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学术讲座主持稿的开场白和结尾 英语


Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to today's academic lecture. We are honored to have Dr. Smith as our guest speaker. Dr. Smith is a prominent scholar in the field of history and has extensive experience and profound insights in her research. Today, she will share her research findings and insights with us on the topic of "The Impact of Technology on Society". I am sure everyone present will benefit from this lecture. Let's listen to Dr. Smith with full attention.


That's all for today's academic lecture. Thank Dr. Smith has given us a very thought-provoking lecture. Her profound knowledge and unique insights have left a deep impression on all of us. I hope everyone present can digest what they have learned today and integrate it into their future studies and work. Thank再次感谢史密斯博士的精彩演讲。她的博学和独到的见解给我们留下了深刻的印象。希望在座的各位能够吸收今天所学的知识,并将其融入到未来的学习和工作中。谢谢大家!


Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to today's academic lecture. We are delighted to have the opportunity to gather together to listen to the knowledge and insights shared by our distinguished guest speaker, Dr.

Smith. Dr. Smith is a leading expert in the field of biology, and his research has been published in some of the most prestigious journals in the world. Today, he will be speaking on the topic of "Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology".

Please keep in mind that this is a scholarly event, so we kindly request that you refrain from speaking during the lecture. We also kindly request that you turn off or silence your cell phones.

Now, without further ado, I would like to welcome Dr. Smith.


Thank you, Dr. Smith, for sharing your vast knowledge and insights with us today. Your lecture has not only enhanced our understanding of advanced topics in molecular biology but also provided us with a deeper appreciation for the field of biology as a whole.

We hope that everyone in attendance found the lecture to be informative and engaging. Please feel free to join us in the discussion session to further explore the topics covered in today's lecture. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments for Dr. Smith, we will be collecting them for him to answer in a future email or during our next event.

On behalf of all of us here, I would like to express our heartfelt

gratitude to Dr. Smith for taking the time out of his busy schedule to share his expertise with us. We look forward to future opportunities to learn from him and other esteemed guests.

Thank you all for coming today. We hope to see you at our next event. Goodbye!


英语演讲比赛主持人开场白﹑结束语 english speaking contest. we are very happy to gather here hold an english afternoon party. i am happy to stand here and have this opportunity to share something with you guys. b: 亲爱的孟老师,亲爱的同学们,大家中午好(合)!欢迎来到 14周英语演讲比赛的现场。比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的 顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作! a: first of all ,let me introduce our distinguished guests afternoon today .mrs meng b: 首先,让我来给大家介绍一下今天来的嘉宾:孟老师 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎孟老师的到来! s english speaking contest. b: 今天有10位优秀的同学参加这次英语演讲比赛。 b: 现在我给大家介绍一下比赛规则。每位选手只有五分钟的演讲 时间。首先简单介绍一下自己,然后进行演讲。 please get ready b: 比赛即将开始,下面我们有请第一位选手上场。第二位选手做 好准备。 please next contestants get ready. a: now let’s announce 1 part contestants score. please wait for a minute. b: 下面我们宣布一下1-5位选手的得分成绩.请大家稍等片刻。 …….一号选手的成绩是……去掉一个最高分…去掉一个最低分…最终得分为…二号 选手的成绩是…… 所有选手都演讲完毕,请评委为这次演讲比赛做总结。 a: teacher and girls ! for this afternoon party all the students have made careful preparations. so i’m sure we’ll be able to enjoy many excellent performances afternoon .we are ready, we are winner. how exciting today contest is! but now i have to say : ”today the english speaking contest is end 。that’s all, thank you.” b: 各位来宾及选手,多么精彩的演讲比赛,每一位参赛选手都很优 秀。今天我们的比赛到此结束。比赛结果将在两分钟后公布,谢谢大家! 长江大学女子学院九班14周英语演讲比赛规则 一、比赛规则 1、演讲顺序:比赛前抽签决定。 2、演讲时间:演讲时间不得超过5分钟,每超时10秒扣掉2分,不足10秒按10秒计 算。 3、演讲比赛评分:采取100分制。 二、评分标准 1、演讲内容(40分) 主题鲜明、中心突出,结构严谨、层次清晰,内容正确、联系实际,选材典型、杜绝抄 袭。 2、演讲有声语言(30分) 语音标准,声音洪亮,语速适当,语调仰扬顿挫,富有变化。


学术报告的英文开场白 篇一:英文学术报告开场白、结束语 問侯語或開場白的寒喧 開場白很重要,最常用的問候是“Ladies and gentlemen”,但要視場合而定。例如在會議討論會場合時,經由主席介紹上台時可先說,Honorable guest,Ladies and gentlemen,good morning ,It's very great pleasure indeed for me to be able to attend this meeting 主席先生,各位貴賓,各位女士,先生早安. 非常榮幸能參加這次的會議。或者你也可以說I'm hornored and proud to have the opportunity to speak at this meeting . 禮貌性的問侯語這是對主持人和來賓的一種尊重。 開始簡報—提出簡報摘要 在正式進入主題之前可先扼要說明簡報的內容與順序,幫助聽眾了解您的報告的大概內容。 例1.Today I would like to present my paper“The challenges of pharmacy practice in Taiwan”,In the first part of the report ,I'm going to begin with a few general comments concerning the Taiwan Medical care enviroment recently, and then discuss in more detail specific issue which concerned community pharmacy, and how the


英文学术会议主持词开场白 Good morning。XXX。e to the beautiful city of Chicago。USA。I am [Name]。from [University]。and it is my great pleasure to be the chairman of the 110th n of American Geographers Conference。This is my first time hosting such a conference。and I am thrilled to be here with you this morning. The n of American Geographers has been organizing the nal Geography Conference since 1904.This is the 110th time that the conference is being held。and it has been a platform for sharing experiences and knowledge on the advancement of geography。frontier developments。research。and their XXX issues have been discussed。and some of them have been XXX. 二、介绍会议议程 Today。we have a packed agenda with some exciting ns。ns。and workshops。We have invited some of the most XXX in the field of geography to share their XXX with us。We hope that this


开场白: 尊敬的各位来宾,各位朋友,大家好:我是陕西师范大学的XXX,很荣幸担当此次会议的主持工作,首先对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎和忠心的感谢。欢迎大家能在百忙之中抽出宝贵的时间来到陕西师范大学新勇活动中心参加第30届旅游高峰论坛。 本次参会的嘉宾主要来自陕师大、北师大、中山等15所重点高校的旅游界著名学者。尤其需要特别介绍的是XXX,,,XXX,,XXX,,,XXX,,,XXX,,我们掌声欢迎。 本论坛的主题为旅游研究进展,内容主要涉及对已有研究的梳理和回顾、对当前现状的探讨和分析,以及对未来研究前景的展望。目的是为了促进旅游业界的研究,把握时代的脉搏,将理论研究与实践相结合,更好的使研究契合当前时代的发展。最后,我谨代表陕师大主办方预祝本次论坛圆满成功,同时希望我们能共度一段丰富而充实的时间。 结束语: 女士们、先生们,为期3天的旅游高峰论坛即将落下帷幕。在此次论坛中,XXX对问题进行来探讨;XXX讨论了,,,问题,XXX讨论了,,,,XXX探讨了,,,XXX阐述了,,问题。数十位专家汇聚一堂,在思想的交流与碰撞中,想必大家也获益良多。希望各位专家、学者继续思考,共同推动旅游研究向前发展。现在,我宣布,第30届旅游高峰论坛圆满成功。祝各位返程愉快。我们来年再见。 Opening speech: Ladies and gentlemen: I am XXX in Shaanxi Normal University. It's my honor to preside over this meeting. Firstly, I want to give thanks and warm welcome for your arrival. Thanks for sparing the precious time in your busy time to attend the 30th annual Tourism summit forum in Shaanxi Normal University. The guests mainly come from Shaanxi Normal University, Zhongshan University, Beijing Normal University and other 15 famous universities. They are famous scholars in tourism. Wang Xiaona is Foundation Professor and Head of the School of Tourism and Leisure Management at The University of Queensland. He has a PhD from University College London and worked in market planning and research for the tourism industry before entering higher education. He is co-editor of Current Issues in Tourism and the author of leading tourism texts and research volumes. Let’s welcome Wang Xiaona. The theme of this forum is the progress of tourism research, which mainly involves combing and reviewing the existing studies, exploring and analyzing the current situation, and looking forward to the future research prospects. The purpose is to promote the study of the tourism industry, grasp the pulse of the times, combine theory research with practice, and make the research more suitable to the development of the current era. Finally, On behalf of the organizer of Shaanxi Normal University, I wish the forum a successful conclusion. Wish we enjoy a rich and full time. Closing remarks: Ladies and gentlemen, the three-day Tourism summit forum is coming to a close.


英文学术会议主持词开场白篇一:英文学术会议主持人发言稿 模拟国际会议主持词 一、开题语 Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to Chicago, a beautiful city of America. I’m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, from*********** University of a very very great pleasure to participate in the 110TH Association of American Geographers Conference as the chairman,its my first time to do I really enjoy being stay here with you this morning. The International Geography Conference has been held 110th times by the Association of American Geographers (AAG) institute since 1904. The purpose of the conferences have contributed to share our experiences and knowledge of the advancement of geography, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems. A lot of current issues have been discussed, and some of them have been effectively soluted. Welcome to the Association of American

学术讲座主持稿的开场白和结尾 英语

开场白: Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to today's academic lecture. We are honored to have Dr. Smith as our guest speaker. Dr. Smith is a prominent scholar in the field of history and has extensive experience and profound insights in her research. Today, she will share her research findings and insights with us on the topic of "The Impact of Technology on Society". I am sure everyone present will benefit from this lecture. Let's listen to Dr. Smith with full attention. 结尾: That's all for today's academic lecture. Thank Dr. Smith has given us a very thought-provoking lecture. Her profound knowledge and unique insights have left a deep impression on all of us. I hope everyone present can digest what they have learned today and integrate it into their future studies and work. Thank再次感谢史密斯博士的精彩演讲。她的博学和独到的见解给我们留下了深刻的印象。希望在座的各位能够吸收今天所学的知识,并将其融入到未来的学习和工作中。谢谢大家! 开场白: Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to today's academic lecture. We are delighted to have the opportunity to gather together to listen to the knowledge and insights shared by our distinguished guest speaker, Dr.

会议主持词 英文(完整版)

会议主持词英文 会议主持词英文 第一篇: 英文会议主持词 .ele to hina.欢迎到中国来。 e are delighted to see ou again.我们很高兴又再见面了。 3.e ve been ounting the das to see ou.我们一直算着日子要和你再见面。 4.i hope ou ll sta as log as possible.我希望你尽可能住久一点。 5.i hope ou ill have a ver enjoable sta.我希望你在此期间过得很愉快。 6.it is m great pleasure to sa to mr. smith ele bak to taian! 我很高兴能够对史密斯先生说欢迎回到台湾。 7.it is m speial pleasure to ele mr. smith.我非常高兴来欢迎史密斯先生。 8.it is m pleasure to ele mismith bak.很高兴欢迎史密斯小姐回来。 9,it is m pleasure to ele ou all here to da.今天我很高兴欢迎各位。 10.it is m pleasure to ele mr. smith to our pan.很高兴欢迎史密斯先生到我们公司来。 1

1.ele to our pan from all the members of this setion, mr. smith.史密斯先生,本课所有同仁欢迎你到本公司来。 1 i take great pleasure in bidding ou all a heart ele to our pan.很高兴能够衷心的欢迎您来我们公司。 1 3.it is m great pleasure to sa a fe ords of heart ele to mr. smith.很荣幸能说几句话表示对史密斯先生衷心欢迎。 1 4.the first thing that i ould like to sa to mr. smith is a heart ele home! 我最先想对史密斯先生说的心底话是: 欢迎回国! 1 5.i ant to assure mr. smith that e ill all give him our support in his efforts.我想向史密斯先保证,我们每个人对他的努力将给予支持。 1 6.it is m pleasure and honor to ele bak mr. smith ho has been in anada for the past three ears.过去三年史密斯先生都在加拿大,我很高兴也很荣幸来欢迎他回。 1 7.please go ahead before it gets old.趁热吃。 1 8.thank ou for our kindness.谢谢你的一番盛情。


研讨会主持稿英文 篇一:英文学术会议主持人发言稿 Good morning,ladies and to Harbin,a beautiful northland ice city of ’m ABC,from school of economics and management of a very very great pleasure to participate in the 5TH International Finance Conference as the chairman,its my first time to do I really really enjoy being stay here with you this International Finance Conference has been held 4th times by CFA institute since 1998. The purpose of the conference is to share our experiences and knowledge in regard to the theory, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems A lot of current issues have been discussed,and some of them have been effectively soluted.. Today,as the first time of the conference debut in this city,we’ll have a unique topic of prepared presentations is the application of quantitative methods in Finance ,Today’s speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different


学术讲座英文主持词 【篇一:外国专家英文讲座主持稿(英汉对照)】 外国专家英文讲座主持稿(英汉对照) good evening, ladies and gentlemen! 女士们先生们,大家晚上好! welcome to the scientific research and paper writing tutoring lecture series of the iahrwhusc, we are very happy to gather here to hold an doctoral supervisor forum, i’m your host xxx. 欢迎来到iahr武汉大学学生分会“科学研究与论文写作辅导系列讲座”第4期活动现场,今天我们很高兴能够为大家举办一场博导论坛,我是主持人xxx。 today we are much honored to invite dr. preben maegaard to wuhan university. dr. preben maegaard is from nordic folkecenter for renewable energy, and he is the founder and director emeritus of this non-governmental organization. 今天我们非常有幸邀请到了preben maegaard来到武汉大学。preben maegaard 来自北欧可再生能源总中心,他是这个非政府机 构的建立者和名誉主任。 he has devoted himself to the renewable energy career since 1970s. for his contributions, he was awarded xxx, xxx, xxx and so on. actually he has come to china for many times, so he is an old friend to us chinese. 他从1970年代就开始投身于新能源发展事业,为了表彰他的贡献, 他被授予xxx,xxx和xxx等奖项。事实上他已经来过中国很多次了,所以他已经是我们中国人的老朋友了。 thank you. the theme of the speech today is the utilization of renewable energy. now, let’s warmly welcome dr. preben maegaard to give the speech. 今天讲座的主题是“可再生能源开发利用”。下面,让我们用热烈的 掌声欢迎preben maegaard先生作报告! thank you very much for your wonderful speech, we have learned a lot from it. and now is the time for questions from the audience. so, do you have any questions for dr. preben maegaard?


年会主持稿的英文开场白(通用7篇) 年会主持稿的英文开场白(通用7篇) 在社会发展不断提速的今天,越来越多地方需要使用到开场白,开场白有点明主题、交代背景、提出问题等作用。那么问题来了,如何写好开场白呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的年会主持稿的英文开场白(通用7篇),供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 年会主持稿的英文开场白1 Woman: Songs curl old speech Male: dance to celebrate Chinese New Year Distinguished guests Dear colleagues Good evening everyone! Man: just past 20x x years, the company is carrying a year. Company x year...... (the companys performance), relying on XX more resources and support platform, to further strengthen the product technology research and development strength, in the entire industry suffered winter environment, we are not intimidated by difficulties, the companys business has maintained sustained and steady development, and achieved good results. Female: success with hardships, joy with sweat. In the bustling about every day, we imperceptibly ushered in the new year 20x x! Boy: today, let us have a joyous gathering here, imagine a better tomorrow. Now United: xxxx20x x annual meeting officially started! 年会主持稿的'英文开场白2 (male) distinguished leaders, (female) dear guests,


英文学术报告,主持 :学术报告英文主持英文学术会议主持词学术报 告主持词学术交流会主持词 篇一:英文学术报告开场白、结束语 問侯語或開場白的寒喧(Greetings) 開場白很重要,最常用的問候是“Ladies and gentlemen”,但要 視場合而定。例如在會議討論會場合時,經由主席介紹上台時可 先說Mr.Chairman,Honorable guest,Ladies and gentlemen,good morning ,It's very great pleasure indeed for me to be able to attend this meeting 主席先生,各位貴賓,各位女士,先生早安( 非常榮幸能參加這次的會議。或者你也可以說I'm hornored and proud to have the opportunity to speak at this meeting . 禮貌性的問侯語這是對主持人和來賓的一種尊重。 開始簡報(opening a presentation)—提出簡報摘要 在正式進入主題之前可先扼要說明簡報的內容與順序,幫助聽 眾了解您的報告的大概內容。 例,(Today I would like to present my paper“The challenges of pharmacy practice in Taiwan”,In the first part of the report ,I'm going to begin with a few general comments concerning the Taiwan Medical care enviroment recently, and then discuss in more detail specific issue which concerned community pharmacy,


英语演讲主持人开场白 【篇一:英语演讲主持人开场白】 英语演讲主持人开场白 good afternoon, everyone. welcome to our english speech contest. it’s pleasure to be the host for this contest. today many contestants will take part in it. now let’s welcome number 1 from grade 8: well done! let’s welcome number 2. good job…… sounds good….. congratulations!..... last but not the least (最后但也是最重要的) , boys and girls. i think all of us have learned a lot from this contest. thank you, bye. 【篇二:英语演讲比赛主持人台词】 英语演讲比赛主持人台词 good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and schoolmates, welcome to the third english speaking competition. the topic of this competition is “the second start line”. we are honored today to co-host today’s competition .we hope it will be a good opportunity to the participants to display their talent of language and we also hope that you , the audience will enjoy this exciting competition and benefit from what you hear . okay, firstly, id like to introduce you the adjudicators of this contest, since theyve been working so hard during when then competitions going on. they are... there are all together _______contestants to compete in today’s competition and it is my pleasure to introduce the keynote speaker for is ________. 下午好,女士们,先生们,亲爱的老师们,同学们,欢迎来到第三届英语演讲比赛,今天竞赛的主题是“ ————” 我们为今天能够再次主持这次比赛而感到荣幸。我们希望这对竞赛选手来说是一次很好的机会来展现他们的语言天赋。我们同样希望 所有观众会喜欢这次比赛并从中收获一些东西。


英语教研活动主持词开场白 英语教研活动主持词开场白 【篇一】 各位领导、老师,上午好! 首先,热烈欢送大家来只里小学参加县教育局组织的英语教研活动! 今天,很荣幸由我来主持这次难得而重要的教研活动。本次教研活动的主题是 现在,我来宣布今天教研的程序安排: 第一项:课堂教学展示:做课教师:*说课。教学反思 第二项:听课教师评课课议课。 第三项:领导点评。 第四项:总结收益,明确方向 首先请*说一下教学反思与设计。 刚刚*很用心地给我们上了公开课,在我们进入评课、议课之前,我提议大家用掌声对老师的付出表示感谢。 《反思后》 刚刚,我们观摩了*的课堂教学,我想大家都有一些想法亟待交流,以求相互促进,共同提高。下面请各位老师提出珍贵和建议。我希望各位老师都能畅所欲言,毫不保存的把自己听课的认识、看法、见解、收获等开诚布公的说出来。 1.教师点评

可以是教学情境的创设,可以是教法学法的实施与渗透,可以是设计理念的探讨学习,也可以是教学环节的设置与搭配,甚至是师生思维碰撞中的某一个小小的火花,大家都可借题发挥,各抒己见。 相机穿插1: 老师的点评很有代表性,她一针见血地点明了英语课堂教学必须走向生活的内在原因及开展方向。” 相机穿插2: 刚刚,老师针对*的做课,从不同层面、各种角度大胆地亮明了自己的观点,其中不乏真知灼见,闪耀着智慧的光荣。 相机穿插3: 刚刚的一番热烈讨论将我们的英语教研推向了*,在这样一种集思广益的教研气氛中,相信,在座的每一位与会者都会有所收益。 相机穿插4: 我们的课堂教学行为应该何去何从,*的课作出了大胆而有效的尝试,大家更是围绕中心议题进行了有的放矢的点评与研讨。 相机穿插5: “生活中处处有英语,也处处用得到英语。不难看出课堂教学必须关注学生的生活世界。书本知识不再是空中楼阁,而是实实在在和我们的生活联系在一起。如何使课堂教学更加贴近生活将是我们每一个英语老师不断探究的方向! 2.领导点评 刚刚,各位老师围绕*的做课展开了详尽而生动的讨论。大家发言积极踊跃,不少观点很有代表性。然而,我们的讨论可能仍然不够全


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 专家讲座主持词开场白 讲座是由教师不定期地向学生讲授与学科有关的科学趣闻或新的发展,以扩大他们知识的一种教学活动形式。或:由主讲人向学员传授某方面的知识、技巧,或改善某种能力、心态的一种公开半公开的学习形式。下面是小编整理分享的专家讲座主持词开场白,欢迎阅读。 专家讲座主持词开场白(一) 各位企业家、各位来宾: 大家下午好! 中小企业难,一直是各级政府关注并致力破解的难题。xx年以来,由于居高不下的ppi,从紧的金融政策,不断上涨的劳动力成本,偏紧的劳动力供应以及国际市场的不振,中小工业企业正面临着前所未有的困难。为帮助中小企业提升中小企业市场竞争力,促进我市中小企业又好又快发展。根据市委全民读书月的活动安排,今天,我们邀请国内资深管理专家,xx大学特聘教授、xx大学高级工商管理总裁班课程讲师xx教授为我们作“中小企业资本运营战略”专题演讲。xx教授主要研究领域为人力管理、财务管理、企业发

展战略、财商教育等,他曾为xx、xx、xx、xx等国内众多大型企业做过服务工作。他深入浅出,案例丰富的培训风格深得客户的青睐,宽猛相济、睿智幽默、通俗易懂是xx教授特有的授课风格,在国内多个地方的授课深受广大企业家和职业经理人欢迎。 下面,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎xx教授为我们作精彩的演讲! 专家讲座主持词开场白(二) 亲爱的各位老师,各位同学,大家晚上好! 欢迎大家参加人文科学系主办的课件制作讲座。今天,我们有幸请到****(演讲人的主要头衔)为大家做一场关于课件制作的讲座,相信这是很多同学感兴趣的话题。 首先请允许我代表广大师生对***到来表示热烈的欢迎和由衷的感谢! (接下来要写一小段对演讲人生平的简介) 随着科学技术的迅猛发展,计算机已成为人们工作学习的必备工具,对于将来可能从教的我们而言,课件制作是必要的技能,所以大家对其一定有许多疑问与不解,相信大家定会从***的讲座中得到答案。 下面让我们一起来聆听***的精彩演讲。 专家讲座主持词开场白(三) 伴着春天的脚步,充溢着虎年的吉祥,我们又站在了新


主持稿英语开场白(精选5篇) 主持稿英语开场白【精选5篇】 在社会发展不断提速的今天,越来越多地方需要使用到开场白,那么,该如何去撰写开场白呢?以下是帮大家整理的主持稿英语开场白,供参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 主持稿英语开场白篇1 Woman: Songs curl old speech Male: dance to celebrate Chinese New Year Distinguished guests Dear colleagues Good evening everyone! Man: just past 20__ years, the company is carrying a year. Company x year...... (the companys performance), relying on __ more resources and support platform, to further strengthen the product technology research and development strength, in the entire industry suffered winter environment, we are not intimidated by difficulties, the companys business has maintained sustained and steady development, and achieved good results. Female: success with hardships, joy with sweat. In the bustling about every day, we imperceptibly ushered in the new year 20__! Boy: today, let us have a joyous gathering here, imagine a better tomorrow. Now United: __20__ annual meeting officially started! 主持稿英语开场白篇2 (male) distinguished leaders, (female) dear guests, (male) friends Good evening everyone! (male) fireworks spring news early, Taofu years old were everywhere; (female) spring breeze dancing in front of Liu Yuan, rain drives spending; (male) in the old words, beautiful moment of spring, we ushered in the __X 20__ reunion gala. (female) me tonight? -- all my colleagues in the company? Together, like yesterday??and?the future outlook of the company?! (male) looking back on the past, the year of the monkey? In me? Every Forget, she gave us hope, harvest, more important is to give us the experience of growth. (female), future? A year? A year of the rooster, usher in a better tomorrow. We firmly believe that: in Chinas sustained rapid economic development driven by the companys business will be able to prosper, her tomorrow will be better. (male) firecrackers? (female) and send warm welcome spring May the new year (male) gun My good luck? The rooster crow (female) may give us peace and happiness of vocal cords (male) Im the host


主持人英语开场白 第1篇:英语主持人开场白 Good morning!Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.May I have your attention please!Please take your seat, and keep quiet! Welcome to the stJiangsu University.My name is ShenLingfen, a third year English major from Department of English,School of Foreign Languages.Allow me to introduce my co-hoste, Mi Chen Yunyi, a first year English major from Department of English, School of Foreign Languages.We are honored to host this year’s_Imitation and RecitationContest.The distinguished guests and judges from left to right are: Deputy Dean of School of Foreign Languages,Dean of English Department, Aociate Profeor,; Deputy Dean of English Department,Deputy Dean of English Department, Aociate Profeor and Doctor, ZhongLanfeng Lecturer,Lecturer,Leturer,Lecutrer,; At the beginning of the contest, please welcome our deputy dean, Mr.Xia Jianru to deliver a short speech.……….Thank You, Mr.Xia.Imitation and Recitation Contest and it has been scheduled to be a routine and annual contest for English majors.As time goes by, it is hopefully to become an open contest for all college students in Jiangsu University.We are really happy to be part of it,because it is a good opportunity for English majors to demonstrate their language skills obtained by hard working.“A good beginning makes a good ending.” We sincerely believe that all the contestants and everyone present here will do our best to make this contest a succe.To all first year English majors, the last three weeks have been quite a long time, because we have been busy learning,

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