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1 ._____is the largest city and the chief port of the United States.

A .Washington D.C

B .Los Angeles C.San Francisco D .New York City 2._____ enjoys the worst social and economic conditions.

A.Blacks B .Hispanics C.Indians D.Asian Americans

3 .Washington D.C. is named after___________.

A.the U.S. President George Washington B .Christopher Columbus

C .both George Washington and Christopher Columbus

D .none of them

4 .American and British English are two_____ of the English language.

A.varieties B.elements C.parts D.form

5.The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was______.

A .Thomas Jefferson B.James Monroe C.James Madison D .Abraham Lincoln

6 .Of the fifty states, the smallest state in area is_____.

A.Rhode Island B .Virginia C.Texas D .Montana

7.The national flag of the United States is known as_____.

A.the Star-Spangled Banner B .Uncle Sam C .Hot Dog D .Union Jack 8.The number of the Representatives from each American state depends on the _____.

A .contribution a state has made to the nation B.Population C.size

D.none of the above

9 .The tern “Father of Waters” is used to refer to _____.

A.the Amazon River B.the Mississippi River C.the Nile River D.the Hudson River 10 The statue of liberty was given to American people by_____ as a gift in 1884.

A.France B.Spain C .Italy D .Britain


1 .D, 纽约是美国最大的城市同时也是最重要的经济中心和最主要的港口。

2.A, 黑人在美国的经济和社会地位都最为低下。

3 .C, 首都命名为华盛顿是为了纪念美国的第一任总统乔治?华盛顿,而联邦直辖区命名为哥伦比亚特区是为了纪念第一位从欧洲横渡大西洋到达西半球的探险家克里斯多拂?哥伦布。

4.A, 美国英语和英国英语是英语语言的两种变体。

5.D, 美国历史上的第一位共和党总统是亚伯拉罕?林肯。

6.A, 美国国土面积最小的是罗得岛。

7 .A, 美国的国旗是星条旗。

8.B, 美国每个州派往众议院的代表人数应与本州人口成比例。

9 .B, 美国的“众河之父”指的是密西西比河。

10.A, 美国的自由女神像是法国人赠予的礼物。



1. Ernest Hemingway is _____.

A. Englishman

B. American


D. Denmark

2 .John Fitzgerald Kennedy is _____ president.

A. 35th

B. 34th

C. 33rd

D. 32nd

3. In 1837, the first college-level institution for women , Mount Holyoke Female Seminary , opened in _____ to serve the “ Muslim sex”.

A. New England

B. Virginia

C. Massachusetts

D. New York

4. The capital of Massachusetts is _____.

A .Providence B. Boston C. Montpelier D. Augusta

5 ._____ is the dividing line between the South and North.

A The Hudson River B. The Potomac River C. The Ohio River D. The Missouri River

6 ._____ is Washington’s largest city.

A .Boise B. Denver C. Tacoma D .Seattle

7. Washington D.C., the capital of U.S. is situated on the _____River banks.

A .St. Lawrence B. Hudson C. Potomac D. Missouri

8. When did the American Civil War break out?

A. 1775

B. 1812

C. 1861

D. 1863

9 .Who prepared the draft of the Declaration of Independence?

A .John Adams B. Thomas Jefferson C. Benjamin Franklin D. John Hancock

10. In which day is Halloween celebrated?

A .5 November B. 31 October C .17 March D. 25 December


1. B,文坛巨匠海明威是美国人。

2 .A,肯尼迪是美国的第35任总统。

3. C,美国的第一所女子学院开设于马萨诸塞州。

4 .B,麻省的首府是波士顿。

5. D,美国南北的分界线是密苏里河,东西的分界线是密西西比河。

6 .D,华盛顿州的最大城市是西雅图。

7. C,华盛顿特区位于波托马克河上。

8. C,美国内战爆发于1861年,结束于1865年。

9 .B,为美国起草独立宣言的是托马斯?杰弗逊。

10 .B,万圣节前夕是10月的最后一天即10月31号。



1 Britain was the first country to industrialize because of the following factors except _____.

A Britain was well placed geographically to participate in European and world trade.

B Britain had many rivers, which were useful for transport.

C British engineers had sound training and the inventors were respected.

D British government was increasingly interested in overseas and colonies after the 17th century.

2 The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The _____ has very little power.

A queen

B monarch

C prime minister

D king

3 Which party has always had strong links with the trade unions and received financial support from them?

A the Labor Party

B the Conservative Party

C the Liberal Party

D the Social Democratic Party

4 On accepting ____, the age of constitutional monarchy, of a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament, began.

A Constitutional Law

B The Declaration of Independence

C Civil Law

D Bill of Rights

5 Females were allowed to vote in national elections until ____.

A 1918

B 1916

C 1920

D 1896

6 The British North America Act of 186

7 established ____ as a domain.

A Australia

B Canada

C New Zealand

D India

7 During World War II, as a war leader, _____ received massive popular support and led his country to final victory in 1945.

A Harold Wilson

B Edward Heath

C Franklin Roosevelt

D Winston Churchill

8 The Falkland Islands war was between Britain and _____.

A France

B New Zealand

C Argentina

D Australia

9 In Britain, a _____ is held when a Member of Parliament dies, retires or resigns.

A civic election

B by-election

C popular election

D general election

10 In the United Kingdom, ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of _____.

A the Lord Chancellor

B the Monarch

C the Prime Minister

D the King


1 D, 英国之所以能成为世界上最早开始工业化的国家,原因有很多。但英国是从17世纪以后逐步开始对海外贸易和开拓海外殖民地产生浓厚兴趣的。

2 B, 英国是君主立宪制国家,国王或女王(君主)几乎没什么实质性的权力。

3 A, 保守党和自由党是英国最早成立的两个党派。大致来说,保守党是中上层阶级的党,它得到大公司财政上的支持;而工党,主要得到工会的支持,它的支持者主要是中产阶级和知识分子。

4 D, 《权利法案》的签署,标志着英国进入了君主立宪制时代,一个君主几乎没有什么实质性权力并受制于议会的时代。

5 A, 直到1918年妇女才在全国大选中享有选举权。

6 B, 《1867年英国北美法案》将加拿大纳为它的自治领。

7 D, 在第二次世界大战中,当时的英国首相丘吉尔作为战争统帅受到了英国人民的广泛拥戴,并带领英国人民赢得了战争的最后胜利。

8 C, 福克兰群岛战役是发生在英国和阿根廷着这两个国家之间。位于大西洋南部的福克兰群岛从1892年起就是英国的海外殖民地,1982年阿根廷开始控制这些岛屿,但是英国最终打败了阿根廷,并重新占领了这些岛屿。

9 B, 英国的下院议会成员中有人去世、退休或辞职时,就要进行补缺选举。

10 C, 在英国,部长们是由首相推荐,女王加以任命的。



1 How many members are there in the House of Commons?

A 650

B 524

C 72

D 651

2 Which of the following people didn’t use to be the British Prime Minister?

A Margaret Thatcher

B Winston Churchill

C Horatio Nelson

D John Major

3 By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed _____ by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom.

A Prime Minister

B Member of Parliament

C Lord of appeal

D Speaker of the House

4 The Tories were the forerunners of _____, which still bears this nickname today.

A the Labour Party

B the Conservative Party

C the Liberal Party

D the Social Democratic Party

5 In the United Kingdom, the party which wins the ____ number of seats in the House of Commons becomes the official Opposition.

A largest

B second largest

C third largest

D fourth largest

6 Th e term “British disease” is now often used to characterize Britain’s _____ decline.

A political

B educational

C military

D economic

7 The 1980s was remembered as the decade of _____.

A globalization

B nationalization

C privatization

D competition

8 Today, in Britain, ______ is called a “sick” industry.

A coal mining

B iron and steel

C textiles

D shipbuilding

9 The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomer at the end of the 17th century, and the Scottish inventor ____ modified and improved the design in 1765.

A Abraham Darby

B James Watt

C John Kay

D Richard Arkwrightthe

10 _____ created the industrial working class, the proletariat, and it later led to trade unionism.

A The Chartist Movement

B The Industrial Revolution

C The French Revolution

D The Glorious Revolution


1 D, 下议院共有651名议员。

2 C, 撒切尔夫人,丘吉尔和梅杰都曾经做过英国首相;而纳尔逊(1758-1805),英国海军统帅,因作战负伤,右眼失明,失去右臂。后任地中海舰队司令,在特法尔加角海战中大败西班牙联合舰队,本人受重伤阵亡,号称Viscount Nelson。

3 A, 在英国,按照传统,多数党的领导人由君主任命为首相,首相从本党内部挑选一些领导人担任各部部长职位。

4 B, 托利党是英国保守党的前身。

5 B, 在英国,在下议院中赢得第二席位的政党为反对党,它也有它自己的领导和影子内阁(shadow cabinet)。

6 D, 现在“英国病”这一术语经常用来指英国经济上的衰退。

7 C, 正如20世纪40年代被看作是国有化的时代一样,20世纪80年代被看作是私有化的时代。包括英国石油、航空、钢铁、电讯在内的几乎40% 的国有公司实现了私有化。

8 A, 英国煤矿业被称为生病工业。英国的煤产量在一战前达到顶点,如今的英国的煤矿业衰退,从而导致矿工的数量、煤矿的总产量大大下降。

9 B, 第一台蒸汽机是Thomas Newcomer 在17世纪末设计的,后来苏格兰发明家瓦特在1765年对原有的设计进行了改进提高,生产出了第一台高效的蒸汽机并应用到纺织和其他机械业中。

10 B, 工业革命产生了工人阶级,即无产阶级。后来形成了工会制度。



1 _____ is the key to Industrial Revolution.

A Iron

B Cotton Textile

C Coal mining

D Steam engine

2 _____ became a literary current during the period of the successful Industrial Revolution.

A Criticism

B Modernism

C Romanticism

D Renaissance

3 Modern football game began in _____.

A China

B France

C England

D Germany

4 _____ is the leader of the British government.

A Prime Minister

B Queen

C President

D Governor

5 The second largest city in England, _____ , is a metropolitan district and an industrial and manufacturing city.

A Edinburgh

B Belfast

C Glasgow

D Birmingham

6 _____ introduced Christianity into Britain.

A The Celts

B The Romans

C The Viking Danes

D The French

7 The real power of the British government lies in _____.

A the House of Commons

B the cabinet headed by the Prime Minister

C the Prime Minister

D the Queen

8 In Britain, education is compulsory for children between the ages of _____ to _____.

A 5, 14

B 6, 17

C 5, 16

D 6, 14

9 The longest river in Britain is _____ , and the largest river in the USA is _____.

A the Seven River; the Missouri River

B the Thames River; the Missouri River

C the Severn River; the Mississippi

D the Thames River; the Ohio River

10 The general election in Britain is held every ____ years.

A four

B three

C six

D five


1 B, 纺织业的改革是英国工业革命的主要成就之一。

2 C, 工业革命时期的主要文学流派是浪漫主义。

3 C, 现代的足球运动起源于英国。其正宗的老家在英格兰,19世纪兴起。

4 A, 英国的政体是君主立宪制。国王(女王)是国家元首,但政府的首领为首相。

5 D, 英国的第二大城市伯明翰位于英格兰中部平原,是国际化大都市,也是英国的工业和制造业中心。

6 B, 公元43年,罗马人占领英国,其后统治了400多年。基督徒就是在这一时期由罗马人传入英国的。

7 B, 君主立宪制下,国王的作用更侧重于其象征意义,而实权为内阁所有,内阁由首相率领。

8 C, 英国的教育体系中的义务教育阶段是5-16岁,这是每一位学生在学校学习的最低年限。

9 C, 英国最长的河是塞文河,全长355公里,美国最长的河是密西西比河,长4000公里左右。

10 D, 英国大选每5年举行一次。


Political System 1. The British Monarchy is hereditary 2. The Constitutional Monarchy started at the end of the __17th __ century. 3. The __ Crown _ is used as a symbol of the whole nation and is described as the representative of the people. 4. The oldest part of British Parliament is _ the House of Lords ___. 5. The decision making organ in British Parliament is __ the Cabinet __. 6. The life of Parliament is fixed at ___ five _ years. 7. The House of Commons consists of _651___ members who are elected from the _651____ electoral districts. 8. The titles of the lords, such as Duke, Marquis, Earl, V iscount and Baron, are __ hereditary __. 9. The quorum in the House of Commons is ___ forty _ members. 10. The _ British government _ _____ is the supreme administrative institution. 11. The __ Cabinet is the core of leadership of the British government. 12. The Privy Council was established in the 15th century when __ Henry V __ was on the throne. 13. Not until ___1937 _ could the cabinet have a legal basis. 14. The number of the cabinet members varies, being generally about ___20 __. 15. The president (or head) of the House of Lords in Britain is __ Lord Chancellor __. 16. ___ The Labour Party _ was formed by the trade unions, cooperatives, the Social Democratic Federation, the Independent Labour Party and the Fabian Society in 1900. 17. It is the _ Prime Minister __ who organizes the Cabinet and presides over its meetings. 18. The Shadow Cabinet is organized by the _ Opposition ___. 19. London, because of its special location, is divided into _32____ boroughs and the city of London. 20. “The Morning Star” is the official paper of the ___ Communist Party __. 21. The following persons except ___ criminals _ have no right to vote. 22. In England and Wales, the jury consists of ___ twelve _ people in criminal and civil cases. 23. Legally any citizen aged from ___18__ to __65___ who has never been sent to prison can be a member of the jury. 24. The head of the police force of a county, etc. is called _ Chief Constable __. 25. A __ barrister ___ appointed to act for the State is called Queen’s Counsel. 26. Now the House of Lords can prevent a bill from passing into a law for __ one year _. 27. The High Court of Justice includes the following divisions except _ the Criminal Division _. 28. During the Civil War, the supporters of the King and the Church were known as _ Loyalists _. I. Fill in the Blanks 1. The present sovereign is __ Queen Elizabeth II ___ _____. 2. Elizabeth II came to the throne on Feb. 6th, _ 1952 3. The vital power lies in the ___ Prime Minister __ _____, and his/her cabinet. 4. The __ Crown ___ is the only legal and constitutional link binding the members of the Commonwealth to the home country and to one another. 5. The British Parliament consists of three elements – the _ Crown ____, the House of __ Lords ___, and the House of _ Commons ____. 6. The British legislature is _ Parliament ____.


学院 专业班级 学 号 姓 名 教室 号 座位 号 . ———— 装 —————订 — ————线——————外——————不——————要——————答 — ———— 题 — ——— ( 第 1 页, 共6 页 ) 页 ) ( 第 2 页, 共 6 页 ) 湖南涉外经济学院2016-2017学年度第 一 学期期末课程 《英语国家概况》考察试卷 专业年级: 2014级商英本科 考核方式:闭卷 考试时量:90分钟 试卷类型: 题 号 一 合计 复核人 应得分 100 实得分 得分 评卷人 复核人 I.You are required to interpret the following terms.(10X5′) One Standard English Two Magna Carta Three The Reformation Four The Seperation of Three Powers Five Thatcherism Six Critical Realism Eight Thanksgiving Day Nine the Lost Generation Ten Industial Revolution II You are required to answer the following questions.(5X10) 1. How does the english language develops into a universal lingua franca? 2. What is the British Empire? 3. What do we know about the Renaissance? 4. Why is American regarded as a “nation of immigrants ”? 5. What is your understanding of “checks and balance ”?


《英语国家概况》课程习题集西南科技大学成人、网络教育学院版权所有 习题 【说明】:本课程《英语国家概况》(编号为12010)共有单选题,名词解释题,简答题,填空题2等多种试题类型,其中,本习题集中有[简答题]等试题类型未进入。 一、单选题 1. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from________ A. France B. Denmark C. Ireland D. Germany 2. Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC? A. Emperor Claudius B. Julius Caesar C. King Alfred D. King Ethelred 3. Who is the author of Murder in the Cathedral? A. Christopher Marlowe B. T. S. Eliot C. Ben Johnson D. Thomas Becket 4.When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son, ______, the regime began immediately to collapse. A. Henry B. Hamilton C. Richard D. Charles 5. The 18th century saw selective breeding of cattle, sheep and houses by _________. A. Jethro Tull B. Thomas Coke C. George III D. Robert Bakewell 6. Which of the following is not one of the members of the Lords Temporal? A. all hereditary peers and peeresses of the England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom (but not peers of Ireland) B. lire peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties C. senior bishops of the Church of England D. all other life peers 7. Two years after the ending of the Hundred Years’ War with France, England was thrown into another series of civil wars, ________. A. the War of the Celts


I.Explain the following terms: 1.the British Isles 2.Poets’ Corner 3.EU 4.the Conservative Party 5.the Seven Year’s War 6.WASPs 7.“roaring 20s” 8.melting pot 9.British Empire 10.system of US politic I.Translate the following into Chinese: 1.Westminster Abby 2.the Church of England https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b615711342.html,monwealth 4.Mr. Speaker 5.Judicial System 6.the Great Charter 7.the House of Plantagenet 8.Puritans 9.monopoly capitalism 10.the first Pan-American Conferencce II.Multi-choices: 1.The longest river in Britain is the _____ River. (Severn, Thames, Mersey, Humber) 2.The leading anthracite coalfields in Britain are in__ (Scotland, England, Wales, ) 3.The English people are descendants of____ (Celts, Roman, Anglo-Saxons) 4.The established church of Britain is___ (the Church of England, Free churches, ) 5.Easter is kept, commemorating the __ (coming, birth, death, resurrection) of Jesus Christ. 6.In Britain, government cannot spend any money without the permission of___. (the Queen, the Prime Minister, the House of Commons, the House of Lords) 7.All the government ministers of Britain must be members of_____. (the House of Lords, the House of Common, the Privy Council, Parliament) 8.___ is the largest state of the US in area.(Hawii, Texas, Alaska, Pennsylvania) 9.The dominant ethnic group in the US today is_____. (the black people, WASPs, Asian Americans, Hispanics) 10.People in the US have kept moving westward for reasons except___. (religious freedom, fertile soil in the West, good climate in the west, discovery gold) 11.The Constitution of the United State was framed in ___in 1787. (Washington, Boston, New York, Philadelphia) 12.The President of the US exercises the ____ power. (legislative, executive, judicial, veto) 13.Congress can veto the President’s veto by a ___ vote of the full membership of Both houses.(two-fifths, two-thirds, three-fourths, three-fifths) 14.The Constitution of US says that only___ can declare war upon other nation.


British Survey Test Part I Geography 2. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C. southern D . western 3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland D. Welsh 12. London is situated on the River of _____. A. Parret B. Thames C. Spey D. Severn 43. _____ includes London, the centre of government for the whole nation. A. Scotland B. Northern Ireland C. Wales D. England 1.The capital of Australia is(). A.Canberra B.Sydney C.Darwin D.Melbourne The English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from _______ A. Denmark B. Belgium C. The Netherlands D.France 3. Australia’s National Day falls on(), the date of the first European settlement in Australia. A.January 26 B.February 15 C.July 4 D.November 11 6.()granted Canada full legislative authority in domestic and external affairs. A.Peace Treaty B.British American Act C.Act of Union D.Statute of Westminster 8. General elections are held about every()years in New Zealand with two main parties competing with each other. A.3 B.4 C.2 D.5 9. Most of Canada’s French Canadians live in the Province of() A.Quebec B.Ontario C.Nova Scotia D.Saskatchewan


4. The 1920s in the United States has been described as a period of .在美国20世纪20年代,被描述为一个物质和精神沮丧的成功 7. When we speak of “father of waters” or “old man river”,we are referring to . 当我们说“水”或“老人河之父”,我们指的是密西西比河

8. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from . 凯尔特人是不同群体的古代人来自德国 13. The , the backbone of the North American continent, is also known as the Continental Divide.落基山脉,北美大陆的脊梁,也被称为大陆分水岭。

14. To help the British East India Company out of difficulty,the British government allowed the company to sell at a lower price in the colonies through its own people. 为了帮助不列颠东印度公司摆脱困境,英国政府允许公司以较低的价格向殖民地通过自己的人卖茶 21. The first Puritans came to America were on the ship_______. A. Codpeed B. Susan Constant C. May Flower 五月花 D. Discovery


英语专业考研英美概况自测题(一) British Survey Test Part I Geography 1. The total area of the U.K. is _____. A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,534 2. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C. southern 3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland 4. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary. A. Wales B. Scotland C. England 5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th 6. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain. A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 7. Physiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces. A. 13 B. 12 C. 14 8. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____. A. the Scottish Highlands B. Wales C. England 9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____. A. north to south B. south to north C. east to west 10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England. A. Scotland B. Wales C. Vale of Eden 11. The longest river in Britain is _____. A. Severn B. Clyde C. Bann 12. London is situated on the River of _____. A. Parret B. Thames C. Spey 13. Edinburgh is the capital of _____. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales 14. The rivers flowing into the _____ are mainly short. A. North Sea B. English Channel C. Dee estuary 15. Mt. Snowdon stands in _____. A. Scotland B. Wales C. England 16. The source of the important River Thames is in the _____. A. Cotswolds B. Oxford Clay C. Pennines 17. About _____ of the water requirements are obtained from underground sources. A. 50% B. 38% C. 42% 18. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _____. A. Scotland B. England C. Northern Ireland 19. The Bank of England was nationalized in _____. A. 1964 B. 1946 C. 1694


Chapter 1 land and people are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain,England,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth The British Isles,Greant Britina and England are geographical names, no the official names of the country,while the official name is the United Kingdom,but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britian. the geographical position of Britian Britain is an island country. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of is separated from the rest of Europe by the English channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands. Britain have a favourable climate why Yes,it has a favourable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate---winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool, not too has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole has a small range of temperature,too. are the factors which influence the climate in Britain Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest


英国概况 1,英国名称:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 2,地理位置:Great Britain is the largest island of the British Isles, the largest island in Europe and the eighth-largest island in the world. It lies to the northwest of Continental Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the largest part of the territory of the state known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is surrounded by over 1,000[citation needed] smaller islands and islets. 或者回答British mainland western Europe from Great Britain and Ireland, north-east and many nearby islands, She east by the North Sea, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, up to the North Atlantic off Iceland, Yugoslavia and the European continent, separated only by a strip of water, the English Channel 3, 英国首都:London 4,组成部分:England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 5,民族:England Welsh、Scotch、Irish 6, 英国国旗:the Union Flag英国国歌:God Save The Queen 天佑女7,三次外族入侵:ⅠRoman Conquest;43AD, the roman empire


英语国家概况复习要点 Part One UK The Country 1.Different Names for Britain and its Parts Name:England Britain Great Britain (GB/G.B.) British Isles British Empire The Commonwealth The United Kingdom(The UK) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Parts:England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland 2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geographically, the British Isles includes Great Britain, the whole of Ireland, and all the offshore islands Politically, the British Isles is made up of U.K. and Republic of Ireland. 3. the highest mountain in Britain:Ben Nevis(本尼维斯山) the largest mountain range in Britain:the Grampians(格兰扁山脉) 4.the longest river:The Severn River (塞文河) The most important river in Britain and the second longest river: Thames(泰晤士河) 5. the largest lake in Britain:Lough Neagh(内伊湖)( Northern Ireland) 6. Backbone of England:the Pennies(奔宁山脉) The people 7.The first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians. 人们所知的英国最早居民是伊比利来人。 8.Basis of Modern English race? The earlist people known in Britain were nomads(游牧者)from mainland Europe in the Old Stone Age(旧石器时代),followed by Neolithic(新石器时代)Iberians (伊比利亚人) and the Beaker Folk(比克人)in the Bronze Age(青铜器时代) 9.the contributions made by Anglo-Saxons to the English state? ①.established 'Old English' ②.laid the foundations of the English state ③. divided the country into shires ④. created the 'Witan' to advise the King(the basis of the Cabinet) 10.different invaders? First invasion—In 55 BC, Julius Caesar Second—Caesar's second raid in 54 BC Third and final—In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius, final and successful Roman invasion of Britain (recorded) Left—In 410, Germanic barbarian attack Rome, forcing Roman troops to leave Britain, and thus ending its occupation of the island History 9.Who is known as “ the father of the British navy” ? Sir Francis Drake 10. The Norman Conquest and its consequences The Norman Conquest (1066-1071) Fuse: Edward ruled for 24 years and died in January, 1066. Harold was chosen to be king. William, Duke of Normandy, heard the news of Harold’s coronation, he got very angry and claimed that he had the sole right to be king of England because


《英语国家社会与文化入门》模拟试题及参考答案 Part one Fill in the blanks ( 10 points ) 1.The full name of the United Kingdom is . 2.The Good Friday Agreement, known also as , emerged on 10 April 1998. 3., the ancestor of the present queen, Elizabeth II, united England under his rule in 829. 4.written by Geoffrey Chaucer is often studied by middle school and college students today. 5.The Bonfire Night, which is celebrated in November, sometimes is also called . 6.Columbus discovered the New World in the year of . 7.The Three Faiths in the US refer to Protestant, and Jewish. 8.In 1852, a New England woman named Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a novel titled , which intensified the political debate on slavery. 9.1968 was known in US history as a violent and tragic year in which the great leader of The Civil Rights Movement: was assassinated. 10.The Grand Canyon is carved away for nearly 6 million years by the River. Part two Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question: ( 20 points ) 1.Franklin Roosevelt’s program for the depression was called . a. Progressivism b. laissez faire c. New Freedom d. New Deal 2. The United States did not join the Second World War directly until in December, 1941. a. Great Depression b. Pearl Harbor incident c. the Japanese attack on China d. the German attack on Poland 3. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver Cromwell as . a. Lord Protector b. Lieutenant General c. Commander of the New Model Army d. President 4. Ireland is in the of Great Britain. a. east b. south c. west d. north 5. WASPs referred to . a. the mainstream Americans b. Hispanics c. Asian-Americans d. Blacks 6. Lincoln's Emancipation proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution formally ended . a. the immigration movement b. the Civil War


广东外语外贸大学成人高等教育 《英语国家概况》第一套复习题 I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False . ( 1.5 points each , 30 points in total ) 1.The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. 2.People from different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. 3.In terms of population and area, Northern Ireland is the second largest part of the United Kingdom. 4.Because of political troubles, Northern Ireland has been quite significant among the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom. 5.The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons. 6.The Celtic people are the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. 7.English changed into what is described as Modern English from the late 16th century. 8.The British history before 55 BC is basically undocumented. 9.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC. 10.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe – the Britons. 11.The Anglo –Saxons came to Britain in the mid-5th century. 12.The Vikings began to attack the English coasts in the 8th century. 13.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France. 14.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople. 15.The Hundred Years’War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans for trade and territory. 16.In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions, Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation. 17.In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers. 18.British Parliament is the law-making body of the Commonwealth of Nations. 19.The members in the House of Commons in Britain are appointed rather than elected. 20.Britain was the first industrialized nation in the world. Answer keys: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T 11.T 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F 16. T 17. F 18. F 19. F 20. T II. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements. (2 points each, 40 points in total) 1. ___B_____ is the capitall city of Scotland. A. Belfast B. Edinburgh C. Aberdeen D. Cardiff 2. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, ____D_____ is the smallest. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 3. Almost a quarter of the British population lives in ____B_______ England. A. northeastern B.southeastern C. northwestern D. southwestern
