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1. He stole her a watch. 他给她偷了一块表.

2.That girl student is in the green. 那个女生正值青春年少

3.He tried to seem angry, but his smile betrayed him. 他装出生气的样子,可是笑容暴露了他的真实情感。

4.Science is a servant of mankind. 科学造福于人类。

5.In an odd way the two leaders diminished each other. 奇怪的是, 这两位领袖站在一起,都不如原来的形象那么伟大了

6.Any literate person on the face of the globe is deprived if he does not know English.


7.She is forty, if she is a day. 【译文】她至少40岁了。

8. The housewife is not at home to visitors. 【译文】家庭主妇不接待客人.

9.He pretends to be as modest as anything. 【译文】他装得极为谦虚。

10.We should find truth in the light of science. 【译文】根据科学,探求真理。

11.Beyond the light of the fire everything was swallowed up the blackness of darkness. 【译文】在火光照不到的地方,一切都被吞没在夜的黑暗之中。12.It’s no legend. My father knew the two men involved.


13.They are to send a government trade delegation to China.


14.The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization.


15.She was happiness incarnate. 【译文】她是幸福的化身。

16.He left today week. 【译文】她上星期的今天离开了。

17.He will leave today week. 【译文】他将在下星期的今天离开。

18.It isn’t half hot today. 【译文】今天热得很。

19.I shall be only too pleased to come. 【译文】我非常愿意来。

20.I’m nothing of a scholar. 【译文】我不识字。

21.Bunyan was sent to school for a short time, where he learned to read and write after a fashion. 【译文】班扬上学少,学习也不怎么好。

22.His superior grades at high school enabled him to enroll at the tuition-free Beijing University. 【译文】由于中学成绩优异,他免费上了北京大学。

23.He doesn’t know what life means to him.【译文】他不知道人生的意义。

24.What troubles me is that I don’t have much experience in this kind of work.【译文】使我苦恼的是我做这种工作经验不多。

25.He was very clean and his mind was open. 【译文】他为人单纯而坦率。

26.The young cyclist dashed about madly and was knocked down by a truck. 【译文】那个骑车的青年横冲直撞,结果被一辆卡车撞倒了。

27.Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice. 【译文】勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;感情过度,即成溺爱;节约过度,即成贪婪。

28.He stands on the threshold of a distinguished career. 【译文】他前程似锦。

29.The love of money is the root of all evils. 【译文】爱财是万恶之源。


30.A gentleman is,rather than does. 【译文】绅士是天生的,不是做出来的。

31Tomorrow is a minimum day, could you pick me up at noon?


32.On October first,I shall have Czechoslovakia where I want her.


33.He is a bicycle doctor. 【译文】他是自行车修理工。

34.Didn’t she swear she’d never again believe anything in trousers?


35.He is as fit as a fiddle and now he is as cool as a cucumber.


36.Seeing his uneasiness,Mrs. Morris smiled. 看见他那副尴尬的样子,莫里斯夫人笑了

37.The love of books,the key that opens the enchanted door. 热爱书籍—打开美妙世界之门的钥匙。

38.The child is father of the man. 成人是由幼儿长大的。

39.The key to succ ess is not information. It’s people.成功的关键不是信息,是人。

40.He didn’t feel cold though he was wet to the skin.他浑身湿透了,却并不感到冷


1.“I will teach him to deceive others,”he said. 他说,“我要告诫他不要骗人。”

2.She has given heart to him. 她鼓励了他。

3.He didn’t speak (for) long. 他说话时间不长。

4.I bought a tape-recorder for a song. 我廉价买了一台录音机。

5.Jane’s been ill, but she’s as right as rain now.珍妮一直有病,可现在身体很好。

6.I’m quite well able to take care of myself. 我完全能照顾我自己。

7.He laughed shallowly. 他强笑了一声。

8.Because he has caught cold he is not at home today. 他今天感冒了,不能接见客友。

9.He was at once a soldier and a writer.他是一个军人,同时又是一个作家。

10.On the first day of this week he became very weak.


11.They didn’t write well, so they tried to right the wrong.


12.Finding tears on her coat, she burst into tears.发现外衣破了,她放声大哭起来。


1)They killed a bottle of whisky between them.


2)He killed ten good years on that job.


3)Her bright red hat killed the quiet colour of her dress.


4)These flowers kill easily. 【译文】这些花很容易枯死。

5)The funny play nearly killed me. 【译文】这出有趣的戏几乎把我笑死。

6)That bus ride every day kills off all of my energy.


7)This carpet kills the sound of footsteps. 【译文】这条地毯使脚步声消失。8)The bill was killed in the House. 【译文】议案在议会被否决了。

9)That has killed her affection.、【译文】那件事使她炽热的感情冷淡了。10)Care killed a cat. 【译文】忧虑伤身〔谚语〕


1) It cost him a sight of trouble. 【译文】那给他招来一大堆麻烦。

2) I know him only by sight. 【译文】我跟他只是面熟。

3) He fell in love with her at first sight. 【译文】他对她一见钟情。

4) The next election was already in sight. 【译文】下届选举已经临近。

5) Take a careful sight before firing. 【译文】瞄准之后再射击。

6) I have lost sight of my old friend for many years.


7) The Great Wall in China is one of the sights of the world.


8) The Statue of Liberty is a noble sight. 【译文】自由神像是一个宏伟的景物。

9) It is worth a long sight more than that. 【译文】这个比那个价值高的多。

10) Do what is right in your own sight. 【译文】做你认为对的事。


1) Pure water is useful. 【译文】净水有用。

2) This is purely water. 【译文】这不过是水。

3) Purify the water before drinking it. 【译文】请将水净化后饮用。

4) Purified water is useful. 【译文】净化了的水有用。

5) Purifying water is useful. 【译文】净化用水有用。

例2 : like

1)All music is alike to Tom. 【译文】各种音乐在汤姆听来全都一样。2)That, I think, is hardly likely. 【译文】我想,那不大可能。3)Man’s life is often likened to sea voyage. 【译文】人生常被比作海上航行。4)His likeness to his brother was remarkable. 【译文】他长像酷似他兄弟。5)Things cannot be always to one’s liking. 【译文】事情不会总是称心如意的。

6)Like likes like. 【译文】物以类聚。


1) The French only love arts.


2)The French love arts only.


3)Only the French love arts.

【译文】只有法国人爱好文艺。(“only”是副词,强调“the French”)

4)The French love their only arts.



1) They are behaving naturally.

【译文】他们举止自然。(“naturally”是副词,修饰“are behaving”)

2) Naturally, they are behaving well.


3) She is naturally gentle. (“naturally”是副词,修饰“gentle”)


例3:present 】I want to present everyone present a present.


15.Did you hear that? 【译文】是否听到刚才说的话?

16.That brings me to this question: What is a people?


17.It’s not a good habit for a child to water anywhere.


18.She is a wonderful woman, really something.她是个很好的女人, 真的挺不错。【深化】

19.Suddenly, something inside me turned 突然,我心里一酸。(升华)

20.Every life has its roses and thorns. 【译文】生活有苦也有甜。

21. Watch out for Harlow, he’s full of mickey mouse ideas.


22.It is regrettable that our appeal remains a dead letter.


23.There is a mixture of the lion and the lamb in his character.


24.A nice enough young fellow, you understand, nothing upstairs.


25.You pays your money and you doesn’t take your choice.【译文】花了钱又买不到自己满意称心的东西,真是没法说!

26.:“Otherwise they can kiss my─you know─what.”


27.This reminds me about Lot’s wife. 【译文】这引起了我的好奇心。

28.She is a fox. 【译文】她是位时髦迷人的女郎。

29.Grammar may be his heel of Achilles. 【译文】语法是他的致命弱点。

30.If you had studied harder at college, you might have become a somebody. 【译文】当初上大学,如果你多用点功,说不定已经成为重要人物了。

31.It’s always something that you are the owner of so many wonderful books. 【译文】想想你拥有这么多的好书,你就会感到欣慰。

32.Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.


33.He has the assurance to ask me for money.【译文】他竟然厚着脸皮向我要钱。

34. They seize every opportunity to do all kinds of evils.


35.He looked at her with a smile pasted on her porcine face.


36.He (Rip) was, moreover, a kind neighbour, and an obedient hen-packed husband. 【译文】瑞普这个人是个好邻居,可天生怕老婆。


1.歧义(Ambiguity):I didn’t come because of him.【译文一】我来并不是由于他的缘故才来。【译文二】由于他的缘故我没来。

We haven’t called the meeting to discuss this problem.



He had a book stolen from the library.





If we don’t hang together, we shall hang separately.



Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man.



-What do lawyers do when they die? -Lie still.



—Why do you say the river is rich?—Because it has two banks.


— What flower does everybody have?— Tulips.



His honour rooted in dishonour stood. And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true. 【译文】他的荣誉生根于不荣誉。他的不忠诚可靠的忠实使他以真还假


As for models, she is a girl in a million.


I’ve told you forty times that if you touched that jam I’d skin you.



Men are April when they woo, December when they wed, maids are May when they maids, but the sky changes when they are wives.

【译文】男人在恋爱时犹如和煦的四月,婚后却像寒冬腊月; 闺中少女则宛若温暖的五月,而为人妇后却像易变的天气阴晴莫测。

6. 逻辑关系( Logical Contexts )

He is an orator, if ever there was one.


He is seventy, if a day. 【译文】他该有70岁了。

John got sick, then his brothers and sisters all got sick. It never rains but pours. 【译文】约翰病倒了,接着弟弟妹妹都病了,真是祸不单行。

—“What did you say, dear?”—“I said that I love you and that I can’t wait until

you are mine.”


A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form.



His mother described him a t two as “round and fat and strong as a five-year-old.”

【译文】母亲描绘他两岁时的情景时说: “圆圆胖胖, 结结实实, 象个五岁的孩子”。


Einstein was a fair amateur violinist, a great mathematician, and a deeply philosophical man.


Their sunburned faces were dark, and their sunwhipped9. eyes were light.



The green mountains were dancing, and the rivers and lakes smiling.


10.反语与讥讽(Irony & Satire)

He plays football all day long during the time of examination. What a diligent student he is! 【译文】在考试期间他整天踢足球,真是够勤奋的!


例1:His face turned red. 他脸红了。

His face was reddening.他脸红了。

He was dressed in red. 他穿红衣服。

His skin was distinguished by its redness. 他的皮肤特别红。

Apricot is the edible, yellow-orange fruit of this tree.


the blue 蓝天、海洋

blue films 黄色影片

blue gag 下流笑话

blue-collar 体力劳动者

blue women 有学问的妇女

I’m browned off, sitting here all day with nothing to do.


When she gives a dinner party,she always does it up brown.


1.红色;You said that I am very good.Is my face red?


例3:When he started criticizing my work,I really saw red.


例4:It was a red-letter day in the history of Chinese revolution.


例5:The president was treated to the red-carpet in Rome.


2.黄色;例1:to be yellow 胆小的,怯懦的

a yellow liver 胆小鬼

to be shown the yellow card 被警告

a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人

例2:He has a yellow streak in him.【译文】他胆小。

3.绿色;a green old age 老当益壮,青春常在

a green man 新来水手

green goods 新鲜货

green with envy; green as jealousy;

green-eyed monster 十分嫉妒

green meat 鲜肉

green memory 栩栩如生的记忆

green back 美钞(因为美元背面为绿色)

green pound 绿色英镑(指共同体内部计算农产品价格而规定的高汇率英镑)

green power 金钱的力量,财团

green sheet 指政府预算明细比较表

例2:Do you see any green in my eye?【译文】你认为我幼稚可欺吗?

例3:She is a green hand in teaching English. 【译文】在英语教学中,他还是个新手。

4.白色;a white lie 善意的谎言

the white coffee 牛奶咖啡

white man 善良的人,有教养的人

white-livered 怯懦的

white war 经济竞争,没有硝烟的战争

white coal 水力

white sale 大减价

the white way 白光大街(指城里灯光灿烂的商业区)

to show the white feature 胆怯

white goods 白色货物(指冰箱、洗衣机等外壳为白色的家电产品)例2:He is the white-headed boy of the new generation.


例3:My children have bled me white.【译文】我的一切都为孩子花光了。例4:They treated us white.


例5:He said he didn’t want to have a white-collar job and sit in an office all day.【译文】他说他不愿意做文职工作,整天坐在办公室里。

5.黑色;black books 失宠

to go into the black 哀悼

black ball 秘密反对票或否决票

in the black /black figure 盈利,赚钱

black in the face 脸色铁青

to look black at someone 怒目而视

black day 凶日

black money 黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)

black market 黑市交易或黑市

black market price 黑市价格

black dog忧郁、不开心的人

black smith铁匠

black sheep害群之马,败家子

black leg骗子

black figure / in the black 盈利、赚钱、顺差

例2:She gives me a black look.


例3:I am glad for my own sake, that he is not so black as he is painted.


6.蓝色;例2:Things are looking extremely blue. 【译文】情况极其不妙。

例3:True blue will never stain.【译文】真金不怕火炼。

例4:It’s once in a blue moon that you get a chance like that.


例1:We’11 soon be out of the r ed. 【译文】我们很快就会扭亏为盈。例2:He is too yellow to stand up and fight. 【译文】他太软弱,不敢起来斗争。例4:He came out of the fight black and blue. 【译文】打架之后,他遍体鳞伤。例5:He gave me assurance in black and white.【译文】他向我作出了书面保证。例6:Don’t show the white-feather fight for your beliefs.


例7:The black dog is over him. 【译文】他意气消沉。

例8:Tom is the black sheep of his family.【译文】汤姆是个败家子。

例9:She ran and ran until she was blue in the face.


7.意译;例1:The molten iron was red-hot. 【译文】铁水炽热。

例2:Aim at one bird,don’t blaze into the brown.


例3:He blacked out the words he didn’t want. 【译文】他涂掉了不想要的词。例4:Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.


例5:You look darker after the holidays. 【译文】你度假回来,显得更健康了。

8.改译;black tea 红茶

black and blue 青一块紫一块

black cloth 青布

blue films 黄色电影

brown sugar 红糖

brown bread 黑面包

green-eyed 眼红

grey market 黑市

purple wine 红葡萄酒

black in the face 脸色发紫

white coffee 牛奶咖啡

pink elephants 幻觉

pink slip 解雇通知书

brown stone districts 富人住宅区

be raised to the purple 升为红衣主教

black diamonds 煤

9.增译;例1:Her eyes became moist. 【译文】她眼圈红了。

例2:The colour came back to my face the moment my mother mentioned his name.





a die-hard 死硬派

think tank 思想库

time frame 时间框架

the hot line 热线

paper tiger 纸老虎

armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿

comfort woman 慰安妇

to burn one’s boats破釜沉舟

to fan the flame(s) 煽风点火

to turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻

to have a well-oiled tongue 油腔滑调

a gentleman’s agreement君子协定

an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙

Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧

Example is better than precept. 身教胜于言传

Long absent, soon forgotten. 久别情疏

Add fuel to the fire. 火上加油

Run with the tail between the legs. 夹着尾巴逃跑


to go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火

to laugh off one’s head笑掉牙齿

to praise to the skies 捧上天去

the apple of the eye 掌上明珠

Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳

Life is but an empty dream. 人生如梦

Give him an inch and he’ll take an ell.得寸进尺。

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施

He spent money like water. 花钱跟流水似地

An idle youth,a needy age. 壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

While there is life, there is hope. 得青山在,不怕没柴烧


beltway connections 华盛顿政界的各种关系

byzantine foreign policy 让人捉摸不透的外交政策

to cross the Rubicon 做出(采取)无可后悔的决定(行动);破釜沉舟the Gordian knot 戈尔迪之结(棘手的问题或艰巨的任务)

the heel of Achilles 阿基里斯的脚跟(惟一致命的弱点)

to meet one’s Waterloo遭到惨败;败走麦城

skeleton in the cupboard(closet)家丑

the sword of Damacles 悬挂在达摩克利斯头顶上的剑(临头的危险)

the touch of Midas 点石成金

the Trojan horse 特洛伊木马(内部颠覆者,起内部破坏作用的人或事物) to take French leave 不辞而别;擅自行动

to pull the wool over one’s eyes掩人耳目

to open Pandora’s box打开潘多拉盒子(引起疾病、罪恶、疯狂等各种祸患)4.意译法

To beat about (around) the bush 拐弯抹角

To break the ice 打破沉默

To dog-ear a book 折书角

To hold one’s horse忍耐

To know the rope 内行

A fish out of water 好不自在

Call a spade a spade. 有啥说啥;直言不讳

From the egg to the apple. 自始至终

At breakfast, eat like a king. 早饭吃饱。

At lunch, eat like a prince. 中饭吃好。

At supper, eat like a pauper. 晚饭吃少。

Rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔(搬家不聚财)。

under the counter (table) 鬼鬼祟祟



1)baby kisser 为竞选而到处笼络人心的政客

2)backseat driver 因瞎指挥而坏事的人

3)bad sailor 晕船的人

4)better half 丈夫或妻子

5)blind date 由两人或为两人安排的初次约会

6)bug doctor 精神病医生;心理学专家

7)busy-body 爱管闲事的人

8)carry the torch for sb .单相思,痴恋

9)confidence man 骗子

10)dead president 美钞

11)dime store 廉价商店

12)end paper 衬页

13)goo goo eyes 秋波,媚眼

14)goose flesh 鸡皮疙瘩

15)gut course 易得学分的大学课程

16)happy money 供零花的钱

17)leg show 脱衣舞

18)mash note 男女之间私约偷情的条子

19)night cart 粪车

20)oil burner 破旧的汽车


1)American Beauty 美国四季开花的蔷薇

2)China policy 对华政策

3)Dutch courage 酒后之勇

4)Dutch treat 各自付钱的聚餐

5)English disease 软骨病

6)French grey 浅灰色

7)French window 落地长窗

8)Indian meal 玉米粉

9)Robinson Crusoe 孤独的人

10)uncle dudley 自己

11)Uncle Sam 美国人

12)Uncle Tom 美国黑人


1)to beat a dead horse 枉费心机

2)to bring down the house 赢得满堂喝彩

3)to call somebody names 辱骂某人

4)to cut somebody dead 假装不认识某人

5)to follow like a sheep 盲从

6)to give sb. a box on the ear 打耳光

7)to pull somebody’s leg开某人的玩笑

8)to make horseplay 胡闹,搞恶作剧

9)to go fly a kite 滚开

10)to have a fall 被捕

11)to know a thing or two about sth 精通某事

12)to make a killing 发大财

13)to think a great deal of oneself 过高地估计自己

14)to turn one’s coat背叛


1)Beyond the mountains there are people to be found. 山外有山,天外有天。

2)A book is known in time of need. 书到用时方恨少.

3)Cry for the moon. 海底捞月。

4)Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


5) Even a worm will turn. 人急造反,狗急跳墙。

6) Feed a cold and starve a fever.伤风时宜吃,发烧时需饿。

7) Great hopes make a great man.


8) He that is down, down with him.


9) He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.


10) Like cures like.


11) A lion’s skin is never cheap.


12) A fool always rushes to the fore.


13) A maid that laughs is half taken.


14) A ragged coat may cover an honest man.


15) There’s many a true word spoken in jest.



汉译英 Unit1 1.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充足的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。(no matter how) No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech ,you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关系吉米一样,吉米也关系他们(just as) Just as all his sister ’ s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them 3.汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。(track down)Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。(tell on) If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。(on one’s own) Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6.现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。(reckon with) Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. Unit2 1.被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪 The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2.总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。 All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron . 3正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。 No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4.考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。 Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5.服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并立刻咨询医生。 If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6.总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。 Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. Unit3 1.在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的。 In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional. 2..教师一旦同意接受新的教学计划,他们就得面对新计划所带给他们的压力。 Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them. 3.从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。 In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one ’ s study after graduatin g from university instead of going to work directly. 4.由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视。 As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally. 5.据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。


2011 7月 II.Words and phrases translation(20 points,1 point for each) A.Directions: Put the following words and phrases into Chinese. 16.a slender man一个身材瘦长的人17.country-wide trade全国贸易18.the Ethiopian highlands埃塞俄比亚高原19.economic policy经济政策20.great-grandmother(外)曾祖母21.open sea公海 22.part-time river季节性河流23.mineral oil矿物油 24.environmental law环境法25.welcoming banquet欢迎宴会 B.Directions: Put the following words and phrases into English. 26.逃学Play truant 27.军阀政府The warlord government 28.九龙壁The nine dragon wall 29.基本方针Basic principle 30.游记Travel notes 31.祥林嫂Xiang Lin's wife 32.排队to stand in a queue to line up 33.大陆架Continental shelf 34.董事会Board of directors 35.深刻影响 Profound impact 2011 4月 II. Word and Phrase Translation (20 points, 1 point each) 16. appreciation dinner 答谢宴会17. birth defect先天性生理缺陷 18. applied entomology应用昆虫学 19. member state会员国、成员国 20. maternity hospital 妇产医院21. over-the-counter medicine非处方药 22. green belt 防护林、绿化带23. inland waters内陆水域 24. room temperature 室温、常温25. debt chain三角债、债务链 B. Directions: Translate the following words and phrases into English. (Please write the answer on your Answer Sheet.)


英语考试翻译复习资料 Unit1 Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. 你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。 It is true that there are few situations at school where you have to communicate in English, but you can seek out opportunities to practice speaking the language. Talking with your classmates, for example, can be an easy and enjoyable way to get some practice. Also try to find native speakers on your campus and feel free to talk with them. Perhaps the easiest way to practice speaking is to rehearse aloud, since this can be done at any time, in any place, and without a partner. For instance, you can look at pictures or objects around you and try to describe them in detail. You can also rehearse everyday situations. After you have made a purchase in a shop or finished a meal in a restaurant and paid the check, pretend that all this happened in an English-speaking country and try to act it out in English. 的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们随意交谈。或许练习讲英语最容易的方式是高声朗读,因为这在任何时间,任何地方,不需要搭档就可以做到。例如,你可以看着图片或身边的物件,试着对它们详加描述。你还可以复述日常情景。在商店里购物或在餐馆里吃完饭付过账后,假装这一切都发生在一个讲英语的国家,试着用英语把它表演出来。 Unit2 The next night, the blackest he had ever known, the sea became so rough that the boat almost turned over. Food, clothes, and broken glass were all mixed together. Fortunately, the damage to the boat was not too serious. Chichester calmly got into bed and went to sleep. When he woke up, the sea had become calm again. Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he


大学英语翻译课堂教学存在的问题以及对策 【摘要】自翻译成为一门独立的学科以来,翻译教学的重要性越来越受到重视。但在大学英语翻译课堂中仍然存在一些问题,导致翻译教学效果不佳,学生的翻译水平有限。本文探讨了大学英语翻译教学的现状和存在的问题,以及如何采取必要措施,切实提高学生的翻译能力,为社会、市场输出更多符合需求的翻译人才。 【关键词】大学英语翻译教学问题 1.大学英语翻译教学的现状及存在问题 随着经济的全球化以及对外交流的进一步扩大,翻译能力的重要性得到进一步的凸显。而翻译成为一个正式的学科,也极大地推动了翻译教学的发展。根据国家教委颁发的《大学英语教学大纲》,对学生英语翻译能力的要求指能借助词典,将难度略低于课文的英语短文翻译成汉语,能达到基本的翻译要求,译速为每小时300个英语单词。但目前的翻译教学还存在很多问题,使达到这个目标有一定困难,亟待解决。 1.1教师定位不准确,与学生的互动和交流有待加强 翻译是一门注重实践的学科,学生需要大量的练习才能磨练出翻译水平,而在练习的过程中,翻译的技巧起着指导

性的作用。因此,教师在翻译课堂上更像是一个指路人,而并不是掌控课堂所有话语权的主导者。教师给予翻译技巧、翻译案例、应对方法,同时给学生的翻译实践做出反馈。而如果教师不给予学生一定的主动性,和学生的互动不够的话,势必会背离翻译教学的目标。 1.2 过分依赖多媒体技术 多媒体教学由教师、学生、教学内容与多媒体构成,其本质于传统课堂相同,只是加入了多媒体的手段。多媒体教学拥有很多传统的课堂教学模式没有的优势,但是这并不代表教师要完全摒弃传统的教学模式。然而,在实际操作过程中,很多教师过分依赖多媒体技术,却忽略了传统的教学模式的使用,结果不但没有提升教学质量,反而降低教学质量。在传统的教学环境下,教师撰写教案,在课堂上以板书的形式为学生讲解教学重点以及难点。多媒体环境下,教师为了节省板书的时间,采用PPT课件的形式进行教学。但如果完全依赖于教学课件,整节课堂不进行任何板书或只有少量板书,一味借助PPT进行讲解,教学效果便会大打折扣。更有甚者,一旦停电或者多媒体设备出现故障,便无法正常完成教学内容的讲解。 1.3只注重理论教育,忽略实践能力的培养 在全球化的背景下,社会需要的是既具有一定的理论基础,又具有一定的实践能力的综合性人才。但在目前的英语

大学英语翻译技巧 7

第七单元句子的翻译(3) 真实、虚拟条件句和否定句的翻译 第一部分:英语中真实条件句和虚拟条件句的翻译 一. 真实条件句的翻译 在真实条件句中,说话人或把条件视为事实,或仅仅提出条件,不作任何主观设想,如果条件实现,主句内容便成为事实;如果条件不实现,结果也就不会发生。译成分句即可。 例如: ·If the weather is not good, I shall stay at home. 如果天气不好,我将呆在家里。 ·Unless the weather is good, I shall stay at home. 如果天气不好,我将呆在家里。 ·I will stay at home providing /provided/ on condition(that) the weather is not good. 假如天气不好,我就呆在家里。 ·I will stay at home only if the weather is not good. 如果天气不好,我只好呆在家里。 ·I will stay at home if only the weather is not good. 只要天气不好,我就呆在家里。 ·Given bad weather, I will stay at home. 假使天气不好,我就呆在家里。 ·Suppose we can’t get the necessary equipment, what shall we do? 假设我们弄不到必要的设备,那我们怎么办? ·As long as we don’t lose heart, we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty. 只要我们不灰心,我们就能找到克服困难的方法。 ·Granted that this is true, what conclusion can you draw? 就算这是实际情况,你又能得出什么结论呢? ·Send us a message in case you have any difficulty. 万一有什么困难请给我们一个信。 ·We’ll let you use the room on condition that you keep it clean. 我们可以让你们用这个房间,如果你们能保持清洁的话。 ·She would have fallen but that I caught her. 要不是我抓住她,她就摔倒了。 ·He is a quite conscientious man so far as I know. 据我所知,他是一个很负责的人。 二. 虚拟条件句的翻译 1.用“早”“本来”“原先”“当初”译出虚拟语气。 例如:


新视野大学第三版book1英语课后翻译答案 Unit1 苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。他是一个谜一般的人物,人们主要通过后来的一些古典作家的叙述,尤其是他最著名的学生柏拉图的作品去了解他。苏格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻名。他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提问和回答来激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。该方法在各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。他还在认识论和逻辑领域作出了重大而深远的贡献。他的思想和方法所带来的影响一直是后来的西方哲学的坚实基础。苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人物。他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然他未曾建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派,也未曾创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就变得家喻户晓了。 Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient “sage”. His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analectshas had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years’traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius’thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. Unit2 圣诞节是一个被广泛庆祝的文化节日,全世界有许许多多的人在12月25日庆祝这一节日。它是为了纪念耶稣基督的诞辰。该节日最早可追溯到公元336年。渐渐地,这一节日演变为一个既是宗教又是非宗教的节日,越来越多的非基督徒也庆祝圣诞节。如今,圣诞节在全球被作为一个重大的节日和公共假日来庆祝。不同国家的圣诞节风俗也各不相同。现代流行的圣诞接风俗包括交换圣诞贺卡和圣诞礼物、唱圣诞歌曲、参加教堂活动、摆放各种圣诞装饰品和圣诞树、举行家庭聚会以及准备一顿特别的大餐。对小孩子们来说,这个节日充满了幻想和惊喜。据传说,圣诞老人会在圣诞夜从烟囱进入每户人家,给乖巧听话的孩子带来礼物。由于圣诞节送礼物以及许多其他方面推动了基督徒和非基督徒的经济活动,圣诞节也因此成为商家的一个重大活动和主要销售季。 According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival-the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival, all expressing people’s love and hope for a happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holiday in China.


2011年4月全国高等教育自学考试英语翻译试题 I. Multiple Choice (30 points, 2 points each) A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best translation of the original statement in terms of meaning and expressiveness. (Please write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.) 1. A nations greatest wealth is the industry of its people. A.一个国家最大的财富就是民族工业。 B.一个国家最大的财富就是人民的勤劳。 C.一个民族最大的财富就是人民的工业。 D.一个民族最大的财富就是民众的兴旺。 2. Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. A.科学家们确实知道煤是怎样形成的,但要是问他们石油是怎样形成的,他们似乎就不那么有把握了。 B.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油的形成时,他们好像没有那么确信。 C.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么确信了。 D.科学家们确实知道煤的形成,但要是问他们石油的形成时,似乎就不那么有把握了。 3. I wasnt their enemy, in fact or in feeling. I was their ally. A.在事实上或感情上,我不是他们的敌人。我是他们的盟友。 B.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或感情上。我是他们的盟友。 C.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或者在感情上,而是他们的盟友。


2019年10月自考《00087英语翻译》复习资料 Unit 1 stories 1. He was thirty-six, his youth had passed like a screaming eagle, leaving him old and disillusioned. 他已三十六岁,青春像一路鸣叫的鹰,早已一闪而逝, 留给他的是衰老和幻灭. 2. average height 普通高度 3. gleaming eyes 两眼闪着光辉 4. in his middle twenties 大概是二十五六岁的年龄 5. ignoring the chair offered him, Chu The stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was, what he had done in the past, how he had fled from Yunnan, talked with Sun Yat-sen, been repulsed by Chen Tu-hsiu in Shanghai, and had come to Europe to find a new way of life for himself and a new revolutionary road for China. 朱德顾不得拉过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十岁的青年面前,用平稳的语调, 说明自己的身份和经历: 他怎样逃出云南, 怎样会见孙中山, 怎样在上海被陈独秀拒绝, 怎样为了寻求自己的新的生活方式和中国的新的革命道路而来到欧洲. 6. When both visitors had told their stories, Chou smiled a little, said he would help them find rooms, and arrange for them to join the Berlin Communist group as candidates until their application had been sent to China and an answer received. 两位来客把经历说完后,周恩来微笑着说,他可以帮他们找到住的地方,替他们办理加入党在柏林的支部的手续, 在入党申请书寄往中国而尚未批准之前,暂时作候补党员. 7. Chinese Communist Party 中国共产党 8. 两条要求, 忠实------内容, 通顺-------语言 9. Several times on his trips to China, which he made as a guest of the Chinese Government, Bill’s birthday occurred while he was in Beijing. 以中国官方客人的身份, 比尔来访中国已多次了, 而且在北京停留期间恰适他生日也有好几次了. 10. ‘This is for you,’Bill Morrow heard on many occasions he would never forget----such as when he was taken a boat down the Grand Canal and every boat that passed sounded its siren in salutation. Or when he shown over the great Nanjing bridge, built where the ferries used to carry trains across the Changjiang River. He was given a chair and asked to wait a little as darkness came on, then suddenly the whole bridge was outlined in lights. “这是为你安排的.”这句话比尔.莫诺听到过好几次, 每一次都令他难以忘怀. 有一次, 他沿大运河乘船顺水而下,途经的每艘船都鸣笛致敬. 还有一次, 他参观雄伟的南京长江大桥------以前没桥


BASIC 语言BASIC Language BASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & Application C 语言C Language C++程序设计C++ Program Designing CAD 概论Introduction to CAD CAD/CAM CAD/CAM CET-4 College English Test (Band 4) CET-6 College English Test (Band 6) C与UNIX环境C Language & Unix Environment C语言科学计算方法Scientific Computation Method in C C语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计Course Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ Programming Languages Internet与Intranet技术Internet and Intranet Technology PC机原理Principle of PC Unix编程环境Unix Programming Environment Unix操作系统分析Analysis of Unix System Windows系统Windows Operation System 办公自动化Office Automatization 办公自动化系统毕业设计Office Automatization Thesis 办公自动化系统设计Office Automatization Design 编译方法Compilation Method 编译方法Methods of Compiling 编译技术Technique of Compiling 编译原理Fundamentals of Compiling, Principles of Compiler 编译原理课程设计Course Design of Compiling 操作系统Disk Operating System (DOS) 操作系统课程设计Course Design in Disk Operating System 操作系统与编译原理Disk Operating System & Fundamentals of Compiling 操作系统原理Fundamentals of Disk Operating System, Principles of Operating System 常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations 程序设计Program Designing 程序设计方法学Methodology of Programming, Methods of Programming 程序设计及算法语言Program Designing & Algorithmic Language 程序设计语言Programming Language


Unit1 1. 背离传统需要极大的勇气。(departure, enormous) {It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.} 2. 汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。(performance, bold) {Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.} 3. 很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。 (creative, desirable) {Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.} 4. 假设(assume)那幅画确实是名作(masterpiece),你觉得值得购买吗?(worthwhile) {Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it's worthwhile to buy / purchase it?} 5. 如果这些数据统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。(throw light on , investigate, valid) {If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.} Unit2 1) 该公司否认其捐款有商业目的。(deny, commercial) {The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.} 2) 每当他生气的时候,他说话就有一点结巴。(stammer) {Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.} 3) 教育是我们家庭最看重的传统,这就是为什么我父母从不带我到昂贵的饭店吃饭,却送我到最好的私立学校上学。(cherish) {Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.} 4) 手术康复后不久,他失业了,因此经历了人生的又一个困难阶段。(shortly after, go through) {Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.} 5) 与我们的富裕邻居相比,我们的父母就相当穷了,但是他们总是努力满足我们最起码的需求。(affluent, minimal) {In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.} Unit3 1) 科学家们找到火星上有水的证据了吗?(proof) {Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?} 2) 计划委员会已经将建核电厂的可能地点缩小到了两个沿海城镇。(location, narrow down) {The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.} 3) 任何一个有尊严的人都不会一辈子依靠社会救济过活。(welfare)


1 Rock music began in America in the late 1950’s . It was not only a new musical form , but a forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life . In this forum , the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights , war and peace ,the disaffection of their society , and a range of emotions between love and hate . Allin all , in this forum , the American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society . The typical representatives of the early rock music were Elvis Presley , singer and poet Bob Dylan , the Bealtles , the rolling Stones and so on . They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped . 2 The American young people in 1960’s were a generation of rebellion . They found that the affluent American society was filled with poverty , injustice and gypocrisy . They didn’t trust the adult world that didn’t belong to them and refused to take their beliefs and values . Many young people took active part in the struggle which protested against poverty , racial discrimination and Vietnam War . Some young people even tried to overthrow this world by armed revolution. Many other young took passive ways to show their disaffections . They took drugs , refused to take any responsibilities and lived a parasitic way of life . Or they escaped to the frontiers and lived a primitive way of life . 3 Mathilda had been ill for three days . Her mother had given her some medicine, but it did n’t do any good . So they had to ask the doctor to come . There had been a number of cases of diphtheria in Mathilda’s school and two of them had been dead . When the doctor arrived at Olson’s home , he wanted to examine Mthilda’s throat first . But no mat ter how he coaxed ,,She wouldn’t open her mouth . So the doctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth . But Mathilda reduced it to splinters . In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children , the doctor had to make sure


【英语】英语翻译练习题20篇及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我习惯睡前听点轻音乐。(accustomed) 2.将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to) 3.没有什么比获准参加太空旅行项目更令人兴奋的了。(than) 4.家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear) 5.虽然现代社会物资丰富,给予消费者更多的选择,但也使不少人变成购物狂。(turn) 【答案】 1.I’m accustomed to listening to some light music before sleep. 2.It’s up to you what kind of life will lead in the future. 3.There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel programme. 4.Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen. 5.While modern society, rich in material resources,has given consumers more choice, it turns many of them into crazy shoppers. 【解析】试题分析: 1.翻译这句话的时候,注意词组:be ac customed to doing“习惯于做……”。 2.这句话使用了句型:It’s up to you +从句,“做….由某人决定”。这里what kind of life will lead in the future.是主语从句,it是形式主语。 3.这句话使用了There be句型, nothing 后面是形容词做定语,因为是比较的含义用形容词的比较级more exciting,还有词组“被允许做”be allowed to ,以及词组“参加”:take part in 。 4.这句话使用了for fear that 引导目的状语从句,和词组“让某人不要做……”ask sb. not to do. 5.这句话使用了连词While 表示“尽管,虽然”。词组“富含”be rich in ,主句中使用了词组turn…. into …..“将…变成…”。 考点:考查翻译句子 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.今年元旦我们玩得很开心。(enjoy) 2.舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我18岁生日。(congratulate) 3.经过多年的建设,这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。(as...as) 4.演出以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的经典音乐开始。(familiar) 5.她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner)【答案】

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