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Eco-feminism Reflected in The Bluest Eye I. Brief introduction of the author In 1993,a black woman took off the crown of Nobel Prize for literature. She is Toni Morrison, who is the first black women writer in the history of America. Her works, most conce rned with black female’s life, spiritual world and destiny, root deeply in the reality of the black human beings searching for living space and self- identity under the pressure of the white human beings values. Morrison, therefore, gained high praise in the literature for her great literary and artistic talent and unique, deep description of American black females’ lives. Her first novel The Bluest Eye was published in 1970,which made her become famous .then she published six major novels—Sula (1973), Song of Solomon(1977), Tar Baby(1981), Beloved(1987),Jazz(1992) and Paradise(1998), Toni Morrison has placed black women’s existence, feelings, life and experience as her major theme. She fought for these human beings who are at the marginal status. Throughout her writing career, Morrison devoted all her creative contributions to the black. II. Brief introduction of the novel The 1960s “Black is Beautiful” movement has a deep influence on The Bluest Eye. Toni Morrison sets the story of The Bluest Eye at a time when black people are denied by powerful white society. In the novel , Morrison mold many characters of black women .The heroin is a little black girl called Pecola who needs blue eyes and believes white are beautiful, but the story is a nightmare for her asking for blue eyes and as a result, she is insane. Pecola has a wrong perception of herself longing for white beauty. She believes she is ugly. She believes if she had bluest eyes, she would be loved by her parents, her classmates and all the others. Finally, she begins to lose the black identity and owns the beautiful big blue eyes which only she can see. The narrator is another black girl called Claudia, who is completely different from Pecola and who searches for her own values. Eventually, on one hand, the brave


contents Chinese Abstract (i) Abstract (ii) Introduction (1) 2.The Introduction of the Author and Works (2) 2.1 About the Author (2) 2.2 About the Novel (3) 2.2.1 Writing background (3) 2.2.2 Content of the Novel (4) 3.Pecola's Tragedy (5) 3.1The Influence of whiteness on Pecola (5) 3.2 Racism (6) 3.2.1 The Influence of Racism on Pecola (7) 4.The Cause of Tragedy (8) 4.1 Loss of Spiritual Culture (8) 4.1.1 Weak Familial and Personal Ethnic Loss (8) 4.1.2 Indifference among Social Member (9) 4.2 Double Discrimination (10) 4.2.1 The Shock of White Culture (11) 4.2.2 The Black Self-discrimination (12) 5.The Significance of the Tragedy Analysis (13) 5.1 The Black Present Situation and Future (14) 5.2Individual Adaptation and Cultural Awareness (14) Conclusion (15) Acknowledgements (16)


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 Judy’s Double Character in Daddy-Long-Legs 2 经典英文电影台词的文体分析 3 4 高中英语阅读技巧教学 5 项目教学法在英语写作课中的应用 6 从保罗的恋母情结角度分析劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》 7 (英语系经贸英语)中国儿童消费市场乱象分析及应对策略 8 浅析《黛西米勒》中男女主人公矛盾情感背后的文化冲突 9 《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义 10 从传递文化信息视角探讨《红楼梦》翻译中“异化”与“归化”策略 11 中西方爱情悲剧故事的比较分析——以“梁祝”和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》为例 12 评析杰克伦敦小说《荒野的呼唤》中巴克的象征意象 13 英语运用中的歧义分析 14 《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》中哈克和吉姆的人物形象分析 15 从言语行为理论研究广告英语中的隐喻 16 “垮掉的一代”没有垮——简析《在路上》中年轻人的生活观 17 分析《雾都孤儿》中的讽刺手法 18 中西方家庭观比较研究 19 从《徳伯家的苔丝》看哈代的贞操观和道德观 20 《红楼梦》两个译本中称呼语翻译的对比研究 21 任务型教学的真实性原则在我国现行初中英语教材中的应用体现 22 象征主义手法在《白鲸》中的运用 23 Symbolic Meanings of Babel in The Dogs of Babel 24 目的论视角下的《边城》的英译研究 25 中国英语与中式英语的对比研究——从英汉民族思维差异的角度 26 超验主义思想在惠特曼诗歌中的体现 27 奈达“功能对等”理论在中国电影片名英译中的运用分析 28 解读布莱克的《伦敦》与华兹华斯的《在西敏寺桥上》的诗歌异同 29 问题类型对TEM阅读成绩影响的实证研究 30 Women’s Image in Pygmalion 31 论外交英语的模糊性 32 从《雾都孤儿》看查尔斯?狄更斯的善恶观 33 种族沟通的桥梁——对《宠儿》中两个丹芙的人物分析 34 英语习语学习策略的探究 35 丽塔. 海华丝和肖申克监狱的救赎》与《肖申克的救赎》接受比较 36 《时间中的孩子》成长主题分析 37 Deep Sorrow and Firm Faith--An Elucidation of William Wordsworth’s Nature View through the Exhaustive Analysis of the “Lucy Poems” 38 从英汉习语视角看中英文化差异 39 V ocabulary Teaching Based on Pragmatic Approach 40 《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂悲剧的分析 41 《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿?考尔菲德精神世界的分析

最蓝的眼睛 英文论文

An American Tragedy The report of The Bluest Eye I. Brief introduction of the author 1993,a black woman took off the crown of Nobel Prize for literature. She is Toni Morrison, who is the first black women writer in the history of America. He r works, most concerned with black female?s life, spiritual world and destiny, root deeply in the reality of the black human beings searching for living space and self- identity under the pressure of the white human beings values. Morrison, therefore, gained high praise in the literature for her great literary and artistic talent and unique, deep description of American black females? lives. Her first novel The Bluest Eye was published in 1970,which made her become famous .then she published six major novels— Sula (1974), Song of Solomon (1977), Tar Baby (1981), Beloved (1987), Jazz (1992) and Paradise (1998), Toni Morrison has placed black women?s existence, feelings, life and experience as her major theme. She fought for these human beings who are at the marginal status. Throughout her writing career, Morrison devoted all her creative contributions to the black. II. Brief introduction of the novel The 1960s “Black is Beautiful” movement has a deep influence on The Bluest Eye. Toni Morrison sets the story of The Bluest Eye at a time when black people are denied by powerful white society. In the novel , Morrison mold many characters of black women .The heroin of a little black girl called Pecola who needs blue eyes and believes white are beautiful, but the story is a nightmare for her asking for blue eyes and as a result, she is insane. Pecola has a wrong perception of herself longing for white beauty. She believes she is ugly. She believes if she had bluest eyes, she would be loved by her parents, her classmates and all the others. Finally, she begins to lose the black identity and owns the beautiful big blue eyes which only she can see. The narrator is another black girl called Claudia, who is completely different from Pecola and who searches


摘要:从对《最蓝的眼睛》的一系列叙事结构特征分析可以看出,托妮·莫里森在小说中借用了“百衲被”的叙事手法。“百衲被”的结构隐喻不但填补了小说各个章节之间的意义空白,也为黑人群体获取了多元的叙述空间,体现了莫里森作为一名黑人女性作家的女性主义立场。 关键词:《最蓝的眼睛》;百衲被;叙事结构;女性主义 On the Narrative Structure in The Bluest Eye: Quilt Abstract: Some characteristics of the narrative structure of The Bluest Eye show that Morrison has utilized “quilting” as a structural means in the novel. This narrative method not only explains the blank the author left in the text, but also wins a certain narrative space for black female and represents Morrison’s feminist stand as a black female writer. Key words: The Bluest Eye; quilting; narrative structure; feminism 1“百衲被”的结构特征及美学意义 作为美国女性文学作品中一再出现的主题意象和叙述形式,“百衲被”已经成为美国女性主义美学的一个重要概念。在《姐妹的选择》一书中,肖沃尔特将“百衲被”视为美国女性文化和写作传统中充当着“共同的丝线”作用的中心意象,并认为其已经取代“大熔炉”,成为美国文化身份的中心隐喻[1]169。 传统的“百衲被”的缝制一般包括4个步骤:首先要选取材料,并将材料按照设计要求裁剪成不同大小和几何形状的碎片,其次将这些碎片拼接、缝合成有着特定图案的方块(block/patch),再将这些方块缝制成寓含特殊整体图案的大块布面,最后将整块布料缝合到衬料上去,形成完整的“百衲被”。由于整个“百衲被”的制作过程与文学创作过程有相似之处,“缝制百衲被”(quilting)就被女性主义批评家们视为美国女性主义写作实践的一个重要隐喻。而“百衲被”的破碎、多元、无中心图案的结构特征也成为女性文本的消解中心的结构隐喻。 对于托妮·莫里森这样有着强烈的女性意识和种族意识的黑人女性作家而言,“百衲被”就如布鲁斯和爵士乐,不但是标志性的文化传统,也是一种巧妙的叙事策略,可以用来“建立起自己的文化立场和话语空间”[2]101。莫里森曾在多部作品(如《宠儿》、《爵士乐》)中结合了“百衲被”这一主题意象和叙事手法,其处女作《最蓝的眼睛》虽未涉及“百衲被”这一主题,但在叙事结构上借用了“百衲被”的艺术手法,为小说表面上破碎的叙事结构赢得了多元的阐析空间。2“百衲被”的叙事手法在《最蓝的眼睛》中的结构体现 2.1叙事文本的双重性和破碎性。 就叙事文本的章节安排来说,《最蓝的眼睛》一共包含6个部分。第1部分是摘自一篇小学课文的选段,该选段被连续重复两次,第1次重复去除了句子之间的标点,第2次连单词之间的空格,字母大写都被去除。第2部分是故事的叙述者克罗迪娅的内心独白。在此,克罗迪娅讲述了故事的结局以及她要讲述该故事的原因。第3部分到第6部分为小说的主体叙事章节。这4个章节以一年的4个季节命名,按秋、冬、春、夏的顺序排列,叙述了1940年秋到1941年夏发生在小说的主人公佩科拉身上及其周围的一系列事件以及相关人物的背景故事。 虽然小说的4个主体章节以秋、冬、春、夏统一命名,但它们却并不是单一的叙事文本,因为每一章节都包含两个叙事文本,即克罗迪娅的第一人称叙事文本和第三人称全知叙事文本。小说里,两个叙述者叙述的连续性都在不同程度上被打破,整体叙事文本被分割成长短不一的叙事碎片。“秋”一章包含3个叙事碎片:第1个由克罗迪娅以第一人称视角叙述了1940年秋发生的事情——佩科拉的父亲乔里烧了房子,她寄住到叙述者家。接下来的两个由全知叙述者讲述布里德拉夫一家的住房及生活情况;“冬”一章包含两个叙事碎片:第1个由克罗迪娅讲述佩科拉在学校受歧视、被欺负的情况,第2个由第三人称全知叙述者介绍黑人妇女杰拉尔丁的故事以及她残酷地将佩科拉赶出她家的事件;“春”一章里共有4个叙事碎片:首先,克罗迪娅叙述了她家的租户亨利调戏她姐姐被她父亲赶走的事件和佩科拉被她自己的母亲葆琳虐


Plot Overview of The Bluest Eye 《最蓝的眼睛》情节导读 From Sparknotes Nine -year-old Claudia and ten-year-old Frieda MacTeer live in Lorain, Ohio, with their parents. It is the end of the Great Depression, and the girls' parents are more concerned with making ends meet than with lavishing attention upon their daughters, but there is an undercurrent of love and stability in their home. The MacTeers take in a boarder, Henry Washington, and also a young girl named Pecola. Pecola's father has tried to burn d own his family's house, and Claudia and Frieda feel sorry for her. Pecola loves Shirley Temple, believing that whiteness is beautiful and that she is ugly. Pecola moves back in with her family, and her life is difficult. Her father drinks, her mother is distant, and the two of them often beat one another. Her brother, Sammy, frequently runs away. Pecola believes that if she had blue eyes, she would be loved and her life would be transformed. Meanwhile, she continually receives confirmation of her own sense of ugliness—the grocer looks right through her when she buys candy, boys make fun of her, and a light-skinned girl, Maureen, who temporarily befriends her makes fun of her too. She is wrongly blamed for killing a boy's cat and is called a "nasty little black bitch" by his mother. We learn that Pecol a's parents have both had difficult lives. Pauline, her mother, has a lame foot and has always felt isolated. She loses herself in movies, which reaffirm her belief that she is ugly and that romantic love is reserved for the beautiful. She encourages her husband's violent behavior in order to reinforce her own role as a martyr. She feels


2.麦瑞典,这声音听上去就像圣歌的头四个音符那样让人豁然开朗。很少有人能如此充满深情地说出自己家乡的地名。也许这是因为她们没有自己的家乡,只有出生地。可是这些女孩子吸吮着家乡的乳汁,永远不让它离开她们。她们是些浅棕肤色瘦瘦的女孩儿,曾长期注视着麦瑞典、莫毕、爱肯、巴登伍等镇子上房屋后院里的蜀葵。和蜀葵-一样,她们又细又高,笔直挺立,根基深,茎秆壮,只有顶部的花蕊在风中摇曳。她们的眼睛看着天空的色彩光线就能说出时辰。这些女孩一般住在安静的黑人居民区里,人人都有一份有报酬的工作,房前过道里都吊着吊椅。草地用镰刀修剪整齐,院子里养着鸡,种着向日葵,台阶和窗台..上摆放着一盆盆荷包牡丹、青藤和其他鲜花。这些女孩从果农的大车上买回西瓜和大豆。她们在窗前摆上一块硬纸板。硬纸板的三个角上分别印着十磅,二十五磅,五十磅的字样,第四个角上印着”冰块无货”。这些来自莫毕和爱肯的棕色女孩儿和她们的姐妹们不一-样。她们既不烦躁,也不焦虑;她们也没有漂亮的黑脖子可以在无形的衣领里伸展;她们的眼神并不咄咄逼人。这些红糖肤色的女孩子在街上行走时悄然无声。她们甜蜜朴实得像奶油蛋糕。细细的脚腕,长长的脚板。她们用橘黄色香皂洗澡,用香粉爽身,用布头沾着细盐刷牙,用洁身油滋润皮肤。她们身上散发出木屑、报纸以及香草气味。她们蘸着头油梳直头发,把发路分在一边。晚上用牛皮纸口袋的纸片把头发卷起小卷,用印花头巾把头包上,睡觉时把双手放在胸前。她们不喝酒,不抽烟,不说脏话,避免直接谈论性问题。她们在唱诗班里担任第二女高音。尽管她们的嗓音响亮稳健,她们从未入选担任独唱。她们站在第二排,身着浆过的白衬衫,蓝裙子被熨得几乎成了酱紫色。 3.她们上公立学校师范学校,学习如何尽善尽美地替白人干活:上家政课学习如何为他们做饭;学教育学来教育黑孩子顺从听话;学习音乐好安抚劳累的主人和他那颗迟钝的心灵。其余课程的学习都在房前挂着吊椅,摆着荷包牡丹的房子里进行:小心谨慎地培养勤俭、耐心、有道德、有礼貌等品德。总之,要学会抛弃纯真简朴的本色,可怕的纯真情感。自然大方,以及一切人类感情都该抛弃。 4.无论这种简朴的本色从哪里冒头,她们都会把它扫除一清; 在哪儿积累成习就在那儿把它消灭;在哪儿生根开花就在那儿发现铲除。她们生命不息,战斗不止。笑声过于响亮,发音不够清晰,举止不够文雅都需纠正,她们紧缩臀部生怕扭动太大;抹口红时生怕嘴唇显得太厚实而不把整个嘴唇涂红;一天到晚没完没了地担心,生怕头发没有梳理整齐。 5.她们好像从来不交男朋友,但最终总是成家。有一类男人总在瞧她们,但不让人察觉。他们知道如果家里有这么个女人,他睡的床单一定会洗得干干净净,晾晒在松树丛上,然后熨烫得平平整整。他母亲遗像的四周一定有漂亮的纸花装点,客厅里一定会摆放着一本厚厚的《圣经》。他们感到安全。他们知道工作服在周一早上会被洗得干干净净,缝补熨烫整齐;做礼拜穿的衬衫会挂在门后的衣架上,浆洗得洁白如新。看到她的手就知道她会做点心;闻得见咖啡和煎火腿的香味;看得见玉米面饼子上的一团黄油。她的臀部让他们确信生孩子既容易又不痛苦,他们往往是对的。 6.然而他们并不知道就是这些貌不惊人的棕色女孩儿会用一根根的树枝构筑她们的巢穴,使其成为不可侵犯的独立王国。她们会警觉地看护着每一棵花草,

最蓝的眼睛 论文

Racial Discrimination and Surging Desire in the Bluest Eye Abstract: As one of the most outstanding black writers in contemporary American literature,Toni Morrison is the first African American woman winner of the Nobel Prize for literature. The Bluest Eye is her first novel, which establishes her literary reputation as a renowned black writer. Her works always explore and reflect the black’s destiny. This easy focuses on internalized racism which leads to deep hurt on the black. And in this environment, the undercurrent of desire popples fiercely. Key words: Toni Morrison; The black; Racial discrimination; Surging desire 摘要:作为美国文坛中一位杰出的黑人作家,托尼.莫里森是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女作家。《最蓝的眼睛》是她的第一本小说,奠定了她 在文坛上的地位,使她成为一个有名的黑人作家。她的作品都以探索和 反映黑人命运为主题。本文主要讨论的是内化的种族主义对黑人造成的 心灵创伤,并且在这种环境下,欲望的横流汹涌澎湃。 关键词:托尼.莫里森;黑人;种族歧视;欲望横流 1. Background The Bluest Eye is a 1970 novel by American author Toni Morrison. It is Morrison's first novel, written while Morrison was teaching at Howard University and was raising her two sons on her own. The story is about a year in the life of a young black girl in Lorain, Ohio named Pecola. It takes place against the backdrop of America's Midwest as well as in the years following the Great Depression. At that time, although slave system had been cancelled, the black had been unable to get rid of racial discrimination that exists in every corner of American society. The Bluest Eye is told from the perspective of Claudia MacTeer as a child and an adult, as well as from a third person omniscient viewpoint. Claudia and Frieda MacTeer live in Ohio with their parents. The MacTeers take in a boarder, Mr. Henry and Pecola. The protagonist of the novel, Pecola is a troubled young girl with a hard life. Her parents are constantly fighting, both physically and verbally. Pecola is continually being told and reminded of what an “ugly” girl she is, thus fueling her desire to be a Caucasian girl with blue eyes. Throughout the novel it is revealed that not only has Pecola had a life full of hatred and hardships, but her parents have as well. Pecola’s mother, Pauline only feels alive and happy when she is working for a rich white family. Her father, Cholly, is a drunk who was left with his aunt when he was young and ran away to find his father, who wanted nothing to do with him. Both Pauline and Cholly eventually lost the love they once had for one another. While Pecola is doing dishes, her father rapes her. His motives are unclear and confusing, seemingly a combination of both love and hate. Cholly flees after the second time he rapes Pecola, leaving her pregnant. The entire town of Lorain turns against her, except Claudia and Frieda. In the end Pecola’s child is born pre maturely and dies. Claudia and Frieda give up the money they had been saving and plant flower seeds in hopes that if the flowers bloom, Pecola's baby will live; the marigolds never bloom. Pecola always eagers to have a pair of blue eyes and hope this pair of eyes gets her out of the pain of life. However, at


关于最蓝的眼睛论文参考文献 The Loss of Black Female Identity in The Bluest Eye Science & Technology Information 郑玉荣;;《最蓝的眼睛》中的人物自我同黑人社区的游离与融合[J];长春大学学报;2009年11期 Hu Jun The Self-hatred of African-Americans in The Bluest Eye Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal 2006(1) Taylor-Guyhrie,D. Covnersations with Toni Morrison[M].Jackson:University of Mississipi Press,1994. Ogunyemi,Chikwenye."Order and disorder in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye 张东芹;托妮·莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》的生态女性主义解读[D];华北电力大学(北京);2011年 曹小菁《最蓝的眼睛》——托尼·莫里森与生态女性主义的共鸣《世界文学评论》2012年02期加入收藏投稿 章汝雯. 托尼·莫里森研究[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2006 张秀见;刘黎;;走不出的困惑——评托妮·莫里森的小说《最蓝的眼睛》[J];名作欣赏;2007年07期 沙原,沙木贤;对托妮·莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》的解读[J] 芒种2013年第12期Bjork,Patrick Bryce. The Novels of Toni Morrison[M].New York:Peter Lang Publishing,Inc,1996. [1]Bjork, Patrick Bryce. The Novels of Toni Morrison: The Search for Self and Place Within the Community[M]. New York: Peter Lang. 1992: 44. [2]Cao Yinghui. The Fantasy of (Eye) “I”dentity: A Lacanian Reading of The Bluest Eye[J]. MA Dissertation of Yunnan Normal University. 中国期刊网, 2005: 4-6. [3]Ding Yan. The Origin of Pecola’s Tragedy in The Bluest Eye[J]. 语文学刊(高教·外文版)2007(12): 45-47. [4]Gates, Henry Louis and K.A. Appiah, eds. Toni Morrison: Critical Perspectives Past and Present[M]. New York: Armstad Press.1993: 192. [5]Hu Huifang. A Cultural and Postcolonial Approach to the White Culture Hegemony in The Bluest Eye[J]. MA Dissertation of Northwest University. 中国期刊网, 2004: 6-8. [6]Li Zhuo. Out of the White Cultural Hegemony——A Postcolonial Study of The Bluest Eye[J]. MA Dissertation of Jilin University. 中国期刊网, 2007: 4, 6-15, 21-36. [7]Loomba, Ania. Colonialism/ Postcolonialism[M]. New York: Routledge. 1998.


The Loss of Black Female Identity in The Bluest Eye Science & Technology Information 郑玉荣;;《最蓝的眼睛》中的人物自我同黑人社区的游离与融合[J];长春大学学报;2009年11期 Hu Jun The Self-hatred of African-Americans in The Bluest Eye Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal 2006(1) Taylor-Guyhrie,D. Covnersations with Toni Morrison[M].Jackson:University of Mississipi Press,1994. Ogunyemi,Chikwenye."Order and disorder in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye 张东芹;托妮·莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》的生态女性主义解读[D];华北电力大学(北京);2011年 曹小菁《最蓝的眼睛》——托尼·莫里森与生态女性主义的共鸣《世界文学评论》 2012年02期加入收藏投稿 章汝雯. 托尼·莫里森研究[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2006 张秀见;刘黎;;走不出的困惑——评托妮·莫里森的小说《最蓝的眼睛》[J];名作欣赏;2007年07期 沙原,沙木贤;对托妮·莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》的解读[J] 芒种 2013年第12期 Bjork,Patrick Bryce. The Novels of Toni Morrison[M].New York:Peter Lang Publishing,Inc,1996. [1]Bjork, Patrick Bryce. The Novels of Toni Morrison: The Search for Self and Place Within the Community[M]. New York: Peter Lang. 1992: 44. [2]Cao Yinghui. The Fantasy of (Eye) “I”dentity: A Lacanian Reading of The Bluest Eye[J]. MA Dissertation of Yunnan Normal University. 中国期刊网, 2005: 4-6. [3]Ding Yan. The Origin of Pecola’s Tragedy in The Bluest Eye[J]. 语文学刊(高教·外文版)2007(12): 45-47. [4]Gates, Henry Louis and K.A. Appiah, eds. Toni Morrison: Critical Perspectives Past and Present[M]. New York: Armstad Press.1993: 192. [5]Hu Huifang. A Cultural and Postcolonial Approach to the White Culture Hegemony in The Bluest Eye[J]. MA Dissertation of Northwest University. 中国期刊网, 2004: 6-8. [6]Li Zhuo. Out of the White Cultural Hegemony——A Postcolonial Study of The Bluest Eye[J]. MA Dissertation of Jilin University. 中国期刊网, 2007: 4, 6-15, 21-36. [7]Loomba, Ania. Colonialism/ Postcolonialism[M]. New York: Routledge. 1998.


Toni Morrison and 《The Bluest Eye》 I、Toni Morrison Toni Morrison (born Chloe Anthony Wofford on February 18, 1931), is a Nobel Prize-winning American author, editor, and professor. Her novels are known for their epic themes, vivid dialogue, and richly detailed black characters; among the best known are her novels The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon, and Beloved, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1988. In 2001 she was named one of the "30 Most Powerful Women in America" by Ladies' Home Journal. 1、Early life and career Toni Morrison was born in Lorain, Ohio, the second of four children in a working-class family. As a child, Morrison read constantly; among her favorite authors were Jane Austen and Leo Tolstoy. Morrison's father, George Wofford, a welder by trade, told her numerous folktales of the black community (a method of storytelling that would later work its way into Morrison's writings). In 1949 Morrison entered Howard University to study English. While there she began going by the nickname of "Toni," which derives from her middle name, Anthony. Morrison received a B.A. in English from Howard in 1953, then earned a Master of Arts degree, also in English, from Cornell University in 1955, for which she wrote a thesis on suicide in the works of William Faulkner and Virginia Woolf. After graduation, Morrison became an English instructor at Texas Southern University in

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