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新概念英语第二册第45课课文重难点Further notes on the text

1.A clear conscience, (标题)问心无愧。

clear在这里的含义为"清白的"、"无罪的",因此这个短语又可译为"清白的良心",相当于a good conscience,反义词为a bad conscience(感到内疚)。

2.The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. 整个村子很快知道,有一大笔钱丢失了。

(1)village在这里为总称,指"村民",the whole village指"全村的人",后面通常跟单数动词(有时也可视为复数):

The whole village was excited by the news.



I've just learnt that she was ill.我刚刚得知她病了。

3.Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office. 当地的屠户萨姆·本顿在把存款送往邮局的途中把钱包丢了。

taking为现在分词。与动名词相似,它也可以有自己的宾语、状语等。在连词while之后,现在分词短语的作用相当于一个时间状语从句:…while he was taking his savings to the post office。现在分词这样用的前提是两个动词的主语是同一个,并且这两个动作通常是同时发生的:

He listened to music while cleaning the room.他一边打扫房间一边听音乐。


He listened to music while I was cleaning the room.我打扫房间时,他在听音乐。

4.Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers…萨姆确信那钱包一定是被某个村民捡到了……


When I arrived, he wasn't here. He must have left early.我到这儿的时候他已不在了。他一定早走了。

5.it contained half the money he had lost, 里面有他丢失的钱的一半。

我们既可以说half the money,也可以说half of the money,它们可以互相替代,但是money前都必须有the,因为是指特定的钱。再如:

Half the bread/ half of the bread was bad.这面包有一半已变质了。

6.In time, all Sam's money was paid back in this way. 很快,萨姆全部的钱都用同样的方式还了回来。

(1)in time可以表示"经过一段时间"或"最终"、"迟早":

In time, he found all the books he needed.一段时间以后,他找到了他需要的所有书。

I'll tell you everything in time.我最终/总有一天会把一切都告诉你的。

(2)in this way表示"用这样的方式":

You must pay attention to your spelling. In this way, you can become a good secretary in time.你必须注意你的拼写。这样你才能最终成为一个好秘书。

语法Grammar in use




That table was made in 1970(by my grandfather).那张桌子是1970年(由我的祖父)做的。

The rooms must be cleaned today.这些房间今天必须要打扫干净。

John has been told not to go for a walk when the weather's like this.约翰已被告知不要在


I never expected the thief to be arrested.我从没有指望小偷会被逮着。


词汇学习Word study




The man who stole my wallet took my address book as well.偷走我钱包的那个人把我的通讯录也拿走了。

I lost my address book when that man robbed me of my bag.当那人抢走我的包时,我的通讯录也没了。

Someone has stolen my bag from me.有人把我的包偷走了。

They took the risk of being arrested and robbed the bank.他们冒着被逮捕的危险抢劫了那家银行。

注意steal和rob与介词的不同搭配:steal(sth.) from(sb./ some place),rob(sb.) of(sth.)。

2.pay back


All Sam's money was paid back in this way.


Yesterday Sam borrowed some money from me and said that he would pay me back in a week.



You've been very kind to me. How can I pay you back?


He embarrassed me at the party. I'll pay him back someday.


练习答案Key to written exercises


A had been lost(11.1-2); must have been found(11.3-4); was not returned(1.4); had been wrapped(1.6); was sent (1.9); was paid back(1.10)

C 1 A meal has been prepared for you.

2 The book will be translated into English.

3 A telegram must be sent to him.

4 The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived.

5 The cat was given some milk to drink.


1 back

2 robbed… stole

3 back

4 stole

5 robbed


1 b

2 d

3 a

4 b

5 b

6 d

7 c 8 b 9 c 10 b 11 d 12 b

新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 45 1. b 根据课文的实际内容,可以推断只有b. had found Sam’s wallet and kept it 是课文暗示的真实情况。

a. had stolen Sam’s wallet 不够确切,因为课文中的意思是Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers (山姆确信那钱包是被某个村民捡到了,而不是偷走了);c. had lost Sam’s wallet 与课文的意思相反;d. had taken the wallet fro m Sam’s pocket 不是课文提及的内容。2. d 根据课文所描述的情况,只有d. returned all the money 与课文事实相符,其他3 个选择都与事实不符。3. a a. when,

b. while,

c. as 和

d. just as 都可以做连词,引导时间从句,表示“当……时”,本句只能选 a. 在前半句是过去进行时,后半句是一般过去时的情况下,中间多用when,表示两个动作同时发生,“正当……时”,而后3 个选择引导的时间从句大都是进行时态。4. b 本句只有选 b. in 意思才讲得通。He keeps his savings in the post offic

e.(他把存款放在邮局保管)。本句中的动词keep(存放,保管)不是表示“去向”的,所以不能选a. to (到)和d. into(进入),c. on(在……上面)也不合乎题目意思,不能用on the post office. 而应该是in the post office.(在邮局里),所以选b. 5. b 本句是一个被动语态句。只有b. by 表示“被”的意思,最符合语法和题目意思。from , c. out a. of, d. of 都没有“被”的意思,所以都不对。6. d 本句是一个特殊疑问句,针对介词in 的宾语提问的,回答是A newspaper. a. where 是询问地点的;b. who 是针对主语(人)提问的;

c. how 是询问状态的。这3 个选择都不对。只有

d. What 是对物提问的,所以选d. 7. c 前一句是被动语态Some more money was sent to Sam, 后一句又换了一种说法,将原句中的间接宾语Sam 变成主语,原句中的Some more money 变成了宾语,还应该用被动语态才能使两个句子意义相同。a. sent 是主动语态过去时;b. has sent 是完成时主动语态;d. had sent 是过去完成时主动语态。这3 个选择都不是被动语态,因此都不对。只有c. was sent 是过去时被动语态,符合语法和题目意思,所以选c. 8. b a. coins(硬币),b. notes(纸币,钞票),c. cheques(支票),d. photographs(照片)。4 个选择中只有b. notes 最符合题目意思,因为本句中的wallet(夹子,钱夹)是用来放钱(钞票)的,所以选 b.词意思最贴切。9. c a. would 是wind 的过去式,意思是“缠绕,卷” b. rolled (卷,滚);c. wrapped(包裹);d. bound (绑,缚)。从词的搭配上来讲,只有c. wrapped 词意思最贴切,最适合这个句子,其他3 个选择都不符合题目意思,所以应该选 c. 10. b 本句需要选一个同前一句的did it contain 意义相同的短语。a. did it consist 不合乎语法,也不合乎题目意思,consist 后面应该有of,表示“由……组成”;c. did it include(它包括);d. had it(它有),3 个选择都不够贴切,这只有b. was there in it(里面有)最接近did it contain 的含义,所以选b. 11. d a. money (钱), a

coin (硬币),a cheque b. c. (支票)和d. a message (口头或书面的消息,口信,便条)这4 个选择中只有d 与前一句中的note(字条)意义相近,所以选d. 12. b 本句缺少一个时间状语,需要选一个合适的时间短语。a. At times (有时) 不合乎题目意思;c. With the times (随着潮流)也不合乎题目意思;d. A long time (长时间)不能作时间状语;只有 b. After a time (一段时间以后)最符合题目意思,所以选b.


【知识点讲解】 { 今天我们来简单了解一下情态动词这个语法点。英语中有一类动词,它们本身带有一定的词义,但是不可以单独作为谓语使用,要和其他动词的原型配合起来构成谓语。这类动词就叫情态动词。情态动词的数量很少,主要有: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would) . 在这里,我们只学习第一个 Can. can 可以表示主语的能力。比如:I can play piano. 我能弹钢琴 / 我会弹钢琴。 也可以表示请求和许可,比如文中的 Can she type this letter for me 询问的不是她会不会打字,而是她可不可以帮我打字 大家也可以对比一开始我们讲的来观察这两个句子:can 不能单独使用,所以在第一个例句中它和play Lesson45 THE BOSS: Can you come here a minute please, Bob BOB: Yes, sir THE BOSS: Where's Pamela BOB: She's next door. She's in her office, sir. THE BOSS: Can she type this letter for me Ask her please. BOB: Yes, sir. BOB: Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela PAMELA: Yes, of course I can. BOB: Here you are. PAMELA: Thank you, Bob. PAMELA: Bob! BOB: Yes What's the matter. PAMELA: I can't type this letter. PAMELA: I can't read it! The boss's handwriting is terrible! 老 板:请你来一下好吗鲍勃 鲍 勃: 什么事,先生 老 板:帕梅拉在哪儿 鲍 勃: 她在隔壁,在她的办公室里,先生。 老 板:她能为我打一下这封信吗 请问她。 鲍 勃: 好的,先生。 鲍 勃: 请你把这封信给老板打一下可以吗,帕梅拉 帕梅拉:可以,当然可以。 鲍 勃: 给你这信。 帕梅拉:谢谢你,鲍勃。 帕梅拉:鲍勃! 鲍 勃: 怎么了怎么回事 帕梅拉:我打不了这封信。 帕梅拉:我看不懂这封信, 老板的书写太糟糕了!


新概念英语第二册第48课课文重难点Further notes on the text 1.Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. 牙科医生们总是在你无法作出回答的时候向你提出问题。 在when引导的时间状语从句中,it为先行主语,代指后面的不定式,for+人称代词/名词说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的: It is not hard for you to help them. 你帮助他们并不难。 It was a mistake for me to come to the party. 我来参加晚会是错误的。 impossible通常不以人作主语,而以不定式或从句作主语: It is impossible for him to help you. 他不可能帮你。 It is impossible that he will help you. (译文同上) 2.In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. 作为对这些问题的回答,我不是点头,就是发出奇怪的声音。 (1)in answer to为固定短语,在这里表示"作为对……的回答": In answer to my question, Dan shook his head. 作为对我的问题的回答,丹摇了摇头。 这个短语的另一个含义是"响应……的请求": In answer to my request, he wrote a letter to George. 应我的请求,他给乔治写了封信。 (2)made strange noises, 发出奇怪的声音。"我"并不是有意发出这些声音,而是因


新概念英语第一册第45课L e s s o n45课文单词知识点

精品文档 【知识点讲解】 今天我们来简单了解一下情态动词这个语法点。英语中有一类动词,它们本身带有一定的词义,但是不可以单独作为谓语使用,要和其他动词的原型配合起来构成谓语。这类动词就叫情态动词。情态动词的数量很少,主要有: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would) . 在这里,我们只学习第一个 Can. can 可以表示主语的能力。比如:I can play piano. 我能弹钢琴 / 我会弹钢琴。 Lesson45 THE BOSS: Can you come here a minute please, Bob? BOB: Yes, sir? THE BOSS: Where's Pamela? BOB: She's next door. She's in her office, sir. THE BOSS: Can she type this letter for me? Ask her please. BOB: Yes, sir. BOB: Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? PAMELA: Yes, of course I can. BOB: Here you are. PAMELA: Thank you, Bob. PAMELA: Bob! BOB: Yes? What's the matter. PAMELA: I can't type this letter. PAMELA: I can't read it! The boss's handwriting is terrible! 老 板:请你来一下好吗?鲍勃? 鲍 勃: 什么事,先生? 老 板:帕梅拉在哪儿? 鲍 勃: 她在隔壁,在她的办公室里,先生。 老 板:她能为我打一下这封信吗? 请问她。 鲍 勃: 好的,先生。 鲍 勃: 请你把这封信给老板打一下可以吗,帕梅拉? 帕梅拉:可以,当然可以。 鲍 勃: 给你这信。 帕梅拉:谢谢你,鲍勃。 帕梅拉:鲍勃! 鲍 勃: 怎么了?怎么回事? 帕梅拉:我打不了这封信。 帕梅拉:我看不懂这封信, 老板的书写太糟糕了!

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第45课

Lesson 45 A clear conscience问心无愧 How did Sam get his money back? The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note which said: 'A thief, yes, but only 50 per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note: 'Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in this way. The last note said: 'I am 100 per cent honest now!' 参考译文 整个村子很快知道,有一大笔钱丢失了。当地的屠户萨姆.本顿在把存款送往邮局的途中把钱包丢了。萨姆确信那钱包一定是被某个村民捡到了,可是却不见有人来送还给他。3个月过去了,后来在一天早晨,萨姆在自己的大门外发现了他的钱包。钱包是用报纸包着的,里面有他丢失的钱的一半,而且还附着一张纸条,上面写着:“一个小偷,是的,但只是一个50%的小偷!”又过了两个月,又有一些钱送还给了萨姆,又附了一张字条:“这回只是25%的小偷了!”很快,萨姆全部的钱都用同样的方式还了回来。最后的那张字条上写道:“我现在是一个100%的诚实人了!” 一、New words and expressions 生词和短语 1) adj.透明的,清澈的,洁净的 clear glass 透明的玻璃 the clear water of a mountain lake山上清澈的湖水 a clear sky 晴朗的天空 a clear face洁净的脸 a girl with clear eyes 有着明亮眼睛的女孩子 2)adj. 易看清或听清的 a clear sound清楚的声音 3)adj.易懂的,明白的 a clear explanation 清楚明白的解释 a clear meaning 一个明白的意思 speak so that your words are clear说话说得要令人听清楚


【知识点讲解】 今天我们来简单了解一下情态动词这个语法点。英语中有一类动词,它们本身带有一定的词义,但是不可以单独作为谓语使用,要和其他动词的原型配合起来构成谓语。这类动词就叫情态动词。情态动词的数量很少,主要有: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would) . 在这里,我们只学习第一个 Can. can 可以表示主语的能力。比如:I can play piano. 我能弹钢琴 / 我会弹钢琴。 也可以表示请求和许可,比如文中的 Can she type this letter for me? 询问的不是她会不会打字,而是她可不可以帮我打字? 大家也可以对比一开始我们讲的来观察这两个句子:can 不能单独使用,所以在第一个例句中它和play 连用:can play 来表示“我会弹钢琴。” 情态动词的否定式由 情态动词+not 表示,所以“我不会弹钢琴”翻译为:I cannot/can't play piano. 疑问句形式把情态动词提前变为:Can you play piano? Lesson45 THE BOSS: Can you come here a minute please, Bob? BOB: Yes, sir? THE BOSS: Where's Pamela? BOB: She's next door. She's in her office, sir. THE BOSS: Can she type this letter for me? Ask her please. BOB: Yes, sir. BOB: Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? PAMELA: Yes, of course I can. BOB: Here you are. PAMELA: Thank you, Bob. PAMELA: Bob! BOB: Yes? What's the matter. PAMELA: I can't type this letter. PAMELA: I can't read it! The boss's handwriting is terrible! 老 板:请你来一下好吗?鲍勃? 鲍 勃: 什么事,先生? 老 板:帕梅拉在哪儿? 鲍 勃: 她在隔壁,在她的办公室里,先生。 老 板:她能为我打一下这封信吗? 请问她。 鲍 勃: 好的,先生。 鲍 勃: 请你把这封信给老板打一下可以吗,帕梅拉? 帕梅拉:可以,当然可以。 鲍 勃: 给你这信。 帕梅拉:谢谢你,鲍勃。 帕梅拉:鲍勃! 鲍 勃: 怎么了?怎么回事? 帕梅拉:我打不了这封信。 帕梅拉:我看不懂这封信, 老板的书写太糟糕了!


新概念英语第二册答案详解每课的选择题: Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac cc Lesson 2: cdcca bbadc db Lesson 3: cacac bccba bb Lesson 4: dbabb acbca cc Lesson 5: cadbc dabcb bd Lesson 6: dacdd adaba da Lesson 7: bccda cdacb ab Lesson 8: dbbac cbbad bb Lesson 9: cbdaa bbdbb dc Lesson 10: addcb cacac ca Lesson 11: bbbab ccacc bd Lesson 12: ccadd adacd aa Lesson : 13 bdbca bbcaa ad Lesson 14: bcacd bcbcb bb Lesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cb Lesson 16: aadab adadd da Lesson 17: dbbdc cbaac ad Lesson18 : Bdbdb cdcac cb Lesson 19: Adccd bcbca cc Lesson 20: Bcbbc bcacc da Lesson 21 : cdcda cbbad cc Lesson 22: dbddb dacda bb Lesson 23: aaacc addbb ad Lesson 24: baaca acccb ab Lesson 25: cbbab cdbaa da Lesson 26: adcbc ddabd bd Lesson 27: dcddd baddc cc Lesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd ba Lesson 29: bccbd babbb cb Lesson 30: aadab cccda dd Lesson 31: dbaca adabc ac Lesson 32: cccbb cadad bc Lesson 33: dbdac bbccc ac Lesson 34: dabca dcbcb ca Lesson 35: adadd adaba dd Lesson 36: addcd ccbad cc Lesson 37: cbbbb dacdb ba Lesson 38: bcaac bddba dd Lesson 39: dacdd abacc ab Lesson 40: ccbca acbbb bd Lesson 41: aacdc bbada cb Lesson 42: dddbb cddac da Lesson 43: bbaad daccd ac Lesson 44: cbccc bdaba bd Lesson 45: bdabb dcbcb db Lesson 46: acdda cbcad ca

(英音版)新概念英语第一册第45课:The boss's letter

(英音版)新概念英语第一册第45课:The boss's letter Lesson 45: The boss's letter 老板的信 Listen to the tape then answer this question. Why can't Pamela type the letter? 听录音,然后回答问题。帕梅拉为什么无法打信? THE BOSS: Can you come here a minute please, Bob? BOB: Yes, sir? THE BOSS: Where's Pamela? BOB: She's next door. She's in her office, sir. THE BOSS: Can she type this letter for me? Ask her please. BOB: Yes, sir. BOB: Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? PAMELA: Yes, of course I can. BOB: Here you are. PAMELA: Thank you, Bob.

PAMELA: Bob! BOB: Yes? What's the letter. PAMELA: I can't type this letter. PAMELA: I can't read it! The boss's handwriting is terrible! New Word and expressions 生词和短语can modal verb 能够 boss n. 老板,上司 minute n. 分(钟) ask v. 请求,要求 handwriting n. 书写 terrible adj. 糟糕的,可怕的 参考译文


42课 1 musical […mju:zik?l] adj ⑴精通音乐的 e.g a musical child Her family are all musical. ⑵音乐的 e.g musical instrument a musical performance/ film music n 音乐listen to music 2 market […mɑ:kit] n 市场 e.g a world market at the market 在市场上买卖 fair 集市(尤其是指买卖牲口,农副产品者,在固定的地点定期举行,常常伴有娱乐表演)3 snake charmer [sneik- t?ɑ:m?] n 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制) charmer n 有吸引力的人 charm ⑴n 魅力,诱惑力 e.g He had great charm, everyone liked him. ⑵V 迷住,吸引(某人) e.g We were charmed by the music. 4 pipe [paip] n ⑴(吹奏的)管乐器 e.g a bamboo pipe ⑵管子(tube) e.g a water pipe a gas pipe a waste pipe piper n 吹笛者 5 tune [tju:n] n 曲调 e.g play a tune Can you sing this tune? In tune with 和谐,协调 e.g His idea were in tune with the times. Out of tune 走调,不和谐 e.g He sang out of tune.


新概念英语第二册第 45课练习


被动语态复习 用正确语态和时态填空。 1. A letter ____________ (post) a week ago and it ____________ (arrive) yesterday. 2.The boat ___________ (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody ______________ (rescue). 3.While I was on a holiday, my camera ____________ (steal) from my hotel room. 4.While I was on a holiday, my camera _____________ (disappear) from my hotel room. 答案:1. was posted; arrived 2. sank; was rescued 3. was stolen 4. disappeared 仿造例句改写句子。 Example: I learned a lot while I worked in the countryside. I learned a lot while working in the countryside. 1. When they heard the good news, the boys shouted happily. When hearing the good news, the boys shouted happily. 2. When I stayed in Hefei, I made friends with the people there. When staying in Hefei, I made friends with the people there. 3. While he was walking along the street, he met an old friend of his. While walking along the street, he met an old friend of his. 4. When he saw those pictures, he remembered those happy days in Beijing. When seeing those pictures, he remembered those happy days in Beijing. 5. They waved again and again to us, when they were leaving the airport. When leaving the airport, they waved again and again to us. 把下列句子翻译成英语。 1.我的钱包一定是被某个人偷走了。My wallet must have been stolen by someone. 2.他洗澡的时候听见有人在唱歌。While (he was) having a bath, he heard someone singing. 3.衣服很快就被送到了老人家里。The clothes were soon sent to the old woman’s house. 4.史密斯先生有很多存款。Mr. Smith has a lot of savings. 5.他打开门时,发现外面站着一个陌生人。When he opened the door, he found a stranger standing there. (主谓宾+宾补) 选择填空。


新概念英语第二册第45课课文重难点Further notes on the text 1.A clear conscience, (标题)问心无愧。 clear在这里的含义为"清白的"、"无罪的",因此这个短语又可译为"清白的良心",相当于a good conscience,反义词为a bad conscience(感到内疚)。 2.The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. 整个村子很快知道,有一大笔钱丢失了。 (1)village在这里为总称,指"村民",the whole village指"全村的人",后面通常跟单数动词(有时也可视为复数): The whole village was excited by the news. 这消息使全村的人兴奋。 (2)learn在句中的含义为"获悉"、"得知": I've just learnt that she was ill.我刚刚得知她病了。 3.Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office. 当地的屠户萨姆·本顿在把存款送往邮局的途中把钱包丢了。 taking为现在分词。与动名词相似,它也可以有自己的宾语、状语等。在连词while之后,现在分词短语的作用相当于一个时间状语从句:…while he was taking his savings to the post office。现在分词这样用的前提是两个动词的主语是同一个,并且这两个动作通常是同时发生的: He listened to music while cleaning the room.他一边打扫房间一边听音乐。 如果是主语不一致则必须用从句: He listened to music while I was cleaning the room.我打扫房间时,他在听音乐。


课文内容 Lesson 43 Hurry up! 快点! Listen to the tape then answer this question. How do you know Sam doesn't make the tea very often? 听录音,然后回答问题。你怎么知道萨姆不常沏茶? PENNY:Can you make the tea, Sam? SAM:Yes, of course I can, Penny. SAM:Is there any water in this kettle? PENNY:Yes, there is. SAM:Where's the tea? PENNY:It's over there, behind the teapot. PENNY:Can you see it? SAM:I can see the teapot, but I can't see the tea.

PENNY:There it is! It's in front of you! SAM:Ah yes, I can see it now. SAM:Where are the cups? PENNY:There are some in the cupboard. PENNY:Can you find them? SAM:Yes. Here they are. PENNY:Hurry up, Sam! The kettle's boiling!

New words and expressions生词和短语 of course /?v-'k?:s/ 当然 kettle /'ketl/ n. 水壶 behind /bi'haind/prep.在……后面 teapot/'ti:pt/n. 茶壶 now /nau/ adv. 现在,此刻 find /ffaind/v. 找到 boil/'b?il/v. 沸腾,开 Notes on the text课文注释 1 make the tea, 沏茶。 2 over there 是指“在那边”,指比较远的地方。 3 在 There are some in the cupboard中,some是代词,指some cups。 4 hurry up, 赶快,在祈使语气中用来催促他人。 参考译文 彭妮:你会沏茶吗,萨姆? 萨姆:会的,我当然会,彭妮。 萨姆:这水壶里有水吗? 彭妮:有水。 萨姆:茶叶在哪儿? 彭妮:就在那儿,茶壶后面。


1. b 根据课文的实际内容,可以推断只有 b. had found Sam’s wallet and kept it 是课文暗示的真实情况。 a. had stolen Sam’s wallet 不够确切,因为课文中的意思是 Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by on e of the villagers (山姆确信那钱包是被某个村民捡到了,而不是偷走了);c. had lost Sam’s wallet 与课文的意思相反;d. had taken the wallet from Sam’s pocket 不是课文提及的内容。 2. d 根据课文所描述的情况,只有 d. returned all the money 与课文事实相符,其他3个选择都与事实不符。 3. a a. when, b. while, c. as 和 d. just as 都可以做连词,引导时间从句,表示“当……时”,本句只能选a.

在前半句是过去进行时,后半句是一般过去时的情况下,中间多用when,表示两个动作同时发生,“正当……时”,而后3个选择引导的时间从句大都是进行时态。 4. b 本句只有选b. in 意思才讲得通。 He keeps his savings in the post office.(他把存款放在邮局保管)。本句中的动词keep(存放,保管)不是表示“去向”的,所以不能选a. to (到)和d. into(进入),c. on(在……上面)也不合乎题目意思,不能用on the post office. 而应该是 in the post office.(在邮局里),所以选b. 5. b 本句是一个被动语态句。只有b. by 表示“被”的意思,最符合语法和题目意思。a. from , c. out of, d. of 都没有“被”的意思,所以都不对。 6. d 本句是一个特殊疑问句,针对介词in的宾语提问的,回答是A newspaper. a. where 是询问地点的;b. who 是针对主语(人)提问的;c. how 是询问状态的。这3个选择都不对。只有d. What 是对物提问的,所以选d.


新概念英语单词第一册第45课:老板 的信handwriter [hnd'rat]书写 can[kaenl verb能够 modal['md()l]adj.模式的;情态的;形式的 boss[bos]?老板,上司 【派生词】bossy专横的 【单词扩充】superior上司chief长官leader领导 【单词例句】 A:How can I impress my boss? A:我怎么能给老板留下深刻印象? B:Working overtime could be a good evidence for yourloyalty to the company. B:加班能够证明你对公司的忠诚。 minute ['mnt]分钟 【派生词】minutes会议记录 【单词扩充】hour小时second秒 【单词搭配】waita minute等一会儿 【单词例句】 A:You're five minutes late A:你迟到5分钟了。 B:Sory, my car broke down whenl was on the way here.B:对不起,我的车在来这儿的路上坏了。

ask [ɑsk] v请求,要求 【单词扩充】require要求request请求,要求demand要求 【单词搭配】ask a question问问题ask for要求ask the way闯路 【单词例句】 A:CanI get there in twenty minutes?A:20分钟能到那儿吗?B:Maybe you need to ask the driver to take some shortcuts. B:也许你得要求司机尽量抄近路。 terrible['terb()l] ?adj.糟糕的可怕的 【单词扩充】horrible糟透的 【单词例句】 A:Your performance is so terrible. A:你的表现太糟糕了。 B:Sorry, I'm not feeling well today B:对不起,我今天不太舒服。


新概念英语第二册课后练习题答案详解(第45课) 新概念英语第二册课后习题Lesson 45 1. b 根据课文的实际内容,能够推断只有b. had found Sam’s wallet and kept it 是课文暗示的真实情况。 a. had stolen Sam’s wallet 不够确切,因为课文中的意思是Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers (山姆 确信那钱包是被某个村民捡到了,而不是偷走了);c. had lost Sam’s wallet 与课文的意思相反;d. had taken the wallet from Sam’s pocket 不是课文提及的内容。 2. d 根据课文所描述的情况,只有d. returned all the money 与课文事实相符,其他3个选择都与事实不符。 3. a a. when, b. while, c. as 和 d. just as 都能够做连词,引 导时间从句,表示“当……时”,本句只能选a. 在前半句是过去实行时,后半句是一般过去时的情况下,中间多 用when,表示两个动作同时发生,“正当……时”,而后3个选择引 导的时间从句大都是实行时态。 4. b 本句只有选b. in 意思才讲得通。He keeps his savings in the post office.(他把存款放在邮局保管)。本句中的动词keep(存放,保管)不是表示“去向”的,所以不能选a. to (到)和d. into(进入),c. on(在……上面)也不合乎题目意思,不能用on the post office. 而应该是in the post office.(在邮局里),所以选b.



10. Someone will translate the book into English. —> * 被动语态复习 用正确语态和时态填空。 1. A letter ____________ (post) a week ago and it ____________ (arrive) yesterday. 2.The boat ___________ (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody ______________ (rescue). 3.While I was on a holiday, my camera ____________ (steal) from my hotel room. 4.While I was on a holiday, my camera _____________ (disappear) from my hotel room. 答案:1. was posted; arrived 2. sank; was rescued 3. was stolen 4. disappeared 仿造例句改写句子。 Example: I learned a lot while I worked in the countryside. > I learned a lot while working in the countryside. 1. When they heard the good news, the boys shouted happily. When hearing the good news, the boys shouted happily. 2. When I stayed in Hefei, I made friends with the people there. When staying in Hefei, I made friends with the people there. 3. While he was walking along the street, he met an old friend of his. While walking along the street, he met an old friend of his. 4. When he saw those pictures, he remembered those happy days in Beijing. When seeing those pictures, he remembered those happy days in Beijing. 5. They waved again and again to us, when they were leaving the airport. ) When leaving the airport, they waved again and again to us. 把下列句子翻译成英语。 1.我的钱包一定是被某个人偷走了。My wallet must have been stolen by someone. 2.他洗澡的时候听见有人在唱歌。While (he was) having a bath, he heard someone singing. 3.衣服很快就被送到了老人家里。The clothes were soon sent to the old woman’s house. 4.史密斯先生有很多存款。Mr. Smith has a lot of savings. 5.他打开门时,发现外面站着一个陌生人。When he opened the door, he found a stranger standing there. (主谓宾+宾补) 选择填空。 ; 1. People have come to know that their health must ______________ .


新概念英语第一册Lesson45~46课文详注 1.Can you come here a minute please, Bob? 请你来一下好吗,鲍勃? 句中的 a minute是时间状语,表示"一会儿"、"片刻"。又如: Wait a minute, please. 请稍等一会儿。 2.She's next door. 她在隔壁。 这里 next door起副词作用,作表语。 新概念英语第一册Lesson47~48课文详注 1.Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。 是一句肯定的简略回答。如果是否定的回答,则应为No, I don't. I like…和I don't like…这两个句型是分别表示"我喜欢/想要……"和"我不喜欢/想要……"的惯常用法。 2.black coffee, 不加牛奶或咖啡伴侣的清咖啡。 加牛奶的咖啡叫 white coffee. black在有些搭配中不译为黑色的,如: black tea 红茶 3.序数词 1st~12th 1st----first 2nd----second 3rd----third 4th----fourth 5th----fifth 6th----sixth 7th----seventh 8th----eighth 9th----ninth 10th----tenth 11th----eleventh 12th----twelfth 英语中序数词必须与定冠词(the)连用。虽然有时不在形式上表现出来,在朗读的时候也必须加上the。如:the 1st month (第1个月),the twelfth century(12世纪)。 新概念英语第一册Lesson49~50课文详注


逐句精讲新概念英语第二册:第45课问 心无愧 Lesson45 A clear conscience 新概念2课文内容: The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note which said: 'A thief, yes, but only 50 percent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note: 'Only 25percent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in this way. The last note said: 'I am 100percent honest now!' 语法归纳:被动语态 一句话总结:请参考Lesson 10和Lesson 21的语法分析及总结。 新概念2逐句精讲笔记: 1. The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. 整个村子很快知道,有一大笔钱丢失了。 语言点1 the whole village指“全村的人”,后常接动词单数。常用表 达还有: the whole world全世界 the whole country全国 the whole society全社会 the whole class全班 语言点2 had been lost是过去完成时的被动语态。 2. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office. 当地的屠夫萨姆·本在把存款送往邮局的途中把钱包弄去了。 语言点1 the local butcher 为 Sam Benton 的同位语。 语言点2 while taking是一个省略形式(时间状语从句变成分词作状语) 这种情况必须具备两个条件: 这个动作的主语跟主句的主语一致; 这个动作一定是正在进行。 原句完整的形式应该是:Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while he was taking his savings to the post office. 3. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of

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