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1810 The more you have, the more you want. 拥有的愈多,想要的愈多. /越富越贪.
1811 Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 越是不见越想念.
1812 Agood horse should be seldom spurred. 好马无需用鞭抽。
1813 All are not saints that go to church. 上教堂的未必都是圣人。

1814 A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. 心里坦然,打雷也照样入睡。
1815 A trouble shared is a trouble halved. 两人分担,困难减半.
1816 A guilty conscience needs no accuser. 自己问心有愧,无需别人责备.
1817 A good beginning makes a good ending. 欲善其终,先善其始.
1818 A good friend is my nearest relation. 好友即至亲.
1819 A fool and his money are soon parted. 傻瓜花钱快.
1820 A forced kindness deserves no thanks. 虚情假意不值得感谢.
1821 A dear ship stands long in the haven. 贵重的船只停留在避风港里的时间长。
1822 A drowning man will catch at a straw. 快淹死的人连草也要抓。
1823 A beard well lathered is half shaved. 皂沫涂得好,胡须半剃掉. /磨刀不误砍柴工.
1824 What is done by night appears by day. 若要人不知。除非己莫为。
1825 What colour do you like best?----Red. 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?---红色.
1826 What greater crime than loss of time? 浪费时间是最大犯罪.
1827 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天一只苹果,无需医生进门。
1828 You are not beaten until you give up. 你只要不投降就没有被打败.

1829 Wit bought is better than wit taught. 付出代价学到的东西胜过老师教导.
1830 Wisdom is better than gold or silver. 知识胜过金银.
1831 The wise man is always good listener. 智者善听人言.
1832 You cannot make a crab walk straight. 你无法叫螃蟹直着走。/不要做不可能的事。

1833 He dances well to whom fortune pipes. 运来事事顺.
1834 Half a tale is enough for a wise man. 智者一说就领会. /响鼓不用重棰敲.
1835 Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. 感恩是精神高尚的标志.
1836 He that doth most at once doth least. 越想一次做完最多,越是做得最少. /欲速则不达.
1837 He that doth nothing doth ever amiss. 什么都不做,本身就是错.
1838 Beauty and folly are often companies. 漂亮与愚蠢常为伴侣。
1839 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施.
1840 He who is first come is first served. 先到的先得。
1841 God gives the milk, but not the pail. 上帝赐牛奶,桶要自己买.
1842 Fields have eyes,and woods have ears. 地有眼,树有耳。/ 没有不透风的墙。
1843 Fame is but the breath of the people. 名誉不过是众人口中的一句话

1844 Everything can be bought except time. 什么都能买,唯有时间买不到.
1845 False with one can be false with two. 能对一个人虚伪,就能对两个人奸诈。
1846 In a good house all is quickly ready. 治家有方,办事快当.
1847 Ignorance is the mother of impudence. 无知是鲁莽之源.
1848 In sports and journeys men are known. 从体育和旅行中,可看出男子的品德。
1849 Open confession is good for the soul. 坦然承认错误,有益于灵魂。
1850 Procrastination is the thief of time. 拖延为时间之贼.
1851 Popularity?It's glory's small change. 名望吗?那不过是光荣的零头.
1852 It is not work that kills, but worry. 工作不损寿,忧虑才伤身。
1853 Lend your money and lose your friend. 钱财借出,友谊丧失.
1854 Let those who know the way go before. 让识途的人先行。
1855 Man's extremity is God's opportunity. 逆境是上帝考验人的良机.
1856 Humility often gains more than pride. 谦逊往往比骄傲获益更多。
1857 Men are not to be measured in inches. 人不可以寸量。 / 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。
1858 Better to ask the way than go astray. 问路总比迷路好.
1859 Chance generally favours the prudent. 运气通常照顾深思熟虑者.
1860 Confidence is a plant of slow growth. 信任是一棵难长的树.
1861 Constant dropping wears away a stone. 滴水可以穿石.
1862 Don't waste life in doubts and fears. 不要把生命浪费于怀疑与恐惧中。
1863 Do business,but be not a slave to it. 应为事之主,勿为事之奴.
1864 Do not put new wine into old bottles. 不要旧瓶装新酒。
1865 Deeds are fruits,words are but leaves. 行动是果实,言论不过是叶子.
1866 Don't make mountains out of molehills. 勿把苍蝇说成大象。
1867 Don't have too many irons in the fire. 不要把太多的熨斗放到火炉上。/ 不要同时要办的事太多。
1868 Community of purpose makes friendship. 目标一致生友谊.
1869 Character is what you are in the dark. 品格是你在暗室中的为人.
1870 Cut your coat according to your cloth. 看布裁衣.
1871 Better be unmannerly than troublesome. 宁可有失礼貌,也不打扰别人.
1872 Better deny at once than promise long. 与其答应而不履行,不如马上拒绝。
1873 Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. 匆促结婚必后悔.
1874 Honour and ease are seldom bedfellows. 荣誉和舒适难成伴侣。
1875 Hesitation signifies wavering of will. 犹豫说明意志的动摇。
1876 He who would search pearls dive below. 不潜深水则不得珠.
1877 I will not keep a dog and bark myself. 既然养了狗,何必自己叫?
1878 Life lies not in

living but in liking. 生活的意义并不在于活着,而在于爱好人生.
1879 Let not the sun go down on your wrath. 不要在生气中让太阳下山。 / 今日气,今日息。
1880 Law makers should not be law breakers. 立法者不可违法。
1881 It's a poor heart that never rejoices. 不知世间有乐事者最可怜.
1882 Knowledge comes form experience alone. 知识只能来自经验.
1883 It is good to have friends in trouble. 患难得友是幸事.
1884 It is easy to be wise after the event. 事后聪明容易.
1885 Saying is one thing and doing another. 说是一回事,做是另一回事. /说来容易做来难.
1886 It is a long lane that has no turning. 路长有弯,事长有变。
1887 If you don't like it ,you can lump it. 纵不喜欢,也要容忍。
1888 Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. 模棱两可是谎话的近亲。
1889 In the evening one may praise the day. 称誉白日须待夜来之时.
1890 Fair words make fools fain [=pleased]. 甜言蜜语会使愚者得意忘形。
1891 Fat sorrow is better than lean sorrow. 富而有愁总强似穷愁无计.
1892 For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人.
1893 He who has no shame has no conscience. 不知羞耻的人不知自疚。
1894 He that respects not is not respected. 你不敬人,人不敬你.
1895 Bear wealth, poverty will bear itself. 耐得富的人也耐得穷.
1896 He that falls today may rise tomorrow. 今天跌倒的人,明天可能会站起来.
1897 Happiness lies first of all in health. 幸福首先在于健康。
1898 He best can pity who has felt the woe. 曾历忧伤者方知怜悯他人.
1899 You cannot catch old birds with chaff. 用秕糠捉不到精明鸟。
1900 There is a black sheep in every flock. 羊多必有黑羊;人多必有败类。
1901 Who swims in sin shall sink in sorrow. 在罪恶中漂浮者终将在悲哀中沉没。
1902 April and May are the key of the year. 一年之计在于春.
1903 What is bought is cheaper than a gift. 自己花钱买的,比别人送的便宜。
1904 Where there is a will, there is a way. 只要意志坚,道路不难寻.
1905 A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 人笨怨刀钝。
1906 A cautious mind is the half of wisdom. 谨慎小心近于明智.
1907 A good anvil does not fear the hammer. 好砧不怕铁锤砸.
1908 All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 狗咬的不见得都是小偷。
1909 A little help is worth a deal of pity. 一点帮助胜于一车同情.
1910 Nothing is better than a loyal friend. 什么也比不上一个忠实的朋友.
1911 Never try to prove what nobody doubts. 无人怀疑的事无须费力去证实.
1912 Too muh spoils, too little is

nothing. 饭多会馊,饭少不饱
1913 Take not a musket to kill a butterfly. 杀蝶不用枪。
1914 There is a history in all men's lives. 所有人的生活里都有一部历史.
1915 There is a tide in the affairs of men. 人生事业有盛有衰.
1916 There is no rule without an exception. 有规则必有例外。
1917 There's many a slip'twixt cup and lip. 酒杯到唇边还可能滑落. /非到最后不足以说成功.
1918 They have rights who dare defend them. 敢于保卫权利的人就能拥有权利。
1919 To know everything is to know nothing. 样样都通,件件稀松.
1920 Take it and return it:the kiss of love. 对于爱之吻,接受它并立即退回它.
1921 Success covers a multitude of blunders. 成功能掩盖大量失误。
1922 True affluence is not needing anything. 一无所缺是真正的富裕.
1923 The first step is as good as half over. 第一步是最关键的一步.
1924 The best hearts are always the bravest. 心灵最高尚的人,也总是最勇敢的人.
1925 A little learning is a dangerous thing. 浅学误人.
1926 A man is only as good as what he loves. 一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量.
1927 A man is known by the company he keeps. 从其交友知其为人.
1928 All are not friends that speak us fait. 当面说好话的并不都是朋友.
1929 All are not hunters that blow the horn. 吹号角的未必都是猎人。
1930 A straw shows which way the wind blows. 草动知风向。 / 见微知著。
1931 A good horse cannot be of a bad colour. 好马无劣色
1932 A hedge between keeps friendship green. 交友有度,友谊常青. / 君子之交淡如水.
1933 A good conscience is a continual feast. 问心无愧天天乐。
1934 You can't have everything in this life. 万事如意古来难。
1935 Habit is the fly-wheel of civilization. 习惯是文明的飞轮。
1936 He that goeth far hath many encounters. 走得远,见得多.
1937 He that labours and thrives spins gold. 劳动聚财如聚金.
1938 He that loseth his due gets not thanks. 失去应得的东西,别人不感谢。
1939 Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. 宁要机智的傻子,不要愚蠢的机智人。
1940 Be wisely worldly, be not worldly wise. 要聪明地世故,不要世故地聪明。
1941 He that spares th bad injures the good. 纵容坏人必伤害好人。
1942 He that wiill thrive must rise at five. 五点起床,家业兴旺.
1943 He who likes borrowing dislikes paying. 爱借的人往往不爱还。
1944 Feed by measure and defy the physician. 饮食有节,医生失业。
1945 Every tub must stand on its own bottom. 人须自立.
1946 In the coldest flint there is hot fire. 冰冷的燧石里有烈火.

947 It is not what is she,but what has she. 择妻看人品,切莫恋门第.
1948 It is not the hood that makes the monk. 穿袈裟的不一定就是和尚。
1949 Religion is in heart, not in the knees. 信仰在心里,并不在膝下.
1950 None so blind as they who will not see. 不愿正视事实的人是瞎而又瞎的.
1951 One should eat to live,not live to eat. 人生应为生而食,不应为食而生.

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