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当前位置:文档库 › 南非商务签证所需要的资料



Submission Date/申请日期: ____________________________

Name of Applicant/申请人姓名: _______________________________

Passport Number/护照号码: _______________________________

VAC staffs do not play any part in or influence the outcome of your visa application.




Original 原件



For official




1 2Documents Checklist for Visitor's Visa (Business Activities)


*Your visa application will be processed and decided by South African Embassy / Consulate General. *Please note the application will not be acceptable if there are any missing documents as per the

checklist. 若申请资料不符合使馆规定,则中心不予受理。

*If you wish to submit the original documents without photocopies, the original documents will not

be returned to you. 若只递交原件,未递交复印件,使馆不退还原件。

Passport or Travel Document 护照或旅行证件

-passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of your intended visit ,and copy of the first pages of

the passport (on A4 paper)


-at least two blank visa pages (one to endorse visa and one for entry stamps)


Completed Form (BI-84) : Please note that the form has to be filled out ONLY in English with black ink


Two colour passport size photographs with white background (Please refer to the photo specifications on the website) 两张彩色白色背景护照照片(请参考网站上关于护照照片的规格)

The prescribed visa fee (CNY 390)/The service fee (CNY 260)


Documents required/所需材料

Please ensure that all documents should be properly translated in English if there are any documents provided only in Chinese.



Proof of financial means to cover envisaged living expenses during stay in RSA in form of:

提供以下形式的可支付在南非期间所需费用的财力证明1) Recent bank statements for 6 months

(Salary/Pension account preferable)


2) Credit cards limits & Copy of international cards


3) Travellers'checks 旅行支票

Letter of invitation on official company letterhead from RSA ,indication full particulars of invitee and dates of proposed visit






□Courier Fee (If applicable): ________________________ 快递费用(如需要)

Name of Applicants:_________________________申请人姓名:

Name of VACStaff:__________________________签证中心员工姓名:

*Representatives/Travel Agency (If applicable) 代理/旅行社(如需要)Name of Representatives:____________________________代理人签名:

Contact Number:__________________________联系电话:

Email Address:__________________________邮箱地址

1) CM-29/CK-22:Proof of South African company registration with names of registered Directors printed from CIPC website (http://www.cipc.co.za)

CM-29/CK-22:从CIPC 网站(http://www.cipc.co.za)打印出来的能显示注册法人名字的南非公司营业执照2)Copy of inviter's South African ID 南非邀请人的ID 复印件

Guarantee letter on official company letterhead from the sending company/Agency in China,indicating dates and purpose of visit

中方派遣单位出具的印于其公司抬头纸上的担保函,并注明预计访问时间及访问目的Business license of local company 申请人公司在当地的营业执照

Application letter from the host company in RSA and the sending company /Agency in china for authority to conduct work on a Visitor's Permit (Visa) in terms of section 11 南非邀请单位和中方派出单位根据移民法第11(2)条款各提交一份申请信,申请得到持短期签证工作的授权

Please Note: In addition to the above requriements, supplementary documentation might be requested

by the South Africa Embassy / Consulate


□The applicant has confirmed that s/he has read the guidance above and no other documents to submit and wishes to go ahead with the application. Applicant ensures that the information provided by him/her is true and correct.


□This is to certify the applicant has been advised that failure to submit all necessary documents may result in the application taking more than normal cases or being refused. However, he/she has chosen to proceed with the application.

确认已经告知申请人,如果没有递交所有必需材料,可能会导致申请时间长于正常受理时间或被拒签。但是,他/她坚持选择继续签证申请。Insufficient Documents List: 缺失资料




876 (Design date 07/09) - Page 1 ? COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2009Important – Please read this information carefully before you complete your application. Once you have completed your application we strongly advise that you keep a copy for your records. No fee is payable for an application for an Australian transit visa. Who completes this form? You should complete this application form if you intend to remain in Australia no longer than 72 hours and if you can establish that the principal purpose in entering Australia is:?to pass through Australia in transit to another country (where a ‘stopover’ is intended, you should apply for the appropriate visa in a visitor class instead); or ?to pass through Australia to join a vessel as a crew member.Children included in a parent’s passport need not complete a separate application form. Details of such children can be included on their parent’s/guardian’s application form. Children not included in a parent’s or guardian’s passport must fill in a separate application. Please answer all questions fully and correctly. An incorrect answer, or failure to provide an answer to any question, will be taken into account when your application is being considered and could lead to the refusal of your application. T ravel agents may complete this form for you but you must sign the declaration. For information on the making and processing of visa applications, see the information form 1025i Making and processing visa applications. Integrity of application The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the department) is committed to maintaining the integrity of the visa and citizenship programs. Please be aware that if you provide us with fraudulent documents or claims, this may result in processing delays and possibly your application being refused. What is needed with the application? Persons other than the crew joining a vessel You must enclose with your application: a passport valid for travel to Australia issued to, or including, each person in the application; a recent passport-type photograph of each person included in the application form (the photograph must be signed on the back by the person to whom it refers);an itinerary; evidence of confirmed onward booking to continue your journey from Australia to a third country within 72 hours of arrival; and/or correct documentation (eg. visa) for entry to that third country . Persons joining as crew of a vessel From 1 July 2007, foreign members of crew employed on foreign non-military ships which are in Australia during an international voyage are required to hold an Australian maritime crew visa. A maritime crew visa may only be applied for while the applicant is outside Australia. A maritime crew visa is valid for multiple entries to Australia for 3 years from the date it is granted and only permits travel to Australia by sea. Crew who need to travel to Australia by air to join a ship may apply for a transit visa to travel to Australia but applicants will be checked by immigration officials to ascertain if they hold a maritime crew visa. If you do not hold a maritime crew visa after 1 July 2007 when you apply for a transit visa, you may be refused a transit visa to travel to Australia. Your application should be accompanied by:?a passport; and ?documentary proof that you are employed on, or are to be employed on, the ship you are joining in Australia.The following details are to be supplied by the local shipping/handling agent: ?the names of the person joining the vessel as crew;?the names of the persons they are replacing; ?the name of the company employing the applicant;?the name of the vessel being joined; ?the date of arrival in Australia of the persons to be visaed;?the port and date they are expected to join the vessel;?if they are not the vessel’s owner, a copy of the request for crew from the vessel’s agent in Australia. The request should contain the details of the crew members applying for visas.Your transit visa, if granted will permit you to travel to Australia by air for single entry only. Your maritime crew visa will allow you a period of 5 days to sign onto your vessel after you arrive in Australia. If you fail to sign onto your vessel in that time, your maritime crew visa will cease and you may be liable to removal from Australia. Form 876 Application for Transit visa for Australia (subclass 771) Continued on the next page


澳大利亚签证申请的体检表详介(3)如何完成此表:[How to plete this form] ☆申请人:[Applicant] 请申请人在参加放射线检查之前完成表格的A和E部分 请在放射线技师在场时完成表格的B部分 ☆放射线技师:[Radiographer] 请在表格上方和照片上方做标记(请不要涂抹照片),证明检查者确为申请人,包括验证日期; 查阅有效护照,并记录护照号码; 协助申请人完成表格B部分; 完成表格C部分; ☆放射线家:[Radiologist] 完成表格D部分 关于此表格的信息[About the information you give in this form]: 此份表格所提供的信息也可能被送到相关的授权部门,例如收养,边境管理,商务技术,公民资格,教育,健康评估,健康保险,健康服务,法律执行,养老金支付,税务,决策,未成年人保护和移民局等机构,个人信息保护条款993i将会告知可能的得到您的个人信息的相关部门。 检查所需携带的物品:[What to bring to the examination]

您的有效护照,为了确定身份所用。[Your valid passport for identification (if you hold one)] 如果有的话,请带上以往的X光胸片。[Old chest x-rays if you have them.](第一页表格的右上方,照片附近,由放射线技师填写,是申请人的护照号) A部分(Part A)—申请人详细资料[Applicant’s details] 请在参加放射线检查前完成此部分,请使用钢笔并用英文大写字 母清晰填写。 1.你的全名[Your full name](和护照上显示的一致)[as it appears in your passport] ☆姓[Family name] ☆名[Given name] 2.你的住址[Your residential address] (邮政编码[POSTCODE]) 3.白天电话号码[Daytime telephone number]: ☆国家代码[COUNTRY CODE]、地区代码[AREA CODE]、号码[NUMBER] 4. 出生日期[Date of birth] ☆日[DAY]、月[MONTH]、年[YEAR] 5. 性别[Sex]:男[Male]/女[Female] 6. 你要在澳大利亚逗留多久?[How long do you intend staying in Australia?] ☆永久[Permanently](包括非移民申请人)[including non migrating applicant];


合法移民南非 合法移民南非 (1) 1、家庭团聚移民 (2) 2、技术移民(含留学移民) (2) 3、工作签证转申请永居 (2) 4、投资移民 (3) 5、人道主义及难民申请 (3)

在过去几年里,越来越多的中国大陆各界精英、富商通过各种各样的移民渠道,获取他国永久居民权(以下简称PR)或国籍。多项数据表明,自上世纪70年代末、90年代初期的两拨移民潮以来,改革开放之后的第三拨移民高潮在08年以后已成愈发汹涌之势。不同于第一波混杂偷渡客的底层劳工和第二波大规模的“洋插队”,新世纪移民潮的主力由新富阶层和知识精英组成。在他们看来,优质教育、清洁空气、安全食品、资产安全,都将在移民的彼岸得到。 南非,世界金砖四国之一,前英国殖民地,她拥有整个非洲最为完善的政治制度和发达国家都为之侧目的经济。目前国人选择移民南非主要出于以下两大因素考虑:第一类开拓非洲和世界市场;第二类则是以南非为跳板移民其他国家。 如何合法到达移民的彼岸?这里以南非为例,将所有合法移民南非的方法一一例举以供大家选择,也提醒各位谨记:适合自己的才是最好的。 1、家庭团聚移民 南非国籍法规定:南非公民的外籍配偶在拥有南非永久居留二年后可申请加入南非国籍。在南非出生的新生儿,如父母一方系南非公民或拥有南非永久居留权,出生时即具有南非国籍。如父母持工作签证、学生签证等临时居留许可,其子女无权申请加入南非国籍。 在获得永居或国籍之后,可为自己的父母申请探亲签证在南非长期居留。 2、技术移民(含留学移民) 南非的技术移民学历门槛很低,学历在中专(南非及英联邦国家的学历标准,国内的基本不承认)以上都可以,必须是对口专业的招聘才能办理,比如说餐厅老板要招厨师,一定要有相应的厨师证书,以及出具体要求餐厅的经营许可和卫生许可。或者美容院要招按摩师也要具备有相应医疗场所必须的设备和资质。此外还需要有一定的相关工作技能,最好有南非当地的教育背景,有一定的英语能力等。 南非的技术移民需要打分,满分为一百分,六十分就可以通过了,各项指标里包括申请者的语言能力,学历,年龄,技术特长,还有申请人专业对于南非来讲是否是稀缺性的(这点非常重要)等等。其中单纯学历一项就差不多二十分,另外,像护理,IT行业都属于南非的稀缺人才,申请10个能通过9个,因此说想拿到南非绿卡并不困难。 留学南非再选择技术移民也是一条非常不错的选择,首先南非的留学学费相对西方发达国家低的多;留学之后可获得整个英联邦国家内都认可的学历证书,以后可以以南非为跳板移民西方国家,成功率比从国内申请高很多,排期也短很多。 (友情提示:目前西方国家普遍吃香的专业有医学护理、IT类、工程类) 3、工作签证转申请永居 2011年南非当局规定下列签证持有者申请工作签证,无需离境:商务签证持有者;旅游签证持有者;学生签证持有者。当然,并非任何持有上述三种签证的人士,可以将其签证自动转成工作签证。每一个申请人,均需具备移民局所规定的条件,才能申请。特别是被聘工作证,需具备一定的学历。而该学历须经过南非学历鉴定委员会之鉴定后,方可生效。而公司员工内部调动工作签证条件则相应宽松。


中澳自贸协定签署后,澳洲将向中国公民提供10年期多次往返旅游签证,这也使澳洲成为第四个对中国游客提供十年期多次往返签证的国家。具体的细节我们跟随太平洋加达一起来了解一下吧. 澳洲向中国公民开放10年多次往返签证,一些有赴澳需求的国人欣喜非常,但是请注意,这个针对持有中国护照申请人的旅游签证的有效期和每次入境澳洲可以逗留的时间是不一样的。 具体的解释说明如下: 1. 签证有效期为10年,意味着在10年之内申请人不用再次申请旅游签证入境。 2. 每次进入澳洲可以逗留的时间一般分为3个月,6个月和12个月三种。这才是真正申请人持旅游签证可以在澳洲合法逗留的时间。而不是签证本身的有效期10年。

3. 旅游签证的申请人在任何一个时段,不论是在10年有效期中的任何时候, 在澳洲所逗留的时间都必须满足: 在过去的18个月时间内,累计在澳洲逗留不超过12个月。 同时也请注意这个10年签证仅仅针对的是旅游签证类别,而不是商务考察。 澳洲移民局针对中国护照持有人申请商务考察最长有效期为3年,并不是10年。 申请10年多次往返签证,申请人须缴纳1000澳元签证申请费。 预计10年签证计划将于2016年年中之前实行。不过移民与边境保护部强调,明年年中实施只是一个预估的时间,具体仍取决于其他相关因素。 澳移民与边境保护部表示,对中国公民开放的10年多次往返签证没有名额限制,但是相关部门将密切监控申请数量。 有人认为这是澳洲移民局针对现存的澳洲旅游业不景气所做的政策调整,希望有更多的中国游客可以更方便的来澳洲旅游消费,从而改变澳洲旅游业的现状,并且刺激旅游当地的经济。

但是还有人认为这只是个无关痛痒的调整罢了,无论是十年还是之前的三年,中国游客都是到此一游型的,而这个签证最大的受益者应该是那些探亲的家属吧。 持有澳洲护照的同学请注意,中国目前还没有向澳洲开放10年多次往返旅游签,也就是说这个协议并不是对等的。 目前国际旅游市场竞争激烈,因此澳相关部门在对待中国游客方面必须采取创新和支持的态度。至于具体如何申请该签证等细节还没有公布,澳大利亚移民与边境保护部将在签证项目生效后在其官方网站公布。


Republic of the Philippines Foreign Service of the Philippine Philippine Consulate General in Chongqing APPLICATION FOR NON-IMMIGRANT VISA TO THE PHILIPPINES 菲律宾非移民签证申请表 FILL-IN BLANKS(TO BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ENGLISH) TYPE OR WRITE IN BLOCK LETTERS请用英文印刷体填写表格,手写或机打皆可。Surname/ 姓 __ ___ First Name/ 名 ______ Place of Birth 出生地 : Date of Birth: (Month/Date/Year) 出生日期: (月/日/年) Age/年龄Citizenship/国籍: SEX性别: ?Male男?Female女 Applicant’s address/ 申请人地址: Telephone No/ 电话Occupation/ 职业: Office of Employment and Address: 工作单位及地址Telephone No/ 电话Father’s Nam e/ 父亲名: Mother’s Name/ 母亲名 Civil Status/ 婚姻状况: ?Single未婚 ?Married已婚 ?Widowed寡鳏 ?Separated分居 ?Divorced/Annulled离婚/解除婚姻关系If married name of spouse/若已婚,请注明配偶的姓名: Citizenship/国籍: Name and ages of Children, if any/ 如果有,请陈述小孩的姓名及年龄: Name and address of sponsor/reference in the Philippines: 菲律宾担保人/联系人的姓名及地址: MARILOU REYES; KINGSTAR HOLIDAYS AND TOURS Telephone No/ 电话 (632)328-37-34 Passport/Travel Document no./护照/旅行证号码: Date of Issue/ 签发日期: Valid until/ 有效期至: Issued by/ 签发地: Port of Entry/ 入境口岸Length of Stay/ 停留多久: Purpose of Entry/ 入境目的 TOURISM Name of traveling companion(for minor applicant) 未成年申请人之偕行人员的姓名Destination after the Philippines 离开菲律宾以后的目的地: Have you ever been issued a Philippine visa? 你曾经申请过菲律宾签证吗??Yes/有?No/没有If yes, 如有: Latest visa no./上次签证的号码 Type of visa/签证种类 Issued on/签发日期 Issued by/签发地 Latest En t r y D a t e上次入境日期: L a t e s t Ex i t D a t e上次离境日期: Duration of last stay in the Philippines/上次在菲停留时间: Documents submitted in support of application. 为此申请所提交的文件 ?Valid passport/travel document 有效的护照/旅行证件?Chinese national ID身份证?Affidavit of support & guarantee (for travel agency only) ?Household Registry户口本?Air ticket机票?Invitation letter邀请函 ?Financial proof财力证明?Others (specify)其它(请说明): 1. Were you ever refused any kind of Philippine visa before and denied admission into or deported from the Philippine? If yes, state circumstances您是否曾经被拒签过任何一种菲律宾签证,甚至被拒绝入境或被驱逐出境,如有,请说明: :?Yes是?No否 2. Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime, even though subject of a pardon, amnesty, or other legal action? 您是否曾经被逮捕或判过刑,包括后来获得了宽恕、豁免或其他类似的法律裁决的情况??Yes是? No否, if yes, state circumstances如有,请说明: 3. Have you ever been afflicted with a communicable disease of public health significance, dangerous physical or mental disorder, or been a drug abuser or addict?是否曾患有危害公共健康的传染性疾病,或患过构成危险的体质病变或精神病,是否曾滥用毒品或药品?是否用毒成瘾??Yes是? No 否 I understand that I may only enter the Philippines at the Port of Entry designated by the Philippine Immigration Authorities and under the condition imposed by those authorities.我明白我仅可以在菲律宾移民局所指定的入境口岸入境以及在遵守移民局的规定下入境。 I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements are true to the best of my knowledge. 我在此声明以上内容属实。 Warning: (1) Drug trafficking is punishable under Philippine law. (2)Tourists are not allowed to engage in any peddling activity. Violators will be subject to deportation. APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE申请人签名警告:(1)毒品走私者将被依法惩处。(2)游客禁止从事任何售卖活动,违者将被驱逐出境。 DO NOT FILL OUT BELOW THIS LINE (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY/ 以下内容由官方填写) Non-immigrant visa no. CQ- MRRV- -2017 under section 9(A) of the Philippine immigration act of 1940, as amended, issued on and valid until . O.R. No.: Travel Agency (if applicable) (seal) Consul of the Republic of the Philippines Service No.: Fee: RMBY Remarks, if any:_______________________________________________________________________________ PHOTO/照片


COVER LETTER 24Mar, 2015 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to submit my application of Training and Research Visa (Subclass 402). My application comprise of the following: 1 Form 1402 2Invitation letter from the University of Queensland (includingSponsorship Application ID) 3 Passports 3-1Passport for me 3-2 Passport for my wife 3-3 Passport for my son 4Certified copy of Passport Bio-page 4-1 Copy of Passport Bio-page for me 4-2 Copy of Passport Bio-page for my wife 4-3 Copy of Passport Bio-page for my son 5Certified copy of the birth certificate 5-1 Copy of the birth certificate for me 5-2 Copy of the birth certificate for my wife 5-3 Copy of the birth certificate for my son 6Certified copy of National Identification Cards 6-1 National Identification Card for me 6-2 National Identification Card for my wife 7Copy of Household Registers 7-1 Household Register copy for me 7-2 Household Register copy for my wife 7-3 Household Register copy for my son 8Certified copy of my university degree certificates 9Certified copy of my Marriage Certificate 10 Copy of Curriculum vitae / resume 11 Copy of letter of support from the Shandong University of Science and Technology 12Copy of my Financial Certificatefrom the Shandong University of Science and Technology 13 Copy of my saving account from my bank indicating access to approximately AUD $31,000 (150,000 RMB) 14 Original Chinese police clearance certificate 14-1 Original Chinese police clearance certificate for me 14-2 Original Chinese police clearance certificate for my wife 15 Two Colour passport photographs for me, for my wife and my son 16The postal remittance receipt of correct application fee for review Office 17The postal remittance receipt of service fee for the Australian visa


中国公民赴南非开普敦注意事项 中央政府门户网站https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8712949199.html, 2006年09月29日来源:外交部网站 【字体:大中 小】 一、特别提醒 南非是世界上犯罪率最高的国家之一。开普敦的总体治安情况尚可,但仍时常发生游客在开普敦被偷被抢的情况。要采取必要防范措施,尽量避免单独或夜间活动。同时,南非也是世界上艾滋病感染人数最多的国家之一,要加倍注意个人卫生。 二、签证、入境与海关 中国公民无论持何种护照访问或过境南非,均需办理签证。根据南非新移民法,所有前来南非的非免签证国家的外国人均须提前办好相应的签证,如果没有合法、有效的签证,口岸移民局可即作出拒绝入境、原机返回、拘留、起诉遣返等相应措施。搭乘该旅客前来南非的车、船、飞行器等交通公司将被处以高额罚款。前来南非的中国人所持签证主要有访问签(VISIT PERMIT)、学习签(STUDY PERMIT)、工作签(WORK PERMIT)和陪伴签(ACCOMPANY PERMIT)。通常申办南非签证均需向南非驻华使领馆交纳押金15,000人民币,签证申请人按期返回中国后可收回押金。但以下几种情况例外:持外交护照、公务护照、因公普通护照持有者办理签证无需交押金;南非公民、拥有南非永久居留权的中国公民邀请自己的直系亲属赴南探亲无需交押金;中国国内授权的旅行社组织旅游团访问南非办理签证,无需交押金。办理一般

需要10个工作日。延期签证一般需提前一个月递交申请,否则除交纳正常延期签证费用外,还须加收罚金。如在申请递交期间原有签证过期,必须提供充足的、令人信服的、未及时办理延期签证的理由,否则均视为违法,可被遣返。外国人在南非之外获得的签证一般不能改变签证种类,但可延签。 旅客在入境时必须向机场海关、移民官员出示回程或联程机票、国际健康证明。途经黄热病区进入者,如无国际健康证明,必须接受预防注射,方可入境。旅客允许携带400支香烟、50支雪茄、9盎司烟丝、2升红酒、1升烈酒及不超过500兰特的个人礼品入境。如携带超过20,000美元现金入境,必须向海关申报。外国旅客在南非购买纪念品,凡金额超过250兰特,从购物之日起90天内,可在离境时到机场退税处申请退还增值税。南非是外汇管制国家,对携带大额现金出入境有严格的规定。 三、安全形势与治安状况 南非是世界上犯罪率最高的国家之一。开普敦总体治安情况尚可,但还时有入室抢劫、凶杀、袭警等恶性事件发生。犯罪形式主要是持刀枪抢劫财物、车辆等。N2高速公路两侧及黑人聚居区域较危险,晚间较白天不安全。目前尚无专门针对华人的犯罪倾向。要提高警惕,采取必要防范措施,尽量避免单独或夜间行动,不到人少区域活动。在人多的地方,也要照看好自己的钱物。 四、常见疾病与医疗状况 南非是世界上艾滋病感染人数最多的国家之一。西开普敦的鸵鸟农场曾出现过几例禽流感,经政府及时采取隔离措施,已经完全控制住。受影响区


中国旅游研究院、携程发布《2017出境旅游大数据报告》 中国日报3月1日电3月1日,中国旅游研究院、携程旅游集团联合发布《中国游客中国名片,消费升级品质旅游——2017 年中国出境旅游大数据报告》。双方专家团队基于全年旅游业数据,结合携程3亿会员以及业内规模最大的跟团游、自由行订单数据,对全年出境游情况和游客行为进行了全面监测。 报告数据显示,2017年中国公民出境旅游突破1.3亿人次,花费达1152.9亿美元,保持世界第一大出境旅游客源国地位。出境旅游呈现“消费升级、品质旅游”的特征与趋势。选择升级型、个性化的旅游产品,深度体验目的地的游客占比提升。出国目的也从观光购物转向享受海外优质生活环境和服务。出境旅游已成为衡量中国城市家庭和年轻人幸福度的一大标准。 中国旅游研究院院长戴斌表示,在“一带一路”倡议、“旅游年”推动下,旅游合作更加紧密,跨越国境的旅行越来越便利。走出国门旅游,更像是“串门儿”,去别人的城市住上几天,换另一种生活方式。游客越来越强调对城市生活方式的体验,目的地则成为本地居民与游客共享的生活空间。中国游客就是行走的中国名片,丰富着世界对中国人和中国的认识。 一、1.3亿人次,花费1152.9亿美元,蝉联世界第一大出境旅游客源国 中国旅游研究院、国家旅游局数据中心发布的数据显示,2017年全年,中国公民出境旅游13051万人次,比上年同期增长7.0%。中国已连续多年保持世界第一大出境旅游客源国地位。 国人出境旅游花了多少钱?根据中国旅游研究院测算,2017年我国国际旅游支出达1152.9亿美元,相比2016年1098亿美元增长5%。 在线旅游平台和手机端成为中国旅游者的首选。根据携程旅游集团的统计,每5个中国出境游客人中,就至少有1位是在携程上进行的预订。


各个国家签证的要求: 亚洲: 一、韩国 申办签证所需材料: 1.《韩国签证申请表》2张; 2. 二寸彩色照片2张; 3. 邀请信原件及名单表各一份; 4. 所持护照有效期,从出境日期算起必须满六个月; 二、日本 申办签证所需材料: 1.护照(必须本人亲自签名;护照有效期从出境日期算起必须满六个月); 2.《日本签证申请表》(中文填写,必须本人亲自签名)一份; 3. “三书”(招聘理由书、身元保证书及滞在日程表)原件一份;

4. 邀请人是教授的,另需提供其在职证明书的原件一份;邀请单位是公司的, 另需有公司法人滕本(原件); 5. 二寸白底照片1张.(40mm x 50mm) 日本使馆对签证材料的要求: a.招聘理由书和身元保证书,需有盖章的原件。(邀请人若为日本国政府中央府省厅的课长或 大学教授以上的人,并且为业务上的邀请时,身元保证书可省略) b.滞在日程表中,必须注明每天的安排,住宿地旅馆名称及其联系电话。 c.”三书“及在职证明等材料,均需一份原件和一份复印件。 三、新加坡 持因公护照者由海洋局开出境证,免办签证。 四、越南

持因公护照者由海洋局开出境证,免办签证。 五、菲律宾: 1.《签证申请表》1张,可复印; 2. 二寸彩色照片1张; 3. 邀请信原件一份; 4. 确认的往返机票原件及复印件; 5. 邀请方最新税单的复印件; 6. 邀请方给菲律宾驻华使馆确认件; 7. 所持护照有效期,从出境日期算起必须满六个月; 六、泰国 1.《签证申请表》1份及二寸彩色照片1张;(短期) 2.《签证申请表》2份及二寸彩色照片2张;(长期) 3. 邀请信原件一份; 4. 所持护照有效期,从出境日期算起必须满六个月;


家庭构成 你想申请下列何种签证﹖仿问(600) 其它注意﹕ 1. 你只能用英文填写此表。 2. 你必须填写你在原籍国和外国的所有家庭成员的细节,其中包括同父异母(或同母异父)的兄弟姐妹和子女,继父与其 前妻(或继母与其前夫)所生的兄弟姐妹和子女,领养的兄弟姐妹和子女。(如果人已不在世,可在“家庭地址” 一栏填上“已故”。如果去向不明,可在“家庭地址”一栏填上“不知道”。 3. 你填写此表时如果有人协助,你只能在所填资料真实和正确,而且你完全知道﹑同意并理解资料的填入的情况下,才能在宣誓一栏下签字。 家庭构成姓名出生婚恋状况家庭地址以前是否来过澳大利亚﹖你本人张三01/ 01/ 1990N上海市xxxxxxxxxxx 否// 配偶 / / 事实婚姻/ / / / 父亲/母亲李四01/ 01/ 1960 M 上海市xxxxxxxxxxx 否/ / 父亲/母亲张二01/ 01/ 1960 M 上海市xxxxxxxxxxx 否/ / 兄弟/姐妹/ / / / 兄弟/姐妹/ / / / 兄弟/姐妹/ / / / 儿子/女儿/ /

宣誓 我特此宣誓﹕ ? 本表中填写的资料完整而正确 ? 在他人协助下填写的本表任何部份的资料都是真实和正确的,而且我完全知道、同意并理解资料的填入。 “婚恋状况”代码 M =已婚 E =订婚 F =事实婚姻 S =分居 D =离婚W =寡/鳏 N =未婚或未有过事实婚姻

Familycomposition Areyouapplyingfora:Visitorvisa(600) Other Note: 1. YoumustcompletethisforminEnglishonly. 2. Youmustgivedetailsofallyourfamilymemberslivinginyourhomecountryandabroadincludinghalf,stepandadoptedbrothers,sistersandchildren(ifnotliving,write‘D eceased’inHomeaddresscolumn.Ifwhereaboutsunknown,write‘Unknown’inHomeaddresscolumn). 3. Ifyouhavebeenassistedincompletingthisform,youshouldonlysigntheDeclarationiftheinformationistrueandcorrectandhasbeenincludedwithyourfullknowledge,con sentandunderstanding. Family compo sition Familyname Givennames Dateofbirth Relationshipstatus Homeaddress PreviousvisitstoAustralia Yourself//N NO // Spouse NO // Defacto//// Father/Mother //M NO // Father/Mother//M NO // Brother/sister //// Brother/sister//// Brother/sister //// Son/daughter // Son/daughter//// Son/daughter//// Declaration Ideclarethat:?theinformationIhavegivenonthisformiscompleteandcorrect.?inanysectionofthisformwhichhasbeencompletedwiththeassista nceofanotherperson,theinformationassetdownistrueandcorrec tandhasbeenincludedwithmyfullknowledge,consentandunders t a n d i n g . ‘Relationshipstatus’codes M=Married E=Engaged F=Defacto S=Separat


北京办理菲律宾旅游签证全过程 很多时候旅游办签证,我们都会想到旅行社+代签机构代签,其实自己送签并不麻烦,反而简单又省钱。 11月初准备全程自助游 Pilipines Boracay,决定自行送签。查攻略,做准备,一个上午就搞定了。 送签过程非常简单,并没有想象的那么复杂,只是刚到那里的时候没有中文工作人员,菲律宾阿姨一通菲律宾口音的英文,让我这个英盲这个汗啊。。。但是阿姨还是很耐心,放慢语 速跟我讲,告诉我填表的缺陷,审核表格。我很汗颜啊,决定好好学习英语!!! 办理流程 进门的时候跟门卫说办理签证,让门卫看下护照就让进去了。走小门,按下门铃,里边会给打开铁门。往右手边走,在楼的侧面,写着“签证处”。很小的房间。进去后把资料给工作人员(一个中国阿姨,一个菲律宾阿姨)看下,他们会初步审核,没有问题会收资料收钱。OK!有问题会告诉你怎样补充。(PS:看以前攻略说中国阿姨态度挺好的,这次。。。这次。。。这次是肿么了,怎么那么不耐烦呢。。。对好几个送签的人态度都不好哇。。。) 准备材料 1、护照原件及复印件 2、菲律宾《非移民签证申请表》 3、免冠照一张 4、在职证明or财产证明(任一即可) 5、机票打印件 6、酒店确认单打印件 7、签证费:250元/人 相关准备材料说明如下: 1、护照原件及复印件 在北京送签,亲人、朋友都可以代办北京签发的护照。非北京签发的护照必须要本人自己送签。(我送签的时候正好碰到代办,是福建省签发的护照,人家直接给拒了,要求本人送签。) 2、菲律宾《非移民签证申请表》 百度文库有最新版,是2011年11月25日版的,可自行下载打印填写,也可以到签证处领取后填写。表格里菲律宾国徽的图标是彩色的,黑白打印就可以,不用彩打。 填写时需要用英文,大小写无所谓,填写错了划掉再填写就可以。最好能填写的完整些,最底下的签名处,日期写送签日期即可,签名中英文都可以。

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