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Lesson 9 A cold welcome

On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted. 'It's two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!' I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

New words and expressions 生词和短语

welcome n. 欢迎;v. 欢迎crowd n. 人gather v. 聚集hand n. (表或机器的)指针shout v. 喊叫refuse v. 拒绝laugh v. 笑



1. On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. 星期三的晚上,我们去了市政厅。hall[h?:l] n.

1. (also hallway) (AmE also entry) a space or passage inside the entrance or front door of a building门厅;正门过道

e.g. 她跑进门厅,冲上楼梯。She ran into the hall and up the stairs.

(stair [ste?(r)] n. 1. (stairs)[pl.] 楼梯2. [c] 梯级)

2. (AmE also hallway) a passage in a building with rooms down either side(大楼内的)走廊synonym: corridor [?k?rid?:(r)] n. (建筑物或火车内的) 走廊;走道,过道,通道

e.g. 我沿着走廊直奔斯科特的办公室。I headed for Scott’s office down the hall.

(head [v. +adv./prep] to move in a particular direction朝(某方向)行进)

3. a building or large room for public meetings, meals, concerts, etc. 礼堂;大厅

e.g. 音乐厅;宴会厅;展览厅 a concert/banqueting hall / an exhibition[?eksi?bi?n] hall (banquet n. 1. 宴会;盛宴2. 筵席banqueting adj. 宴会的)

2. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. 那是一年的最后一天,一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面。

(1) crowd [kraud]

n. 1. [c+sing./pl.v.] a large number of people gathered together in a public place, for example in the streets or at a sports game人群;观众

e.g. 一小群人聚集在教堂的外面。A small crowd had gathered outside the church.

剧院里聚着一群一群的人。There were crowds of people at the theatre.

2. [c+sing./pl.v.] (informal, often disapproving) a particular group of people一伙人;一帮人

e.g. 我不喜欢大学生。I don’t like the college crowd.

3. (the crowd)(sometimes disapproving)ordinary people, not special or unusual in any way群众;民众;老百姓;凡夫俗子

e.g. 他宁愿做个凡夫俗子。He prefers to be one of the crowd.

follow the crowd, go with the crowd (informal)to be easily influenced and to do what most

people do in a particular situation附和群众;随大流:

e.g. 他想做什么就做什么—而不是随大流的。

He does what he wants---he doesn’t just follow the crowd.

Vt. 1. to fill a place so there is little room to move挤满;塞满;使…拥挤

e.g. 成千上万的人把狭窄的街道挤得水泄不通。

Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets.

2. to fill your mind so that you can think of nothing else涌上(心头);涌入(脑海)

e.g. 往事涌上他的心头。Memories crowded his mind.

(2) had gathered 为过去完成时,表示过去某个时刻之前已经完成的动作。

(3)gather [?ɡ?e?]

1) vt. 使集拢,集合,召集:

e.g. 他在自己周围聚集了一大群人。He gathered a large crowd of people round him.

2) vt. 收集,采集,收(庄稼等):

e.g. 孩子们在外面地里采花。The children are out in the field gathering flowers.

收集所有这些书花了我一辈子的时间。It has taken me a lifetime to gather all these books.

3) vi. 集拢,聚集,集合:

e.g. 他们聚集在市政厅的大钟下面。They gathered under the Town Hall clock.

3. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time. 再过20分钟,大钟将敲响12下。


(2) strike的基本含义是“打”、“击”:

e.g. 她打了那人的脸。She struck the man in the face.


e.g. 我进屋时,钟敲响了5点。When I entered the room, the clock struck five.

strike [straik] v. (struck[str?k], struck)(AmE also struck, stricken[?strik?n])/n.

1.to show the time by making a ringing noise (钟)敲,鸣,报时

e.g. 时钟刚刚敲过三点。The clock has just struck three.

我进屋时,钟敲响了5点。When I entered the room, the clock struck five.

2.vt.(formal) to hit sb./sth.. hard or with force撞;碰;撞击;碰撞:

e.g. 船触礁了。The ship struck a rock.

树遭到雷击。The tree was struck by lightning.

那块石头击中了她的额头。The stone struck her on the forehead. [?f?:hed] 额;前额

3. vi. (formal) to hit sb./sth. with your hand or a weapon 打;击

e.g. 她打了那人的脸。She struck the man in the face.

他用拳头打桌子。He struck the table with his fist.

4. vi. to refuse to work as a protest (n. [?pr?utest] [u,c]抗议;反对)罢工

e.g. 工会投票决定罢工。The union has voted to strike.

5. vt. ~sb.(as sth.)to give sb. a particular impression给(某人以…)印象;让(某人)觉得

e.g. 你觉得这房间如何?How does the room strike you?

他给我留下的印象是他很聪明。He strikes me as being a very clever man.

6.vt. (想法、主意等)突然出现在(某人的)脑海中

e.g. 我突然想到,我们应该制定一个新方案。

It suddenly struck me that we ought to make a new plan.

7. vt. 攻击;袭击;侵袭

e.g. 飓风袭击了该城市。A hurricane struck the city.

(hurricane[?h?rik?n]n. (尤指西大西洋的)飓风typhoon[tai?fu:n]n. 台风tornado[t?:?nei d?u] (pl. –oes or -os)龙卷风,旋风cyclone [?sa??kl??n] n. 气旋;旋风)

n. 1. 罢工;罢课;罢市

e.g. 罢工持续了两个月。The strike lasted for two months.

on strike not working because of a strike在罢工

e.g. 工人已罢工三星期了。The workers have been on strike for three weeks now.

2. 军事进攻;袭击;(尤指) 空袭e.g. 空袭an air strike


(3) in + 表示时间长度的短语可译为“…时间之后”,一般与将来时连用:

e.g. 请在此稍候。杰克几分钟之后就回来。

Please wait a moment here. Jack will be back in a few minutes.

4. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. 15分钟过去了,而就在11点55分时,大钟停了。

pass/pa:s/ v.

1. 给,递,传递(pass sth. to sb /pass sb. sth.)

e.g.请把盐递过来。Pass the salt , please.

2. (时间)推移;逝去

e.g. 三个月过去了,我们仍然没有他们的音讯。

Three months passed and we still had no news of them.

3. 消磨;度过,打发(时间)

e.g. 我们借唱歌消磨时间。We sang songs to pass the time.

pass away (婉辞,指去世)亡故

e.g. 他母亲去年去世了。His mother passed away last year.

5. The big minute hand did not move. 那根巨大的分针不动了。

hand n.

1. [c] 手

e.g. 知道答案就举手。Put your hand up if you know the answer.

2. (a hand)(informal) help in doing sth帮助;协助

e.g. 我来帮你拎那些包吧。Let me give you a hand with those bags. (=help you to carry them)

邻居们总是乐于帮助。The neighbours are always willing to lend a hand.

3. (~in sth) the part or role that sb./sth. plays in a particular situation; sb’s influence in a situation 角色;作用;影响

e.g. 他的几位同事对他的下台起了作用。

Several of his colleagues had a hand in his downfall.

(downfall [?daunf?:l] n.衰落;衰败,垮台;衰落(或衰败、垮台)的原因)

4. [c](usually in compounds) a part of a clock or watch that points to the numbers(钟表的)指针

e.g. 我手表的分针断了。The minute hand’s broken on my watch.

(时针:the hour hand 秒针:the second hand)

5. [c] a person who does physical work on a farm or in a factory(农场或工厂的)体力劳动者,工人

手背the back of the hand ; 领着某人lead sb. by the hand 帮助某人give sb. a hand

举手raise one’s hand/ put up one’s hand 挥手wave one’s hand 握手shake hands (with sb.) on the one hand…on the other hand…(引出不同的;尤指树立的观点、思想等)一方面…另一方面

v. (~sth to sb. / ~sb. sth.) to pass or give sth. to sb.交;递;给:

e.g. 她把信交给我。She handed the letter to me. / She handed me the letter.

6. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. 我们等啊等啊,可情况没有变化。


e.g. 你听说今天上午萨姆发生了什么事了吗?

Have you heard what happened to Sam this morning?

昨晚发生了一件有趣的事。An interesting thing happened last night.

7. Suddenly someone shouted. 'It's two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!'突然有人喊道:“已经12点零2分了!那钟已经停了!”

(1) shout[?aut]v. / n.

v. 1. ~(sth)(at/to sb.)/~(at sb. to do sth)to say sth in a loud voice; to speak loudly/angrily to sb.大声说;叫;嚷;斥责;怒骂:

e.g. vi. 我大声呼救,但没人来。I shouted for help but nobody came.

她大声吆喝他把大门关上。She shouted at him to shut the gate.

Vt. 高声命令/鼓励to shout orders/encouragement

V+that 他大叫他不会游泳。He shouted that he couldn’t swim.

2.vi. ~(out) to make a loud noise呼叫;喊叫:

e.g. 她想动动腿,结果疼得大叫起来。She shouted out in pain when she tried to move her leg. n. a loud cry of anger, fear, excitement, etc. (愤怒、害怕、激动等的)呼喊,喊叫声

e.g. 气愤/痛苦的叫喊a shout of anger/pain

(2) past


1. from one side of sth to the other从一侧到另一侧,穿过

e.g. 他没有停下来,只径直地走了过去。He didn’t stop-he just walked straight past.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a011551438.html,ed to describe time passing(时间)过去,逝去

e.g. 一个星期过去了,情况毫无变化。A week went past and nothing had changed.


1. gone by in time过去的,昔日的

e.g. 在过去的岁月in past years

讨论的时间已过。The time for discussion is past.

2. [only before noun]gone by recently; just ended刚过去的;刚结束的

e.g. 近几周来我很少见到她。I haven’t seen much of her in the past few weeks.

3. [only before noun]belonging to an earlier time从前的;以往的

e.g. 根据过去的经验,我想他可能把时间忘了。

From past experience I’d say he’d probably forgotten the time.


1. (the past)过去,昔日;过去的事情

e.g. 过去我常去那里。I used to go there often in the past.

2. [c] a person’s past life or career(某人)过去的经历(或事业)

e.g. 我们对他的过去一无所知。We don’t know anything about his past.


1. (AmE also after) later than sth.晚于;在……之后

e.g. 两点半half past two

2. on or to the other side of sb./sth.在另一边;到另一侧

e.g. 我们就住在挨着教堂那边的房子里。We live in the house just past the church.

3. above or further than a particular point or stage多于;超过

e.g. 这些花已过了盛开的季节。The flowers are past their best.

8. I looked at my watch. It was true. 我看了一下我的手表,果真如此。

9. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. 那座大钟不愿意迎接新年。


e.g. 苏珊从国外回来时,她的朋友们用鲜花欢迎她。

Susan’s friends welcomed her with flowers when she returned from abroad.


(1) refuse

(1) vt. 拒绝(接受、服从等):

e.g. 她拒绝接受这份礼物。She refused the gift.

(2) vt. 拒不,不肯,不愿:

e.g. 玛丽不愿说出自己的年龄。Mary refused to tell her age.

约翰拒不改变主意。John refused to change his mind.

(3) vi. 拒绝,不接受:

e.g. 对于他的帮助我提出给他报酬,但他拒绝了。

I offered to pay him for his help, but he refused.

(2)welcome [?welk?m] v., adj., noun., exclamation/ ,ekskl?’mei??n /


1. vt., vi.~sb. (to sth) to greet sb. in a friendly way when they arrive somewhere欢迎(到达的人);迎接

e.g. vt. 他们在门口迎接我们。They were at the door to welcome us.

很高兴欢迎您光临舍下。It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home.

vi. 欢迎的微笑a welcoming smile

2. vt. to be pleased that sb. has come or has joined an organization, activity, etc. 欢迎(新来的人);迎新:

e.g. 他们热烈欢迎这些新的自愿者。

They welcomed the new volunteers with open arms.(=with enthusiasm)

3. vt. to be pleased to receive or accept sth. 乐意接纳;欣然接受

e.g. 任何建议我都会愉快地接受。I’d welcome any suggestions.

我热烈欢迎这一决定。I warmly welcome this decision.

adj. 1. that you are pleased to have, receive, etc. 令人愉快的;受欢迎的

e.g. 天气转晴,令人心旷神怡。The fine weather made a welcome change.

2. (of people) accepted or wanted somewhere受欢迎的;受款待的

e.g. 儿童在旅馆里总是受到款待。Children are always welcome at the hotel.

n. [c, u] (尤指热情的)迎接,接待;欢迎

e.g. 感谢你们的热情接待。Thank you for your warm welcome.

Exclamation used as a greeting to a person who is arriving(迎接他人的招呼语)欢迎

e.g. 欢迎归来!Welcome home!

欢迎您来到北京!Welcome to Beijing!

10. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing. 此时,大家已经笑了起来,同时唱起了歌。

Grammar in use

1.引导时间状语的介词in, on, at, during, till与until


表示一天中的某段时间: e.g. 在早上in the morning 在下午/晚上in the afternoon/evening 表示月份、年份:e.g. 在3月in march 在9月in September 在1984年in 1984 表示季节:

e.g. 在春天in (the) spring 在冬天in (the) winter


e.g. 我总是在10分钟之内吃完早饭。I always eat/have my breakfast in ten minutes.

我在两小时之内做完了考题。I finished the examination in two hours.


e.g. 母亲10天后回来。Mother will be back in ten days.

2) 用on的时间短语有:


e.g. 星期一on Monday 星期五on Friday

在星期一早上/晚上on Monday morning/evening

表示日期:e.g. 在6月1日on June 1st在3月23日on 23rd March/ on March 23rd

(在书写日期时没有冠词,但在口语中则分别读为:on June the first, on the 23rd of March)

on March (the) 23rd

表示星期+日期:e.g. 在6月1日,星期一on Monday, June 1st


e.g. 在那一天on that day 在那天晚上on that evening

我哥哥的生日是8月12日。My brother’s birthday is on August 12th.


表示确切的时间:e.g. 在10点钟at 10 o’clock 在5点钟at 5 o’clock

表示用餐时间:e.g. 在午饭/正餐时间at lunch/dinner time 在茶点时间at teatime


e.g. 在中午/夜里/半夜at noon/night/midnight 在这时at this time

玛丽10点/在茶点时来看我了。Mary came to see me at ten/teatime.

4) during后必须跟一个名词,可以指整个一段时间。它有时可以用in替代:

e.g. 那年夏天很热。It was very hot during the summer.

在这半小时内他打了四次电话。He has phoned four times during the last half hour.

但在下面的例句中则不可用in 代替during:

e.g. 我是在这一周的某天遇见他的。I met him sometime during the week.

整个冬季一直没下雪。During the whole winter it never snowed.

5) from…till…指一段明确的时间:

e.g. 旅游季节从6月一直到10月。The tourist season runs from June till October.

(tourist n. 旅游者;观光者;游客 e.g. 旅游业:the tourist industry =tourism[?t??r?z?m] [u]) (run vi. ~(for sth) 持续;延续)

6) 当所用动词只表示一个短暂的动作(如finish, leave)时,则只能在否定句中用till/until::

e.g. 我要到星期一才离开。I won’t leave till/until Monday.

2. 否定句的两种形式:not any与no


e.g. -你有时间吗?Have you got any time?

-我没有时间。I haven’t got any time. / I’ve got no time.

否定词no比not any的语气要强,但这两种否定的意义是相同的。no可构成复合词nobody, none, nothing, nowhere; any可构成复合词anybody, anything和anywhere:

e.g. –你见到谁了吗?Have you seen anyone?

--我谁也没见到。I’ve seen no one/nobody. / I haven’t seen anyone/anybody.

-你今天干了什么吗?Have you done anything today?

-我今天什么也没干。I’ve done nothing. / I haven’t done anything.

在一个句子中通常只能有一个否定词(包括never, hardly等词):

e.g. 我买不到鸡蛋。I can’t get any eggs. / I can get no eggs.

而除黑人英语外一般不说:I can’t get no eggs.


新概念英语第一册测试题(lesson1-lesson60) 一,根据要求变换。(10分) 1,I(宾格) 2.dish(复数) 3.tall(反义词) 4.young(反义词) 5.white(反义词) 6.she(宾格) 7.housewife(复数)8.child(复数) 9.swim(现在分词)10.is not(缩略形式) 二,按要求改写下列句子。(10分) 1.there are some watches on the table.(改为否定句) 2.There is a knife in the box.(改为复数) 3.There is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问) 4.The boys are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句) 5.Mr.Zhang is my teacher.(改为一般疑问句) 三,A,用a,some或any填空。(5分) 1,I have_____new bike.2,There is_______milk in the glass. 3,Is there______bread in the kitchen?5,I want______coffe. 5,There is______apple on the table. B,用in,at,on,under填空。(5分) 1,Those books are_____the shelf.2,I have dinner_____the evening. 3,My father plays basketball______Sunday.4,They go fishing_____weekends. 5,There is a dog_____the table. 四,用恰当的词填空。(10分) 1,Those girls aren’t Chinese.They come from Germany.They’re_________. 2,That is my English magazine.Give it to_____,please. 3,---Is there____milk on the table?---No,there isn’t. 4,In our village all the shops aren’t______at lunchtime.They are closed. 5,---What are you______?---I’m washing my clothes. 6,The sun rises in the east and sets in the______. 7,---Is that tin of tobacco______me”---Yes,but smoking is not good for our health. 8,---Is that bag heavy?---No,it isn’t.It is quite______. 9,I’ve got a bad cold,I think I must go and see a______. 10,Mike is a sales rep.He______bikes at a big store. 五.单项选择。(15分) ()1.________is this shirt? A.Who B.Where C.Whose D.When ()2.Can you________a bookcase? A.make B.play C.drop D.catch ()3.Are you________,too? A.France B.French C.America D.Americas ()4.She’s________under the tree.A.stand B.sit C.standding D.sitting ()5.The aeroplane is flying________the river. A.in B.on C.over D.through


逐句精讲新概念英语第二册:第55课并非金矿 Lesson 55:Not a gold mine 新概念英语2课文内容: Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where — it is said — pirates used to hide gold. The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feel deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon. 本文语法:复习现在分词和过去分词作定语的用法 (参考Lesson 29的语法分析。) 新概念英语2逐句精讲: 1. Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. 最近,找到失踪宝藏的梦想差一点儿变成现实。 语言点句子的主体实际是Dreams came true.“梦想成真”。of finding...是介词短语作dreams的后置定语。 2、A new machine called "The Revealer" has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. 一种叫“探宝器”的新机器已经发明出来,人们用它来探測埋藏在地下的金子. 语言点 called..在此是过去分词短语作后置定语(见Lesson 29)。 3、The machine was used in a cave near the seashore whereit is said一pirates used to hide gold. 在靠近海边的一个据说过去海盗常在里面藏金子的岩洞里,这种机器被派上了用场。 语言点1 use—词的灵活应用: 1) use作实义动词,意为“使用' 相当于employ。 2) used to do表示“过去常常做,现在不再做了”,注意,此结构加动 词原形。 例:I used to swim every day when I was a child.孩提时代,我每天去游泳。 used to没有人称和数的变化,例: She /1 / They used to do … 3) be used to doing = be accustomed to doing 习惯于做某事


单词学习 tent n.帐篷 put up a tent搭帐篷 /pitch [pit?] a tent peg down a tent用木桩固定帐篷 pull down a tent拆帐篷 /strike a tent eg. We always sleep in a tent when we go camping.我们宿营时,总是睡在帐篷里。 field n.天地,田野,领域,专业,视野 in the field在田地里 develop unexplored fields of industries开发未曾探索的工业领域 one’s special field某人的专业 a wide field of vision广阔的视野 smell v.闻起来 smelled/smelt 1)(感官动词)+ adj.

2)不用于被动语态,不用于进行时态 eg. The fish smells good.这鱼闻起来不错。 eg. The fish smells delicious.这鱼闻起来就好吃。 这类动词很常见: eg. The story sounds interesting.这故事听起来很有趣。(sound听起来) eg. The girl looks charming.那女孩看上去很有魅力。(look看起来) eg. The material feels soft.这布料摸上去很柔软。 (feel摸起来) smell v.嗅到(实意动词) eg. I can smell trouble coming.我凭直觉感到要有麻烦了。eg. I smelled something burnt.我闻到有什么东西烧糊了。smell round/smell about东嗅西嗅,到处打听 /nose around eg. The dogs were smelling round, perhaps they smelt the thief. 这些狗到处闻,也许它们闻到贼的气味了。


新概念英语第二册逐句精讲语言点第55课(3) Lesson 55:Not a gold mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where — it is said — pirates used to hide gold. The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feel deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon. 句子讲解: 本文语法:复习现在分词和过去分词作定语的用法 (参考Lesson 29 的语法分析。) 8. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. 但最后找到的是一枚几乎一文不值的小金币。 语言点 which was almost worthless为定语从句,修饰coin。

新概念英语第二册第27课-A wet night

新概念英语第二册第27课:A wet night Lesson 27 A wet night雨夜First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What happened to the boys in the night? Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. 傍晚时分,孩子们在田野中央搭起了帐篷 As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. 这件事刚刚做完,他们就在篝火上烧起了饭 They were all hungry and the food smelled good. 他们全都饿了,饭菜散发出阵阵香味 After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire. 他们美美地吃了一顿饭后,就围在营火旁讲起了故事,唱起了歌 But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. 但过了一阵子。天下起雨来,于是他们扑灭了篝火,钻进了帐篷 Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. 睡袋既暖和又舒服,所以,他们都睡得很香 In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water!


(英音版)新概念英语第一册第39课:Don't drop itLesson 39:Don't drop it!别摔了! Listen to the tape then answer this question. Where does Sam put the vase in the end? 听录音,然后回答问题。萨姆把花瓶放在什么地方? SAM:What are you going to do with that vase, Penny? PENNY:I'm going to put it on this table, Sam. SAM:Don't do that. Give it to me. PENNY:What are you going to do with it? SAM:I'm going to put it here, in front of the window. PENNY:Be careful! Don't drop it! PENNY:Don't put there, Sam. Put it here, on this shelf. SAM:There we are! It's a lovely vase.

PENNY:Those flowers are lovely, too. New Word and expressions 生词和短语front n.前面 in front of 在……之前 careful adj.小心的,仔细的 vase n.花瓶 drop v.掉下 flower n.花 参考译文 萨姆:你打算如何处理那共瓶? 彭妮:我打算把它放在这张桌子上,萨姆。萨姆:不要放在那儿,把它给我。 彭妮:你打算怎么办? 萨姆:我准备把它入在这儿,放在窗前。彭妮:小心点!别摔了!


新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson51~56 新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson51~52 【课文】 HANS: Where do you come from? DIMITRI: I come from Greece. HANS: What's the climate like in your country? DIMITRI: It's very pleasant. HANS: What's the weather like in spring? DIMITRI: It's often windy in March. It's always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes. HANS: What's it like in summer? DIMITRI: It's always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day.

HANS: Is it cold or warm in autumn? DIMITRI: It's always warm in September and October. It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes. HANS: Is it very cold in winter? DIMITRI: It's often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes. 【课文翻译】 汉斯:你是哪国人? 迪米特里:我是希腊人。 汉斯:你们的国家的气候是怎么样? 迪米特里:气候非常宜人。 汉斯:春季的天气怎么样? 迪米特里:3月里常常刮风。4月和5月的天气总暖洋洋的,但有时下雨。

新概念英语 第二册 第27课

新概念英语第二册第27课 书面练习参考答案摘要写作 The boys put up their tent in the middle of a field and cooked a meal. After their meal they told stories and sang songs, but it began to rain, so they crept into their tent. The boys woke up in the middle of the night. The tent was full of water, so they rushed outside. A stream had formed in the field and flowed right under their tent. (69 words) 作文 I am very tall so I must be careful. Doorways are often low and I usually knock my head against them. My head always hurts. I have never met a tall architect. Have you? 书信写作 21 Brook St., Woodside, California, U. S. A. 21st Feb, 19 ____ 难点 1 Mrs. Bowers told her children to put their toys away and go to bed. 2 You can stay here tonight. We can put you up in the spare room. 3 I'm not ready yet. I haven't put my shoes on. 4 ‘Open your exercise books and put down the following,’ the teacher said. 5 Father is putting out the fire he lit in the garden. 6 When they have put up that new building, it will spoil the view. 7 I have put off my trip to Japan until next month. 8 I am getting a divorce. I can't put up with him any longer. 多项选择题讲解 1. 选(d)。 根据课文第5~6行But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent… 只有(d)it had begun to rain and they felt tired才是孩子们去睡觉的原因。(a)it was late是事实,但不是他们睡觉的直接原因;(b)they had sung songs不符合逻辑;(c)it began to rain 只是一方面原因,但不够完整。 2. 选(c)。 根据课文后两行The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under the tent! 只有(c)had camped in the path of a stream(在一条小溪穿过的地方露营)与课文实际情况相符,其它三个选择(a)had a good night's sleep(睡了一晚上好觉)、(b)stayed in their tent all night(整晚呆在他们的帐篷里)、(d)had camped beside a stream(在一条小溪旁露营)都与事实不符。 3. 选(d)。 (a)it put up和(b)their tent put up语序错误,宾语应该放在谓语动词的后面;(c)put up it也不正确,当宾语是代词时应该放在动词和副词之间;只有(d)put their tent up语序正确,宾语tent是名词,既可以放动词和副词之间,也可以放副词之后,所以要选(d)。 4. 选(d)。 (a)As soon不能引导状语从句,因为后面缺少as; (b)Just as(正当)可以引导从句,但它强调两件事情同时发生,而这个句子是表示两件事一前一后发生;(c)Until(直到……为止)词义不对;只有(d)Just after(刚刚……之后)时间正确,也符合语法。 5. 选(d)。 (a)they had hunger不符合英语习惯;(b)they had hungry语法错误,hungry是形容词,它前面应该是连系动词be,而不是had;(c)they were hunger也不符合语法,连系动词were后面应跟形容词,不能跟名词hunger;只有(d)they felt hungry是正确的,动词fell后面既可以跟形容词hungry,也可以跟名词hunger。 6. 选(b)。 只有选(b)near(在……旁)才能同前一句中的by the campfire(在篝火旁)意思相同;(a)close 是形容词,后面要加上介词to;(c)besides是介词,但表示“除……之外”,词义不对;(d)at(在……)没有“在……旁”的意思。 7. 选(a)。 本句是一般过去时的疑问句,需要选正确的谓语动词。只有选(a)flow是正确的;(b)flowed是过去式,在疑问句中已经用助动词did提问了,就不应该再用过去式了;(c)flew是fly(飞)的过去式,时态和词义都不对;(d)fly词义不正确。 8. 选(d)。 (a)sing songs(唱歌)、(b)tell stories(讲故事)、(c)play(玩)这三个选择都不能同前面的They cooked a meal构成因果关系,因此不符合逻辑;只有(d)eat(吃)才是They cooked a meal的原因,所以是正确答案。 9. 选(d)。 本句是对前一句The boys had put out the campfire (孩子们扑灭了篝火)的解释说明。(a)switched on (打开电源开关)不符合题义:(b)on fire(着火)意思不通;(c)on(打开的)指电源而不是指火,be动词和on连在一起还有“上演”的意思;三者都不对。只有(d)alight(着火的,照亮的)是表语形容词,在这里作表语,并同前一句意思相同,是正确的。 10. 选(c)。 只有选(c)were very quiet(很安静)才与前面的They crept into their tent(他们钻进帐篷)的意思相符,因为creep有“蹑手蹑脚”的含义。而(a)made a lot of noise(制造很多噪音)、(b)ran quidkly(快 跑)、(d)were very noisy(非常吵闹)这三个选择都不符合creep的含义。 11. 选(c)。 只有(c)comfortable(舒适的)最符合句子的要求,因为连系动词were后面应该跟形容词作表语,说明sleeping bags的状况。(a)a comfort是名词、(b)in comfort是介词短语、(d)comfortably是副词,词性都不对。 12. 选(c)。 只有(c)deeply(深深地)修饰sleep才与前一句的soundly(香甜地)意思相近;而(a)noisily(吵闹地)、(b)fast(快)都不符合题义;(d)good(好的)是形容词,不能修饰动词sleep。 1

新概念英语第二册自学必备Lesson 60

Lesson 60 The future 【New words and expressions】future n. 未来,前途 fair n. 集市fortune-teller n. 算命人crystal n. 水晶relation n. 亲属impatiently adv. 不耐烦地 ★relation n. 亲属 ①n. (事物间的)关系,关联(不可数) I know little about the relation of/between time and space. Is there any relation between the hot snake and the forest fire? ②n. (国家、人民等之间的)关系,往来(可数) Friendly relations have been developed between the two cities. They have broken relations with that firm. ③n. 亲戚,亲属(可数) A near relation of yours is coming to see you. 【Text】 At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. I went into her tent and she told me to sit down. After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: 'A relation of yours is coming to see you. She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days. The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise. A woman you know well will rush towards you. She will speak to you and then she will lead you away from this place. That is all.' As soon as I went outside, I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me. 'Where have you been hiding?' she asked impatiently. 'Your sister will be here in less than an hour and we must be at the station to meet her. We are late already.' As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair. 【课文讲解】 1、A relation of yours is coming to see you. a relation of yours 您的一个亲戚(双重所有格) 句中的现在进行时并不表示目前正在进行的动作,而表示将要发生的事情。 2、The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise. the moment = as soon as 一……就……(在这个连词引导的时间状语从句中要用一般现在时来表示将来时) 3、That is all. 在口语中表示“完了,就这些,事情就是这样”。 He borrowed some money from me. That’s all. 他向我借了些钱,仅此而已。 4、As soon as I went outside, I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me. 这句话中的all 是代词,表示“一切,全部,所有的事”,它作主语时被视为单数: All I can remember is her name. hurry towards sb. 向某人匆匆走去 5、Your sister will be here in less than an hour and we must be at the station to meet her. must be表示用现在时态指将来的状况,这句话也可变成: We must go to the station to meet her. 【Key structures】表示将要发生的事情 在英语中,现在进行时也可用来表示为将来安排好的活动和事件。这种用法通常需要一个表示时间的状语(往往是不久的将来)。arrive,come,go,leave 等动词的进行式经常有这种用法,表示行程安排有关的“将到达,_____ 将离去”等意思: He’s arriving this evening.


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(54—60) 一.英译汉(20`) 1. in the office ___________ 2.the large size________ 3. 小号___________ 4. envelope___________ 5. change ___________ 6. 去学校___________ 7. on foot ___________ 8.10:00 ___________ 9.stay at home ___________ 10. drink tea ___________ 11. Living room _________ 12. an interesting book _________ 13.in the garden _________ 14. at the moment ___________ 15. 在早上___________ 16. in the afternoon _______ 17. at night ______________ 18. at noon ___________ 19. in spring ___________ 20. in summer _____________ 二.选择正确的词填空。(10分) A.用any, some 填空. 1. T here is _______ water in the glass, but there isn’t _______ milk in the bottle. 2. Is there ________ apples on the table? ---- Yes,there are ________ here. B.用am not aren’t isn’t can’t don’t doesn’t 填空. 1. My father likes coffee, but I ________. 2. Lily likes tea, but Jim _________. 3. He is very tall, but she ________. 4. They are very happy, but we ________. 5. He likes playing football, but he _______ like swimming. 6. I like running, but I _______ like jumping. 7. I _______ like swimming, Lucy _______ likes swimming, too. 8. She can type very well, but I _________. 三.选择填空。(20分) ( ) 1. ________ is this shirt? A. Who B. Where C. Whose D. When


新概念英语第二册测试(40-55) 一、写出下列词的英语.(1’×15) 奇迹般地没有受伤的主人使尴尬 美德报偿禁止解决 入口海盗价值有信心的 电火花金子最后 二、写出下列词的汉语. (1’×15) persuade register annoying mix treasure examine bury worthless have sticky finger invent detect mess snatch mystery dismay 三.选择。(1’×15) 1、—When do you usually _______every morning ? —At 6:30 and then have breakfast . A. get up B. get on C. get together D. get along 2、—Have you ever been to Nanjing ? —Yes . I _______there last summer . A. go B. went C. have been D. will go 3、—______your classroom_______ every day ? —Yes. It is. A. Was ,cleaned B. Will , be cleaned C. Is ,cleaned D.Has,been cleaned 4. —Must I finish________ the book in this week? —No, you needn’t. A. to be read B. to read C. being read D. reading 5. —Have you decided _______for you holiday? —To Dr. Sun’s Mausoleum. A. where to go B. when to go C. how to go D. who to go 6.—Which of the twins will succeed? —The one _______works harder, I think. A. whom B. who C. which D. whose 7. —You went to the cinema last night, didn’t you? —________ . I was at home. A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. No, I didn’t D. Yes , I did.

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第39课

Lesson 39 Am I all right? 我是否痊愈? Why did Mr. Gilbert telephone Dr. Millington? While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so. The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington. When the doctor answered the phone, Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert. He asked if Mr. Gilbert's operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. He then asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. Then Dr. Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient. 'No,' the patient answered, 'I am Mr. John Gilbert.' 参考译文 当约翰.吉尔伯特住院的时候,他问医生他的手术是否成功,但医生拒绝告诉他。第二天,这位病人要了一部床头电话。当房里只剩他一个人时,他挂通了医院的交换台,要求与米灵顿医生讲话。当这位医生接过电话时,吉尔伯特先生说他想询问一个病人的情况,是一位名叫约翰.吉尔伯特的先生。他问吉尔伯特先生的手术中否成功,医生告诉他手术很成功。然后他又问吉尔伯特先生什么时候可以回家,医生说他在医院还必须再住上两个星期。之后,米灵顿医生问打电话的人是否是病人的亲属。“不是,”病人回答说,“我就是约翰.吉尔伯特先生。” 一、New words and expressions 生词和短语 operate V. 1)操作,操纵(机器等),运作,运转( control,run) operate a machine操纵一台机器 operate the lift开电梯 例:This sewing machine doesn't operate properly. 这台缝纫机不太好用了。 2)经营,管理(run, manage) operate a company经营一家公司 例: The company operate ten factories. 这家公司管理十个厂子。 The business operate in various counties.


新概念英语单词第一册第55 课:索耶一家人 live [lv] v.住,生活 【派生】 living生 【充】 life生活alive活着的 【搭配】 live on...靠??生活 【例句】 A:Who lives with you? A:你和住在一起? B:Kate and Nancy do. B:我跟特和南希?起住。 stay [ste]停,逗留 【充】 stop over中途停留 【搭配】 stay at home 待在家stay still 静止不stay out of不参与stay up熬夜 【例句】 A: How long do you plan to stay here? A:你打算在儿停留多久? B:I will stay here for about ten days. B:我将在儿待大概10 天。 home [hm] 家 【派生】 homeland 祖国

【单词搭配】 at home 在家 go home 回家 【单词例句】 A:I must go back home where many things are waiting for me to settle B: We're very sorry to see you go. A:我必须回国了,很多事正等着我去处理。 B:您要走了,我们感到非常遗憾。 housework['hauswa :k] 家务 【单词构造】 house(房子) +work(工作) = housework (家务)【单词搭配】 do the housework做家务 【单词例句】 A: My mother always says I spend too much time on watching TV A:我妈妈总是说我把太多的时间花费在看电视上。 B: Then you should finish your homework, and then help your parents with the housework some day. B:那你以后应该先完成家庭怍业,然后帮父母做些家务。 【单词搭配】 get together相聚all together一起 【单词例句】 A: Your roommate is so nice A:你的室友真是太好了。 B: Yes, we get along together very we

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