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XXXX 有限公司

日期:2010-08-09 事件原因:

由于WW 车间后勤部杂工职位

空缺,急需人员到岗。现需要XXX 调职到WW 车间后勤部,职务为杂工,已多次通知XXX 办理调职手续,但其无动于衷。2010年8月5日,公司已发出书面通知书通知其在三日之内办理调职手续,但其仍然置之不理。此行为已严重违反了


建议改进:XXX ,作为公司的员工必须要严格遵守厂规厂纪,各员工必须








公司员工警告信范文_企业对员工的警告通 知信模板 公司员工警告信范文篇1 基于在年月日的面谈,依据公司有关规定,给予部门:姓名:员工编号:严重警告处分。原因如下: 因工作严重失职,而造成公司损失。 该警告自即日起将保留六个月。 若员工没有改进或违反规定行为更为严重,公司将依据有关规定给予更严厉的处分。 员工若有异议,可在收到该警告后五个工作日内以书面形式向人力资源部提出意见: 签字: 日期: 上级主管签字: 日期: 人力资源中心签字: 日期: 公司员工警告信范文篇2 某某同事: 由于你对各公司薪酬制度不了解,在财务审核工资环节中出现审核失误,造成工资审核失误,念在情节没有造成严重后果。经过公司讨论决定,现对你予以书面警告处理,希望你在日后工作中,认真解读各公司薪酬制度方案,履行好财务部的审核工作,避免再次出现类似事故。

本书面警告书一式两份,公司和被警告人各执一份。 人力资源中心 年月日 部门直属领导:年月日 人事部负责人:年月日 员工确认: 本人已接到通知,并在日后工作中自觉按照公司规章制度执行和认真履行岗位管理责任。 签名确认: 公司员工警告信范文3 部门: 姓名: 工号: 职务: 总经理:部门经理/主管: 接信人签收: 提示:以上警告信会记录在案,如类似案例继续发生,则有机会导致接信人受到行政处分和经济处罚,警请自励、自勉。 XXXX有限公司 日期: 事件原因: 由于WW车间后勤部杂工职位空缺,急需人员到岗。现需要XXX调职到WW车间后勤部,职务为杂工,已多次通知XXX办理调职手续,但其无动于衷。20xx年8月5日,公司

已发出书面通知书通知其在三日之内办理调职手续,但其仍然置之不理。此行为已严重违反了公司的规章制度。 建议改进: XXX,作为公司的员工必须要严格遵守厂规厂纪,各员工必须服从工作安排及岗位调动。但你漠视公司的规章制度,不服从正常的工作任务安排及岗位调动,现公司给予你严重书面警告处分,请你收到《警告信》后,一天之内办理相关调职手续。


模板 1
To (Employee name) AAA AAA (Designation) Project Manager (Department) Infrastructure From (Administrator or the Authority) BBB BBB (Designation) Head of Department (Department) Infrastructure Date: xx/xx/xxxx Subject: Written Warning – Unsatisfactory Performance This letter is a warning for your unsatisfactory performance over the past few months. The management and reporting authorities have been closely monitoring your performance, during which it has been found that you have been unable to meet the targets allotted to you for the past 2 months. You have been verbally warned previously about your frequent absenteeism which has added to your load of pending work. The projects given to you have been already extended by two weeks and this has indirectly caused substantial loss to the firm. It is in the best interest of the firm that you give a proper explanation for the failure to complete targets that have cost the firm dearly. Your professional conduct with some of your junior colleagues has also been found to be domineering and difficult. Please be advised that further incidents of this nature are subject to strict disciplinary action and can even lead to the termination of your employment contract with us.
I acknowledge by my signature below that I have been given the opportunity to present my views and explanations and I am signing this review prior to it being placed in my personnel file. AAA AAA Signature Project Manager, Infrastructure BBB BBB

2019-旷工警告信-范文word版 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 旷工警告信 篇一:警告通知范文四篇 警告通知范文四篇 本文是关于警告通知的书写范文,欢迎参阅。 警告通知1 _______员工: 因与____年____月____日,违反____________的规定,现进行书面警告一次,以资惩戒,如在一月之内违反公司其他规章制度,将予以劝退或除名处理。 门店管理中心 开单人:________ 员工签字确认:________ 日期:________ 日期:________ 此警告单一式两联,被警告人一联,部门留存一联 警告通知2 ____同志作为公司市场部副经理,在其本职工作中有所疏忽,导致市场信息耽误,故特此给予警告处分一次。希望下次引以为荐,不再发生。 ____建设集团有限公司 二零____年____月____日 警告通知3 根据《员工纪律办法》,如员工,将给予书面警告或记小过处分。按照考勤统计,你于____年____月至____年____月期间,累计迟到已达____次。经研究,现向你发出书面警告。

遵章守纪是员工应恪守的基本行为准则,希望你纠正迟到行为,按时出勤,否 则将会受到进一步的纪律处分。 人力资源部 二○____年____月____日 警告通知4 全体员工: 单位员工____在近段工作时间中屡次不服从领导工作安排及顶撞领导,并且不 参加公司工作会议,严重影响公司的运作,由于情节严重,本着教育为主的原则,今给予警告计小过一次,处以罚款100元。望后期避免类似问题的出现, 若再犯,将严格按照公司相关规定严肃处理! 望全体员工引以为戒,杜绝此类事件的发生,共同维护正常工作秩序。 行政人事部 二○____年____月____日 篇二:警告信 关于某某某违反劳动纪律的警告信 员工姓名: 过失时间:201X年4月18 日 过失是由:旷工 经核实:201X年4月18日星期五下午,您未经领导批准离开工作岗位,且无 任何请假申请,并无打卡记录,故视为旷工。根据《管理手册》第 2.8.3条款,给予一次书面警告。 望您引以重视,并能遵守公司的各项规章管理制度,积极投入工作。 员工本人签字: 所属中心负责人签字: 运营中心负责人签字: 公司总经理签字:

Warning-letter 英文警告信

ATTN:_________________ Dear. This letter will serve as a written warning concerning the performance deficiencies which have been the subject of our ongoing review. As I mentioned in out meeting yesterday, your overall work performance is generally satisfactory. However, in two key areas I have noticed problems which must be corrected. The first is the increasing amount of time and frequency of personal phone calls. You have been observed receiving as many as nine (9) phone calls on the office's restricted line in a single day. Moreover, during the last week as least three (3) lasted over 20 minutes. An occasional call of an emergency or critical nature is understandable. The number and frequency of your calls is totally unacceptable, and must be stopped. You have not offered any explanation of these phone calls, so my assessment is based on objective observation. The second problem is your tardiness in returning from the lunch break. Within the past two weeks you have exceeded the half hour limit on four (4) occasions, returning between 15 and 45 minutes past your 1:00 break time. You have now accumulated 120 minutes (2 hours) of tardy time. Please designate either vacation or accrued holiday time to cover this accumulation. Unfortunately, since I have seen no improvement in this pattern you are henceforth restricted from using earned time for this purpose and should be aware that all future tardiness will be marked as "0" time, and your pay will be docked effective immediately. These two problems are gradually affecting your overall productivity. Unless improvement occurs you are specifically warned that you may receive a less than good rating in your upcoming annual performance evaluation with special reference to "quantity of work." Moreover, it may be necessary to take further disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, unless these problems are corrected. In our discussion we agreed that correction involves a prohibition of personal phone calls and absolute adherence to the half hour lunch break. You may want to consider further the confidential resources of the Employees Assistance Program. We have discussed this at some length and I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity. It is my sincere hope that we will be able to work constructively toward improvement. Sincerely, --------------------------- DATE:


公司员工警告信范文6篇Model text of warning letter

公司员工警告信范文6篇 小泰温馨提示:写作是运用语言文字符号以记述的方式反映事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息、实现交流沟通的创造性脑力劳动过程。本文档根据写作活动要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:公司员工警告信范文 2、篇章2:公司员工警告信范文 3、篇章3:公司员工警告信范文 4、篇章4:公司员工警告信范文 5、篇章5:公司员工警告信范文 6、篇章6:公司员工警告信范文篇 当公司员工犯错误时,公司会首先向其发出警告信。下面是小泰为你整理的公司员工警告信范文,希望对你有用! 篇章1:公司员工警告信范文 基于在年月日的面谈,依据公司有关规定,给予部门:姓名:员工编号:严重警告处分。原因如下:

因工作严重失职,而造成公司损失。 该警告自即日起将保留六个月。 若员工没有改进或违反规定行为更为严重,公司将依据有关规定给予更严厉的处分。 员工若有异议,可在收到该警告后五个工作日内以书面形式向人力资源部提出意见: 篇章2:公司员工警告信范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】由于你对各公司薪酬制度不了解,在财务审核工资环节中出现审核失误,造成工资审核失误,念在情节没有造成严重后果。经过公司讨论决定,现对你予以书面警告处理,希望你在日后工作中,认真解读各公司薪酬制度方案,履行好财务部的审核工作,避免再次出现类似事故。 本书面警告书一式两份,公司和被警告人各执一份。 部门直属领导:年月日 人事部负责人:年月日 本人已接到通知,并在日后工作中自觉按照公司规章制度执行和认真履行岗位管理责任。


警告信 ××××部门 ×××先生/小姐 请注意以下问题: ×××××××××××××××××× 并就上述问题,作出如下处理: 在无合理解释的情况下,给予书面警告。希望在此问题上给予重视,避免同样情况再次发生。请你在今后的工作中自觉遵守公司管理条理。 ××市××房地产开发有限公司 行政人事部:×××× ××年××月××日 Warning Letter for Employee (poor attendance) Dear (name): Your work has been excellent. However, your poor attendance record is now overshadowing your work record. I realize that your health has been poor but one of our job requirements is regular attendance. We have difficulty scheduling when we cannot rely on employees due to frequent absenteeism. This subject has been discussed with you on several occasions. Now your attendance must improve to meet our requirements or we will have to take further disciplinary action, possibly including termination. Regards: (name) 亲爱的菲利浦: 在我们共事的这三年来,我一直相当欣赏你优异的工作能力。你对管理我们办公室的各项事务尤
