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Lesson 3 Fun at the Beach

1. Listen to the story and then read it with lots of expression. (听录音,然后有感情地朗读故事。)

2. Who is this? (这是谁?)



Mum Mum Mum

Chip Chip Floppy Floppy




Biff Biff





How did I do?

3. Write the missing words on the signs. (补全标示牌上的内容。)



《典范英语》(4a-L5)教学参考 Everyone Got Wet 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1.语言能力目标:学生能够听懂故事;能够惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能够理解故事情节;能根据提示复述主要故事情节;巩固字母组合“ck”的拼读规律;能简单地改写故事结局。 2.非语言能力目标:让学生了解“集雨桶”的用途,培养学生的节水意识;感受Kipper 一家人在日常生活中的小乐趣。 二、课时安排 要求每周不少于两课时,每周至少完成一个故事。 三、教师要求 1.教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。 2.对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。 3.全英文授课。 四、教学用具 多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)。 五、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):讨论故事标题,猜测故事内容 通过展示图片回顾已学故事情节,引出故事主题,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。 (1)教师利用PPT展示几幅已学故事图片,与学生互动: Look at this picture.(展示1a-L8最后一幅图)

Do you remember the story? Who got wet in the story? How did they get wet? Look at this picture. (展示1a-L20第二幅图) Do you remember the story? Who got wet in the story? How did they get wet? (2)展示本课故事标题,自然过渡到讲故事环节:Today, we are going to learn a similar story. Everyone got wet in the story. How did they get wet? Did they fall into the river? Did they have a water fight? Let’s have a look. 2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,感受Kipper一家人日常生活中的小乐趣 教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生感受Kipper一家人日常生活中的小乐趣。 (Picture 1)It was a sunny day. The family were in the yard. Look. What is it? (指向图中的集雨桶) It is a water butt. What was wrong with the water butt? (BQ: Was it leaking?) The water butt was leaking.(指向漏水处) “Oh, I have to mend it,” thought Dad. (Picture 2)Mum looked at the hose.(指向水龙带) What was wrong with the hose? The hose was leaking too.(指向图中漏水处) “Oh bother!” said Mum.(模仿妈妈的动作) Would Mum mend the hose? (Picture 3)Dad mended the water butt. He put a patch on it.(指向集雨桶上的补丁) Was it an easy job to mend the water butt? No. “What a tricky job!” said Dad. (Picture 4)Dad finished. But the water butt burst. All the water came out. Dad got wet.(指向Dad) (Picture 5)Now let’s look at Mum. What did Mum do? Mum mended the hose. Chip helped.(指向Chip) Mum put a patch on it.(指向水龙带上的补丁) “What a tricky job!” said Mum. (Picture 6)Mum put the hose on the tap. She turned on the tap. But the top of the tap came off.(指向图中飞散的水龙头) Oh, no! Mum got very wet. (Picture 7)Dad got a new water butt. He put it on the bricks. Look. What did Dad do? Dad got the hose. He filled up the water butt.(指向Dad) (Picture 8)Suddenly, it fell over. The water poured out.(动作演示) Dad got wet again. Why did the water butt fall over? (引导学生观察后回答)



《典范英语》(Good English),原名《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社出版的一套家喻户晓的英语教材,闻名英国,享誉世界。英国有80%的学校用它教学生学习母语,全球有 133个国家用它作为外语学习教材。其中《典范英语》(1-5)针对Xia0xuesheng,精选261个最有趣的、最适合我国Xia0xuesheng阅读的故事。《典范英语》(6-9)在此基础上,又从《牛津阅读树》中精选出64部适合我国中学生使用的作品,由权威英语教育专家精心编辑而成。 本套教材语言纯正地道,内容生动有趣,贴近儿童生活,融故事性、趣味性、知识性、科学性、权威性于一体,同时,配有原声录音CD,便于学生模仿一口地道纯正的英语。 《典范英语》作为全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题——《中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法》课题实验教材,得到了我国英语教育界众多权威专家的大力支持和强力推荐。北京大学资深教授胡壮麟先生认为:“《典范英语》引人入胜,能给孩子带来快乐,让孩子从此爱上英语,轻松学会地道的英语。”北京外国语大学教授、剑桥大学博士陈国华先生认为:“《典范英语》是一套能让孩子学而不厌的英语教材。”迄今,全国已有几百所学校和培训机构在使用本套教材,获得广大师生和家长的一致好评。 特色 一、英国原版引进 从英国牛津大学出版社原版引进,在英国,有80%的学校用它教中、 Xia0xuesheng和学前儿童读书识字。 二、以故事为核心 教材以激发兴趣为首要目标,倡导“在故事中轻松、快乐、自然习得英语”的教育理念,故事个个生动有趣,引人入胜。 三、贴近儿童生活 教材或反映英国孩子的实际生活、或出自名家原版精典故事,内容生动有趣,引人入胜,易于少儿理解和接受。 四、人物活灵活现 《典范英语》(1-5)成功塑造了几个活泼可爱的核心人物形象,贯穿教材始终,备受孩子喜爱。《典范英语》(6-9) 根据学生的心理特点,精心创作了一个个引人入胜的故事,均出自名家里手,涵盖童话、人物传记、世界名著、英美文学经典等,堪称一套英语小“百科全书”。 五、语言纯正地道 来自英国本土,语言鲜活纯正,原汁原味,语言鲜活生动,便于少儿学习地道的英式英语,堪称“典范”。

典范英语7 1-6课语法

Good English ONE Walrus jions in 1.So...that+从句如此...以至于 +表语(adj.adv.)eg:Guilin is so beautiful that we all like it. 2.join in 参加,加入(某些活动) Join jin与take part in 的区别: j oin in +活动join +团体(改变身份) take part in +活动 3.Be (not) good at (doing)...(不)擅长做某事be good at+ving Be terrible at (doing)...不擅长做某事do well in+ving eg:Tom is not good at swimming but he is good at running. 4.be filled with 被动语态:be+pp. Be full of eg;The box is filled with chalk. 5.try one’s best (not)to do sth. 尽力(不)做某事 eg:We should try our best to learn English well. 6.as long as... 只要...就.. as...as中间接形容词/副词原级和...一样eg:He is as tall as his father. TWO Nosy Neighbours 1.because of 由于...(后面接名词短语)eg:We didn’t go to the park Because+句子because of+名词becase of the heavy rain. 2.belong to 属于belong v. eg:We belong to BaoXian Middle School.


盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。 《典范英语》(4a-L5)教学参考 Everyone Got Wet 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1.语言能力目标:学生能够听懂故事;能够惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能够理解故事情节;能根据提示复述主要故事情节;巩固字母组合“ck”的拼读规律;能简单地改写故事结局。 2.非语言能力目标:让学生了解“集雨桶”的用途,培养学生的节水意识;感受Kipper 一家人在日常生活中的小乐趣。 二、课时安排 要求每周不少于两课时,每周至少完成一个故事。 三、教师要求 1.教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。 2.对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。 3.全英文授课。 四、教学用具 多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)。 五、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):讨论故事标题,猜测故事内容

通过展示图片回顾已学故事情节,引出故事主题,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。 (1)教师利用PPT展示几幅已学故事图片,与学生互动: Look at this picture.(展示1a-L8最后一幅图) Do you remember the story? Who got wet in the story? How did they get wet? Look at this picture. (展示1a-L20第二幅图) Do you remember the story? Who got wet in the story? How did they get wet? (2)展示本课故事标题,自然过渡到讲故事环节:Today, we are going to learn a similar story. Everyone got wet in the story. How did they get wet? Did they fall into the river? Did they have a water fight? Let’s have a look. 2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,感受Kipper一家人日常生活中的小乐趣 教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生感受Kipper一家人日常生活中的小乐趣。 (Picture 1)It was a sunny day. The family were in the yard. Look. What is it? (指向图中的集雨桶) It is a water butt. What was wrong with the water butt? (BQ: Was it leaking?) The water butt was leaking.(指向漏水处) “Oh, I have to mend it,” thought Dad. (Picture 2)Mum looked at the hose.(指向水龙带) What was wrong with the hose? The hose was leaking too.(指向图中漏水处) “Oh bother!” said Mum.(模仿妈妈的动作) Would Mum mend the hose? (Picture 3)Dad mended the water butt. He put a patch on it.(指向集雨桶上的补丁) Was it an easy job to mend the water butt? No. “What a tricky job!” said Dad. (Picture 4)Dad finished. But the water butt burst. All the water came out. Dad got wet.(指向Dad) (Picture 5)Now let’s look at Mum. What did Mum do? Mum mended the hose. Chip helped.(指向Chip) Mum put a patch on it.(指向水龙带上的补丁) “What a tricky job!” said Mum. (Picture 6)Mum put the hose on the tap. She turned on the tap. But the top of the tap came off.(指向图中飞散的水龙头) Oh, no! Mum got very wet. (Picture 7)Dad got a new water butt. He put it on the bricks. Look. What did Dad do? Dad got the hose. He filled up the water butt.(指向Dad)


《典范英语》(4b-L1)教学参考 Camping Adventure 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1.语言能力目标:学生能够听懂故事;能够惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能够理解故事并组织语言复述故事情节;能够根据故事脉络简写故事。 2.非语言能力目标:通过让学生观察故事图片,想象野营的过程,培养学生的观察力;通过讨论培养想象力和逻辑思维能力,提高学生未雨绸缪、防患未然的意识。 二、课时安排 要求每周不少于两课时,每周至少完成一个故事。鼓励学生课前预习。 三、教师要求 1.教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。 2.对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。 3.全英文授课。 四、教学用具 多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、句子卡片(见检查理解环节)。 五、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):观看视频,引出故事主题 通过观看视频,让学生了解野营的乐趣,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。 Peppa’s family went camping. Did they like camping Do you like camping Did you go camping with your parents Where did you camp 教师自然过渡到讲故事环节: Wilma’s family went camping too. Where did they camp What happened Let’s learn


《典范英语》(1b-L5)教学参考 The Box of Treasure 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1.语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;听懂故事录音;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;了解故事情节并复述故事;理解hid, dug等动词;掌握字母组合“tr”的拼读规律。 2. 非语言能力目标:让学生了解西方的寻宝文化;体验寻宝的快乐;通过让学生观察故事人物寻宝的经过培养学生的观察力和想象力;通过表演激发学生兴趣,锻炼其表达能力。 二、课时安排 要求每周不少于两课时,每课时至少完成一个故事。 三、教师要求 1.教师课前须熟读故事,了解本课故事内容。 2.对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。 3.全英文授课。 四、教学用具 多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、纸条(见游戏环节)。 五、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):了解财宝箱,引入故事情境 通过实物和图片了解财宝箱,为进入故事情境做好铺垫。 (1)教师展示一个装有珠宝首饰的小盒子,与学生互动: What’s this? It’s a box. What’s in the box? (请学生猜测) Treasure. It’s a box of treasure.

(2)展示故事第一幅图,过渡到看图讲故事环节: One day, the family went to the beach. They played a game “Treasure Hunt”(寻宝). What treasure did Mum and Dad have? Would the children find the treasure? Let’s have a look. 2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察寻宝的经过 教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,引导学生从故事图片中观察故事情节的发展,体会孩子们寻宝的趣味性。 (Picture 1)Look! What did Dad have? Dad had a map. What did Mum have? Mum had a bag and a spade. What would they do? (Picture 2)What did Dad do? He hid the map in the sand.(指向图片中的Dad) What did Mum do? She dug a hole in the sand.(模仿Mum的动作) (Picture 3)Biff came. She found the map. “Come and look! It is a treasure map,” she said. (Picture 4)Chip and Kipper came over. They looked at the map. What did the map say? The map said, “Dig here.” The children were surprised. (模仿孩子们的表情) (Picture 5)“Dig here,” said Biff. Chip dug in the sand. What did Mum and Dad do? Mum and Dad watched them. They looked pleased. (模仿Mum和Dad的表情) (Picture 6)Chip found a box. “Is it a box of treasure?” he said. What was in the box? (请学生猜测) (Picture 7)It was a box of sweets! Everyone was happy. Do you like this game? 教师要注意启发学生思考,每次提问之后稍作停顿,不要急于说出答案,先观察学生的反应,如学生仍回答困难,再进一步给出提示引导学生作答。 3. 听录音跟读(Listening and Imitating):听懂录音并模仿出标准的语音语调 听录音模仿时,录音是什么音什么调,就让学生模仿成什么音什么调。让学生注意模仿故事人物的惊讶语气,并重点模仿“treasure, sweets”等较难的单词。 (1)放录音,让学生完整地听一遍录音,整体输入,不需停顿。 (2)放录音,全班学生齐声模仿跟读2-3遍。要求学生逐句跟读录音并指读,鼓励学生大胆开口,读出戏剧化效果,读出感情。


典范英语教学课件 典范英语教学课件 典范英语教学课件1 教学目标: 1.认知目标:初步听懂并说出与公园有关的自然景物的单词,及表达某地有什么的句型。 2.能力目标:学生能初步运用所学知识进行交流,培养学生的口语交际能力。 3.情感目标:激发学生对大自然的热爱,增强学生强烈热爱环境,保护环境的意识。 教学重点: 1.认读与公园有关的单词:parks,hill,lake,bridge,flower,grass,tree 2.能够初步表达某地有某物:Thereis...inthepark. 教学难点: 1.单词bridge的正确发音; 2.对某地有某物的表达:Thereis...inthepark. 教学设计思路: 通过出示各种公园的图片,来引出本课的学习内容。教师出示美丽的公园课件,以调动学生的积极性,让学生说出自己所看到的内容,学习生词;教师让学生做小老师,给学生提供展现自我的机会;教师

通过让学生猜、比赛、画画等多种方式来帮助学生复习巩固单词;听录音学歌谣时,教师用吹塑纸模型帮助学生理解听到的内容,便于学生掌握所学内容;通过听录音、小组合作、画画、做动作等多种方式操练重点句型,同时教育学生由热爱公园,引申到热爱美丽的大自然。 教学准备:课件、录音机、磁带、公园图片、吹塑纸做成的公园模型等。 教学过程: 一、WarmingUp 1.Oralpractice 教师问:Hello/Hi.????学生答:Hello/Hi. Howareyou? Fine,thankyou. What'syourname? Mynameis... Nicetomeetyou.????Nicetomeetyou,too. [设计意图]:课前师生的连锁口语练习,既能帮助学生复习巩固所学的单词、句型,又能吸引学生的注意力,激发其学习英语的兴趣,从而给学生创造了开口大声说英语的机会。 2.Review (1)听录音,复习歌曲Weareclassmates,wearefriends; (2)教师运用TPR教法,帮助学生复习介词:in/on/under/behind; (3) 教师出示图片,询问学生:What'sthis?学生回答:It's...atable/achair/aboat/... [设计意图]:通过歌曲、TPR教法、认读图片的方法,帮助学生


《典范英语》(1b-L1)教学参考 Floppy’s Bone 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1. 语言能力目标:学生能够理解故事情节;听懂故事录音;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;认读bone, had, took, ran, after, ate等单词;能看图复述主要故事情节;掌握字母“r”的拼读规律。 2. 非语言能力目标:通过让学生观察图片预测故事情节培养学生的观察力和想象力;帮助学生观察因Floppy抢骨头而惹出的一系列麻烦和故事出人意料的结尾,从而体会阅读的快乐;培养学生敢读、敢表达的自信和勇气。 二、课时安排 要求每周不少于两课时,每课时至少完成一个故事。 三、教师要求 1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。 2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。 3. 全英文授课。 四、教学用具 多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、图片(大狗、小狗、骨头、人物图)、故事图片。 五、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):猜测故事内容,引入故事情境 教师展示骨头图片和故事标题(见课件),引导学生猜测故事内容。 (1)教师展示骨头图片,并与学生互动: Look! What’s this (指向骨头) Who like bones (BQ: Does Floppy like bones)

(2)展示故事第一幅图,与学生互动,并自然过渡到讲故事环节: Look! Who had a bone (BQ: Did Floppy have a bone Did the little dog have a bone) Did the little dog want the bone What would happen to Floppy and the little dog Let’s learn the story Floppy’s Bone. 2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察Floppy追逐小狗的过程 教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,引导学生观察Floppy追逐小狗过程中惹出的各种麻烦,感受故事出人意料的结尾。 (Picture 1)Floppy had a bone. (指向骨头) What was Floppy doing (BQ: Was he sleeping) Here came a little dog. (指向小狗) What would happen next (Picture 2)The dog took the bone. Floppy was cross. Floppy ran after the dog. Floppy hit the clothes basket. (指向晾衣篮) Crash! Oh no! (Picture 3)“Come back!” said Mum. She ran after Floppy. Why did she run after Floppy (指向Floppy脖子上的衣服) Floppy took the clothes. Oh no! Look at Dad. Would he help (指向Dad) (Picture 4)“Come back!” said Dad. He ran after Mum. Why did Dad run after Floppy (指向高尔夫球车) Oh no! Floppy took the cart. Who were there (指向Biff和Chip) Biff, Chip, Look out! (Picture 5)“Come back!” said Biff and Chip. They ran after Dad. Why (指向风筝) Oh no! Floppy took the kite. (Picture 6)The dog stopped. Bang! Crash! Bow-wow! Ouch! What happened (指向大狗) A big dog took the bone. (Picture 7)The big dog ate the bone. Oh no! 本环节中,教师要注意启发学生思考,每次提问之后稍作停顿,不要急于说出答案,先观察学生的反应,如学生仍回答困难,再进一步给出提示引导学生作答。


《典范英语》(6_04)教案 Oh, Otto! 《教学参考》的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题 理念。希望实验教师结合学生实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色,上出成果。 一、教学目标 1. 语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地、绘声绘色地朗读;能够复述故事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。 2. 非语言目标:培养学生的兴趣和自信心,引导学生看到故事中的幽默,启发学生意识到尊重他人、包容异己的必要性。 说明:语言目标由教师负责检查,确保学生完成任务,达到要求。非语言目标具有开放性,需要教师 围绕有意义的话题与学生进行真诚交流,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,让学生在有思想、有内容的开放性语言实践活动中习得语言。 二、课时安排 要求学生每周完成一部作品,每周安排一节实验课,课时放在学生读完部作品之后。 三、课前任务 要求学生每天朗读15-20 分钟,辅以默读。做到听读结合,并适当积累好词好句。 四、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in ) 教师提出问题进行引导,如: Do you know any stories about people from outer space? Do you like them? 教师将学生引入故事情景: Class 4 has a new boy called Otto. He comes from outer space and he is green! Otto speaks English, but he speaks in a different way and causes many misunderstandings. 2. 朗读(Reading aloud ) (1)检查学生朗读。请几个学生朗读第3 章(P16-21 ),要求在理解的基础上读出感情。 (2 )让学生选择自己喜欢的内容大声朗读。 说明:朗读的目的是训练学生的发音和拼读能力,连词成句的能力,亦可促进学生对故事内容的理


《典范英语》(5b-L1)教学参考 Paris Adventure 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1. 语言能力目标:学生能够听懂录音;能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能够理解故事情节;能够根据图片和关键词复述故事;能够用英语就埃菲尔铁塔的诞生展开讨论发表自己的观点;能够对故事结局展开想象并尝试续写。 2. 非语言能力目标:初步了解埃菲尔铁塔的历史与巴黎这座城市;通过采访培养学生主动挖掘与思考的能力及语言表达能力;通过讨论培养学生的想象力和预测能力。 二、课时安排 每周不少于两课时,1-2个课时完成一个故事。要求学生课前反复听录音跟读。 三、教师要求 1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。 2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。 3. 全英文授课。 四、教学用具 多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、故事图片(见复述环节)。 五、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):观看一段关于埃菲尔铁塔的视频,引入故事情境 通过播放一段埃菲尔铁塔(见课件),激发学生兴趣,引出关于巴黎与法国的讨论,为进入故事情境做铺垫。 首先,教师播放视频: Before we start the new story, I would like to show you a video clip. 之后,教师就视频提问与学生互动: What is the video about? (the Eiffel Tower)

What do you think of the Eiffel Tower? (学生自由作答) Where was the Eiffel Tower? (Paris, France) What do you know about Paris/France? 展示故事图片1,引入故事。 Look! Mrs May and the children were doing a project on France. What did they know about France? What would happen? Would the children go to France for an adventure? Let’s learn the story. 2. 听录音(Listening to the Story):听懂录音并了解故事背景,感受孩子们对法国与巴黎的兴趣 教师播放故事图片1-6的录音(见课件),引导学生听录音,了解故事背景。提醒学生注意语音语调,感受孩子们对法国与巴黎的兴趣。 学生听完录音后,教师可请其回答如下问题: What did the children do for the project on France? Did they like the project and France? Where would the magic key take them to? 3. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,体会孩子们寻找埃菲尔铁塔的急切心情 教师利用课件播放故事图片7-11,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,引导学生观察图片。理解故事情节的发展,感受孩子们急切地寻找埃菲尔铁塔的心情。 (Picture 7)The magic took them back in time. It took them to a busy town. Where was it? (Picture 8)It was Paris. They were in Paris. How did they know it? They saw the flag. (指向图片中的法国国旗) It was the national flag of France. How did the children feel? (请学生自由作答) What did they want to do? They wanted to look for the Eiffel Tower. (Picture 9,10)They asked a policeman and a lady. Did anyone know where the Eiffel tower was? No one knew it. “The Eiffel Tower! There is no such thing.” they all said. Why couldn’t they find the Eiffel Tower? What would happen then? 4. 朗读故事(Reading Dramatically):学会绘声绘色地朗读故事,朗读与理解相结


The Big Chance 大好时机 Drink your tea Ray Martin, the new boss of Small town Football Club, was very happy. It was almost half-time and his team were winning 1-0. Ray raced down to the changing room to talk to the team. Eleven cups of tea were waiting for the players. The team jogged in, looking tired but happy. “ Well done, lads , ” smiled Ray. “ You must be thirsty. Drink your tea while it?s hot. ” “ In a minute, boss. ” said Steve the captain. Then Ray noticed one player after another taking their cups of tea into the shower room. When they came back the cups were empty. “ That?s funny, ” thought Ray. “ Drinking tea in the shower. ” Steve the captain picked up his cup. Ray followed him. In the shower room Steve was pouring his tea down the sink. “ What?s going on? ”d Rsayi . Steve leaped in the air and dropped his cup. The sound of smashing cup brought the other players running. “ It was his fault, ” sobbed Steve. “ He made me jump. ” “ What shall we do? ” moaned Nick the goalkeeper. said Ray. “ Why are you all tripping your tea down the sink? “ Hilda, ” whispered somebody. “ Who is Hilda? ” “ She makes the tea,? hsised Nick. ,Then I shall go and tell her about that the tea is not very nice.? ,Ssh,?hissed the team. ,She?ll hear you.? ,She certainly will hear me.? Said Ray. ,Oh dear.? said Nick. ,Fancy,? said Ray. ,A bunch of men , scared of a little old tea lady.? ,Er,? said one player, ,She?s not little.? ,She?s not that old.? said another. ,And we are not scared of her,? said Steve. ,We are terrified.? ,That?s enough,? said Ray. ,Where will I find this Hilda?? ,At the tea stand,? said Nick. Ray strode towards the door. ,Good luck.? said someone. Ray meets Hilda The tea stand was an old caravan. Ray joined a quiet queue of fans. ,I?d like one cup of tea please, with a dash of milk and no sugar,? said a big man. ,You?ll get it how I make it and you?ll like it,? boomed a voice from inside the caravan. The next man in the queue already had a cup of tea, ,Excuse me,? he said politely. ,Yes,? boomed the voice. ,I?m sorry to bother you,? continued the man. ,But this tea is not very nice.? ,What did you say?? The CaraVan began to tremble. The CaraVan rocked and shook. There WaS a great bang and the door flew off its “ Maybe we can glue it. ” said Steve. “ Will somebody tell me what?s going on? Nobody spoke. “ Well? ” “ Because it?s not very nice ” “ Why all the fuss about a broken cup?

《典范英语》(1b-L12)教学参考Mum’s New Hat

《典范英语》(1b-L12)教学参考 Mum’s New Hat 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能根据图片与关键词复述故事;能够掌握“t”在词尾的拼读规律。 2. 非语言能力目标:了解一家人齐心协力追帽子的过程;体会一家人追帽子过程中的心情变化;培养学生敢读、敢表达的自信和勇气。 二、课时安排 要求每周不少于两课时,每课时至少完成一个故事。 三、教师要求 1.教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。 2.对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。 3.全英文授课。 四、教学用具 多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、故事图片(1、2、4、6、8、9)。 五、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):展示实物与图片,引入故事情境 通过展示实物与图片,激发学生兴趣,为进入故事情境做好铺垫。 (1)展示一顶帽子或帽子图片(见课件),并与学生互动: Look! I have a new hat. Do you like my hat? Does it look good? (2)展示故事图片1,引入故事情境: Look! Mum had a new hat. She was going to a party with the new hat. Did Mum look good with the new hat? What would happen? Let’s learn the story.

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