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Watson and financial regulation

It knows their methods

New banking rules baffle使困惑humans; can machines do better?

JOINING “Hamilton”, a Broadway道路show, and concerts音乐会by Adele, (a British soul diva 著名女歌手), on the list of tickets-to-kill-for一票难求in New York isa screening屏风in an ugly new office building (that recently popped-up in the East Village, a place best known for offbeat 另类的culture. )Thereisa ten-week-long queue行列to see simulations模仿;模式by Watson, IBM’s cognitive认知的artificial-intelligence人工智能platform舞台.


Initially known for stunts噱头such as beating the world’s best chess player, Watsonhas been seekinga wider audience. Ithas founda vast potential one in the world of financial regulation. Ruleshave become so sprawling伸展四肢;蔓延and mysterious that even regulators监管者have begun asking for a map寻求指引. In response, a market is springing up: for “regtech”, fintech’s nerdy书呆子似的new offspring子女;幼崽.


On September 29th, IBMannouncedthe purchase of Promontory,(a 600-strong consultancy咨询公司whose senior staff include former officials from the Federal Reserve储备,the World Bank, the Securities证券and Exchange Commission委员会and other regulators). The hopeisthat person and machine will combine into a vast business.Promontorywasfounded in 2001 by Eugene Ludwig, (who had headed one of America’s primary bank-supervisory监督的agencies). Itgrew first because of the slathering大量使用of new rules (during the previous, Bush矮树丛?小布什administration and then prospered繁荣), says Mr Ludwig, as this process expanded under Barack Obama.

【It grew first because of the slathering of new rules during the previous, Bush administration and then prospered, says Mr Ludwig, as this process expanded under Barack Obama.】

9月29日,IBM宣布收购拥有600名员工的金融咨询公司Promontory,其高层员工包括美联储、世界银行、美国证券交易管理委员会和其他监管机构的前任官员。此次收购目的是把人和机器相结合,创造出一项庞大的业务。Promontory于2001年由尤金·路德维格(Eugene Ludwig,曾任美国主要银行监管机构之一的负责人)创建。路德维格说,公司最初的发展是由于前任小布什政府时期实施了大量新规,后来公司不断壮大,则是因为奥巴马执政期间新规还在继续增加。

Promontoryhas recently dabbled玩水;拨弄in software, but is best known fori ts employees’ background and their capacity to provide expertise专长(its contention争论;观点), contacts联系;接触(its critics’批评家) or both. Either way, itisa profoundly极度地;深厚地human business.Watson, for all its charms魅力, is not. Automation自动化of financial institutions has long beena core business for IBM. Itplayeda central role in the development of the ATM; its systemskeepmany banks and insurance companies around the world humming哼唱along. Aware that annual expenditure on regulation and compliance顺从;合规is vast—itreckons计算in excess超过of $270 billion, (of which $20 billion is spent simply on understanding the requirements)—itbegan work on adding this business to Watson in early 2015. Chief compliance officers and lawyerswere interviewed to break down their tasks and needs.

Dabble in:涉足

annual expenditure on regulation and compliance:年度管理和合规支出

break down their tasks and needs:解决他们的任务和需求

Promontory最近开始涉足软件,但最为人知的仍是其员工的背景和他们提供专长(观点)、介绍人脉(评论员)或两者兼顾的能力。不管如何,根本来说公司的业务主要靠人。Watson 尽管魅力多多,但并不依靠人。金融机构的自动化很久以来一直是IBM的核心业务。IBM在ATM的发展过程中扮演了核心作用,它的自动化系统让全球的许多银行和保险公司都提高了效率。IBM意识到每年在监管和合规方面的巨大支出(它预计达2700多亿美元,仅是理解监管要求就要花掉200亿),2015年初开始在Watson上添加此项业务功能。IBM访问了多位首席合规官和律师以更好地了解他们的任务和需求。

The first area of focus wastrading, which has the virtue美德of being both discrete分离的;不相关的and wildly complex复杂的. A pilot programme程序with half a dozen banks and three exchanges began in July, providing surveillance监视. A library of possible illicit违法的schemes 计划is fed into Watson, which can then evaluate trading patterns and communications ranging from overt公开的messages to social media (voice analysis will be added in November). Scrutiny 仔细检查can extend to the network of people on the other end of trades(in order to untangle 解开complex relationships.)


The next areais to provide clarity about rules. Theyare sorted by jurisdictions司法权, institutional divisions, products and so forth, and then further broken down between rules and guidance. Watsonisgetting better at categorising分类the various regulations and matching them with the appropriate enforcement强制实施mechanisms. Its conclusionsare vetted审查, giving it an education (that should improve its effectiveness in the future.)Promontory’s expertsareexpected to help Watson learn. A dozen rulesarenow being assimilated吸收weekly. Thousands are still to go but itis hopedthe process will speed up as the system evolves进化. Ultimately最终, IBMhopesspeeches by influential figures, court verdicts裁决and other such sources will be automatically uploaded上传into Watson’s cloud-based brain. Theycan playa role in determining (what regulations matter, and how they will be enforced.)Global financial

institutionsprovidean obvious market for these services, but so too do small, local ones that lack the scale to justify the cost of a team of legal experts.【Global和Local存在对比】A third groupisthe regulators themselves, who often privately grouse发牢骚about (being bewildered 使迷惑by their own remit宽恕;赦免;减缓)and distrust不信任other regulators with overlapping重叠briefs.



To some extent Watson’s success depends onwhether the rules are consistent, make sense and are fairly applied. At the very least, itwill be able to highlight anomalies. If successful, Watson could shift legal authority from individuals to laws. That, of course, may be its greatest virtue.



三级结构: 非主谓宾的定状补结构

JOINING “Hamilton”, a Broadway show, and concerts by Adele, a British soul diva, on the list of tickets-to-kill-for in New York is a screening in an ugly new office building that recently popped-up in the East Village, a place best known for offbeat culture. There is a ten-week-long queue to see simulations by Watson, IBM’s cognitive arti ficial-intelligence platform.

Initially known for stunts such as beating the world’s best chess player, Watson has been seeking a wider audience. It has found a vast potential one in the world of financial regulation. Rules have become so sprawling and mysterious that even regulators have begun asking for a map. In response, a market is springing up: for “regtech”, fintech’s nerdy new offspring.

On September 29th, IBM announced the purchase of Promontory, a 600-strong consultancy whose senior staff include former officials from the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulators. The hope is that person and machine will combine into a vast business. Promontory was founded in 2001 by Eugene Ludwig, who had headed o ne of America’s primary bank-supervisory agencies. It grew first because of the slathering of new rules during the previous, Bush administration and then prospered, says Mr Ludwig, as this process expanded under Barack Obama.

Promontory has recently dabble d in software, but is best known for its employees’ background and their capacity to provide expertise (its contention), contacts (its critics’) or both. Either way, it is a profoundly human business. Watson, for all its charms, is not. Automation of financial

institutions has long been a core business for IBM. It played a central role in the development of the ATM; its systems keep many banks and insurance companies around the world humming along. Aware that annual expenditure on regulation and compliance is vast—it reckons in excess of $270 billion, of which $20 billion is spent simply on understanding the requirements—it began work on adding this business to Watson in early 2015. Chief compliance officers and lawyers were interviewed to break down their tasks and needs.

The first area of focus was trading, which has the virtue of being both discrete and wildly complex. A pilot programme with half a dozen banks and three exchanges began in July, providing surveillance. A library of possible illicit schemes is fed into Watson, which can then evaluate trading patterns and communications ranging from overt messages to social media (voice analysis will be added in November). Scrutiny can extend to the network of people on the other end of trades in order to untangle complex relationships.

The next area is to provide clarity about rules. They are sorted by jurisdictions, institutional divisions, products and so forth, and then further broken down between rules and guidance. Watson is getting better at categorising the various regulations and matching them with the appropriate enforcement mechanisms. Its conclusions are vetted, giving it an education that should improve its effectiveness in the future. Promontory’s experts are expected to help Watson learn. A dozen rules are now being assimilated weekly. Thousands are still to go but it is hoped the process will speed up as the system evolves. Ultimately, IBM hopes speeches by influential figures, court verdicts and other such sources will be automatically uploaded i nto Watson’s cloud-based brain. They can play a role in determining what regulations matter, and how they will be enforced.

Global financial institutions provide an obvious market for these services, but so too do small, local ones that lack the scale to justify the cost of a team of legal experts. A third group is the regulators themselves, who often privately grouse about being bewildered by their own remit and distrust other regulators with overlapping briefs.

To some extent Watson’s success depends on w hether the rules are consistent, make sense and are fairly applied. At the very least, it will be able to highlight anomalies. If successful, Watson could shift legal authority from individuals to laws. That, of course, may be its greatest virtue.


The Brain Activity Map 绘制大脑活动地图 Hard cell 棘手的细胞 An ambitious project to map the brain is in the works. Possibly too ambitious 一个绘制大脑活动地图的宏伟计划正在准备当中,或许有些太宏伟了 NEWS of what protagonists hope will be America’s next big science project continues to dribble out. 有关其发起人心中下一个科学大工程的新闻报道层出不穷。 A leak to the New York Times, published on February 17th, let the cat out of the bag, with a report that Barack Obama’s administration is thinking of sponsoring what will be known as the Brain Activity Map. 2月17日,《纽约时报》刊登的一位线人报告终于泄露了秘密,报告称奥巴马政府正在考虑赞助将被称为“大脑活动地图”的计划。 And on March 7th several of those protagonists published a manifesto for the project in Science. 3月7日,部分发起人在《科学》杂志上发表声明证实了这一计划。 The purpose of BAM is to change the scale at which the brain is understood. “大脑活动地图”计划的目标是改变人们在认知大脑时采用的度量方法。 At the moment, neuroscience operates at two disconnected levels. 眼下,神经学的研究处在两个断开的层次。 The higher one, where the dimensions of features are measured in centimetres, has many techniques at its disposal, notably functional magnetic-res onance imaging, which measures changes in tissues’ fuel consumption. 在相对宏观的层次当中各个特征的规模用厘米来衡量,有很多技术可以使用,尤其是用来测量组织中能量消耗变动情况的核磁共振成像技术。 This lets researchers see which bits of the brain are active in particular tasks—as long as those tasks can be performed by a person lying down inside a scanner. 该技术可使研究人员找出在完成具体的任务时,大脑的哪些部分处于活跃状态。At the other end of the scale, where features are measured in microns, lots of research has been done on how individual nerve cells work, how messages are sent from one to another, and how the connections between cells strengthen and weaken as memories are formed. 而另一个度量的层次则要求用微米来测量各种特征,这一层次的研究很多都是关于单个神经细胞是如何工作的、信息在神经细胞之间是如何传递的以及当产生记忆的时候神经细胞之间的联系是如何得到加强和减弱的。 Between these two, though, all is darkness. 然而,位于这两个层次之间的研究还处于一片漆黑当中。 It is like trying to navigate America with an atlas that shows the states, the big cities and the main highways, and has a few street maps of local neighbourhoods, but displays nothing in between.


教师的阅读力读后感 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 教师的阅读力读后感(—) 在假期阅读了了《教师阅读力》这本书后。我有了深刻的感受和体会,从中受益颇多。 此书讲述了一个人的精神发展史就是他的阅读史,凸显了阅读在人的成长过程中的重要作用。作为教师,教育的根本任务是“以德树人”,而这一任务相对应的“公民道德规范”、“科学文化知识”、“身心健康标准”等都是昨天形成的。我们所做的工作是面对昨天理解昨天甚至是记忆昨天,这实际是文化的传承,阅读如此重要。而阅读在现实生活中却不被重视,当我们还在为阅读现状焦虑时,一场阅读革命正悄悄地进行着,我们可以看到书中对阅读提出了新的要求。 教师的阅读力低下导致的精神贫瘠是多么可怕,一个教师的幸福感来自于他自身的成长,并且这种影响将源源不断影响学生。教师像一束光,但能否真正让这一束光点燃另一束光呢? 其中提到教育素养应终生修炼,当认真阅读后,不禁让我陷入了沉思,也伴随着汗颜的感觉。的确作为老师,是急需提升自身素养的,这包括学科素养、研究学生素养、语言素养。学科素养,就是要精通自己所教的学科,我们可能只熟悉本学科初中的教材,没有系统的研究教材。但在学科素养方面,我们仍需补很多的课。在研究学生素养这一方面,我自认为在教学中最大的欠缺是缺少与学生沟通,虽然我

们常说以“生”为本,但却忽略研究学生。我想,研究学生要了解学生的思维,他们对什么有兴趣?他们怎样思考问题?他们怎样进行学习?他们对课本的内容的了解程度是多少?已知是什么?未知是什么?著名美国心理学家奥苏贝尔说过:“如果不得不把教育心理学的所有内容简约成一条原理的话,我会说影响学习的最重要因素是学生已知的内容,弄清这一点后,进行相应的教学。”这里的“已知”,应理解为不仅指学生头脑中已有的知识,还包括学生的认知结构,其实如果单单只是让教师讲一节课太容易了,认真备课就行,不了解情况,上课的效果就无法达到预期。因此学生可选择听讲,也可以选择不听讲,教师很辛苦,讲来讲去,而学生却做别的事。 所以作为教师,更重要的是尊重学生的智慧,倾听学生的声音,保护学生的好奇心和求知欲,并且注重教师的语言素养。那么何谓教师的语言素养?它就是教师在教育教学活动中准确规范地运用本民族语言来表达思想情感、观点见解等必须具备的一种基本素养,一般包括专业语言、态势语言、情感语言几种素养。教师无论教授何种学科,都必须具备娴熟的专业语言、丰富的态势语言和情感语言。在传道、授业、解惑中要做到“文以载道”“文道统一”,从而提高学生学习的激情和课堂教学效率。这是教育本身的要求,也是教师职业的要求,更是时代对教育的要求。 拿破仑曾说,“世界上有两种东西最有力量,一是剑,二是思想,而思想比剑更有分量。”一个教师只有形成鲜明的、独特的思想,才能在教育的星空里放射出璀璨的光芒。

2017考研英语 阅读理解精读100篇(高分版)

UNIT SIX TEXT ONE Maintaining internal E-mail systems has long been the bane of the university information-technology director. Servers are unwieldy and unreliable, and in the past several years, the number of student complaints has grown exponentially as forward-moving providers like YahooMail, Hotmail, and Gmail have increased expectations of what E-mail should offer. The solution for a number of colleges has been to wave the white flag and outsource E-mail hosting to the experts. Microsoft, which owns Hotmail, and Google (Gmail) are the biggest players in the educational E-mail hosting market. Along with the neat-o peripheral gizmos like messaging, calendars, and collaboration tools, the outsourced systems are more stable, have better spam filters, and provide much more storage space than the typical university's in-house system. At the University of Pennsylvania, its old E-mail service gave students 60 megabytes of storage, just 3 percent of the 2 gigabytes Windows Live now provides. In return, Google and Microsoft get almost nothing, at least monetarily and in the short term. Microsoft's Windows Live @ edu and the Google Apps Education Edition are free of charge for schools. Eliminating another source of revenue, the two tech giants stripped their respective services of advertising in an effort to accommodate educators' concerns. Microsoft breaks even on the venture (it does run ads on non-E-mail services like instant messaging), while Google, which makes almost all its money through advertising, runs at a loss. But what money they don't make at the moment will—the companies hope—pay great dividends in the form of lifelong users in the future, says Google's Jeff Kelter. As quickly as they shuffle out of commencement, graduates see their E-mail transition to the traditional ad-based formats of Gmail and Hotmail. And unlike before, when universities couldn't afford to host thousands of alumni, Google and Microsoft can maintain every account indefinitely, retaining customers as long as customers still want them. Not all schools are ready to outsource their tech dirty work, with privacy and security topping the list of concerns. Critics worry that by handing over the responsibility of E-mail hosting, colleges also relinquish the freedom to keep the information safe in the best way they see fit. Even in the corporate world, there is great skepticism of consumer technologies like Google Apps. Yet most university IT managers agree that outsiders would do a better job protecting individual E-mail from viruses and spam than their own small operations, and strong word-of-mouth praise has done wonders to supplement the almost nonexistent marketing budgets for these Microsoft and Google

13英语阅读-经济学人《Economics》双语版-Go forth and multiply

《经济学家》读译参考(第13篇):一路繁衍——你知道外来入侵物种吗? Go forth and multiply 一往无前,生生不息 WHAT makes for a successful invasion? Often, the answer is to have better weapons than the enemy. And, as it is with people, so it is with plants—at least, that is the conclusion of a p_______①published in ★Biology Letters[1] by Naomi Cappuccino, of Carleton University, and Thor Arnason, of the University of Ottawa, both in Canada. 怎样才能成功入侵?答案常常是:拥有比敌人更好的武器。人是这样,植物也是如此——至少,《生物书简》上发表的一篇论文是这么认为的,作者是来自加拿大加里敦大学的纳奥米?卡普奇诺和渥太华大学的索尔?阿纳森。 The phenomenon of alien species ★popping up[2] in unexpected parts of the world has grown over the past few d________② as people and goods become more mobile and (1)?plant seeds and animal larvae have ★hitched[3] along for the ride?. Most such aliens blend into the ecosystem in which they arrive without too much fuss. (Indeed, many probably fail to establish themselves at all—but those failures, of course, are never noticed.) Occasionally, though, something ★goes bananas[4] and starts trying to take the place over, and an invasive species is born. Dr Cappuccino and Dr Arnason asked themselves w_______③. 过去的几十年,随着人和货物的流动日益频繁,植物种子和动物幼体也乘机“搭便车”四处播散,世界各地无意间出现了越来越多的外来物种。这些外来物种大多数都轻而易举地融入了所到之处的生态系统。(事实上,许多物种可能还没有站稳脚跟——当然,人们从未注意到这一点。)不过,偶尔也有某些物种疯狂繁殖,开始企图占领原有物种的生长空间,一种入侵物种就这样形成了。卡普奇诺和阿纳森对此感到百思不得其解。 One hypothesis is that aliens leave their predators b________④. Since the predators in their new homelands are not adapted to exploit them, they are able to reproduce unchecked. That is a nice idea, but it does not explain why only certain aliens become invasive. Dr Cappuccino and Dr Arnason suspected this might be because native predators are [b](2)


学校首届教师专业成长征文提交文章及作者姓名 1 徐迅贴近生活注重体验在生活体验中提升 2 管维章技工院校一体化教学模式的思考 3 徐斌见义勇为在我国法律救济的思考 4 杨建康对工程预算课的思考 5 季勇浅谈中职数学课程教学改革与分层次教学- 6 施亚斌班集体建设“建”什么 7 王海峰函数概念教学的几点思考 8 石祚明如何教学生绘制弯矩图 9 龚红霞浅析体验学习教学法的应用 10 缪晓梅立足中职语文课堂,提高学生口语交际能力 11 肖海俊最短路径算法在交通导航方面的应用和改进 12 李晓燕数学研究性学习中开放题的编制方法 13 孙丰妮英语走向生活 14 严巧兰用足教材彰显主导 15 张松斌校本课程开发对教师专业成长的作用 16 赵丽娟校本眼光实践智慧 17 邱波高等职业学校计算机基础教育研究 18 徐骥霞浅谈多媒体课件在高职教育教学中的运用 19 张玉梅班级自主管理的构建及实践 20 张存江江苏沿海高职涉港专业工学结合探析 21 欧阳书剑浅析语文教学目标的设计 22 邱彦刚浅谈学校基层工会在推进绩效工资改革中应发挥的作用 23 陈建职教课程改革与教师专业成长策略 24 张劲松当代职校生和谐人际关系理念的缺失与培育 25 张劲松激情对体育教学的意义及其对教师的要求 26 黄燕平评语:一种特殊的师生对话 27 曹欢浅谈汽修专业的课程改革 28 曹华谈谈如何激发学生学习物理的兴趣 29 陈亚琴教师专业成长 30 程晓峰教师专业成长小结 31 洪沛教师专业成长 32 黄玉松浅谈数学教学中学生主体性的发挥 33 康益明新课改背景下的课堂教学变化技能 34 马剑谈自主成长 35 缪均浅谈培养和激发学生学习数学兴趣 36 缪小红读书 37 石晓娟让职高语文课"活"起来 38 陶燕平教师在专业中成长 39 王海波激发学生学习主动性的探索 40 王玉梅“活\实\简\美”:语文课堂有效教学的四字追求 41 徐娟应用音乐教育帮助中学生克服早恋现象 42 徐秀红读书与反思 43 杨燕尝试在纺织专业课教学中引入生本教育 44 张小云职业中学英语教师专业成长 45 周卫东中职模具专业教学改革的思考 46 周卫东刍议中职《金属材料与热处理》课程有效教学的途径 47 朱晔专业成长总结 48 朱颖红创设课堂气氛激发学习兴趣 49 朱冬建褪尽浮华只为桃李芬芳 50 潘刚新课改下的英语教学感悟


China in Laos Busted flush How a Sino-Lao special economic zone hit the skids May 26th 2011 | BOTEN, LAOS | from the print edition ?Tweet ? Soon all this will be jungle again AT HOME and abroad, China is a byword for fast-track development, where yesterday’s paddy field is tomorrow’s factory, highway or hotel. Less noticed is that such development can just as quickly go into reverse. Golden City, in Boten, just over the border from China in tiny Laos, is a case in point. When a Hong Kong-registered company signed a 30-year, renewable lease with the Lao government in 2003 to set up a 1,640-hectare special economic zone built with mainland money and expertise, Golden City was touted as a


1994年考研英语真题阅读理解精读笔记 Text 1 , spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.Private businessmen,striving to make profits, produce these goods and services in competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures,largely determines how these goods and services are produced.Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it. demands can be expressed and responded to by producers.In the American economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall in response to short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market.If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost,, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system. productive resources (private property), and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and produce goods and services for sale at a profit.In the American economy,the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual. 51. In Line 7, Paragraph 1,“the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes” means . [A] Americans are never satisfied with their incomes [B] Americans tend to overstate their incomes [C] Americans want to have their incomes increased [D] Americans want to increase the purchasing power of their incomes 52. The first two sentences in the second paragraph tell us that . [A] producers can satisfy the consumers by mechanized production [B] consumers can express their demands through producers [C] producers decide the prices of products [D] supply and demand regulate prices 53. According to the passage, a private-enterprise economy is characterized by . [A] private property and rights concerned

经济学人双语阅读 1教学文案


经济学人杂志双语阅读 Consumer spending in Asia:Shopaholics wanted Consumer spending in Asia亚洲消费状况 Shopaholics wanted 购物狂时代该来了? Jun 25th 2009 | HONG KONG From The Economist print edition Can Asians replace Americans as a driver of global growth? 亚洲人能够代替美国人做全球经济的发动机吗? ASIA'S emerging economies are bouncing back much more strongly than any others. While America's industrial production continued to slide in May, output in emerging Asia has regained its pre-crisis level (see chart 1). This is largely due to China; but although production in the region's smaller economies is still well down on a year ago, it is rebounding in those countries too. Taiwan's industrial output rose by an annualised 80% in the three months to May compared with the previous three months. JPMorgan estimates that emerging Asia's GDP has grown by an annualised 7% in the second quarter. 时下亚洲新兴经济体们的恢复势头比其他任何国家都要迅猛。在美国工业生产继续下滑的5月,亚洲新兴国家的产出已经回到了它们危机前的水平(见表一)。这很大程度上要归功于中国,此外尽 管该地区较小经济体的生产比去年仍有所下降,但最近这些国家也


佚名:教师的痛苦就是教育的悲哀 目前教育存在的诸多问题,集中于最关键的一点,那就是:教师的生活最痛苦! 目前社会最低层的几个职业中,唯有教师是无法凭真本事吃饭的行业!当医生,能不能把病治好,就是标准;当工人,能不能把产品做好,就是标准,而教师呢?评定教师工作的好坏应该是教学,但怎样的教学才算好呢?高分?现在讲素质教育!学生品德好?考试考不好,那校长在会议上报名次,你的脸往哪儿放?教师该朝哪个方向努力?无所适从! 教师是无法凭真本事吃饭的行业,并不是说教师没有真本事,事实上许多教师(尤其是早年的师范毕业生)都具有过硬的个人素质,问题是现在学校考核教师的标准活动性太大,领导根据个人偏好来评判教师的现象十分普遍,“教而优则仕”,在学校几乎是不存在的,朝中无人,休想做官!再想想,官都被“朝中有人”的人做去了,那些只凭自己本事的人到哪儿去做官呢?除非你也去钻营,否则,前途与钱途,一切免谈!如果大家都去钻营,这书谁来教?正事谁来做?谁来用心替学生考虑? 目前社会最低层的几个职业中,唯有教师升官是跟业绩没有关系的行业!教育没有统一的评定标准,教师工作的优劣很难判断,这一点,被教育界的领导运用得可谓出神入化,说你行,你就行,不行也行;说你不行,你就不行,行也不行!谁拍马逢迎,请客送礼,我就提拔谁,你能怎么着? 目前社会最低层的几个职业中,唯有学校内领导的总体业务水平比被领导低的行业。以前有个笑话:几个教师分配工作,会教语文的教语文,会教数学的教数学……什么都不会的当校长!现在的学校体制好像就是按这个笑话在运作! 目前社会最低层的几个职业中,唯有教师是还形式主义泛滥成灾的行业!教师的工作应该是教学生,除此之外,都是不误正业,可现在的教育行政部门,却偏偏不让教师静下心来教书。一周一篇“教学心得”,一月一篇“教学论文”,一课一篇“教学反思”,一学期一次总结。今天检查摘抄,明天检查笔记,用一次电教设备,要记录一次,到时上级来督导检查,只看你的记录,至于用不用,无所谓!有教师戏言,老师上一次厕所,也要撕下便纸的一角,写上年月日,存档,以备检查!不要小看这些检查啊!应付检查,往往是学校的“中心工作”,你课可以不上,但这些应付检查的材料“一个不能少”,这些都是跟教师业务考核挂钩的!少了要扣分,也就是扣钱!教师谁敢怠慢?因此,我看到许多教师不得不停下正常的课务,埋头苦苦“准备”这些材料。 目前社会最低层的几个职业中,唯有教师是存在教师继续教育专门“培训”部门的行业!许多“培训”本身就是形式主义不说,更让教师受不了是,人事部门组织的继续教育每学期都要占用教师的双休日、寒暑假大量时间外,还要狮子大开口,狂刮教师本就羞涩的布囊,宰你没商量!让教师叫苦不迭! 目前社会最低层的几个职业中,唯有教师是无法真正体现多劳多得的行业!在教师这个行业,多劳就意味着多失!“干得越多,问题越多,干的越少,没有烦恼!”你一心扑在教学上,呕心沥血,有了成绩,有点良心的校长会表扬你几句,良心失去的会说,是你应该做的!就算给点你奖金,也是可怜得很。至此,你就会真的去吐血,去“呕心沥血”了! 目前社会最低层的几个职业中,教师也是最难跳槽的行业。要调动单位(向好一点的学校调动),必须教育局以上有人,除非你辞职不干,否则,在原地呆着吧!有的学校领导在会议上公开刺激教师:“有本事你走人,我一定放!”教师能走到哪儿去?走又走不了,升又升不了,那怎么办?只有混!教师也是人,也有成功的冲动。 目前社会最低层的几个职业中,只有教师是靠死工资生活的!教师的总收入是最低的,教了十几年的书,工资才1000元出头,过年过节的慰问费20-30元,没有月奖、季度奖和年终奖。而那些政府工作人员、公务员、其他事业单位人员的工资和教师也差不多,但他们

经济学人双语阅读:政治遗传学 人体政治

【经济学人】双语阅读:政治遗传学人体政治 Science and technology 科学技术 The genetics of politics 政治遗传学 Body politic 人体政治 Slowly, and in some quarters grudgingly, the influence of genes in shaping political outlook and behaviour is being recognized 在某些方面,塑造政治前景和行为的基因影响正在慢慢地被人们所接受,虽然还是不情愿。 IN 1882 W.S. Gilbert wrote, to a tune by Sir Arthur Sullivan, a ditty that went I often think it's comical how Nature always does contrive/that every boy and every gal that's born into the world alive/is either a little Liberal or else a little Conservative. 在1882年,W.S吉尔伯特写的一首小诗-是为阿瑟-沙利文爵士的一首曲子而作,我一直认为,大自然的精工雕作是那么可笑/每个出生到这个世界上,并存活下来的男孩和女孩们/不是有一点自由倾向,就是有一点保守。 In the 19th century, that view, though humorously intended, would not have been out of place among respectable thinkers. 在十九世纪,这个观点虽然有一点幽默的意味,但是在那些备受尊敬的思想家眼中,也并不是一无是处。 The detail of a man's opinion might be changed by circumstances. 一个人意见的详细观点可能会由于环境而改变。 But the idea that much of his character was ingrained at birth held no terrors. 但是,这种与生俱来的,由他的性格决定的观念也没什么恐怖的。 It is not, however, a view that cut much ice in 20th-century social-scientific thinking, particularly after the second world war. 然而,它在二十世纪的社会科学思想中没有占到一席之地,特别是二战之后。 Those who allowed that it might have some value were generally shouted down and sometimes abused, along with all others vehemently suspected of the heresy of believing that genetic differences between individuals could have a role in shaping their behavioural differences. 那些认为它有一些价值的人们发出的呐喊,通常会被持不同观点人们的声音所掩盖,有时还会遭到辱骂,和那些对当时的异端邪说----即个体之间的遗传差异在塑造他们各自不同的行为上起了一定的作用----有些猜测的人们一样受到不公平对待。

考研阅读精读笔记(98Passage Four - 99)

考研阅读精读笔记(98Passage Four - 99)(2009-06-30 17:58:21) Passage Four L: census n.人口普查 regional a.地区的region n. standstill n.停止 in years ahead 将来 enthrone vt.使加冕;使登王位;使成为最高/最大/最强... densely ad.稠密地;密集地dense a. populate = inhabit vt.居住 the most densely populated region 人口最密集的地区 the most thinly populated area 人口最稀少的地区 counting n.计数,计算,数数count v. numerically ad.数字地,数目地numerical a. add up to = amount to 总计,达到 except for 除了 the Depression (1929-1932)大萧条 migrate v. 迁徙,移动migration n. migrant n.迁徙者;候鸟 belt n.带,地带,腰带 be attributed to 被归因于 nonstop a.不停顿的 wave n.浪潮;波浪 immigrant n.移民immigrate v. crop n.庄稼,作物;一批 baby boom 婴儿潮,婴儿出生高峰 child-bearing a.生育孩子的 demographer n.人口学家 demography n.人口学 vast a.广大的,大的 respectively ad.各自地respective a. be composed of 由...构成,包括 square n./a.正方形;广场;平方 per square mile 每平方英里 crowded a.拥挤crowdedness n. bearable a.能承受的,能忍受的 dramatize v.戏剧化的表达;清楚地表达/表现 spacious a.宽敞的 smog n.烟雾 plague n.弊端;瘟疫;灾难;祸患 urbanization n. 城市化,都市化urbanize v. the Golden State 指California two thirds 三分之二 one fifth 五分之一


来源于https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a416857244.html,/wordpress/(The Economist《经济学人》中文版)和https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a416857244.html,/(《The Economist》《经济学人》中文版) 11月10, 2008 [2008.11.08] 美国大选:无限期望 America's election:Great expectations NO ONE should doubt the magnitude of what Barack Obama achieved this week. When the president-elect was born, in 1961, many states, and not just in the South, had laws on their books that enforced segregation, banned mixed-race unions like that of his parents and restricted voting rights. This week America can claim more credibly that any other western country to have at last become politically colour-blind. Other milestones along the road to civil rights have been passed amid bitterness and bloodshed. This one was marked by joy, white as well as black (see article). 相信无人质疑奥巴马于本周取胜的重要意义。这位新总统出生于1961年,那时美国很多州的法律都要求强化种族分离、禁止像奥巴马父母那样的跨族通婚、限制选举权利;这些不仅限于南部地区,而出现在全国范围内。从本周开始,美国可以更加自信的宣称:任何其他的西方国家都变得有些政治色盲了。在通向民权的道路上,其它里程碑似的重大历史事件都是在痛苦与血泊中通过的;而此次总统选举则以愉快著称,受到了包括白人及黑人在内的全国选民的称赞。 Mr Obama lost the white vote, it is true, by 43-55%; but he won almost exactly same share of it as the last three (white) Democratic candidates; Bill Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry. And he won heavily among younger white voters. America will now have a president with half-brothers in Kenya, old schoolmates in Indonesia and a view of the world that seems to be based on respect rather than confrontation. 奥巴马丢掉了大约43%-55%的白人选票,这是不争的事实;但他与过去三位白人民主党候选人–克林顿、戈尔和肯尼迪–得到的白人选票几乎相同。同时,他在年轻一代的白人选民中取得了重大胜利。这位新总统有一个同父异母的兄弟在肯尼亚,有老同学在印尼,他的世界观似乎建立在尊重而不是对抗的基础之上。 That matters. Under George Bush America’s international standing has sunk to awful lows. This week Americans voted in record-smashing numbers for many reasons, but one of them was an abhorrence of how their shining city’s reputation has been tarnished. Their country will now be easier for its friends to like and harder for its foes to hate. 这很重要。在布什治下,美国的国际声誉降到了糟糕地步。本周美国选民的投票数量突破了历史纪录,其中原因很多,有一个就是他们对曾经辉煌无比的城市形象已然黯淡无光而感到愤恨。现在他们的国家将会更易赢得朋友的喜爱,而不易引起敌人的仇恨。 In its own way the election illustrates this redeeming effect. For the past eight years the debacle in Florida in 2000 has been cited (not always fairly) as an example of shabby American politics. Yet here was a clear victory delivered by millions of volunteers-and by the intelligent use of technology to ride a wave of excitement that is all too rare in most democracies. Mr Obama showed that, with the right message, a candidate with no money or machine behind him can build his own.

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