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要点二:关于高级词汇,不要迷信闪亮词汇和短语!那些网上能搜到的亮点词,在95分这个位置已经不是加分项了,甚至有可能是减分项了!其实也很好理解,想想addicted to和look forward to这样的所谓闪亮词汇,凭什么能在95分的档次里不扣分呢?






用了一个多小时来总结这些年来与批改网的“斗争经验”,感觉就是赢了平时成绩,却输了头发。。。。欢迎大家提出不足和建议哦,可以在评论里留言,v 也可以PGWhighscore,欢迎大家交流经验!


作文经典表达 一、短语,高分词组 1. creating a green campus创建绿色校园 2. enjoy great prestige in the world享誉世界 2. is the essence of 是?的精华 3. Recently a debate about green campus h a s r oused public attention.引起公 众关注。 4. Undoubtedly 毫无疑问 5. Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极 深影响。 6. Needless to sa,y a green campus includes.不.. 必说 7. Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。 8. make efforts to Meanwhile, we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of studen'mtsental health. 9. Work out 解决,实现 10. Increase the awareness of the importance of增...强对...的认识的重要性 11. Rewind the clock 时光倒流 12. In addition to this 除此之外 13. Go all ou t全力以赴(属于四六级经典高分短语) 14. what's more意思是另外,而且?,是四六级经典补充类词组。 What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 15. whereas 意思是然而?,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 16. nothing but 意为:只有, 只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。 17. take advantage of利用,是四六级经典短语 18. attach importance to意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语 19. take pride in 意为:以?自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒 20. take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 21. on account of意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语 22. far beyond的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。 23. may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! We may as well cut across the playground. 我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。 24.it pays to 意为:... 是值得的。属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很 棒!Though time is of the essence, it pays to spend some to make our work better


考研英语二高分备考攻略总结 很多同学在考研之初就清楚自己考英语二,但是网上虽有很多文章谈英语一与英语二的区别,却很少有英语二考生的经验。下面分享一位考研英语二77分同学的经验。 过来人谈考研英语二77分复习心得 ?单词 1、2月份用网上软件“扇贝”把单词循环记忆过了一遍。 3月份开学,做模拟题时发现有的单词不能很快反应过来,于是继续背单词。这次背的是北大学姐推荐的“33天突破考研英语核心词汇”。背到6月底。期间肯定不是每天背,但是会要求更高点,每个单词尽量用记忆曲线来背。 7、8、9、10月,四个月,背“考研英语二核心词汇老蒋笔记”。 11、12月,回过头来把“33天突破考研英语核心词汇”上不太记得的抄在本子上。 考前几天凯程老师总结的必考词汇一点点东西打印下来扫一遍。 ?长难句 大三下整个学期,利用空余时间,把何凯文长难句那7个小时的视频看了3遍,按他的要求看他对应的那本薄薄一本的书。书后66句按照英译中、中译英的要求痛苦地做了第一遍。 暑假把长难句强化班视频看了1遍,按照要求背了十几句句子。 9月份开学66句中译英英译中第二遍。第二遍中翻译的特别不好的画圈。 11月份左右把画圈的翻译了第三遍。 ?新题型 11月份买了本书随便熟悉下就好了。 ?完型 我发现英语二完型,一年简单一年难。12年、14年非常简单,属于看一遍就知道他在讲什么。13年比较难做得很差,15年比较难。 完型部分没有准备,就把真题做了就上去了。 ?作文 我买过三本作文书。 但是,在此我只强烈推荐一本误打误撞买到的“2014考研英语写作秘籍”。此书纸质好,排版合理,语言风趣内容实在。 我只后悔直到12月10日才入手,前面买的两本实在让我看不下去。这本书拿到手用3个小时把整本书大概构架翻了一遍。做了一个任务分解,每天看一个小时左右,用了10天搞定。收获真心匪浅,建议可以提前买。 小作文:英语一、英语二要求一样。 大作文:英语二是图表作文,更为简单。理由是描述图表比描述图画简单,并且主题不容易偏。 小作文应对:只要背个开头结尾的模板,估计2个小时就能背出来。中间的东西怎么扩展,可以看我推荐的那本书。而且中间内容段真的很简单,不用太害怕。 大作文应对:看书+练习11年英语二大作文真题+网上批改网进行批改(70元左右)。没有背过一篇范文,但是就这么写一篇,帮助很大。我练习的时候,真的不知道怎么写,就边看那本书教你的东西,边写。写了一个小时,但是写完之后脱胎换骨地感觉,知道作文我该去怎么准备了。


批改网如何粘贴英语作文 如果进JS修改,对小白来说密密麻麻的代码简直像天书,这里 有一个更加简单的方法: <1>打开批改网写作文的页面,点击F12,出现代码编辑区 <2>点击菜单栏最后一行的“Console”,把 “$('#contents').unbind();”复制粘贴到下面的代码区,敲回车,搞定 再次复制粘贴试试 妈妈再也不用担心我的学习 这个更加简单粗暴,把需要粘贴的内容先复制粘贴到标题栏里(标题栏批改网是不禁用粘贴功能的),然后control+A全选,直接 用鼠标拖拽到正文栏,搞定 Nothingsucceedswithoutastrongwill.没有毅力则一事无成。 thehumoroussaying,'Quittingsmokingistheeasiestthinginthe world.I'vedoneithundredsoftime.'tellsusthatwithoutastrongwi ll,nothingsucceeds,peopletrytoquitsmothingforhundredsoftime sbutendupwithfailurejustbecausetheylaceofastrongwill.Astron glisimportanttousifwewanttoachieveourgoals.everysuccesswill meetmanydifficultyandsetbacks.soweneedtoovercomethemwithour strongwill.ifwesticktoourgoalswithastrongwillandnevergiveit up.atlastwewillbesuccessful.weallbelievethatwithastrongwill ,everyonecansucceed. 看过批改网如何粘贴英语作文的人还看了:


批改网高分表达 一、短语,高分词组 1. a 创建绿色校园 2. 享誉世界 2. 是…的精华 3. a .引起公众关注。 4. 毫无疑问 5. a .对个人和社会有极深影响。 6. , a ...不必说 7. 可降解塑料。 8. , a ’ . 9. 解决,实现 10. ...增强对...的认识的重要性 11. 时光倒流 12. 除此之外 13. 全力以赴(属于四六级经典高分短语) 14. 's 意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。's , , . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 15. 意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 16. 意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。17. 利用,是四六级经典短语 18. 意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语19. 意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒 20. 的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 21. 意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语 22. 的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。23. 意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!. 我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。 24. 意为:...是值得的。属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很 棒!, . 25. 意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有、 .A,.,.'s,.,'s..,a . ,a,,a. 提高文章连接性 4.1,.[修改]

[学习提示]易混词汇:,,均含“爱,热爱”之意。 4.2a a,a.[修改] [学习提示]易混词汇:,均有“灯”之意。 4.3,,a,.[修改] [学习提示]易混词汇:,,,,均有“包围”之意。 4.4.[修改] [学习提示]易混词汇:,,,,,,均含有“认为”之意。第4段 5.1.[修改] [优秀词汇]意思是然而…,是经典转换话题类词汇。 [学习提示]易混词汇:,,均含“重要的,重大的”之意。 [精彩句型]意为:不用说...,很明显...。类似的表达有:属于经典高分句型,()(),,,...。用得很棒! 5.2A,.[修改] [闪光短语]a意为:一个恰当的例子,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒![拓展辨析]动名搭配在语料库中出现过34次 5.3,.[修改] [学习提示]表示“意外事故”。注意与的区别。详情点击[闪光短语]意为:由于,属于经典高分短语。 5.4,.[修改] [闪光短语]高分词组,意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有、。 [学习提示]易混词汇:,,,,,,均含“计划”之意。 [闪光短语]意为:以…自豪,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒!5.5's,,.[修改][闪光短语]'s有助于提高文章衔接 [闪光短语]'s意思是另外,而且…,是经典补充类词组。[学习提示]易混词汇:,,均可表示“地球”之意。第5段 6.1I,,.[修改] [学习提示]易混词汇:,,,,均含“承认”之意。 [精彩句型]意思是大家都认为,是经典句型。


四级作文经典句型 creating a green campus enjoy great prestige in the world 享誉世界 is the essence of 是。。。的精华 Recently a debate about green campus has aroused public attention.引起公众关注。Undoubtedly毫无疑问 Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影响。 Needless to say,a green campus includes...不必说 Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。 Meanwhile,we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’mental health. 过渡句:In the first place,it is essential that...,furthermore,it is high time for us to...,last but not least... Work out 解决,实现 Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对...的认识的重要性 Rewind the clock 时光倒流 In addition to this除此之外 Go all out全力以赴属于四六级经典高分短语 What’s more [高分词汇] whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 nothing but意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。 what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语 attach importance to意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语 [高分短语] take pride in意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒高分短语] take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 on account of意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语 it goes without saying that意为:不用说...,很明显...。类似的表达有:属于四六级经典高分句型,(It is) needless to say (that),It is obvious that,Obviously, ...。用得很棒! [高分词组] far beyond的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours. 不用说早睡早起是值得的。 [高分短语] may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!


whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇 take into account意为把?考虑进去,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! A case in point is[高分短语] 意为:一个恰当的例子,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分短语] cope with 意为:对付?,妥善处理,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] once for all意为:一劳永逸地,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! 比如take into account(我不觉得它很牛的样子)、heart and soul,play an role in等等。 [高分句型] that is the reason why的意思是原因是,是四六级经典句型。 referring to not hesitate to Give priority to给===优先权 Recently,a heated debate arose online in China about the "Chinese style of crossing the road", a term referring to the tendency of large crowds of people to cross roads in disobedience of red lights. Puzzle out苦思,puzzle over Be short of 缺乏。。。。 attach great importance to 高度重视 [高分词汇] important的近义表达有 crucial/essential。 [高分短语] may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分词组] what's more意思是另外,而且?,是四六级经典补充类词组。 [高分句型] There is no denying that意思是不可否认的,是四六级经典句型。 [高分句型] It is conceivable that意思是可想而知的...,是四六级经典句型。 [高分短语] on no account 意为:决不,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分句型] On no account can意思是...绝对不能...,是四六级经典句型。 [高分句型] the reason why 意为:...的原因是...,属于四六级经典高分句型。 [高分词汇] whereas意思是然而?,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 [高分句型] It is universally acknowledged that意思是大家都认为,是四六级经典句型。[高分短语] and so forth的意思是等等,诸如此类,是四六级经典短语。 [高分短语] succeed in意为成功地做成了某事,属于四六级经典高分短语。 [高分短语] in the main 意为:基本上,大体上,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] for certain 意为:肯定地;确凿地,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] learn off意为:记熟,背下来,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分短语] make joint efforts 意为:共同努力,拧成一股劲儿,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒 [高分短语] cope with 意为:对付?,妥善处理,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] in terms of意为根据,属于四六级经典高分短语,一般和具体事物搭配,不用来表达某人的看法。请确认! [高分短语] as it is意为:事实上,既然如此,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] think out意为彻底地想一想,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分词汇] 建议将trustworthy改为dependable。



四级作文经典句型 creating a green campus ? enjoy great prestige in the world 享誉世界 is the essence of 是。。。的精华 Recently a debate about green campus has aroused public attention.引起公众关注。 Undoubtedly毫无疑问 Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影响。 Needless to say,a green campus includes...不必说 Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。 Meanwhile,we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of s tudents’mental health. 过渡句:In the first place,it is essential that...,furthermore,it is high time for us to...,last but not least... Work out 解决,实现 Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对...的认识的重要性 Rewind the clock 时光倒流 In addition to this除此之外 Go all out全力以赴属于四六级经典高分短语 What’s more [高分词汇] whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 nothing but意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。 what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。 What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语 attach importance to意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语 [高分短语] take pride in意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒高分短语] take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 on account of意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语 it goes without saying that意为:不用说...,很明显...。类似的表达有:属于四六级经典高分句型, (It is) needless to say (that),It is obvious that, Obviously, ...。用得很棒! [高分词组] far beyond的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。 It goes without saying thatit pays to keep early hours. 不用说早睡早起是值得的。 [高分短语] may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!


enjoy great prestige in the world享誉世界is the essence of 是。。。的精华 rouse public attention.引起公众关注。Undoubtedly毫无疑问 Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影响。Needless to say不必说 Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。Meanwhile,we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’mental health. 过渡句:In the first place,it is essential that...,furthermore,it is high time for us to...,last but not least... Work out 解决,实现 Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对...的认识的重要性 Rewind the clock 时光倒流 In addition to this除此之外 Go all out全力以赴 whereas然而…,转换话题类词汇。 nothing but只有,只不过 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。 what's more另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。 What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 take advantage of利用 attach importance to重视 take pride in以…自豪 on account of由于 it goes without saying that不用说...,很明显...。类似的表达有: (It is) needless to say (that),It is obvious that,Obviously, ...。 far beyond远远超过,大量超出,远在天边, It goes without saying thatit pays to keep early hours.不用说早睡早起是值得的。 may as well最好,不妨 it pays to ...是值得的 It pays tohelp others.帮助别人是值得的。not to mention更不用说/别提……,同意表达有to say nothing of、not to speak of。 be of接名词用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。Though time is of the essence, it pays to spend some to make our work better. contribute to对某事有帮助,有贡献;有助于做某事…, [stay up late熬夜, Many retired people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience . 许多退休的老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会 作贡献。 on no account 决不 Young people should on no account neglect their daily physical exercises. 青年人决不应疏忽每天的体育锻炼。 in a nutshell简言之,概括的说 It is conceivable that可想而知的... attach importance to重视 There is no denying that不可否认的whereas然而…,是经典转换话题类词汇。 a case in point 一个恰当的例子 in a nutshell简言之,概括的说 On no account can...绝对不能... On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。There is no denying that不可否认的 There is no denying thatthe qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。The reason whywe have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的 空气。 look forward to期望/等待…… It is universally acknowledged that大家都认为 take into account把…考虑进去 A case in point is[一个恰当的例子 cope with 对付…,妥善处理 once for all一劳永逸地 that is the reason why原因是 Give priority to给===优先权 Puzzle out,puzzle over苦思 Be short of 缺乏。。。。 attach great importance to高度重视 An advantage of ~ is that + 句子(...的优点是...) ~cannot emphasize the importance of ~ too much.(再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。


批改网高分作文 Who Are Teachers’ Pets, Boys or Girls? 1) Nowadays, a growing number of people tend to think about a question: who do teachers like more? Reading this table, we can get some information and analyse the result via the figures. Obviously, teachers favor girls over boys in primary school. As far as I concerned, the most indispensable reason is that girls are quiet, smart and well-behaved during that age. While in junior middle school, hat might seem to be no difference between boys and girls. In a word, there is no prejudice and gender discrimination at that time. Nevertheless things are getting change when coming to senior high school. The most reasonable explanation is that girls are superior to boys in math and physics up to the age of ten, fall behind from then on. under that circumstance, teachers is shown to call on male in class far more than female students. While in college, teachers seem to have no preference in student because of the less attention and unawareness 2) It is obviously that the answer of such question changes frequently as students growing up and here is my analyze according to the chart. First of all, girls, in my opinion, are much more welcomed in primary school. Over two-thirds of students believe that female students are teacher's pet in primary school. Second, however, conclusion in senior middle school is quite different because half of students hold the view that it was boys that are teacher's pet. Thirdly, the circumstance in junior middle school as well as In college is between two extremes which means neither boys nor girls have advantage to be pets of teachers. What conclusion can I draw is that the chart indicates us girls are more welcomed by teacher at low grades because they are not only quite gentle and quiet but also boys are naughty at the same time. As time goes by, though, such difference gradually disappear which lead to


2011年新托福写作北美机经 2011.1.15 Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students.What is your view? (Education) 2010年新托福写作北美机经 2010.1.15 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:In order to become financially responsible adults,children should manage their own money at the young age. (Money) 2010.1.22 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People who go outside are more successful and happier than people who stay in villages. (Success) 2010.1.30 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The government should support scientific research that does not have any practical use. (Government) 2010.2.13 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team. (Success) 2010.2.27 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: All high-school students should take basic economic courses. (Education) 2010.3.6 Which is better,challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future? (Success) 2010.3.12 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:If parents want their children to do well at school,they should limit the time their children spend on watching TV. (Education&Media) 2010.3.20


批改网高分表达短语及句型 总结 -标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

作文经典表达 一、短语,高分词组 1.creating a green campus创建绿色校园 2.enjoy great prestige in the world享誉世界 2.is the essence of是…的精华 3.Recently a debate about green campus has aroused public attention.引起公众 关注。 4.Undoubtedly毫无疑问 5.Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影 响。 6.Needless to say, a green campus includes...不必说 7.Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。 8.make efforts to Meanwhile, we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’mental health. 9.Work out解决,实现 10.Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对...的认识的重要性 11.Rewind the clock时光倒流 12.In addition to this除此之外 13.Go all ou t全力以赴(属于四六级经典高分短语) 14.what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。 What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 15.whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 16.nothing but意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。 17.take advantage of利用,是四六级经典短语 18.attach importance to意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语 19.take pride in意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒 20.take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 21.on account of意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语 22.far beyond的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。 23.may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! We may as well cut across the playground. 我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。 24.it pays to意为:...是值得的。属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很棒!Though time is of the essence, it pays to spend some to make our work better. 25.not to mention意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有to say nothing of、not to speak of 26.be of接名词用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。


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1.3.1查看学生作文 (34) 1.3.2查看修改轨迹 (36) 1.3.3导出学生作文 (37) 1.3.4添加学生作文 (47) 1.3.5最近批改 (48) 1.3.6最适批改 (48) 1.4人工批改 (48) 1.4.1句评反馈模式下加入人工批改 (48) 1.4.2原文模式加入人工批改 (52) 1.5 相似检测 (58) 1.6学生互评 (61) 1.6.1 开启学生互评 (61) 1.6.2查看互评结果 (61) 1.7数据分析 (62) 1.7.1错误分布 (62) 1.7.2浏览作文 (63) 1.7.3词频 (64) 1.7.4搭配 (67) 1.7.5分级词汇 (69) 1.7.6数据比对 (73) 1.7.7维度分析 (77) 1.7.8检索 (79)


解美文美句的能力。比如你写一篇中文作文,有那么几句如泣如诉, 恍若天成,那么这篇作文可能因为这句话而上几个等级,但是在电脑 看来,这种感性的“感觉”不会存在,最多是,判断一句,然后做出 “很好”然后在判断一句“一般” ,再判断“好” ,你的那句有着修辞 用法的句子即使没有被误判为有错误, 那么最多给你的作文增加 0.5-1 分。 写到这里,笔者觉察到似乎写得不是很有头绪,也许是因为经验,即使是条例化的经验也是包含在感觉中的,更何况我好似一直在批判…… 那么,以上的总结可以姑且概括为—— 如果你需要提高分数或者只要分数, 那么往下看,如果你认为你只希望提高能力,那么下面你就参考参考,一直用,你的分数高了,能力却不会有什么上升。 为了更清楚,我决定分条写,但这样的弊端是相互间联系很小了: 先说总体提分,再说具体:

1.改的次数。要是没有吃苦的精神,又不是高帅富白富美,那么要拿高分,不吃苦怎么行。一篇作文不改到90上你良心要是安宁,那么,祝贺你,你将有好的心态到老并很有可能是一事无成到老。有同学说了,我基础差,好,那么也要上85,这是底线!那么,怎么改,首先你英语基础不能太差,有同学说我就是很差怎么办,我就是高考英语没及格怎么办?能怎么办,什么都别说了,开始学呗!怎么学?首先语法上,不要求你现在拿回高考的选择题做,100道能对75道以上,你至少要对错误有基础意思。红色错误,一定要改!这是原则一。因为类似于编程,erroring一定是违背基础语法的,这类问题你不能总是说“批改网有问题!“,也许有问题,不过笔者也只是遇到过某个单词它太笨或者太低级,不认识过于专业的单词或者英美式对于某个东西各有各的说法,但是它只认识一种,举个例子enterogastric disease,肠胃病,但是它不认识,换成intestinal tract disease吧,它又说要the ……当然,我觉得批改网要求加上介词的情况比现实中美国英语要多。也许它是习惯了莎士比亚时代的那个the的富含量……哈,开个玩笑。总之,红色错误是一定要改的,一般一个红色错误都有0.5-1.5分的飞跃。而黄色警告,如果你要求高分,注意——黄色警告一定要在3个以下!否则你的分数就会比期望至少低1-5分·然后就有2种情况了,第一——我改后,红色错误没了,黄色警告3个左右了,为什么分数还是不好,这时你还是要改。之前是改正,现在是改进!你英语基础不好,状语从句,非限,主词从句,形式主语,定语从句是使用得最多的加分句子,注意我指的是在批改网上。我举个例子,你想说什么东西很重要:Apparently,it goes without saying that XXX that(这个东西,比如你说iphone,那你加解释,was invented by Jobs/was produced by Apple.Inc等等,Jobs你又可以加who……或者whose reputation and creativity ……等等)play/plays an important role in XXXX,whichXXXXX.这只是一个很通俗的例子,只需要一点点的语法知识,一个句子串起来怎么也会有25-50个词吧,句子长度和连接词是电子批改的算法观察点之一!那么这又有两个问题了,我英语基础太差,还是不会怎么办!首先,基础的从句你必须会,不然回家修炼去吧,别来上学。好句子英语中不下十万计,你背个20个句式又有何难?!这里推荐新东方的王江涛的写作书籍。笔者小学语文写作文看的是中考满分作文,中考看的是高考满分作文。高考就是写作名家的著述和中文学教授(如北京大学朱良志先生)的书。你现在看看考研作文,TOEFL,TOEIC,GRE 作文有什么不好。红岩的《十天搞定托福作文》,王江涛的考研作文,杨鹏的《GRE长难句》很多经典句子,背十句你总行的吧。好句型有那么几个,你的“句子“得分就能接近满分而要是是英语本来写作很好,但是写的作文批改网不喜欢,没给92以上,怎么办:以下是关键,那些作文越改分越少怎么办,作文改的次数超过20次还是没有9 2.94以上怎么办,说实话,每篇作文都有一个限,要是你的作文题是“My favourite alarmclock”你就很难用很多常见的ism,ition的大词吧,但是“Aging China”就很好写。拿90稀松平常。94努努力就行。 1. 词汇:批改网有“学术词汇表”,你可以转成doc的格式便于查找,一般词汇在6级以上,用超过10个,大概你的词汇超过85%的那根得分线不成问题。 值得注意的是: 与文对应词汇也相当重要。比如说到Diet和health,你文章中一定要出现exercise和disease,如果没有,分数高了我就不说什么,如果不搞,就不要埋怨愚蠢的批改网,因为它是机器嘛。 2. 句型,一般来说,批改网喜欢的是四六级句型,如果你想要找到这类句子,其实是“被批改网认为的四六级句型“的话,只有在你平时的写作中去发掘,笔者只知道几个,就不在这儿献丑了。其实我更多是喜欢用非限和主从及形式主语。其实句型也包括短语,比如take into

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