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1.按原设备或零部件制造或组装,供应商受委托为制造商代工,进行定牌生产这是(B )A.ODM B. OEM C. DMS D. EMS

2.以营销型企业为核心企业的供应链是(A )

A .Need模式供应链 B. Seed模式供应链 C. Feed模式供应链 D. EMS模式供应链

3.接受客户委托为其提供专项或全面的物流设计以及系统运营的是(C )

A. 第一方物流

B. 第二方物流

C. 第三方物流

D. 第四方物流

4.全球供应链论坛(GSCF)定义了客户关系管理、客户服务管理等关键供应链业务流程,一共有几项(D )

A. 三项

B. 五项

C. 九项

D. 七项

5.下列选项中哪一个不是供应链采购的特点(A )

A. 竞价选择供应商

B. 为订单而采购

C. 转向外部资源管理

D. 信息化的采购

6.供应链管理中所用的信息追踪与定位技术是(C )

A . EDI技术 B. EAN条码技术 C. GIS技术 D. RFID技术

7.下面选项中哪一个不是供应链绩效评价的特点(B )

A 侧重供应链整体运营

B 事后分析

C 数据来源于动态运营情况

D 整个供应链流程的评价

8.联合库存管理的实施策略中需要建立供需协调机制,哪一个选项不是其机制内容(D )A建立共同合作目标B建立联合库存协调控制方法

C建立信息沟通渠道D发挥第三方物流系统的作用 E. 建立利益分配机制

9.选项中哪一个不是采用创新的供应链库存管理办法以解决“牛鞭效应”的方法(A )

A. 使用(Q,R)策略

B. 实现信息共享

C. 改善操作作业





A. 减少需求的不确定性

B. 减少企业成本

C. 加强合作降低供应链成本

D. 降低售价


A 回购契约 B.收益共享契约 C. 数量弹性契约 D. 数量折扣契约(批发价格)


A. 与供应商利益共享

B. 高效率生产

C. 同步化供需



A. 合作性原则

B. 互惠原则

C. 目标一致原则

D. 同步化供需原则


A 决策信息来源

B 决策模式

C 信息反馈机制

D 计划运行环境


A. 战略性标杆

B. 操作性标杆

C. 支持活动性标杆

D. 虚拟性标杆











Part 1 Multiple Choice (每小题:1 分) Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1.Actually, humor helps make products more ________ to consumers. A. available B. sensible C. feasible D. accessible 2.Just as the increase of fax machines, wireless phones and personal computers has caused a shortage of phone numbers, heavy use of the Internet is _____ the supply of numerical (数字的) Internet addresses. A. draining B. soaking C. absorbing D. drying https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9a16302570.html,pared with what I saw 10 years ago, ads today are becoming increasingly _______. A. sophisticated

C. philosophical D. physical 4.According to the recent report, 10 years ago about one in seven people in this country spoke a language ________ English at home. A. rather than B. other than C. regardless of D. except for 5.Dolly's creators at Edinburgh's Roslin Institute boasted she ____ the promise of animals that could produce drugs and organs for humans. A. contained B. emphasized C. packed D. embodied 6.If, one day, it was possible to direct stem cells to become selected types of replacement tissue, it could be used to ________ a host of diseases which at present are incurable.


1.Our manager will look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little ____. A wait B time C patience D rest 正确答案:C 词汇与结构2013 2.There will be _______ soon. I’m afraid I can’t go. A rain B rainy C raining D rains 正确答案:A 词汇与结构2013 3.I am not used to speaking ______ public. A in B at C on D to 正确答案:A 交际英语2013 4.--I wonder if I could use your computer tonight.--_____________. I’m not using it right now. A Sure, so ahead. B I don’t’ know. r. C It doesn’t matte

D Who cares? 正确答案:A 词汇与结构2013 5.I don’t know the park, but it’s ______ to be quite beautiful. A said B told C spoken D talked 正确答案:A 词汇与结构2013 6.The teacher came into the classroom, ______ a thick book in her hand. A have B to have C having D had 正确答案:C 交际英语2013 --_______________. 7.--Hey, Tom, what’s up? A Yes, definitely! B Oh, not much. C What is happening in your life? D You are lucky. 正确答案:B 词汇与结构2013 8.It is ______ that an accidental meeting makes a lifelong friendship.


吉大15春学期《基础英语(二)》在线作业二 单选题 一、单选题(共25 道试题,共100 分。) 1. When designing the brochure, the first task is to ______. A. try hard to reduce the cost B. know the potential customers C. know how to attract the attention of the customers D. decide how to distributereward -----------------选择:C 2. The Grand Canal, a man-made waterway first built __________ is the longest of its kind throughout the world. A. in the 6th century B. in the 6th century BC C. in the 4th century BC D. in the 4th century -----------------选择:B 3. If children are badly _____ , they behave badly. A. brought through B. brought down C. brought forward D. brought up -----------------选择:D 4. According to WTO’s definitions, international tourists are visitors who spend at least ____night(s) in accommodation in the destination country. A. one B. two C. three D. four -----------------选择:A 5. She tries to _______ some money every month. A. set about B. set down C. set forth D. set aside -----------------选择:D 6. He complained_____ the teacher______ John’s dishonesty. A. a; of B. with; to C. to; of D. at; about -----------------选择:C



一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 80 分。) V 1. The clock ()10 when I got up this morning. A. told B. said C. read D. spoke 满分:2 分 2. His constant ()with his peers(同龄人) has left its mark on his growth. A. consent B. contract C. context D. contact 满分:2 分 3. The house()roof is blue has just been finished. A. whose B. which C. that D. whom 满分:2 分 4. Some people argue that ()regulations(规章制度) for water pollution will drive up costs and put jobs at risk. A. firm B. tight C. tense D. close 满分:2 分 5. They ( ) me by asking so many questions at the same time. A. forced B. included C. offered D. confused 满分:2 分 6. The elderly man is quite (). A. young B. old

A. right away B. by the way C. at last D. in that case 满分:2 分 14. How many ()are there in the picture? A. woman B. women C. buy D. milk 满分:2 分 15. We will double the number of Safer Cities Schemes to cover 40 ()areas. A. industrial B. remote C. rural D. urban 满分:2 分 16. Can you ()an insect having eight eyes and still having poor eyesight? A. imagine B. suppose C. think D. expect 满分:2 分 17. You’ll soon get used to ()in the country. A. live B. living C. to live D. lived 满分:2 分 18. The company is starting a new advertising campaign(广告战) to()new customers to its stores. A. join B. attract C. stick D. transfer 满分:2 分 19. Our company’s service is ()in nearly 50 countries around the world. A. available B. careful C. natural


开放英语2在线作业答案 1、Don't let _______ in. The doctor is operating on the patient now. A anyone B someone C nobody 2、Will she _______ do the work? A be able to B able to C is able to 3、She _______ jogging every morning. A goes B does C plays 4、_______ a glass of coffee.A I'd rather haveB I haveC I prefer to 5、Where's _______ newspaper? A today B today 's C todays' 6、I don't like coloured clothes. I like white_______. A ones B one C any 7、Have you got any books on Chinese painting? I want to borrow _______. A any B every C one 8、He likes _______ football very much. A playing B to play C play 9、Money isn't _______. A anything B something C everything 10、My parents work very hard in the farm. They _______ get up early in the morning. A occasionally B sometimes C always 11、June 1st is _______ Day.A Children'sB Childrens'C Children 12、I _______ don't understand. Could you say it again? A still B yet C as well 13、We always _______ the neighbours' cat while they're away. A take care B look after C look at 14、She _______ in America for many years. She hopes to go back toChina next year. A lives B lived C has lived 15、I am getting on very well _______ the new job. A with B on C in


您的本次作业分数为:100分多选题 1.【第00章】法理学与政治学的关系表现为() ? A 历史上,法理学与政治学的研究内容是相互独立的 ? B 政治学思考的问题有可能是法理学思考的问题,但法理学思考的问题却与政治学无关 ? C 法理学与政治学的价值取向是一致的 ? D 理学与政治学具有内在统一性 ? 多选题 2.【第00章】根据法律的认识论来划分,可以把法学分为:() ? A 应用法学 ? B 理论法学 ? C 民法学 ? D 经济分析法学 ? 多选题 3.【第00章】法学是怎样的一门学科?() ? A 法学是社会科学中相对独立的学科 ? B 法学是关于法律、权利、正义的知识、技能的学问

? C 法学作为系统的学问是法律职业技能得以养成和统一的基础? D 法学是统治管理之术 ? 多选题 4.【第00章】下列属于法理学研究中采用社会调查方法的有()? A 问卷调查 ? B 参与制订《合同法》的研讨会 ? C 对某一居民小区的犯罪发生率进行调查 ? D 对1997-1998年全国法院审理的海商案件的收集和整理 ? 多选题 5.【第00章】以下哪些是法律发展的规律?() ? A 法学产生需要一定的条件 ? B 法学活动和法律思想取决并服务于时代背景和社会需要 ? C 法学世界观经历了从唯心史观到唯物史观的变革 ? D 法学总是以本国实践为依托并吸收古今中外法律智慧而发展的

? 多选题 6.【第00章】某学者通过对该市主要物业小区的居民走访后认为,该市政府颁 布的关于物业管理方面的条例对加强物业管理,协调业主与物业管理公司之间的关系发挥了积极的影响。该学者运用的研究方法是() ? A 社会效益的分析方法 ? B 比较分析的方法 ? C 逻辑分析的方法 ? D 社会调查的方法 ? 多选题 7.【第00章】以下哪些观点属于近代资产阶级法学中的自然法学派学说?() ? A 社会契约论 ? B 自由、平等、人权 ? C 天赋人权学说 ? D 社会连带关系理论 ? 多选题 8.【第00章】下列对价值分析的方法中,叙述正确的是()


中南大学网络教育在线作业及参考答案 (一) 单选题 1. I can quickly (?) myself to new circumstances. (A) administer (B) adventure (C) adore (D) adapt 参考答案: (D) 2. The Great Wall is (?) tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year. (A) so a well-known (B) a so well-known (C) such well-known (D) such a well-known 参考答案: (D) 3. This will become an eternal (?) for them. (A) regret (B) love (C) hope (D) despair 参考答案: (A) 4. Legacies cannot be learned from books, but must be taught from (?) to students. (A) mentality (B) mention (C) menace (D) mentor

参考答案: (D) 5. “ (?) Bars” are somet imes cheaper than coffee shops, but they may be busier, requiring you to stand and eat at a counter. (A) Snapshot (B) Snack (C) Snail (D) Snake 参考答案: (B) 6. We only discuss the relative problems we are all (?). (A) involved in (B) involve in (C) involved to (D) involve to 参考答案: (A) 7. Most of the accidents are easily (?). (A) acceptable (B) intolerable (C) avoidable (D) understandable 参考答案: (C) 8. We sent the parcel (?) express mail. You should receive it this week. (A) vial (B) visa (C) via (D) vita 参考答案: (C)


?I’ll?ask?Mr.?Smith?to?ring?you?up?(??????)?he?comes?back?to?the?office. A. when B.where 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数: 此题得分: ? 2.第2题 You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting,(?? )? ’t you ’t you you you 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数: 此题得分: ?

Students sometimes support themselves by()of evening jobs. A.. ways 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数: 此题得分: ? 4.第4题 alice received an invitation from her boss,()came as a surprise. 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数: 此题得分: ?

The computer center,()last year, is very popular among the students in this school. opened 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数: 此题得分: ? 6.第6题 the americans and the british not only speak the same language but also ()a large number of social customs. 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数: 此题得分: ?


川大法理学秋在线作业 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

奥鹏17春川大《法理学1015》16秋在线作业1 一、单选题(共 40 道,共 80 分。) 1. 社会主义法律秩序是指()。 A. 有法可依 B. 干部带头守法 C. 群众自觉遵守法律 D. 依照社会主义法律的规定建立起来的生产、工作、教学、科研和社会生活秩序 标准解: 2. 大陆法系法的渊源主要是()。 A. 制定法 B. 条约 C. 习惯 D. 判例 标准解: 3. 《中华人民共和国刑法》属于()。 A. 根本法 B. 基本法律 C. 特别法 D. 任意法 标准解: 4. 中国第一部较系统的封建法典是()。 A. 《法经》 B. 《秦律》 C. 《九章律》 D. 《北齐律》 标准解: 5. 一般认为,()属于公法。 A. 行政法 B. 婚姻法 C. 继承法 D. 商法 标准解: 6. 以法的创制形式和表现方法为标准,可以将法分为()。 A. 成文法和不成文法 B. 实体法和程序法 C. 公法和私法

D. 国内法和国际法 标准解: 7. 法学研究的对象应当是()。 A. 法律条文 B. 法律文件 C. 法律现象 D. 法律责任 标准解: 8. 法理学是法学领域中的()。 A. 一般理论 B. 应用学科 C. 专门学科 D. 技术学科 标准解: 9. 法的内容最终由()决定的。 A. 统治阶级的愿望 B. 社会物质生活条件 C. 全民族文化水平 D. 历史宗教传统 标准解: 10. 当代中国法的渊源中,()是非正式渊源。 A. 宪法 B. 法律解释 C. 国际条约 D. 道德规范 标准解: 11. 法律事实除了法律行为外,还包括()。 A. 事件 B. 思想 C. 物 D. 精神财富 标准解: 12. 法的基本特征之一是其具有()。 A. 阶级性 B. 社会性 C. 国家意志性 D. 规范性 标准解: 13. 根据约定俗成原则,日常生活中使用的“法律”是指()。 A. 国家最高权力机关制定的法律 B. 国家最高行政机关制定的行政法规 C. 地方国家权力机关制定的地方性法规 D. 法律整体即广义上的法律 标准解:


西南交《大学英语V》在线作业二 ---Look at the rainbow! What a view! ---_______. A:Yes. What beautiful it is B:Yes. How beautiful it is C:Yes. What a beautiful it is D:Yes. How a beautiful it is 答案:B Mr. Smith, together with his wife and children, _______ going to the party this weekend. A:am B:is C:are D:will 答案:B Before the child went to bed, the father asked him to ________ all the toys he had taken out. A:put off B:put up C:put away D:put out 答案:C We've _______paper and ink. Ask Mrs. Edward to lend us some. A:run away with

B:run out of C:run off D:run down 答案:B The old lady _________ on hearing her son’s death. A:broke in B:broke down C:broke out D:broke away 答案:B He called her names, so she won't forgive him _______ he makes an apology to her. A:although B:once C:if D:unless 答案:D --I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. ---_______ A:No way,It was her fault. B:Not possible,It was her fault. C:No chance,It was her fault. D:Not at all,It was her fault. 答案:A Nobody but a young woman _________the airplane crash.


1:[判断题]法是阶级性和社会性的统一 参考答案:正确 2:[判断题]违法行为就是犯罪行为 参考答案:错误 3:[判断题]法律责任以行为人有过错为前提 参考答案:错误 4:[判断题]在大陆法系国家中,审判采取辩论式程序。参考答案:错误 5:[判断题]国家权力来源于公民权利 参考答案:正确 6:[判断题]不合法的行为就是违法行为 参考答案:错误 7:[判断题]道德调整的范围比法律广 参考答案:正确 8:[判断题]法最终是由统治阶级的意志决定的 参考答案:错误 9:[判断题]宪法是人权的保障书 参考答案:正确 10:[判断题]法总是符合社会发展规律 参考答案:错误

1:[判断题]公安局是司法机关 参考答案:错误 2:[判断题]民事责任与刑事责任的证据要求不同参考答案:正确 3:[判断题]法律不能惩罚人的思想 参考答案:正确 4:[判断题]司法局是司法机关 参考答案:错误 5:[判断题]民事责任重在补偿性 参考答案:正确 6:[判断题]人民法院是司法机关 参考答案:正确 7:[判断题]我国国家主席是政府首脑 参考答案:错误 8:[判断题]人民检察院是司法机关 参考答案:正确 9:[判断题]法理学是法学的基础理论学科 参考答案:正确 10:[判断题]民事责任重在惩罚性 参考答案:错误

1:[判断题]行政行为的主体必须是行政机关参考答案:错误 2:[判断题]犯罪的主体不可能是单位 参考答案:错误 3:[判断题]单位也可以成为犯罪的主体 参考答案:正确 4:[判断题]法治就是法制 参考答案:错误 5:[判断题]法治与民主人权相联系 参考答案:正确 6:[判断题]法制与民主相联系 参考答案:错误 7:[单选题]法的最终决定因素是 A:统治阶级的意志 B:社会物质生活条件 C:文化传统 D:公民素质


第1题(2.0) 分 “How do you do?” “ ” A、How do you do? B、Thank you. C、Sorry. D、How are you. 第2题(2.0) 分 Tian An Men Square beautiful andmagnificent. A、watches B、become C、looks D、sees 第3题(2.0) 分 After ten years of hard work, the couple to pay off all the debts. A、managed B、succeeded C、missed D、could 第4题(2.0) 分 After a long walk, the old man be tired now. A、can B、must C、has to D、need 第5题(2.0) 分The speaker spoke so quickly that()of us could understand him. A、few B、little

D、a little 第6题(2.0) 分If you have any questions, please()your hands. A、put out B、put up C、put on D、put down 第7题(2.0) 分Please say it()English. A、in B、with C、for D、at 第8题(2.0) 分 Ask him his books here tomorrow. A、take B、to take C、bring D、to bring 第9题(2.0) 分 Jack doesn’t jump so as his classmates. A、high B、highly C、higher D、more highly 第10题(2.0) 分I often visited the British Museum ______ I was staying in London. A、until B、while


2016年秋浙大远程《基础英语》在线作业 1.【第01单元】The notice ______ “No smoking”. A is told B reads C tells D is read 正确答案:B 2.【第01单元】All the furniture in the house ______ to the landlord. A is belonged B belongs C belonging D are belonged 正确答案:B 3.【第01单元】I thought that honesty ______ the best policy. A was B is C being D be 正确答案:B 4.【第01单元】If it _____ tomorrow, I won’t go to the cinema. A will rain B rains C is raining

D rained 正确答案:B 5.【第01单元】The earth ______ round the sun in 365 days . A moves B moved C is moving D move 正确答案:A 6.【第01单元】As a general rule, snakes ______ unless offended. A will not be biting B do not bite C are not biting D have not bitten 正确答案:B 7.【第01单元】—Do I have to take this medicine ? —It _____ so terrible. A tastes B is tasting C is tasted D has tasted 正确答案:A 8.【第01单元】I ______ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the New Year. A will play B have played


2017年5月份法学网上作业 法理学 一、名词解释 1、普通法法系(第四章第三节) 标准答案:是指以英国中世纪到资本主义时期的法,特别是以普通法为传统而产生和发展起来的各国和地区的法的统称。普通法法系注重通过办案遵循先例的形式,广泛吸取日耳曼法和习惯法以及罗马法的原则和思想,逐步形成 2、法律解释(第九章第四节) 标准答案:由一定的国家机关、组织或个人,为适用和遵守法律,根据有关法律规定、政策、公平正义观念、法学理论和惯例对现行的法律规范、法律条文的含义、内容、概念、术语以及适用的条件等所做的说明。 3、立法(第六章第一节) 标准答案:特定国家机关依照一定程序,制定或者认可反映统治阶级意志,并以国家强制力保证实施的行为规范的活动 4、民法法系(第四章第三节) 标准答案:民法法系,又称为大陆法系,法典法系、罗马法系,它是以罗马法为基础而发展起来的法律的总称 5、法律秩序(三、二) 标准答案:按照法律规范的要求、通过主体的法律行为、建立法律关系最终达到的社会生活呈现法律化的有序状态,从而实现法律调整社会生

活,维护社会政治、经济领域等秩序的目的。 6、法律意识(十一、一) 标准答案:法律意识是一种观念的法律文化,是人们对于法和有关法律现象的观点、知识和心理态度的总称。 7、法的适用(九、二) 标准答案:法的适用一般分为两种涵义:第一种一般是指国家机关及其公职人员、社会团体和公民实现法律规范的活动。我国法律学界一般称这种意义上的法的适用为法的实施;第二种涵义是指国家机关及其公职人员依照其职权范围把法律规范应用于具体事项的活动,特指拥有司法权的机关及司法人员依照法定方式把法律规范应用于具体案件的活动。 8、法治(十二、一) 标准答案:是社会政治法律发展的结果,是一种全新的系统化社会价值体系。法治与人治是根本相对立的,是不同的治国理念。 9、法律责任(八、五) 标准答案:因违反了法定义务或契约义务,或不当行使法律权利、权力所产生的,由行为人承担的不利后果。 10、隶属型法律关系(十、二) 标准答案:在同一个法律关系中,法律关系主体处于管理与被管理、命令与服从等不平等的法律地位之中,这种法律关系称为隶属性法律关系 二、简答题 11、法律与道德的关系(五) 标准答案:两者有着密切的联系,同时也有着显著的区别:第一,法


一. 单选题(共25题,共50分) A.normal B.normally C.merely D.rare A.is going to begin B.is beginning C.has begun D.had begun A.I heard B.did I hear C.I had heard D.had I heard

A.Should you be fired B.Would you be fired C.Could you be fired D.Might you be fired A.accuse B.blame C.scold D.criticize A.set up B.put up C.make up for D.take up 7. He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon. (2分)

A.decided B.persuaded C.concluded D.convinced A.failure B.success C.succeed D.succession A.can use B.can be used C.be used D.can be using 10. His job is ______and tedious. (2分)

A.monotonous B.appealing C.refreshing D.interesting A.practice B.customs C.action D.deed A.sign B.influence C.spot D.weight 13. They divided themselves into three groups_________age. (2分)


大学英语三作业 第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 1. — It’s really a good dinner, isn’t it? — ______B_________________ A. Yes, I’d like to go. B. Yes, the food is just wonderful. C. I’m glad to hear that. D. It’s very nice of you to say so. 2. — I’d like to open an account here. — _______C________________ A. Yes, Madam. How can I help you? B. Oh, yes, please. C. I see. What kind of account, please? D. You can do whatever you like. 3. — Thank you for this wonderful party. — _______C________________ A. It’s my pleasure. B. No, it’s not so good as you say. C. I’m so glad you enjoy it. D. What do you think about it now? 4. — I was wondering if you’d like to go skating? — ______C_________________ A. Are you really interested in going? B. I often go skating on Saturday. C. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t do it today. D. Don’t you like it? 5. — Have a nice weekend! — _________D______________ A. Of course I will. B. So will I. C. Not at all. D. Thanks. You too! 第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) Passage 1 To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was as a shade (遮光物)against the sun! Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, way back in the 11 century BC. We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honour and authority. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royalty or by those in high


您的本次作业分数为:100分词汇结构 1.【Unit Three (2)】_________ was 1998 __________ I graduated from the university. A It; that B It; when C That; that D That; when 正确答案:A 词汇结构 2.【Unit Three (2)】Can you lend me the book _____________ the other day? A about which you talked B about that you talked C which you talked D that you talked 正确答案:A 词汇结构 3.【Unit Three (2)】I have two cats and I like ___________. A all of them B every one of them C them both D them each 正确答案:C 词汇结构 4.【Unit Three (2)】There are no tickets _________ for Friday's performance. A suitable B valuable C available D comfortable 正确答案:C

5.【Unit Three (2)】He is always very careless about his ____________ appearance. A blind B confident C free D personal 正确答案:D 词汇结构 6.【Unit Three (2)】____________ is standing at the corner of the street. A A police B The police C Policemen D A policeman 正确答案:D 词汇结构 7.【Unit Three (2)】He ____________ his arm to protect his face from the blow. A put B rose C set D raised 正确答案:D 词汇结构 8.【Unit Three (2)】The news reporters hurried to the airport, only __________ the film stars had left. A told B telling C to tell D to be told


(0139)《法理学》网上作业题答案 1:第二次作业 2:第三次作业 3:第七次作业 4:第四次作业 5:第五次作业 6:第六次作业 7:第一次作业 1:[判断题]法是阶级性和社会性的统一 参考答案:正确 不法侵害存在是正当防卫的前提条件。 如果没有不法侵害而误认为有,实施的防卫行为应当为假想防卫。在假想防卫的情况下,如果行为人能够认识而疏忽没有认识到侵害存在的虚假性,一般按照过失犯罪处理;如果没有可能认识到这一点,则为意外事件。 不法侵害不仅包括犯罪行为还包括一般的违法行为。 并非对于所有的不法侵害多可以通过正当防卫来制止,正当防卫应当仅限于对暴力性、破坏性、紧迫性很强的犯罪。A对于贪污、受贿等智力性的犯罪不应当采用正当防卫手段不加以制止;B对于不作为犯罪也不应当采取正当防卫,因为我们无法通过正当防卫达到抑制犯罪的效果。 不法侵害正在发生是防卫的时间条件。 所谓正在发生就是指已经开始而没有结束。不法侵害已经开始就意味着不法侵害的现实威胁已经十分明显、紧迫。不法侵害的危险消除之时,才算不法侵害的终止。总而言之,不法侵害“正在发生”是以侵害的危险是否存在为标准的。 如果在正当防卫开始之前就对怀疑将进行侵害的人实施防卫,理论上称之为事前防卫。不是正当防卫。如果在不法侵害结束后,进行防卫,理论上称之为事后防卫;同样不是正当防卫。对于事前防卫和事后防卫(防卫不适时),可能分为三种情况处理:一是故意犯罪,即明知不法侵害已经开始或已经结束,而故意对不法侵害人造成侵害;二是过失犯罪,应当预见到不法侵害尚未开始或者已经结束,因为疏忽大意而没有预见,对不法侵害人造成侵害的;三是意外事件,客观上对于不法侵害尚未开始或者已经结束不能预见。 2:[判断题]违法行为就是犯罪行为 参考答案:错误 1、应注意写出要点; 2、注意检查语法和拼写错误; 3、文理通顺,中心突出。 3:[判断题]法律责任以行为人有过错为前提 参考答案:错误
