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说明: 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间120分钟。在答题纸的密封线内填写学校、班级、姓名、考号等,密封线内不要答题。请将所有答案均按照题号填涂或填写在答题卡/纸相应的答题处,否则不得分。





1.What would the man like to drink?

A.Iced coffee. B.Regular tea. C.Hot coffee.

2.Who will the woman go to the baseball game with?

A.Her father. B.The man. C.Her mother.

3.What do we know about the man?

A.He’s a college student. B.He won’t live at home next year.

C.He bought too many clothes.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.The man can get his hair cut anywhere. B.The man should go to a different


C.The man doesn’t need a haircut.

5.Why did the woman ask the man for the time?

A.Her watch just broke. B.She has a dinner appointment.

C.She has to meet someone to go running.




6.Where did the man get the jacket?

A.It was a gift from his brother-in-law. B.His sister bought it for him. C.He bought it himself at Barney’s.

7.What does the man say about the jacket?

A.It cost less than four hundred dollars. B.It is very high-quality.

C.It was probably quite expensive.


8.Where are the speakers?

A.At a museum. B.At the man’s house. C.At an art show.

9.What does the woman offer to do for the man?

A.Give him one of the paintings for free. B.Give him a discount if he buys two pieces.

C.Paint something cheaper just for him.


10.Along with grapes, what is the most dangerous food for dogs?

A.Cheese. B.Chocolate. C.Biscuits.

11.How many grapes did the woman give Buster?

A.Nine or ten. B.Three or four. C.Ten or twenty.

12.What does the man imply about the woman?

A.She usually drives too slowly. B.She’ll have to pump Buster’s stomach herself. C.She’ll have to pay Buster’s medical bills.


13.What is the special price of the plane tickets?

A.$250 each. B.$500 each. C.$100 each.

14.What is true about the hotel?

A.It is in the mountains. B.Saturdays are always full price.

C.It doesn’t offer special deals on Fridays.

15.According to the woman, when would the speakers return from Mexico?

A.On Sunday. B.On Saturday. C.On Monday.

16.What does the man suggest in the end?

A.Finding a different time to go on vacation.

B.Going somewhere else for this weekend.

C.Finding another excuse to tell his boss.


17.What is the speaker’s personality like?

A.Quiet and shy. B.Outgoing and loud. C.Silly and loud. 18.Where did the speaker grow up?

A.On the West Coast. B.On the East Coast. C.Near Chicago.

19.What made the speaker’s parents unhappy?

A.The twins had their own special words. B.The twins wanted the same clothes. C.The twins’ behavior was so different.

20.What’s the speaker’s attitude toward her sister?

A.Indifferent. B.Envious. C.Friendly.




1.Anywhere Australians get together, the conversation quickly turns to sport. It can be an ______ of how teams are placing in the various sports leagues, or a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of different players and their teams.

A. appointment

B. assistance

C. assessment

D. analysis



【详解】考查名词辨析。A. appointment约会,任命;B. assistance帮助,协助;C. assessment 评价,评估;D. analysis分析;无论什么地方,澳大利亚人聚在一起的时候,谈话很快就转向了体育,可能是各种体育联赛中队伍的分析,也可以是不同队员优点和缺点的讨论。根据句意可知D项正确。

2.With globalization sweeping the world, learning foreign languages will become

increasingly necessary if a country _________ economically.

A. will compete

B. is to compete

C. were to compete

D. competes



考查非谓语动词。句意:随着全球化的浪潮席卷世界,如果要想在经济上竞争,那么学习外语将变得越发必要。If引导条件状语从句,主句是一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态,此处从句中be to do sth.表将来代替一般现在时态,故选B。

3.In selfies, many girls never miss a chance to make a duck face, an exaggerate pouting(撅嘴) expression _________ the lips are pointed outwards.

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. as



【详解】考查定语从句。句意:在自拍照片里,很多女孩子从不会错过机会拍摄嘟嘴照,这是一种噘嘴的表情,在这个表情里嘴唇向外。本题定语从句的先行词是expression,后面定语从句的结构很完整,所以使用关系副词where引导定语从句并在句中做地点状语,相当于in which。ACD三项都是关系代词,故B项正确。

4.Cameron praised Theresa May for being “strong, competent and more than capable of _____ the role of prime minister.”

A. taking up

B. taking in

C. taking on

D. taking off



【详解】考查动词短语辨析。A. taking up占据,从事于,开始做;B. taking in吸收,理解,欺骗;C. taking on雇佣,呈现,承担;D. taking off脱掉,起飞,成功;句意:Cameron 赞扬Theresa May是一个坚定的有竞争性的非常有能力承担起首相作用的人。根据句意可知C 项正确。

5.In particular, we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens, _________ is the Acropolis.

A. the greatest symbol of which

B. of which greatest symbol

C. whose the greatest symbol

D. of whose greatest symbol



【详解】考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是the capital city of Athens,关系代词which指代先行词the capital city of Athens,在定语从句中做介词of的宾语。句意:特别的是,我们把古希腊文明和雅典的首都联系起来,雅典的象征就是卫城。B项缺少了the,C项多了the,D项多了of。故A项正确。

【点睛】本题考查了非限制性定语从句,非限定性定语从句起补充说明作用,缺少也不会影响全句的理解,在非限定性定语从句的前面往往有逗号隔开,如若将非限定性定语从句放在句子中间,起前后都需要用逗号隔开。需要注意which引导的非限定性定语从句是用来说明前面整个句子的情况或主句的某一部分。在非限定性定语从句中,关系词不能用that。6.Michelle Obama told the audience not to “ let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great, that ____ we need to make it great again.”

A. somehow

B. somewhat

C. somewhere

D. otherwise



【详解】考查副词辨析。A. somehow不知何故,设法;B. somewhat有点儿;C. somewhere 某地;D. otherwise否则,要不然;句意:迈克尔奥巴马告诉听众不要让别人告诉你这个国家不再伟大了,我们要设法让这个国家再次伟大。根据句意可知本句中的“somehow”意为“设法”,故A项正确。

7.I ________ able to catch the first flight home, but my watch betrayed me.

A. were

B. had been

C. would be

D. would have been





8.To survive in the world, we have to act ________ others, but to survive as ourselves, we have to act alone.

A. in terms of

B. in concert with

C. on behalf of

D. in contact with



【详解】考查介词短语辨析。A. in terms of就…而言;B. in concert with与……合作;同心协力;C. on behalf of代表,象征;D. in contact with接触,联系,交往;句意:为了在这个世界上幸存下来,我们不得不与其他人同心协力。根据句意可知B项正确。

9.She said she is prepared to provide “strong, proven leadership to steer us through ____ wil l be difficult and uncertain economic and political times.”

A. which

B. where

C. what

D. that




10.So difficult _____ it to make such great progress without the help of his deskmate that he was close to giving up.

A. he have felt

B. have he felt

C. he did feel

D. did he feel





(1) 含有否定意义的词never,seldom,little. hardly,not,scarcely,nowhere,by no


(2)以only修饰作为状语的副词、介词短语或从句,且放在句首时。注意:only 修饰状语从句放在句首时,状语从句不需要倒装,只能倒装主句部分。


(4)当not only…but also, so/such…that, not… until, no sooner… than, hardly… when 等连词置于句首时。


(6)虚拟语气的条件状语从句省去 if时,须将were,had,should提到句首构成倒装句。

(7)频度副词often, always, once, now and then, every other day, many a time等放在句首时。

(8)为了使句子保持平衡,为了强调表语或为了使上下文紧密衔接时,常使用倒装语序。11.—How did you keep in touch with the agent, Mary?

— I surfed the Internet and called ______ whose telephone number is provided. A. one B. those

C. the one

D. that



【详解】考查代词。句意:你是如何和你的代理商取得联系的?—我上网然后打电话给一个提供电话号码的代理商。本句中使用one指代可数名词单数agent,相当于an agent。CD项表示特指,those是复数形式,与句子的is矛盾。故A项正确。

【点睛】代词的词义辨析考查的较为细致:one 指代可数名词单数,表示泛指;其特指形式为the one。it指代上文出现的同一事物;that指代可数名词单数,或者不可数名词,后面必须有定语修饰。起复数形式为those,同样后面也应该有定语修饰。

12.We have a few reports on English ______ twice a year in the College Entrance Examination, which has aroused a growing concern among us.

A. to be tested

B. to test

C. being tested

D. testing




13.— Cathy, in my opinion, is very ________.

— Absolutely! She prefers home life to going out.

A. domestic

B. energetic

C. dynamic

D. enthusiastic



试题分析:考查形容词。句意:在我看来,凯西很内向。确实!她宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去,A.domestic内向;B. Energetic精力充沛;C. Dynamic有活力;D. Enthusiastic热情;根据情景可知凯西是内向的,故选A项。


14.If an excellent Chinese novel is translated into English, ____ means many more people in the world can enjoy it.

A. as

B. which

C. what

D. that





15.----Mum, we’ve searched at least 5 stores, but still cannot find one t hat suits my taste.

----Be patient, dear. ____________ .

A. The best fish swim near the bottom.

B. One’s meat is another man’s poison.

C. A bad workman always blames his tool.

D. The lion is not so fierce as he is painted.


江苏省常州高级中学2019-2020学年下学期期中考试 高一数学试卷 说明:1. 以下题目的答案做在答卷纸上. 2. 本卷总分160分,考试时间120分钟. 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.不需要写出解答过程,请将答案填写在答题卡相.... 应的位置上..... . 1.数列{}n a 中,)2(1,11 11≥+ ==--n a a a a n n n ,则3a = ▲ . 2.在△ABC 中,已知bc c b a ++=222,则A 为 ▲ . 3.在函数①1y x x =+,②1sin sin y x x =+π0 2x ∈(,) ,③222 y x =+,④42x x y e e =+-中, 最小值为2的函数的序号是 ▲ . 4.设n S 是等差数列{a n }的前n 项的和.若27a =,77S =-,则7a 的值为 ▲ . 5.在ABC ?中,若3,6 == a A π ,则 =++++C B A c b a sin sin sin ▲ . 6.已知数列{}n a 满足*1112,()1n n n a a a n a ++== ∈-N ,则2018a 的值为 ▲ . 7.设正项等比数列{a n }满足4352a a a -=.若存在两项a n 、a m ,使得m n a a a ?=41,则n m + 的值为 ▲ . 8.在△ABC 中,若1a =,3b =,6 π = A ,则△ABC 的面积是 ▲ . 9.已知数列{}n a 的通项公式,12+=n a n 则 1 132211111+-++???++n n n n a a a a a a a a = ▲ . 10.在ABC ?中,,2,60a x b B ===o ,若该三角形有两解,则x 的取值范围为 ▲ . 11.在△ABC 中,已知π3 2 ,4= =A BC ,则AC AB ?的最小值为 ▲ . 12.已知钢材市场上通常将相同的圆钢捆扎为正六边形垛(如图).现将99根相同的圆钢捆扎为1个尽可能大的正六边形垛,则剩余的圆钢根数为 ▲ . 13.已知数列{}n a 为公比不为1的等比数列,满足12()n n n a k a a ++=+对任意正整数n 都成立,且对任意相邻三项12,,m m m a a a ++按某顺序排列后成等差数列,则k 的值为 ▲ . (第12题)


附件 江苏省教授级中学高级教师 评审通过人员名单 一、南京市(17人) 高淳县湖滨高级中学夏季云物理 溧水县教学研究室黄本荣语文 南京航空航天大学附属高级中学蒋国和政治 南京师范大学附属中学孙小红地理 南京师范大学附属中学李晓晖音乐 南京师范大学附属中学徐险峰英语 南京市第十三中学张桂宁体育 南京市第一中学尤小平数学 南京市建邺高级中学胡云信语文 南京市江宁区教育局研究室叶平物理 南京市教学研究室官思渡音乐 南京市教学研究室杨昭政治 南京市金陵中学陈益化学 南京市金陵中学蒋桂林生物 南京市科利华中学高建君信息技术南京田家炳高级中学马春生化学 南京外国语学校谢嗣极语文

二、无锡市(5人) 江苏省锡山高级中学王汉权物理江苏省锡山高级中学张克中语文无锡市滨湖区教育研究发展中心吴伟昌语文无锡市第一中学顾军生物无锡市市北高级中学李树民地理 三、徐州市(10人) 江苏省丰县中学王素芬政治徐州高级中学秦晓华语文徐州市第八中学徐明物理徐州市第三十五中学赵伟数学徐州市第三中学张裕琴英语徐州市第一中学郭军英生物徐州市第一中学陈美兰政治徐州市贾汪区英才中学肖桂林化学徐州市铜山区铜山中学姚焕成历史徐州市中小学教学研究室徐永峰语文 四、常州市(8人) 常州市第一中学房宏化学常州市第一中学李金蛟数学

常州市第一中学陶兆宝物理 常州市第一中学陈宝祥语文 常州市教育教研室龚国胜政治 常州市教育教研室顾润生政治 常州市武进区教育局教研室徐惠仁政治 常州市中天实验学校仇定荣语文 五、苏州市(7人) 江苏省木渎高级中学钱家荣心理健康苏州市草桥中学校蒋玉红体育 苏州市第一中学校汪慧琴物理 苏州市教育科学研究院徐祥宝物理 苏州市教育科学研究院袁卫星语文 苏州外国语学校曹伦华英语 张家港市教育局教学研究室袁建中语文 六、南通市(13人) 海门市东洲中学陈铁梅美术 江苏省海门中学黄晏物理 江苏省南通中学姚天勇物理 江苏省南通中学周建民政治 江苏省启东中学陈仲刘语文


绝密★启用前 2018年下半年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 姓名_______________ 准考证号_____________________ 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。全卷共12页,选择题部分1至9页,非选择题部分10至12页。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 考生注意: 1. 答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔分别填写在试题卷和答题纸规定的位置上。 2. 答题时,请按照答题纸上“注意事项”的要求,在答题纸相应的位置上规范作答在本试题卷上的作答一律无效。 选择题部分 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt A. £. B. £. C.£. 答案是C 1. What does the woman want to do A. Watch TV. B. Go for a walk. C. Access the Internet.

2. Why would the woman like to have a Chinese name A. She is taking a Chinese class. B. She will be working in China. C. She has made some Chinese friends. 3. What are the speakers talking about A. A travel plan. B. An exam result. C. A sports game. 4. What has the man been doing A. Writing something. B. Repairing his pen. C. Shopping. 5. What does John suggest the woman do A. Meet his friend. B. Ask Harry for help. C. Go to the airport with him. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Where are the speakers A. In a bank. B. In a hotel. C. In a restaurant. 7. How much does the man need to pay A. $68. B. $136. C. $204. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Whose birthday is it A. Sarah’s B. Michael’s. C. Rebecca's. 9. When will the birthday party begin A. At 6:15. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00. 10. What does the man want to know


吉林省辽源市田家炳高中2019届高三语文第六次模拟考试试题 第Ⅰ卷 一、现代文阅读 (一)论述类文本阅读阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。(9分) 在儒家哲学中,“中”的最基本含义是“标准”、“限度”的意思。由于“中庸”强调坚持某个标准和限度,因而在社会激剧变动时期就有可能成为维护某种旧事物,调和矛盾,反对变革的观点和方法,这是“中庸”思想局限性的一面。但是,“中庸”思想中也包含着任何事物超过了一定的限度就会向其对立面转化的思想。孔子说:“质胜文则野,文胜质则史。文质彬彬,然后君子。”(《论语·雍也》)这句话,最具体地体现了“中庸之道”。仅就强调“文质彬彬,然后君子”这一点来说,其目的确实是要调和“文”与“质”。但是,这种调和并不是对矛盾的简单地否定或抹杀,而是在意识到对立面超过一定限度就会向相反方向转化的前提下,在实践行为中保持矛盾的某种平衡,从而取得最好实践效果的办法。因此,在人们的日常生活中,提出和坚持把握一定的“标准”或“限度”即用中或用和,作为实践行为的准则,有一定的现实意义和客观需要。 但“用和”,并不是无原则的调和。相反,他们是把坚持一定的原则作为贯彻“和”的前提。不讲原则的为和而和是不可行的,不用礼的原则加以节制的和也是不可行的。为此,儒家严格区分“和”与“同”这两个概念。“和”是指不同性质的事物或意见之间的互相补充与配合,而“同”则是指相同性质的事物或意见的彼此附和与合流。不同性质事物的相互配合,就能产生新的事物,而相同性质的事物放在一起,则不可能生出新事物。所以,孔子曾说:“君子和而不同,小人同而不和”(《论语·子路》)。其次,“和”或“中”也包含有不要陷于某一偏面,而应兼备两面或多面的意思。三国时的刘劭以“兼德”来解释“中庸”。他说:“兼德而至,谓之中庸。”(《人物志·九征》)他认为,仁、礼、信、义、智五种品德,是各有所偏的,只有兼备此五德的人,才是最完美的,而“中庸”就是指的能兼备五德的品德。同时,他还认为,“中庸”之德有防止人在行为方面的过分拘谨或放肆,以及指明人的短处而弥补其不足等重要的作用。 “用中”或“用和”是反对无原则的为中而中与为和而和的,但是如果对坚持“用中”和“用和”的原则作僵死的理解,而不懂得根据不同情况加以变通,那么其结果同样是陷于为中而中与为和而和的偏面。“用中”不仅需要有坚持原则的一面,而且也要有灵活变通的一面。 (摘编自楼宇烈《用中和时中》)


2021届辽宁省高三新高考上学期11月联合调研考试 英语试卷 ★祝考试顺利★ (含答案) 考生注意: 1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。 3.本卷命题范围:高考范围。 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37. 5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Volunteer English Teachers Needed in San Jose Our volunteer TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language) internships(实习)are a great way to start your new work. You can get valuable experience in your teaching while you are helping others! You can also get the chance to travel around your host city or town and have a better understanding of the local people and culture. Our volunteer TEFL internships are open to anyone who has studied in our TEFL courses and meets our need for each job chance. If you have taken a class in other TEFL courses and hold a recognized certificate (over 120 hours of study), your applications for our internships will also be accepted. How much you should pay for your internship? Only $ 350 for each person! What is included in the pay? ?Airport pick up from San Jose Juan Santamaria International Airport. ?4-day training before working, including living and meals.


学年(上)高三年级11月周测 (英语) (命题人:高三英语组考试时间:60分钟满分:100分) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。 A A Language Programme for Teenagers Welcome to Teenagers Abroad! We invite you to join us on an amazing journey of language learning. Our Courses Regardless of your choice of course, you’ll develop your language ability both quickly and effectively. Our Standard Course guarantees a significant increase in your confidence in a foreign language, with focused teaching in all 4 skill areas----speaking, listening, reading and writing. Our Intensive Course builds on our Standard Course, with 10 additional lessons per week, guaranteeing the fastest possible language learning (see table below). Evaluation Students are placed into classes according to their current language skills. The majority of them take on online language test before starting their programme. However, if this is not available, students sit the exam on the first Monday of their course. Learning materials are provided to students throughout their course, and there will never be more than 15 participants in each class. Arrivals and Transfer Our programme offers the full package—students are take good care of from the start through to the very end. They are collected from the airport upon arrival and brought to their accommodation in comfort. We require the student’s full details at least 4 weeks in advance. Meals/Allergies(过敏)/Special Dietary Requirements Students are provided with breakfast, dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch(which consists of a sandwich, a drink and a dessert). Snacks outside of mealtimes may be purchased by the student individually. We ask that you let us know of any allergies or dietary requirements as well as information about any medicines you take. Depending on the type of allergies and/ or dietary requirements, an extra charge may be made for providing special food. 21. When can a student attend Standard Course? A. 13:00-14:30 Monday. B. 9:00-12:30 Tuesday C. 13:00-14:30 Friday. D. 9:00-12:30 Saturday. 22. Before starting their programme, students are expected to _____. A. take a language test B. have an online interview C. prepare learning materials D. report their language levels 23. Which of the following may require an extra payment? A. Cooked dinner. B. Mealtime dessert. C. Packed lunch. D. Special diet. B Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone, not in features but in footsteps. As he grows you also age, and your ambitions become more unachievable. You begin to realize that your boy, in your footsteps, could probably accomplish what you hoped for. But footsteps can be muddied and they can go off in different directions.


吉林省辽源市田家炳高级中学2019-2020学年高二 下学期第三次月考地理试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 下图为等高线图,等高距为200m,L为河流,据此完成下列小题。 【小题1】河流L的流向是() A.从东流向西B.从东南流向西北C.从西流向东D.从西南流向东北【小题2】图中箭头能正确表示河流集水方向的是() A.①B.②C.③D.④ 【小题3】图中a和b的数值可能是() A.100 250B.100 350C.500 250 D.500 350 2. 下图为2019年12月某时刻等压线分布图。完成下面小题。 【小题1】此时刻甲、乙、丙、丁四地中风力最大的是()

A.甲地B.乙地 C.丙地D.丁地 【小题2】此时刻可能出现雨雪天气的是() A.甲地B.乙地 C.丙地D.丁地 3. 下图为“收集雨水房屋的设计效果图”,通过这种方式收集到的雨水可用于洗车、冲厕等。读图,完成下面小题。 【小题1】图中雨水收集方式直接影响的水循环环节是() A.降水B.地表径流C.蒸发D.水汽输送 【小题2】该类房屋的雨水利用方式,最突出的效益是() A.补充城市地下水B.减缓城市内涝 C.缓解城市缺水状况D.提升居住环境质量 【小题3】单从该房屋功能讲,下列城市中,该类房屋在一年中发挥作用时间最长的是() A.北京B.济南C.南京D.广州 4. 布维岛(下图)是地球上最偏僻的海岛之一,连捕鱼船都很少会来附近作业,岛.上仅有气象监测站和科考站。岛上覆盖着数十米厚的冰川,而周边海域的水温却很不寻常,夏季能达到20°C以上,海豹、磷虾等生物在此聚集。据此完成下面小题。


2019届高三英语11月月考试题 第I卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How does the woman feel? A.Excited.B.Calm. C.Scared. 2.Why was Jane late? A.She had an exam. B.She talked to a teacher. C.She stayed up last night. 3.Who makes the best-looking dumplings? A.Bobby. B.Kristen. C.Sarah. 4.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.At an airport. B.In a hotel. C.At a bus stop. 5.What will the woman do next? A.Buy the shoes at $150. B.Pay at the full price. C.Go to another store. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.How long has the woman worked in the present company? A.3 years. B.4 years. C.7 years. 7.Why does the woman want to leave? A.She wants to make a change. B.She can’t get along well with others.


高一数学3月阶段测试卷 一、单项选择题(本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分) 1.已知向量(2,3),(3,2)a b ==,则||a b -= ( ) A B .2 C . D .50 2.已知向量,a b 的满足||1,1a ab ==-,则(2)a a b -=( ) A .4 B .3 C .2 D .0 3.已知单位向量,a b 的夹角为60°,则在下列向量中,与b 垂直的是 ( ) A .2a b + B .2a b + C .2a b - D .2a b - 4.在ABC △中,AD 为BC 边上的中线,E 为AD 的中点,则EB =( ) A . 31 44AB AC - B . 13 44AB AC - C .31 44 AB AC + D .13 44 AB AC + 5.已知非零向量a ,b 满足||2||a b =,且()a b b -⊥,则a 与b 的夹角为 ( ) A . π 6 B . π3 C . 2π3 D . 5π6 6.设2 0π θ<<,向量() ()θθθcos 1cos sin 22 ,,, b a =,若b a //,则=θtan ( ) A .0 B . 1 3 C . 1 2 D .2 7.在ABC 所在平面内一点P 满足PA PB PC PB PA PC ?=?=?,则点P 是ABC 的( ) A .重心 B .外心 C .内心 D .垂心 8.如图,在平面四边形ABCD 中,,,120,AB BC AD CD BAD ⊥⊥∠=1,AB AD ==若点E 为边CD 上的动点,则AE BE ?的最小值为 ( ) A .3 B . 32 C .2116 D .2516 B C D E

2020届江西省新余市第二中学高三11月月考英语试题 (1)

2020届江西省新余市第二中学高三11月月考英语试题 注意事项: 1、答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2、回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3、考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15. B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15. 答案是C。 1.What will Lucy do at 11:30 tomorrow? A. Go out for lunch. B. See her dentist. C. Visit a friend. 2. What is the weather like now? A. It’s sunny. B. It’s rainy. C. It’s cloudy. 3.Why does the man talk to Dr. Simpson? A. To make an apology. B. To ask for help. C. To discuss his studies. 4.How will the woman get back from the railway station? A. By train. B. By car. C. By bus. 5.What does Jenny decide to do first? A. Look for a job. B. Go on a trip. C. Get an assistant. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What time is it now? A. 1:45. B. 2:10. C. 2:15. 7. What will the man do? A. Work on a project. B. See Linda in the library. C. Meet with Professor Smith.


吉林省辽源市田家炳高级中学 2019-2020学年高一下学期期中考试试题 第I卷(单选题) 一.单选题(每题1.5分,共60分) 1.反密码子是指() A.DNA一端的3个碱基 B.转运RNA分子一端的3个碱基 C.信使RNA分子一端的3个碱基 D.核糖体RNA分子一端的3个碱基 2.下列与翻译过程无关的物质是() A.DNA B.信使RNA C.转运RNA D.核糖体 3.合成一条含1 000个氨基酸的多肽链,需要转运RNA的个数,信使RNA上的碱基个数至少依次是() A.1 000个、3 000个B.1 000个、3 000个 C.300个、3000个D.1 000个、3 000个 4.对于中心法则,经科学家深入研究后,发现生物中还存在着逆转录现象,它是指遗传信息的传递从() A蛋白质→RNA B.RNA→DNA C.DNA→RNA D.DNA→DNA 5.DNA复制所需的基本条件是() A.模板、原料、能量和酶 B. DNA、RNA、A TP和酶 C.模板、温度、能量和酶 D.DNA、脱氧核糖、能量和酶 6.碱基互补配对发生在() A.DNA复制和转录B.转录和翻译 C.复制和翻译D.复制、转录和翻译 7.一个转运RNA一端的三个碱基是CGA,这个RNA运载的氨基酸是() A.酪氨酸(UAC) B.谷氨酸(GAC) C.精氨酸(CGA) D.丙氨酸(GCU) 8.一个DNA分子经连续3次复制后,可以得到的DNA分子数目是() A.2 B.6 C.8 D.16 9.同一人体不同细胞的细胞核中所含有的DNA和所转录成的RNA() A.DNA相同,RNA也相同 B.DNA相同,RNA不同 C.DNA不同,RNA也不同 D.DNA不同,RNA相同 10.下列关于遗传信息传递的叙述,错误的是()


一、第八章 机械能守恒定律易错题培优(难) 1.如图所示,将质量为2m 的重物悬挂在轻绳的一端,轻绳的另一端系一质量为m 的环,环套在竖直固定的光滑直杆上,光滑的轻小定滑轮与直杆的距离为d ,杆上的A 点与定滑轮等高,杆上的B 点在A 点下方距离为d 处.现将环从A 处由静止释放,不计一切摩擦阻力,下列说法正确的是( ) A .环到达 B 处时,重物上升的高度h =d /2 B .小环在B (322)gd - C .环从A 到B ,环沿着杆下落的速度大小小于重物上升的速度大小 D .环能下降的最大高度为4d /3 【答案】BD 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A 、根据几何关系有,环从A 下滑至 B 点时,重物上升的高度2h d d =-,故A 错误; B 、 C 、对B 的速度沿绳子方向和垂直于绳子方向分解,在沿绳子方向上的分速度等于重物 的速度,有:v 环cos45°=v 物,根据系统机械能守恒定律可得 22112+222 mgd mgh mv mv -= ?环物,解得:环的速度(322)v gd -环B 正确.故C 错误.D 、设环下滑到最大高度为H 时环和重物的速度均为0,此时重物上升的最大高度为 2 2 H d d +,根据机械能守恒有222()mgH mg H d d =+,解得:4 3 H d = ,故D 正确.故选BD . 【点睛】 解决本题的关键要掌握系统机械能守恒,知道环沿绳子方向的分速度的等于重物的速度. 2.如图甲所示,轻弹簧下端固定在倾角37°的粗糙斜面底端A 处,上端连接质量5kg 的滑块(视为质点),斜面固定在水平面上,弹簧与斜面平行。将滑块沿斜面拉动到弹簧处于原长位置的O 点,由静止释放到第一次把弹簧压缩到最短的过程中,其加速度a 随位移x 的变化关系如图乙所示,,重力加速度取10m/s 2,sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8。下列说法正确的是 ( )


英语试题 说明: 本卷满分150分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考试科目、准考证号用2B铅笔涂写在答题卡上。 2. 每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动. 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其它答案标号。答在试卷上无效。 3. 考试结束, 监考人员将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分: 听力(共两节。满分30分) 做题时, 先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题, 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有1 0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅渎一遍。 例: How much is the shirt? A. £19. 15. B. £9. 15. C. £9. 18. 答案是B。 1. Where do you think the conversation most probably takes place? A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. In a hotel. 2. What does the man mean? A. He knows the route very well. B. He often gets lost. C. He lost some money on his way to the meeting. 3. What are the two speakers? A. A taxi-driver and a passenger. B. A policeman and a driver. C. A salesman and a customer. 4. What’s Jenny’s nationality? A. Canadian. B. Australian. C. Japanese. 5. What time did the concert begin?


黑龙江省七台河市田家炳高级中学2019-2020学年高一下学期期中考试化学试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 下列第三周期元素中,金属性最强的是 A.Na B.Mg C.Al D.Si 2. 据报道,铀是一种放射性元素, 235 92U是核电站的主要燃料。下列关于235 92 U 的说法正确的是 ( ) A.质量数为235 B.质子数是235 C.中子数为92 D.与238 92 U是同种原子 3. 下列物质中既含有离子键,又含有共价键的是() A.KCl B.PCl 3C.NH 3 ·H 2 O D.Na 2 O 2 4. 下列反应,既是氧化还原反应,又符合下图反应的是() A.铝片和稀盐酸反应 B.灼热的碳与二氧化碳的反应 C.Ba(OH) 2·8H 2 O与NH 4 Cl的反应 D.甲烷在氧气中的燃烧 5. 对于可逆反应M+N Q达到平衡时,下列说法中,正确的是()A.M、N、Q三种物质的浓度一定相等B.M、N全部变成了Q C.反应已经停止D.反应混合物各成分的百分组成不再变化

6. 下图为原电池示意图,下列说法中正确的是() A.锌片是正极 B.铜片是负极 C.该装置能够将电能转化为化学能 D.电子由锌片通过导线流向铜片 7. 下列关于原电池的叙述中错误的是() A.构成原电池的正极和负极必须是两种不同的金属 B.原电池是将化学能转变为电能的装置 C.在原电池中,电子流出的一极是负极,发生氧化反应D.原电池放电时,电流的方向是从正极到负极 8. 下列有关元素周期律的叙述中,正确的是 A.氧化性强弱:F 2<Cl 2 B.金属性强弱:K<Na C.酸性强弱:H 3PO 4 <H 2 SO 4 D.碱性强弱:NaOH<Mg(OH) 2 9. 下列关于碱金属某些性质的排列中,不正确的是() A.原子半径:Li<Na<K B.熔点:Li>Na>K C.密度:Li<Na<K D.沸点:Li>Na>K 10. 已知断裂1 mol共价键所需要吸收的能量分别为H—H:436 kJ,I—I: 151 kJ,H—I:299 kJ,下列对H 2(g)+I 2 (g)2HI(g)的反应类型判断错误的 是( ) A.吸收能量的反应B.放出能量的反应 C.氧化还原反应D.可逆反应 11. X和Y均为元素周期表前20号元素,X2+和Y-离子具有相同的电子层结构。下列说法正确的是() A.原子半径:XY- C.质子数:X>Y D.氢化物的稳定性:H 2 X>HY


Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank. In short,those elf stories in Iceland might have represented a vague yet desperate attempt at control: if you did the right thing and helped out a hidden person,then at least through your response you had a tiny bit of power over your own destiny. In a category of their own_21_(be) the tales of elves who abducted mortal children or lured away adolescents. Those may have reflected an event more grim reality: children and teenagers who routinely died or went_22_(miss). Partly this happened_23_the adults had to work constantly and could not always be on call to supervise.During the summers they often had to work some distance from the farm,and when they did they would leave their children unattended for_24_(long) periods.Any number of things could happen to those children.They might wander off somewhere,possibly falling into a river,_25_a cliff,or into a deep crevice in the landscape.Or maybe the children _26_were out working,with all the associated perils.As clearly as the age of five they were put into work watching the sheep,sometimes in a distant field.Imagine_27_a fog crept in and they tried to find their way home,only_28_ (become) hopeless lost.They could even have an accident,far from any available help.And so the_29_(bereave) parents,tormented by guilt,might conjure up a story in which their children had not,in fact,died,but had been taken away by elves who could provide a good life for them-even better than the one they_30_(provide). To the Icelanders,stories of elves and hidden people are an integral part of the cultural and psychological fabric of our nation.They are a part of our identity,a


江苏省常州高级中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期末英语试 题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读选择 Top Summer Programs For High School Students In 2020 Did you know summer activities can push your college application to the “yes” pile? If you haven’t decided how to spend your summer time, you may think about the possibility of attending a summer program. It will offer you opportunities to experience life on a college campus, explore fields you have interest in, and perhaps, even earn college credit (学分) for the courses you take. The following are four top summer programs we select for high school students: Summer Immersion Program During the free 7-week program, 10th-11th grade girls learn about computer science,gain exposure to tech jobs, and join a sisterhood of girls who are using computer science to become change-makers. All programs run for 7 weeks during the summer from Monday through Friday, 9am -4pm. Program dates vary by city. Princeton Summer Journalism Program The Princeton Summer Journalism Program (PSJP) is one of the only programs of its kind offering a free, forward-looking residential journalism and precollege institute for high achieving high school juniors from low-income backgrounds. 2020 Program Dates: Friday, July 31, 2020 - Monday, August 10,2020 The Summer Academy for Math and Science (SAMS) SAMS allows students to develop deeper understanding in areas such as mathematics, physics and computer programming. In addition to their academic experiences, students also have the opportunity to cooperate, and develop meaningful relationships with peers from across the country. Start Date: Saturday, June 27,2020 End Date: Saturday, August 8,2020 The Pioneer Research Program In the Program, selected students work one-on-one with leading U.S. university professors

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