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当前位置:文档库 › 广东省梅州市2018届高三总复习质检(5月二模)理科数学试卷+Word版缺答案







1.全集U R =,{}|01A x x =<<,{}2|40B x x x =->,则()U A B =e( )

A .(0,4]

B .[]0,4

C .(0,1)

D .(,4]-∞

2.在复平面内,复数z 满足(1)|1|z i +=,则z 对应的点位于( )

A .第一象限

B .第二象限

C .第三象限

D .第四象限

3.下列函数中,既是偶函数又在(0,1)上单调递增的是( )

A .cos y x =

B .y =

C .||2x y =

D .|lg |y x =

4.若中心在原点,焦点在y 则此双曲线的渐近线方程为( )

A .y x =±

B .12y x =±

C .y =

D .y x = 5.公元263年左右,我国数学家刘徽发现,当圆内接正多边形的边数无限增多时,正多边形的面积可无限逼近圆的面积,由此创立了割圆术,利用割圆术,刘徽得到了圆周率精确到小数点后面两位的近似值3.14,这就是著名的“徽率”.如图是利用刘徽的割圆术设计的程序

框图,则输出n 的值为 1.732≈,sin150.258?≈,sin 7.50.1305?≈)( )

A .12

B .24

C .48

D .96

6.下列选项中,说法正确的是( )

A .若随机变量η满足(1)5E η-=,(1)5D η-=,则()5E η=-,()5D η=

B .向量(2,2)a m =,(,21)b m m =-共线的充要条件是0m =

C .命题“*n N ?∈,13(2)2n n n ->+?”的否定是“0*n N ?∈,001

03(2)2n n n -<+?” D .已知函数()f x 在区间[],a b 上的图象是连续的,则命题“若()()0f a f b ?<,则()f x 在区间(,)a b 内至少有一个零点”的逆命题为假命题

7.若110a b

>>,有下列四个不等式:①33a b <;②21log 3log 3a b ++>;③

3322a b ab +>,则下列组合中全部正确的为( )

A .①②

B .①③

C .①④

D .②③

8.甲、乙两人在同一天上午8时至10时随机到达养老院为老人服务,并且工作1小时后离开,则两人在养老院相遇的概率为( )

A .34

B .13

C .78

D .35

9.四棱锥的三视图如图所示,则该棱锥的外接球的表面积为( )


静安区高三年级英语期中(二模)测试卷(2018.5) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. By the seaside. B. In a restaurant. C. In a supermarket. D. At home. 2. A. Driving the private car costs little. B. Taking subway requires a special pass. C. It’s more convenient to carry canned fish by pri vate cars. D. It’s uncomfortable to take the subway. 3. A. A phone company clerk. B. A mechanic. C. A travel agent. D. A marriage consultant. 4. A. The woman should go out to work. B. The woman should take charge of the cleaning herself. C. Maids are not very trustworthy these days. D. He contributes a lot to the family economy. 5. A. He is not clever enough for the math club. B. He doesn’t have enough enthusiasm to explore math. C. He lacks former experiences in math study. D. He will be sooner or later admitted into the math club. 6. A. 2. B. 3. C. 5. D. 7. 7. A. The woman was mistaken about where she lost her ipad. B. The woman’s ipad might be kept well in the library. C. There’s a very slight chance of finding back her ipad. D. Her ipad is for public use so she might as well buy a new one. 8. A. As a science fiction fan, she has already seen the film. B. She will go to deal with a dental problem then. C. She will go for a business appointment then. D. She is not very happy to go to see a film with the man. 9. A. Her personal feeling quite contrasts with the research finding. B. Reading books is teenagers’ favourite activity. C. All the researches are offering misleading information. D. Mobile phones have taken none of teenagers’ leisure time. 10. A. Previous customers have bought up the ovens on sale. B. Many other goods on sale are still available. C. The man can buy the oven through other channels. D. The oven is now sold at regular price. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages


广东省高考数学二模试卷(理科) 一、选择题:共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.函数f(x)=+lg(6﹣3x)的定义域为() A.(﹣∞,2)B.(2,+∞)C.[﹣1,2)D.[﹣1,2] 2.己知复数z=(a∈R,i是虚数单位)是纯虚数,则|z|为()A.B.C.6 D.3 3.“p∧q是真命题”是“p∨q是真命题”的() A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 4.已知sinα﹣cosα=,则cos(﹣2α)=() A.﹣ B.C.D. 5.己知0<a<b<l<c,则() A.a b>a a B.c a>c b C.log a c>log b c D.log b c>log b a 6.中国古代数学名著《九章算术》中记载了公元前344年商鞅督造一种标准量器﹣﹣商鞍铜方升,其三视图如图所示(单位:升),则此量器的体积为(单位:立方升)()

A.14 B.12+C.12+πD.38+2π 7.设计如图的程序框图,统计高三某班59位同学的数学平均分,输出不少于平均分的人数(用j表示),则判断框中应填入的条件是() A.i<58?B.i≤58?C.j<59?D.j≤59? 8.某撤信群中四人同时抢3个红包,每人最多抢一个,则其中甲、乙两人都抢到红包的概率为() A.B.C.D.

9.己知实数x,y满足不等式组,若z=x﹣2y的最小值为﹣3,则a的值为() A.1 B.C.2 D. 10.函数f(x)=x2﹣()x的大致图象是() A.B.C.D. 11.已知一长方体的体对角线的长为l0,这条对角线在长方体一个面上的正投影长为8,则这个长方体体积的最大值为() A.64 B.128 C.192 D.384 12.已知函数f(x)=sin2+sinωx﹣(ω>0),x∈R,若f(x)在区间(π,2π)内有零点,则ω的取值范围是() A.(,)∪(,+∞)B.(0,]∪[,1)C.(,)∪(,)D.(,)∪(,+∞) 二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,请把正确的答案填写在答题卡相应的横线上.


侧视图 正视图 2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷) 数学(文科A 卷)解析 从今以后,高考数学不再愁~ 本试卷共4页,21小题,满分150分.考试用时120分钟. 锥体的体积公式:1 3 V Sh = .其中S 表示锥体的底面积,h 表示锥体的高. 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,满分50分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.设集合2{|20,}S x x x x R =+=∈,2{|20,}T x x x x R =-=∈,则S T = A .{0} B .{0,2} C .{2,0}- D .{2,0,2}- 【解析】:先解两个一元二次方程,再取交集,选A 2(1,)+∞ D .[1,1)(1, - :对数真数大于零,分母不等于零,取交集,选C 3x yi +的模是 5 【解析】:复数相等用对比系数法得4,3x y ==-再开方,得5,选D. 4.已知51 sin( )25πα+=,那么cos α= A .25- B .15- C .15 D .25 【 解 析 】: 奇 变 偶 不 变 , 符 号 看 象 限 , 51sin( )sin(2+)sin cos 2225πππαπααα?? +=+=+== ??? ,选C. 5.执行如图1所示的程序框图,若输入n 的值为3,则输出s 的值是 A .1 B .2 C .4 D .7 【解析】注意临界点,选C. 6.某三棱锥的三视图如图2所示,则该三棱锥的体积是 图 1

A . 16 B .13 C .2 3 D .1 【解析】由三视图判断底面为等腰直角三角形,三棱锥的高为2,则111 =112=323 V ????,选B.注意公式,别记错! 7.垂直于直线1y x =+且与圆221x y +=相切于第一象限的直线方程是 A .0x y += B .10x y ++= C .10x y +-= D .0x y ++= 【解析】数形结合法,把图画出来,圆心到直线的距离等于1r =,直接法可设所求的直线 方程为:()0y x k k =-+>,再利用圆心到直线的距离等于1r =,求得k =选A. 8.设l 为直线,,αβ是两个不同的平面,下列命题中正确的是 A .若//l α,//l β C .若l α⊥,//l β 【解析】画出一个正方体,关注面内面外,关注相交线,选9.已知中心在原点的椭圆A .14322=+y x 1 .24 1 【解析】记好离心率公式,1,2,c a b === D. 10.设 a 是已知的平面向量且≠0 a ,关于向量 a 的分解,有如下四个命题: ①给定向量 b ,总存在向量 c ,使=+ a b c ; ②给定向量 b 和 c ,总存在实数λ和μ,使λμ=+ a b c ; ③给定单位向量 b 和正数μ,总存在单位向量 c 和实数λ,使λμ=+ a b c ; ④给定正数λ和μ,总存在单位向量 b 和单位向量 c ,使λμ=+ a b c ; 上述命题中的向量 b , c 和 a 在同一平面内且两两不共线,则真命题的个数是 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 【解析】法一: 利用向量加法的三角形法则,易的①是对的;利用平面向量的基本定理,易的②是对的;以 a 的终点作长度为μ的圆,这个圆必须和向量λ b 有交点,这个不一定能满足,③是错的;


普陀区2017学年第二学期高三英语质量调研 参考答案 I. Listening Section A 1-5 B C A B C 6-10 D C B D D Section B 11-13 C A D 14-16 B B D 17-20 A D B A II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A 21. on 22. to serve 23. that 24. involved 25. what 26. had become 27. where 28. them 29. but 30. have been found Section B 31-35 E J K B A D I G H C III. Reading Comprehension Section A 41-45 CDABD 46-50 ABDAC 51-55 CBABC Section B 56-59 C D B B 60-62 CA C 63-66 C B C D Section C 67-70 D A F B IV. Summary Writing For Reference: A study shows if a person has a good short-term memory he is likely to feel bored quickly. Assuming memories of past experience may influence the different rates at which some people feel fed up, two researchers conducted a test, relating students’ memory capacity to their performance, and got the result. The findings may apply to marketing, self-controlling and educating. (60)


2018年广东省高考数学二模试卷(理科) 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1. 已知x,y∈R,集合A={2,?log3x},集合B={x,?y},若A∩B={0},则x+y=() A.1 3 B.0 C.1 D.3 2. 若复数z1=1+i,z2=1?i,则下列结论错误的是() A.z1?z2是实数 B.z1 z2 是纯虚数 C.|z14|=2|z2|2 D.z12+z22=4i 3. 已知a→=(?1,?3),b→=(m,?m?4),c→=(2m,?3),若a→?//?b→,则b→?c→=( ) A.?7 B.?2 C.5 D.8 4. 如图,AD^是以正方形的边AD为直径的半圆,向正方形内随机投入一点,则该点落在阴影区域内的概率为() A.π16 B.3 16 C.π 4 D.1 4 5. 已知等比数列{a n}的首项为1,公比q≠?1,且a5+a4=3(a3+a2),则√a1a2a3?a9 9=() A.?9 B.9 C.?81 D.81 6. 已知双曲线C:x2 a2?y2 b2 =1(a>0,?b>0)的一个焦点坐标为(4,?0),且双曲线的两条 渐近线互相垂直,则该双曲线的方程为() A.x2 8?y2 8 =1 B.x2 16?y2 16 =1 C.y2 8?x2 8 =1 D.x2 8?y2 8 =1或y2 8 ?x2 8 =1

7. 已知某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的表面积为( ) A.8π+6 B.6π+6 C.8π+12 D.6π+12 8. 设x ,y 满足约束条件{xy ≥0 |x +y|≤2 ,则z =2x +y 的取值范围是( ) A.[?2,?2] B.[?4,?4] C.[0,?4] D.[0,?2] 9. 在印度有一个古老的传说:舍罕王打算奖赏国际象棋的发明人–宰相宰相西萨?班?达依尔.国王问他想要什么,他对国王说:“陛下,请您在这张棋盘的第1个小格里,赏给我1粒麦子,在第2个小格里给2粒,第3小格给4粒,以后每一小格都比前一小格加一倍.请您把这样摆满棋盘上所有的64格的麦粒,都赏给您的仆人吧!”国王觉得这要求太容易满足了,就命令给他这些麦粒.当人们把一袋一袋的麦子搬来开始计数时,国王才发现:就是把全印度甚至全世界的麦粒全拿来,也满足不了那位宰相的要求.那么,宰相要求得到的麦粒到底有多少粒?下面是四位同学为了计算上面这个问题而设计的程序框图,其中正确的是( ) A. B. C. D. 10. 已知数列{a n }前n 项和为S n ,a 1=15,且满足(2n ?5)a n+1=(2n ?3)a n +4n 2 ?



2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷)A 一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,满分40分 1.设i为虚数单位,则复数?Skip Record If...?= A. ?Skip Record If...? B.?Skip Record If...?C.?Skip Record If...?D.?Skip Record If...? 2.设集合U={1,2,3,4,5,6}, M={1,2,4 } 则?Skip Record If...? A.U B.{1,3,5} C.{3,5,6} D.{2,4,6} 3.若向量?Skip Record If...?=(2,3),?Skip Record If...?=(4,7),则?Skip Record If...?= A.(-2,-4)B.(2,4) C.(6,10) D.(-6,-10) 4.下列函数中,在区间(0,+∞)上为增函数的是 A.?Skip Record If...? B.?Skip Record If...? C.y=?Skip Record If...? D.?Skip Record If...? 5.已知变量x,y满足约束条件?Skip Record If...?,则z=3x+y的最大值为 A.12 B.11 C.3 D.?Skip Record If...? 6.某几何体的三视图如图1所示,它的体积为 A.12π B.45π C.57π D.81π 7.从个位数与十位数之和为奇数的两位数中任取一个,其个位数为0的概率是 A. ?Skip Record If...?B. ?Skip Record If...?C. ?Skip Record If...?D. ?Skip Record If...? 8.对任意两个非零的平面向量?Skip Record If...?和?Skip Record If...?,定义?Skip Record If...?.若平面向量?Skip Record If...?满足?Skip Record If...?,?Skip Record If...?与?Skip Record If...?的夹角?Skip Record If...?,且?Skip Record If...?和?Skip Record If...?都在集合 ?Skip Record If...?中,则?Skip Record If...?=


2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷)数学(理科) 本试卷共4页,21小题,满分150分。考试用时120分钟。 一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,满分40分。在每小题给出四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求。 1.设复数z 满足2)1(=+z i ,其中i 为虚数单位,则z =( ) A .i +1 B .1i - C .i 22+ D .i 22- 2.已知集合{}22(,)|,1A x y x y x y =+=为实数,且,{} (,)|,1B x y x y x y =+=为实数,且,则A B I 的元素个数为( ) A .4 B .3 C .2 D .1 3.若向量a r ,b r ,c r ,满足//a b r r 且a b ⊥r r ,则(2)c a b +r r r g =( ) A . 4 B .3 C .2 D .0 4.设函数)(x f 和)(x g 分别是R 上的偶函数和奇函数,则下列结论恒成立的是( ) A .)()(x g x f +是偶函数 B .)()(x g x f -是奇函数 C .)()(x g x f +是偶函数 D .)()(x g x f -是奇函数 5.已知平面直角坐标系xOy 上的区域D 由不等式组? ?? ??≤≤≤≤y x y x 222 0给定,若(,)M x y 为D 上的动点,点A 的坐 标为 ()12,,则OA OM z ?=的最大值为( ) A .24 B .23 C .4 D .3 6.甲、乙两队进行排球决赛,现在的情形是甲队只要再赢一局就获冠军,乙队需要再赢两局才能得冠军,若两队胜每局的概率相同,则甲队获得冠军的概率为( ) A . 21 B .53 C .32 D .4 3 7.如图1~3,某几何体的正视图(主视图)是平行四边形,侧视图(左视图)和俯视图都是矩形,则该几何体的体积为( ) A .36 B .39 C .312 D .318 8.设S 是整数集Z 的非空子集,如果S b a ∈?,,有S ab ∈, 则称S 关于数的乘法是封闭的,若,T V 是Z 的两个不相交的 非空子集,T V Z =U ,且T c b a ∈?,,,有T c ab ∈,;V z y x ∈?,,,有V xyz ∈,则下列结论恒成立的是( )


2013年广东省高考数学试卷(理科) 一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,满分40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.(5分)设集合M={x|x2+2x=0,x∈R},N={x|x2﹣2x=0,x∈R},则M∪N=()A.{0}B.{0,2}C.{﹣2,0}D.{﹣2,0,2} 2.(5分)定义域为R的四个函数y=x3,y=2x,y=x2+1,y=2sinx中,奇函数的个数是() A.4 B.3 C.2 D.1 3.(5分)若复数z满足iz=2+4i,则在复平面内,z对应的点的坐标是()A.(2,4) B.(2,﹣4)C.(4,﹣2)D.(4,2) 4.(5分)已知离散型随机变量X的分布列为 X123 P 则X的数学期望E(X)=() A.B.2 C.D.3 5.(5分)某四棱台的三视图如图所示,则该四棱台的体积是() A.4 B.C.D.6 6.(5分)设m,n是两条不同的直线,α,β是两个不同的平面,下列命题中正确的是()

A.若α⊥β,m?α,n?β,则m⊥n B.若α∥β,m?α,n?β,则m∥n C.若m⊥n,m?α,n?β,则α⊥βD.若m⊥α,m∥n,n∥β,则α⊥β7.(5分)已知中心在原点的双曲线C的右焦点为F(3,0),离心率等于,则C的方程是() A.B.C.D. 8.(5分)设整数n≥4,集合X={1,2,3,…,n}.令集合S={(x,y,z)|x,y,z∈X,且三条件x<y<z,y<z<x,z<x<y恰有一个成立}.若(x,y,z)和(z,w,x)都在S中,则下列选项正确的是() A.(y,z,w)∈S,(x,y,w)?S B.(y,z,w)∈S,(x,y,w)∈S C.(y,z,w)?S,(x,y,w)∈S D.(y,z,w)?S,(x,y,w)?S 二、填空题:本大题共7小题,考生作答6小题,每小题5分,满分30分.9.(5分)不等式x2+x﹣2<0的解集为. 10.(5分)若曲线y=kx+lnx在点(1,k)处的切线平行于x轴,则k=.11.(5分)执行如图所示的程序框图,若输入n的值为4,则输出s的值为. 12.(5分)在等差数列{a n}中,已知a3+a8=10,则3a5+a7=. 13.(5分)给定区域D:.令点集T={(x0,y0)∈D|x0,y0∈Z,(x0, y0)是z=x+y在D上取得最大值或最小值的点},则T中的点共确定条不同的直线.


2018年广东省普通高校高职考试 数学试题 一、 选择题(共15小题,每题5分,共75分) 1、(2018)已知集合{}0,12,4,5A =,,{}0,2B =,则A B = ( ) A. {}1 B. {}0,2 C. {}3,4,5 D. {}0,1,2 2.(2018)函数( )f x = ) A 、3,4??+∞???? B 、4,3??+∞???? C 、 3,4??-∞ ??? D 、4,3??-∞ ??? 3.(2018)下列等式正确的是( ) A 、lg5lg3lg 2-= B 、lg5lg3lg8+= C 、lg10lg 5lg 5 = D 、1lg =2100- 4.(2018)指数函数()01x y a a =<<的图像大致是( ) 5.(2018)“3x <-”是 “29x >”的( ) A 、必要非充分条件 B 、充分非必要条件 C 、充分必要条件 D 、非充分非必要条件 6.(2018)抛物线24y x =的准线方程是( ) A 、1x =- B 、1x = C 、1y =- D 、1y =

7.(2018)已知ABC ?,90BC AC C =∠=?,则( ) A 、sin A = B 、cos A = C 、tan A = D 、cos()1A B += 8.(2018)234111********* n -++++++= ( ) A 、2π B 、23π C 、 π D 、2π 9.(2018)若向量()()1,2,3,4AB AC == ,则BC = ( ) A 、()4,6 B 、()2,2-- C 、()1,3 D 、()2,2 10.(2018)现有3000棵树,其中400棵松树,现在提取150做样本,其中抽取松树做样本的有( )棵 A 、15 B 、20 C 、25 D 、30 11.(2018)()23,01,0 x x f x x x -≥?=?-


2017学年第二学期高三英语教学质量检测试卷 (满分140分,考试时间120分钟) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. He is angry. B. He is exhausted. C. He is hungry. D. He is disappointed. 2. A. Go over his lessons. B. Attend the party. C. Eat out with friends. D. Take the final exam. 3. A. She is most likely to be arrested. B. She has forgotten to call the police. C. She may have lost her driving license. D. She is lying to the police officer. 4. A. Bill broke his promise. B. Mum will probably reward Bill. C. Bill failed in the test. D. Mum is worried about Bill’s work. 5. A. Make a recovery plan. B. Go back to work. C. Drop out of school. D. Quit her present job. 6. A. She gave him a lift home again. B. She offered him an extra room. C. She treated him well at her home. D. She spared much time for him. 7. A. She doesn’t have time to find a new flat. B. She has not paid enough rent in advance. C. She is unlikely to give up the nice flat. D. She wants to decorate the flat during the holiday. 8. A. Extreme sports. B. Travel insurance. C. Bungee jumping. D. Diving safety. 9. A. Sh e likes Phillips’ singing very much. B. She appreciates other kinds of musicals. C. She enjoys the changes of his musicals. D. She admires other singers more than Phillips. 10. A. American students are too talkative in class. B. It is hard to learn a lot in an American school. C. One can join in schooling in different ways. D. Active participation is greatly encouraged. Section B Directions:In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.


2020年广东省高考数学二模试卷(理科) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共60.0分) 1.已知集合,,则 A. B. C. D. 2.已知复数为虚数单位,,若,则的取值范围为 A. B. C. D. 3.周髀算经是我国古老的天文学和数学著作,其书中记载:一年有二十四个节气,每个节气 晷长损益相同晷是按照日影测定时刻的仪器,晷长即为所测影子的长度,夏至、小暑、大暑、立秋、处暑、白露、秋分、寒露、霜降是连续的九个节气,其晷长依次成等差数列,经记录测算,这九个节气的所有晷长之和为尺,夏至、大暑、处暑三个节气晷长之和为尺,则立秋的晷长为 A. 尺 B. 尺 C. 尺 D. 尺 4.在中,已知,,且AB边上的高为,则 A. B. C. D. 5.一个底面半径为2的圆锥,其内部有一个底面半径为1的内接圆柱,若其内接圆柱的体积为, 则该圆锥的体积为 A. B. C. D. 6.已知函数是定义在R上的奇函数,且在上单调递减,,则不等式 的解集为 A. B. C. D. 7.已知双曲线的右焦点为F,过点F分别作双曲线的两条渐近线的垂线, 垂足分别为A,若,则该双曲线的离心率为 A. B. 2 C. D. 8.已知四边形ABCD中,,,,,E在CB的延长线上, 且,则 A. 1 B. 2 C. D. 9.的展开式中,的系数为 A. 120 B. 480 C. 240 D. 320

10.把函数的图象向右平移个单位长度,再把所得的函数图象上所有点的横坐标缩 短到原来的纵坐标不变得到函数的图象,关于的说法有:函数的图象关于点对称;函数的图象的一条对称轴是;函数在上的最上的 最小值为;函数上单调递增,则以上说法正确的个数是 A. 4个 B. 3个 C. 2个 D. 1个 11.如图,在矩形ABCD中,已知,E是AB的中点, 将沿直线DE翻折成,连接C.若当三棱锥 的体积取得最大值时,三棱锥外接球的体 积为,则 A. 2 B. C. D. 4 12.已知函数,若函数有唯一零点,则a的取值范围为 A. B. C. D. , 二、填空题(本大题共4小题,共20.0分) 13.若x,y满足约束条件,则的最大值是______. 14.已知,则______. 15.从正方体的6个面的对角线中,任取2条组成1对,则所成角是的有______对. 16.如图,直线l过抛物线的焦点F且交抛物线于A,B两点,直线l与圆 交于C,D两点,若,设直线l的斜率为k,则______. 三、解答题(本大题共7小题,共82.0分) 17.已知数列和满足,且,,设. 求数列的通项公式; 若是等比数列,且,求数列的前n项和.


一、填空题(每小题8分,满分64分) 1、已知sin cos ,cos sin 2αβαβ==,则22sin cos βα+=_______. 解:0或3.2 已知两式平方相加,得2 sin 0β=或21cos .4 β= 222sin cos 2sin βαβ+==0或3 .2 2、不等式632(2)(2)x x x x -+>+-的解集为_________. 解:(,1)(2,).-∞-?+∞ 原不等式等价于623(2)(2).x x x x +>+++ 设3 ()f x x x =+,则()f x 在R 上单调增. 所以,原不等式等价于2 2 ()(2)21 2.f x f x x x x x >+?>+?<->或 3、已知 ( 表示不超过x 的最大整数),设方程 1 2012{}2013 x x -=的两个不同实数解为12,x x ,则2122013()x x ?+=__________. 解:2011-. 由于1{}[0,1), (0,1)2013x ∈∈,所以112012(1,1).20122012 x x ∈-?-<< 当102012x -<<时,原方程即21120121201320122013 x x x -=+?=-; 当102012x ≤<时,原方程即221 2012201312013 x x x -=?=. 4、在平面直角坐标系中,设点* (,)(,)A x y x y N ∈,一只虫子从原点O 出发,沿x 轴正方向或y 轴正方向爬行(该虫子只能在整点处改变爬行方向),到达终点A 的不同路线数目记为(,)f x y . 则(,2)f n =_______. 解: 1 (1)(2).2 n n ++ 111 (1,2)323,(2,2)634,(3,2)104 5.222 f f f ==??==??==?? 猜测1 (,2)(1)(2)2 f n n n = ++,可归纳证明. 5、将一只小球放入一个长方体容器内,且与共点的三个面相接触.若小球上一点P 到这三个面的距离分别为4、5、5,则这只小球的半径为___________. 解:3或11. 分别以三个面两两的交线为x 轴、y 轴、z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系. 设点P 坐标为(4,5,5),小球圆心O 坐标为(,,).r r r


2012年普通高等学校(广东卷) 数学(理科) 本试题共4页,21小题,满分150分,考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1、选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。 2、非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求做大的答案无效。 3、作答选做题时,请先用2B 铅笔填涂选做题的题号对应的信息点,再做答。漏涂、错涂、多涂的,答案无效。 4、考生必须保持答题卡得整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 参考公式:柱体的体积公式 V=Sh 其中S 为柱体的底面积,h 为柱体的 高 线性回归方程 y bx a =+ 中系数计算公式 其中,x y 表示样本均值。 N 是正整数,则()n n a b a b -=-12(n n a a b --++…21n n ab b --+) 一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,满分40分,在每小题给出的四

个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.把复数的共轭复数记作z ,设(1+2i )z =4+3i ,其中i 为虚数单位,则z i = A . 2- i B. 2+ i C.1+2 i D.-1+2i 2.已知集合A={x ∣f(x)=3+x + 2 1 +x },B={x ∣3x-7≤8-2x},则A B ?为 A.[3,-3] B.[3,-2)U (-2,-3] C.[3,-2) D.[-2,-3] 3. 函数y=f(a+x)与函数y=f(a-x)的图像关于 A.直线x=a 对称 B.点(a ,0)对称 C.原点对称 D.Y 轴对称 4.已知{}n a 是等比数列,且,20252,0645342=++>a a a a a a a n 那么,53a a +的值为 A.45 B.35 C.25 D.15 5. 在平行四边形ABCD 中,O 是对角线AC 与BD 的交点,E 是BC 边的中点,连 接DE 交AC 于点F 。已知→ → → → ==b AD a AB ,,则=→ OF A .→→+b a 6131 B .)(4 1→ →+b a C .)(61→→+b a D .→→+b a 4 161 6. 对于命题p 、q ,有p ∧q 是假命题,下面说法正确的是 A .p ∨q 是真命题 B .p ?是真命题 C .q p ??∧是真命题 D. q p ??∨是真命题 7. 如图是某几何体三视图的斜二测画法,正视图(主视图)是等腰三角形,侧视图(左视图)和俯视图都是矩形,则该几何体的体积为 A.3 16 B.16 C.8 D. 4


北京市东城区2018届高三统测(二模)英语试题 2018.5 英语 本试卷共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。 1.—It’s lucky of you to get your new job! —A friend told me about it, so I _________ and got it. A. apply B. have applied C.applied D. was applying 2. I can clearly remember the first time I met Ms. Lee, _________it’s over 10 years ago. A. unless B. since C. after D. although 3. They will fly to London, ______ they plan to stay for two or three weeks. A. which B. that C. when D. where 4. Dogs have a far wider hearing range than humans, _________ them able to detect sounds far above a human’s hearing limit. A. making B. made C. having made D. to be made 5. —When do you want to visit Mr. Smith with me? —Whenever you _________ time. A. have B. will have C. have had D. had 6. Considered poisonous for many years in Europe, tomatoes _________for decoration only. A. grow B. are grown C. grew D. were grown 7. The snowstorm has lasted for several days _________ it is freezing cold now. A. for B. and C. but D. or 8. In A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking wrote _________non-technical terms about the origin and development of the universe. A. from B. by C. in D. with 9. It is almost impossible for planes _________ in such a heavy fog. A. take off B. to take off C. to have taken off D. having taken off 10. According to the Public Library’s regulations, each reader _________borrow at most five books at a time. A. should B. must C. may D. would 11. The book covers the knowledge I wish I ______ five years ago. A. knew B. had known C. would know D. would have known 12. The new theme park, ______ last year, has received 27 million visitors so far. A. open B. opened C. being opened D. to open 13. It is generally believed _________ modern technology and mass media are helping to break traditional cultural boundaries. A. that B. if C. why D. how 14. Jim started to play the guitar at the age of 12 when his uncle gave _________ to him as a present. A. this B. one C. it D. that 15. The ability to make and use tools is one of the most basic characteristics of _________ it means to be human. A. whether B. how C. what D. when 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Kate Meyer and Adam Jankowski had just returned to the U.S. after honeymooning in Africa and were waiting out a 10-hour connecting time at Washington-Dulles before they changed the plane to their home in South Carolina. It had been a dream 16 . Along with their memories, they also brought back a

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