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( T )1、A company’s return on equity will always equal or exceed its return on assets.


( T)2、A company’s assets-to-equity ratio always equals one plus its liabilities-to-equity ratio.


( F )3、A company’s collection period should always be less than its payables period.


( T )4、A company’s current radio must always be larger than its acid-test-radio.


( F )5、Economic earnings are more volatile than accounting earnings.


( F )6、Ignoring taxes and transactions costs , unrealized paper gains are less valuable than realized cash earnings.


( F)7、A company’s sustainable growth rate is the hi ghest growth rate in sales it can attain without issuing new stock.


( F )8、The stock market is a ready source of new capital when a company is incurring heavy losses


( T )9、Share repurchases usually increase earnings per share.


( T)10、Companies often buy back their stock because managers believe the shares are undervalued.


( F )11、Only rapidly growing firms have growth management problems.


( F )12、Increasing growth increases stock price.



1、The balance sheet P6

A balance sheet is a financial snapshot , taken at a point in time , of all the assets the company owns and all the claims against those assets.


EBIT is earnings before interest and taxes , a useful and widely used measure of business’s income before it is divided among creditors , owners , and the taxman.


3、Return on Equity P36

ROE is a measure of earnings per dollar of invested equity capital or equivalently of the percentage return to owners on their investment.


4、Return on Assets P39

ROA is measure profit as a percentage of the money provided by owners and creditors.


5、The current ratio P51

The current ratio compares the assets that will turn into cash within the year to the liabilities that must be paid within the year.


6、The acid-test P51

Quick ratio is the ratio of liquid assets to current liabilities. It is a measure of corporate liquidity assets can be realized immediately used to repay current liabilities.


7、Pro forma financial statements(模拟财务报表)P87

A pro forma statement is simply a prediction of what the company’s financial statements will look like at the end of the forecast period.


8、Percent-of-Sales Forecasting(销售百分比预测法)P88

One way to tie many of the income statement and balance sheet figures to future sales.


9、Sustainable growth rate(可持续增长率)P119

This is the maximum rate at which company sales can increase without depleting financial resources..


10、Product diversification(产品多元化)P130

Companies could reduce risk by combining the income streams of businesses in different product markets.


Enterprises make full use of the advantage of scale , Enhance the ability with suppliers for a supply.Will be used in the inventory and accounts receivable funds and capital costs to suppliers.

企业充分利用做大规模的优势,增强与供应商的讨价还价能力, 将占用在存货和应收账款的资金及其资金成本转嫁给供应商。

12、Financial flexibility(财务弹性)P218

The concern that today’s decision not jeopardize future financing options.



P31问:Why do you suppose financial statements are constructed on an accrual basis rather than a cash basis when cash accounting is so much easier to understand?


Because th e accountant’s primary goal is to measure earnings , not cash generated. She sees earnings as a fundamental indicator of viability , not cash generation. A more balanced perspective is that over the long run successful companies must be both profitable and solvent , that is , they must be profitable and have cash in the bank to pay their bills when due, This means that you should pay attention to both earnings and cash flows.


P52 问:Is ROE a Reliable Financial Yardstick?


NO.ROE suffers from three critical deficiencies as a measure of financial performance,which I will refer to as the timing problem,the risk problem,and the value problem.


1、ROE is precisely the opposite:backward looking and focused on a single year.


2、ROE necessarily includes only one year’s earnings,it fails to capture the full impact of multiperiod decisions.


3、ROE looks only at return while ignoring risk,it can be an inaccurate yardstick of financial performance.


4、ROE measure s the return on shareholders’ investment;however,the investment figure used is the book value of shareholders’ equity,not the market value.



P55 问:Is earnings yield a useful measure of financial performance?


No.The problem is that a company’s stock price is very sensitive to investor expectations about the future.


1、A bright future,a high stock price,and a low earnings yield go together.A high earnings yield is not an indicator of superior performance;in fact,it is more the reverse.


2、The earnings yield suffers from a severe timing problem of its own that invalidates it as a performance measure.


P126 问:What to Do When Actual Growth Exceeds Sustainable Growth?


1、The first step is to determine how long the situation will continue.If the company reaches maturity , it can probably be solved by further borrowing.


2、For longer-term sustainable growth problems,some combination of the following strategies will be necessary.


①Sell new equity (发售新股)

②Increase financial leverage (提高财务杠杆)

③Reduce the dividend payout (减少股利支付率)

④Prune away marginal activities (非核心业务的剥离)

⑤Outsource some or all of production (寻求外购)

⑥Increase prices (提高价格)

⑦Merge with a “cash cow” (兼并“现金牛”)

P133 问:What to Do When Sustainable Growth Exceeds Actual Growth?


1、If temporary,management can simply continue accumulating resources in anticipation of future growth.


2、When the difficulty is longer term,the issue becomes lack of growth is unique to the company,the management must look carefully at its own performance to identify and remove the internal constraints on company growth.


3、When a company is unable to generate sufficient growth from within,it has three options:ignore the problem,return the money to shareholders,or buy growth.


P217 问:What do these musings about the relative importance of taxes and financial distress costs imply about how to finance a business?


1、The ability of the company to utilize additional interest tax shields over the life of the debt.


2、The increased probability of bankruptcy created by added leverage.


3、The cost to the firm if bankruptcy occurs. (假如破产产生,它会给公司带来的成本。)


P31 课后第5题

P79 课后第5题

P80 课后第7题

7、问:Answer the questions below based on the following information.Taxes are 35 percent and all dollars are in millions.


Company X Company Z

$400 $420

Earnings before interest and


Debt(at 10% interest) 200 1200

Equity 800 300

问:a. Calculate each company’s ROE,ROA,and ROIC



Company X Company Z

ROE(净资产收益率) 31% 65%

ROA(资产收益率)25% 13%

ROIC(资本回报率)26% 18%



ROE x =Net income/equity=(400-200*10%)*(1-35%)/800=31%



ROE z =Net income/equity=(420-1200*10%)*(1-35%)/300=65%



ROA x =Net income/assets=(400-200*10%)*(1-35%)/1000=25%



ROA z =Net income/assets=(420-1200*10%)*(1-35%)/1500=13%



ROICx=EBIT*(1-Tax rate)/(Interest bearing debt+Equity)=400*(1-35%)/(200+800)=26%



ROICz=EBIT*(1-Tax rate)/(Interest bearing debt+Equity)=420*(1-35%)/(1200+300)=18%

问:b. Why is company Z’s ROE so much higher than X’s? Dode this mean Z is a better company?Why or why not?



Because company Z has a higher financial leverage than company X.

It does not mean that company Z is the better company because co mpany Z’s higher financial leverage makes it a very uncertain enterprise and it is much risker than company X.


X=(200+800)/800=1.25 Z=(1200+300)/300=5


问:c. Why is company X’s ROA higher than Z’s? What does this tell you about the two companies?



This is also due to Z’s higher financial leverage .

ROA penalizes levered companies by comparing the net income available to equity to the capital provided by owners and crediors.It does not mean that Z is a worse company than X



问:d. How do the two companies'ROICs compare? What does this suggest about the two companies?



ROIC abstracts from differences in leverage to provide a direct comparison of the earning power of the two companies’ assets. On this metric,X is the superior performer.Before drawing any firm conclusions,however,it is important to ask how the business risks faced by the companies compare and whether the observed ratios reflect long-run capabilities or transitory events.


P81 课后第11题

11、问:Given the following information ,complete the balance sheet shown below.


Collection period应收账款回收期50 days

Days sales in cash现金的的销售天数15 days

Current ratio流动比率 2.4

Inventory turnover存货周转率 6 times

Liabilities to assets资产负债比80%

Payables period应付账款周转天数28 days

(All sales are on credit. All calculations assume a 365-day year. Payables period is based on cost of goods sold) 译:(假定所有销售均为赊销,按365/年计算,应付账款付款期按销售成本计算。)




Accounts receivable应收账款1,666,667


Total current assets全部流动资产3,166,667

Net fixed assets净固定资产1,833,333

Total assets全部资产$5,00000,0

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity负债和所有者权益

Current liabilities流动负债

Accounts payable应付账款$460,274

Short-term debt短期借款859,170

Total current liabilities全部流动负债1,319,444

Long-term debt长期借款2,680,556

Shareholders’ equity所有者权益1,000,000

Total liabilities and equity全部负债和所有者权益$5,000,00


1.Sales/365=(Cash/Days sales in cash)


2.Accounts receivable=Collection period*Credit sales per day=Collection period*(Slaes/365)



3.Cost of goods sold=Inventory turnover *Ending inventory


4.Accounts payable=Payables period*(Cost of goods sold/365)



5.Current liabilities=Current assets/Current ratio


6.Total liabilities=Assets*Liabilities to assets


7.Shareholders’ equity=Total assets- Total liabilities


P113 课后第5题

5、问:Using a computer spreadsheet ,the information presented below, and the modified equations determined in question 4 above, extend the forecast for R&E Supplies contained in Table 3.5 through 2007. Is R&E’s external financing required in 2007 higher or lower than in 2006?






销售净额=上年的销售净额×(1+30%)=25766×1.3=33496 (2)销售成本/销售净额=86%













可知股利=税后利润×50%=(516-0.055X) ×50%=258-0.0275X





(2)流动负债=销售净额×14.4%= 33496×14.4%=4823





X=9984-(7449-0.0275X) 得出,0.9275X=2535 ,X=2606.68≈2607 (2607-1548=1059≈1000)








p143 课后第3题

3.问:PCA International ,Inc. ,is one of largest color portrait (肖像)photography chains(连锁店) in North America. The company photographs, develops ,and sells portrait packages through studios operated in Kmart stores. Following are selected financial data for the company for the period 1991-1995.


1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

Profit margin(%) 4.8 5.5 3.3 3.0 5.3

Retention ratio(%) 78.4 65.7 53.9 47.8 71.9

Asset turnover 4.3 3.1 2.7 2.4 2.4

Financial leverage 5.6 4.2 2.0 2.0 1.8

Growth rate in sales(%) 6.9 8.0 (6.2) (2.9) (0.1)

问:a.Calculate PCA’s sustainable growth rate in each year.



1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

g*(%) 90.6 47.0 9.6 6.9 16.5



93年g*=3.3%*53.9%*2.7*2.0= 9.6%

94年g*=3.0%*47.8%*2.4*2.0= 6.9%


问:b .Comparing the company’s sustainable growth rate with its actual growth rate in sales, what growth problems did PCA face over this period?



PCA’s sustainable growth rate in every year exceeded its actual g rowth rate by a wide margin. The company was generating more cash from operations than it could productively employ Its challenge was what to do with the excess cash。


问:c. How did the company cope with these problems?



PCA coped with actual growth below sustainable levels in two ways. It allowed its asset turnover to fall from 4.3 times in 1991 to 2.4 times in 1995, and it sharply reduced its debt from 5.6 times in 1991 to 1.8 times in 1995.


问:d.In March 1995,PCA announced a $7.5 million stock buy back, about equal in size to earnings that year. From a growth management perspective ,was this a wise move?



Stock repurchase made sense for PCA. They appear to have little productive use for the money they earn within the firm, so they should return it to the owners, either as dividends or in the form of a share repurchase.


p145 课后第5题

问:Union Fidelity Company(UFC)has the following ratios for the years 1999 through 2003:

Union Fidelity公司(UFC)1999--2003年间的财务比率如下:

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Profit margin (%)利润率38.5 37.9 37.3 38.5 38.7

Retention ratio (%)留存收益比率100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Asset turnover 资产周转率0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3

Financial leverage财务杠杆 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.8

Growth rate in sales (%)销售增长率53.2 36.4 46.5 49.3 40.6

问:A .Calculate UFC’s sustainable growth rate in each year.



1991 2000 2001 2002 2003

可持续增长率10.0 10.6 15.7 17.3 20.9

实际增长率53.2 36.4 46.5 49.3 40.6

问:B . Does UFC have a growth problem?



UFC does have a sustainable growth problem . Its sustainable growth rate is much lower than its actual growth rate.


问:C .How did UFC cope with its sustainable growth problem?



The increase in asset turnover and financial leverage is helping increase the sustainable growth rate .But the spread between the two rates is still substantial in 2003.


问:D . Calculate UFC’s sustainable growth rate in 2003 assuming t he asset turnover increases to 0.4 and the financial leverage decreases to 1.6 times.



P235 课后第11题

11、问:As the financial vice president for Aether Media,you have the following information:

译:作为Aether Media的财务副总裁,您有以下信息:

Expect net income after tax next year before new financing $40million

Sinking-fund payments due next year on existing debt $14million

Interest due next year on existing debt $15million

Company tax rate 36%

Commom stock price,per share $20

Commom shares outstanding 18million








问:A.Calculate Aether’s times-interest-earned ratio for next year assuming the firm raises $40 million of new debt at an interest rate of 7 percent.



EBIT = Net Income +Tax + Interest=40/(1-36%) + 15=$77.5 million

利息Interest Expense = 15 + 40 * 7% = $17.8 million

利息倍数Times-interest-earned = EBIT/(Interest Expense) = $77.5/$17.8 ≈ 4.35 times

问:B.Calculate Aether’s times-burden-covered ratio for the next year assuming annual sinking-fund payments on the new debt will equal $8 million.




Burden of interest and sinking fund before tax=interest exp.+ (sinking fund)/(1-t)

=17.8+(14+8)/(1-36%)=$52.175 million

偿债倍数Times burden covered=EBIT/52.175=77.5/52.175≈1.49 times

问:C.Calculate next yea r’s earnings per share assuming Aether raises the $40 million of new debt.



EPS=(EBIT-Int.exp)(1-t)/(common share outstanding)=(77.5-17.8)(1-36%)/18≈$2.12

问:D.Calculate next year’s times-interest-earned ratio,times-burden-covered ratio,and earnings per share if Aether sells 2 million new shares at $20 a share instead of raising new debt.



利息倍数Times-interest-earned= EBIT/(Interest Expense)=$77.5/$15=5.17 times

偿债倍数Times burden covered=EBIT/[int.exp+(sinking fund)/(1-t) ]=77.5/[15+14/(1-36%)]≈2.10times

EPS=(EBIT-Int.exp)(1-t)/(common share outstanding)=(77.5-15)(1-36%)/(18+2)=$2


第一章总论 第一节财务管理目标 企业的目标就是创造价值。一般而言,企业财务管理的目标就是为企业创造价值服务。鉴于财务主要是从价值方面反映企业的商品或者服务提供过程,因而财务管理可为企业的价值创造发挥重要作用。 一、企业财务管理目标理论 企业财务管理目标有如下几种具有代表性的理论: (一) 利润最大化 利润最大化就是假定企业财务管理以实现利润最大化为目标。 以利润最大化作为财务管理目标,其主要原因有三:一是人类从事生产经营活动的目的是为了创造更多的剩余产品,在市场经济条件下,剩余产品的多少可以用利润这个指标来衡量;二是在自由竞争的资本市场中,资本的使用权最终属于获利最多的企业;三是只有每个企业都最大限度地创造利润,整个社会的财富才可能实现最大化,从而带来社会的进步和发展。 利润最大化目标的主要优点是,企业追求利润最大化,就必须讲求经济核算,加强管理,改进技术,提高劳动生产率,降低产品成本。这些措施都有利于企业资源的合理配置,有利于企业整体经济效益的提高。 但是,以利润最大化作为财务管理目标存在以下缺陷: (1) 没有考虑利润实现时间和资金时间价值。比如,今年100万元的利润和10年以后同等数量的利润其实际价值是不一样的,10年间还会有时间价值的增加,而且这一数值会随着贴现率的不同而有所不同。 (2) 没有考虑风险问题。不同行业具有不同的风险,同等利润值在不同行业中的意义也不相同,比如,风险比较高的高科技企业和风险相对较小的制造业企业无法简单比较。 (3) 没有反映创造的利润与投入资本之间的关系。 (4) 可能导致企业短期财务决策倾向,影响企业长远发展。由于利润指标通常按年计算,因此,企业决策也往往会服务于年度指标的完成或实现。 (二) 股东财富最大化 股东财富最大化是指企业财务管理以实现股东财富最大化为目标。在上市公司,股东财富是由其所拥有的股票数量和股票市场价格两方面决定的。在股票数量一定时,股票价格达到最高,股东财富也就达到最大。 与利润最大化相比,股东财富最大化的主要优点是: (1) 考虑了风险因素,因为通常股价会对风险作出较敏感的反应。 (2) 在一定程度上能避免企业短期行为,因为不仅目前的利润会影响股票价格,与其未来的利润同样会对股价产生重要影响。 (3) 对上市公司而言,股东财富最大化目标比较容易量化,便于考核和奖惩。


出纳入门篇: ?出纳专题一站通 ?出纳新手必备知识:上班的那些事 ?出纳库存现金盘点核对系统 ?出纳初学者参与工作的注意事项 基础会计篇: ?《会计大全》精装版 ?免费会计软件 ?基础会计教材电子版 ?财务函数电子书 ?免费会计电子书下载(超值版) ?会计入门——具体事项处理 ?会计核算基本方法实训教程 ?《最新企业会计实务操作》扫描版 ?世界著名会计公司做的全套流程资料 ?四大会计事务所财务培训 ?厦门国家会计学院培训课程下载 ?[推荐]—基础会计教材顺口溜 ?《跟着笨笨干会计》全集 ?课件-高手作帐只用一套 ?会计综合实训资料及课件讲义下载汇总 ?基础会计实训教程 ?会计基础操作规范 ?会计专项实战资料 ?会计综合实战资料 ?《会计实务操作模拟实训》 ?企业财务会计基础知识培训教材 ?《企业财务通则》解读 ?财务人员工作流程【全集】 ?会计科目及主要帐务处理(2009最新版本)?最新企业会计科目及使用说明 ?纳税项目会计科目的设置及账簿启用

?企业会计每月账务处理(全套) ?一般企业会计月末和月初工作实务 ?会计交接工作的程序及注意事项 ?会计从业资格注册、变更、调转登记表 ?会计从业资格证书申请表 ?社保、公积金知识讲座 ?“五险一金”的深入解析—上班的一定要看 ?《通用税务数据采集软件》—免费纳税申报软件下载?《QS纳税申报》软件下载 ?各岗位会计年终总结汇总 ?2009年公司财务工作总结 ?财务人员个人工作总结示例 ?工行支票和电汇打印程序 ?银行用企业简介 ?财务会计工作细化执行与模板(光盘稿) ?小企业会计录大全 ?K3应用问题集(财务部分) ?会计全套账务处理完整篇 ?日记账管理系统 ?上班那点事之会计【视频】 ?会计凭证装订方法【视频】 ?高手做账只用一套【视频分享】 ?会计实务操作视频课程:出纳实务操作班 ?《跟着笨笨干会计》全集 ?工资表---全年工资随意查(更新版) ?出纳业务术语(电子版) ?会计做假解密电子书 ?普华永道总帐最佳实务 ?【会计故事连载】斑鸠的会计生活 ?成本控制要点应用指南 ?中美会计制度比较(pwc) ?账前消化(老板财务难解决方案视频全集) ?会计基础视频教程(全集) ?会计基础公式汇总、会计实务分录汇总 ?财务会计ppt(基本讲授完整会计基础知识) ?财务会计案例


第一章 1 CORRECT Which of the following are microeconomic variables that help define and explain the discipline of finance? D A) risk and return B) capital structure C) inflation D) all of the above Feedback: All of the above are relevant in explaining finance. 2 CORRECT One primary macroeconomic variable that helps define and explain the discipline of finance? C A) capital structure B) inflation C) technology D) risk Feedback: Technology is very important in explaining the field of finance. 3 CORRECT The money markets deal with _________. B A) securities with a life of more than one year B) short-term securities C) securities such as common stock D) none of the above Feedback: The money markets are concerned with short-term securities, those with a life less than one year. 4 CORRECT The ability of a firm to convert an asset to cash is called ___A_________. A) liquidity B) solvency C) return D) marketability Feedback: Liquidity also means how close an asset is to cash. 5 CORRECT Early in the history of finance, an important issue was: A A) liquidity B) technology C) capital structure D) financing options



第三节证券市场理论 本节要点: 1、风险和收益的壹般关系(客观题) 2、资本资产定价模型(重点,主观题、客观题) 3、套利定价理论(了解) 壹、风险和收益的壹般关系 1.关系公式 必要收益率=无风险收益率+风险收益率=R f+b×V 无风险收益率(R f)通常用短期国债的收益率来近似地替代;风险收益率能够表述为风险价值系数(b)和标准离差率(V)的乘积。 【例题单项选择题】某种股票的期望收益率为10%,其标准离差为0.04,风险价值系数为30%,则该股票的风险收益率为()。(2005年) A.40% B.12% C.6% D.3% 【答案】B 【解析】标准离差率=标准离差/期望值=0.04/10%=0.4,风险收益率=风险价值系数×标准离差率=0.4×30%=12%。 2.风险价值系数(b)的影响因素: 风险价值系数(b)取决于投资者对风险的偏好,对风险的态度越是回避,风险价值系数的值也就越大,反之则越小。 3.公式的缺点 现实中,对于公式中的风险价值系数b和标准离差率V的估计均是比较困难的,即便能

够取得亦不够可靠。因此,上述公式的理论价值远大于其实务价值。 二、资本资产定价模型 (壹)资本资产定价模型的基本表达式 必要收益率=无风险收益率+风险收益率 R=R f+β×(R m-R f) 其中:(R m-R f)市场风险溢酬,反映市场整体对风险的平均容忍程度(或厌恶程度)。 【例题】当前国债的利率为4%,整个股票市场的平均收益率为9%,甲股票的β系数为2,问:甲股票投资人要求的必要收益率是多少? 解答:甲股票投资人要求的必要收益率=4%+2×(9%-4%)=14% 课件【例2-8】某年由MULTEX公布的美国通用汽车X公司的β系数是1.170,短期国库券利率为4%,S&P股票价格指数的收益率是10%,那么,通用汽车该年股票的必要收益率应为: R=R f+β(R m--R f)=4%+1.17×(10%-4%)=11.02% 通过公式R=R f+β×(R m-R f),要注意俩点:壹是为主观题打基础;二是注意相应的结论,这是客观题的考核点。 从客观题方面见,第壹:通过公式要注意哪些因素影响投资人要求的必要收益率。主要有三个影响因素,壹个是无风险收益率(R f),无风险收益率越高,投资人要求的必要收益率越高;第二个是整个市场的平均收益率(R m),整个市场的平均收益率越高,投资人要求的必要收益率越高;第三个是β系数,β系数越大,投资人要求的必要收益率越高。 第二:注意有关的概念。如(R m-R f)指的是市场风险溢酬。 【例如判断题】按照资本资产定价模型,某项资产的风险收益率是等于该资产的系统风险系数和市场风险溢酬的乘积。


财务管理基础知识点整理 1. 财务管理:企业财务管理是企业对资金运作的管理。 2. 企业财务管理活动:①企业筹资。②企业投资。③企业经营。④企业分配。 3. 企业财务关系: 4. ①企业与投资者。这种关系是指投资者向企业投入资本,企业向投资者支付投资报酬所形成的经济关系。 ②企业与受资者。是指企业对外投资所形成的经济关系。企业与受资者的财务关系是体现所有权性质的投资与受资的关系。 ③企业与债权人。是指企业向债权人借入资金,并按合同按时支付利息和本金所形成的经济关系。企业与债权人的财务关系在性质上属于债务债权关系。 ④企业与债务人。是指企业将资金购买债券、提供借款、或商业信用等形式,借给其他的企业和个人所形成的经济关系。企业与债务人的关系体现的是债权与债务关系 ⑤企业内部各单位之间。是指企业内部各单位之间在生产经营各环节中相互提供产品和劳务所形成的经济关系。这种在企业内部形成的资金结算关系,体现了企业内部各部门之间的利益关系。 ⑥企业与职工。是指企业向职工支付劳动报酬过程中所形成的经济关系。 ⑦企业与政府。这种关系体现了一种所有权的性质、强制和无偿的分配关系。 ⑧企业与经营者。同企业与职工之间的财务关系一样。另有经营者年薪制问题、股票期权问题;知识资本问题。 5. 企业财务管理特点:①综合性强。②涉及面广。③灵敏度高。 6. 企业财务管理原则:(1)系统原则 ①整体优化 ②结构优化 ③适应能力优化 (2)成本与效益均衡原则 (3)平衡原则 (4)风险与收益均衡原则 (5)利益关系协调 原则 (6)比例原则。 6.财务管理环节:①财务预厕 ②财务决策 ③财务预算 ④财务控制 ⑤财务分析 7.企业目标:(1)生存目标—要求财务管理做到以收抵支、到其偿债。 (2)发展目标—要求财务管理筹集企业发展所需的资金。 (3)获利目标—要求财务管理合理有效地使用资金。 8.企业财务管理的目标:①利润最大化 ②股东财富最大化 ③企业价值最大化 9.财务管理目标的协调:(1)所有者与经营者利益冲突及协调 ①监督 ②激励 ③市场约束 (2)所有者与债权人的冲突与协调 ①增加限制性条款 ②提前收回债权或不再提供新债 权 ③寻求立法保护 (3)财务管理目标与社会责任的关系及协调 ①保证所有者权益 ②维护消费者权益 ③保 障债权人权益 ④保护社会环境。 10.财务管理环境:(1)外部环境:①经济环境(经济周期、经济发展状况、经济政策、通货膨胀)②法律环境(企 业组织法规、税法、财务法规)③金融环境(金融机构、金融市场、金融工具、利息率) (2)内部环境:①企业组织形式(个人独资企业、合伙企业、公司制企业)②销售环境 ③采购 环境 ④生产环境 ⑤企业文化 11.资金时间价值(1)单利终值:F=P*(1+i ,n) (2)单利现值:P=F/(1+i ,n) (3)复利终值:F=P(F/P ,i ,n) (4)复利现值:P=F(P/F ,i ,n) (5)普通年金终值:F=A(F/A ,i ,n) (6)普通年金现值:P=A(P/A ,i ,n) (7)即付年金终值:F=A[(F/A ,i ,n+1)-1] (8)即付年金现值:P=A[(P/A ,i ,n -1)+1] (9)递延年金终值:P=A[(P/A ,i ,m+n)-(P/A ,i ,m)]=A(P/A ,i ,n)(P/F ,i ,m) =A(F/A , i ,n)(P/F ,I ,m+n) (10)永续年金现值:P=A/i 12.贴现率计算方法:内插法 13.计息期短于一年的资金时间价值的计算:k=(1+i/m)m -1 14.风险的特征:①风险是客观存在的 ②风险与收益和损失密切相关 ③风险具有潜在性 ④风险具有可测性 15.风险的种类:①系统风险与非系统风险 ②经营风险和财务风险 16.标准离差: i n i i P E)(x δ?-=∑=21 ,标准离差率:ρ=V=δ/E ,Rr=b*V (Rr 应得风险报酬率,b 风险报


财务管理术语表 Absorption costing 吸收成本法: Total Cost Methods全部成本法: 将某会计期间内发生的固定成本除以销售量,得出单位产品的固定成本,再加上单位变动成本,算出单位产品的总成本。 Accounting 会计:对企业活动的财务信息进行测量和综合,从而向股东、经理和员工提供企业活动的信息。请参看管理会计和财务会计。 Accounting convention会计原则:会计师在会计报表的处理中所遵循的原则或惯例。正因为有了这些原则,不同企业的会计报表以及同一企业不同时期的会计报表才具有可比性。如果会计原则在实行中发生了一些变化,那么审计师就应该在年度报表附注中对此进行披露。 Accounts 会计报表和账簿: 这是英国的叫法,在美国,会计报表或财务报表叫做Financial Statements,是指企业对其财务活动的记录。Chief financial officer Accounts payable应付账款: 这是美国的叫法,在英国,应付账款叫做Creditors,是指公司从供应商处购买货物、但尚未支付的货款。 Accounts receivable 应收账款:这是美国的叫法,在英国,应收账款叫做Debtors,是指客户从公司购买商品或服务,公司已经对其开具发票,但客户尚未支付的货款。 Accrual accounting 权责发生制会计:这种方法在确认收入和费用时,不考虑交易发生时有没有现金流的变化。比如,公司购买一项机器设备,要等到好几个月才支付现金,但会计师却在购买当时就确认这项费用。如果不使用权责发生制会计,那么该会计系统称作“收付制”或“现金会计”。Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧:它显示截止到目前为止的折旧总额。将资产成本减去累计折旧,所得结果就是账面净值。 Acid test 酸性测试:这是美国的叫法,请参看quick ratio速动比率(英国叫法)。 Activity ratio 活动比率: 资产周转率,即销售收入除以净资产(或总资产)。它表明企业在销售过程中利用资产的效率,而不考虑资本的来源。零售业和服务业的活动比率通常比较高。制造业通常是资本密集型的,固定资产的流动资产较多,因此其活动比率也就比较低。 Allcation of costs 成本的分配:将成本分配给“拥有”它们的产品或分部,比如用某产品的广告成本抵减该产品的收入。 Amortization 摊销: 将资产或负债价值的逐渐减少记录在各期费用里。通常是指商誉、专利或其他无形资产,或者债券的发行费用。 Assets 资产: 企业所拥有的财产,可能包括固定资产、流动资产和无形资产。 Asset turnover: 资产周转率 Auditing 审计对公司账簿和会计系统进行检查,从而确认公司的会计报表是否真实、公正地披露其财务状况的过程。 Auditors’ report审计报告:根据法律规定,有限公司每年都应当公布一份会计报表,同时审计师应当出具意见,以确认公司是否对其商业活动进行了真实、公正的披露。为了确认这一点,审计师需要检查公司的会计报表。如果他们对报表不满意,他们就会出具“保留意见”,提了同报表中他们认为错误或不确定的项目。审计师出具的保留意见可能会对公司的公众形象和股票价格产生灾难性的影响。Authorized capital 核定资本:经过核定允许发行的实收资本额。在核定资本的时候,公司需要支付印花税。如果在核定资本额的全部股票都发行完之后,董事们还希望发行新的股票,则需要得到股东的允许。一旦批准之后,公司的董事会就可以在批准的额度内随意发行新的股票。

财务管理教材 电子版

目录 第一章总论 第一节财务管理基本概念 第二节财务管理目标 第三节财务管理工作环节 第四节财务管理环境 第二章财务管理基础知识 第一节资金时间价值 第二节风险与报酬 第三节成本习性分析及本量利关系 第三章筹资决策 第一节筹资概述 第二节权益资金筹集 第三节负债资金筹集 第四章资本成本与资本结构 第一节资本成本及计算 第二节杠杆原理 第三节目标资本结构 第五章项目投资决策 第一节项目投资决策的相关概念 第二节项目投资决策评价指标与应用第三节所得税与折旧对项目投资的影响第四节投资风险分析 第六章证券投资决策 第一节证券投资概述 第二节证券投资风险与收益率 第三节证券投资决策分析 第七章营运资金管理 第一节营运资金概述

第二节货币资金管理 第三节应收帐款管理 第四节存货管理 第八章利润分配管理 第一节利润分配概述 第二节股利分配政策 第九章财务预算 第一节财务预算概述 第二节财务预算编制方法 第三节现金预算与预计财务报表编制 第十章财务控制 第一节财务控制概述 第二节责任中心 第三节内部转移价格 第十一章财务分析 第一节财务分析概述 第二节财务分析方法 第三节财务指标分析 第四节财务综合分析 附录资金时间价值系数表 第一章总论 学习目标:通过本章学习,要求掌握财务关系及财务管理的基本内容;理解财务管理基本概念及财务管理目标的科学表达;了解财务管理工作环节和财务管理环境。 第一节财务管理基本概念 任何企业的生产经营活动,都是运用人力、资金、物资与信息等各项生产经营要素来进行的,其中包含了生产经营的业务活动和财务活动两个方面,与之对

应的,在企业中必然存在两种基本管理活动,即生产经营管理和财务管理。企业财务是指企业生产经营过程中的资金运动及其所体现的财务关系。财务管理是组织企业财务活动,处理财务关系的一项经济管理工作。理解企业财务管理的基本概念,还必须了解资金运动、财务活动及财务关系等相关概念。 一、资金运动及形式 资金是企业生产经营过程中商品价值的货币表现,其实质是再生产过程中运动着的价值。资金运动是指企业实物商品运动和金融商品运动过程中的价值运动。具体表现为两种形式: (一)实物商品资金运动 企业再生产过程是实物商品的使用价值的生产和交换与价值的形成和实现过程的统一。实物商品经过采购、生产和销售三个基本环节,既表现为其使用价值的实现过程,又表现为实物商品的价值运动过程。这种价值运动过程可以图示为: A G——W <——P——W′——G′ P m 随着实物商品的采购、生产和销售的进行,货币资金(G)依次转化为商品资金(W —表现为一定数量的劳动力A和生产资料P m)、生产资金(P)、产成品资金(W′)和更多的货币资金(G′)。资金运动的结果实现了资金的增值性要求。 (二)金融商品资金运动 金融商品是指在金融市场反复买卖,并有市场价格的各种有价证券(如股票、债券等)。企业进行的各种金融商品投资或买卖活动可以图示为: G——G w——G′ 随着金融商品买卖的进行,货币资金(G)依次转化为金融商品资金(G w)和更多的货币资金(G′)。 如果企业利用发行股票或债券筹集资金以及之后的偿付资金(如回购股票、支付股利;还本付息),完整的实物商品资金运动可以图示为:


Lecture 4 Exchange Rate Parity Problems: 6-2, 3, 4, 7, 8 Suggested Solutions 2. Option a: When you buy £35,000 forward, you will need $49,000 in three months to fulfill the forward contract. The present value of $49,000 is computed as follows: $49,000/(1.0035)3 = $48,489. Thus, the cost of Jaguar as of today is $48,489. Option b: The present value of £35,000 is £34,314 = £35,000/(1.02). To buy £34,314 today, it will cost $49,755 = 34,314x1.45. Thus the cost of Jaguar as of today is $49,755. You should definitely choose to use “option a”, and save $1,266, which is the difference between $49,755 and $48489. 3. a.(1+I$) =1.02 (1+I£)(F/S) = (1.0145)(1.52/1.50) = 1.0280 Thus, IRP is not holding exactly. b.(1) Borrow $1,500,000; repayment will be $1,530,000. (2) Buy £1,000,000 spot using $1,500,000. (3) Invest £1,000,000 at the pound interest rate of 1.45%; maturity value will be £1,014,500. (4) Sell £1,014,500 forward for $1,542,040 Arbitrage profit will be $12,040 c.Following the arbitrage transactions described above, The dollar interest rate will rise; The pound interest rate will fall; The spot exchange rate will rise; The forward exchange rate will fall. These adjustments will continue until IRP holds. 4. a.(1+ i $) = 1.014 < (F/S) (1+ i € ) = 1.053. Thus, one has to borrow dollars and invest in euros to make arbitrage profit. 1)Borrow $1,000,000 and repay $1,014,000 in three months. 2)Sell $1,000,000 spot for €800,000. 3)Invest €800,000 at the euro interest rate of 1.35 % for three months and receive €810,800 at maturity. 4)Sell €810,800 forward for $1,037,758. Arbitrage profit = $1,037,758 - $1,014,000 = $23,758. b.Follow the first three steps above. But the last step, involving exchange risk hedging, will be different. 5)Buy $1,014,000 forward for €792,238. Arbitrage profit = €810,800 - €792,238 = €18,562 7. a.ZAR spot rate under PPP = [1.05/1.11](0.175) = $0.1655/rand. b.Expected ZAR spot rate = [1.10/1.08] (0.158) = $0.1609/rand. c.Expected ZAR under PPP = [(1.07)4/(1.05)4] (0.158) = $0.1704/ran d. 8. a.First, note that (1+i €) = 1.054 is less than (F/S)(1+i €) = (1.60/1.50)(1.052) = 1.1221.


一、判断题(10*2’) ( T )1、A company’s retur n on equity will always equal or exceed its return on assets. 一个公司的权益收益率总是大于或等于其资产收益率。 ( T)2、A company’s assets-to-equity ratio always equals one plus its liabilities-to-equity ratio. 一个公司的资产权益比总是等于1加负债权益比。 ( F )3、A company’s collection period sho uld always be less than its payables period. 一个公司的应收账款回收期总是小于其应付账款付款期。 ( T )4、A company’s current radio must always be larger than its acid-test-radio. 一个公司的流动比率一定大于速动比率。 ( F )5、Economic earnings are more volatile than accounting earnings. 经济利润比会计利润更加变动不定。 ( F )6、Ignoring taxes and transactions costs , unrealized paper gains are less valuable than realized cash earnings. 若不考虑税收和交易成本,未实现的纸上盈利不如已实现的现金盈利有价值。 ( F)7、A company’s sustainable growth rate is the highest growth rate in sales it can att ain without issuing new stock. 一家公司的可持续增长率是他在不增发新股情况下所能取得的最高的销售增长率。 ( F )8、The stock market is a ready source of new capital when a company is incurring heavy losses 当一家公司蒙受惨重损失时,股票市场即为它随时可动用的新的资本来源。 ( T )9、Share repurchases usually increase earnings per share. 股票回购通常增加每股收益。 ( T)10、Companies often buy back their stock because managers believe the shares are undervalued. 因为管理者相信股票被低估了,所以公司经常买回它们的股票。 ( F )11、Only rapidly growing firms have growth management problems. 只有快速增长的公司才有增长管理的问题。 ( F )12、Increasing growth increases stock price. 提高增长增加股票价格。 二、名词解释(5*3’) 1、The balance sheet P6 A balance sheet is a financial snapshot , taken at a point in time , of all the assets the company owns and all the claims against those assets. 资产负债表相当于一张财务快照,它反映了企业在某一时点上拥有的全部资产和与之相对的全部要求权。


财务管理专业必读书目 1 公司理财(第六版)罗斯、威斯特菲尔德、杰富 5 2赢者的诅咒理查德·泰勒 3 行为公司金融——创造价值的决策赫什·舍夫林,郑晓蕾译 4 漫步华尔街(原书第9版) 伯顿·G·马尔基尔 6 会计和审计中的决策与判断罗伯特·H·阿什顿著谢盛纹译 7 会计准则国际趋同的经济后果与博弈夏大慰等著 8 新战略性思考米歇尔·罗伯特著林宜萱译 2009 9审计学:一种整合技术阿尔文·A·阿伦斯等著谢盛纹译 10 剩余会计规则制定:理论与实证研究卢静 11 会计与资本市场案例研究李晓慧 12 企业内部控制操作实务与案例分析王保平 13 股市心理博弈(美)约翰·迈吉著,吴溪译 14 投资陷阱:看上去很美的常识性误区李文杰 2012- 15 聪明投资:如何利用经济枯荣循环获利(美)乔治·达格尼诺著,陈仪,黄嘉斌译西 16 国富论(上、下)(英)亚当斯密著,郭大力,王亚南译 17 就业、利息和货币通论(英)约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯著,陆梦龙译 18 投机与骗局 (美)弗里德森编著,王娟译 1《就业、利息与货币通论》凯恩斯著高鸿业译 2《投资革命》彼德伯恩斯坦 3《社会主义会计的几个理论问题》顾准上 4《当代中国经济改革》吴敬琏 5《现代经济思想的渊源与演进》丹尼尔·R.福斯菲尔德 2 6《经济学与社会学》理查德·斯威德伯格 7《全球化及其不满》[美]斯蒂格利茨 8《现代制度经济学》盛洪著 9《资本主义经济制度》奥利佛?E.威廉姆森 10《工业人的未来》德鲁克著 11《股份制与现代市场经济》厉以宁 12《财产权利与制度变迁》陈昕 13《社会主义会计理论建设》杨纪琬 14《会计管理结构——对中国会计理论建设的若干思考》阎达五 15《中国会计简史》李宝震 16《会计史研究:历史、现实、未来》(第二卷) 郭道扬年 17《会计审计理论探索》娄尔行立信


LAURENTIAN BAKERIES The decision-maker must make a recommendation on a large expansion project. Discounted cash flow analysis is required. In late May, 1995, Danielle Knowles, vice-president of operations for Laurentian Bakeries Inc., was preparing a capital expenditure proposal to expand the company’s frozen pizza plant in Winnipeg Manitoba. If the opportunity to expand into the U.S. frozen pizza market was taken, the company would need extra capacity. A detailed analysis, including a net present value calculation, was required by the company’s Capital Allocation Policy for all capital expenditures in order to ensure that projects were both profitable and consistent with corporate strategies. COMPANY BACKGROUHD Established in 1984, Laurentian Bakeries Inc. (Laurentian) manufactured a variety of frozen baked food products at plants in Winnipeg (pizzas), Toronto (cakes) and Montreal (pies). While each plant operated as a profit center, they shared a common sales force located at the company’ head office in Montreal. Although the Toronto plant was responsible for over 40% of corporate revenues in fiscal 1994, and the other plants was accounted for about 30% each, all three divisions contributed equally to profits. The company enjoyed strong competitive positions in all three markets and it was the low cost producer in the pizza market. Income Statements and Balance Sheets for the 1993 to 1995 fiscal years are in Exhibits 1 and 2, respectively. Laurentian sold most of its products to large grocery chains, and in fact, supplying several Canadian chains with private label brand pizzas generated much of the sales growth. Other sales were made to institutional food services. The company’s success was, in part, the product of its management’s philosophies. The cornerstone of Laurentian’s operations was its including a commitment to a business strategy promoting continuous improvement; for example all employees were empowered to think about and make suggestions for ways of reducing waste. As Danielle Knowles saw it: “Continuous improvement is a way of life at Lauremtian.” Also, the company was known for its above –average consideration for the human resource and environmental impact of its business decisions. These philosophies drove all policy-making, including those policies governing capital allocation. Danielle Knowles Danielle Knowles’s career, which spanned 13 years in the food industry, had included p ositions in other functional areas such as marketing and finance. She had received an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and a master of business administration from the Western Business School. THE PIZZA INDUSTRY Major segments in the pizza market were frozen pizza, deli-fresh chilled pizza, restaurant pizza and take-out pizza. Of these four, restaurant and take-out were the largest. While these segments consisted of thousands of small-owned establishments, a few large North American chains, which included Domino’s, Pizza Hut and Little Caesar’s, dominated.


20XX注会财务管理教材 篇一:财务管理讲义 第一章总论 本章阐述了企业财务管理的基本理论,通过本章的学习,使学生对财务管理有一个总括的认识,重点掌握企业财务管理的对象、内容及其特征,企业财务管理的整体目标,组织财务管理的原则、程序和方法以及财务管理的各种环境,对现代财务管理的产生和发展有一个基本的了解。通过本章的学习,为学习以后各章打下坚实的理论基础。 第一节企业财务管理的对象 一、企业财务活动的内容: 1.企业资金及资金运动;2、企业财务活动的定义及内容;3、各项财务活动关系。 二、企业财务管理的特征: 综合性、广泛性、敏感性。 三、财务管理的定义及其与会计的关系。 第二节企业财务管理目标 一、财务管理目标的作用: 导向作用、激励作用、凝聚作用、考核作用; 二、企业目标对财务管理的要求: 生存、发展、获利; 三、财务管理目标的基本特点:

稳定、多元、层次; 四、企业财务管理的各个目标及其优缺点: 利润最大化、每股盈余最大化、股东财富最大化、企业价值最大化、相关者利益最大化; 五、财务管理目标的协调: 所有者与经营者的矛盾与协调、所有者与债权人的矛盾与协调; 六、财务管理的部分目标。 第三节企业财务管理的职能和原则 一、企业财务管理的职能: 预测职能、决策职能、预算职能、控制职能、分析职能; 二、企业财务管理的原则: 系统原则、收益与风险均衡原则、利益关系协调原则、弹性原则、优化原则。 第四节企业财务管理的一般程序和方法 一、财务管理的程序(环节): 预测、决策、计划、控制、分析。 二、财务预测 1.意义及步骤:明确预测的对象和目的;搜集和整理有关信息资料;选用特定的预测方法进行预测。 2.预测的具体方法:定性预测法、定量预测法:趋势分析法、因果预测法


Foundation of Financial Management Module syllabus Teacher Name: Zhanwei Liu School Name: Xuchang University 1. Unit description Financial management is part of the decision-making, planning and control subsystems of an enterprise. It incorporates the treasury function, which includes the management of working capital and the implications arising from exchange rate mechanisms due to international competition, evaluation, selection, management and control of new capital investment opportunities, raising and management of the long-term financing of an entity. The management of risk in the different aspects of the financial activities undertaken is also addressed. Studying this course should provide you with an overview of the problems facing a financial manager in the commercial world. It will introduce you to the concepts and theories of corporate finance that underlie the techniques that are offered as aids for the understanding, evaluation and resolution of financial ma nagers’ problems. This subject guide is written to supplement the Essential and Further reading listed for this course, not to replace them. It makes no assumptions about prior knowledge other than that you have completed Principles of accounting. The aim of the course is to provide an understanding and awareness of both the underlying concepts and practical application of the basics of financial management. The subject guide and the readings should also help to build in your mind the ability to make critical judgments of the strengths and weaknesses of the theories, just as it should be helping to build a critical appreciation of the uses and limitations of the same theories and their possible applications.

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