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Three Times’Beating Monster




T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now

S: Bajie,map!

E: (摸出,递给S)

S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E)

T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, nof to bring these pictures of

beautiful girls with you!

E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回)

T: (缩

手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west

E: But……

T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map

E: (递)……we have arrived in White Tiger Mou ntain!

Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach do esn’t allow So.

S: Fat Pig!

E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,

I will……….

S: You will what(凶相)

E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤).

S: Hm!


Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me

some food

E: You see ,master is hungry,too!

T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal!

J: But master,if a monster comes while brother monkeg is away…..

T: Em…….It is a ,do you have any idea

S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看)

E: This is…..

S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of el ectricity from master’s

books. So I made this. No monster can approa ch you if you stay in it!

T: Em……Wukong,you are becoming more and more scientific!

Emitofo, knowledge is power!

S: Bye!(走)

T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》

B: Hm!Hm!Electric netYou are too childish.(变成B1)

B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you

T: I’m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Aga inst Landlord and three

people are enough.

B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb!

T: Bomb(打出)

B1: Double King!

T: Oh….I win! Em……,Lady,you are a master-hand . Come in and teachme!(准备开电网门)

S: (回来,看见B1)Oh,monster!(上前就打)

B1: (倒)Ah……

T: (气

愤)Wukong! Look what have done! She is my teacher!

S: She is a monster!

T: Nonsense!(深呼吸)

S: Oh,please don’t……

T:It’s too late!(唱)Once more……you open the d oor…(泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱)

S: Please,Please,oh,no……(痛苦抱头)

T: (呛住,咳)Wukong,I’m disappointed with you!

B: (真身出

现)Hm!Sun Wukong, I’ll teach you a lesson!(变成太婆)

B2:Hello,have you seen my daughter

T: Daughter...(连忙挡住地尸体)No,sorry!(陪笑,B2想看后面是什么,T挡)

S: (咬牙切齿)

You monster, I’ll beat you into hell!(S追打B2,B2躲至T身后,S打,不想打到T头,T晕,S再打死B2)

E&J: Are you Ok, master(扶T)

J: Look,(伸食指)how many

T:Two…..(晕乎乎地)Sun Wukong, game over!(变成B3)

B3: (看到B1,B2尸

体)Oh….,my daughter, my wife! Who did it!!(哭喊)

S: I’ll kill you, monster!(打)

T: (想阻止,未及)You,you.....(险些晕,E,J扶

住)You have killed

three lives!

S: No,they are not human beings!They are created by monster!

T: MonsterYou are a real monster!Never let me se e you,go!!

S: (悲,离去)(音乐,营造“假”悲伤气氛)《人鬼情未了》

E: Master, brother Monkey is.......

T: Scratch! Don't mention that guy any more!

B: (出现) Ha,ha,ha!(三尸体B1,B2,B3在B招手后“飘”走)

T: (惊)You are......

B: How foolish you are ,Mr Tang!(E,J去阻斗,被击退)

B: (抓住

T)I'll enjoy your meat and blood,ha,ha......

S: (悄悄走到B后,打B,B晕)A thousand years later.

T: Wukong

E: Oh,Brother Monkey!

J: Our hero is back!

T: I,I can't understand......What happened

S: Master,your IQ needs increasing! This monster changed its appearance

into three shapes in order to cheat you!

T: How,how did you find out

S: (沉默).......Monkey's intuition(直觉)

N: Excuse me, where is the cniminal

S; Ah......you are too late ,Nezha!(对

T)I've called the police.

N: (摇醒B)You are under arrest .(出示证

件)You have the right to

remain silent If you give up the right, anything you will say can and will

be against you in a court of law!(带走B)

T: Wukong(S不理T)I admit my mistake this time(S仍不理)I'm sorry(小声)

S: What

T: I'm sorry.

S: Em Louder,please

T: I......am......sorry.....(S 捂耳)(音乐响)《敢问路在何方》(这个放伴奏)

T: Let's go guys!( 歌)

S: You are carrying the luggage, I am leading t he horse.

E: Say goodbye to the sun, Welcome evening glow.

J: Sleeping on the ground, again we set out set out, again we set out.

Ah......Ah...... Sleeping on the ground again we set out.

T: One after the other the seasons go by,and oh e after the other, the year

go on. You wonder where the road is. The road is under your feet.

You uonder where the road is, the road is und er your feet.....

英语话剧剧本The Bus

A Story about Love and Stinky Feet


Female student A:,Female student B,Female student C,Boy A: Wang Chiang-rui

Boy B,Old woman,

Scene One

(Three female students are chatting on a bus. Because all the seats are taken, they are standing, holding onto some plastic rings hanging down from the bus roof. Two boys are sleeping in their seats. Then the bus arrives at a stop and an old woman gets on. She looks at the seats. Seeing no empty seats, she stands next to a female student and holds onto a plastic ring.)

Old woman: There're no empty seats. I guess I'll have to stand.

(The female students find the old woman not having a seat. They want to help her find one to sit in.)

Female student A: We should find a seat for her.

Female student B: Right. Those two bad boys did not give their seats to her.

(The two boys continue to sleep.)

Female student C: We should find a seat for her.

Female students A & B: Yes.

(Female student A goes to Boy A and taps on his shoulder.)

Female Student A: Excuse me, could you give your seat to that old lady

(Boy A stretches and continues to sleep. Female students A and B look at each other. Female student B taps on Boy A's shoulder.) Female Student B: Hey! Can you give your seat to that old lady Boy A: (wakes up) I lined up for twenty hours yesterday to buy A-Mei's new album. I'm very tired. I'm sorry I can't give my seat to the old lady. (continues to sleep)

Female student C: What should we do

Female student B: Let's ask the other boy.

Boy B: (gets up suddenly) Ah!

All: (startled)Ah!

Female student B: What happened

Female student C: Why did you scream

Boy B: I had a nightmare. It was terrible.

Female student B: Excuse me, can you give your seat to that old lady (Boy B falls asleep.)

Female student A: Hello! Is it OK for you to make room for that old lady

Boy B: Let me sleep, please. I read an English novel all night last night and didn't get any sleep. Can you let me sleep for a while Female student A: Well, we've tried.

Female student B: The young man is really brash.

Old woman: Thank you, young ladies! I'm OK! Don't think I'm an old woman. I am healthy. (makes a few kicks like a young man) Female student C: Maybe we worry too much. The old lady's very healthy.

(The bus driver hits the brake suddenly and the old woman falls over. It makes Boy A wake up.)

Boy A: Oh! Are you OK

Old woman: Oh! Oh! My waist!

Boy A: You can take my seat. (helps the old woman to the seat) Female student C: Hmm. He just got his conscience.

Female student A: Yeah! I was just about to say they got no manners.

Female student B: Yeah. I thought he was a cold-blooded animal.

Boy A: Hey! Watch your own manners. I've given her my seat. I'm really very tired.

(At this time Boy B is embarrassed. He dares not continue to sleep.) Old woman: Thank you, young man. I'm old and useless.

Boy B: Don't say that. If I'd given you my seat earlier, the accident wouldn't have happened.

(The bus driver hits the brake suddenly again. Boy A falls down.) Scene Two

(The Old woman and Boy B sit in the seats. Boy A is standing behind the three girls and drowsing. The three girls continue to chat. Boy A is drowsing carelessly and bumps into Female student A's body.) Female student A: Oh! Who touched me (turns her head around and sees Boy A standing behind her) It's you, right

Boy A: What

Female student B: Why You did it intentionally, didn't you

Boy A: Wait. I didn't do anything.

Female student C: You touched her intentionally, right

Boy A: Hey, I'm not that kind of person. (looks at Boy B) Hey… Is it you

Boy B: (confused and shakes his head) Not me. I was sleeping.

(The bus driver hits the brake suddenly again. Boy A bumps into Female student A again.)

Female student A: (angry) Still saying it wasn't you You pig!

Boy A: I didn't mean it.

Old woman: Nowadays boys are not the same as those in the past. Boys in the past were all very polite. Now boys are reckless.

Female student C: Now what do you have to say Apologize to her. Hurry!

Boy A: Alright! Alright! (to female student A) I'm sorry.

(Female student A ignores him and continues to chat with the other two girls.)

Boy A: It's not my day today.

Boy B: Gentlemen don't fight with women. And she's no nice woman.

Old woman: Nowadays girls don't have good temper. Time really changed.

Boy B: Older people know more than us.

Old woman: When I was a young student, I got love letters from many men every day. For the sake of manners, I went out with different men every day.

(Boys A and B don't know what to say. Suddenly the bus driver hits the brake. The old woman bumps into Female student C's hips.) Female student C: (surprised) You.....

(The old woman looks at Female student C and says nothing.)

Old woman: You have nice hips.

Female student B: I can't believe the old woman is capable of sexual harassment.

Female student C: Maybe nowadays old people are not the same as those in the past.

Female student A: Maybe after losing her husband, she feels lonely.

Female student B: Ah! Here we are. Let's get off.

Female student C: We'd better stay away from those strange people.

(Female students get off the bus.)

Boy B: Who are those strange people They're real strange. (helps the old woman

up) Are you . Those young girls have no sympathy.

Old woman: (feels Boy B's hand) You also have a pair of very fine hands.

Boy B: (startled) What

Boy A: This old woman is also very strange.

Boy B: Let's go!

Old woman: Don't be shy, young man. I have held such kind of hand for a long time.

(Boy B frees himself from the old woman's hand and gets off.)

Old woman: (looks at Boy A) You're nice, too.

Boy A: Hmm, good-bye. (gets off)



三打白骨精的英文剧本,我演过,相当成功,(人物可删减的) 人物:T唐僧 S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精 B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头 N:哪吒 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, nof to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you! E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map? E: (递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will………. S: You will what(凶相)? E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm! T:(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food? E: You see ,master is hungry,too! T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal! J: But master,if a monster comes while brother monkeg is away….. T: Em…….It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea? S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看) E: This is…..? S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from master’s books. So I made this. No mon ster can approach you if you stay in it! T: Em……Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power! S: Bye!(走) T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》 B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成B1) B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you? T: I’m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against Landlord and three people are enough. B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb! T: Bomb?(打出) B1: Double King! T: Oh….I win! Em……,Lady,you are a master-hand. Come in and teach me!(准备开电网门) S: (回来,看见B1)Oh,monster!(上前就打) B1: (倒)Ah…… T: (气愤)Wukong! Look what have done! She is my teacher! S: She is a monster! T: Nonsense!(深呼吸)


第一幕 (悟空走在前头,时不时抓耳挠腮。八戒牵马。唐僧款款的坐在白龙马上,念诵南无经。沙僧挑着担,艰难的走着。) 背景音乐:《敢问路在何方》(音乐到沙僧说话时停) 沙僧(放下担子,疲倦的说):师父,大师兄,二师兄,前面好像有户人家,吾等可以前去讨些斋饭来填填肚子。 八戒(一脸馋相):那还不快快前去讨些吃的来,我看前面的人家又耕田又绩麻,看来甚为富裕哩! 悟空(跳到八戒之前,狠狠戳了他一指头,不屑):呆子!枉你顶个天蓬元帅之名!这山周围。妖气缭绕!你难道瞧不见吗? 八戒(跑到唐僧面前,抬头说道):师父,这妖猴纯粹是为了自己偷懒,不去化斋,你还不快念紧箍咒来? 唐僧(闭眼,心平气和指着悟空):善哉!善哉!南无阿弥陀佛。行者,你还不快快去讨些斋饭来? 悟空(双手抱拳,驾起云来):师父保重,老孙去也! (孙悟空下场,白骨精身披披风,站在高高的山上,眺望着师徒四人,冷笑道) 白骨精:哈哈哈哈!听说吃了唐僧肉可以长生不老,今天他到不请自来了。 (白骨精摇身一变,跨上小篮子,款款的走着圆场来到师徒四人)唐僧(对八戒和沙僧):悟空刚才说这里没有人家,前面怎么过来了一个人?

八戒:等老猪去看看。(八戒放下耙子,整整衣服装出一副斯文样)女菩萨,去哪里啊?手里提着什么东西? 白骨精:长老,这里面是香米饭和炒面筋,特地来送给你们吃的。 八戒:是给我们送吃的来了! (白骨精走到唐僧面前,唐僧连忙合掌。) 唐僧:女菩萨,你住哪里?怎么知道我们在这里啊? 白骨精:师傅,我家住在山的西面,我父母信佛行善,凡是有出家人路过都会给些斋饭。我丈夫在北山种地,父母年老,我去送饭。路上遇见你们,想起父母乐善好施,所以就请师父们用吧! 唐僧:善哉!善哉!你还是送给你丈夫吃吧,我徒弟摘果子去了,马上就来。 八戒:放着现成的饭不吃,干嘛等那猴子的烂桃子?(说着拿起篮子递给唐僧吃。) 悟空(急忙赶来,一脸着急):慢!好你个呆子!竟把这妖精的饭菜递给师父吃,真是瞎了眼!沙师弟,快护好行李和师父,看我不打了这妖精! (悟空举起棒子打死妖精。白骨精化作一缕烟逃走,留下一具尸体。) 唐僧(大惊失色):你这猴头,无缘无故伤人性命! 悟空:师父莫怪,你来看这篮子里装的是什么? 沙僧(提过篮子一看):师父,里面那有什么米饭?明明是青蛙和癞蛤蟆!(说完提着篮子下去了。)


三打白骨精 Three Times’ Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空E:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精(何平)B1:B变成的村姑B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,boss (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, don’t bring these pictures of beautiful girls! E: Oh, boss!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map? E: (递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will………. S: You will what(凶相)? E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm!

T:(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food? E: You see , boss is hungry,too! T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal! J: But boss,if a monster comes while brother monkey is away….. T: Em…….It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea? S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看) J: This is…..? S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from boss’s books. So I made this. No monster can approach you if you stay in it! T: Em……Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power! S: Bye!(走) T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》 B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成B1) B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you? J: I’m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against landowner and three people are enough. B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb! T: Bomb?(打出) B1: Double King! T: Oh….I win! Em……,Lady,y ou are a boss-hand. Come in and teach me!(准备


西游记之三打白骨精剧 本 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

西游记之三打白骨精演员数量:9人 人物:唐僧—— 孙悟空—— 猪八戒—— 沙僧—— 白骨精—— 姑娘—— 姑娘母亲—— 姑娘父亲—— 旁白—— 人物道具:唐僧:服装、禅杖、墨镜 悟空:服装、紧箍咒、金箍棒 猪八戒:服装、钉耙 沙僧:服装、扁担(箱子) 村妇:服装、篮子、馒头 母亲:服装、拐杖、头带 父亲:服装、胡须、拐杖 白骨精:服装、剑 其他道具:心脏起搏器、照妖镜 配乐:1、《敢问路在何方》0:20 2、《四小天鹅》0:03---0:11

3、 剧本: (配乐:西游记主题曲起) 旁白:话说唐僧师徒四人正在西天取经的路上。有一天,他们来到了白骨精的地盘,揭开了三打白骨精的序幕。(同时悟空上场,走到舞台左侧,再到右侧,边抓耳挠腮,边作眺望状。) (旁白结束) 悟空:我是孙悟空,有棒在手中,妖怪敢现形,皆被我杀空。(眺望)师傅,师傅,没有妖怪。 (配乐:《四小天鹅》起,师徒三人跳四小天鹅出场,到舞台中央,单手作拜佛状) 唐僧:阿弥陀佛,艰难跋涉。 八戒:肚子好饿。(三人作肚饿状,配乐:肚饿声) 沙僧:又累又热。 悟空:我的错…… 唐僧:悟空,悟空! 悟空:(蹦跳到师傅面前)师傅。 唐僧:怎么了 悟空:我们好像迷路了。 唐僧:八戒,地图! (八戒从怀里拿出地图给悟空,悟空拿地图划过半空,其他三人依次坐倒在地上,配乐:坠落声)

悟空:果然迷路了。 八戒:师傅啊,我肚子在唱空城计了。 唐僧:(把八戒一推)你不才吃过冬阳功吗。(配乐:噔~) 悟空:没关系,一个筋斗云,满载美食归,师傅稍候。 八戒:师兄真棒耶! 沙僧:可是师兄,要是妖怪来了怎么办 悟空(思索状):有了。(开始拿金箍棒在三人坐处的地上画圈)金箍一转。 八戒:灵光一闪。 沙僧:保我师徒。 唐僧:共上西天。(右手向上指天) 悟空:这可是挡妖除魔的保护圈。(下场,配乐:噔噔噔噔) 唐僧:八戒,你我四大皆空,肚子空空,奈我如何,阿弥陀佛。 (配乐:大话西游音乐起。三人盘腿坐地,转上半身,念佛。姑娘上场,音乐减弱) 姑娘:小女子年方二八,貌美如花,尚未婚嫁,只求那唐僧肉来保我容颜,千年不老,哈哈哈哈哈。 (姑娘几次想靠近三人,却被圈挡了回来) 姑娘:这位长老,吃点东西吧。 (八戒扑上前,被姑娘推开) 姑娘:这位长老,长老。(走开一段距离)眉头一皱,计上心来。(假装摔倒)哎呀,我的脚,我的脚。

公司年会小品 三打白骨精剧本

三打白骨精 (西游记主题曲想起) 旁白:话说唐僧僧师徒四人西天取经,这一天,他们来到白骨精的地盘,拉开了三打白骨精的序幕。 唐僧僧悟悟空上场,(悟空做抓耳挠腮,眺望状,) 悟空:师傅,你会唱金箍棒吗? 唐僧:不会啊! 悟空:我教你好了 唐僧:好啊! 搞怪强调唱一段神曲金箍棒,音乐响起(唱改编爸爸去哪儿) 唐僧:我的团队(或team)有个人很酷,七十二变,刀枪不入,他的金箍有一点粗,牵着马开始了征途... 悟空:师傅,师傅,我们去哪里呀?(歌曲停) 唐僧:师傅带你去西天,悟悟空,八戒戒跟沙僧弟弟呢? 悟空:双休日去嗨了吧。 唐僧:我给你们说了N遍了,我们是有纪律性,有组织性,有团队意识的队伍,八戒点半上班,六点下班,迟到早退扣工资的,记得一天四次打卡,不然要扣分的。 悟空:哎呦,(不屑状)别谈工资了,工资和年终奖到现在都没有发了。 唐僧:别一说钱你就这个德行,要不是为师,你现在还在五行山下劳改呢. 悟空:我... 这时八戒戒上场(着急快跑状态):师傅师傅 唐僧:八戒戒你为何迟到? 八戒:我请探亲假,回高老庄了,回来途中发现,黄浦江惊现大量同胞尸体,我烧点纸钱,祭奠下就来迟了。 唐僧:不错不错,有情有义的八戒戒,悟悟空,要向你二师弟学习下,八戒,回头我和主任说一下,这次迟到就不扣你绩效分了(八戒戒开心状)沙僧僧扛行李上场, 唐僧询问道:你去干嘛了?

沙僧:师傅加班OA你也不批,放假我回流沙僧河了,我那里舞厅好多妹子的,最近有个妹子被电信咋骗了21W,我刚好回去处理一下。。。 (八戒戒围过来) 八戒:沙僧师弟,下周末记得也带上俺老猪。 唐僧推开八戒戒:去去去,迟到这月的全勤奖扣除,外加扣绩效分,年终奖待定。沙僧:冤枉啊师傅,我本来八戒点半可以到的,路途遇到雾霾天气,严重影响了腾云的速度,那霾如同仙境一般看不清路线,才来迟的。 唐僧:那你留在仙境里多好呢? 沙僧:不,我还要随同师傅去西天呢? 唐僧:你这老沙僧真的很傻,留在雾霾里是去西天最快的方式了。 师徒四人继续前行。 售票员上场,拿牌子(牌子上写:白骨岭售票处,AAAAA级旅游景点) 唐僧迎上:白月山 沙僧:没文化真可拍,师傅,那是白骨岭。 唐僧:再多说话,把你大师兄的紧箍咒带你头上,(沙僧退后状态) 八戒:师傅说的对,(张望状)你看这连绵起伏的山脉,就是白月山, 悟空:(揪八戒戒耳朵)再拍马屁,也不给你加工资 这时售票员挡唐僧僧悟悟空,(悟空做抓耳挠腮,眺望状,) 售票员:此山观音开,此树观音种,要想过比山,留下买票钱,100元/人, 八戒:可以打折吗? 售:5人以上可以团购, 唐僧僧后头数人:才四个 沙僧:你这个忘恩负义的师傅,还有龙太子白马呢? 唐僧对售票员说:取个经真的不容易,遇见妖魔鬼怪不说,这衣食住行,吃喝拉斯都是钱,就连我骑的座驾也收费,为了生存,我们师徒不容易,悟悟空摆摊卖过豹纹内衣,八戒戒摆摊买过西瓜,老沙僧摆过两元商品。。。。(沙僧附合:两块钱你买不了吃亏,两块钱你买不了上当..) 旁白:(大喊)城管来了。 师徒齐趴地,售票员撤离。


《西游记·三打白骨精》剧本 第一幕 (悟空走在前头,时不时抓耳挠腮。八戒牵马。唐僧款款的坐在白龙马上,念诵南无经。沙僧挑着担,艰难的走着。) 背景音乐:《敢问路在何方》(音乐到沙僧说话时停) 沙僧(放下担子,疲倦的说):师父,大师兄,二师兄,前面好像有户人家,吾等可以前去讨些斋饭来填填肚子。 八戒(一脸馋相):那还不快快前去讨些吃的来,我看前面的人家又耕田又绩麻,看来甚为富裕哩! 悟空(跳到八戒之前,狠狠戳了他一指头,不屑):呆子!枉你顶个天蓬元帅之名!这山周围。妖气缭绕!你难道瞧不见吗? 八戒(跑到唐僧面前,抬头说道):师父,这妖猴纯粹是为了自己偷懒,不去化斋,你还不快念紧箍咒来? 唐僧(闭眼,心平气和指着悟空):善哉!善哉!南无阿弥陀佛。行者,你还不快快去讨些斋饭来? 悟空(双手抱拳,驾起云来):师父保重,老孙去也! (孙悟空下场,白骨精身披披风,站在高高的山上,眺望着师徒四人,冷笑道) 白骨精:哈哈哈哈!听说吃了唐僧肉可以长生不老,今天他到不请自来了。 (白骨精摇身一变,跨上小篮子,款款的走着圆场来到师徒四人) 唐僧(对八戒和沙僧):悟空刚才说这里没有人家,前面怎么过来

了一个人? 八戒:等老猪去看看。(八戒放下耙子,整整衣服装出一副斯文样)女菩萨,去哪里啊?手里提着什么东西? 白骨精:长老,这里面是香米饭和炒面筋,特地来送给你们吃的。 八戒:是给我们送吃的来了! (白骨精走到唐僧面前,唐僧连忙合掌。) 唐僧:女菩萨,你住哪里?怎么知道我们在这里啊? 白骨精:师傅,我家住在山的西面,我父母信佛行善,凡是有出家人路过都会给些斋饭。我丈夫在北山种地,父母年老,我去送饭。路上遇见你们,想起父母乐善好施,所以就请师父们用吧! 唐僧:善哉!善哉!你还是送给你丈夫吃吧,我徒弟摘果子去了,马上就来。 八戒:放着现成的饭不吃,干嘛等那猴子的烂桃子?(说着拿起篮子递给唐僧吃。) 悟空(急忙赶来,一脸着急):慢!好你个呆子!竟把这妖精的饭菜递给师父吃,真是瞎了眼!沙师弟,快护好行李和师父,看我不打了这妖精! (悟空举起棒子打死妖精。白骨精化作一缕烟逃走,留下一具尸体。) 唐僧(大惊失色):你这猴头,无缘无故伤人性命! 悟空:师父莫怪,你来看这篮子里装的是什么? 沙僧(提过篮子一看):师父,里面那有什么米饭?明明是青蛙和


Monkey Subdues the White-bone Demon Roles: Monkey King(M) 猴哥 Pig (P) 八戒 Tangseng(T) 唐僧 Shaseng(S) 沙僧 White-bone Demon(W) 白骨精 White-bone Demon’Servant(Ws) Young Girl(G) 年轻女孩 Old Lady(L) 老妇人 Fortune teller(F) 先知 Narrator: It’s a very day in the journey to the west, the four monks are travelling in the rolling mountains,in which lives white-bone demon. And she is quite excited to be informed that Tangseng is coming. 师徒四人西天取经,白骨精途中等待。 (1桃花朵朵开) (White-bone Demon with her servant behind steps in the stage) Ws: madam, here is the fresh blood! You look so well today! W: Aha, of cause! A monk called Tangseng is coming and it is said that one who has eaten his flesh will never die or grow old! What a precious opportunity for me it is! I will turn into a beautiful girl to win his heart! (White-bone Demon spinsherself and turned into a beautiful young girl,then waited for the monks to come.) M: master, I feel that there is some evil in this area! (让三人站在呼啦圈内)you three stay in this magical ring and I will go to search for some food! See you later!(悟空跳出舞台) G:oh, god gives me such a wonderful chance!(整理妆容,伴奏2音乐起,走猫步上台)


三打白骨精台词 孙悟空:师傅,这山里一点声音都没有,好怕人呀,像是有妖精。 沙僧:是呀,师傅,这山里静悄悄的。 猪八戒:别自己吓唬自己了,哪来那么多妖精。 唐僧:悟空,你去找点吃的。 孙悟空:是,师傅!师傅,山那边好像有好多桃树,你们照顾好师傅,我去看看。 猪八戒:俺老猪还是先睡一大觉吧。 沙僧:我也坐下来歇歇吧。 白骨精:听说吃了唐僧肉可以长生不老,哈哈,猴头一走,机会就来了,怎样才能吃到唐僧肉呢?诶,有了,让我变成小姑娘,唐僧肯定看不出来的。(变) 猪八戒:姑娘,你这篮子里装的是什么呀? 姑娘:是米饭,带我去见你师傅,我要把这篮饭亲自送给他。 猪八戒:呵,我带你去,师傅,饭来了! 唐僧:姑娘,不用了,我徒弟已经摘果子去了。 姑娘:留下吧,这篮饭本来就是送给师傅的。 孙悟空:住手,妖精! 猪八戒:谁是妖精? 姑娘:师傅······ 唐僧:悟空,你怎么知道她是妖精? 孙悟空:哼!骗得了她们,可偏不了俺老孙的火眼金睛! 姑娘:你胡说,八戒哥······ 猪八戒:不许你侮辱她! 孙悟空:妖精,看招! 姑娘:啊······ 唐僧:罪过,罪过,好端端一个姑娘竟让他打死了。 孙悟空:对她不能客气,你们看,这就是她送来的米饭。 猪八戒:师傅,这全是猴哥用的障眼法,还不念紧箍咒呀! 唐僧:噢,原来是这样啊!阿弥陀佛阿弥陀佛阿弥陀佛阿弥陀佛阿弥陀佛······ 孙悟空:啊,啊,师傅别念了、别念了,师傅求求你别念了、别念了······ 唐僧:好,我不念了,你走吧,我没你这个徒弟了。 孙悟空:师傅,我走了谁来保护你去西天取经呀? 沙僧:师傅,看在取经大事的面上,就饶了他这次吧! 唐僧:看在取经的事上就饶了你这次吧! 孙悟空:谢谢师傅! 猪八戒:哎!果子没吃上,还是睡大觉吧。 白骨精:该死的猴头,竟然识破了本夫人的变身大发,让我变成姑娘的妈妈,善良的唐僧肯定看不出来的。(变) 老妇人:女儿、女儿,我的女儿你在哪里?我的女儿你在哪里? 啊!女儿,你死的好惨啊! 猪八戒:不好,姑娘她妈妈找来了。 老妇人:女儿,你死的好惨啊,你还我女儿命来! 猪八戒:那该怎么办呢? 孙悟空:我去看看,这哪是姑娘她妈,分明就是妖精,妖精,看招!


Topic: What should we do in English lesson? 3:啊呀!你们说我们英语课上表演什么啊? Oh! What shall we perform in English lesson? 1:对啊。我们干什么啊?让我们集思广益吧! En, that’s a question! What shall we do? Let us draw on our collective wisdom! 4:我随便,,只要能演就行。。不难背就好。 It’s up to you. I have no idea right now. Please do not be too hard to recite. 2:要找4个人演的,大概要什么类型的呢? Ok, let me think. Four persons... What’s type? 3:要能引起轰动的,不能演完了大家一点反映都没有。 It must be able to cause a sensation, and not be played out to make no sense to others. 1 2 4:是的是的。。Yes, I agree with you. 2:要不我们演童话吧,大家都听过,不长,也不会太难。 How about fairy tale? Everyone has heard this and it’s not difficult at all. 3:白雪公主,灰姑娘。 How about S now White…Cinderella…? Both are about sweet love which can cause young girls to resonate. And these can evoke all childhood memories. 4:人不够的 But we do not have enough persons! We are only four. Many roles can not be played. 1:人不够吗,让我看看4演白雪,3演毒皇后,2演王子。。。我演魔镜,刚好啊! Not enough! 4 is Snow White…. 3 is Vicious Queen…. 2 is Prince…I am mirror, just right! 2:那七个小矮人,屠夫呢?What about the Seven Dwarfs and butcher?


三打白骨精中英文对照搞笑版人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空、E:猪八戒、J:沙僧、B:白骨精、B1:B变 成的村姑、B2:B变成的太婆、B3:B变化成的老头、N:哪吒 T: Wukong,where we are now? 悟空我们现在到哪里了 S: Bajie,map! 八戒地图 E: (摸出,递给S) S: oh ,master,look!(凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E)哦师傅你瞧啊! T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you don't take these pictures of beautiful girls with you! 八戒我告诉你多少次啦不要老是带美女图啦! E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回) 哦师傅原谅我这次吧 T: (缩手)No,i tkink i will take this untill we get to west ,ba jie,map. 没门,我想就由我暂时保管,直到我们到达西天,取得真经,八戒地图 E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map? E: (递)Here.Em……i am so hungry now,(坐)and i can not move anymore, 奥师傅我肚子饿扁了,再也走不动了 S: Fat Pig! 肥猪 E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will………. 死猴子如果你再敢说这俩个字,我就,我就 S: You will what(凶相)? 你就要干嘛啊 E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). 呵呵我就帮你抓虱子啊! S: Hm! T:(轻咳)Wukong,I am hungry too,would you bring us some food? 悟空我也饿了你能帮我们去找点吃的吗? E: You see ,master is hungry,too! 你看我们师傅也饿了 T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my las t meal! 八戒不要忘了谁把我上一餐的饭给吃了 J: But master,if a monster comes while brother monkeg is away。


演员数量:9人 人物:唐僧—— 孙悟空—— 猪八戒—— 沙僧—— 白骨精—— 姑娘—— 姑娘母亲—— 姑娘父亲—— 旁白—— 人物道具:唐僧:服装、禅杖、墨镜 悟空:服装、紧箍咒、金箍棒 猪八戒:服装、钉耙 沙僧:服装、扁担(箱子) 村妇:服装、篮子、馒头 母亲:服装、拐杖、头带 父亲:服装、胡须、拐杖 白骨精:服装、剑 其他道具:心脏起搏器、照妖镜 配乐:1、《敢问路在何方》0:20 2、《四小天鹅》0:03---0:11 3、 剧本: (配乐:西游记主题曲起)

旁白:话说唐僧师徒四人正在西天取经的路上。有一天,他们来到了白骨精的地盘,揭开了三打白骨精的序幕。(同时悟空上场,走到舞台左侧,再到右侧,边抓耳挠腮,边作眺望状。) (旁白结束) 悟空:我是孙悟空,有棒在手中,妖怪敢现形,皆被我杀空。(眺望)师傅,师傅,没有妖怪。 (配乐:《四小天鹅》起,师徒三人跳四小天鹅出场,到舞台中央,单手作拜佛状) 唐僧:阿弥陀佛,艰难跋涉。 八戒:肚子好饿。(三人作肚饿状,配乐:肚饿声) 沙僧:又累又热。 悟空:我的错…… 唐僧:悟空,悟空! 悟空:(蹦跳到师傅面前)师傅。 唐僧:怎么了? 悟空:我们好像迷路了。 唐僧:八戒,地图! (八戒从怀里拿出地图给悟空,悟空拿地图划过半空,其他三人依次坐倒在地上,配乐:坠落声) 悟空:果然迷路了。 八戒:师傅啊,我肚子在唱空城计了。 唐僧:(把八戒一推)你不才吃过冬阳功吗。(配乐:噔~)

悟空:没关系,一个筋斗云,满载美食归,师傅稍候。 八戒:师兄真棒耶! 沙僧:可是师兄,要是妖怪来了怎么办? 悟空(思索状):有了。(开始拿金箍棒在三人坐处的地上画圈)金箍一转。 八戒:灵光一闪。 沙僧:保我师徒。 唐僧:共上西天。(右手向上指天) 悟空:这可是挡妖除魔的保护圈。(下场,配乐:噔噔噔噔) 唐僧:八戒,你我四大皆空,肚子空空,奈我如何,阿弥陀佛。(配乐:大话西游音乐起。三人盘腿坐地,转上半身,念佛。姑娘上场,音乐减弱) 姑娘:小女子年方二八,貌美如花,尚未婚嫁,只求那唐僧肉来保我容颜,千年不老,哈哈哈哈哈。 (姑娘几次想靠近三人,却被圈挡了回来) 姑娘:这位长老,吃点东西吧。 (八戒扑上前,被姑娘推开) 姑娘:这位长老,长老。(走开一段距离)眉头一皱,计上心来。(假装摔倒)哎呀,我的脚,我的脚。 (唐僧起身,整理衣冠,昂首阔步走向姑娘。配乐:爵士乐) 唐僧:阿弥陀佛,这位施主,你还好吧?贫僧来自东土大唐,要去西天取……馒头!(看见姑娘篮子里的馒头,伸手就去抓)


课本剧孙悟空三打白骨精 第一幕一打白骨精 旁白:一天,唐僧师徒来到一座高山前,只见山势险峻,峰岩重叠。唐僧:哎呀!走了一天的路,【摸着肚子】我有点饿了。悟空,去打点斋饭吧。 悟空:哦。 旁白:悟空跳上云端,看见南山有熟透的山桃。 悟空:师父,我去摘些山桃吧!【唐僧点头】这里妖气甚重,你们千万别离开这儿啊!“用金箍棒画了一个圈” 八戒:放心吧!师兄!早去早回! 旁白:悟空刚走,唐僧就被白骨精发现了! 白骨精:造化!造化!都说吃了唐僧肉可以美容养颜·····啊啊啊!!!我的小痘痘又长出来了!!! 旁白:白骨精摇身变成了一位美貌的村姑。给唐僧师徒送饭。 旁白:唐僧一再推辞,八戒嘴馋,一把夺过罐子。 八戒:不吃白不吃,你们不吃,我吃!嘻嘻嘻··· 旁白:正在这时,悟空从南山摘桃回来,看出这个村姑是个妖精,想要打死妖精,却被唐僧扯住了。 唐僧:你想干什么!!!【皱了皱眉头】 悟空:她是妖精!是来骗你的!

旁白:说完就朝妖精劈脸一棒。 唐僧:【责怪】你为何无故伤人! 悟空:她是妖精! 旁白: 妖精扔下一具假尸首,化作一缕轻烟逃走了。悟空正要追赶,却被唐僧一把拉住。 第二幕二打白骨精 旁白:唐僧师徒继续赶路。过了一会儿,只间从后山出来一个老婆子。口中喊着寻找女儿。 白骨精:女儿,我苦命的女儿,你在哪里? 旁白:悟空认出那婆子也是妖怪变的,飞步向前。 悟空:“妖怪,你又来了,再吃我一棒。”(大声喝道) 旁白:白骨精又化作一股妖雾腾空而去。 悟空正要追赶。 唐僧:“你接连打死母女俩人,是何道理?” 旁白:白骨精两次被孙悟空识破真相。没吃到唐僧肉,决定再施诡计。 第三幕三打白骨精 旁白:白骨精又变成一个老头儿,手持拐杖,来找唐僧。悟空认出老头是白骨精化身,上前喝道。 悟空:“大胆妖精,你骗不了我老孙。”(举棒打去)


《西游记》——三打白骨精(剧本台词) 《西游记》 ——三打白骨精 时间:上午 地点:白虎岭 人物: 白骨精 猪八戒 孙悟空 唐僧 沙僧 【悟空走在前头,时不时抓耳挠腮。八戒一边牵马,一边啃玉米。唐僧款款的坐在白龙马上,念诵南无经。沙僧挑着担,艰难的走着。】 背景音乐:《敢问路在何方》 沙僧:师父,大师兄,二师兄,前面有几户人家,吾等可以前去讨些斋饭来填填肚子。

八戒:那还不快快前去讨些食的来,我看前面的人家又耕田又绩麻,看来甚为富裕哩! 悟空:呆子!枉你顶个天蓬元帅之名!这山周围。妖气缭绕!你难道瞧不见吗? 八戒:师父,这妖猴纯粹是为了自己偷懒,不去化斋,你还不快念紧箍咒来? 唐僧:善哉!善哉!南无阿弥陀佛。行者,你还不快快去讨些斋饭来? 我乃东土大唐人, 净身入了空门去。 如今上了取经路, 要为众生讨平安。 【然后师徒四人一起说西游记最后一小段经文。说完悟空便走了】 悟空:师父保重,老孙这就去也! 【孙悟空下场,白骨精身披披风,站在高高的山上,眺望着师徒四人,冷笑道】 白骨精:哈哈哈哈!又有唐僧可以吃了!从此我就可以长生不老了!看我变身!麻里麻里白骨变!

白骨精摇身一变,摘下衣服,跨上小篮子,款款的走着圆场来到师徒四人】 白骨精:哎呀!奴家远远的在那旁看到了诸位长老,也不知长老饿没饿,就烧了一点斋饭送来了。您看…… 八戒:哎呀白米饭,烤玉米!玉米你快来看呀!上等的师父!你看烧的多好呀!沙师弟,快来看呀!西方真是圣地,一饿了就有美女来送饭! 唐僧:善哉善哉!八戒,你在说些什么!还不快让沙僧下了行李,谢谢女施主。 沙僧:谢施主!二师兄,你要干什么呀二师兄二师兄!!! 八戒:哎呀呀!真个是天生丽质,柳眉积翠黛,杏眼闪银星。来来来,师父,尝尝这香喷喷的白米饭! 沙僧:如是等一切世界诸佛,愿以此功德,庄严佛净土。阿弥陀佛。这女子真是‘汗流粉面花含露,尘拂峨眉柳带烟。 白骨精:小心点儿。小心点儿,别烫着了,这,可是奴家辛辛苦苦做出来的呀! 悟空:慢!!!!好你个呆子!竟把这妖精的饭菜递给师父吃,真真是被女孩瞎了眼!沙师弟,快护好行李和师父,看我不打了这妖精!


Three Times Beating the Monster 三打白骨精 -----七年制 开头出场,视频《英文版敢问路在何方》(我们利用的是视频里的音乐),四师徒出场(等到四人全部出来后暂停视频)。 【本剧灯光都是全亮的】 唐僧: Wukong,where are we now? (悟空,我们现在到哪儿了?) 悟空:Ba Jie,map. (八戒,地图.) 八戒误拿出一张美女图,给了悟空. 悟空:Oh,master,look! (哦,师父,你看啊!) 唐僧:Oh,Ba Jie,how many times I have told you don’t take these pictures of beautiful girls with you. (八戒,我告诉你多少次啦,不要老是带美女图啦!) 八戒:Oh,master,forgive me. (噢,师父,原谅我这次吧!) 唐僧:No,I think I will take this until we get to the west,Ba Jie,map. (没门,我想就由我先暂时保管,直到我们到达西天,取得真经.八戒,地图!) 八戒:Oh,master,I am so hungry now,and I can not move anymore. (噢,师父,我肚子饿扁了,我再也走不动了.) 悟空:Fat pig. (肥猪.) 八戒:Monkey,if you say these two words once more,I will,I will…… (死猴子,如果你再敢说这两个字,我就……我就……) 悟空:You will ,you will what? (你就想干嘛啊?)


搞笑英文话剧剧本 Three Times’Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空E:猪八戒J:沙僧 B:白骨精B1:B变成的村姑B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头N:哪吒 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, nof to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you! E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩 手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map E: (递)……we have arrived in White Tiger Mou ntain! Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach do esn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will , I will………. S: You will what(凶相) E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm!


Three Times ' Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S :孙悟空、E:猪八戒、J :沙僧、B:白骨精、B1: B变成的村姑、B2: B变成的太婆、 B3: B变化成的老头、N :哪吒 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? S: Bajie,map! E:(摸出,递给S) S: Look,master (凑近T),,, (T、S 一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, nof to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you! E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩手)I 'll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But,, T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map? E:(递)Here.Em,, we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can ' t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn ' t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will,,,. S: You will what(凶相)? E:(软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm! T: (轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food? E: You see ,master is hungry,too! T: Baijie!Don ' t forget who ate my last meal! J: But master,if a monster comes while brother monkeg is away,.. T: Em,,.It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea? S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看) E: This is,..? S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from master ' s books. So I made this. No monster can approach you if you stay in it! T: Em,,Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power! S: Bye!(走)T: Let' s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》 B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成B1) B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you? T: I ' m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against Landlord and three people are enough. B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb! T: Bomb?(打出)B1: Double King! T: Oh,.I win! Em,,,Lady,you are a master -hand. Come in and teach me!(准备开电网门) S: (回来,看见B1)Oh,monster!(上前就打) B1:(倒)Ah,, T: (气愤)Wukong! Look what have done! She is my teacher! S: She is a monster! T: Nonsense!(深呼吸) S: Oh,please don ' t,, T:It ' s too late!(唱)Once more,,you open the door,(泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱) S: Please,Please,oh,no,,(痛苦抱头) T: (呛住,咳)Wukong,I ' m disappointed with you! B:(真身出现)Hm!Sun Wukong, I ' ll teach you a lesson!(变成太婆) B2:Hello,have you seen my daughter?


三打白骨精课本剧 编导:*** (配乐:西游记主题曲《敢问路在何方》起) 旁白:话说唐僧师徒四人走在西天取经的路上,跋山涉水,降妖除魔,忍饥挨饿,今天,他们来到白骨精的地盘,揭开了三打白骨精的序幕。 (悟蹦跳着上场,跳到舞台左侧,再到右侧,边抓耳挠腮,边眺望四周。然后停下来。一手握棒,一手叉腰。) 悟空:“我是行者孙,石头我娘亲,学艺从菩提,东海得武器。(转动棍棒)别看一根棒,千变万化,降妖除魔,无妖能敌”。(只手搭头,看看四周,火眼金睛闪两下。)喊::“师父——师父——” (配乐:《四小天鹅》起,师徒三人跳四小天鹅出场,到舞台中央,单手作拜佛状。并齐唱:“阿弥陀佛”) 唐僧突然一惊并哆嗦着大喊:“悟空爱徒,我怕——”并躲到悟空后面以手指前方。 旁白:“只见前面重岩叠嶂,苍莽幽深,这边虎狼吼,那里毒气蒸,望而生畏,险象环生。”(配音:热带丛林声) 悟空:“师父,别怕,有我呢,乖——”(朝山吼一声,配音:吼叫声) 旁白:“悟空吼一吼,地球也要抖三抖,只见那前面阴气顿散,豁然开朗。” 唐僧:“悟空爱徒,我饿——”(摸着肚子,作饿惨状,背景声响:“饥饿声”)沙僧:“师兄,我也饿——”(可怜巴巴地望着悟空) 八戒:“还有我,他们哪里有我饿。”(然后上前扯着悟空的衣服,作撒娇状。)悟空:“都是我的错,讨饭不够多,现在就出发,你们原谅我。”(用《都是我的错》调子唱着说) (刚准备出发,又略一思忖,然后立马回来在三人所在的位置用棒画一个圈)并念道:“菩萨保佑,师父平安。” (配乐:钟声和水声,师徒三人坐下合手念经:“身是菩提树,心似明镜台,时时勤拂拭,莫使惹尘埃。”“嗡(ong)嘛(ma)呢(ni)叭(bei)咪(mei)吽(hong)”白骨精上场,声音由大变弱。) 白骨精披着骨皮左转转右转转,张牙舞爪露铮狞状,然后大笑道:“造化,

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