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《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West (Journey to the West)

《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)

《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins

《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica

《聊斋志异》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio

《论语》Analects of Confucius

《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers

《围城》A Surrounded City

《西厢记》The Romance of West Chamber

《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror

《史记》Shi Ji (Historical Records)


The Four Books (The Great Learning; The Doctrine of the Mean; The Analects of Confucius; The Mencius)

《阿Q正传》The True Story of Ah Q

《春秋》Spring and Autumn Annals

《论语》The Analcets of Confucius

《诗经》The Book of Odes

《世说新语》Essays and Criticism

《封神演义》The Legend of Deification

《金瓶梅》The Golden Lotus

《西厢记》The West Chamber

gone with the wind 飘

Jane.eyre 简。爱

The scarlet letter 红字

The adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记Lady Chatterley's Lover 查太莱夫人的情人

Tales of two cities 双城记

Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见

Uncle Tom's Cabin 汤姆叔叔的小屋

The old man and the sea 老人与海

爱丽丝漫游记The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland 安徒生童话集Anderson's Fairy Tales

傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice

愤怒的葡萄Grapes of Wrath

格利佛游记Gulliver's Travels

格林童话集Grimm's Fairy Tales



呼啸山庄Wuthering Heights

环绕世界八十天Around the World in Eighty Days 嘉丽妹妹Sister Carrie

简·爱Jane Eyre

罗滨逊漂流记Robinson Crusoe

名利场Vanity Fair

牛虻The Gadfly

飘(乱世佳人)Gone with the Wind

圣经的故事The Story of the Bible

双城记A Tale of Two Cities

苔丝姑娘Tess of the D' ubervilles

天方夜谭(Tales from) The Arabian Nights

汤姆叔叔的小屋Uncle Tom's Cabin

汤姆索亚历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 王子与贫儿The Prince and the Pauper

雾都孤儿Oliver Twist

伊索寓言Aesop's Fables

远大前程The Great Expectations

月亮宝石The Moonstone

最后的诊断The Final Diagnosis

Charles Darwin (by Carla Greene) 查尔斯;达尔文

John F. Kennedy (by Charles P. Graves) 约翰;肯尼迪

King Arthur and His Knights (by William Kottmeyer) 亚瑟王和他的骑士

One Million Pound (by Mark Twain) 百万英镑

Robin Hood (adapted by Michael West) 罗宾汉

Rip Van Winkle (adapted by Michael West) 里普;范;温格尔

Stories from the Sands of Africa (adapted by Michael West) 非洲沙漠的故事

Tales from the Arabian Nights (adapted by Michael West) 天方夜谭The Canterbury Tales (adapted by Michael West) 坎特伯雷故事集

The House of a Thousand Lanterns (by Victoria Holt) 千灯府

The Legends of Ancient Rome 古罗马的传说

The Mystery of the Island (by Jules Verne) 神秘的海岛

The Seventh Key 第七把钥匙

Three Men on the Bummel (by K. Jerome) 三人出游记

Tom Jones (by Henry Fielding) 汤姆;琼斯

Airport (by Arthur Hailey) 航空港

Around the World in Eighty Days (by Jules Verne) 环绕世界八十天

A Separate Peace (by John Knowles) 独自和解

Daisy Miller (by H. James) 黛丝密勒

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (by R. L. Stevenson) 化身博士

Flowers for Mrs. Harris (by Paul Gallico) 献给哈里斯夫人的鲜花Frankenstein (by Mary Shelly) 弗兰肯斯特

Hatter's Castle (by A. J. Cronin) 帽商的城堡

Little Tom (by B. Bell & D. Bell) 小汤姆

Lucky Jim (by Kingsley Amis) 幸运的吉姆

The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland (by Lewis Carrol) 艾丽斯漫游记

The Black Tulip (by Alexandre Dumas) 黑郁金香

The Life of Abraham Lincoln (by Stegan Lorant) 林肯传

The Mill on the Floss (by George Eliot) 弗洛斯河上的磨坊

The Prince and the Pauper (by Mark Twain) 王子和贫儿

The Red Badge of Courage (by Stephen Crane) 红色英勇勋章

The Scapegoat (by Daphne Du Maurier) 替罪羊

The Sign of Indra 印达拉神像

Thirty-nine Steps (by John Buchan) 三十九级台阶

Three Men in a Boat (by J. K. Jerome) 三人同舟

Tom Brown's Schooldays (by Thomas Hughes) 汤姆;布朗的求学时代Witch (by George Mackay Brown) 女巫

Aesop's Fables 伊索寓言

Anderson's Fairy Tales 安徒生通话选

Compell's Kingdom (by Hammond Innes) 坎伯尔王国

Frontiers of Science 科学的新领域

Grimm's Fairy Tales 格林通话选

Hotel (by Arthur Hailey) 旅馆

Jamaica Inn (by Daphne Du Maurier) 牙买加旅店

Popular Science Readings 英语科普小品

Roots (by Alex Harley) 根

Stories from Shakespeare (adapted by H. G. Wyatt) 莎士比亚戏剧故事集

The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin (by Mark Twain) 哈克贝里芬历险记

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (by Mark Twain) 汤姆索亚历险记

The “Caine”Mutiny (by Herman Wink) “该隐”号兵变记

The Citadel (by A. J. Cronin) 堡垒

The Good Soldier Schweik (by Jaroslav Hasek, trans. By Paul Selver) 好兵帅克

The Moonstone (by Wilkie Collins) 月亮宝石

The Pearl (by John Steinbeck) 珍珠

The Story of Madame Curie ( by Alice Thorne) 居里夫人传

Uncle Tom's Cabin (by H. Beecher Stowe) 汤姆叔叔的小屋

Anna Karenina (by Leo Tolstoy) 安娜;卡列尼娜

A Tale of Two Cities (by Charles Dickens) 双城记

David Copperfield (by Charles Dickens) 大卫考伯菲尔德Emma (by Jane Austen) 爱玛

Far from the Madding Crowd (by Thomas Hardy) 远离尘嚣Frenchman's Creek (by Charles Dickens) 法国人的小港湾Great Expectations (by Charles Dickens) 远大前程

Gulliver's Travels (by Jonathan Swift) 格利佛游记

Jane Eyre (by Charlotte Bronte) 简爱

Jaws (by Peter Benchley) 大白鲨

Lucky Jim (by Kinsley Amis) 幸运的吉姆

Nicholas Nickleby (by Charles Dickens) 尼古拉斯.尼克尔贝Mary Barton (by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell) 玛丽.巴顿Monte Cristo (by Alexandre Dumas) 基度山伯爵

Oliver Twist (by Charles Dickens) 雾都孤儿

Pride and Prejudice (by Jane Austen) 傲慢与偏见

Rebecca (by Daphne Du Maurier) 蝴蝶梦

Silas Marner (by George Eliot) 塞拉斯.马纳

Tess of the D'ubervilles (by Thomas Hardy) 德伯家的苔丝The Green Years (by A. Cronin) 青春的岁月

The Hunckback of Notre Dame (by Victor Hugo) 巴黎圣母院The Mayor of Casterbridge (by Thomas Hardy) 卡斯特桥市长The Three Musketeers (by Alexandre Dumas) 三个火枪手Treasure Island (by R. L. Steveson) 金银岛

Vanity Fair (by W. M. Thackeray) 名利场

Woman in White (by Wilkie Collins) 白衣女人

Wuthering Heights (by Emily Bronte) 呼啸山庄

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (by Lewis Carrol) 艾丽斯漫游记Child's History of England (by Charles Dickens) 儿童英国史Good-bye, Mr. Chips (by James Hilton) 再会,契普斯先生INTERPOL (by Peter G. Lee) 国际警察组织

Robinson Crusoe (by Daniel Defoe) 鲁滨逊漂流记

The Gadfly (by E. L. V oynich) 牛虻

The Story of the Bible (by Van Loon) 圣经的故事

The Story of Mankind (by H. William Van Loon) 人类的故事

The Great Road (by Agnes Smedley) 伟大的道路


An Inspector Calls (by J. B. Priestley) 罪恶之家

An Invisible Man (by H. G. Wells) 隐身人

A Tale of Two Cities (by Charles Dickens) 双城记

David Copperfield (by Charles Dickens) 大卫.考伯菲尔德

Emma (by Jane Austen) 爱玛

Gone with the Wind (by Margaret Mitchell) 飘

Gulliver's Travels (by Jonathan Swift) 格利佛游记

Hotel (by Arthur Hailey) 旅馆

Oliver Twist (by Charles Dickens) 雾都孤儿

Pride and Prejudice (by Jane Austen) 傲慢与偏见

Pygmalion (by Bernald Shaw) 茶花女

Red Star over China (by Edgar Snow) 西行漫记

Roots (by Alex Haley) 根

Selected Readings from D. H. Lawrence 劳伦斯作品选读

The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin (by mark Twain) 哈克.贝里芬历险记

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (by Mark Twain) 汤姆.索亚历险记The Jungle (by Upton Sinclair) 丛林

The Old Man and The Sea (by Ernest Hemingway) 老人与海

The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (by Robert Tressell) 穿破裤子的慈善家

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (by William L. Shirer) 第三帝国的兴亡

Uncle Tom's Cabin (by H. Beecher Stowe) 汤姆叔叔的小屋

Winds of War (by Herman Woul) 战争风云

A Farewell to Arms (by Ernest Hemingway) 永别了武器

Airport (by Arthur Hailey) 航空港

A Tale of Two Cities (by Charles Dickens) 双城记

Financier (by Theodore Dreiser) 财政家

Grapes of Wrath (by J. Steinbeck) 愤怒的葡萄

Jane Eyre (by Charlotte Bronte) 简爱

Jude the Obscure (by Thomas Hardy) 无名的裘德

Lady Chatterley's Lover (by D. H. Lawrence)查泰莱夫人德情人Martin Eden (by Jack London) 马丁.伊登

Pride and Prejudice (by Jane Austen) 傲慢与偏见

Sense and Sensibility (by Jane Austen) 理智与情感

Sister Carrie (by Theodore Dreiser) 嘉丽妹妹

Sons and Lovers (by D. H. Lawrence) 儿子和情人

Tess of the D'ubervilles (by Thomas Hardy) 德伯家的苔丝

The American Tragedy (by Theodore Dreiser) 美国的悲剧

The Final Diagnosis (by Arthur Hailey) 最后的诊断

The God Father (by Mario Puzo) 教父

The Great Gatsby (by F. Scott Fitzgerald) 了不起的盖茨比The Hunckback of Notre Dame (by Victor Hugo) 巴黎圣母院The Moneychangers (by Arthur Hailey) 钱商

The Rainbow (by D. H. Lawrence) 虹

The Red and The Black (by Stendhal) 红与黑

The Return to the Native (by Thomas Hardy) 还乡

The Scarlet Letter (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) 红字

The Sun Also Rises (by Ernest Hemingway) 太阳照样升起

The Thorn Birds (by Colleen Mccullough) 荆棘鸟

The Three Musketeers (by Alexandre Dumas) 三个火枪手Vanity Fair (by W. M. Thackeray) 名利场

Wives and Daughters (by Elizabeth Gaskell) 妻子与女儿Wuthering Heights (by Emily Bronte) 呼啸山庄

世界著名名著及电影 名句中英对照

《飘》(选段) 1.Land is the only thing in the world worth workingfor, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Be cause it’sthe only thing that lasts.(土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西) 2.I wish I could be more like you.(我要像你一样就好了) 3.Whatever comes, Iwill love you, just as I do now.Until I die.(无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远) 4.I think it’s hard winning a war with words.(我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用) 5.Sir, you’re no gentleman. And you miss are no lady.(先生,你可真不是个君子,小姐,你也不是什么淑女) 6.I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid.(我做任何事不过是为了有所回报,我总要得到报酬) 7.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.(哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你) 8.I love you more than Ive ever loved any woman. And I’ve waited longer for you than I’ve waited for any woman. 9.If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I’ll never be hungry again! (即使让我撒谎,去偷,去骗,去杀人,上帝作证,我再也不要挨饿了) 10.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is noplace for me.(现在我发现自己活在一个比死还要痛苦的世界,一个无我容身之处的世界) 11.You’re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that wi llnever make you happy.(你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西) 12.Home. I’ll go home. And I’ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is an otherday.(家,我要回家.我要想办法让他回来.不管怎样,明天又是全新的一天) 13.愿上帝保佑那个真正爱过你的人,你把他的心都揉碎了 God bless the people that really loved you, you crumple up his heart 14.Tomorrow is another day! 15.我从来不是那样的人,不能耐心的拾起一片碎片,把它们合在一起,然后对自己说这个修补好了的东西跟新的完全一样.一件东西破碎了就是破碎了,我宁愿记住它最好时的模样,而不想把它修补好,然后终生看着那些破碎了的地方. I was never like that, do not pick up a patient debris and place them together, and then said to myself Well, what this patch exactly the same with the new. A thing broken is broken, I would remember When it looked like the best, and not want it repaired, and then looked at life that broken place. 16.即使是一种最坚贞不渝的爱也会被消磨掉。我对你的那份爱,早被卫希和你那股疯狂的固执劲给消磨没了。如果你能在半道上出来迎接我,我一定会跪在地上亲吻你的脚 Even the most steadfast love will be while away. The love I have for you, has long been Ashley and your crazy sense of stubborn strength to spend no more. If you can meet me half way out, I will kiss your knees feet 17.你从不知道,我对你的爱已经到了男人对女人的极限 You never know, I love you have to limit men to women 18. 亲爱的,我才不在乎呢 Dear, I do not care what 19.我一直照料你,宠爱你,你要什么我都给你。我想和你结婚,以保护你,让你处处自由,事事称心——就像后来我对美蓝那样。因为你曾经经历过一番拼搏,斯佳丽。没有谁比我更清楚地知道你曾受过怎样的磨难,所以我希望你能停止战斗,让我替你战斗下去。我想让你好好的玩耍,像个孩子似的好好玩耍—因为你确实是个孩子,一个受过惊吓但仍然勇敢而倔强的孩子。 I always take care of you, loved you, I give you what you want. I want to marry you, to protect you, everywhere you free, your wishes are satisfied - as I later did the United States blue. Because you have gone through some hard work, Scarlett. No one better than I know what you have suffered hardships, so I hope


*实用文库汇编之世界文学名著改编的经典电影100部* 罗密欧与朱丽叶Romeo And Juliet 简爱Jane Eyre 呼啸山庄Wuthering Heights 傲慢与偏见Pride And Prejudice 王子复仇记(上)Hamlet 王子复仇记(下)Hamlet 雾都孤儿Oliver Twist 大卫·科波菲尔David Copperfield 双城记A Tale Of Two Cities 牛虻The Gadfly 孤星血泪Great Expectations 鲁滨逊漂流记The Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe 卖花女Pygmalion 蝴蝶梦Rebecca 所罗门的宝藏King Solomon’s Mines

金银岛Treasure Island 剃刀边缘The Razor's Edge 剑侠唐璜Adventures Of Don Juan 劫后英雄传Ivanhoe 救生艇Lifeboat 翠堤春晓The Great Waltz. 鸳梦重温Random Harvest 安娜·克里斯蒂Anna Chiristie 郎心如铁A Place In The Sun 雨中曲Sing’in The Rain 英俊少年Heintje—Einmal Wird Die Sonne Wieder Scheinen 马耳他之鹰The Maltese Falcon 风流寡妇The Merry Widow 失去的周末The Lost Weekend 隐形人The Invisible Man 黄金时代(上)Best Years Of Our Lives


《堂·吉诃德》DON QUIXOTE 米盖尔·台·塞万提斯Cervantes, Miguel de 《欧也妮·葛朗台》EUGENIE GRANDET 奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克Balzac,Honore de 《包法利夫人》MADAME BOV ARY 居斯塔夫·福楼拜Flaubert,Gustave 《福尔摩斯回忆录》MEMOIRS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES 阿瑟·柯南道尔Doyle,Sir Arthur Conan 《巴黎圣母院》THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME 维克多·雨果Hugo, Victor 《汤姆·索耶历险记》THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER 马克·吐温Twain,Mark 《神秘岛》THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND 儒勒·凡尔纳V erne,Jules 《浮士德》FAUSTUS 歌德Johann,Wolfgang,von,Goethe 《红与黑》BLACK AND RED 司汤达Stendhal 《战争与和平》W AR AND PEACE 列夫·托尔斯泰Tolstoy,Leo 《呼啸山庄》WUTHERING HEIGHTS 艾米莉·勃朗特Bronte,Emily 《三个火枪手》THE THREE MUSKETEERS 大仲马Dumas, Alexandre, pere 《仲夏夜之梦》A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM 威廉·莎士比亚Shakespeare,William 《威尼斯商人》THE MERCHANT OF VENICE 威廉·莎士比亚Shakespeare,William 《灰姑娘》CINDERELLA 格林兄弟Grimm Brothers 《小红帽》LITTLE RED -CAP 格林兄弟Grimm Brothers 《白雪公主》LITTLE SNOW-WHITE 格林兄弟Grimm Brothers 《皇帝的新装》THE EMPEROR'S NEW SUIT 汉斯·C·安徒生Andersen, Hans C. 《青蛙王子》THE FROG KING,OR IRON HENRY 格林兄弟Grimm Brothers 《卖火柴的小女孩》THE LITTLE MATCH-SELLER 汉斯·C·安徒生Andersen, Hans C. 《小美人鱼》THE LITTLE MERMAID 汉斯·C·安徒生Andersen, Hans C.

世界名著及作者英文名表达 (2)

娜·卡列尼娜》ANNA KARENINA ------列夫·托尔斯泰Tolstoy,Leo 《环绕地球80天》AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS ------儒勒·凡尔纳Verne,Jules 《忏悔录》 A CONFESSION ------列夫·托尔斯泰Tolstoy,Leo 《双城记》 A TALE OF TWO CITIES ------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles 《茶花女》CAMILLE ------小仲马Dumas, Alexandre, fils 《罪与罚》CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ------费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基Dostoevsky, Fyodor 《大卫·科波菲尔》DAVID COPPERFIELD ------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles 《堂·吉诃德》DON QUIXOTE ------米盖尔·台·塞万提斯Cervantes, Miguel de 《欧也妮·葛朗台》EUGENIE GRANDET ------奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克Balzac,Honore de 《高老头》FATHER GORIOT ------奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克Balzac,Honore de 《巨人传》GARGANTUA AND PANTAGRUEL ------拉伯雷Rabelais, Francis 《远大前程》GREAT EXPECTATIONS ------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles

《格列佛游记》GULLIVER’S TRAVELS ------琼纳森·斯威夫特Swift,Jonathan 《简·爱》JANE EYRE ------夏洛蒂·勃朗特Bronte,Charlotte 《悲惨世界》LES MISERABLES ------维克多·雨果Hugo,Victor 《包法利夫人》MADAME BOVARY ------居斯塔夫·福楼拜Flaubert,Gustave 《福尔摩斯回忆录》MEMOIRS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES ------阿瑟·柯南道尔Doyle,Sir Arthur Conan 《雾都孤儿》OLIVER TWIST ------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles 《傲慢与偏见》PRIDE AND PREJUDICE ------简·奥斯丁Austen,Jane 《复活》RESURRECTION ------列夫·托尔斯泰Tolstoy,Leo 《鲁滨逊漂流记》ROBINSON CRUSOE ------丹尼尔·笛福Defoe, Daniel 《德伯家的苔丝》TESS OF THE D’URBERVILLES ------托马斯·哈代Hardy,Thomas 《基督山伯爵》THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO ------大仲马Dumas, Alexandre, pere 《巴黎圣母院》THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME ------维克多·雨果Hugo, Victor


100部世界名著目录与介绍 1《红与黑》(法)司汤达作为禁书,叙述了一个青年的毁灭。是一所解剖恶德败行的手术观察间。 2《巴黎圣母院》(法)雨果19世纪浪漫主义文学的奠基之作,将世间美与丑的强烈对照,融入了一个颠颠倒倒、是是非非的故事里。 3《爱的教育》(意大利)亚米契斯本书主要讲述发生在安利柯身边各式各样感人的小故事,还包括亲人为他写的许多劝诫性的、具有启发意义的文章,以及老师在课堂上宣读的10则感人肺腑的每月故事。 4《简·爱》(英)夏洛蒂·勃朗特面对争论纷起的舆论界,作者微笑着写道:“感谢读者,用宽容的耳朵倾听了一个朴实无华的故事。” 5《钢铁是怎样炼成的》(俄)奥斯特洛夫斯基在苏联解体前,此书以161种文字印发了600多次,流传于世界各国,是一本举世公认的教育青年的“生活教科书”。 6《安徒生童话》(丹麦)安徒生大多数人的生命历程中接触的第一本世界名著,歌颂了人世间永恒的真、善、美。 7《母亲》(苏)高尔基本书问世不久,便立即以多种文字图外发行,列宁盛赞它是“一本非常及时的书”。 8《鲁滨逊漂流记》(英)笛福一部描述人类返朴归真情结的冒险故事,其发行量几乎超出了欧洲其它读物,不同语言的译本几乎覆盖全世界各个角落。 9《理智与情感》(英)简·奥斯汀女主人公根据表面现象产生合情合理的推测和判断,细心的读者虽然不时产生种种疑惑,但思绪会自然而然随着好的观察而发展,等着最后结果出现时,与表面现象截然不同,造成了出乎意料的喜剧效果。 10《一千零一夜》一座东方文学辉煌壮丽的丰碑,一颗古老文明神秘绚丽的瑰宝。《希腊神话故事》“这是一个不可企及的典范。”——马克思 11《十日谈》(意)薄伽丘 1348年,意大利一城市瘟疫流行,10名男女在乡村一所别墅里避难。他们终日游玩欢宴,每人每天讲一个故事,共住了10天讲了百个故事。本书揭露禁欲主义,宣扬个性解放,详尽描述人对世间欢乐的不倦追求,被奉为“人曲”而流传于世。 12《牛虻》(英)艾·丽·伏尼契“不论我活着,或是我死掉,我都是一只快乐的飞虻。” 13《小妇人》(美)路易沙·梅·奥尔科特该书被美国国会图书馆评为全世界最畅销的一部优秀作品。 14《老人与海》(美)海明威“我试图创造一个真实的老人,一个真实的男孩,一个真实的海洋,一条真实的鲨鱼。”——海明威 15《基督山伯爵》(法)大仲马法老大副堂泰斯船长受委托,为拿破仑党人送了一封信,遭到两个卑鄙小人和法官的陷害,被打死牢。狱友法里亚神甫向他传授各种知识,并在临终前把埋于基督山岛上的一批宝藏秘密告诉了他。堂泰斯越狱后找到了宝藏,成为巨富。从此名基督山伯爵,经过精心策划,报答了恩人,惩罚了仇人。本充满浪漫的传奇色彩,章章奇特新颖,引人入胜。 16《三个火枪手》,又译《三剑客》、《侠隐记》,是法国19世纪浪漫主义作家大仲马的代表作之一。该书曾五次被翻拍成电影作品。南斯拉夫球员萨维切维奇、潘采夫、普罗辛内斯基,被合称“三个火枪手”。另外还有一部日本动画片和一部迪士尼动画片也叫“三个火枪手”,但都同大仲马的原著无关。 17《福尔摩斯探案集》(英)柯南道尔一桩桩扑朔迷离的案件迎刃而解,一个个狠毒残忍的凶手终落法网。世界文坛的巨作,刑侦学的教科书。


世界名著及作者英文名表达 《安娜·卡列尼娜》ANNA KARENINA ------列夫·托尔斯泰Tolstoy,Leo 《环绕地球80天》AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS ------儒勒·凡尔纳Verne,Jules 《忏悔录》A CONFESSION ------列夫·托尔斯泰Tolstoy,Leo 《双城记》A TALE OF TWO CITIES ------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles 《茶花女》CAMILLE ------小仲马Dumas, Alexandre, fils 《罪与罚》CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ------费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基Dostoevsky, Fyodor 《大卫·科波菲尔》DAVID COPPERFIELD ------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles 《堂·吉诃德》DON QUIXOTE ------米盖尔·台·塞万提斯Cervantes, Miguel de 《欧也妮·葛朗台》EUGENIE GRANDET ------奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克Balzac,Honore de 《高老头》FATHER GORIOT ------奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克Balzac,Honore de 《巨人传》GARGANTUA AND PANTAGRUEL ------拉伯雷Rabelais, Francis 《远大前程》GREAT EXPECTATIONS ------查尔斯·狄更斯Dickens, Charles 《格列佛游记》GULLIVER'S TRAVELS ------琼纳森·斯威夫特Swift,Jonathan 《简·爱》JANE EYRE ------夏洛蒂·勃朗特Bronte,Charlotte


世界名著及作者英文名表 达 This manuscript was revised by JIEK MA on December 15th, 2012.

《环绕地球 80 天》AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS --------懦勒?凡尔纳 Verne, Jules 《忏悔录》A CONFESSION -------- 列夫?托尔斯泰Tolstoy. Leo 《双城记》A TALE OF TWO CITIES ------- 査尔斯?狄更斯Dickens, Charles 《茶花女》CAMILLE -------- 小仲马 Dumas, Alexandre, fils 《罪与罚》CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ------- 费奥筝尔?陀思妥耶夫斯基Dostoevsky, Fyodor 《大卫?科波菲尔》DAVID COPPERFIELD ------- 査尔斯?狄更斯Dickens, Charles 《堂?吉诃徳》DON QUIXOTE -------- 米盖尔?台?塞万提斯Cervantes, Miguel de 《欧也妮?葛朗台》EUGENIE GRAXDET -------- 奥诺瑞?徳?巴尔扎克Balzac, Honore de 《岛老头》FATHER G0RI0T ------- 奥诺瑞?徳?巴尔扎克Balzac? Honore de 《巨人传》GARGAXTUA AND PANTAGRUEL ------- 拉伯宙 Rabelais, Francis 《远大前程》GREAT EXPECTATIONS ------- 査尔斯?狄见斯Dickens, Charles 《格列佛游记》GULLIVER* S TRAVELS ------- 琼纳森?斯威夫特Swifts Jonathan 《简?爱》JANE EYRE ------- 复洛蒂?勃朗特Bronte. Charlotte 《悲惨世界》LES MISERABLES ------ 维克女?雨果Hugo, Victor 《包法利夫人》MADAME BOVARY ------- 居斯塔夫?福楼拜Flaubert. Gustave 《福尔摩斯回忆录》MEMOIRS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES ---------阿瑟?柯南道尔Doyle?Sir Arthur Conan 《雾都孤儿》OLIVER TWIST ------ 査尔斯?狄更斯Dickens, Charles 《傲慢与偏见》PRIDE AND PREJUDICE ------- 简?奥斯丁 Austen, Jane 《复活》RESURRECTION ----- 列夫?托尔斯泰Tolstoy, Leo 《鲁滨逊漂流记》ROBINSON CRUSOE ------ 丹尼尔?笛福Defoe, Daniel 《徳伯家的苔丝》TESS OF THE D‘ URBERVILLES------ 托马斯?哈代Hardy. Thomas 《基督山伯協》THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO ------- 大仲马 Dumas, Alexandre, pere


高中生必读的12部英文名著 Gone with the Wind《飘》 小说《飘》是美国著名女作家玛格丽特·米歇尔创作的一部具有浪漫主义色彩、反映南北战争题材的小说。主人公斯佳丽身上表现出来的叛逆精神和艰苦创业、自强不息的精神,一直令读者为之倾心。这部经久不息的小说感动了无数的读者。多次被翻拍成电影。电影又名《乱世佳人》。 The Education of Love/Heart《爱的教育》 u=3864095866,489508771&fm=21&gp=0_副本.jpg 《爱的教育》是意大利的儿童文学作品之一,由爱德蒙多·德·亚米契斯编写,其时代设在意大利统一,并包括不少爱国情景。该书于1886年10月18日首次出版,共100篇文章,主要由三部分构成:意大利四年级小学生安利柯的十个月日记;他的父母在他日记本上写

的劝诫启发性的文章;以及十则老师在课堂上宣读的小故事,其中《少年笔耕》、《寻母三千里》等段落尤为知名。 A Journey to the Center of the Earth《地心游记》 u=1034190222,3313957469&fm=21&gp=0_副本.jpg 这部《地底旅行》是法国小说家儒勒·凡尔纳的小说,于1864年出版,被认为是科幻小说的经典之一。《地心历险记》也多次被改编成电影与电视剧,包括2009年上映的3D电影地心冒险。这个故事是从德国著名的地质学家李顿·白洛克博士,想解读一张写在羊皮纸上的密码开始。从这个密码中,博士获悉在冰岛一个火山喷火口的洞穴里,有一条通往藏着千古神秘的地底去的地下道,他就鼓起勇气,带着他的侄子亚克西和向导汉斯,到地底去探险。遭遇了种种危险以后,在九死一生中,他们才从地中海的一个火山岛的喷火口,逃回地面上来。这可说是一个异想天开的冒险故事。 Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》


十三陵The Ming Tombs 雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery 中华世纪坦China Century Altar 秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang\'s Tomb 天安门广场Tian\'anmen Square 人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People\'s Heroes 毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People 故宫The Forbidden City 乾清宫The Palace of Heavenly Purity 坤宁宫The Palace of Earthly Tranquility 御花园The Imperial Garden 九龙壁The Nine Dragon Screen 天坛The Temple of Heaven 回音壁Echo Wall 祈年殿The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest 颐和园The Summer Palace 佛香阁The Tower of Buddhist Incense 石舫The Marble Boat 十七孔桥The 17-Arch Bridge 铜牛Bronze Ox 谐趣园The Garden of Harmonious Interests 长城The Great Wall 居庸关Juyongguan Pass 北海公园Beihai Park 故宫博物院the Palace Museum 革命历史博物馆The Museum of Revolutionary History 天安门广场Tian’anmen Square 毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall 保和殿the Hall of Preserving Harmony 中和殿the Hall of Central Harmony 长城the Great Wall 午门the Meridian Gate 紫金山天文台Purple and Gold Hills Observation 紫禁城the Forbidden City 周口店遗址Zhoukoudian Ancient Site 太和殿the Hall of Supreme Harmony 少年宫the Children’s Palace 烽火台the Beacon Tower 清东陵Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty 民族文化宫the Cultural Palace for Nationalities 劳动人民文化宫Worker People’s Cultural Palace


外国名著读后感英文版 Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic——a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinor's hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister. Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: Mr. Willoughby, a new neighbor. So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous. Then Willoughby abandons her; meanwhile, Elinor's growing affection for Edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart. How each of the sisters reacts to their romantic misfortunes, and the lessons they draw before coming finally to the requisite happy ending forms the heart of the novel. Though Marianne's disregard for social conventions and willingneto consider the world well-lost for love may appeal to modern readers, it is Elinor whom Austen herself most evidently admired; a truly happy marriage, she shows us, exists only where sense and sensibility meet and mix in proper measure. MOVIE: Mission Impossible III While Summer isn't officially here, it is here in terms of movies. Mission Impossible 3 kicks off the summer movie season with a bang with an interesting and entertaining installment in the money-ma-ki-ng franchise. Tom Cruise reprises his Ethan Hunt role and J.J. Abrams takes the director's chair. What makes the Mission Impossible franchise so interesting is the constant change of directors. If you look at other franchises like Lethal Weapon, Pink Panther, Indiana Jones, etc, the directors usually stay on board for the sequels. Even with the James Bond franchise you have directors usually doing several Bond films in a row. Mission Impossible was helmed by Brian De Palma and was all espionage with light action. Action maestro John Woo took the second one and made an explosive and entertaining action sequel even if it was a little over cooked. J.J. Abrams makes his feature film directorial debut with Mission Impossible 3, which is a little bit of espionage and a little bit of action. For those who don't know Abrams, he started out writing films like Armageddon and Regarding Henry. He then


美联英语提供:美联英语:经典英文名著的开头段落摘选 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/937439695.html,/?tid=16-73374-0 Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice (1813) 简·奥斯丁:《傲慢与偏见》(1813) "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." “但凡财运俱佳的单身汉,必然想娶妻成家,这是举世公认的道理。” Albert Camus: The Stranger (1946) 阿尔贝·加缪:《局外人》(1946) "Mother died today. Or maybe, yesterday; I can't be sure." “今天,妈妈死了。也许是昨天,我不知道。” Charles Dickens: A T ale Of Two Cities (1859) 查尔斯·狄更斯:《双城记》(1859) "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way." “这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代;这是智慧的时代,这是愚蠢的时代;这是信仰的时期,这是怀疑的时期;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节;这是希望之春,这是失望之冬;人们面前


《西游记》 Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica 《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio 《论语》 Analects of Confucius 《山海经》the Classic of Mountains and Rivers 《围城》 A Surrounded City 《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber 《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror 《史记》 Shi Ji/ Historical Records 四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》) The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mea n,

The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius) 《阿Q正传》 The True Story of Ah Q 《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals 《论语 THE ANALCETS OF CONFUCIUS 《诗经 the book of odes 《世说新语》 essays and criticism (shi shuo hsin yu) 《封神演义》 the legend of deification 《金瓶梅》 The golden lotus 《西厢记》 The west chamber

中外名著英文翻译 Amy

中国名著英文翻译: 1.《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 2.《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3.《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 4.《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 5.《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica 6.《聊斋志异》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio 7.《论语》Analects of Confucius 8.《山海经》the Classic of Mountains and Rivers 9.《围城》A Surrounded City 10.《西厢记》The Romance of West Chamber 11.《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror 12.《史记》Shi Ji/ Historical Records 13.四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》) The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius) 14.《阿Q正传》The True Story of Ah Q 15.《春秋》Spring and Autumn Annals 16.《论语》THE ANALCETS OF CONFUCIUS 17.《诗经》the book of odes 18.《世说新语》essays and criticism (shi shuo hsin yu) 19.《封神演义》the legend of deification 20.《金瓶梅》The golden lotus



gone with the wind 飘 Jane.eyre 简。爱 The scarlet letter 红字 The adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记Lady Chatterley's Lover 查太莱夫人的情人Tales of two cities 双城记 Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 Uncle Tom's Cabin 汤姆叔叔的小屋 The old man and the sea 老人与海 爱丽丝漫游记The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland 安徒生童话集Anderson's Fairy Tales 傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice 愤怒的葡萄Grapes of Wrath 格利佛游记Gulliver's Travels 格林童话集Grimm's Fairy Tales 根Roots 航空港Airport 呼啸山庄Wuthering Heights 环绕世界八十天Around the World in Eighty Days 嘉丽妹妹Sister Carrie

简·爱Jane Eyre 罗滨逊漂流记Robinson Crusoe 名利场Vanity Fair 牛虻The Gadfly 飘(乱世佳人)Gone with the Wind 圣经的故事The Story of the Bible 双城记 A Tale of Two Cities 苔丝姑娘Tess of the D' ubervilles 天方夜谭(Tales from) The Arabian Nights 汤姆叔叔的小屋Uncle Tom's Cabin 汤姆索亚历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 王子与贫儿The Prince and the Pauper 雾都孤儿Oliver Twist 伊索寓言Aesop's Fables 远大前程The Great Expectations 月亮宝石The Moonstone 最后的诊断The Final Diagnosis Charles Darwin (by Carla Greene) 查尔斯;达尔文 John F. Kennedy (by Charles P. Graves) 约翰;肯尼迪 King Arthur and His Knights (by William


世界名著100部作者简介及内容赏析(81-85)原文地址:*世界名著100部作者简介及内容赏析*作者:吴利亚 01、傲慢与偏见02、孤星血泪03、雾都孤儿 04、唐?吉诃德 05、安娜?卡列尼娜06、飘 07、简?爱 08、悲惨世界 09、茶花女 10、基督山恩仇记 11、童年 12、这里的黎明静悄悄 13、钢铁是怎样炼成的 14、战争与和平 15、西线无战事 16、第四十一 17、夏伯阳18、我的大学 19、在人间 20、母亲21、天方夜谭 22、绿野仙踪 23、格林童话 24、艾丽丝漫游奇境记 25、格列佛游记 26、绿林侠客罗宾汉27、汤姆?索亚历险记 28、木偶奇遇记29、环游世界八十天30、安徒生童话 31、死魂灵 32、罗亭33、黑桃皇后 34、父与子 35、克莱采奏鸣曲36、上尉的女儿 37、钦差大臣 38、前夜 39、贵族之家 40、复活 41、白痴 42、跳来跳去的女人 43、好兵帅克44、猎人笔记 45、罪与罚 46、驿站长 47、被侮辱与被损害的48、奥勃洛莫夫 49、白夜 50、木木 51、唐璜 52、圣经故事 53、包法利夫人 54、巴黎圣母院 55、红与黑 56、三剑客 57、欧也妮?葛朗台 58、高老头59、古希腊罗马神话故事60、呼啸山庄 61、邦斯舅舅 62、磨坊书简 63、情感教育 64、漂亮朋友 65、巴马修道院 66、羊脂球 67、娜娜 68、两个新嫁娘69、约翰?克利斯朵夫 70、幽谷百合71、莎士比亚全集72、双城记 73、斯巴达克思74、窈窕淑女75、名利场 76、大卫科波菲尔77、苔丝 78、鲁宾逊漂流记

79、爱玛 80、圣女贞德 81、伊豆的舞女 82、百万英镑 83、罗生门 84、费加罗的婚礼 85、嘉尔曼 86、吝啬鬼 87、白鲸 88、情感的迷惘89、你往何处去90、一个陌生女人的来信 91、荒野的呼唤 92、化身博士 93、牛虻 94、小妇人 95、红字96、蝴蝶梦 97、老人与海 98、福尔摩斯探案全集 99、愤怒的葡萄 100、十日谈 ******************************************************************** 下面是各部小说的简介(81-85) ******************************************************************** 81、《伊豆的舞女》经典名著 《伊豆的舞女》是川端康成早期的代表作,也是一篇杰出的短篇小说,在读者中产生了深远的影响。作品情节简单,描述一名青年学生独自在伊豆旅游时邂逅一位年少舞女的故事,伊豆的青山秀水与少男少女间纯净的爱慕之情交织在一起,互相辉映,给了读者一份清新,也净化了读者的心灵,把他们带入一个空灵美好的唯美世界。 作者风采 川端康成(1899-1972),曰本小说家,曰本唯美主义文学的代表之一。 1899年,川端康成出生于大阪,父亲是一名医生,川端康成的命运十分坎坷,在他的幼年时期,父母先后去世,不久,抚养他的祖父母也离开了人间,年仅16岁的他只得暂住在伯父家中。幼年的不幸生活反倒激发了川端康成的创作力,他决心在自己喜爱的文学创作中闯出一片天空。经过刻苦的学习和大量阅读世界名著,1920年,川端康成考入东京帝国大学英文系,次年即转入国文系。同年,川端康成与今东光等人合创《新思潮》,并在第二期上发表了自己的处女作——《扫魂祭一景》,自此蜚声文坛。1924年,大学毕业后的川端康成与人共同创办了《文艺时代》、《文学界》等杂志,并于1926年发表短篇小说《伊豆的舞女》,事业步入了辉煌期。先后曾任曰本笔会会长、曰本艺术院会员和国际笔会副会长,还曾获得过曰本ZF颁发的文化勋章,声名远振。川端康成一生创作了大量文学作品,其中不乏优秀之作,如创作集《情感的装饰》、短篇小说《水晶幻想》、《禽兽》、中篇小说《山之音》、《睡美人》等。1968年,川端康成凭借《雪国》、《千只鹤》、《古都》,摘取了当年诺贝尔文 学奖的桂冠。 银屏再现 影片《伊豆舞娘》根据曰本著名作家、诺贝尔文学奖得主川端康成的同名小说改编而成。由山口百惠、三浦友和联袂主演。 影片以第一人称的手法,讲述了“我”的一段经历。“我”因为人生孤寂,独自去伊豆旅行,途中遇上一伙江湖艺人,便与他们结伴而行。艺人们心地善良,性情纯朴,让我感到了人
