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在日益全球化的时代背景下,人力资源管理也变得愈发重要。人力资源(Human Resources)部门在组织中负责管理与员工相关的一系列事务,如招聘、培训、绩效管理、福利等。由于人力资源管理方式的差异,很多相关的学术研究和文献都是以中英文形式出现的。本文将介绍一些关于人力资源管理的中英文文献,并讨论它们对于人力资源领域的重要性。



2. "The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance"





4. "Challenges and Opportunities for Human Resource Management in the Global Context"





人力资源英文文献 以下是一些关于人力资源的英文文献: 1. "Human resource management: A contemporary perspective" by David A. DeCenzo and Stephen P. Robbins 2. "The practice of human resource management" by Gary Dessler 3. "Strategic human resource management" by John Bratton and Jeffrey Gold 4. "Human resource management in a global context" by International Labour Office 5. "Employee recruitment, selection, and assessment" by Michael A. Zeiss and Gary R. Lichtenstein 6. "Training and development for human resource management" by Gary Dessler 7. "Compensation management for human resource management" by Joseph J. Martocchio 8. "Performance management for human resource management" by Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson 9. "Employee relations: A practical guide" by Carole P. Beaton and Susan M. Keaton 10. "HR from the outside in: Six competitive strategies for attracting, developing, and retaining top talent" by John Boudreau and Peter M. Ramstad 这些文献涵盖了人力资源管理的各个方面,包括招聘、培训、绩效管理、薪酬管理、员工关系等。希望对你有所帮助!


关于人力资源管理的外文文献 1. Human Resource Management Practices and Workforce Diversity: A Review This article explores the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and workforce diversity. The authors review literature on HRM practices such as recruitment, selection, training and development, performance measurement, work design, and employee relations, to examine how these practices influence the success of workforce diversity. The article highlights the need for organizations to adopt effective HRM practices that support diversity and inclusion, in order to maximize the benefits of a diverse workforce. 2. The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance This study analyzes the relationship between strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices and organizational performance. The authors examine the impact of SHRM practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, and compensation and benefits, on key organizational outcomes such as employee retention, productivity, and profitability. The study concludes



Payment management Since the end of the 20th century, the emerging new economy of the modern enterprise human resources management, including the management pays a higher demand. Economic globalization increasing adaptability, innovation and competitiveness, the right talent management imposed a terrible pressure. The value of expertise was recognized and integrated into the organization and day-to-day management to cope with pressure; unique intellectual capital as a factor of production, replacing wooden side-by-side human capital in the industry, the financial capital in 1997. All these have business or pay Management will bring fundamental changes, which are mainly embodied in the following aspects abuse. Integration in the global economy, trends in the knowledge-based economy, human resources has become the organization to acquire and maintain competitive advantage in key elements. So talent competition will be on a global scale by launching more intense, within the area of human resources are the most direct consequences of the contest is to pay Slumps. All competitors had to pay is higher than the average market price of the salaries, resulting in human resources rolling rising prices. Echoing this, the profit distribution pattern will have a tremendous transformation, knowledge - has value, personnel labor is the voice of increasingly strong gains will be more widely shared and not overly concentrated. Organization of human resources must take a more serious attitude and generous to pay greater human capital investment. Traditional working theory of value will gradually to the market value on transition. Rely on the work of analysis and calculation of the value of traditional working practices will be at a higher level, pay to reflect more


中英文资料翻译 人力资本与可持续发展指标 1960年贝克尔和舒尔茨在文学领域介绍了人力资本的概念,后来,罗默经济增长(1987年,1990年,1994年)的研究把人力资本看作是认识发展中的重要元素。此外,经合组织的研究也强调教育和人力资本对经济增长的重要性。 加里·贝克尔,“人力资本”一词的首批用户之一,认为教育,不断培训和健康代表人力资本的组成部分,是盈利和经济生产力的后果。 bahrman和陶布曼从世界银行(2006 89),人力资本的代表也坚持自己的市场价值,“人类经济生产能力的股票”的状态。 在我们的观念,人力资本可以被定义为知识教育和不断形成的实际实施有积极的影响超过了一般的结果和福利验证的能力,所获得的总和。 人力资本的组成部分,接触不同的专业文献,就有不同的解释。因此,一些学者(史密斯,2006)认为,人力资本包括:总劳动,教育/资格和社会资本。其他作者认为人力资本,包括教育和资格,即使社会资本对人力资本的依赖。 创造人力资本的代表在同一时间,这将通过所取得的成果证明其效率的消费和投资。 所有的经济学家一致认为,教育是超过所取得的收益(5-50%,不同的国家)的影响最大的因素之一。只有教育是不够的,究其原因,它必须有更好的健康,公民精神,促进后代受教育率等。 总之,人力资本成为一个组成部分,没有这些,国家的财富已经没有任何意义,并且人力资本投资,对目前和未来有积极影响。国家的财富,包括:财务,生产,人力和社会资本,各类资本,至于人头,它被认为是理想的可持续发展指标(达斯古普塔,2001年)。 如果指标在理论上可以是理想,在现实中,它可以是不理想的,因为价格 注册在问责制,对于某些类型的资本,更难以确定。 由联合国组织的发展和经济合作与行政长官办公室统计专家小组提出的28个指标,目的都在为基础的社会福利和经济福利。可持续发展指标的估计需要一个量化的框架,保证国民经济核算体系的存在。国民经济核算体系的资本为基础的可持续发展指标的估计,还必须填写与物理指标的生态环境,这是通过创建一个帐目系统集成。 经济系统是由联合国在2003年提出,它包括四个帐户类别:占污染,能源和材料,在物理单位提供信息行业对能源和原材料的使用水平,上的损失和污染;对环境的保护和确定的行业,政府为保护环境或自然资源管理办公室所作的开支


人力资源管理系统中英文对照外文翻译文 献 Human resource management systems (HRMS) have e essential tools for businesses of all sizes。including small offices with just 20 XXX using HRMS。firms can improve their efficiency and ce the time and money XXX。HRMS XXX。XXX difficult economic times。XXX of their business。including human resources. HRIS are packages are designed to address HR needs。including planning。employee n access。XXX the company's current and future HR needs。businesses can determine which HRMS features will be most useful for their specific needs。For example。HRMS can help with recruitment。training。performance management。XXX. Once the planning stage is complete。businesses XXX This includes automating tasks such as employee data management。benefits n。XXX employees。providing them with access to


人力资源中英文文献 在日益全球化的时代背景下,人力资源管理也变得愈发重要。人力资源(Human Resources)部门在组织中负责管理与员工相关的一系列事务,如招聘、培训、绩效管理、福利等。由于人力资源管理方式的差异,很多相关的学术研究和文献都是以中英文形式出现的。本文将介绍一些关于人力资源管理的中英文文献,并讨论它们对于人力资源领域的重要性。 1.《人力资源管理对组织绩效的影响研究》 这篇中文文献研究了人力资源管理对组织绩效的影响。根据研究结果,良好的人力资源管理实践可以显著提高组织的绩效水平。文章指出,人力资源管理的方面包括员工招聘、培训与发展、薪酬与绩效管理、员工参与度等等。通过合理的人力资源管理,组织可以有效地提高员工的工作满意度和组织认同感,从而推动组织的整体绩效。 2. "The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance" 这篇英文文献也研究了人力资源管理对组织绩效的影响。研究结果与上述中文文献相似,表明优秀的人力资源管理实践可以改善组织绩效。该文提出了一些关键的人力资源管理实践,如员工参与度、激励机制、培训与发展等。研究者通过实证分析发现,在这些方面表现优异的组织通常会取得更好的绩效,并具备更高的竞争力。

通过比较以上两篇文献,不难发现中英文文献在研究内容上有一定的契合度。无论是在中文还是英文研究中,都认同了良好的人力资源管理对于组织绩效的积极影响。同时,这些文献也为人力资源管理的实践提供了指导和参考,提醒了人力资源部门在日常工作中应注意的方面。 3.《人力资源管理在全球化背景下的挑战与机遇》 虽然人力资源管理的重要性越来越被企业所认可,但在全球化的背景下,也面临着一些新的挑战。这篇中文文献对于全球化时代下的人力资源管理进行了系统探讨。全球化背景下的人力资源管理需要更加注重多元化,包括多国籍员工的管理、跨文化沟通以及全球人才招聘与发展等方面。同时,全球化也为人力资源管理带来机遇,如跨国合作带来的资源共享和知识转移,以及面临多样性挑战时的创新思维。 4. "Challenges and Opportunities for Human Resource Management in the Global Context" 这篇英文文献对于全球化背景下的人力资源管理面临的挑战和机遇进行了研究。在全球化的背景下,人力资源管理需要适应多元文化、多国籍员工以及不同法律法规等方面的差异。同时,全球化也为企业提供了更广阔的招聘渠道和更全球化的才能储备,从而提供了更大的发展机会。综上所述,全球化背景下的人力资源管理需要具备跨文化的能力,合理应对挑战并把握机遇。 通过以上两篇文献的对比,我们可以清晰地了解到人力资源管理在全球化时代的重要性和挑战。中英文文献的研究成果为人力资源管理


文献信息: 文献标题:Revisiting Human Capital Theory: Progress and Prospects (重新审视人力资本理论:进展与展望) 文献作者及出处:Winterton J, Cafferkey K. Revisiting human capital theory: progress and prospects[M]//Elgar Introduction to Theories of Human Resources and Employment Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019. 字数统计:英文3986单词,22359字符;中文7273汉字 外文文献: Revisiting Human Capital Theory: Progress and Prospects Introduction We posit in this chapter that human capital is preferable to human resources as a conceptual description of people at work on three grounds. First, and fundamentally, resources are exploited, whereas capital is invested, so the semantic difference puts the emphasis on development. Human capital accumulation is the principal outcome of human resource development (Garavan et al., 2001). Second, in stressing the competencies and qualifications that people have acquired, human capital offers a more differentiated consideration of people at work. The HR architecture literature specifically recognizes that employees with knowledge and skills that are valuable and unique are managed differently (Kang et al., 2007). Third, in considering demographic criteria and levels of educational attainment, human capital offers a more nuanced and individualized consideration of the labour force. The World Economic Forum Human Capital Report (WEF, 2015), for example, constructed an index of ‘human capital composition’ based on labour force structure and demographic features, considering learning and employment outcomes by age category. When applied to individuals, human capital is usually interpreted as the competencies they demonstrate (Winterton, 2017), irrespective of whether these are


中英文资料外文翻译 英文原文 Human Resource Management Systems Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) have become one of the most important tools for many businesses. Even the small, 20-person office needs to realize the benefits of using HRMS to be more efficient. Many firms do not realize how much time and money they are wasting on manual human resource management (HRM) tasks until they sit down and inventory their time. HRMS is advancing to become its own information technology (IT) field. It allows companies to cut costs and offer more information to employees in a faster and more efficient way. Especially in difficult economic times, it is critical for companies to become more efficient in every sector of their business; human resources (HR) is no exception. HRIS refers to software packages that address HR needs with respect to planning, employee information access, and employer regulatory compliance. The following text begins with a discussion of human resource planning, followed by human resource management systems. American companies must now operate in a rapidly changing business


The Development of Human Resource Management In China Introduction With the advent of the 21st century, Human Resource Management, as a relatively new management subject, is playing a more and more important role in today’s business activities. This repor t mainly discusses 3 questions about today’s human resource management. The first section discusses the changing function of human resource management in terms of 3 aspects which are staff-company relations, HR model development and HR strategies. The second section describes the exploring stage of HRM in China. System building, recruitment and motivation are the three aspects to support the opinion. The third section discusses the new challenges that HR managers in China may face. In this part, challenges from the changing business age, HR managers’ abilities to deal with uncertainty and ambiguity and solitary to collective activity are discussed. Question 1 Human resource management, as the quickly developing subject, without doubt, has changed a lot in its function in many fields. This section will mainly discuss the HRM’s change and expansion in the aspect of staff-company relations, HR model development and HR strategies as the following. In the aspect of the staff-company relations, the changing functions will be discussed from 3 aspects which are power factors, employees and motivational method. First, in terms of the power factors, 10 years ago the relationship between employees and the company was regarded as ‘Labor and Enterprise’ while nowadays m ore


人力资源的论文参考文献篇一 在研究人力资源领域的问题时,参考文献的收集和引用是学术研究的重要环节。以下是一篇关于人力资源的论文参考文献,这些文献涵盖了人力资源管理的基本概念、理论和实践,为读者提供了丰富的研究资料。 1、De Jong, J. & Van Maanen, J. (2008). Human Resource Management: A literature review. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29(1), 1-31. 这篇文献对人力资源管理领域的经典和最新研究进行了全面的回顾 和总结,涵盖了人力资源管理的定义、历史发展、主要理论和实证研究等方面,是读者进入人力资源管理领域的良好入门读物。 2、Porter, L. W. & McLaughlin, G. B. (2006). The Future of Human Resource Management: A literature review and a look ahead. Human Resource Management Review, 16(1), 1-19. 这篇文献对人力资源管理未来的发展趋势进行了预测和分析,同时对当前人力资源管理领域的研究进行了全面的综述,为读者提供了人力资源管理未来发展方向的思路。

3、Sullivan, S. E. & Baruch, Y. (2009). The Future of Human Resource Management: Insights and Issues for a New Era. Business Review, 8(1), 37-44. 这篇文献主要探讨了人力资源管理未来的发展趋势和重点,特别全球化、技术进步和人口结构变化等因素对人力资源管理的影响,为读者提供了全新的视角和思考。 4、张明辉. (2018).人力资源管理的新趋势与挑战.经营管理者, (12), 99-100. 这篇文献对人力资源管理的新趋势和面临的挑战进行了深入探讨,从多个角度分析了人力资源管理的发展和创新,为读者提供了有益的思考。 以上是关于人力资源的论文参考文献篇一的内容,这些文献可以作为读者进一步深入研究人力资源管理的参考书籍。 房地产论文参考文献 参考文献一: 1、李晓刚.我国房地产企业财务风险管理研究[D].东北师范大学硕士学位论文,2013.


人力资源经典文献 人力资源管理是一个涵盖多个方面的综合性学科,其理论基础主要来自于相关经典文献的研究和分析。以下是人力资源管理领域常见的经典文献,对其进行简要介绍和相关参考内容的展示。 1. 《人力资源的未来》- 彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker) 德鲁克被广泛认为是现代管理学的奠基人之一,他在这本书中提出了“知识工人”的概念,并阐述了人力资源管理的未来发展方向。他认为,未来的组织将以知识为核心,人力资源管理应该将重点放在培养和发展员工的能力和知识上。 参考内容: - 培养员工的知识和技能,以适应不断变化的工作环境和需求。- 强调员工的创造力和创新能力,提高组织的竞争力。 - 建立学习型组织,鼓励员工不断学习和分享知识。 2. 《人力资源管理》- 加里·戴维斯(Gary Dessler) 《人力资源管理》是一本广泛应用于人力资源管理课程的教材,涵盖了人力资源管理的各个方面,包括招聘、培训、绩效管理等。该书综合了学术研究和实践经验,对人力资源管理的重要概念和方法进行了阐述。 参考内容: - 招聘和选择:如何吸引和选拔合适的人才,以适应组织的需求。 - 培训与发展:如何提供员工的职业发展路径,并为他们提供

必要的培训和发展机会。 - 绩效管理:如何设置明确的绩效目标,并对员工的工作绩效 进行评估和回馈。 - 员工关系与福利:如何维护员工满意度,提高员工的工作动 力和忠诚度。 3. 《从人力资源管理到人力资本管理》- 理查德·贝克 (Richard W. Beatty)和约翰·史坦金(John H. Schneier) 该文献从人力资本的角度重新审视了人力资源管理,并提出了人力资本管理的概念。作者认为,人力资本是组织的核心资源,对其进行有效的管理将有助于实现组织的长期目标。 参考内容: - 人力资本评估:如何评估员工的知识、技能和潜力,为组织 提供决策支持。 - 人力资本开发:如何通过培训和发展,提高员工的能力和绩 效水平。 - 人力资本激励:如何设计有效的激励机制,激发员工的工作 积极性和创造力。 - 人力资本留存:如何保留优秀的人才,以确保组织的长期竞 争力。 以上仅是人力资源管理领域的一小部分经典文献,每本书都提供了独特的理论和实践观点,可以为人力资源管理者和研究者提供指导和启发。这些文献的研究和应用对于推动人力资源管理的发展和提高组织绩效具有重要意义。


人力资源管理开题报告参考文献 1. Milkovich, G. T., & Newman, J. M. (2017). Compensation (13th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. 2. Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. 3. Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2017). Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (14th ed.). Kogan Page. 4. Dessler, G. (2017). Human Resource Management (15th ed.). Pearson Education. 5. Stone, R. J. (2018). Human Resource Management (9th ed.). Wiley. 6. Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2017). Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice (6th ed.). Palgrave. 7. Dowling, P., Festing, M., & Engle, A. (2017). International Human Resource Management (7th ed.). Cengage Learning. 8. Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., & Jiang, K. (2014). An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management. Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 1-56. 9. Guest, D. E. (2017). Human resource management and performance: still searching for some answers. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(3), 267-272. 10. Purce, J. (2014). The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), 95.


人力资源管理论文参考文献范文2篇Model references of human resource management pape rs 编订:JinTai College

人力资源管理论文参考文献范文2篇 前言:论文格式就是指进行论文写作时的样式要求,以及写作标准,就是论文达到可公之于众的标准样式和内容要求,论文常用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果文章。本文档根据论文格式内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:人力资源管理论文参考文献范文 2、篇章2:人力资源管理论文参考文献怎么写文档 篇章1:人力资源管理论文参考文献范文 参考文献 吴树青.陈占安等.毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论.高等教育出版社.2019.2. 黄维德等.人力资源管理初探(人力资源管理论文范文).上海xxx学院出版社.2019.11.

张京宏沈宗南.HC-4R管理理论及应用.上海世新出版社.2019. 芦彩梅.梁嘉哗.中国民营企业人力资源问题与对策思考.科技与管理.2019.1. 赵曙明.戴万稳。欧洲人力资源管理研究.外国与管 理.2019.24.12. Mark A, CiavareUa.T'he adoption of hish-involvement practices an dprocess in emergent and developing firms: a descriptive and prescriptive approach. Human Resource -356 Matthew W.Rutherford.Paul F.Bu11er.Patrick R.McMullen. Human resource management problems over the life cycle of small to medium-sized firms.Human Resource Management.2019.4. Hap Brakeley, Peter Cheese, David Clinton.The High-Performance Workforce Study.Accenture.2019. 孙健敏.穆桂斌.中小民营企业人力资源管理的状况·经济管理.2019.4.


Literature Review of International Human Resource Management Subject: Transnational Management Class: 093 Student Number: 296602205 Chinese Name: Hou Yunan English Name: Helen The Essay to: Maggie Xie Total W ords: 1485 Date: May 23, 2012

●Introduction Pucik et al. (1993) have indicated that MNC’s human resource management (HRM) plays crucial role in acquiring and enhancing organizational competences for the firm. Prior studies have also confirmed the important role of MNC’s HRM in enhancing organizational performance (Lee and van Witteloostuijn, 1998; Brown, 1999; Grossman, 2000; LeBlanc et al., 2000; Dzinkowski, 2000). Existing studies, however, have not paid sufficient attention to how HRM may offer specific advantages to compete in the international arena (Lee and van Witteloostuijn, 1998; Brown, 1999; Grossman, 2000; LeBlanc et al., 2000; Dzinkowski, 2000). As such, a first aim of the study is to investigate the influence of human capital management on a firm’s global competiveness, and to focus on identifying critical HRM practices that contributes to a firm’s success in the global market. For the above purpose, we further introduce the construct of international human capital management (IHCM). IHCM has been referred to as HR practices that facilitate the development and exploitation of a firm’s international human capital, the human capital that enables a firm to compete in the global markets. To this end, we intend to identify the key components of IHCM that contribute to a firm’s global co mpetiveness. ●International Human Resource Management Multinational corporations (MNCs) are of particular importance to international comparative management research (Fenton-O’Creevy and Gooderham, 2003) because of their increasingly important role in the global economy (Porter, 1986; Prahalad and Doz, 1987; Rosenzweig and Singh, 1991). The effectiveness of human resource management (HRM) has been seen as the key to the success of MNCs in the 21st century (Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1994, 1995; Pucik, 1992). The ability to effectively transfer HRM practices which have been proven efficient at parent companies to MNCs’ overseas subsidiaries is a key characteristic of the successful MNC (Nohria and Ghoshal, 1997) and “a matter of considerable practical importance fo r managers in MNCs” (Fenton-O’Creevy and Gooderham, 2003, p. 2). This transferability can also form a kind of special competitive capability for an MNC that may be difficult

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