They pulled out an old pram. Plop! A frog hopped out. It made Wilf jump. Splash! A fish jumped up. “A pram full of fish,”said Dad. “Pram dipping!”said Wilma. 4. stuck[英] [st?k] v. 刺(stick 的过去式及过去分词) adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被…缠住的;被…难住的,不知所措 5. junk[英] [d???k] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船; 6. pram[英] [pr?m] n. <英>(手推的)婴儿车;(送牛奶的)手推车;平底船 7. plop[英] [pl?p] n. 扑通声,啪嗒声vi. 扑通地坠落 8. hop out[英] [h?p aut] [体]后摆;跳下 3


5-1 The Magic Key 5-2 Pirate Adventure 5-3 The Dragon Tree 5-4 Gran 5-5 Castle Adventure 5-6 Village in the Snow 5-7 The Whatsit 5-8Underground Adventure 5-9 Vanishing Cream 5-10 It’s Not Fair 5-11The Great Race 5-12 A Monster Mistake 5-13 The New Baby 5-14 Camping Adventure 5-15 Scarecrows 5-16 Noah’s Ark Adventure 5-17 A New Classroom 5-18 Mum to the Rescue 5-19 Sleeping Beauty 5-20 The Adventure Park 5-21 Kipper and the Trolls 5-22 Safari Adventure 5-23 Dad’s Run 5-24 Drawing Adventure 5-1 The Magic Key The box was by Chip’s bed. Something was glowing inside it. Chip looked at the box. “It’s magic,” he said. Chip ran into Biff’s room. “Biff,” he called. “Look at the box.” Biff and Chip looked at the box. Something was glowing inside it. They opened the box. They looked inside. “It’s magic,” they said. A key was in the box. The key was glowing. “It’s a magic key,”said Biff. She picked up the key and the magic began. Biff and Chip got smaller and smaller and smaller. “Oh help!” said Biff. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip looked at the room. Everything looked big. “Look at my big slippers,” said Biff. “Everything looks big.” Chip picked up a pencil. “Look at this big pencil,” he said. Biff picked up a pin. “Look at this big pin,” she said. They looked at the house. It looked like a big house. The windows were glowing. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip ran to the house. They looked in the window. Biff went to the door. She pushed and pushed, but she couldn’t get in. They went to the window. Chip pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t get in. Something was coming. Chip picked up the pin. “Oh help!” he said. It was a little mouse. Biff and Chip looked at the mouse. The mouse ran away. Something was glowing. It was the magic key. Biff picked it up. Biff and Chip got bigger and bigger and bigger. “Oh no!” said Biff. “Oh help!” said Chip. “It’s the magic,” they said. The magic was over. “What an adventure!” said Biff and Chip. 5-2 Pirate Adventure Biff was looking at a book. The book was about pirates. “I don’t like pirates,” she said. Wilf and Wilma came to play. They went to Biff’s room. They looked at the little house. “It’s a

牛津阅读树 At School 学习笔记

牛津阅读树Wordsless At School 学习笔记: 1、牛津阅读树的难易分级:参考书后面的色带。见下表: Band Stage Lilac Stage 1 Pink Stage 1+ Red Stage 2 Yellow Stage 3 LightBlue Stage 4 Green Stage 5 Orange Stage 6 Turquoise Stage 7 Purple Stage 8 Gold Stage 9 White Stage 10 Lime Stage 11 Brown Stage 10,Stage11 Grey Stage 12,Stage13 DarkBlue Stage 13,Stage14 DarkRed Stage 15,Stage16 At school的色带是Lalic。 阅读内容难易程度来说,我一度以为无字书并不是最简单的,因为要让孩子和自己一起讨论,对于英语非母语的家长和孩子用英语讨论难度都好大。但从牛津阅读树系列介绍来看,无字书确实是英国安排小孩子最先看的系列,目的是锻炼首先孩子的读图能力和表达能力。因为阅读树的故事有丰富的情节,简单的词汇句子帮助孩子通过故事认单词学句子以至于逐渐从分享阅读导向导读到自主阅读,但并不能完全表达故事的意思,这就是绘本阅读和分级读物的区别所在吧。 2、对于英语非母语的我们怎么用无字书?达到什么目的?我个人体会,对于小宝宝来说看无字书可以帮助孩子认知故事书从左到右翻页发展的概念,短小精悍的故事也帮助读书耐心差的孩子培养兴趣,一般不会排斥。对于所有孩子都可以锻炼读图能力,表达能力,我觉得如果孩子英语听力零基础,家长口语表达也差的,不应该勉强用英语,可以先用中文看图说话和提问回答。但是书中有英文的地方,请大声郎读出来,需要解释就解释一遍,之后都用英语,比如at school,就要反复来念,第一次解释在幼儿园就可以,宝宝太小的话,幼儿园还可以要去参观一下才能有一定认知的。我们有音频资源,这一点可以帮助我们亲子共读时增色不少,我目前的体会是如果孩子没有排斥,读图没问题,有理解故事能力,可直接放音频,边放家长一边跟读模仿,鼓励孩子一起模仿他认为有趣的短语。家长有时候也听不全跟读不好,这时候是提前需要做足点儿功课的,否则孩子会因为你没有乐在其中而降低兴趣,跟读是为了增加兴趣而不是为了教学。孩子因为fun,模仿了一句话一个短语,就可鼓励他,在生活中找到应用情景,可以加深理解。At school的音频后面还有一首歌,跟唱也会很有乐趣。 3、at school 封面做场景介绍:Kipper很开心的玩耍。他在哪儿玩?At School!第一次读ORT,就介绍一下小男孩的名字叫kipper就可以。以后看别的书,孩子就认识这是kipper 了。 4、主线故事:kipper拉住栏杆不愿意进幼儿园,老师和小朋友们都欢迎他并邀请他一起玩,kipper看到lisa玩cooking游戏,其他小朋友们也都玩得很投入,kipper自己也开始玩cooking


精品教—-可编辑修改,可打印— — 别找了你想要的都有! 育资料 ——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件, 教学设计等一站式服务——Array 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教 学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教 学模式

6-1 In the Garden 6-2 Kipper and the Giant 6-3 The Outing 6-4 Land of the Dinosaurs 6-5 Robin Hood 6-6 The Treasure Chest 6-7 A Fright in the Night 6-8 Rotten Apples 6-9 The Laughing Princess 6-10 Christmas Adventure 6-11 The Go-Kart Race 6-12 The Shiny Key 6-13 Paris Adventure 6-14 The Stolen Crown Part 1 6-15 The Stolen Crown Part 2 6-16 Ship in Trouble 6-17 Homework! 6-18 Olympic Adventure 6-19 Dad’s Grand plan 6-20 Mirror Island 6-21 Don’t Be Silly 6-1 In the Garden Kipper went into Chip’s room and picked up the magic key. The key began to glow. “Oh help!” said Kipper. Kipper ran outside and looked for Biff and Chip. “Help!” he called. “The key is glowing.” Biff and Chip were playing with Wilf and Wilma. They were playing in the sandpit.


原版牛津阅读树无字书文本 12篇全

Day 1 At School It was Kipper's first day at school. He didn't want to go in. So he held onto the gate post. Kipper was shy. He hid in the cloakroom. “ Come Kipper played in the home corner. Kipper cooked a LEGO stew. It was the end of the day. Kipper didn't want to go home. What did he do? He held onto the gate post. Day 2 Getting Up Kipper brushed his teeth. He knew a secret. Kipper looked for his clothes and the surprise he had hid in his bottom drawer. Kipper got his shirt.

Kipper put on his trainers. The post lady arrived. She had a bigger pile of envelopes than usual. The surprise was for Dad. It was his birthday. Day 3 Look Out Kipper's friend lent him his road ripper. Kipper imagined he was a famous ripper rider in a race. Kipper whizzed around the house and screeched onto the lawn. “Oh.” Kipper didn't know how to stop the road ripper. Everyone taught Kipper how to be a careful rider. Day 4 The Haircut


萱妈讲如何使用牛津阅读树 一、为什么需要引入牛津阅读树? 先举个例子。 萱萱的词汇量不如我,她看新概念4基本能读懂,我则感觉困难一些,萱萱具备凭借少量单词能猜出整句话、整个段落的意思的本事,这个本领是在阅读哈利波特过程中构建起来的。我就算多数单词认识,可是等到理解整个句子时还是有些困难,需要反复看两遍才行。原因是她的阅读模式跟我不一样,她的阅读模式更好。这件事情还表明了词汇量大的不一定比词汇量少的阅读能力强,虽然一定的词汇量是必要的,但是更重要的是阅读模式! 为什么需要引入牛津阅读树?因为阅读哈利需要一定的词汇量和良好的阅读模式! 在花果山,申爸提出的就是蓝精灵和哈利波特,中间没有了。大申的情况是这样,他的学校英语单词抓得比较好,还有托尼培训帮他讲解了哈利波特最开始的76页,四年级的时候,申爸还买那种配有录音的《阅读训练》让大申跟读了很多英语阅读训练的短文,然后五年级边听边看哈利波特后,又看了好多遍神奇树屋。有了这些准备,大申才从蓝精灵顺利过渡到英文哈利波特。 那么一般的家长和家庭,比如说有的地区三年级才学英语,或者说学校里面英语单词抓的不好,那么在完全没有任何词汇量的情况下,就算把蓝精灵听得很好,听力水平很高,也是没有办法听读哈利波特的,也许能够听懂,但是没法阅读。 让孩子弄阅读树就是为了初步构建这种好的阅读模式,同时积累必要的词汇量,如果良好的阅读模式没有建立起来,日后哈利波特也没法阅读下去,因为生词太多了,有上万的词汇,没有正确的阅读模式是无法驾驭的。 所以,使用牛津阅读树的目的并不是掌握词汇,而是初步构建良好的阅读模式。让孩子从英语阅读的最开始就习惯于抓句子意思、段落主旨,乃至篇章主旨,而不是习惯于抓词汇意思。


牛津阅读树级 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

牛津阅读树2 2-1 A New Dog. Kipper wanted a dog. Everyone wanted a dog. everyone[英][?evriw?n]pron.每人,人人 They went to the dogs’ home. They looked at the dogs. Kipper wanted this dog. It was too big. Biff wanted this dog. It was too little. Mum wanted this dog. It was too strong. strong[英][str??]adj.强壮的 Everyone liked this dog. They took the dog home.

2-2 The Dream. dream[英][dri:m]vi.梦想;做梦Biff couldn’t sleep. sleep[英][sli:p]vi.睡,睡觉 Dad told her a story. story[英][?st?:ri]n.故事,传说 The story was about a dragon. Biff dreamed about the dragon. It was a nasty dragon. It was a very nasty dragon. nasty[英][?nɑ:sti]adj.肮脏的 Biff had to fight it. fight[英][fa?t]vi.战斗 Biff went downstairs. downstairs[英][?da?n?ste?z]adv.在楼下 Mum told her a story. The story was about a dolphin. dolphin[英][?d?lf?n]n.海豚 Biff dreamed about a dolphin. 2-3 New Trainers. trainer[英] [?tre?n?] n.运动鞋, 跑鞋


牛津阅读树 1 1-1 BIG Feet. Come and look at this. Come and look at this. Is it a big monster? Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Come and look at this. Is it a big giant? No. It is Dad. 1.monster英[?m?nst?(r)] n. 怪物;恶魔,恶人 2.dinosaur英[?da?n?s?:(r)] n. [生]恐龙,守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西 3.giant英[?d?a??nt] n. 巨人,大汉;巨兽,巨物;卓越人物 1-2 Go Away, Floppy. Go away, Floppy. Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. Go away, Floppy. We are painting. Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back. We are sorry. 1. skip英[sk?p] vi. 跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移 2.paint英[pe?nt] n. 颜料,涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰 3.floppy[英] [?fl?pi:] adj.松软的;懒散的

1-3 Hide and Seek. Can you see us? Can you see me? Yes, I can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. We can all see Dad. 1.hide英[ha?d] vt. 隐藏;躲避 2.seek英[si:k] vt. 寻找,探寻;追求,谋求 1-4 Look at Me. Look at me, Mum. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Oh, no! Look at me! 1. bike[ba?k] n. 自行车;摩托车;电动自行车 1-5Kipper's Diary. Monday: It was a wet day. Tuesday: It was a windy day. I went to the shops. Wednesday: It was a sunny day. I went to the pool.


—-可编辑修改,可打印—— 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务——

全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式 3-1 The Steel Band. A band came to play. “My name is Stan,” said a man. “I want you to help us.” “I want you to clap,” he said. “Clap your hands and tap your feet.” “I want you to sing a song.”“Sing it with us.” The children sang with the band. “Now clap as you sing”said Stan. “Who wants to play in the band?” The children put up their hands. Everyone wanted to play. “You can all play,”said Stan. Wilf hit the drum. “Tap it,”said Stan. “Don’t bang it.” What a grand band!

1. Stan[st?n] n. [男子名]斯坦(Stanley 的昵称)(m.) 2. tap[英] [t?p] vt. 开发;(从容器等)汲取(液体); 割[打]开…取[放]液体vi. 轻声走;跳踢踏舞 3. bang [英] [b??] vt. 猛击,猛撞 3-2 Pond Dipping. Wilf and Wilma were at the pond. The net got stuck. “Help me pull,” said Wilf. They pulled the net. It was stuck on some junk. Wilma got a big stick. “Let’s pull it out,” she said. Wilf and Wilma pulled. They couldn’t pull the junk out. Mum and Dad helped. They pulled out an old pram. Plop! A frog hopped out. It made Wilf jump. Splash! A fish jumped up. “A pram full of fish,” said Dad. “Pram dipping!” said Wilma. 4. stuck[英] [st?k] v. 刺(stick 的过去式及过去分词) adj.


牛津阅读树2 2-1 A New Dog. Kipper wanted a dog. Everyone wanted a dog. everyone[英][?evriw?n]pron.每人,人人 They went to the dogs’ home. They looked at the dogs. Kipper wanted this dog. It was too big. Biff wanted this dog. It was too little. Mum wanted this dog. It was too strong. strong[英][str??]adj.强壮的Everyone liked this dog. They took the dog home.

2-2 The Dream. dream[英][dri:m]vi.梦想;做梦Biff couldn’t sleep. sleep[英][sli:p]vi.睡,睡觉 Dad told her a story. story[英][?st?:ri]n.故事,传说 The story was about a dragon. Biff dreamed about the dragon. It was a nasty dragon. It was a very nasty dragon. nasty[英][?nɑ:sti]adj.肮脏的 Biff had to fight it. fight[英][fa?t]vi.战斗 Biff went downstairs. downstairs[英][?da?n?ste?z]adv.在楼下 Mum told her a story. The story was about a dolphin. dolphin[英][?d?lf?n]n.海豚 Biff dreamed about a dolphin.


牛津的阅读树3 (30本) 3-1 The Steel Band. 3-15 Kipper's Idea. 3-2 Pond Dipping. 3-16 Srawberry Jam. 3-3 Sniff. 3-17 The Jumble Sale. 3-4 The Duck Race. 3-18 The Snowman. 3-5 The Ice Rink. 3-19 At the Pool. 3-6 The Mud Bath. 3-20 Book Week. 3-7 Joe and the Bike. 3-21 Bull's-eye!. 3-8 Midge and the Eggs. 3-22 The Barbecue. 3-9 Midge in Hospital. 3-23 The Carnival. 3-10 Pip and the Little Monkey. 3-24 The Cold Day. 3-11 Pip at he Zoo. 3-25 A Cat in the Tree. 3-12 Roy and the Budgie. 3-26 By the Stream. 3-13 At the Seaside. 3-27 Nobody Wanted to Play. 3-14 Kipper the Clown. 3-28 On the Sand. 3-29 The Egg Hunt. 3-30 The Rope Swing.

3-1 The Steel Band. A band came to play. “My name is Stan,” said a man. “I want you to help us.” “I want you to clap,” he said. “Clap your hands and tap you feet.” “I want you to sing a song.” “Sing it with us.” The children sang with the band. “Now clap as you sing” said Stan. “Who wants to play in the band?” The children put up their hands. Everyone wanted to play. “You can all play,” said Stan. Wilf hit the drum. “Tap it,” said Stan. “Don’t bang it.” What a grand band! 1. Stan[st?n] n. [男子名]斯坦(Stanley 的昵称)(m.) 2. tap[英] [t?p]vt.开发;(从容器等)汲取(液体);割[打]开…取[放]液体vi.轻 声走;跳踢踏舞 3. bang [英] [b??]vt.猛击,猛撞 3-2 Pond Dipping. Wilf and Wilma were at the pond.


牛津阅读树心得体会范文3篇 牛津阅读树心得体会1 我们家是从去年9月份左右开始读牛津树,到现在已经坚持了快要一年了。两个娃一个当时3岁一个5岁,从Stage 1已经阅读到stage 6了。 在这期间也买过好多其他的英文读物,但是孩子们就喜欢牛津树,所以几乎这9个月的时间都是在读这套分级读物。 我的孩子从0起点到现在的突飞猛进,全拜这套书,这是我们接触的分级读物中最好的,没有之一。 据说牛津树是教材,有人就当做真正上课的教材给孩子教。 我觉得这个是对牛津树极大的误解。我们是这样有效且快乐的阅读的: 1. 阅读它没有任何功利,享受绘本的无穷乐趣,牛津树的乐趣是绝无仅有的。 我根本没有看什么阅读指导,只是专注于亲子阅读中是否得到了快乐。不得不说,牛津树是我们购买的所有绘本中最搞笑和有趣的。而且你需要善于发现。阅读的时候不要在意孩子学会了多少英文单词,而是我们是否每次都有乐趣。生活化可以模拟的情节、经常偷看的邻居叔叔、搞笑的经常飞起的帽子、时不时出现的眼镜、在背后搞笑的Floopy。每次拿出一本新书,孩子们就欢呼着一起来找这些“包袱”。 牛津树的画面非常丰富,我们常常会讨论里面的细节。例如The fright in the night这本书,孩子们会模仿Biff的恶作剧,会讨论书中说的两个bedroom 是哪两个,会研究Gran的卧室和厨房里面都有些什么和我们家有什么不同。牛津树真是非常精致的一本书,你会发现每个孩子和大人都有固定的穿着,孩子们有固定喜欢的玩具等等,何等精细的制作! 2. 安排个合适的阅读时间 我是安排在睡前半小时阅读,孩子们每次读完书就必须去睡觉。孩子们读完有些恋恋不舍,就会要求我再读读Before reading和After reading。通过读Before reading,孩子们掌握了常见字。现在孩子可以自主阅读牛津树。我3 岁的儿子已经可以自主阅读到Stage 5,女儿可以自主阅读到Stage 3 or 4. 孩子们还将Stage 5中的一个故事带去参加CCTV英语风采比赛。 3. 安排合适的时间听音频 坐车在路上是个非常无聊的时刻,我刻录了牛津树的音频在车上。牛津树的音频有的部分挺搞笑,孩子们听了会嘎嘎大笑。因为对绘本很熟悉,听这些音频完全没有障碍。在车上因为无所事事可以很认真地听。 兴趣是一切学习的关键,有了兴趣就事半功倍,只是你发现阅读牛津树的乐趣了吗?如果你真的把它当做教材,那时一个多么痛苦的过程。 我的孩子都没有去过培训班,前几天心血来潮想送去,可尴尬的是,孩子的英语阅读水平已经超过了同龄班级,但是去小学的班心智又跟不上就作罢了。 真心推荐这套书,关键是,你怎样用它,用对了吗? 牛津阅读树心得体会2 昨天和桐桐妈谈到牛津阅读树这套英文分级读物,不由自主的想和大家交流交流自己的一点心得,当然也期待从大家的分享中得到启迪。阅读在英文启蒙中的重要作用已不需赘述,但是如何选出适合自己孩子的书,并不像中文书那样让

概况 牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree说课讲解

概况牛津阅读树O x f o r d R e a d i n g T r e e

牛津阅读树 Oxford Reading Tree 牛津阅读树系列最大的特点就是它的连贯性。全套极为完整,且难度由浅入深,孩子读此书就像爬树一样拾阶而上,可学习到大量地道的生字、文法和不同国家的文化。 更令孩子百读不厌的是书中的故事特别贴近生活,就像一家人在给大家讲故事。这一家人就是贯穿整个系列书的主人公 Biff, Chip, Kipper, Mum, 和Dad,同时也不能忘记他们的那条可爱的小狗Floppy。 牛津阅读树里的故事就是围绕着他们一家人和他们的朋友们展开的,介绍他们生活活动的方方面面:去游泳、去沙滩、堆雪人、小朋友一起玩各种游戏等等。同时又不局限于日常生活琐事,会渗入想象的成分,给予孩子很多启迪孩子就像是参与了一次冒险经历,同时又能学到很多历史知识,了解诗歌体裁以及很多文化知识等。

牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree这棵树的全貌。 1.牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree的整体结构: 1)树干被纵向一分为二,一半是Non-Fiction(非小说类,也就是社科类、自然科学类),一半是Fiction(小说类)。 2)树干被横向一分为二,下一半是正常的Oxford Reading Tree(stage1-stage 9),上一半是Oxford Treetops(stage 10-stage 16)。 总结:牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree被这两刀一劈,就被分成了四项: A. Oxford Reading Tree的Nonfiction(主要是fireflies系列)。 B. Oxford Reading Tree的Fiction(主要是Biff这一家的各个系列)。
