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EXPLORATIONS - Four Companies Working for the Common Good Instead of Profit

EXPLORATIONS - Four Companies Working for the Common Good Instead of Profit
EXPLORATIONS - Four Companies Working for the Common Good Instead of Profit

is also being used to feed children in Malawi, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. And, Plumpy’nut was used to help feed victims of tsunami waves in the Indian Ocean in December, two thousand four.


The substance can be given to families without the need to go to feeding centers. It comes ready to eat. It does not have to be mixed with water, the way dry milk does. Clean drinking water is often in short supply in crisis situations. Nutriset says Plumpy'nut can stay fresh for two years. Individual servings are ninety-two grams.

Michel Lescanne started Nutriset in nineteen eighty-six to make food for humanitarian aid. The company has a small factory in Malaunay, France. It says it reinvests its profits into research and development. Nutriset also makes products like dry milk that are traditionally used to fight hunger. In times of crisis, the company will set up emergency operations twenty-four hours a day.



The Institute for One World Health is the first not-for-profit drug company in the United States. It is working to improve the health of the world’s poorest people. Victoria Hale started the company in two thousand. The institute develops safe and low-cost medicines for people with infectious diseases in the developing world.

The Institute for One World Health identifies possible new drugs that have been developed but not fully tested. Often, drug companies will research and develop medicines to treat diseases that affect poor people. However, such projects often end because of a lack of money.


This is when Doctor Hale’s company steps in. The institute gains the rights to promising drugs and develops them into safe, effective medicines. The institute works with local organizations to manufacture and provide the drugs after they receive government approval.

One of the company’s biggest successes was the drug paromomycin. It is used to treat infections caused by organisms called parasites.

The Institute for One World Health believes paromomycin can effectively treat the most dangerous form of leishmaniasis. This disease is spread by the bite of a sand fly insect. Visceral leishmaniasis is the worst form of the disease. One and one-half million people around the world are infected with the disease. Victims will die if they are not treated. Most victims of visceral leishmaniasis are in Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Nepal and Sudan.


The World Health Organization started testing paromomycin as a treatment for visceral leishmaniasis in two thousand one. Small studies proved the drug was safe and effective. However, larger tests comparing the drug with existing treatments were suspended because of a lack of money.

The Institute for One World Health then took action. The company gained legal rights to paromomycin. It completed a full scientific study of the drug in India. It did so with financial support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Tests proved that paromomycin works as well as a more costly drug currently used against visceral leishmaniasis. The institute plans to seek approval for paromomycin in India. (MUSIC)


Millions of children around the world suffer from an easily corrected medical condition called cleft lip. A cleft is a separation in the lip of the mouth. Children can also suffer from cleft palate. That is a separation in the top of the mouth or the soft tissue in the back of the mouth.

Cleft lip or palate normally develops in the early weeks of pregnancy. Researchers believe that genetic material passed on to children from their parents may cause cleft lip or palate. Environmental influences like sickness, drugs, smoking and alcohol use during pregnancy may also cause the condition.


A simple operation performed on children between nine and eighteen months old can repair this condition. Doctors say that without the operation children in developing countries are more likely to suffer a life of poor nutrition. They also may suffer condemnation and separation from their communities.

The Smile Train is an American organization working to end this problem. It provides local doctors in developing countries with training and equipment needed to perform cleft operations. The Smile Train has services and programs in more than fifty countries.


Pakistan is one example. The Smile Train has provided money, equipment and training to the Allied Hospital at the Punjab Medical College. The organization has also provided equipment and training to Malaysia’s medical community. And in Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Smile Train has given the University Clinic Center in Sarajevo aid to improve its cleft care for poor children.

The organization was started in nineteen ninety-nine. Every year since then, it has provided free cleft operations to more than thirty-five thousand children around the world. Local doctors do the operations, which take as little as forty-five minutes. The Smile Train pays for the operations with money it collects. It says the average cost for the operation is about two hundred fifty dollars.



Some places in the world still do not have electric power. In fact, a group called SELF estimates that about two thousand million people, or one in three, do not have electricity. This American organization is working to change the situation.

SELF is short for the Solar Electric Light Fund. It provides communities and governments with solar electric systems. These systems use what is called photovoltaic technology to change sunlight into electricity. The group says solar electric systems can be set up quickly in any village anywhere in the world. And they are safe for the environment.


A small solar electric system can provide a home, school or health center with several hours of electricity each day. Collectors placed on top of a building take in heat from the sun. This energy is then sent to a storage battery used to power equipment. A special charge controller is also needed to help direct the flow of electricity.

SELF has solar electric programs in many developing countries. In South Africa, two schools along the country’s east coast use solar electric systems for lighting, televisions and computer centers. And in Brazil, scientists working in the Amazon rainforest use a solar electric system to power satellite communications equipment. Researchers communicate with other teams working in the rainforest.


SELF says energy from the sun is the only dependable way to meet the electricity needs of poor villages. Many communities still use candles, batteries and fuel-powered lights at night. Health centers do not have power to keep medicines cold. Schools have no electricity for copy machines or computers.

The group says solar energy, combined with wireless communications technology, can help bring less developed parts of the world into the twenty-first century.




Deems Taylor: The Monster 怪才他身材矮小,头却很大,与他的身材很不相称——是个满脸病容的矮子。他神经兮兮,有皮肤病,贴身穿比丝绸粗糙一点的任何衣服都会使他痛苦不堪。而且他还是个夸大妄想狂。他是个极其自负的怪人。除非事情与自己有关,否则他从来不屑对世界或世人瞧上一眼。对他来说,他不仅是世界上最重要的人物,而且在他眼里,他是惟一活在世界上的人。他认为自己是世界上最伟大的戏剧家之一、最伟大的思想家之一、最伟大的作曲家之一。听听他的谈话,仿佛他就是集莎士比亚、贝多芬、柏拉图三人于一身。想要听到他的高论十分容易,他是世上最能使人筋疲力竭的健谈者之一。同他度过一个夜晚,就是听他一个人滔滔不绝地说上一晚。有时,他才华横溢;有时,他又令人极其厌烦。但无论是妙趣横生还是枯燥无味,他的谈话只有一个主题:他自己,他自己的所思所为。他狂妄地认为自己总是正确的。任何人在最无足轻重的问题上露出丝毫的异议,都会激得他的强烈谴责。他可能会一连好几个小时滔滔不绝,千方百计地证明自己如何如何正确。有了这种使人耗尽心力的雄辩本事,听者最后都被他弄得头昏脑涨,耳朵发聋,为了图个清静,只好同意他的说法。他从来不会觉得,对于跟他接触的人来说,他和他的所作所为并不是使人产生强烈兴趣而为之倾倒的事情。他几乎对世间的任何领域都有自己的理



人教版小学四年级语文下册课文知识要点复习人教版小学语文第八册课文知识要点复习 第一组课文知识要点: 1、在第一组课文中,我们随着作者游览了(敬亭山)、(洞庭湖)、(江南)、()、(双龙洞)、(天山)等祖国大好河山。我觉得我们的祖国(非常美丽)。我能用(山清水秀、地大物博、瑰丽壮观、巧夺天工等词语赞美它。 2、我会背、默三首古诗词,并能想象诗词所描写的一幅幅画面。(了解意思)还会背诵其他描写山水风光的古诗词,如(白)的《望庐山瀑布》、日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。(轼)的《饮湖上初晴后雨》水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。欲把

西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。(写在背面)3、我能背诵《山水》。我知道“山水甲天下”的意思是(的山水是天下第一),“甲”的意思是(第一)。山水给我的感受是“漓江的水(静)、(清)、(绿),的山(奇)、(秀)、(险),的山水就像(一副美丽的画卷)。 4、我会背诵《记的双龙洞》中的2、6自然段。我能用(缓)、(急)、(宽)、(窄) 形容溪水不同的调子。 5、我能背诵描写自然景观的千古佳句。(写在背面)知道五岳指(东岳泰山)、(西岳华山)、(南岳衡山)、(北岳恒山)、(中岳嵩山)。五大淡水湖是(洞庭湖)、(鄱阳湖)、(洪泽 湖)、(太湖)、()。 6、我了解了用三个或三个以上相同的句式描写

事物的方法叫(排比),这样写(能分几个方面把景物的特点写得清楚明白、具体生动).我也 能写这样的句子: 天山的野花真多啊,(多得密密麻麻,数也数不 清), 天山的野花真艳啊,(艳得耀你的眼), 天山的野花真香啊,(香得让你沉醉)。 (校园真大呀),(), (真美),(), (真好),()。 7、用数字来说明,句子(更具体,更有说服力), 我能用这 样的方法写句子。(有一半的人在做小动作,占了50%) 引用古诗,读起来真有味,还让人心服。我也能


Unit 1. Great Explorations 重点句型 1.物主代词+n. + be + to do... 某人的···是做··· His task was to develop relations and set up trade routes with foreign countries. 他的任务是和外国加强联系并建立贸易路线。 我们的任务是学好英语。________________________________ 我的梦想是成为一名像郑和一样的探险家。 __________ _________ __________ _________ _________ an explorer like Zheng He. 2.It seems/ seemed that... 似乎···;看起来··· It seemed that nowhere was too far for him to visit. It seems that the attack was carefully planned. = The attack seems to be carefully planned ____________________________________ 看起来他好像困了。 ____________________________________=_____________________________________ 3.Besides developing trade, the voyages also encouraged the exchange of cultures and technologies. Besides English, she can also speak Japanese, French and German. = In addition to English, she can speak Japanese, French and German. _______________________________________ 此句型中besides意为“除···之外(还有···)”,是介词,后面要加名词、代词或动名词,意思同in addition to 相近。 Besides 还可以用作连词,此时besides = in addition = what’s more= furthermore, 通常用来连接上下文,表示“此外”。 此外,我们可以多做运动来保持健康。 结果状语从句 (1)结果状语从句由so…that, such…that, so that引导。例如: He is so poor that he can’t buy a bike for his son. She is such a good teacher that everybody likes her. My pencil fell under the desk, so that I couldn’t see it. (2)so…that语such...that可以互换。例如: 在由so...that引导的结果状语从句中,so是副词,与形容词连用。其结构是: “...so + 形容词(副词)+ that + 从句”。例如: He was so glad that he couldn’t say a word. The hall is so big that it can hold 2,000 people.


人教版四年级语文下册知识点整理(超全) 一、课文理解及原文填空. 1、《独坐敬亭山》(唐李白)——抒发了诗人怀才不遇而产生的孤独寂寞之情. 众鸟高飞尽,孤云独去闲.【群鸟高飞远去直至无影无踪;寂寥长空中最后的一片白云也悠然飘走.】诗句中,尽、孤、独、闲几个字表现了诗人孤独寂寞的心境. 2、《望洞庭》(唐刘禹锡)——表达了诗人热爱和赞美洞庭美景之情. (1)遥望洞庭山水翠,白银盘里一青螺.【远远望去洞庭湖的山山水水一片翠绿,好似白银盘里托着一枚青青的田螺.】这是一个比喻句,白银盘指洞庭湖,青螺指君山.运用比喻的修辞方法突出洞庭山水和谐之美. 3、《忆江南》(唐白居易)————表达了诗人赞美和怀念江南美景之情. 这是一首词,“忆江南”是词牌名. (1)江南好,风景旧曾谙.日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝.能不忆江南? “谙”是熟悉的意思,“胜”是超过的意思,“如”是像的意思.“能不忆江南?”采用反问的修辞,很好地表达了诗人对江南美景的怀念之情. (2)能不忆江南?【反问】流露出作者对江南美景强烈的赞叹和眷恋之情. 2、《桂林山水》一文是按总分总的顺序写的. “桂林山水甲天下”的“甲”是居第一位的意思. 大海——波澜壮阔西湖——水平如镜泰山——峰峦雄伟香山——红叶似火 作者用运用了对比的写法突出了桂林山水的特点. 这样的山围绕着这样的水,这样的水倒映着这样的山,再加上空中云雾迷蒙,山间绿树红花,江上竹筏小舟,让你像是走进了连绵不断的画卷,真是“舟行碧波上,人在画中游”. 舟行碧波上,人在画中游.【既画龙点睛概括全文,又与首句“桂林山水甲天下”遥相呼应.】这样的山指奇、秀、险的山,这样的水指静、清、绿的水. 3、《记金华的双龙洞》本文是叶圣陶先生写的一篇游记,课文按照游览的先后顺序记叙了游双龙洞的过程.游览路线是:路上见闻——洞口——外洞——孔隙(由外洞入内洞)——内洞—— 出洞.本文有两条线索,一是作者的游览顺序,二是以水(溪流)为线索. 作者看到的景物的特点:洞口:像桥洞、很宽;外洞:宽敞;孔隙:窄小;内洞:漆黑、宽广、奇特. 4、《中彩那天》主要内容:父亲中彩得到汽车,但彩票是给库伯先生捎的,最后父亲把车还给了不知道自己中彩的库伯.父亲面临的道德难题是(中彩的是库伯的彩票,是否把车还给库伯),父亲的决定是(把车还给库伯).父亲是一个(诚实、守信)的人.这一课告诉我们:一个人只要活得诚

深圳牛津版最新九年级(下) 课文 (带翻译)

初三(下) 课文(翻译) 1—3 Unit 1 课文(翻译) Great explorations[ekspl?'re??(?)n]探索

郑和下西洋 The voyages ['v???d?] 航行of Zheng He 郑和是中国著名的探险家。1405,他发起了中国七大航海史上的第一次。这比哥伦布第一次航行发现美洲新大陆早了近一个世纪。他的旅行是如此重要,人们至今仍然研究。 Zheng He was a famous Chinese explorer. In 1404, he set off出发from China on the first of seven great voyages ['v???d?] 航行. This was nearly['n??l?]差不多a century ['sent??r?]世纪before Christopher['kr?st?f?(r)] Columbus[k?'l?mb?s] first set sail启航on his journey['d???n?]旅途 of discovery[d?'sk?v(?)r?]发现 to America. His travels were so important that they are still studied today. 郑和 1371 出生于云南,后来成为明朝永乐皇帝可信任的官员。皇帝下令郑造访并探索中国以外的土地,他的任务是发展关系,建立与国外贸易通道。 Zheng He was born in Yunnan in 1371. He rose to 升迁;上升到become a trusted受信任的official [?'f??(?)l]官员of the Yongle Emperor['emp(?)r?]皇帝of the Ming Dynasty['da?n?sti]朝代. The emperor ordered Zheng He to visit and explore[?k'spl??; ek-]探索the lands outside China. His task[tɑ?sk]任务was to develop relations[d?'vel?p]发展关系 and set up建立trade[tre?d]贸易 routes[ru?t]路线;航线with foreign countries. 在短短几年内,他建造船舶组成了一支庞大的舰队,是当时世界上最大的。这些船被称为宝船,它们大到足以承载25,000 人以及非常多的货物。 In a few years, he built a great fleet [fli?t]舰队of ships, the biggest in the world at that time. The ships were known as被称作treasure['tre??]财宝 ships. They were big enough to carry 25,000 people as well as以及;还very large quantities of['kwɑnt?ti]大量的 goods货物. 从1405 年至1433 年,郑和前后共进行了七次远游,并参观了东南亚,中东,甚至非洲的东海岸。看上去没有哪能远到他们去不了的地方。这些航行使得中国通过贵重物品如黄金、白银和丝绸进行贸易。 From 1405 to 1433, Zheng He went on seven trips and visited South-East Asia[?e???]亚洲, the Middle East and even the east coast[k??st]海岸 of Africa. It seemed that nowhere was too far for him to visit. These voyages['v???d?]航行 allowed China to trade[tre?d]交易valuable['v?lj?b(?)l]贵重的goods like gold, silver['s?lv?]银and silk[s?lk]丝绸. 每次航次结束,郑和返回时都带回在中国从没见过的很多东西,譬如来自非洲

高中外研社英语选修六Module5课文Frankenstein's Monster

Frankenstein's Monster Part 1 The story of Frankenstein Frankenstein is a young scientist/ from Geneva, in Switzerland. While studying at university, he discovers the secret of how to give life/ to lifeless matter. Using bones from dead bodies, he creates a creature/ that resembles a human being/ and gives it life. The creature, which is unusually large/ and strong, is extremely ugly, and terrifies all those/ who see it. However, the monster, who has learnt to speak, is intelligent/ and has human emotions. Lonely and unhappy, he begins to hate his creator, Frankenstein. When Frankenstein refuses to create a wife/ for him, the monster murders Frankenstein's brother, his best friend Clerval, and finally, Frankenstein's wife Elizabeth. The scientist chases the creature/ to the Arctic/ in order to destroy him, but he dies there. At the end of the story, the monster disappears into the ice/ and snow/ to end his own life. Part 2 Extract from Frankenstein It was on a cold November night/ that I saw my creation/ for the first time. Feeling very anxious, I prepared the equipment/ that would give life/ to the thing/ that lay at my feet. It was already one/ in the morning/ and the rain/ fell against the window. My candle was almost burnt out when, by its tiny light,I saw the yellow eye of the creature open. It breathed hard, and moved its arms and legs. How can I describe my emotions/ when I saw this happen? How can I describe the monster who I had worked/ so hard/ to create? I had tried to make him beautiful. Beautiful! He was the ugliest thing/ I had ever seen! You could see the veins/ beneath his yellow skin. His hair was black/ and his teeth were white. But these things contrasted horribly with his yellow eyes, his wrinkled yellow skin and black lips. I had worked/ for nearly two years/ with one aim only, to give life to a lifeless body. For this/ I had not slept, I had destroyed my health. I had wanted it more than anything/ in the world. But now/ I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and horror and disgust/ filled my heart. Now/ my only thoughts were, "I wish I had not created this creature, I wish I was on the other side of the world, I wish I could disappear!” When he turned to look at me, I felt unable to stay in the same room as him. I rushed out, and /for a long time/ I walked up and down my bedroom. At last/ I threw myself on the bed/ in my clothes, trying to find a few moments of sleep. But although I slept, I had terrible dreams. I dreamt I saw my fiancée/ walking in the streets of our town. She looked well/ and happy/ but as I kissed her lips,they became pale, as if she were dead. Her face changed and I thought/ I held the body of my dead mother/ in my arms. I woke, shaking with fear. At that same moment,I saw the creature/ that I had created. He was standing/by my bed/ and watching me. His


《小蓝裙的故事》 四字词语:焕然一新杂草丛生整齐清洁 成语模仿: 焕然一新一丝不苟奄奄一息一心一意一手遮天 词语巧搭配:(干净)的衬衫(屋里)的环境(整齐清洁)的街道 关联词:(但)穿起来以后,(却)怎么看怎么不对劲儿。 名言警句:人们的欢乐在于生活,而生活在于劳动。----列夫.托尔斯泰 《渡河少年》 四字词语:浪花丛中落满彩霞游来游去 成语模仿: 浪花丛中花前月下花花世界花天酒地 词语巧搭配:(清澈)的小河(岸边)的渡船(黝黑)的脸蛋(落满彩霞)的河水(五彩)的锦缎(花瓣中)的花蕊 (浪花丛中)的奇葩(河边)的沙滩 关联词:有趣的是,以后我每次过河,(只要)赶上学生上学放学,(总会)看到那个圆脸少年在河里游来游去。 名言警句:要记住:越严重,越困难,就越需要坚定,积累果断,而消极无为就越有害。----列夫.托尔斯泰 反义词:黝黑---白嫩清澈---浑浊倔强---驯服延长---缩短

《一千根弦》 四字词语:尽心尽意有生之年急不可待潸然泪下 成语模仿: 尽心尽意无情无义无声无息无缘无敌无穷无尽 词语巧搭配:(清双目失明)的小徒弟(怀里)的药方 (故事)的真相(尽情)地弹唱 关联词:(但)是遍访名医,(都)说没有办法。 名言警句:最最要紧的是坚定。不要让痛苦使你背离你开始的,值得赞美的事业,谁只要能坚持到底,他便是有福的。----格里 美尔斯豪森 反义词:潸然泪下---喜笑颜开急不可待---慢条斯理坚持---放弃郑重---轻率 作文-----表达:不拘形式地说写见闻 《汉字家园》1 (鸽子)酷爱和平(喜鹊)传递佳音(鹦鹉)人云亦云(孔雀)举止高雅 (雄鹰)英勇无畏(大雁)纪律严明(企鹅)憨厚可爱(燕子)报春使者

1对1沪教版unit 1 Great explorations讲解与练习

教育1对1专用教案 学生姓名:授课教师:科目:英语学生年级: 上课时间:年月日时分至时分共2 小时 教学课题九年级下册unit 1 Great explorations 上次作业评析 口语练习:第十套 一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分) Why did the population grow very slowly in the beginning, and why is it now growing faster and faster? A long time ago, many babies died when they were only a few days or weeks old. If people grew up, many didn’t live for very long. Why? Sometimes they didn’t have enough food. Sometimes their food didn’t make them strong. But, most importantly, people became ill very easily. There were no hospitals or doctors, and people often died young. But what will happen if the population doesn’t stop growing? We will have to use farm land to build houses. There will be no animals or plants or trees. Then there won’t be enough food in the world for everyone. 二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. What kind of music do you like best? 2. Have you got a mobile phone? 3. What do you think of Guangzhou? 4. What do you think is the most important to you? 5. Where was your mother born? 三、根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分) 话题:请根据所给要求,谈谈你的度假计划。 1. Where are you going for the vacation? 2. What are you going to do there? 3. Who are you going with? 4. How long will you stay there?


Unit 7 The Monster Deems Taylor 1He was an undersized little man, with a head too big for his body ― a sickly little man. His nerves were bad. He had skin trouble. It was agony for him to wear anything next to his skin coarser than silk. And he had delusions of grandeur. 2He was a monster of conceit. Never for one minute did he look at the world or at people, except in relation to himself. He believed himself to be one of the greatest dramatists in the world, one of the greatest thinkers, and one of the greatest composers. To hear him talk, he was Shakespeare, and Beethoven, and Plato, rolled into one. He was one of the most exhausting conversationalists that ever lived. Sometimes he was brilliant; sometimes he was maddeningly tiresome. But whether he was being brilliant or dull, he had one sole topic of conversation: himself. What he thought and what he did. 3He had a mania for being in the right. The slightest hint of disagreement, from anyone, on the most trivial point, was enough to set him off on a harangue that might last for hours, in which he proved himself right in so many ways, and with such exhausting volubility, that in the end his hearer, stunned and deafened, would agree with him, for the sake of peace. 4It never occurred to him that he and his doing were not of the most intense and fascinating interest to anyone with whom he came in contact. He had theories about almost any subject under the sun, including vegetarianism, the drama, politics, and music; and in support of these theories he wrote pamphlets, letters, books ... thousands upon thousands of words, hundreds and hundreds of pages. He not only wrote these things, and published them ― usually at somebody else’s expense ― but he would sit and read them aloud, for hours, to his friends, and his family. 5He had the emotional stability of a six-year-old child. When he felt out of sorts, he would rave and stamp, or sink into suicidal gloom and talk darkly of going to the East to end his days as a Buddhist monk. Ten minutes later, when something pleased him he would rush out of doors and run around the garden, or jump up and down off the sofa, or stand on his head. He could be grief-stricken over the death of a pet dog, and could be callous and heartless to a degree that would have made a Roman emperor shudder. 6He was almost innocent of any sense of responsibility. He was convinced that


四年级下册语文知识点复习整理 一、作者作品等文学常识。 1、《记金华的双龙洞》是著名作家叶圣陶先生写的,上个学期我们还学过他的作品《爬山虎的脚》。 2、《万年牢》作者是新凤霞;《小英雄雨来》的作者是管桦;《生命生命》的作者是杏林子;《花儿的勇气》是著名作家冯骥才写的。 3、海伦·凯勒是一位盲人作家,她的作品是《假如给我三天光明》。 4、这个学期我们认识了很多古希腊神话中的神,有众神之王宙斯,太阳神阿波罗,海神波塞冬,智慧女神雅典娜等,关于他们的传说很多,如:金羊毛的故事,特洛亚战争的故事。 5、我国古代也有许多神话故事,如:女娲补天、精卫填海、夸父追日。 6、《渔夫的故事》选自古代阿拉伯著名的民间故事《一千零一夜》,这本书又叫《天方夜谭》,被誉为世界民间文学创作中的“最壮丽的一座纪念碑”。著名的《阿里巴巴和四十大盗》、《阿拉丁和神灯的故事》、《三个苹果的故事》都出自这本书。 二、课文理解及原文填空。 1、《桂林山水》一文是按总分总的顺序写的。 “桂林山水甲天下”的“甲”是居第一位的意思。 大海——波澜壮阔西湖——水平如镜泰山——峰峦雄伟香山——红叶似火 作者用运用了对比的写法突出了桂林山水的特点。 这样的山围绕着这样的水,这样的水倒映着这样的山,再加上空中云雾迷蒙,山间绿树红花,江上竹筏小舟,让你像是走进了连绵不断的画卷,真是“舟行碧波上,人在画中游”。 这样的山指奇、秀、险的山,这样的水指静、清、绿的水。 2、《记金华的双龙洞》是按游览的顺序写的。 随着山势,溪流时而宽,时而窄,时而缓,时而急,溪声也时时变换调子。 3、《中彩那天》告诉我们:一个人只要活得诚实,有信用,就等于有了一大笔财富。 4、做人要做万年牢就是告诉我们要做个可靠的人,实实在在的人,无论做什么事,都要讲究认真,讲究实在。 5、《尊严》一课使我明白:做人要做一个有尊严的人。 6、如果我们在生活中能将心比心,就会对老人生出一份尊重,对孩子增加一份关爱,就会使人与人之间多一些宽容和理解。

Unit 5 New Explorations in Food and Medicine

Unit 5 New Explorations in Food and Medicine Part I Warming up A1 1. This news item is about a successful brain tissue transplant carried out by a South African surgeon. 2. This news item is about the discovery of a new way to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy. 3. This news item is about the possibility of a new way to treat glaucoma. 4. This news item is about a new research on writing which shows that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes. or This news item is about a new research on writing which shows that writing can help people with chronic illnesses improve their health. 5. This news item is about the theory and function of acupuncture. A2 1. The surgery was performed a week ago on a patient suffering from Parkinson's disease. 2. The effectiveness of chemotherapy can be increased by inhibiting a natural defense mechanism employed by cancer cells. 3. Glaucoma involves the death of brain cells. 4. The study adds to the growing amount of scientific literature suggesting that meeting patients’ psychological needs produces physical health benefits. 5. One of the key benefits of acupuncture is that it has few, if any, side-effects and that when used with standard drug treatment it allows physicians to cut back on medication. Tapescripts: 1. The world's leading transplant surgeon, Dr Christopher Bernard, has carried out one of the most difficult brain tissue transplants yet attempted. The South African surgeon has succeeded in transplanting tissues into the human brain in what is thought to be the first operation of its kind. The surgery was performed a week ago on a patient suffering from Parkinson's disease. A portion of the patient's adrenal gland was implanted into a part of the patient's brain, an operation which has previously been performed only on rats and monkeys. 2. Approximately a-third of all people develop cancer at one point in their lives. Chemotherapy has its limitations, but it is one of the major treatment options. Some American scientists have discovered they can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy by inhibiting a natural defense mechanism employed by cancer cells. 3.Glaucoma is responsible for blindness in an estimated 67 million people around the world. Until now, treatments have focused exclusively on the eyes. But that may change in the next few years, following the discovery that glaucoma involves the death of brain cells. 4. New research shows that the simple act of writing down thoughts about a stressful event can help people with chronic illnesses improve their health. This is the first study to show that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes for chronically-ill patients. The study adds to the growing amount of scientific literature suggesting that meeting patients' psychological needs produces physical health benefits. 5. Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associated with the balance of qi. Qi can be hindered or helped by yang and yin. According to traditional theory, the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin and yang in balance- and this is done by inserting needles at various points along primary channels and meridians that crisscross the body. One of the key benefits of acupuncture is that it has few, if any, side-effects; and that when used with standard drug treatment --in anesthesia, for example it allows physicians to cut back on medication, delivering the same level of benefit with fewer negative effects.


一、风景特点篇 1、桂林山水——奇秀险、静清绿 2、双龙洞——雄伟、惊险、神奇 3、七月的天山——奇妙无比、引人入胜 4、大海——波澜壮阔 5、西湖——水平如镜 6、泰山——峰峦雄伟 7、香山——红叶似火 8、荷兰——水之国,花之国,牧场之国 9、乡村生活——自然和谐、充满诗意、无拘无束 10、乡下风景——独特迷人、优美恬静 11、桂林山水甲天下——桂林的山水天下第一甲:第一 12、、舟行碧波上,人在画中游——小船在碧波荡漾的湖面上行驶, 人好像在画卷中游览观赏一样。 二、人物特点篇 1、父亲(中彩那天)——诚实,讲信用 2、父亲(万年牢)——认真、实在、正直 3、哈默——自爱自尊自强、有骨气 4、小夜莺——机智勇敢、热爱祖国 5、雨来——机智勇敢、热爱祖国、游泳本领高 6、一个中国孩子——热爱和平、憎恨战争 7、盲童安静——热爱生活、珍惜生命 8、琳达一家——一心为他人着想,乐于助人 9、乡下人家——热爱生活,勤劳朴实 10、伽利略——执着追求真理,相信科学、不迷信权威 11、罗丹——做事全神贯注、一丝不苟、执著追求 12、聋哑青年——做事勤奋专注、画技高超 13、父亲(父亲的菜园)——勤劳执著、认准目标、坚持不懈 14、纪昌——虚心好学、勤学苦练 15、飞卫——堪称名师 16、扁鹊——医术高超 17、蔡桓公——固执己见、自以为是、讳疾忌医 18、文成公主——聪明又漂亮 19、普罗米修斯——不畏强权,为民造福、不惜牺牲自己的生命 20、宙斯——心狠手辣、冷酷无情 21、渔夫——从容、镇定、聪明22、魔鬼——凶狠狡猾而又愚蠢 第23课的古诗分析总汇 1、古诗——《乡村四月》(宋翁卷)————表现了诗人对乡村风光的热爱与赞美,也表现出他对劳动人民、劳动生活的赞美之情。 ①诗句:绿遍山原白满川,子规声里雨如烟。乡村四月闲人少,才了蚕桑又插田。 ②诗意:山坡原野草木茂盛,一片葱茏,而稻田里的水色与天光相辉映,满目亮白,杜鹃声声啼叫,天空中烟雨蒙蒙。四月到了,农民都开始忙农活,没有人闲着,刚结束了蚕桑的事又要插秧了。 2.古诗——《四时田园杂兴》(宋范成大)————诗人描写了乡村农人耕织以及儿童学大人样子劳动的情景,赞颂了农村劳动人民的勤劳,表达作者对天真、可爱的劳动人民的喜爱。 ①诗句:昼出耘田夜绩麻,村庄儿女各当家。童孙未解供耕织,也傍桑阴学种瓜。 ②诗意:白天锄地,夜晚搓麻,农家男女各自忙着自己的事情,各有自己拿手的本事。小孩子哪里懂得耕织之事,也模仿大人的样子,在靠近桑树的下面学着种瓜。 3.词——《渔歌子》(唐张志和)————表现了渔夫悠闲自得的生活情趣。 ①诗句:西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。 ②诗意::西塞山附近,白鹭展翅飞,桃花夹岸的溪水中,鳜鱼肥美。头戴青斗笠,身披绿蓑衣,斜风细雨中垂钓的人儿不想回家。 文学常识、要点 1、独坐敬亭山──唐李白字太白,后人称为诗仙,是唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人。 2、望洞庭──唐刘禹锡字梦得,唐代文学家、哲学家。与白居易并称“刘白”。 3、忆江南──唐白居易是一首词,“忆江南”是词牌名。 4、乡村四月——宋翁卷表现了诗人对乡村风光的热爱与赞美,也表现出他对劳动人民、劳动生活的赞美之情。 5、四时田园杂兴——宋范成大赞颂了农村劳动人民的勤劳,表达作者对天真、可爱的儿童的喜爱。 6、渔歌子——唐张志和意境优美,表现了渔夫悠闲自在的情趣。 走进课文 5、学习了第5单元,我体会到了我们要热爱生活,珍惜生命,让有限的生命体现出无限的价值。 6、学习了第6单元,我体会到了乡村的风光是如此的独特迷人、自然和谐啊! 7、学习了第7单元,我体会到了无论学习或是做事,都应该认准目标,执著追求。 8、学习了第8单元,我从这些故事当中体会到了做事、做人的道理,领略故事是多么

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