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当前位置:文档库 › 上海市徐汇区华育中学2018-2019学年九年级下学期期中英语试题





学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________


1. He got the first__for the maths contest. Which of the following words matches the sound /praiz/?

A.price B.praise C.prize D.piece

2. —Simon could look after_______when he was five.

—Really? How independent he was!

A.he B.him C.his D.himself

3. All the boys went swimming that afternoon_____Bob,because he had a cold.

A.except B.including C.besides D.with

4. The shirts are both expensive and out of fashion. I’ll

take_____of them.

A.neither B.either C.all D.both

5. The editor told the newsman to write______report about the important thing.

A.a two-thousand-words B.a two-thousands-words

C.a two thousand-word D.a two-thousand-word

6. These_____are talking with each other in_____.

A.Germans, Greeks B.Germen, Greek

C.Germen, Greece D.Germans, Greek

7. —Do you like Mr.Wang’s lessons?

—Yes,he has a special way of making his lessons____and interesting. A.lovely B.likely C.specially D.lively

8. “Write_____and try not to make any mistakes”,the teacher said to her students.

A.as careful as possible B.as carefully as you can C.most careful D.more careful

9. —What’s wrong with the food? You don’t feel hungry?

—It_____terrible. I have no appetite to eat.

A.is tasting B.is tasted C.tastes D.tasted

10. _______it is to go camping in such a nice day in spring!

A.What a fun B.How a fun C.How fun D.What fun

11. That tall boy_____be Tom. Tom is medium height.

A.mustn’t B.must C.can’t D.might

12. The police_____anyone who____the accident should get in touch with the police station.

A.asked,have seen B.asks, have


C.asks, has seen D.asked,had seen

13. Leonardo DiCaprio attended the 88th Academy Awards in Hollywood and____the Best Actor award for his role in “The Revenant.”

A.was won B.winning C.won D.has won

14. Which do you feel like______the time on the train, chatting with friends or just reading something?

A.killing B.to share C.to kill D.sharing

15. A lot of trees are_______of the street and the number of them is growing_______.

A.on both side,greater B.on both sides,larger

C.on each side,more D.every side,more

16. I’ll come to see you on Sunday morning_____you tell me not to. A.whether B.if C.unless D.since

17. The exciting news came that_______the Chinese women’s table tennis team_____the Chinese men’s table tennis team won the 2016 world championships in Kuala Lumpur.

A.not,but B.not only,but


C.neither,nor D.either,or

18. —My father_______Hangzhou with my grandparents.

—Really?____will they come back?

A.has been to, How soon B.has gone to, How soon

C.has been to,How long D.has gone to,How long

19. Father asked Tom_____________.

A.what wrong was with him B.what wrong with him was C.what the matter was D.what his trouble was

20. —I’m sorry that I forgot all about the meeting!


A.That’s all


B.That’s right C.All right D.Of course not.


21. Complete the following passage with the words or phrase in the

What do you think of British people and American people? You might think that there are no differences between the people in the two countries.They speak the same language【小题1】,don’t they ? But if you ask a British or an American person, the differences are quite great.

What do British people think Americans are like? The British

think Americans are very【小题2】.They make a lot of noise and they laugh too loudly. They are rich, and they only think about money. But the British really say that Americans are kind, friendly people. They are happy to help you if you are in trouble.

上海华育中学人教版七年级上册数学 压轴题 期末复习试卷及答案-百度文库

上海华育中学人教版七年级上册数学 压轴题 期末复习试卷及答案-百度文库 一、压轴题 1.小刚运用本学期的知识,设计了一个数学探究活动.如图1,数轴上的点M ,N 所表示的数分别为0,12.将一枚棋子放置在点M 处,让这枚棋子沿数轴在线段MN 上往复运动(即棋子从点M 出发沿数轴向右运动,当运动到点N 处,随即沿数轴向左运动,当运动到点M 处,随即沿数轴向右运动,如此反复?).并且规定棋子按照如下的步骤运动:第1步,从点M 开始运动t 个单位长度至点1Q 处;第2步,从点1Q 继续运动2t 单位长度至点 2Q 处;第3步,从点2Q 继续运动3t 个单位长度至点3Q 处…例如:当3t =时,点1Q 、2Q 、3Q 的位置如图2所示. 解决如下问题: (1)如果4t =,那么线段13Q Q =______; (2)如果4t <,且点3Q 表示的数为3,那么t =______; (3)如果2t ≤,且线段242Q Q =,那么请你求出t 的值. 2.如图,在数轴上的A 1,A 2,A 3,A 4,……A 20,这20个点所表示的数分别是a 1,a 2,a 3,a 4,……a 20.若A 1A 2=A 2A 3=……=A 19A 20,且a 3=20,|a 1﹣a 4|=12. (1)线段A 3A 4的长度= ;a 2= ; (2)若|a 1﹣x |=a 2+a 4,求x 的值; (3)线段MN 从O 点出发向右运动,当线段MN 与线段A 1A 20开始有重叠部分到完全没有重叠部分经历了9秒.若线段MN =5,求线段MN 的运动速度. 3.已知:OC 平分AOB ∠,以O 为端点作射线OD ,OE 平分AOD ∠. (1)如图1,射线OD 在AOB ∠内部,BOD 82∠=?,求COE ∠的度数. (2)若射线OD 绕点O 旋转,BOD α∠=,(α为大于AOB ∠的钝角), COE β∠=,其他条件不变,在这个过程中,探究α与β之间的数量关系是否发生变化, 请补全图形并加以说明.


上海华育中学化学上册期中试题和答案 一、选择题(培优题较难) 1.中华传统文化博大精深,下列古诗中不涉及化学变化的是 A.梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香B.爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏C.爝火燃回春浩浩,洪炉照破夜沉沉D.千锤万凿出深山,烈火焚烧若等闲 2.下列有关实验操作的“先”与“后”的说法中,正确的是() A.制取气体时,先装药品,后检查装置的气密性 B.用托盘天平称量10g固体药品时,先放砝码,后放药品 C.用滴管取细口瓶内的液体时,先将其伸入液体内,后挤压取液 D.加热KMnO4并用排水法收集O2的实验结束时,先熄灭酒精灯,后移出导管 3.下列各图中和分别表示不同元素的原子,则其中表示化合物的是( ) A.B. C. D. 4.石墨烯是一种革命性材料,具有优异的光学、电学和力学特性。图为金刚石、石墨和石墨烯的结构模型图,图中小球代表碳原子。下列说法正确的是( ) ①石墨烯是一种新型化合物 ②三种物质分别在足量的氧气中完全燃烧的产物相同 ③金刚石和石墨烯是组成相同但结构不同的两种物质 ④石墨烯有超强的导电性和导热性,说明石墨烯的化学性质和金属相似 A.①④B.②③C.①③D.②③④ 5.2017年10月27日央视财经报道:王者归“铼”,中国发现超级金属铼,制造出航空发动机核心部件。如图是铼在元素周期表中的相关信息,下列有关说法不正确的是 ()

A.铼原子的核内质子数为75 B.铼的相对原子质量为186.2g C.铼的元素符号是Re D.铼原子的核外电子数为75 6.我国古代典籍中有”银针验毒”的记载,“银针验毒”的反应原理之一是 4Ag+2H2S +O2=2X+2H2O。下列有关该反应的说法不正确的是 A.反应属于氧化反应B.X的化学式是Ag2S C.反应前后元素的种类不变D.反应前后所有元素的化合价都发生了变化7.“” “”表示两种不同元素的原子,下图表示化合物的是 A.B. C. D. 8.电解水实验装置如图所示,下列说法正确的是 A.电解前后元素种类不变 B.实验说明水由H2和O2组成 C.反应的化学方程式为2H2O=2H2↑+O2↑ D.a管收集的气体能使燃着的木条燃烧更旺 9.下列对实验现象的描述或实验操作正确的是 A.红磷在空气中燃烧,产生大量白雾


2016 华育中学初三月考卷 Part II Vocabulary and Grammar I. Choose the best answer 1. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A. In my o pinion, it’s a good idea. B. Our object is to further trade relations. C. Why didn’t you take the offer? D. We often deal with the problem. 2. Which of the following underlined parts has the same pronunciation as the underlined part in “s ay s”? A. play B. Monday C. laid D. said 3. When he left _____ college, he got a job as _____ reporter in a newspaper office. A. /…the B. a…the C. the…the 4. Mary said she would _____ my magazine back to me in two or three days. D. /…a A. return B. borrow C. keep 5. John _____ a bad cold for two days. D. give A. has caught B. has been C. has had 6. –What’s Joan’s job? –She is responsible _____ the security of the students in our school. D. had A. of B. on C. for D. in 7. I _____ in London for many years, but I have never regretted my final decision to move back to China. A. lived B. was living C. have lived D. am living 8. Linda has a lot of experience on the performance. She continued ____ after the music stopped suddenly. A. dancing B. to dancing C. dance D. danced 9. –How do you come to school every day? –I usually come to school _____. A. by cars B. in car C. on my own car D. in my new car 10. It will be our “Open Day” tomorrow, so our school _____ by many parents. A. has been visited B. is visited C. was visited 11. –How long does it take the moon to make one trip ____ the earth? –_____ four weeks. D. will be visited A. for, About B. about, For C. around, For 12. You’d better not stay outdoors in this kind of weather, _____ you? D. around, About A. did B. didn’t C. had 13. Jack seems _____ than you _____ ready for the exam. A. busy; to get B. much busier; getting C. busier; to get D. more busier; getting 14. Your story sounds like _____. Is it true? D. hadn’t A. interesting B. interested C. funny 15. The doctor told me to eat more ____ because it is good for my health. D. fun A. apple B. vegetables C. ice cream 16. _____ interesting sound effect the film has got! D. fish A. What B. How C. What a 17. We have got a computer room. We’ll build _____ one next year. D. What an A. the second B. a second C. two D. the two


华育中学小升初试题 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

语文 面试时写一篇作文(150-200字) 1、我眼中的他(她)最棒 2、我的周末 3、《XX是我的好伙伴》 笔试的作文考题:致亲爱的*** _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________- _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________- ________________________________________________________________________ (1)敕勒歌是一首____朝时的民歌。(北) (2)穹庐是指______(蒙古包) (3)“风吹草低见牛羊”中的“见”读____(现) 数学 1.从1,2,3......205,共205个正整数中,最多能取出个数,使得对于取出来的数中的任意三个数 a、b、c 英语 . 2、自我介绍 3、用英语回答问题询问基本情况 A、哪门功课最好,回答是英语最好后,即兴英语介绍我的妈妈。 B、询问家庭情况。 其他: 1、是不是小五班推荐来的 2、大队长当了几年 3、学习排名如何 4、遇到发怒的事情时,你会如何处理 5.“英国刚出生的小王子叫什么名字?”、“第二次鸦片战争中火烧圆明园的是?”、“被誉为‘银河战舰’的足球俱乐部是?”、“用‘6、14、15、22’算24点” 数学:1.答案及解说:a很明显是一道数论的问题,但也结合了抽屉原理,考虑到需要取出更多的数,所以可以取较大的数,但14*15=210,13*14=182,可见可以取数到14,但这个时候并未取完,1也是可以取得,需要特别留意,答案应该是193个。在准备数学加试卷之前,应对于数论有针对性的训练,最好做做杯赛的决赛题目,找找感觉。 英语:答案及解说: 1.这是同学们非常容易出错的一道题,第一眼看到 look 就会先入为主地认为 look 是一个感官动词,后面要加形容词,再根据文意在 happy 和 angry 中选择 angry 。但是其实这里的 look 是一个实意动词,由题中的at可以看出,应该是生气地看着她的儿子,要填的词修饰 look 这个动词,所以一定是个副词。本题应该选择 D项,angrily。


19届初三上数学周末作业(??) 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 ?、选择题 1.在公园的O 处附近有E 、F 、G 、H 四棵树,位置如图所?(图中?正?形的边长均相等)现计划修建?座以O 为圆?,OA 为半径的圆形?池,要求池中不留树?,则E 、F 、G 、H 四棵树中需要被移除的为( ) A .E 、F 、G B .F 、G 、H C .G 、H 、E D .H 、 E 、F 第1题图 第2题图 第3题图 第4题图 2.如图,AB 是⊙O 的直径,直线PA 与⊙O 相切于点A ,PO 交⊙O 于点C ,连接BC .若∠P=40°,则∠ABC 的度数为( ) A .20° B .25° C .40° D .50° 3.如图,点D (0,3),O (0,0),C (4,0)在⊙A 上,BD 是⊙A 的?条弦,则sin ∠OBD=( ) A . B . C . D . 4.如图,在等腰Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,AC=12,D 是AC 上?点,若tan ∠DBA=,则AD 的长为( ) A .4 B . C . D .2 5.对于?次函数,有下列说法: ①它的图象与x 轴有两个公共点; ②若当x ≤1时y 随x 的增??减?,则m=1; ③若将它的图象向左平移3个单位后过原点,则m=-1; ④若当x=4时的函数值与x=2时的函数值相等,则当x=6时的函数值为-3. 其中正确的说法是( ) A .①③ B .①④ C .②③ D .②④ 6.如图,在正?形ABCD 中,E 、F 分别为BC 、CD 的中点,连接AE ,BF 交于点G ,将△BCF 沿BF 对折,得到△BPF ,延长FP 交BA 延长线于点Q ,下列结论正确的个数是( ) ①AE=BF ;②AE ⊥BF ;③sin ∠BQP=;④S 四边形ECFG =2S △BGE . A .4 B .3 C .2 D .1 ?、填空题 7.如图,在⊙O 中,AB 是弦,C 是上?点.若∠OAB=25°,∠OCA=40°,则∠BOC 的??为 度. 12344535152322y =x 2?2m x ?345?A B


华育中学一模考冲刺训练(一) (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分语音、词汇和语法) Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分) ( ) 26.Tu You you was awarded 2015 Nobel Prize for her contribution to health of mankind. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A) /priz/ B) /praiz/ C) /pris/ D) /prais/ ( )27. The fisherman’s wife said that she wanted to be _________ mayor of the city ? A) a B) an C) / D) the ( ) 28. “Do you want to see my ID card or my driver’s license?” “_____ will do.” A)Every B)Each C)Either D)Neither ( ) 29. You will find _______ important to learn a second foreign language. A) those B) that C) it D)this ( ) 30. A healthy diet is essential _______ everybody. You should care more about what


语文 面试时写一篇作文(150-200字) 1、我眼中的他(她)最棒 2、我的周末 3、《XX是我的好伙伴》 笔试的作文考题:致亲爱的*** ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________- ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________- ________________________________________________________________________ (1)敕勒歌是一首____朝时的民歌。(北) (2)穹庐是指______(蒙古包) (3)“风吹草低见牛羊”中的“见”读____(现) 数学 1.从1,2,3......205,共205个正整数中,最多能取出个数,使得对于取出来的数中的任意三个数a、b、c 英语 1.Shelooked_______athersonbecausetheboyhasbrokenhistrousers. A.happy B.happily C.angry D.angrily 3、用英语回答问题询问基本情况 A、哪门功课最好,回答是英语最好后,即兴英语介绍我的妈妈。 B、询问家庭情况。 其他: 1、是不是小五班推荐来的? 2、大队长当了几年?


上海华育中学初三化学上册期末好题精选 一、九年级化学上册选择题 1.下列示意图与表述内容不相符的是() A.二氧化碳的状态变化 B.电解水的微观示意图 C.氯化钠的形成 D.微粒的运动速率与温度有关2.下列图象能正确反映对应变化关系的是() A.一定量过氧化氢在密闭容器中分解

B.加热一定量高锰酸钾 C.碳在盛有氧气的密闭集气瓶内燃烧 D.用等质量的氯酸钾制取氧气 3.已知由CuS、CuSO3、CuSO4组成的混合物中,硫元素的质量分数为x,则混合物中氧元素的质量分数为 A.1-3x B.1-2x C.1-x D.无法计算 4.一氧化碳和二氧化碳的混合物8g,通过足量的炽热的氧化铜,充分反应后所得气体通入足量澄清石灰水,其质量增加了9. 6g,则原混合气体中二氧化碳的质量为 A.2. 8g B.4. 4g C.5.2g D.7.2g 5.某元素M的相对原子质量为32,M的氧化物中氧元素的质量分数为60%,则M在此氧化物中的化合价为 A.+6 B.+4 C.+2 D.+1 6.已知某气体由H2、CO2、CO、CH4中的两种组成,为确定其成分进行了下面的实验:①将气体通过澄清的石灰水,未出现浑浊现象;②将气体通过灼热的氧化铜,有红色固体生成;③点燃气体,用蘸有澄清石灰水的烧杯罩住火焰,烧杯壁上有浑浊出现。那么对该混合气体成分作出的以下推断中,合理的是() A.可能是H2和CH4B.可能是CO2和CO C.一定含有CO2D.一定含有CO

7.小希设计如图的实验,并完成下列的操作步骤: ①未点燃酒精灯,观察白磷未燃烧 ②点燃酒精灯片刻,观察到白磷燃烧 ③熄灭酒精灯,冷却到室温,观察到水位上升到刻度 1 处 ④点燃酒精灯,剩余的白磷不燃烧下列说法正确的是() A.酒精灯加热铜丝,白磷燃烧,铜丝变黑,可见白磷的金属活动性比铜强 B.操作②中除了观察到白磷燃烧,铜丝也变黑,会使“空气中氧气含量”的测定的结果大于 1/5 C.对比①②中的现象,说明可燃物燃烧需要氧气 D.对比②④中的现象,说明可燃物燃烧需要氧气 8.小芳同学对部分化学知识总结整理如下,其中完全正确的一组是() A生活中的化学B安全常识 ①自行车链条可采用涂油的方法防锈 ②用生石灰吸附水中的异味①酒精洒在实验台上立即用湿抹布扑盖 ②为防止一氧化碳中毒在室内放一盆水 C化学规律D物质的鉴别 ①高锰酸钾加热后剩余固体的质量减少③化学反应前后元素的种类和质量都不变①用燃着的木条鉴别氮气和二氧化碳 ②用观察颜色的方法鉴别铜丝和铁丝 A.A B.B C.C D.D 9.下列图象不能正确反映其变化过程的是() A.镁在装有空气的密闭容器内燃烧


上海华育中学2019年模拟 数学试卷 命题人:季卫东 一、我会选择:(本大题第1~8题每小题2分,第9~12题每小题3分,共28分) 1. 2的相反数的绝对值是 ( ) A. - 21 B. ±2 1 C. 0 D. 2 2.计算:9 3 x ÷x 的结果是 ( ) A. 31 B. x 31 C. 3x D. ±3x 3.下列运算中正确的是 A. B. C. D. 4.下列各组线段中不能组成三角形的是 ( ) A. 2cm,2cm,2cm B. 1cm,2cm,3cm C. 2cm,3cm,4cm D. 3cm,4cm,5cm 5.已知,在△ABC 中,∠A = 45°,∠B = 46°,那么△ABC 的形状为( * ). (A) 锐角三角形 (B) 直角三角形 (C) 钝角三角形 (D) 等腰三角形 6.正多边形的一个外角是720 ,则这个正多边形的边数是 ( ) A. 4 B. 5 C. 8 D. 10 7.某校为了了解初三学生的数学成绩,在某次数学测验中随机抽取了11份试卷,其 成绩为:92,83,79,85,79 ,83,89,92,86,83,86,则这组数据的众数与 中位数分别为 ( ) A. 85,83 B. 84,83 C. 83,85 D. 83,86 8.下列立体图形中:① 长方体 ② 圆锥 ③ 圆柱 ④ 球 左视图可能是长方形的有( * ). (A) ① (B) ①② (C) ①③ (D) ①④ 9.一元二次方程022 =+-x x 在实数范围内的根的情况是( * ).

(A) 无根(B) 一个根(C) 两个根(D) 以上答案都不对 10.某棉纺厂1月份的产值是40万元,3月份上升到50万元,这两个月的平均增长率是多少?若设平均每月增长率为x,则列出的方程是() A. 40(1+x)=50 B. 40(1+x)+ 40(1+x)2=50 C. 40(1+x)×2=50 D. 40(1+x)2=50 11.如果圆柱的侧面积为,母线长为5cm,那么这个圆柱的底面半径为() A. 1cm B. 2cm C. 3cm D. 4cm 12.如图,在⊙O的内接四边形ABCD中,AB是⊙O的直径,,过点D 的切线PD与直线AB交于点P,则的度数为() A. 90o B. 60o C. 40o D. 30o 二、我会填空:(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 13.下列各式中,整式有 * (只需填入相应的序号). ①1 2 ② 1 3 + x ③ 1 5 - x ④a 14.以3和-2为根的一元二次方程的一般形式(二次项系数为1)是_______________________。 15.我国某年石油产量约为170000000吨,把石油产量用科学记数法表示结果为_______________________。 16.下表是某摩托车厂今年1至5月份摩托车销售量的统计表:(单位:辆) 则这5个月销售量的中位数是辆. 17.函数中,自变量x的取值范围是______。 18.和已知线段两个端点距离相等的点的轨迹是_________________。 19.在如图所示的圆形射击靶中,所有黑、白正三角形都全等.小明向靶子射击一次,若子弹打中靶子,则子弹刚好穿过黑色区域的概率是* ____。



46 life. Probably people will never think about it. However, TV——the most pervasive (无处不在) and persuasive modern technologies, 47 by rapid change and growth——is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication (复杂而精密) and versatility(多用途), which 48 to reshape our lives and our world. It is an electronic revolution, made possible by the 49 of television and computer The word “television”, derived from its Greek (tele distant) and Latin (vision sight) roots, can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance. Very 50 put, it works in this way through a sophisticated system of electronics, television 51 the capability of converting an image into electronic impulses, which can be sent through a wire or cable. These impulses, when fed into a receiver (a television set), can then be electronically reconstituted into that same image. Television is more than just an electronic system, however. It is a 52 of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings. The field of television can be 53 into two categories determined by its means of transmission. First, there is broadcast television. And second, there is non-broadcast television. Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) (共8分) 54. The policeman held up his hand so that children could cross the road in _______ (safe). 55. He said that he loved this ___________ (imagine) film very much 56. He was promoted to a post of great ____________ (responsible). 57. The government has set up a health care network to heal the _________ (wound) and rescue the dying. 58. Cooperation is more important than ____________ (compete) 59. The ____________ you walk, t he sooner you’ll get there.(fast) 60. It is hard to learn the _____________ (operate) of this complicated machine. 61. The book written by this Nobel Prize winner is really worth _________ (read). V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限填一词。68题注意句首大写) (共14分) 62.The new flat cost the family all their savings. (改为一般疑问句) _______ the new flat _________ the family all their savings? 63. The new chemistry lab can’t be used for the time being.(保持句意基本不变) The new chemistry lab can’t be used ___________ ___________. 64. You need no more help from us.(改为反意疑问句) You need no more help from us, ________ ___________? 65. The students must sweep the floor at once.(改为被动语态) The floor must ________ ________ by the students at once.


上海市华育中学2017年预初分班考试卷 一、计算题 (1)(7.2÷1.5÷1.3)÷(3.6÷7.5÷9.1)(2)799999+79999+7999+799+79 (3)26.25+73.75×0.35+0.65×73 (4)7.26÷1.4×4.26×2.8÷0.426÷72.6 (5)20.05×39+200.5×4.1+40×10.025 二、填空题 1、一个自然数在1000 和1200 之间,且被3 除余1,被5 除余2,被7 除余3,则符合条件的数是_______________. 2、已知一个四位数加上它的各位数字之和后等于2008,则所有这样的四位数之和为 ___________ . 3、如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,直线CF 交AB 于E ,交DA 延长线于F ,若S△ADE = 1,则△BEF的面积是___________ . 4、若干个同样的盒子排成一排,小明把50 多个同样的棋子分装在盒中,其中只有一个盒子没有装棋子,然后他外出了,小光从每个有棋子的盒子里各拿了一个棋子放在空盒内,再

把盒子重新排了一下,小明回来后仔细查看了一下,没有发现有人动过这些盒子和棋子.共有_________个盒子。 5、甲、乙、丙三人,甲每分钟走100 米,乙每分钟走80 米,丙每分钟走75 米.甲从东村,乙、丙从西村同时出发相向而行,途中甲、乙相遇后3 分钟又与丙相遇.则东西两村的距离是___________. 6、某路公共汽车,包括起点和终点共有15 个车站,有一辆车除终点外,每一站上车的乘客中,恰好有一位乘客到以后的每一站下车,为了使每位乘客都有座位,问这辆公共汽车最少要有___________个座位。 7、益友商场搞促销,买200 元~400 元商品赠150元A 券(等同于现金),王阿姨买了300 元的一件皮衣,用得到的礼券加10 元现金买了一个皮包(打八折).王阿姨两次购物相当于享受了_______折的优惠。 8、妈妈做了21 个小点心,小丽和他的四个同学,用石头剪刀布的方法确定了谁先吃谁后吃,最后全吃光了,一个也没剩,最后大家各自报告吃的数量。 小明:"我吃了剩下的个数的三分之二." 小华:"我吃了剩下的个数的一半." 小丽:"我吃了剩下的个数的一半." 小芳:"我吃了剩下的个数的全部." 大伟:"大家吃的个数都不相同呀!" 请问:小明吃了___________个。 三、简答题 1、如图,两条线段把三角形分为三角形和一个四边形,如图所示,三个三角形的面积分别为3,7,7,则阴影四边形的面积是多少?


2018-2019学年上海市徐汇区华育中学九年级(下)第二次月考 数学试卷 一、我会选择:(本大题第1~8题每小题2分,第9~12题每小题2分,共28分)1.(2分)2的相反数的绝对值是() A.﹣B.±C.0D.2 2.(2分)计算:÷的结果是() A.B.C.D.± 3.(2分)下列运算中正确的是() A.5﹣3=﹣15B.(x2)4=x8 C.a2?a5=a10D.(3.14﹣π)0=0 4.(2分)以下列各组线段为边,不能组成三角形的是() A.2cm,3cm,4cm B.1cm,2cm,3cm C.3cm,4cm,5cm D.2cm,2cm,3cm 5.(2分)已知,在△ABC中,∠A=45°,∠B=46°,那么△ABC的形状为()A.锐角三角形B.直角三角形C.钝角三角形D.等腰三角形6.(2分)正多边形的一个外角的度数为72°,则这个正多边形的边数为()A.4B.5C.6D.7 7.(2分)某校为了解初三学生的数学成绩,在某次数学测验中随机抽取了11份试卷,其成绩如下:92,83,79,85,79,83,89,92,86,83,86,则这组数据的众数与中位数分别为() A.85,83B.84,83C.83,85D.83,86 8.(2分)下列立体图形①长方体②圆锥③圆柱④球中,左视图可能是长方形的有()A.①B.①②C.①③D.①④ 9.(3分)一元二次方程x2﹣x+2=0在实数范围内的根的情况是()A.无根B.一个根 C.两个根D.以上答案都不对 10.(3分)某棉纺厂1月份的产值是40万元,3月份上升到50万元,这两个月的平均增长

率是多少?若设平均每月增长率为x,则列出的方程是() A.40(1+x)=50B.40(1+x)+40(1+x)2=50 C.40(1+x)×2=50D.40(1+x)2=50 11.(3分)如果圆锥的侧面积为20πcm2,它的母线长为5cm,那么此圆锥的底面半径的长等于() A.2cm B.2cm C.4cm D.8cm 12.(3分)如图,在⊙O的内接四边形ABCD中,AB是⊙O的直径,∠BCD=120°,过点D的切线PD与直线AB交于点P,则∠P的度数为() A.90o B.60o C.40o D.30o 二、我会填空:(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 13.(3分)下列各式中,整式有(只需填入相应的序号). ①;②;③;④a 14.(3分)以3和﹣2为根的一元二次方程是. 15.(3分)我国某年石油产量约为170 000 000吨,用科学记数法表示为吨.16.(3分)下表是某市摩托车厂今年1至5月份摩托车销售量(单位:辆)的统计表: 则这5个月销售量的中位数是辆. 17.(3分)在函数y=中,自变量x的取值范围是. 18.(3分)和已知线段两个端点相等的点的轨迹是. 19.(3分)在如图所示的圆形射击靶中,所有黑、白正三角形都全等.小明向靶子射击一次,若子弹打中靶子,则子弹刚好穿过黑色区域的概率是.


华育中学2015学年第一学期月考试卷 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) 7. A. In March B. In April C. In May D. In June 8. A. Harry B. Jack C. Mary D. Tom 9. A. A librarian B. A shop assistant C. A secretary D. A tour guide 10. A. They probably love the rainy days. B. They are not interested in each other. C. Neither of them will be free next week. D. They will probably go on a picnic soon. 11. A. By bus B. By bike C. By underground D. By taxi 12. A. Mother and son B. Teacher and student C. Customer and waitress D. Taxi driver and passenger 13. A. He doesn’t like the film B. He has no money at all. C. He has to go with his Mum. D. He has to do the homework first. 14. A. At a post office B. At a library C. At a hospital D. At a KFC restaurant C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列 句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) 1


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 华育中学一模考冲刺训练(一) (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分语音、词汇和语法) Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分) ( ) 26.Tu You you was awarded 2015 Nobel Prize for her 【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】

contribution to health of mankind. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A) /priz/ B) /praiz/ C) /pris/ D) /prais/ ( )27. The fisherman’s wife said that she wanted to be _________ mayor of the city ? A) a B) an C) / D) the ( ) 28. “Do you want to see my ID card or my driver’s license?” “_____ will do.” A)Every B)Each C)Either D)Neither ( ) 29. You will find _______ important to learn a second foreign language. A) those B) that C) it D)this ( ) 30. A healthy diet is essential _______ everybody. You should care more about what you daily eat. A) for B)on C) in D) over ( ) 31. A report says that about ________ of the English teachers in Shanghai are under the age of 35. A) three-fifth B) third-fifths C) thirds-fifth D)three-fifths ( ) 32. The old woman can’t see the message on the mobile phone _________. A) clear enough B) enough clear C) clearly enough D) enough clearly ( ) 33. We thought the idea sounded __________, yet common sense told us it wouldn’t work. A) well B) bad C) good D) badly ( ) 34. It’s raining so hard that the w ater in the river can be seen ________ 【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】


上海市华育中学2018届九年级上学期段考化学试题学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、填空题 二、单选题 3. 化学在社会发展中起着重要的作用.下列四个选项中化学不涉及的研究领域是() A.开发新能源 B.合成新的物质 C.物质气、液、固三态互变的条件 D.防治环境污染 4. 下列变化属于化学变化的是 A.粮食酿酒B.湿衣晾干 C.酒精挥发D.冰雪融化

5. 物质需要通过化学变化才能表现出来的性质是() A.溶解性B.挥发性C.导电性D.可燃性6. 下列物质中,属于纯净物的是() A.加碘盐B.调和植物油 C.洗涤剂D.干冰 7. MnO 是一种紫黑色的晶体,其中 Mn 元素的化合价为() 2 A.﹣2 B.+2 C.﹣4 D.+4 8. 日常生活中加碘食盐、高钙牛奶中的“碘”和“钙”指的是()A.单质B.分子C.原子D.元素 9. 下列物质中,含有游离态氧元素的是() A.空气B.蒸馏水C.二氧化碳D.高锰酸钾 三、多选题 10. 下列化学实验基本操作中,正确的是() A.可用鼻孔凑到瓶口去闻试剂的气味 B.实验后多余的液体,要倒回试剂瓶 C.倾倒液体时,标签要向手心 D.浓硫酸沾到皮肤上,应立即先用水冲洗 四、单选题 11. 下列实验操作中,不正确的是()

A.加热液体B.点燃酒精灯 D.检查装置气密性C.蒸发食盐水 12. 小明用量筒量取10mL水时俯视,则量到的水的体积为() A.大于10mL B.小于10mL C.等于10mL D.无法确定 13. 下列物质不属于空气污染物的是() A.烟尘B.一氧化碳 C.二氧化碳D.氮、氧化合物 14. 某同学对生活中部分物质的性质和用途做了如下归纳,其中你认为错误的是() A.氮气的化学性质稳定﹣﹣﹣填充食品包装袋防腐 B.稀有气体通电时能发出不同颜色的光﹣﹣﹣用于焊接金属的保护气 C.铜丝具有优良的导电性﹣﹣﹣用作导线 D.氧气可以帮助燃烧﹣﹣﹣用作助燃剂 15. 空气成分中的下列气体,化学性质最稳定的是() A.氮气B.二氧化碳C.氧气D.氖气 16. “○”和“●”表示不同的元素,以下图示表示单质的是()A.B.

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