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(1)What’s the begonia’s secret of surviving on the dim forest floor?

The begonia’s secret of surviving lies in its leaves’ red undersides.

(2)How do leaves reduce the problem of water lying on their surface?

The leaves are tough so that it can withstand the pounding.

Leaves have gutters to carry away water.

Leaves’ p ointed tips enable water drain away rapidly and completely.

Some leaves have dense hairs to keep the pores free from water.

(3)What’s the dramatic solution the mimosa possesses to defend itself?

One touch makes it fold its leaflets. Another touch makes it flop to the ground.

(1)What are the three factors causing the collision between our civilization and the earth?

Population, our way of thinking and the scientific and technological revolution.

(2)How to balance the economy and the environment? (Answers vary.)

(3)What should we do to solve the climate crisis, to secure our future or to save our planet earth? (Answers vary.)

(1)What might be the causes of the Big Freeze?

Volcanic eruptions, global warming and the changes in the ocean currents.

(2)Please name the five ways mentioned in the State of Planet that we are affecting life’s diversity on earth?

Over-harvesting, the introductionof alien species, the destruction of habitats, islandisation and pollution.

(1)What is the natural selection?

Any trait that increases the possibility of the youngster surviving will be passed on in its genes.

(2)There is an enormous variety of life on the planet. How did life begin?

1. 3 billion years ago, single-cell living things

2.670 million years ago, cells pulling together

3.Around 570 million years ago, animals’ soft bodies turned hard

(3)Where did all life begin? And why?

All lives began in the sea. Because the temperature hardly changes and the water protects against the pull of gravity and the burning sun.

(1)What are the good reasons for life to get into the air?

Wings provide animals with extra strike power. Flying is the fastest and the most efficient way to travel. It allows the animals to find food, explore new territory and escape from danger.

(2)Why do we say caterpillars are munching machines?

Because their only purpose is to eat and grow. They can balloon to an incredible 2000 times its starting weight.

(3)Why do we say that the predators and prey are locked in an intense relationship?

Because when predators find better ways to catch and kill, the prey has to improve its self-defense. That’s to say, neither can afford to be left behind.

(1)What is phobia?

Fear plays a vital part in our survival. When fear gets out of control, we call it phobia.

(2)What is the percentage of people with phobias?

1 in 10 people.

(3)Do we inherit specific phobias from our parents?


(1)How does a sea turtle know its location and navigate its way around the earth?

It’s based on the earth’s magneticfield.

(2)What was found at the bottom of the ocean in 1985 by some scientists?

Shrimps which can live in boiling hot water and live without sun’s energy were fo und in 1985.

(1)What are the differences between men and women?

Men are more things- oriented, while women are people-oriented.

(2)What are the two reasons for the marriage to end in divorce?

Being unfaithful to spouse and constant arguing.

(3)Why people say “love makes people blind”.

The reward system floods with feeling good chemicals. While another part of the brain which is useful for critical thinking switches off.

(1)Why do red crabs head for the shore to spawn?

Because they are unable to raise their young on land. They have to trek several kilometers to their ancestral home, the sea.

(2)How does the Aurora australis occur?

It occurs when subatomic particles, after travelling through space, enter the earth’s magnetic field.

(3)How can an eagle eat a tortoise?

An eagle flies to a favorite site. Gains its height. And lets the tortoise go.


必考词汇:dandelion 蒲公英begonia 秋海棠mimosa 含羞草arthropod 节肢动物jackpot 意外的成功adrenalina 肾上腺素phosphate 磷酸盐、磷肥saliva 唾液enigma 神秘prism 棱镜 可能考的:1.dock 羊蹄 2.hazel 榛树 3.foxglove 毛地黄4.bramble 悬钩子 5.earth-star 地星 6.bird-cage plant 角叶月7 .spore 孢子8.wood anemone 银莲花9.puffball 马勃菌10.canopy 天蓬11.fern 羊齿12.pore 毛孔、气孔13.sapling 小树苗14.chestnut 板栗15.sycamore 枫树https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ba16789298.html,rch 落叶松17.chlorophyll 叶绿素18.photosynthesis 光合作用19.mimicry 拟态20.shrivel 使。变干枯 21.pebble 鹅卵石22.gravel 小石头23.nectar 花蜜24.caterpillar 毛毛虫25.bogus 假的26.passionflower 西番莲27.carnivorous plants 食肉植物28.infrared radiation 红外线照射29.culprit 罪犯30.vulnerable 易受伤的31.varnish 清漆32.lukewarm 微温的33.pixel 像素34.smallpox 天花35.polio 小儿麻痹36.devastate 毁灭37.apartheid 种族隔离https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ba16789298.html,arre 奇异的39.predator 捕食者40.gill slits 鳃裂41.amniotic fluid 羊水42.embryo 胚胎43.mayhem 破坏44.cauldron 大锅45.haven 避风港46.lethal 致命的47.jellyfish 海蜇、水母48.alien 性质不同的、不相容的


考试题型分布 1.Directions:Add the affix to each word according to the given chinese ,making changes when necessary .(8%) 2.Directions:Fill in the blanks,each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form.(12%) 3.Directions:Fill in each blanks with a suitable word given below .(10%) 4.Directions:after filling the gaps ,translate the above paragaph into chinese .(15%) 5.Directions:Translate the following paragaph into English.(25%) 6.Directions:Read through the following passages,choose the best answer and put the letter in the bracket.(20%) 7.Directions:Read the following passages,and fill in the table with the infomation based on the passage.(10%) 1.方向:根据给定的汉语将词缀添加到每个词,必要时进行更改(8%) 2.方向:填写空格,每个空格使用下面给定的单词或短语之一(12%) 3.方向:使用下面给出的合适词填充每个空格(10%) 4.方向:填补空隙后,将上述段落翻译成中文(15%) 5.方向:将以下列章节翻译成英语(25%) 6.方向:阅读以下段落,选择最好的答案,把字母放在括号中(20%) 7.方向:阅读下面的段落,并用信息填充表格(10%)


大学英语期末考试题型 Part One: In this part, there are 15 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. (15%) 1.Where to find him and how to find him _______ known to us. A. aren’t B. isn’ t C. won’t D. will 2. That was the only object _____ interested him most. A. which B. that C. who D. whom 3. We were all _____ to hear about your new job. A. pleasant B. pleased C. pleasure D. pleasing 4. Mary doesn’t remember ______ the man anywhere. A. to see B. saw C. seeing D. have seen 5. The police _____ him $50 for parking on that street. A. were fined with B. fined to C. fined D. gave fine to 6. She was ______ that the film would be shown on Oct. 12. A. said B. told C. spoken D. reported 7.His noble example inspired her _____ greater effort. A. making B. to make C. make D. makes 8 The people in that region ______ survived in the earthquake. A. success B. successful C. unsuccessful D. successfully 9.Class monitor said, “Everyone ______ to meet at the gate of our school at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow morning.” A. expected B. expects C. will be expected D. is expected 10.A: I’ve got an email, but I can’t open it now. B: Why don’t you go to Ben? He will be able to ____it _____. A.make/up B. do/out C. figure/out D. figure/up keys 1B2.B3.B4.C5.C6.B7.B8.D9.D10.C Part Two: Choose the definition from Column B that best matches the word in Column A. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. (10%) Part Three: Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Then you should write your answer on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. (10%) 1. (real ) She refuses to face the __________ reality _____. 2. (person) I’d like to speak to Mr. Davis about a ________ personal __ matter. 3.(fulfill) Being responsible for so many people gave her a great sense of ____ fulfillment ____________. 4. (broad) We all agree that his experience __has broadened __________ his


Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven! Listening skills: Making inferences Listen to the dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear 1 (A) She’s too busy to go to the concert. (B) She'll go with the man soon. (C) She prefers to go to the movies instead. (D) She'll go with the man next time. 2 (A) The man should check in the car before it is too late. (B) The purse might be in the car. (C) The woman might find the purse around the car. (D) It is too late to look for the purse. 3 (A) She likes a CD on thieves and robbers. (B) The man looks like a pirate. (C) She will probably buy the CD. (D) She won't buy the CD. 4 (A) The singer might win in a beauty contest. (B) The singer is a very pretty woman. (C) The singer is unattractive. (D) No votes were cast for the singer at the beauty contest.


1. Obviously you came here intending to () the United States and you will need a work visa A. rest with B. resort to C. render into reside in 满分:1 分 2. Tom's father, as well as his mother, _____ in New York for a few days more. A. ask him to stay asks him to stay C. ask he should stay D. asks he should stay 满分:1 分 3. Enough lava had __________ from the volcano to bury the entire village. disrupted splashed erupted spilt 满分:1 分 4. A contract is the only document between the parties to which they may ______ for clarification (澄清)of mutual responsibilities. refer offer prefer differ 满分:1 分 5. Scientists have discovered genetic variations that make people more likely to get ______ on cigarettes and more prone to develop lung cancer. A. retained hooked C. tired D. hanged 满分:1 分 6. The manager decided to give the job to_________he believed had a strong sense of duty.


Part1 Exercise2 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C Exercise3 1.football,basketball,baseball 2.steady,boyfriend 3.guess,realized 4.broke,up 5.in,group 6.save,up 7.here,comes 8.happened,to 9.not,at,all 10.except,for Part2 Listening2 Exercise1 1)kind 2)gold 3)heartless 4)love 5)songs 6)says 7)touch 8)lifetime 9)gone 10)happens 11)feelings 12)speed listening3 exercise1 B Part3 Practice1 1)gaze 2)sighs 3)touch 4)hugs 5)such 6)words 7)praises 8)understands 9)lends 10)holds Practice2 Exercise1 C Exercise2 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F Practice3 1)learning 2)admire 3)vocabulary 4)loving 5)relationship 6)connections 7)experiences 8)remembering 9)proud 10)try 11)body 12)expressions 13)willingness 14)fears 15)pace 16)best 17)jokes 18)fondness 19)laugh 20)with Practice4 Exercise1 D Exercise2 1.unsuccessful,marriages 2.failed,relationships 3.dreamed,of 4.words,action 5.men,natural Part4 Section1 Section2 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B Section3 1.perfect 2.half,full 3.ashamed 4.failure 5.apologized 6.house 7.side 8.flower,seeds 9.watered 10.pick


Part I: Translate the Chinese in the brackets into English. (15%) 1. ____________________(爱因斯坦相对论)is the only one which can explain such phenomena. 2. Rate of penetration was found to ____________________ (与……成正比) the net pressure applied by the tool. 3. Being a ______________(非良导体/绝缘体), rubber is often used in cables. 4. Properly speaking, ___________(并非所有的物质) exist in three states. 5. An electric current produces ______________(磁场) around it. 6. With the result of automation, productivity has ___ ___________ (增加了5倍) in that factory. 7. Copper and aluminum are the best conductors of electric current ______________(仅次于银). 8. The neutron has __________________(既不带正电荷,也不带负电荷). 9. When the water temperature is increased, it vaporized more quickly until it reaches ________(沸点). 10. A __________(变压器) is a very useful device, even though it can be sued only with alternating current. Part Ⅱ: Choose the better rendition for each of the following sentences.(20%) 1.由于我在会上发表论文,如蒙介绍有关会议的详细情况,不胜感激。 A) Because I will deliver a thesis at the conference, I shall appreciate it very much if you could introduce to me the detailed condition of the meeting. B) As I will present a paper at the conference, I will be grateful if you could supply me with detailed information about the meeting. 2. 西安附上我提供会议的论文,题目是“动物克隆在中国”,一式三份,如果要发电子邮件以转录软盘,我可以立即发出。 A) I am enclosing herewith my paper of the topic of “Animal Cloning in China” one form in three B) I am enclosing, in three copies, my paper entitled “Animal Closing in China” for the conference. If req uired, I can send an e-mail for the disk right away. 3.核能发电,是在20世纪才发展起来的新事物。不幸的是,建立和维持核发电厂的成本很高,使得建设速度要比原先预料的慢许多。---中国的第一座核发电厂,是于20世纪后期建立在深圳,靠近香港。 A) Using nuclear energy to generate electricity is a new thing developed in the 20th century. What is unfortunate is that the costs of building and maintaining a nuclear power plant are very high, making the speed of construction much slower than previously predicted. ----China’s first nuclear power plant was built in the late 20th century at Shenzhen near Hongkong. B) The production of nuclear power is a new development of the 20th century. Unfortunately, the high costs of building and maintaining a nuclear power plant have led to a much slower rate of growth than was predicted. -----China’s first nuclear power plant was built in the late 20th century at Shenzhen near Hongkong. 4. 不少科学家论证说,三国演义里所说的“木牛流马”,可能是一些有相当复杂性的机器,其工作原理可说类似于今天的某些器械装置。 A) Quite a few scientists say by reasoning that the “wooden cows, running horses” described in the Romance of the Three Kingdo ms could be rather complex machines whose working principles can be said to be like certain mechanical devices of today. B) Quite a few scientists argue that the “wooden cows, running horses” described in the Romance of Three Kingdoms could be machines of sufficient complexity working on principles supposedly similar to certain present-day mechanical devices. 5. 摘要:本文简单叙述和分析了本实验室最近对猪流感病毒所作的两次实验的成果。 A) Abstract: The results of two experiments on swine flu virus are briefly described and analyzed. B) Abstract: this article simply states and analyzes the results of two experimental tests this laboratory recently performed in the research on swine flu virus. 6. 珠江三角洲在中国的南部,气候良好,交通系统效率高,一向工农业都在快速发展。 A) The Pearl River Delta is to the south of China. It has a nice weather and a highly efficient communication system. Both of its industry and agriculture


大学英语预备阶段练习(一) (Unit 1~4) ⅠWord Building Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets. 1.Thank you very much for your ____ advice. I followed it and succeeded at last. (value) 2.His business has ____ rapidly since his brother came to help. (development) 3.After a two-day discussion, we finally found a ____ to the difficult problem. (solve) 4.Prices ____ high for quite a while .People began to complain about it. (remaining) 5.I don’t think it ____ to finish all the work today. We can go on with it tomorrow.(necessity) 6.It is obviously not ____ to leave a 3-year-old boy alone at home. (properly) 7.The tourists saw a beautiful ____ when they climbed onto the top of the mountain.(scene) 8.Traveling in the desert is a challenging ____ to most people. ( inexperience) 9.____, I don’t think it possible to finish the task in two days. (person) 10.The government must make sure that the economy is developed in the right ____.(direct) ⅡVocabulary and Structure Directions: Choose the best one from the four choices to complete the sentence. 11.The temperature ____ throughout the day in that part of the country. A. very B. remains C. differs D. varies 12.The game is full of violence and will certainly have a bad ____ on young players. A. meaning B. pain C. loss D. influence 13.The warm-hearted elderly lady downstairs is always ____ to help others. A. real B. ready C. practical D. polite 14.The question is ____ difficult in the exam today. Don’t you think so? A. therefore B. since C. rather D. otherwise 15.She used to live in a lovely ____ building near the sea. A. 3-story B. 3-stories C. 3-classed D. 3-classes 16.There are different ____ of transport in big cities for you to choose when you go out. A. means B. mean C. meanings D. meaning 17.They did not take a rest until the job was ____ finished. A. straightly B. specially C. completely D. fairly 18.The bookstore owner ____ the old magazines with a new ones to attract more readers. A. required B. reviewed C. repeated D. replaced 19.Would you like to buy the book? It is ____ reading. A. worthy B. firm C. further D. worth 20.She wears sunglasses to ____ her eyes from the sunshine in summer. A. prepare B. produce C. protect D. provide 21.We all like her very much for her pleasant ____: kind, gentle and warm-hearted. A. character B. chance C. chairman D. skills 22.All the students enjoyed the wonderful ____ by the professor that afternoon. A. discussion B. lecture C. advice D. solution 23.If you have confidence in yourself first, you will not be _______ by others easily. A.won B. doubled C. defeated. D. delayed 24.The little girl developed a strong _______ on her new friends.


New Standard English Book 4 Unit 1 Inside view Conversation 1 2. Janet : go back to China,do my master’s (which means going back to university),live in London,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at London Time Off,update my CV and look for jobs together. Andy: leave London,go to China,look for jobs together. 3. the true statements are 2 and 8. Conversation 2 5. 1.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK. 2.Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer. 6. 1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c) 7. 1 It’s not always very easy working with 2.How did he end up in London 3.the least experienced person 4.He’s good at his job 5.He’s confident and very competent 6.I get on with him quite well Everyday English 8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b) Outside view 2. the true statements Samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4. 4. 1.She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job 2.She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview. 3.She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for. 4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to preparation,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for. 5. 1.professional job coach 2.research on the position and the company 3.having not practised with some of the questions 4.how you present yourself 5.what the interviewer is actually looking for 6.preparation,presentation and understanding 7.in relationship to the job 8.some examples in your life 9.dealing with problems 7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11. Listening in Passage 1


英语专业(科技英语方向)培养方案 (2011级) 一、培养目标和基本要求 本专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和比较广泛的科学知识、能在外经、外事、新闻、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事口译、笔译、研究、教学、管理工作的应用型高级英语专门人才。 本专业学生主要学习英语语言、文学、历史、政治、经济、社会文化及外贸等方面的基本理论及基础知识,接受英语听、说、读、写、译的系统训练,掌握各种文体翻译策略和口、笔译翻译技能,熟悉外贸业务,能进行熟练的英语口译和笔译,具有从事新闻、旅游、外经、外贸、外事及翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的业务水平。本专业的毕业生应具有“基础实、专业通、技能多、素质好、适应快”的特色。 二、毕业生应获得的知识和能力 1. 具有扎实的英语基础和熟练的听、说、读、写、译能力; 2. 掌握英语语言与文学及相关人文科学方面的基础知识; 3. 了解翻译基本理论,具有较好的口笔译能力; 4. 了解外经、外贸基础知识; 5. 了解我国国情及英语国家的社会和文化; 6. 具有较好的语言表达能力和协调能力; 7. 学习一门第二外语,具有一定的实际应用能力; 8. 掌握计算机应用技术,具有运用计算机进行科研和实际工作的能力。 三、主干学科 外国语言文学 四、主要课程 综合英语、英语泛读、英语听说、英语写作、翻译理论与实践、英美文学选读、科技英语阅读、科技英语翻译、科技英语写作等。 五、主要实践性环节 认识实习、翻译实践、科技翻译能力实践、毕业实习、毕业论文。 六、主要专业实验 无 七、标准学制 四年 八、授予学位 文学学士

九、周次分配 十、教学进程安排 符号说明:━理论教学★入学教育~军训×实习// 课程设计●毕业设计(论文)△考试


他不 2015/2016学年第2学期 课程代码:课程名称: 科技英语入门试卷: A√、B□ 考试形式:开卷√、闭卷□考试时间: 100 分钟………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 学号姓名任课教师专业全校公选得分 Unit 1\Unit 2 I. Vocabulary: Choose the closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence (15%). a 1. The largest ever scientific Earth analysis reveals that many of the planet’s ecosystems are simply not making the grade. A. doing well enough B. Progressing C. functioning D. moving in the right direction d 2. Only by valuing all our precious natural and human resources, can w e hope to build a sustainable future. A. prosperous B. diverse C. livable D. lasting b 3. Deforestation and other radical ecosystem alterations also promote diseases, such as malaria and cholera, as well as new strains of existing contagions. A. species B. transmittable diseases C. destructions D. degradation b 4. They examined the planet’s many habitats and species and the systems that bind them together. A. regions B. dwelling places C. shelters D. refuges d 5. Th e roofing material withstands inclement weather and, on bright days, taps sunshine for electricity. A. wires B. knocks C. pats D. employs a 6. Engineers have also developed a roofing material coated with the electricity-producing film. A. covered with a layer of material B. covered with overcoat C. covered with sugar D. covered with plants c7. Technological improvements have made solar-electric modules more cost-effective. A. units of measurement B. units of education C. components D. units of space crafts b8. The guy who puts on the roof (on a house now) puts on the solar panels at the same time. A. juries B. instrument boards C. discussion groups D. painting boards II. Matching 1.挥发性有机化合物a 2.紫外线指数b 3.臭氧消耗物质c 4.空气质量指数d 5.混合太阳能照明f 6.人造光g 7.红外线h A. volatile organic substance (VOC) B. UV Index C. ozone-depleting substance (ODC) D. AQI E. photovoltaic cell F. hybrid solar lighting G. artificial light


苏科大期末英语必考题,附【答案及作文,题型补充!】【不要再自己没弄懂题目随便说答案错。确定之后再来留言。考试期间没空争辩,不解释。】 1.You would be __D__ a risk to let your child go to school by himself. A) omitting B) attaching C) affording D) running 2.He is always It's _B___ you've never met him. A) unique B) strange C) rare D) peculiar 3.There has been a great increase in retail C___﹖ A) does there B) isn't there C) hasn't there D) isn't it 4. We'd like to __B__ a table for five for dinner this evening. A) preserve B) reserve C) retain D) sustain 5. Although a Fred could resist _A___ what to do and what not to do. A) being told B) telling C) to be told D) to tell 6. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have _D___ supplies of petroleum. A) proficient B) efficient C) potential D) sufficient 7. In Peter would rather have left for San Francisco than _B___ in New York. A) to stay B) stayed C) staying D) having stayed 8. He soon received promotion for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerab le _A___. A) ability B) future C) possibility D) opportunity 9. Britain has the highest _B___ of road traffic in the world—over 60 cars for every mil e o f road. A) popularity B) density C) intensity D) prosperity 10. __B_____ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much bett er. A) For B) Now C) Since D) Despite 11. Not having a good command of English can be a serious __A___ preventing you fro m achieving your goals. A) obstacle B) fault C) offense D) distress 12. It's very __D___ of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep. A) concerned B) careful C) considerable D) considerate 13. Many a player who had been highly thought of has __B___ from the tennis scene. A) disposed B) disappeared C) discouraged D) discarded

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