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12 months

Twelve Months


1. Twelve months constitute one year.


2. He is paying for his new car in twelve monthly instalments.


3. Many hard - hit areas have supplemental benefits that last another 12 months.


4. Twelve months's credit is the easy - going custom.


5. The rent is $ 45,000 a month and the contract is for 12 months.


6. I'd like to stick around for twelve months to help put this deal together.


7. A petty patent will be granted initially for a twelve month term.


8. You could be cured after six to 12 months'treatment.


9. We spelled and pronounced the months of the year.


10. Clerk: Yes. You can pay in twelve easy monthly installments.

店员: 可以.您可以分十二个月轻松付款.

11. The maximum penalty is a $ 10000 fine and 12 months'imprisonment.


12. Hogs commence breeding when they are from nine to twelve months old.


13. The 12 posts middle circle represent the 12 months.


14. Edna: The average would be about nine to twelve months.

埃德娜: 平均大约要九至十二个月的时间.

15. This modern treatment will cure leprosy in six to twelve months.



1. The last 12 months have been difficult ones for local radio.


2. a sentence of 12 months' detention in a young offender institution


3. Over the past 12 months the company has managed a 10 per cent improvement.


4. After 12 months of the economic roller coaster, there were few signs of changing attitudes.

在经济极端动荡不定的12个月之后, 还没有多少迹象表明各方面的态度发生了变化.

5. 30,000,000 Japanese yen this time for 12 months.


6. Shutdown leaves firewood period not to exceed 12 months commonly.


7. Q. It was pretty brutal here 12 months ago when you played.


8. Morgan Stanley has raised the 12 - month price target for China Mobile to $ 42.5.


9. Apply BDI and HAMD to make judgment on pretreated, 12 - week and 12 - month conditions.

应用Beck抑郁自评量表(BDI) 和Hamilton抑郁量表(HAMD)进行疗前、12周、12个月的疗效评定.

10. In - centre treatment is followed by 12 months of statutory after - care supervision.


11. The past 12 months have been an exceptional time for me.


12. This membership fee lasts for 12 months and is non - refundable.


13. Results at 12 months showed that the vaccine was well tolerated.


14. Forward foreign exchange contracts with value dates beyond 12 months.


15. This a U.S. non - agricultural sector jobs for the first 12 months reduced.





2018英语教师演讲稿(4篇) in a twinkle of an eye, sixteen years has passed since i became an english teacher. looking back, i have experienced pleasure, success as well as confusion and sadness. but i think there is much to be grateful for. during the first two years in sz, i had a hard time in my teaching career. why do i say so? on one hand, i like the city because it is young, vital, beautiful and full of challenges. on the other hand, many students in the common classes are quite different from my former students. they didn't study hard at all. they were too indolent in class, talking, sleeping and doing anything that they like. it is a common sight for them not to do homework. they didn't care about their school marks. they just wanted to get much but paid little. what is more, they showed deaf ears to your advice or criticism for their mistakes or faults. when i wanted to point out their mistakes, i should weigh my words over and over not to hurt their feelings. i felt as if i lost my way in the sea. i even had such an idea: to give up the job as an english teacher.


十大英语培训机构推荐 一、美联英语 美联英语,全球体验式英语培训领先品牌,是美联国际教育集团旗下最重要的产线品牌,一直提倡“会用,才算会英语”。从2006年开创至今,已覆盖14个省份、25个城市,拥有近100家教学中心。多年来,美联英语一直秉持体验式英语的教学理念,以轻松灵活的教学方式,每年为全球3万余名学员提供专业、高端的英语教育。美联英语更开创多种英语学习方法和课程,满足不同英语水平学员的切实需要,让学员能够在职场、学校、生活上真正运用英语。 特点:口语培训,独特的体验式英语培训的教学方法,教学中给学员力争还原真实的英语交流环境。欧美国家外教跟你面对面对话,教你最地道的口语。如果说把自己扔在国外是学英语的好方法,美联英语是把国外的语言环境搬到了美联英语的中心里。 二、新东方英语 简介:新东方学校成立于1993年,并于2006年成功在美国上市,语言培训一直是新东方的核心竞争力。

特点:学英语的都知道,新东方在应试方面的培训全国一流。托福雅思GRE,四级六级,专四专八,老师会教你各种考试方面的技巧。新东方解决了很多中国人应付考试的问题,很多考托福的学生都在新东方接受过培训 三、昂立英语 上海市昂立进修学院前身为交大昂立外语培训中心,1991年成立,是全国首家大学生发起的勤工助学组织,取名“ONLY”,长期的发展在培训行业积累了一定的口碑。 特点:价格、开课种类以及课时人数方面与新东方有些类似,但包含更多英语以外的培训班。 四、新航道 创始人是原新东方教师胡敏,与新东方培训有异曲同工之处,“雅思梦之队”、“托福国家队”、“考研英语梦之队”等为广大学子提供雅思、新托福、SAT、GRE、考研英语、四六级考试、英语口语、中学英语、综合英语等应试培训课程。


英语国际音标表(48个) 元音(20个) 长元音/ɑ://?:// ?://i://U:/ 短元音/ ?//?//?//?//?//e/ /e?//a?//??/ 双元音/??//e?//??/ /??//a?/ 辅音(28个) 轻辅音/p// t// k//f//θ//s/浊辅音/b//d/ /g//v//e/ /z/ 轻辅音/?// h//ts//t?//tr/ 浊辅音/?// r/ /dz/ /d?//dr/ 鼻音/m//n/ /?/ 半元音/ j// w/ 边音/ ?/ 音标拼读练习一 [i:] [hi:t] [mi:t] [ni:t] [fli:] [fi:l] [si:] [wi:] [ri:? ] [i] [lid] [did] [pin] [klik] [fiks] [lift] [tin] [?wint?] [e] [les] [eg] [tel] [felt] [tekst] [men] [lend] [swept] [?] [f?n] [l?nd] [pl?n] [k?t] [fl?t] [m?t] [f ?t] [3:] [b3:g] [g3:l] [f3:n] [t3:n] [h3:] [w3:k] [s3:v] [?d3:ti]

[?] [?br?e?] [?sist?] [?k?l?] [?r?b?] [?ru:l?] [f??get] [?h?l?di] [?] [n?t] [b?s] [l?k] [s?n] [f?n] [l?n] [?s] [d?k] [n?mb?] [ɑ:] [ɑ:m] [ɑ:t] [kɑ:] [stɑ:t] [skɑ:] [fɑ:m] [hɑ:d] [lɑ:t] [?:] [b?:l] [?:l] [f?:l] [t?:l] [sm?:l] [h?:l] [k ?:l] [b?:d] [?] [g?t] [l?t] [?f] [n?t] [m?k] [f?ks] [s?k] [b?ks] [?s?ri] [u:] [fu:d] [bu:t] [lu:n] [ku:l] [lu:p] [lu:n] [su:n] [ku:l] [u] [fut] [buk] [gud] [stud] [kuk] [bruk] [hud] [wud] [ai] [wait] [wai] [mai] [rait] [flait] [flai] [kaind] [faind] [au] [kau] [hau] [?au?] [?fl au?] [?t au?] [haus] [maus] [nau] [ei] [neim] [feim] [gein] [leik] [seik] [?teibl] [keik] [pei] [?u] [n?u] [g?ut] [h?um] [n?ut] [?uld] [k?ut] [r?u] [b?ut] [u?] [pu?] [tu?] [l u?] [m u?] [bu?] [?u?] [?tu?rist] [m???u?] [i?] [d i?] [n i?] [?w i?ri] [f i?] [?i?] [kli?] [ti?] [pai??ni?] [?i] [?il] [b?il] [p?int] [n?iz] [v?is] [s?i] [??in] [??v?id]


初中英语演讲稿:我的第一位英语老师 下面WTT小雅给大家分享初中英语演讲稿:我的第一位英语 老师,欢迎阅读: 初中英语演讲稿 My First English Teacher Dear friends! Do you still remember your first English teacher? You may say:“ Yes.” Everyone has his teachers, in my mind, I'll never forget her ------my first English teacher Ms. Li. Without her, I wouldn't be standing here. She is a young and lovely lady with beautiful eyes. Her voice sounds sweet and she speaks English very well. That was the first impression she left on us when she first gave us an English lesson. In her class, she taught us carefully and patiently. She always made opportunities for us to speak English. She gave us many beautiful pictures to talk on them, played games with us and told us many interesting stories. Little by little, I had interest in English, but English was a new subject to me, I had many difficulties in learning it well. I often felt very confused. It was Ms.


中国十大英语培训机构特点介绍 一、美联英语 美联英语,全球体验式英语培训领先品牌,是美联国际教育集团旗下最重要的产线品牌,一直提倡“会用,才算会英语”。从2006年开创至今,已覆盖14个省份、25个城市,拥有近100家教学中心。多年来,美联英语一直秉持体验式英语的教学理念,以轻松灵活的教学方式,每年为全球3万余名学员提供专业、高端的英语教育。美联英语更开创多种英语学习方法和课程,满足不同英语水平学员的切实需要,让学员能够在职场、学校、生活上真正运用英语。 特点:口语培训,独特的体验式英语培训的教学方法,教学中给学员力争还原真实的英语交流环境。欧美国家外教跟你面对面对话,教你最地道的口语。如果说把自己扔在国外是学英语的好方法,美联英语是把国外的语言环境搬到了美联英语的中心里。 二、新东方英语 简介:新东方学校成立于1993年,并于2006年成功在美国上市,语言培训一直是新东方的核心竞争力。 特点:学英语的都知道,新东方在应试方面的培训全国一流。托福雅思GRE,四级六级,专四专八,老师会教你各种考试方面的技巧。新东方解决了很多中国人应付考试的问题,很多考托福的学生都在新东方接受过培训

三、昂立英语 上海市昂立进修学院前身为交大昂立外语培训中心,1991年成立,是全国首家大学生发起的勤工助学组织,取名“ONLY”,长期的发展在培训行业积累了一定的口碑。 特点:价格、开课种类以及课时人数方面与新东方有些类似,但包含更多英语以外的培训班。 四、新航道 创始人是原新东方教师胡敏,与新东方培训有异曲同工之处,“雅思梦之队”、“托福国家队”、“考研英语梦之队”等为广大学子提供雅思、新托福、SAT、GRE、考研英语、四六级考试、英语口语、中学英语、综合英语等应试培训课程。 特点:明星老师口才比较好,上课气氛热烈,应试技巧比较有用。 五、李阳疯狂英语 简介:李阳疯狂英语是在中国本土土生土长的实用高效的英语学习方法,在广大校园有很大的影响力。 特点:多以训练营、夏令营等短期全封闭培训为主,作为一种交新朋友、集体生活的体验对于学生来说,参加一次这样的英语培训也很不错。


英语老师英文演讲稿 篇一:英语教师英语演讲稿 my simple teaching life 付贤 围子街道宋庄小学 Good morning ,teachers and students. My name is fuxian from songzhuang primary school. the name of my speech is > .It is my greatest honor to be here today. I would like to share my English learning and teaching experience with you . I studied english educashion at my college. I chose this major just because its tuition was not high at that time. Then half a year before my graduation i came to shandong to be an english teacher. Far away from my hometown. Then i have lived here for 7 years and taught for 7 years too. I love teaching. I love talking to my students. How do I enjoy myself with my students I don’t think I can express how I love my students in a few words. I just know, they are the future of China; they are infinity in my hand. What could I do with them To wait, to be patient, to expect and to love. From them, every


青少英语:介词during 的用法归纳总结 各种英语语法辅导练习中,英语语法的练习技巧显得尤为重要,而且一些英语语法基础不是很牢固的同学就很容易在英语语法练习中出丑。 今天,在线英语培训机构中的翘楚,立刻说likeshuo英语金牌讲师就整理了英语用语——“during”的用法归纳总结,希望在你对英语语法练习有所犹豫的时候做出正确的选择。如果你想了解更多的英语资料,不妨也可以尝试我们的在线英语培训和在线英语阅读吧! 1. 表示“在……期间”,是介词,不要将其误用作连词。如: 他在巴黎期间,与他的朋友住在一起。 误:During he was in Paris, he lived with his friends. 正:While he was in Paris, he lived with his friends. 正:During his stay in Paris, he lived with his friends. 2. during 和for 均可表示一段时间,但两者有差别。 (1) during 通常表示事件发生在何时(when),而for则表示事件持续了多长时间(how long)。如: He was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. 他在夏天住了6 个星期的医院。 (2) 两者之后均可接由the whole 引起的时间短语,但通常不能接由all 引起的时间短语。如: 他整个夏天都住在那儿。 正:He stayed there for [during] the whole summer. 误:He stayed there for [during] all the summer. (3) 在“数词+时间名词”之前以及在some time, a long time之类表示泛指一段时间


家长会英语教师发言稿 我是五年级的英语老师,首先感谢各位家长能够在百忙中抽空来参加本次家长会,由于水平有限,不当之处,敬请批评指正。 我今天主要跟各位说三个方面: 一、回顾过去 二、英语学习状况分析; 三、对家长的要求 (一)、回顾过去 首先,我们学习英语存在着这些难题:英语不是我们的母语,没有现成的语言环境,不能在现实生活中反复运用;所以小朋友们学的知识容易忘记,而且不能立刻体现学英语的价值。但是,英语是国际性语言,我们在求学路上一直都离不开英语。从小学的毕业考,中考,高考,到考硕士,出国,英语都是必考的。在以后的社会竞争中,你不会英语可能寸步难行。 但是,我们在学校学习英语的时间是非常有限的,只靠课堂40分钟的学习是远远不够的。要学好英语,学校学习占40%,课后的巩固学习占60%。那么,在课后学生要怎么做才能把英语学得更好呢? (二)、英语学习状况分析 英语学习从哪里开始?学英语不是从背单词开始,而是从耳朵开始。英语学习从打通耳朵开始。要让孩子多听,而且是反复听同一段英语,不断的对孩子进行语言的输入,为孩子的语音语调打好基础。

那用什么时间听呢?早上起床之后,在刷牙吃早餐的时候放给孩子听,晚上可以边听边模仿,听力水平是学好英语,培养语感的基础。 父母不懂英语,能帮孩子吗?只要找对方法,就可以帮助孩子。我们要好好利用学习资源,晚上的时候,要有三十分钟的英语学习时间,这三十分钟,家长让孩子不断的听,模仿跟读,语音语调就是要靠模仿出来的。我们发的有英语配套磁带,就看你听不听。 听,模仿语音语调,读熟能背下来,这样的学习对英语来说是最有效的。 孩子是每个家庭的重心和希望。我们真诚地呼吁家长,配合学校,配合老师帮助孩子学好英语。我们要和孩子共同成长。在此,提出我对家长的要求。 (三)、家长的要求: 1、每天让小孩听,模仿读至少20分钟,读熟能背。 2、每天看一眼孩子的作业,写得不好,一定要重写。 3、学习贵在坚持。只要养成这种良好的学习习惯,以后越大越省心。 4、播放一些英语动画片给小孩看,多听英语歌。 作业要求: 听读要求:每天必须听录音读英语不少于25分钟。 (请家长监督) 书写要求:整洁,清楚,格式正确 速度要求:及时不拖拉,形成良性循环


环球美联成人英语——升职、加薪、就业、留学等各种课程满足您不同需求! 课程主题:成人零起点入门英语、外教口语、商务英语、职场英语,写作英语、留学英语、新托福、SAT、雅思、移民英语。 时间安排:按学员时间安排,建议每周2-3次课。同时尽量多参加我们的免费英语辅导课与英语沙龙活动 学习对象:18岁以上,有明确的学习目的和个性化要求,通过定制课程,有针对性的在较短时间内,达到预期目标的学员。 无论你的英语水平处于哪个级别,从入门到商务专家级,适合您不同的起点和要求。环球美联都可以根据您的英语水平与学习目标提供适合您的专属课程。以下介绍部分课程内容: 商务英语培训课程 课程概述 如果你学习英语的目的是为了职业发展需要,我们的商务英语课程将成为你课程中最重要的内容。课程中整合了哈佛商学院英语教材中的经典案例,帮助学员学习取得职场成功所必须掌握的英语技能。课程覆盖了多种常用商务话题,从电话会议到商务会谈,从商务演讲到商业谈判等。 课程特色 致力于帮助学员熟悉并理解西方商务人士的常用语言及特定商务术语,实现用英语撰写电子邮件、外贸函电、商务报告、备忘录等基本需求;深入掌握各项商务英语专题内容,读懂全球五百强公司的年度报告;用英语做正式陈述或即兴演讲;指导学员展开商务英语实战演练,成为“内外兼修”的商务精英。 服务特色 精英教师,中外教结合,小班授课,定时授课与自由约时结合,多重教学保障;可参与职业发展规划计划;定期参加各类特色沙龙活动,让您在工作之余放松身心、陶冶性情、结识朋友,从容走向成功之路。 外教口语课程 短期内提高英语水平,精致服务供您专享。我们根据您的英语水平及学习目标制定专属学习方案,我们的外教将会全程为您提供学习指导及监督,帮助您在最短时间内提高英语综合水平和实际应用能力。


摘要是对一篇文章的主题思想的简单陈述。它用最简洁的语言概括了原文的主题。写摘要主要包括三个步骤:(1)阅读;(2)写作;(3)修改成文。 第一步:阅读 A.认真阅读给定的原文材料。如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍。阅读次数越多,你对原文的理解就越深刻。 B.给摘要起一个标题。用那些能概括文章主题思想的单词、短语或短句子作为标题。也可以采用文中的主题句作为标题。主题句往往出现在文章的开头或结尾。一个好标题有助于确定文章的中心思想。C.现在,就该决定原文中哪些部分重要,哪些部分次重要了。对重要部分的主要观点进行概括。 D.简要地记下主要观点——主题、标题、细节等你认为对概括摘要重要的东西。 第二步:动手写作 A. 摘要应该只有原文的三分之一或四分之一长。因此首先数一下原文的字数,然后除以三,得到一个数字。摘要的字数可以少于这个数字,但是千万不能超过这个数字。 B. 摘要应全部用自己的话完成。不要引用原文的句子。 C. 应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序。这样你就不必重新组织观点、事实。 D. 摘要必须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息,以便你的读者不需翻阅原文就可以完全掌握材料的原意。 1 / 19

E. 写摘要时可以采用下列几种小技巧: 1) 删除细节。只保留主要观点。 2) 选择一至两个例子。原文中可能包括5个或更多的例子,你只需从中筛选一至二个例子。 3) 把长段的描述变成短小、简单的句子。如果材料中描述某人或某事用了十个句子,那么你只要把它们变成一两句即可。 4) 避免重复。在原文中,为了强调某个主题,可能会重复论证说明。但是这在摘要中是不能使用的。应该删除那些突出强调的重述句。 5) 压缩长的句子。如下列两例: “His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.” 可以概括为:”He was very brave in battle.” “He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.” 可以概括为:“He was in financial difficulties.” 6) 你还可以使用词组代替整句或者从句。请看下面的例子:“Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Mount Huang, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on these mountains, and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago.” 2 / 19


附表: (教师)组 题目 teaching english makes me happy 与初赛题目是否相同(否) 注意:标题二号字,正文小四,字体times new roman 篇二:英语教师英语演讲稿 my simple teaching life 付贤 围子街道宋庄小学 good morning ,teachers and students. my name is fuxian from songzhuang primary school. the name of my speech is << my simple teaching life>> .it is my greatest honor to be here today. i would like to share my english learning and teaching experience with you . i studied english educashion at my college. i chose this major just because its tuition was not high at that time. then half a year before my graduation i came to shandong to be an english teacher. far away from my hometown. then i have lived here for 7 years and taught for 7 years too. i love teaching. i love talking to my students. how do i enjoy myself with my students? i don’t think i can express how i love my students in a few words. i just know, they are the future of china; they are infinity in my hand. what could i do with them? to wait, to be patient, to expect and to love. from them, every teacher must see their future, teaching and guiding them responsibly. to me, my students are just like the wild flowers. can we see a world or heaven in them? the answer is definitely yes. if you want to enjoy yourself while teaching, respect and love your students as their friends; work hard with full responsibility. because i love my students, then i enjoy myself with full responsibility.that is why i together with you,try our best to be an excellent english teacher today! thank you very much for your attention!篇三:英语教师演讲稿 good morning , ladies and gentmen it is great honour to speak here . i value this chance of sharing teaching experience with distinguished teachers very much. to be honest i felt rather nervous. i can still remember when i made my first speech in college. i ev en couldnt control my breath . . because i really didnt know what to say at that time . well- today, being an english teacher for some years in zhongxin, i have a strong sense of responsibility, which always fills me with strength and confidence. after being an english teacher, i think, to be a good english teacher, you should know your major well. your personality is as important as your knowledge. a good english teacher must be enthusiastic. you must love your students and respect them. in addition, you must also respect yourself and take pride in your work. a good english teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and you should motivate your students to seek knowledge. ill tell you a true story, last year, a boy named liulei came to our class,


深圳英语培训权威排名前十强名单top10 一、美联英语 美联英语,全球体验式英语培训领先品牌,是美联国际教育集团旗下最重要的产线品牌,一直提倡“会用,才算会英语”。从2006年开创至今,已覆盖14个省份、25个城市,拥有近100家教学中心。多年来,美联英语一直秉持体验式英语的教学理念,以轻松灵活的教学方式,每年为全球3万余名学员提供专业、高端的英语教育。美联英语更开创多种英语学习方法和课程,满足不同英语水平学员的切实需要,让学员能够在职场、学校、生活上真正运用英语。 特点:口语培训,独特的体验式英语培训的教学方法,教学中给学员力争还原真实的英语交流环境。欧美国家外教跟你面对面对话,教你最地道的口语。如果说把自己扔在国外是学英语的好方法,美联英语是把国外的语言环境搬到了美联英语的中心里。在深圳地区美联英语的影响力非常大。 总部:深圳 二、韦博国际英语 简介:韦博英语引用海外经验,近几年发展较快。 培训方式:面授教学。 影响力:近两年发展势头较大的一家培训机构,知名度较高 特点:课堂比较漂亮,环境比较好。学习时间自由,要自制力比较好的学员。 不足:由于学员较多,课程要提前订,自制力不强的学生效果较差

三、新航道 创始人是原新东方教师胡敏,与新东方培训有异曲同工之处,“雅思梦之队”、“托福国家队”、“考研英语梦之队”等为广大学子提供雅思、新托福、SAT、GRE、考研英语、四六级考试、英语口语、中学英语、综合英语等应试培训课程。 四、派特森培训中心 深圳市派特森培训中心成立以来,一直专注于个性化的外语教学研究与推广,竭诚为广大学员量身定制课程。特经过多年的努力和发展,现已拥有庞大的师资储备,完善的教学管理体系,专业的测评师以及优质的学习顾问的全程贴心服务。 五、汉普森英语 简介:深圳最大的外教一对一培训机构,主要针对青少儿英语培训。培训方式:课堂面授,外教一对一 影响力:中国最早的一家“洋家教”英语培训机构,全国有26家英语培训中心 特点:上课灵活性强,注重英语能力提升。 六、太平洋英语 简介:于传统模式不同,他采用电话这个媒介终端,通过VOIP与海外专业英语外教持续沟通学习的模式 影响力:一个比较新型的培训机构


美联英语怎么样,用事实说话! 美联英语提供 最近,听到好多人议论美联英语怎么样,也有好多人问美联英语怎么样。其实呢,就像小马过河一样,别人说再多也只是别人的观点,你不去试试,怎么会知道美联英语怎么样呢? 美联英语是一家以高端英语培训为主营业务的教育集团,具体业务主要有成人英语素质教育、青少年英语应用教育、英语在线学习和企业团体英语培训等。经过多年的努力,美联英语现已发展成为集研发和教学为一体的全国性的大型教育集团。有人说,广告当然是对美联英语怎么样做正面回答喽,那事实总该相信了吧。 我的一个同事在美联英语机构学习,我曾问过他,美联英语怎么样。他的回答真的让人心动。他告诉我,他现在是通过在线来学习的,每天学习的时间不用太多只要每天坚持20分钟能和老外互动,回想差不多快到三个月的时间,刚开始只会说早上好到现在基本上对话都不是问题了。这个能不让人动心吗? 美联英语做个人英语培训虽不如华尔街英语早,但是在学习环境上则是可以相媲美华尔街英语的,学习中心有咖啡吧、斯洛克球吧、数码影院和多媒体教室等。环境蛮不错的,看来这些学费比较高的培训班都有把钱花在包装上的,至少让人走进去会感觉很舒服,印象分十拿七八。参观的时候就像“刘姥姥走进大观园”,除了教室,还有咖啡厅,甚至还有电影院。老外到处走!好吧,不得不承认,这是我见过的最霸气的英语培训机构了。啧啧,咖啡品味,甚至还有英文电影,啧啧啧,这本钱下的真大啊。 美联英语的教材也都是自己研发的,有自己独特的教学方法,不过美联英语也是采用小班课上课的模式的,可能课堂上和老师互动的机会比较少,多是靠机构提供的一些话题讨论课进行交流的。

估计不用我说了,了解了美联英语的环境之后,对于美联英语怎么样这个问题,心中也大概有个谱了吧。没错,美联英语的学费,很贵。至少我是这样认为的,谁让我是穷屌丝。这美联英语的学费,跟华尔街英语是一个级别的,可是教学质量高啊,咱们可以追溯一下美联英语的前身,他们是为政府和一些企业做英语培训的,走的是高端路线,由此来看,美联英语做英语培训也很久了,而且为企业做培训,我相信他们的教学还是能保证质量的。 纵容对美联英语怎么样的议论铺天盖地,相信也不会影响大家的判断,想学习英语的你可以亲自去尝试一下,美联英语怎么样只有你试过才会得到答案。 美联英语:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/905313706.html,


Teaching Plan Teaching Aims: 1. knowledge aims: Be able to master the new words and expressions in this period. Words:hero,quality,willing,active,republic,principle, nationalism,livelihood,fight,peaceful,prison,prisoner,law,advise,continue,fee,gold,passbook,ANC,youth,league,stage,vote,position,accept,violence,equal Phrases:lose heart,in trouble,worry about,out of work,Youth League,as a matter of fact,blow up,put...in prison 2.Ability aims: (1)Be able to talk about the fine quality of great people to improve the students’ speaking ability. (2)To improve the S s’ reading abilities. 3. Emotional aims: (1)Learn about some great people and qualities they have in common. (2)Develo p the students’ moral quality. Important Point: The using of the phrase patterns, such as out of work, blow up and so on.. Difficult Point: The expression of word “period” Teaching Aids: PPT, blackboard, chalk, pictures Teaching Procedures: Step 1 warm up: Let the students look at the picture and listen “I have a dream!” Step 2 pre-reading: a. Introduce the background of this story. For instance, the black people had no the same rights as white people, and they were treat unequally at before. And how did they fight for their dream, making black and white people equal.



26个字母发音表 元音字母和辅音字母分类表

语音知识: 1) 字母:语言的书写形式。元音字母只有a,e,i(y),o,u 2) 音素:音的最小的单位。英语中有48音素。即20个元音音素和28个辅音音素. 3) 元音:发音响亮,是乐音;口腔中气流不收阻碍;是构成音节的主要音。英语中有20元音。 4) 辅音:发音不响亮,是噪音;口腔中气流受到阻碍;不是构成音节的主要音。英语中有28辅音。 5) 音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。ap'ple,stu'dent,tea'cher,un'der'stand。 6) 开音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音+e name bike home due; b) 辅音+元音he,go,hi。 7) 闭音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音bad,bed,sit,hot,cup; b)元音+辅音it。 8) 重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。 读音规则 1) 重读音节(见元音和辅音的例句)。 2) 非重读音节[ ] banana,student,today,after,[i] orange,secret,evening,very,Monday。 特殊读音 1)音的连读:前面的词以元辅音结尾,后面的单词以元音开头,这样结尾的辅音要和开头的元音连读。 not at all,half an hour,I love you and all、after all。 2)失去爆破:辅音爆破音或摩擦音后面跟的是爆破音、破擦音和摩擦等,前面的辅音要失去爆破。 good girl,good student,good job,expression,school,extreme。 3)音的同化:两个特殊的音碰到一起,会发出变异成特殊的音。 Would you do it? I am glad to meet you、Can't you see it? last year,this year。 重音 A)双音节词 a)一般在第一个音节重读。letter,sorry。 b)有a-,be-,de-,re-,res-,in-,im-,en-,em-,es-,ex-,con-,com-,dis-,mis-,pre-,per-,pro-,trans- 等前缀的词,第二个音节是重音。a'bout,be'lieve,ad'dress,de'cide,re'port,con'demn,res'pect,com'pare,in'form,dis'cuss,im'press,mis'take,en'force,pre'pare,em'ploy,per'mit,es'cape,pro'duce,ex'claim,trans'late c)有de-,in-,re-,con-,pre- 等前缀的重音与词义和词类有关,一般名词的重音在第一个音节上,其它的 词性在第二个音节上。'record,re'cord; 'insult,in'sult; 'conduct,con'duct; 'present pre'sent; 'content,con'tent。 d)有些复合词和带有前缀re-,ex-,un-,pre-,post-,等的词,有两个重音。 'out'side,'re'tell,'well-'known,'un'real,'fif'teen,'Chi'nese,'pre-'war,'post-'war。 B)多音节词 a)一般倒数第三个音节是重音。'difficult,'communist,'family,e'conomy,oppor'tunity,de'mocracy。 b)有一些双音节词,加了前缀和后缀成了多音节,但这些词按原来词根的重音读音 'carefully,in'definite,'comfortable,con'ductor,ac'cording,dis'turbance,'complicated,es'tablishment。 c)词尾有-eous,-grahpy,-ial,-ian,-ic,-ics,-ience,ient,-ify,-ion,-ious,-ity,ive 后缀的词,重音在 这些后缀的前一个音节上。cour'teous,cal'ligraphy,edi'torial,his'torian,peri'odic,mathe'matics,ex'perience,suf'ficient,i'dentify,trans'lation,re'ligious,curi'osity,pro'tective。 d)词尾有-ain,-ee,-eer,-ese,-ette 后缀的词,重音在该后缀上,而且有一个次重音。 enter'tain,emplo'yee,mountai'neer,Japa'nese,ciga'rette。


英语教师演讲稿 good morning , honored judges .it is my greatest honor to be here today. i would like to share my english learning and teaching experience with you . i could remember english has been my favorite since my junior high school. at that time i had a dream that one day my job must be something that connects with english. that is why i, together with you, strive our best to be an excellent english teacher today! thank you very much for your attention!篇二:英语教师演讲稿 good morning , ladies and gentmen it is great honour to speak here . i value this chance of sharing teaching experience with distinguished teachers very much. to be honest i felt rather nervous. i can still remember when i made my first speech in college. i ev en couldnt control my breath . . because i really didnt know what to say at that time . well- today, being an english teacher for some years in zhongxin, i have a strong sense of responsibility, which always fills me with strength and confidence. after being an english teacher, i think, to be a good english teacher, you should know your major well. your personality is as important as your knowledge. a good english teacher must be enthusiastic. you must love your students and respect them. in addition, you must also respect yourself and take pride in your work. a good english teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and you should motivate your students to seek knowledge. ill tell you a true story, last year, a boy named liulei came to our class, he looked so quiet, no age childrens lively and cheerful, he didnt dare to answer the question loudly, when i asked him to do the dialogue in front, he even had a big cry . and he didnt dare to see anyone ,whose voice low like a whisper, i am well aware that he lacked of confidence and necessary encouragement . so, then i give the opportunity to him for each class , and i encouraged him to say: jake you have been done better than last time, and i also make the classmates to applaud him, i also told his mother to encourage him when seeing his progress, day by day , i am surprised to find the child really progressed, now he can put up hands to answer a question activly ,whats more, he can take part in the game, performance has been greatly improved. his mother was pleased to tell me her child progressed . every time, after school he always chatter without stopping told her that what he learned in zhongxin , and the performance is greatly improved, as his teacher was really excited for his progress, i realized the unprecedented : [?npresid?ntid)achievement! this sense of achievement is no substitute. in bible,it says: love is patient; love is kind;

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