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5、注意在一个自然的交际状态下的语言的逻辑,语言的逻辑主要通过交际当中的连接词来体现的。像but, although, however, what's more等词。


7、注意前后的语气:表示高兴的语气词:wow,Gee;表示不太高兴的,震惊的,推诿的语气词:Well,Jesus, Oh ! god, gosh, Uh-oh;表示疼痛的词语:Ouch;表示失去耐心了:Oh, boy! Oh, man!



10、主要针对Section B:通过真题和模拟题总结常用成语和习惯用法,并记住,培养语感。





2018年同等学力申硕英语 2018年同等学力申硕英语?面对同等学力考试,相信每一位考生都做好了充足的准备,相信每一位考生的心中各不相同。但是提醒考生切勿兴奋过头,要保持一颗清醒的头脑,冷静答题。尤其是英语考试,考生要注意一下几方面: 一、不要“抢”答,要做好答题前的准备 按照英语考试的组织规程,考试两个阶段正式开始答题前几分钟,同学们就会拿到英语试卷。首先要快速地整体浏览一下试卷,大致判断一下对于自己来说试卷的难度。这里要特别注意留意两个部分: 第一个是阅读理解,第二个是看一看书面表达题目 二、不要“长”答,要合理分配答题时间 在第一个阶段的英语考试中,控制好答题节奏,合理利用时间,这一点非常重要。不要在一道试题上耽误太多时间。阅读理解部分由于语篇多,词汇量和阅读量都大,因此比较耗时,但千万不能在这里“恋战”。 三、调动语感做到“一答”准确 英语考试考查语言的运用,因此,考试中有没有语感,就变得非常重要。答题时,不要一味地想语法,想考点,要把考试变成“调动语感”和进行“语言交流”。要自觉运用平时训练所形成的答题技巧。对应试卷各个题型,在回答问题时要注意:

(1)单项选择; (2)完型填空; (3)阅读理解; (4)翻译的重要一步就是一定要理解原文,然后在用自己的语言通顺的表达出来,英语重在意合,英语重在形合;(5)书面表达 四、仔细填涂答题卡避免“非能力失分” 英语考试不仅检验平时训练是否“有素”,“功力”是否“完满”,也体现临场发挥的程度和水平。 温馨提示:考试们在面对考试的时候不用有太多的担心,这2018年同等学力申硕英语其实英语考试除了考查学生英语知识,也是考查学生的应试能力,所以考生在考试中,一定要沉着冷静,保持一个稳定的心,希望同学们关注考试注意事项,注意答题的每一个细节,稳定心理,正常、甚至是超水平发挥,以期在考试中取得优异成绩。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


2015年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一、卷二真题及参考答案 考生须知 1.本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分75分,考试时间为100分钟, 9:00开始,10:40结束:试卷二满分25分,考试时间为50分钟,10:40开始,11:30结束。 2.请考生务必将本人姓名和考号填写在本页方框内。 3.请将试卷一答案用2B铅笔填涂在试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。 4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B][C][D]。 5.监考员宣布试卷一考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自己的桌面上,继续做试卷二。监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。 6.监考员收卷过程中,考生须配合监考员验收,并请监考员在准考证上签字(作为考生交卷的凭据),否则,若发生答卷遗失,责任由考生自负。 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. Do you know what a handicapped space is? B. The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. C. Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Student: Can you tell me where I can park? Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? Student: I drive an automobile. Clerk: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1 Student: Yes, I have seen those spots. Clerk: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening? Student: I park in the evenings. Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs? Student: Yes, I have seen those signs. Clerk: 3 .


2018年同等学力申硕考试优秀英语写作模板在职研究生为很多职场人士提供了一个边工作边学习的机会,也因此受到在职人员的热捧。不过,对于职场工作人员那些英语语法、写作技巧估计都不太记得了吧!下面,小编将为大家介绍一下2018年同等学力申硕考试优秀英语写作模板。希望对大家有帮助! 模版一:单一话题议论文 第一段概述(大约40字): When it comes to the topic of______(作文的话题及某种社会现象,一般是作文标题). Some people hold the idea that ______ (人们的看法,观点). As far as I’m concerned, I think______ (我的看法,观点). So I firmly support (object to) the______(观点). 第二段正文(大约70字): There are several reasons for this______(这种现象或某种观点), but in general, they come down to three major ones , which listed as follows. To start with _____(第一个原因) . That is to say_____ (扩展介绍). What's more _____ (带来的影响). Secondly, ______(第二个原因). Besides_____ (扩展介绍). As a result of_____(带来的影响). And finally_________(第三个原因或者影响). Even more_________(扩展介绍). Not only _________ but also _________ (带来的影响). Obviously, it is high time that we_________( 本段小结).


2018年同等学力考试真题使用方法 2018年同等学力考试真题使用方法?虽说2017年同等学力申硕已经过去好几个月了,但是对于不少在职人员而言,工作时间紧张,开始备考来年的申硕考试也并不算早。据了解,同等学力申硕备考最有价值的资料就是历年真题了,下面就由小编来给大家讲讲同等学力申硕历年真题的使用方法,以供大家参考: 1、分析试题难易程度、题型、分值 虽然考试大纲也会有一些介绍,但毕竟不如真题来的实在。通过大量的真题可以得知考试的难易程度,常出的题型,知识点的分值分布等。对于这些,大家最好能随时记录,最后进行对比分析,根据出现的频率就可以知道考试的重点和难点,什么题型最常考、什么题型最难答等。 2、分析出题比重 任何考试都会有侧重点,大家通过对真题的分析,可以得出出题的侧重点,然后分析各个章节在整个考研中的地位,进行重点复习。 3、了解重点、难点和考点 很多考点会反复出现,这些考点一方面告诉我们这是重点,另一方面可以帮助大家记忆重要知识点。对于反复考查的知识点,大家一定不要局限于答案,而要对答案进行发散思维。同等学力考试对于灵活性的要求很高,大家平时一定要加强训练。

4、掌握命题风格 因为每年的同一章节往往是由同一位命题老师命的题,因此我们可以分析其命题风格,是注重能力、还是注重基础;是注重课内知识还是课外知识等。 以上就是对2018年同等学力考试真题使用方法?的介绍内容,希望对大家有所帮助,如果您想了解更多相关资讯,可以持续我们的网站给我们留言或者在线直接咨询老师,我们将全力为您解答! 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表



同等学力英语作文十篇范文 题目1:On Opening Psychological Courses(开放心理课程)Many universities and colleges have now decided to open more psychological courses to their students. This is totally advisable and has been warmly welcomed. In the first place psychological courses are in urgent need in colleges and universities. Today students are under tremendous pressures. They have economical and academic pressures and pressures coming from interpersonal relations as well. These pressures may bring them anxiety,depression,and despair. Some students even committed suicide for these pressures. The psychological courses may teach them how to deal with pressures. And thus can be very good for the students’ mental health. In the second place such courses may help students deal with problems in the future. And therefore beneficial to the whole society. The courses teach students how to regulated feelings and emotions in different situations which can be of great use when they graduate and go to work. As for me,I think it’s a wis e idea to open more psychological courses to the students.


同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全 国统一考试大纲(第六版) 一、指导思想 本考试大纲要求通过 教学使学生具有较好的用英语获取信息的能 力和一定的用英语传递信息的能力。这就要求考生具有较强的阅读理解能力,一定的口语交际能力和语篇信息处理能力,同时也必须具有一定的英译汉能力和写作能力。本考试旨在测试考生是否达到大纲所规定的各项要求和具 有大纲所规定的各项语言运用能力。 二、评价目标 本考试重点考查考生的英语口 语交际、阅读、语篇完形处理、英译汉和写作等技能(由于技术上的原因,本考试暂时取消听力测试,口语交际技能的测试采用书面形式进行。考生听力能力的测试由各院校在考生学习期间进行)。考生应在词汇知识、语法知识、口语交际能力、阅读理解能力、语篇完形处理

能力、英译汉能力和写作能力等方面分别达到以下要求: (一)词汇 掌握约6 000个英语词汇和约700个常用词组。对6 000个词汇中的2 800个左右的积极词汇要求熟练掌握,即能在口语交际和写作中准确地运用;其余词汇则要求能在阅读、语篇完形处理和英译汉等过程中识别和理解。 (二)语法 掌握英语的基本语法知识、常用句型和结构,能正确理解包含这些知识、句型和结构的句子和语篇。 (三)口语交际 能用英语进行日常口语交流。对于生活、学习和工作中的常见英语交流,能理解交流情景、说话人的意图和会话的含义,并能运用相应的知识和判断进行恰当的交流。能正确理解英语口语中常见的习惯用法。

(四)阅读 能综合运用英语语言知识和阅 读技能读懂一般性题材的文章、广告等应用性文本和博客及跟帖等互动形式的阅读材料。要求能抓住大 意,读懂细节,能理解上下文的逻辑关系,并能领会和分辨作者或话语参与各方的主要 意图和态度及其异同等。 (五)语篇完形处理 在理解阅读材料的基础上能综 合运用词汇、语法、搭配、语段、篇章逻辑等方面的知识和上下文等对语篇各层次的信息 进行正确判断和完型处理。 (六)英译汉 能在不借助词典的情况下,把一般性题材的文章及科普文章中的段落从英语 译成汉语,能准确表达原文的意思,语句通顺,用词基本正确,无重大语言错误。 (七)写作


2017 年同等学力经济综合真题及参考答案 一、单项选择题 在我国的中间扩散型制度变迁方式中扮演着重要角色。 A.中央政府 B.地方政府 C.国有企业 D.民营企业 参考答案: B 2、如图所示,两个消费者的无差异曲线相切于E1、E2、E3,这意味着_ A.对于消费者 1 而言,E1 的效用水平高于E2 B.对于消费者 2 而言,E3 的效用水平高于E2 C.E2 属于帕累托最优状态,E1 和E3 不属于帕累托最优状态 D.E、E、E 都属于帕累托最优状态 参考答案: D 3、资本国际流动的主要形式包括_ ①国家资本输出与私人资本输出 ②长期资本流动与短期资本流动 ③直接资本流动与间接资本流动 ④国际商品流动和人力资本流动 A.①②④ B.①③④

C.①②③ D.②③④ 参考答案: C 4、当最终产品进口的名义税率不变时,表述正确的是_ ①对进口原料征税越低,该名义税率的保护作用越大 ②对进口原料征税越低,该名义税率的保护作用越小 ③对进口原料征税越高,该名义税率的保护作用越大 ④对进口原料征税越高,该名义税率的保护作用越小 A.①和② B.②和③ C.②和④ D.①和④ 参考答案: D 5、根据税收能否转嫁,税收可分为_ A.价内税与价外税 B.中央税、地方税与中央地方共享税 C.直接税和间接税 D.从量税与从价税 参考答案: C 6、可用于解释财政支出规模增长趋势的理论包括_ ①政府活动扩张论 ②梯度渐进增长论 ③经济发展阶段论 ④官僚行为增长论 A①③④ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①②③④ 参考答案:D 7、实际利率 =____。 A.名义利率+通货膨胀率 B.名义利率通货膨胀率 C.名义利率 X 通货膨胀率



2013同等学力申硕考试英语真题(A卷) 英语试卷一 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue one A. It sounds like a flu. B. I also advise resting for a couple of days. C. Boy, when it rains, it pours. Doctor: What has been bothering you? Patient: I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Plus, I’ve been coughing a lot. 1 Doctor: Any stomach pains? Patient: Actually, yes. My stomach’s been upset for a few days. Doctor: 2 . It’s been going around lately. Patient: Anything I can do for it? Doctor: I’ll prescribe some medicines for you to take. 3 . Patient: Does that mean I shouldn’t go to work? Doctor: Only when you feel up to it. You should stay home for at least a day or two. Dialogue Two A. So, what are you going to do with the money? B. You have lots of money. C. How much do I owe you? Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance? Father: Oh, I forgot about that. Joshua: You ALWAYS forget. Father: I guess I do. 4 Joshua: Just $13. Father: Well, I’ m not sure if I have that much. Joshua: Go to bank. 5 Father: Lots of money, uh? Uh, well, I think the bank is closed. Joshua: Then, what about your secret money jar under your bed? Father: Oh, I guess I could do that. 6 Joshua: I ’m going to put some in savings, give some to the poor people, and use the rest to buy books.


2018年同等学力在职研究生报名入口 五月同等学力申硕是在职人员一边工作,一边利用节假日和周末进行学习的一种形式,属于国民教育系列。五月同等学力申硕是在职研究生教育的一种报考方式。 五月同等学力是先入学后考试,每年的3月份报名,5月份考试,考试难度较低,考试科目是专业综合和外语两门,每门成绩达到60分即可,通过论文答辩即可获得结业证书和学位证书。 2018年同等学力在职研究生报名咨询网站:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b515766007.html,/ 一:五月同等学力在职研究生报考条件: 1、本科、学士学位满3年; 2、专科生和本科无学位的学生可直接报名研修班进行学习,但想要申硕需满足本科学士学位毕业满3年的条件。 二:五月同等学力申硕在职研究生招生专业 哲学、经济学(含理论经济学、应用经济学)、法学、政治学、社会学、教育学、心理学、中国语言文学、新闻传播学、生物学、历史学、地理学、机械工程、动力工程及工程热物理、电气工程、电子科学与技术、信息与通信工程、控制科学与工程、计算机科学与技术、建筑学、作物学、临床医学、管理科学与工程、工商管理、农林经济管理、公共管理和图书馆、情报与档案管理学。 三:五月同等学力申硕在职研究生与全日制研究生相比,有哪些优势? 1. 在职人员可以边工作边学习,不耽误时间,等你毕业后已经拥有了别人不具备的工作经验,这一点是最重要的。 2. 扩展人脉:当你真正的进入社会后会发现,有些事情不是靠一个人就能够完成的,一个人的思维毕竟是有限的,集思广益,才能够为成功梦想开辟一条通畅的道路,也许朋友的一句话一个思想的表达就可以牵动你那宝贵的灵感。 3.含金量相同:通过五月同等学力申硕所获得的学历和学位证书统招研的是一样的,都受到国家、社会和企业认可的,享有同样的评职称、加薪、出国、考公务员的机会和待遇。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


2018 年同等学力英语真题及答案 一卷部分 Paper One (100 minutes) Part I Oral Communication (10 points) Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer sheet. Dialogue One How about you? Wanna join us? It’s a long weekend. Tina: I’m so glad the weekend’s finally here. Lewis: Me too. Imagine! 1 c We’ve got three days in a row. Tina: So, where’re you going? Lewis:I don't have any plan yet. I’ll just play it by ear.2 A Tina: We’re going to go hiking and camping in the mountains. Lewis: That sounds exciting! Tina: 3.B Lewis: Hm, let me think about it. I’ll let you know later. Dialogue Two And I’d like the cheapest flight available. What is your destination? And when will you be returning? Travel Agent: Freedom Travel. How can I help you? Caller: Yes, I’d like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month. Travel Agent: Okay. 4 B . Caller: Well. I’m flying to Helsinki, Finland. Travel Agent: Okay. Let me check what flights are available. 5 C Caller: Uh, well, I’d like to catch a return flight on the twenty-ninth. 6A Travel Agent: Okay. Let me see. Um, that’s flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport, transferring to flight 90from Kennedy to Helsinki. It’s only $980. Caller: Alright, let’s go with that. Section B Directions: In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A, B, C and D, taken from the interview. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the Answer sheet. I think the big difference is, What have you done to make this yours? how they look in the Oval Office. you don’t need so much heart.


2015年同等学力申硕考试英语真题 Part I Oral Communication(10 points) Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A.Do you know what a handicapped space is ? B.The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. C.Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Student: Can you tell me where I can park? Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? Student: I drive an automobile. Clerk: Fine.You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1 Student: Yes,I have seen those spots. Clerk: well,when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit.Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening? Student: I park in the evenings. Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs? Student: Yes ,I have seen those signs. Clerk: 3 Dialogue Two A. The hours and limitations are printed on the card and this handout. B. May I have your driver's license,please? C. Are you familiar with our rules and fines? Student:Excuse me,I am interested in getting a library card. Librarian:Sure,let me give you an application.You can fill it out right here at the counter. Student: Thank you.I'll do it right now. Librarian:Let me take a look at this for you. 4 Student : Here it is. Librarian : You seem to have filled the form out all right.___5___ Student : Yes.I know what to do. Librarian : ____6____ Student : OK . I see. Librarian : Thank you for joining the library; We look forward to serving you. Section B Directions: In this section there is one incomplete which has four blanks and four choices A,B,C and D , taken from the interview . Fill in each of the blanks


2018年同等学力西医 2018年同等学力西医?医学同等学力在职研究生的考试每年是在五月进 行,参加的是五月同等学力申硕考试,报名、考试都是统一进行的。目前,2017年的医学同等学力在职研究生考试已经过去了,但是请不要灰心,我们可以现在申请报18年的同等学力西医专科,下面为大家介绍:2018年同等学力西医考试科目有哪些 据了解,同等学力申硕考试各专业的考试科目都是一样的,同等学力申硕考试科目比较少,所以每年通过率也比较高。2016年医学在职研究生的考试科目与其他专业一样,考试科目是外语和学科综合,这两门考试要求的合格分数线都是60分。 外语能力水平测试: 同力统考的外语考试可以在五个语种中选择一种,这五个语种分别是英语、 法语、德语、日语、俄语,每年的考生中只有很少一部分人会选择法、德、日、 俄这四个语种,多数人会选择考英语,这是与院校设置学科语种有关。根据每年的考试经验来看,同力统考英语考试的难度会在大学英语四级左右,认真复习过的考生应该都能顺利通过考试。 学科综合水平测试:

医学专业的综合水平测试主要是考察考生的基础知识掌握,主要内容就是医学方面的基础知识,这些知识在之前的课程班学习中应该都已经掌握了,再在复习的时候多看看考试大纲、多做一些历年真题一般就能通过考试了。 温馨提示:如果考生很遗憾的没有通过,也不要气馁。同力统考有最少四年的申硕时间,考生在规定时间内通过考试即可。对于此次考试有疑问的可以咨询线上老师,想要报名明年医学专业的人可以查看想报考院校的在职研究生招生简章。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表 院校名称热招专业方向推荐院校简介 中国人民大学 公共管理企业管理中国人民大学是 一所以人文社会 科学为主的综合 性研究型全国重 点大学,直属于 教育部,由教育 部与北京市共 建。目前学校是 国家“985工程” 和“211工程” 社会学人力资源管理 EMBA 艺术学 技术经济及管理会计学 计算机哲学 市场营销法学 国民经济学网络经济学 历史学项目管理 传播学新闻学


绝密*启用前 2013年同等学力人员申请硕士学位 外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一ENGLISH QUALIFICATION TEST FOR MASTER-DEGREE APPLICANTS Paper One(100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (10 points) PartⅡVocabulary (10 points) Part III Reading Comprehension (25points) Part IV Cloze (10 points) Part V Text Completion (20 points) 考生须知

1.本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分为75分,考试时间为100分钟,9:00开始,10:40结束:试卷二满分为25分,考试时间为50分钟,10:40开始,11:30结束。 2.考生务必将本人考号最后两位数字填写在本页右上角方框内。 3.本试卷一为B型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在B型试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上或其它类型答题卡上的无效。答题前,请核对试卷一答题卡是否为B型卡,若不是,请要求监考员予以更换。 4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如:[A][B][C][D]。 5.监考员宣布试卷一考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自 己的桌面上,继续做试卷二。监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。 6.监考员收卷过程中,考生须配合监考员验收,并请监考员在准考证上签字(作为考生交卷的凭据),否则,若发生答卷遗失,责任由考生自负。

Part I Oral Communication (10 points) Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken fro m the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to co mplete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. You have lots of money. B. How much do I owe you? C. So, what are you going to do with the money? Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance? Father: Oh. I forgot about that. Joshua: You ALWAYS forget. Father: I guess I do. 1 Joshua: Just $13.


Part1Oral Communication(10points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A.How about you? B.Wanna join us? C.It’s a long weekend. Tina:I’m so glad the weekend’s finally here. Lewis:Me too.Imagine!1We’ve got three days in a row. Tina:So,where’re you going? Lewis:I don't have any plan yet.I’ll just play it by ear.2. Tina:We’re going to go hiking and camping in the mountains. Lewis:That sounds exciting! Tina:3 Lewis:Hm,let me think about it.I’ll let you know later. Dialogue Two A.And I’d like the cheapest flight available. B.What is your destination? C.And when will you be returning? Travel Agent:Freedom Travel.How can I help you? Caller:Yes,I’d like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month. Travel Agent:Okay.4 Caller:Well.I’m flying to Helsinki,Finland. Travel Agent:Okay.Let me check what flights are available.5. Caller:Uh,well,I’d like to catch a return flight on the twenty-ninth.6. Travel Agent:Okay.Let me see.Um,that’s flight1070from Salt Lake City to New York,Kennedy Airport,transferring to flight90from Kennedy to Helsinki.It’s only$980. Caller:Alright,let’s go with that. Section B Directions:In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A,B,C and D,taken from the interview.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. A.I think the big difference is, B.What have you done to make this yours? C.how they look in the Oval Office. D.you don’t need so much heart. On Donald Trump’s100th day as U.S.president,he spoke with“Face the Nation”host and Chief Washington Correspondent John Dickerson. Dickerson:What’s the difference between negotiating in Washington versus negotiating in


Paragraphs I. What is a good, effective paragraph? ●Unified---all the sentences in the paragraph are focused on one central thought or on a single topic. ●Coherent---it develops naturally and smoothly, with one sentence leading to another logically. ●Well-developed---it fulfills what it sets out to say. 1. Paragraph Unity Unity is concerned with the content of a paragraph. A unified paragraph discusses only one topic or one aspect of a topic. Only one central idea or theme it may have.

When a new idea is generated, a new paragraph must begin. Sample 1 We Americans are incredibly lazy. Instead of cooking a simple, nourishing meal, we pop frozen dinner into the oven. Instead of studying a daily newspaper, we are contented with the capsule summaries on the network news. Worst of all, instead of walking even a few blocks to the local convenience store, we jump into our cars. Sample 2 When people sit down to eat, they unconsciously reveal their personal habits. The color of the food that they order indicates their tastes.For instance, a person who orders red, yellow, and orange foods usually wears brightly colored clothes and lives in an apartment decorated in lively colors. The texture of the food gives clues to the way that people deal with life situations.The diner who prefers such crunchy foods as crackers probably meets the day-to-day conflicts head-on while the diner who orders soft creamy foods will go to almost any length to avoid

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