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I returned to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, after college graduation. I had been there before my mother became a minister.

Two weeks later, 1 told my mother I was bored. She said, "Here're the car keys. Go and buy some fruit. 36 , I jumped into the car and speeded off.

Seeing me or rather my 37 , a boy sprang up (跳起来),38 to sell his bananas and peanuts. "Banana 300 naira. Peanut 200 naira!"

Looking at his black-striped bananas, I 39 to 200 total for the fruit and nuts. He 40 . I handed him a 500 naira note. He didn't have 41 , so I told him not to worry. He was 42 and smiled a row of perfect teeth.

When, two weeks later, I 43 this same boy, I was more aware of my position in Nigerian society. I should 44 this country as the son of a 45 . But it was hard to find pleasure in a place where it was so 46 to see a little boy who should have been in school selling fruit. "What's up?" I asked. He answered in 47 English, "I ... I no get money to buy book." I took out two 500 naira notes. He looked around 48 before sticking his hand into the car 49 the bills, One thousand naira means a lot to a family that 50 only 50,000 each year.

The next morning, security officers told me, "In this place, when you give a little, people think you're a fountain of Opportunity (机会)."

51 it's right, but this happens everywhere in the world. I wondered if my little friend had actually used the money for 52 .

After six months' work in northern Nigeria, I returned and saw him again standing on the road.

"Are you in school now?"

He nodded.

A silence fell as we looked at each other, then I 53 what he wanted. I held out a 500 naira note. "Take this."

He shook his head fiercely and stepped back 54 hurt.

"It's a gift." I said.

Shaking his head again, he handed me a basket of bananas and peanuts. "I've been waiting to 55 these to you."

36. A. Encouraged B. Disappointed C. Delighted D. Confused

37. A. car B. mother C. driver D. keys

38. A. willing B. afraid C. eager D. ashamed

39. A. got down B. bargained down C. put down D. took down

40. A. explained B. promised C. agreed D. admitted

41. A. change B. notes C. checks D. bills

42. A. troubled B. regretful C. comfortable D. grateful

43. A. ran after B. ran into C. ran over D. ran to

44. A. protect B. enjoy C. help D. support

45. A. minister B. headmaster C. manager D. president

46. A. lucky B. amazing C. funny D. common

47. A. old B. broken C. traditional D. modem

48. A. proudly B. madly C. curiously D. nervously

49. A. for B. with C. at D. upon

50. A. spends B. pays C. makes D. affords

51. A. Possibly B. Actually C. Certainly D. Fortunately

52. A. joys B. nuts C. books D. bananas

53. A. asked B. imagined C. reminded D. realized

54. A. when B. as if C. even if D. after

55. A. send B. provide C. sell D. give

36-40 CACBC 41-45 ADBBA

46-50 DBDAC 51-55 ACDBD


第二节完形填空(共20小题, 满分30分)


When I was young, my parents ran a snack bar in our small town.

One evening in early April, my mother told me to fill in at the snack bar 36 a worker who had the flu. I told her I would mess it up, 37 I had never worked at the bar before. I 38 that instead of making money, I would end up owing it.

“You can do it,” said my mother, “ 39 , you won’t get much business until lunch.”

“But I’ll never remember the orders, and I’m no good 40money. Please, Mom, don’t 41 me. “Then I’ll help you,” she said.

I shrugged my shoulders. I thought my mother’s 42 was a bad one, but I 43 .

When I got to the bar the next day, I found my mother was 44 . Because the weather that day was rainy and cold, people wanted hot snacks and drinks. 45 , I was really slow at taking the orders and making change. The line of people grew, and everybody seemed 46 , I was so nervous that my hands shook, and I 47 a cup into pieces. What a mess! Then my mother came to 48 me, and she also showed me how to make 49 . If someone gave me $ 5 for something that cost $ 3.25, I handed over 50 quarters and a dollar and said, “75 cents makes four dollars, plus one dollar makes five.” Things went more 51 after that.

By the end of the day, I could remember orders, 52 the bill, and make change quickly with a smile.

I was even a little 53 when the sun came out and dried up business. My mother said she was proud of me, and when she 54 that I work at the snack bar again next year, I did not even shrug. I was too busy 55 the restaurant I would open one day.

36.A. to B. for C. after D. over

37.A. because B. though C. until D. while

38.A. promised B. noticed C. worried D. hoped

39.A. Therefore B. However C. Besides D. Yet

40.A. of B. on C. about D. with

41.A. blame B. fool C. frighten D. make

42.A. idea B. bar C. day D. answer

43.A. guessed B. obeyed C. begged D. admitted

44.A. angry B. sad C. worry D. ashamed

45.A. At least B. At last C. At most D. At first

46.A. surprised B. impolite C. pleased D. impatient

47.A. damaged B. destroyed C. broke D. ruined

48.A. scold B. help C. beat D. save

49.A. money B. lunch C. coffee D. change

50.A. two B. three C. four D. five

51.A. smoothly B. Fairly C. Simply D. conveniently

52.A. turn in B. count out C. take over D. add up

53.A. discouraged B. disturbed C. disappointed D. distrusted

54.A. thought B. stated C. announced D. suggested

55.A. imagining B. preparing C. examining D. describing



第二节完型填空(共20小题;没小题1. 5分,满分30分)


“This Friday we’ll have the yearly Egg Drop Challenge, ” said our science teacher, Mr. baker. “You can work alone or with a partner. ”

My friend, Cassie, and I smiled at each other. We always worked on projets__36_.

The _37___of the challenge was simple ---to build a protective container to keep an egg from breaking when _38__the stadium wall.

I made my sandwich that afternoon while waiting for Cassie. __39___the butter-cream gave me an idea.

“I have a brilliant design for our __40____container!”I said when Cassie arrived. “We can 41 the egg with some butter-cream. ”

“Why not pit the egg in a basket with a parachute(降落伞) 42 ?” Cassie rolled her eyes. “The parachute is better than that stupid idea. ”

I couldn’t believe it, Of course we’d had our little 43 in the past, but she’d never called any of my ideas “ 44 ” before.

“Then I’ll build mine and you build yours!”

45 words had been out, our friendship was challenged.

When Friday finally arrived, I had to 46 Cassie’s Egg Force One looked pretty good. 47_, my Egg-cellent Egg Cream didn’t look quite scientific. We kids carried ou r containers up three stadium steps and dropped them over the side wall. Those whose eggs broke were out; those

whose eggs survived 48 three more steps and dropped them again. This would go on till the last egg broke.

After four rounds, only Cassie an d I were 49 . I let go of my box. I heard someone say “ew” after seconds. Had my egg broken? I raced down the 50 . The side walk was dotted with egg shells(蛋壳) from those 51 drops. Finally I found my little Egg-cellent Egg Cream.

“That looks like egg drop soup, Laura,”Cassie said. She was holding her Egg Force One. My _52 raced. Had she won? I looked at her basket. 53 .

“My egg bounced 54 , ”she explained, pointing to a broken shell.

“A tie(平局), ”Mr. Baker said.

Cassie looke d at me, and her glare 55 . I laughed. She smiled…

36. A. patiently B. silently C. together D. alone

37. A. function B. goal C. reason D. result

38. A. rolled down B. pushed against C. thrown at D. dropped over

39. A. Spreading B. Boiling C. Baking D. Holding

40. A. butter B. sandwich C. cream D. egg

41. A. protect B. replace C. carry D. mix

42. A. followed B. covered C. attached D. supported

43. A. ideas B. fights C. worries D. challenges

44. A. wrong B. stupid C. brilliant D. scientific

45. A. Since B. While C. But D. And

46. A. explain B. deny C. admit D. prove

47. A. Therefore B. Anyway C. Otherwise D. Besides

48. A. paced down B. turned around C. walked up D. went back

49. A. left B. wanted C. chosen D. discovered

50. A. steps B. way C. wall D. sidewalk

51. A. intended B. unexpected C. failed D. desired

52. A. eyes B. hands C. feet D. heart

53. A. Lost B. Dirty C. Broken D. Empty

54. A. around B. out C. in D. down

55. A. returned B. remained C. increased D. softened

36-40 CBDAD 41-45 ACBBA 46-50 CBCAA 51-55 CDDBD


机密★启用前 2017年湖南省普通高中学业水平考试 语文 本试题卷6道大题,22道小题,时量120分钟,满分100分。 一、现代文(论述类、实用类)阅读(6分,每小题2分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。 读书的“体”与“用”杨平 从某种意义上说,人是一种“读书”的动物。伴随人类文明的发展尤其是知识生产的累积,读书越来越成为现代人的一种生活方式或生存方式。以往,“读书人”的称谓专属于少数精英阶层。如今,在“全民阅读”的时代,读书已不再是精英阶层的专属,而成为大众普遍拥有的权利义务。然而,为什么读书,读什么书,怎样读书,读书有用抑或是无用等等围绕“读书”而来的问题似乎都悬而未决。 关于读书,可以从“体”与“用”这两个方面来理解。大致上说,“体”指的是事物的本性、本根、本体,而“用”则是指“体”外化而生成的功用性功能。 从“用”的层面看,开卷有益,学以致用。这里的“有益”和“致用”都意在表明读书确实包含着实用功利性的诉求。全球化、经济发展、时代剧变、信息爆炸……人类遇到的问题从来没有像今天这样多变、复杂,各种困惑烦恼纠缠于心,如何理性地看待社会的人与事,如何有效地解决各种问题,需要我们读书。从实用功利性角度考量,读书有用,且利国利民、利人利己,善莫大焉。通过读书,人们可以获得生存技能以创造财富改善生活;通过读书,人们可以通达更高的社会阶位而改变命运。 然而,实用功利性只是读书的一个方面,过分地强调这种读书实用论,往往会遮蔽读书的根本要义。“富家不用买良田,书中自有千钟粟。安居不用架高楼,书中自有黄金屋。娶妻莫恨无良媒,书中自有颜如玉。出门莫恨无人随,书中车马多如簇。男儿欲遂平生志,五经勤向窗前读。”这种劝学篇,主要用读书的好处和用处来激励人们学习,肯定会养育狭隘的读书观念。 从“体”的层面看读书,也就是探究读书这件事情的根本意义是什么。当我们说“人是一种读书的动物”,这意味着,读书是一种属人的活动或事情,读书与做人几乎就是同一件事情。人们常说,“想了解一个人,看他读什么书。”也是此意。实质上也就是在讲读书与做人的道理:读书的根本要义是“人性养成”,读书的“本体”意义是“人文化成”。从这种本体意义出发来理解读书才可能达至读书的至境。


高考完形填空专项训练步步高 抓好三方面●跨好三大步●做好三结合 ------谈完形填空解题技巧中学生在做完形填空题时存在的问题,概括起来有以下三方面: 1.不善于抓文章的主旨大意,并以此为中心展开对整篇文章的推理、判断,导致理解上出现偏差,甚至和文章的中心相悻。 2.容易受定势思维的影响,对文意分析不透,忽视特定语境中知识的运用。 3.对完形填空题怀有厌倦、畏惧心理,以至做题时处于应付状态,做题能力得不到提高。 那么,怎样才能提高做完形填空题的能力呢?我们应从以下三方面入手训练思维能力和解题技巧:抓准主旨、透析文意、理清逻辑。并在做题过程中把这三方面与做完形填空的三大步骤“通读、精读、复读”有机结合,明确每步的思维主攻方向。即抓好三方面,跨好三大步,做好三结合。 一、通读短文抓主旨 一般情况下,完形填空短文都不给标题,不容易把握文章的主题和大意。但短文首句通常不设空格,这就为我们窥视文章全貌提供了一个窗口,而尾句往往是文章的总结、结论或点睛之笔,所以抓住开篇启示作用的首句和总结概括性的尾句是必要的。借助于首尾句给予的启示,克服不良心理的影响,满怀信心,全神贯注,目光越过空格,注意能体现文章大意的关键词句,尽力从整体上理解短文大意,这是逐空填词的重要依据和基础。如果一开始就忙于见空填空,势必无法从整体上把握全文概要,无法形成连贯的思路,只见树木不见森林,理解偏离文章的中心,造成顾,此失彼的错误,甚至影响做题速度。 抓住了文章的主旨大意后,我们围绕主旨大意去阅读、预测、推理、判断,往往会收到事半功倍的效果。尤其是一些干扰性强,容易使人犯想当然错误的选项就会迎刃而解。 二、精读短文析文意 在基本抓住文章的主旨后,应逐句精读短文,逐题分析选项,对特定的语境做深人的理解,克服“定势思维”,根据全文大意和词不离句,句不离文的原则,逐项填空。切不可以单纯的词汇辨析或语法角度去做题,而应以能否恰如其分地表达文意作为选择最佳答案的唯一标准。要吃透文意,理解到位,我们应做到以下几点: 1.从上下文的角度考虑,注意其内在联系。就题论题,断章取义,忽视上下文的信息提示是我们常犯的错误。因此我们在做题时要注重暗含的信息提示,找准突破口,确保文意畅通。 2.从词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的角度去考虑,准确判断。NMET完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的题目逐年增多,必须结合上下文把握文意,研读


2017年全国高考英语试卷3完形填空部分答案祥解 贵州玉屏中学冯游洪 2017. 7 41. 选C 根据下文,机票受赠者必须名叫Elizabeth Gallagher并持有加拿大护照等“限制”而得知 42. 选 B A. 原籍 B. 护照 C. 口音 D. 朋友依据常识,做环球旅行须持护照,故选B 43. 选 D A. 假日结束,意味着机票着废,故不能选。B,不存在婚姻结束,因为前面 说明了他们只是男女朋友关系,故不能选。C 环球旅行梦想结束,机票着废,固不能选。D 由于男女朋友关系结束, 他俩的环球旅行未能成行, 故机票送人, 所以选D. 44. 选A 尽管环球旅行未能成行,但那男的不想浪费他前女友的那张机票,故选A 45. 选A A. 规定;政策 B. 命令 C. payment 支付 D. 日程安排根据航 空公司机票不可转让的规定, 故选A 46. 选 B 订票时, 护照信息没有作要求, 其余A申请,C核对,D讨价还价不符题意, 故选B 47. 选A 任何名叫Elizabeth Gallagher的人都可以使用这张机票,故选A 48. 选C A. 牺牲 B. 表达 C. 体验;亲历 D. 提供根据语境, 机票受赠人可亲历环球 旅行, 故选C 49. 选 C 男主人将此次的机票赠与信息发布在社交网站上, 其它 A答复, B建议, D评 价意义不符, 故选C 50. 选 B 根据上下文语境,收到几千人的电邮,其中包括30个人名字都叫Elizabeth Gallagher 并持有对应的,恰当的护照,A 相同的 C新的 D真的不符语境,故选 B,因为那30个人没可能都持 A相同的 C 新的护照 D 真的护照在此显然不符语境. 废话!出入境谁使用假护照? 51. 选 A 根据下文,有几百人竟然有趣的将自己的名字改成Elizabeth Gallagher此处 只能是更有趣的是,故选A. 其它如 B更令人生气的是 C 更令人满意的是 D 更令人信服的是与语境不符。


2018年湖南公务员考试行测真题及答案 第一部分:言语理解与表达 本部分包括表达与理解两方面的内容。请根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1.中国传统菜肴对于烹调方法极为讲究,而且长期以来,由于物产和风俗的差异,各地的饮食习惯和品味爱好______,______的烹调技术经过历代人民的创造,形成了丰富多彩的地方菜系。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.迥然不同源远流长 B.天差地别积厚流光 C.殊途同归连绵不断 D.如出一辙博大精深 2.泥石流的______依赖于三个危险因素:沉积物中的粘土、大量的水快速涌入以及山区的地势差异。发生泥石流时,地上的各种大小石头和泥,小到直径只有零点几微米的粘土,大到数十厘米乃至更大的巨型漂砾,都有可能______在泥石流中“泥沙俱下”。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.诱发裹挟 B.成因汇集 C.出现夹杂 D.引发聚集 3.现代社会不少人喜欢名牌,把自己的精力消耗在追逐名牌这个事情上,而不是把精力放在______自己上面。你被外在的物质的东西所奴役,就要不停地去满足这个外在的东西。节俭的品德不是让你过苦日子,而是要把自己的心______,不被外在的东西牵着鼻子走。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.提高关上

B.打扮拴住 C.武装拢住 D.提升守住 4.近年来,“图说我们的价值观”公益广告以开阔的视野、______人心的作品和______人心的力量,传播社会正能量,引起了社会各界的高度关注和观众的热烈反响。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.凝聚汇聚 B.深入撼动 C.温暖感化 D.鼓舞激励 5.科学的发展和进步往往______于科学假说,科学理论发展的历史就是假说的形成、发展和假说之间的竞争、更迭的历史。面对茫茫人类历史源头,面对______、虚虚实实的人类文明历史遗存,科学假说同样至关重要。他______地将历史、文化、人性、环境视角的“聚光灯”汇集在一起,形成了属于他的一盏“无影灯”,并以这样的视角照射幽暗的历史深处,从而解析出一些可能接近历史本源的朦胧真相。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.发轫凤毛麟角含英咀华 B.肇始吉光片羽独辟蹊径 C.滥觞汗牛充栋苦心孤诣 D.开端如火如荼毛举细故 6.哲学社会科学作为人们认识世界、改造世界的重要______,历来是推动历史发展和社会进步的重要力量。纵观人类历史,人类社会每一次重大跃进,人类文明每一次重大发展,都离不开哲学社会科学的知识______和思想先导。哲学社会科学的发展水平,反映了一个民族的思维能力、精神品格、文明素质,体现了一个国家的综合国力和国际竞争力。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是:


2017年湖南省普通高中学业水平考试 数学(真题) 本试卷包括选择题、填空题和解答题三部分,共4页,时量120分钟,满分100分。 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.已知一个几何体的三视图如图1所示,则该几何体可以是() A、正方体 B、圆柱 C、三棱柱 D、球 2.已知集合A=,B=,则中元素的个数为() A、1 B、2 C、3 D、4 3.已知向量a=(x,1),b=(4,2),c=(6,3).若c=a+b,则x=( ) A、-10 B、10 C、-2 D、2 4.执行如图2所示的程序框图,若输入x的值为-2,则输出的y=() A、-2 B、0 C、2 D、4 5.在等差数列中,已知,,则公差d=() A、4 B、5 C、6 D、7 6.既在函数的图像上,又在函数的图像上的点是() A、(0,0) B、(1,1) C、(2,) D、(,2) 7.如图3所示,四面体ABCD中,E,F分别为AC,AD的中点,则直线CD跟平面BEF的位置关系是() A、平行 B、在平面内 C、相交但不垂直 D、相交且垂直 8.已知,则=() A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 9.已知,则() A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 (图1) 俯视图 侧视图 正视图 图3 B D A E F 图2 结束 输出y y=2+x y=2-x x≥0? 输入x 开始

10、如图4所示,正方形的面积为1.在正方形内随机撒1000粒豆子,恰好有600粒豆子落在阴影部分内,则用随机模拟方法计算得阴影部分的面积为( ) A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分。 11. 已知函数 (其中 )的最小正周期为, 则 12.某班有男生30人,女生20人,用分层抽样的方法从该班抽取5人参加社区服务,则抽出的学生中男生比女生多 人。 13. 在中,角A,B,C 所对的边分别为a,b,c.已知a=4,b=3,,则的面积为 。 14. 已知点A (1,m )在不等式组表示的平面区域内,则实数m 的取值范围 为 。 15. 已知圆柱 及其侧面展开图如图所 示,则该圆柱的体积为 。 三、解答题:本大题共有5小题,共40分。解答题应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。 16. (本小题满分6分) 已知定义在区间 上的函数 的 部分函数图象如图所示。 (1)将函数的图像补充完整; (2)写出函数的单调递增区间. 42π O O1 图4 y x O -1 1 - π2 π2 π -π


6.17英语部内部资料整理 教研时间:2015年6月17日 参与人员:Vicky,Katie,Homing 主持人:Homing 教研内容:历年高考完形填空之单词汇总(2007--2015) 1.历年高考完形填空之选项单词整理(按字母顺序A-Z) A. 1.Adventure(2015)(2010)(2009)-选项adventurous 3次 2.Angry(angrily)(2014)(2008) 2次 3.age 4.anxious(anxiety) 2014,2013,2006 3次 5.adult 6.agree2013,2010,2008 (agreement),2006 4次 7.awkward 8.adopt 9.aware(awareness) 10.admit 2013,2007(admitted) 2次 11.analyze 12.advice,advised 2次 13.accept(acceptable, acceptance) 3次 14.answer 15.art 16.after2010,2004 2次 次3 17.also2010,2009,2007 3次18.around 2010.2007,2006 2 次19.away 2012,2007 20.allow2008.2007 2次 3 次21.attempt2006,2007,2009 22afford 23.ago 24.ask 25.asleep 26.awake

27.assistant2008,2006 次228.alone 29.abroad 30.argument 31.as 32.although 33.acted 34.attention 35.ask 36.along As系列3次 2次At 系列B 1.by by all means by. 系列2.beg(begging,beggar) 3.broad 4.burden 5.brave(bravely)2011,2013 次2 6.boring 7.breath 8.break(broke,broken) 9.before 10.believe,believed2010,2011,200 3次 11.beauty(beautiful) 12begin(beginning,begun,began 13.bodily 14.back 2006,2012 2次 15. Body(bodily) 2次16.but 07,09 17.bring(brought) 次18.bag2006,2008 2 19.busy 20.bury 21.book 22.bottom 23.born 24.bite 25.bill 26.bad -tempered


2018年5月27日湖南省纪委监委遴选公务员笔试 真题及解析(执纪岗) 一、客观题(40 分) 主要考察的是《国家监察法》、《公务员法》、条例、规则等内容。 二、案例分析题(60 分) (一)给出四个违纪案例—— 1.教育局检查学校工作,校长超标准接待,超过陪餐人数接待,事后认错态度好,主动掏超出标准的费用。 2.村干部侵占群众扶贫资金 2 万元。 3.工商联领导干部违规办酒并收受服务对象礼金被处分,在处分期内再次违规办酒并收受管理对象礼金。 4.领导干部对下属很凶,经常骂人,下属对他不满。 问题 1:这四个案例分别适用“四种形态”哪一种,为什么? [参考答案]案例一,属于第二种:党纪轻处分和组织处理要成为大多数。该学校在公务接待存在问题,应该对学校予以通报,并督促限期整改到位,防止小错酿成大错。 案例二,属于第四种:而严重违纪涉嫌违法立案审查的只能是极少数。村干部 侵占群众扶贫资金 2 万元,已经构成了违法行为,极大影响了干群关系和党员干部形象。 案例三,属于第三种:对严重违纪的重处分、作出重大职务调整应当是少数。 工商联领导干部违规办酒并收受服务对象礼金被处分,在处分期内再次违规办酒并收受管理对象礼金,典型地属于屡教不改。

案例四,属于第一种:党内关系要正常化,批评和自我批评要经常开展,让咬耳扯袖、红脸出汗成为常态。领导干部和下属的关系不是附庸关系,要经常开展批评和自我批评,但是要正常化。 问题 2:对这些行为应依据哪些条款给予什么处分? [参考答案]案例一,根据《中国共产党纪律处分条例》第九十九条规定:违反公务接待管理规定,超标准、超范围接待或者借机大吃大喝,对直接责任者和领导责任者,情节较重的,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节严重的,给予撤销党内职务处分。 鉴于该学校校长事后认错态度好,主动掏超出标准的费用,应该对学校予以通报,并督促限期整改到位。 案例二,根据《中国共产党纪律处分条例》第八十三条:党和国家工作人员或者受委托管理、经营国有财产的人员,利用职务上的便利,侵吞、窃取、骗取或者以其他手段非法占有公共财物,情节较轻的,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节较重的,给予撤销党内职务或者留党察看处分;情节严重的,给予开除党籍 处分。贪污党费、社保基金和救灾、抢险、防汛、优抚、扶贫、移民、救济、防疫款物的,依照前款规定从重或者加重处分,直至开除党籍。应当对村干部进行立案审查。 案例三,根据《中国共产党员纪律处分条例》第八十五条利用职权或者职务上的影响操办婚丧喜庆事宜,在社会上造成不良影响的,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节严重的,给予撤销党内职务处分。在操办婚丧喜庆事宜中,借机敛财或者有其他侵犯国家、集体和人民利益行为的,依照前款规定从重或者加重处分,直至开除党籍。在处分期内再次违规办酒并收受管理对象礼金,典型地属于屡教不改。应当对工商联的领导作出违纪处分或者调整职务。


2014-2019高考全国卷一完形填空真题大全 2014 As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine(常规)basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this 41 at work in people of all 42 . For example, on Christmas morning, children are excited about 43 with their new toys. But their 44 soon wears off and by January those 45 toys can be found put away in the basement. The world is full of 46 stamp albums and unfinished models, ea ch standing as a monument to someone’s 47 interest. When parents bring home a pet, their child 48 bathes it and brushes its fur. Within a short time, however, the 49 of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents. Adolescents enter high school with great 50 but are soon looking forward to 51 . The same is true of the young adults going to college. And then, how many 52 , who now complain (抱怨) about the long drives to work, 53 drove for hours at a time when they first 54 their driver’s license (执照)? Before people retire, they usually 55 to do a lot of 56 things, which they never had 57 to do while working. But 58 after retirement , the golfing, the fishing, the reading and all of the other pastimes become as boring as the jobs they 59 . And , like the child in January, they go searching for new 60 . 41. A. principle B. habit C. weaker D. power 42. A. parties B. races C. countries D. ages 43. A. working B. living C. playing D. going 44. A. confidence B. interest C. anxiety D. sorrow 45. A. same B. extra C. funny D. expensive 46. A. well-organized B. colorfully-printed C. newly- collected D. half-filled 47. A. broad B. passing C. different D. main 48. A. silently B. impatiently C. gladly D. worriedly 49. A. promise B. burden C. right D. game 50. A. courage B. calmness C. confusion D. excitement 51. A. graduation B. independence C. responsibility D. success 52. A. children B. students C. adults D. retirees 53. A. carefully B. eagerly C. nervously D. bravely 54. A. required B. obtained C. noticed D.discovered 55. A. need B. learn C. start D. plan 56. A. great B. strong C. difficult D. correct 57. A. time B. money C. skills D. knowledge 58. A. only B. well C. even D. soon. 59. A. lost B. chose C. left D. quit 60. A. pets B. toys C. friends D. colleagues 2015 My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend. On the way, we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said, “41 my job. Family to Feed .” At this store, a 42 like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed him and made a


新课标Ⅰ卷 第一节完形填空(共20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Heroic Driver Larry works with Transport Drivers. Inc. One morning in 2009. Larry was __41__along 165 north after delivering to one of his 42 . Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. 43 he got closer, he found 44 vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed 45 shooting out from under the 46 vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47 the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out. The man who had his bright lights on 48 and told Larry he had 49 an emergency call. They 50 heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle. 51 the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay 52 until the emergency personnel arrived, 53 she thought the car was going to 54 . Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move 55 she injured her neck. Once fire and emergency people arrive, Larry and the other man 56 and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the 57 if he was needed or 58 to go. They let him and the other man go. One thing is 59 —Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His 60 most likely saved the woman’s life. 41. A. walking B. touring C.traveling D.rushing 42. A. passengers B. colleagues C. employers D. customers 43. A. Since B. Although C. As D. If 44. A. each B. another C. that D. his 45. A. flames B. smoke C. water D. steam 46. A. used B. disabled C. removed D. abandoned



湖南公务员考试申论真题卷 一、注意事项 1.本题本由给定资料与申论要求两部分构成。考试时限为150分钟。满分100分。 2.监考人员宣布考试开始时,你才能够开始答题。 3.请在答题卡指定位置填写自己的姓名,填涂(写)准考证号。 4.所有题目一律使用现代汉语,在答题卡指定位置作答。未按要求作答的,不得分。 5.监考人员宣布考试结束时,考生应立即停止作答,将题本、答题卡、草稿纸翻过来留在桌上,待监考人员确认数量无误、允许离开后,方可离开。 严禁折叠答题卡!

二给定材料 材料1: 19世纪末的美国传教士亚瑟·亨·史密斯在《中国人的性格》中称中国人是“漠视时间的民族”,随着中国社会日益加快的现代化转型,中国逐渐变成了世界上最忙碌的国家之一。现在,越来越多的人开始重视从紧张的节奏中解脱出来,享受闲适。有学者表示,这种心理的变化轨迹正是社会进步的表现,体现了后工业时代的幸福导向型生活。随着这种观念的流行和它所催生的产业经济,未来人们会有更加丰富多彩的选择。 某地以城市主干道为中心的部分城区被辟为了供市民体验的休闲生活街区。然而,街区内外可谓冰火两重天。一方面,街区内骑自行车的人、步行的人、摆地摊的人,悠然自得;另一方面,在范围更广的周边路段,平常就不顺畅,再加上很多出行的私家车分流至此,拥堵状况可想

而知。原来周末出门,很多时候就是不得已的,有的是要加班,有的是趁休息去超市采购或带孩子短途旅游……开车出来就是为了图个快、图个方便。现在速度确实降下来了,人们的心里恐怕只有更多的焦躁,还何谈享受生活呢?这种矛盾值得人们深思。 事实上,要想让人们在某一种生活状态中得到享受,那首先得是人们的自主选择,而只有依靠整体性的社会发展,人们才有充分的选择权。法国于1998年首倡“无车日”,那时法国人均GDP就已经达到24000美元,每周工作时间更是少到让人艳羡的35小时。反观中国当前的情况,人均GDP刚超过7000美元,相当多的劳动者为了体面的生活,连法定的带薪休假甚至双休都放弃了,此时就谈休闲生活,未免过于奢侈了。 倡导休闲生活,要以现实为基础,尊重公众的选择权,特别要避免给公众“添堵”。倡导要发挥作用,靠的是公众的自觉响应。如果不顾现实情况,违背人们的自主意愿,倡导活动不但无法


2017年湖南省普通高中学业水平考试 英语 本试题卷分听力技能、阅读技能、知识运用、写作技能四个部分,共7页。时量120分钟。满分100分。 第一部分听力技能(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。 听下面一段对话,回答第1小题。 1. What will the woman do this weekend? A. Go camping. B. Go swimming. C. Go fishing. 听下面一段对话,回答第2小题。 2. What time did the woman get up? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:20. C. At 7:40. 听下面一段对话,回答第3小题。 3. What is the weather like today? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. 听下面一段对话,回答第4小题。 4. Why does the man look tired? A. He stayed up late. B. He didn’t sleep well. C. He worked too long. 听下面一段对话,回答第5小题。


2019年高考英语全国卷I完形填空题 Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They ______(41) with them lots of waste. The ______(42) might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the ______(43) of Kilimanjaro. Hearing these stories, I’m ______(44) about the place—other destinations are described as "purer"natural experiences. However, I soon ______(45) that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of ______(46) among tons of rubbish. I find a ______(47) mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are ______(48) but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be ______(49). The best of a Kilimanjaro ______(50), in my opinion, isn’t reaching the top. Mountains are ______(51) as spiritual places by many cultures. This ______(52) is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as ______(53) go through five ecosystems(生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, ______(54) lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather ______(55)—low clouds envelope the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I ______(56) twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland ______(57): gravel(砾石), stones and rocks. ______(58) you climb into an arctic-like zone with ______(59) snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear. Does Kilimanjaro ______(60) its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace? I found the opposite to be true. 41.A. keep B. mix C. connect D. bring 42.A. stories B. buildings C. crowds D. reporters 43.A. position B. age C. face D. name 44.A. silent B. skeptical C. serious D. crazy 45.A. discover B. argue C. decide D. advocate 46.A. equipment B. grass C. camps D. stones 47.A. remote B. quiet C. all D. clean 48.A. new B. special C. significant D. necessary 49.A.paying off B. spreading out C. blowing up D. fading away 50.A.atmosphere B. experience C. experiment D. sight 51. A. studied B. observed C. explored D. regarded 52. A. view B. quality C. reason D. purpose 53. A. scientists B. climbers C. locals D. officials 54. A. holding on to B. going back to C. living up to D. giving way to 55. A. changes B. clears C. improves D. permits 56. A. match B. imagine C. count D. add 57. A. village B. desert C. road D. lake 58. A. Obviously B. Easily C. Consequently D. Finally 59. A. permanent B. little C. fresh D. artificial 60. A. enjoy B. deserve C. save D. acquire


2020湖南公务员考试行测真题 第一部分常识判断 (共20题) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 请开始答题: 1.关于中国地理,下列说法错误的是: A.九寨沟国家地质公园以雅丹地貌闻名 B.藏羚羊主要生活在可可西里国家级自然保护区 C.张家界国家森林公园处于武陵山脉的腹地 D.三江并流风景名胜区已被列入《世界遗产名录》 2.下列说法错误的是: A.蓝藻对地球表面从无氧变成有氧的大气环境起了巨大作用 B.植物光合作用主要在细胞的线粒体中进行 C.呼吸作用分为有氧呼吸和无氧呼吸两种类型 D.种子植物是地球表面绿色的主体 3.关于政治思想,下列表述错误的是: A.孟德斯鸠提出三权分立学说 B.伏尔泰最早提出社会契约论的思想 C.柏拉图主张建立哲学王统治的国家 D.让·布丹提出君主主权学说 4.下列关于火山的表述错误的是:

A.喷出的物质有气态、液态和固态三种 B.可分为死火山、活火山和休眠火山 C.王大连池的形成与火山喷发有关 D.页岩是最常见的岩浆岩 5.下列哪组物品均属可燃固体? A.香蕉水、酒精 B.面粉、油漆 C.沥青、松香 D.甲烷、乙炔 6.关于海水及其运动,下列说法错误的是: A.海水的冰点湿度比淡水低 B.北海道光渔场位于寒流与暖流的交汇处 C.波罗的海是异界上盐度最高的海域 D.波浪、潮汐和洋流是海水运动的主要形式 7.下列关于石灰的说法错误的是: A.生石灰通常可以作为食品干燥剂 B.澄清石灰水放置在空气中易变浑浊 C.汉白玉与石灰石的主要成分相同 D.“烈火焚烧若等闲”指熟石灰的高温煅烧 8.下列关于铅的说法错误的是: A.铅笔芯的主要成分是铅 B.香烟中是含铅的 C.铅在人体内日积月累,不会分解 D.汽油中添加铅元素可以起到防爆的作用 9.下列塑料制品中,能够作为食物容器放入微波炉中加热的是:


2017年湖南省学业水平考试(真题) 数 学 本试题卷包括选择题、填空题和解答题三部分,共4页,时量120分钟,满分100分。 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选 项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.已知一个几何体的三视图如图1所示,则该几何体可 以是() A 、正方体 B 、圆柱 C 、三棱柱 D 、球 2.已知集合{0,1},{1,2}A B == ,则B A 中元素的个数 为( ) A 、1 B 、2 C 、3 D 、4 3.已知向量,若,则(,1),(4,2),(6,3)a x b c === ,若c a b =+ , 则x = ( ) A 、-10 B 、10 C 、-2 D 、2 4.执行如图2所示的程序框图,若输入x 的值为-2,则输 出的y =( ) A 、-2 B 、0 C 、2 D 、4 5.在等差数列{}n a 中,已知12311,16a a a +== ,则 公差d = ( ) A 、4 B 、5 C 、6 D 、7 6.既在函数12 ()f x x = 的图象上,又在函数1()g x x -= 的 图象上的点是 A 、(0,0) B 、(1,1) C 、(12,2 ) D 、(1,22 ) 7.如图3所示,四面体ABCD 中,E,F 分别为AC,AD 的中点,则 直线CD 与平面BEF 的位置关系是( ) A 、平行 B 、在平面内 C 、相交但不垂直 D 、相交且垂直 8.已知sin 2sin ,(0,)αααπ=∈ ,则cos α=( ) A 、 、12- C 、12 D 9.已知1 4222log ,1,log a b c === ,则 A 、 a b c << B 、b a c << C 、c a b << D 、c b a << 10.如图4所示,正方形的面积为1,在正方形内随机撒1000 粒豆子,恰好有600粒豆子落在阴影部分内,则用随机模拟方


全国卷高考英语精品卷:完形填空和语法填空(两篇) 完形填空和语法填空(1) I. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分60 分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 Wishing to encourage her young son ' s progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were 1 , the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the passage to greet her. Seizing the 2 to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and 3__ explored his way through a door marked “ NO ADMITTAN CWEh.”en the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and 4 that the child was missing. Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In __5 , the mother saw her little boy sitting at the key-board, 6__ picking out Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. At that moment, the great piano master made his 7 , quickly moved to the piano, and __8 in the boy ' s ear, “ Don' t quit. Keep playing. ” Then 9 over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato (伴奏). Together, the old master and the young novice (beginner) transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully 10 experience. The audience was strongly 11 . That ' s the way it is in life. What we can accomplish on our own is hardly 12 . We try our best, but the 13 aren ' t exactly graceful flowing music. But when we trust in the hands of a Greater Power, our life 14 can be beautiful. Next time you set out to 15 great achievements, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, “ Don' t quit. Keep playing. ” 【文章大意】本文叙述了一个小男孩和他母亲一块去参加音乐会,趁他母亲和朋友聊天时,自己一人在音乐大厅跑。结果当钢琴表演开始时,小男孩正坐在钢琴键盘上弹奏数星星这首乐曲。钢琴大师并没有让他下来,而是让他继续弹。这样他们俩合作弹出的曲子吸引了观众。由此,可总结为,有人帮助完成的事是真正杰出优秀的。 1. A. seated B. sat C. dressed D. rested 【答案】A 【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。 A. seated 使坐下; B.sat 坐; C. dressed 穿衣; D. rested 休息。 短语be seated坐下,坐着。根据句意他们坐好后,妈妈发现了一个朋友。

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