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The Big Bang Theory S08E01




Raj 拉杰;Debbie黛比;

Stuart 斯图尔特;


Sheldon: Excuse me. Is it at all possible that you’re knitting a pair of pants? Oh, well, no, you’re understandably terrified. But, you know, allow me to explain. 45 days ago, um, I embarked on a railroad journey of healing. Because my university was making me do string theory, and my favorite comic book store burned down, and when my roommate got engaged, my girlfriend wanted to move in with me, which was no doubt a ploy just to see my-- well, excuse my language, but my bathing suit parts.


Sheldon: Uh, sir, may I use your phone?


Sir: I don’t think so.


Sheldon: Yeah, well, I understand that I’m half naked, but there is a reasonable explanation. While I slept in my sleeper car, all my possessions were stolen. Now, typically, I wear pajamas, but I recently adopted a hobo lifestyle and pajamas are the sleep-pants of the man.

谢尔顿:好吧。我知道我现在是半裸的,但是我有个合理的解释。我在火车卧铺上睡觉时,东西全被偷走了。通常来说,我都会穿睡裤,但最近我习惯了流浪汉的生活方式,而睡裤是普通人穿来睡觉的。Sheldon: My good man... Now, before you walk away... I know that I may appear deranged, but I am, in fact, a world-renowned physicist. Ask me the difference between a boson and a fermion. You go ahead, ask! Bosons have integer spin, fermions have half-integer spin! My legs are getting cold! Why won’t anybody help me?



Leonard: Morning.


Penny: Hi. Want to do yoga with me?


Leonard: Um, let me just have some coffee first, and then I’ll have the strength to tell you how

much I won’t be doing that.


There is the phone bell.

Leonard: Hello.


Sheldon: Hello, Leonard.


Leonard: Hey, buddy. Good to hear your voice.


Sheldon: Uh, I’m in Kingman, Arizona, and, uh, I need you to come pick me up.


Leonard: I’d love to. I’m just about to do yoga with Penny.


Sheldon: Leonard, I’m at the police station. I was robbed. Th-they took my phone, my wallet, my iPad, everything.


Leonard: Oh, my God, are you okay?


Sheldon: No, I’m not okay. I-I’m wearing borrowed pants, I-I don’t have I.D., and one of the officers here won’t stop calling me Chicken Legs.

谢尔顿:当然有事,我穿着借来的裤子,身上也没证件,而这里其中一个警察一直叫我小鸡腿。Leonard: Okay. Uh, I’ll-I’ll come get you. What’s the address?


Penny: Hey, what’s going on?


Leonard: He got all of his stuff stolen. Sheldon, hang tight. Hey, do you want me to bring anything?


Sheldon: Oh, yes, please. A pair of pants. And my toothbrush. Yeah, and my mail. And a really good comeback for chicken legs, because “I know you are, but what am I?” was met with stony silence.


Leonard: I’ll be there as soon as I can.


Penny: Is he okay?


Leonard: Yeah, he’s fine, he’s just a little rattled. Oh... Feel like driving to Arizona with me?


Penny: No, I can’t, I have the job interview.


Leonard: Oh, right.


Penny: Besides, I don’t need six hours of “your hair is different. Why did you change your hair? I’m holding my breath until your hair grows back.”


Leonard: All right, fine. Hey, can you think of a reason I shouldn’t invite Amy to come with me?


Penny: Nope.


Leonard: Come on, you didn’t even try.



Raj: Thanks for the lift.


Howard: What’s wrong with your car?


Raj: I’m having my windows untinted.


Howard: Why?


Raj: Got a hot girlfriend now. I want the haters to know.


Howard: What are you talking about? No one’s paying attention to you.


Raj: Wow! How’s that Hater-ade taste, bro? Hey, this isn’t the way to work.


Howard: I just want to pop in and make sure Ma’s okay.


Raj: I thought Stuart was looking after her.


Howard: He was, but now that her cast is off, he moved out. And honestly, I’m kind of glad. It was getting a little weird.

霍华德:本来是,我妈石膏拆了之后,他就搬走了。说实话,我挺高兴的。他俩后来有点怪怪的。Raj: How so?


Howard: I don’t know, they’re... chummy.


Raj: Like us?


Howard: No, not like us. Creepy chummy, like you and your dog.


Raj: She feeds him out of her own mouth?


Howard: I mean, he calls her Debbie, she calls him Stewie and they’re all giggly around each

other. And believe me, when food goes in that mouth, it does not come out.


Raj: So are you worried because he’s replacing you as a son or are you worried because he’s becoming her lover?


Howard: First of all, no one can replace me as a son. And I’m her little matzo ball. And secondly, my mother is well past having any kind of sex life.


Raj: Okay, okay. Although many older women lead vibrant, active...


Howard: I said well past it!



Sheldon: Excuse me, Officer Hernandez? Any leads on the person who stole my belongings?


Officer Hernandez: Not yet.


Sheldon: Well, perhaps I can help. Sherlock Holmes always says when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Now, have-have you tried doing that?


Officer Hernandez: Nope.


Sheldon: Well, maybe you should. Th-Th-There’s lots of books called “Sherlock Holmes” and there’s no books called “Officer Hernandez.”



Leonard: Thanks again for coming. Six hours was gonna be a long drive by myself.


Amy: My pleasure. And I’m not angry at all that my boyfriend was in trouble and called you instead of me. I love that!

艾米:我的荣幸。而且我一点儿也不气,我男朋友落难时,居然打给你而不是我。真是太好了!Leonard: Yeah, time’s gonna fly by.



Penny: I haven’t been on a job interview in years. I’m really nervous.


Bernadette: Don’t be. You are built for pharmaceutical sales. You’re cute, you’re flirty and...

Started that like there were gonna be three things.

贝妮黛特:别紧张,你天生就是干医药销售这行的。你可爱、轻浮而且···本来以为能说够3个优点呢。Penny: I don’t have any experience in sales. Unless you count the bikini car wash I did in high school. But you already made me take that off my resume?

佩妮:我没有任何销售经验,除非我在高中时穿着比基尼洗车也算。但你叫我把这段从简历上删掉了。Bernadette: This job is a lot like being a waitress, except instead of pushing the fish tacos ‘cause they’re about to go bad, you’re just pushing our antidepressants before the FDA finds out they may cause rectal bleeding.


Penny: They do?


Bernadette: Maybe. But like our lawyers say, the world is full of things that can cause a rectum to bleed. Anyway, I talked you up to Dan. He’s the guy who’ll be interviewing you.


Penny: Oh, I really appreciate this. I just hope I’m not in over my head.


Bernadette: You’ll be fine. Just be yourself.


Penny: I wish I felt more confident.


Bernadette: Penny, I wouldn’t have put you up for this job if I didn’t think you could handle it.


Penny: Oh, thank you, but maybe I should cancel.


Bernadette: It’s too late to cancel. You’re going.


Penny: But I don’t know anything about pharmaceuticals.


Bernadette: Oh, I understand. You want to do something you’re already good at. I know. Why don’t I get you a job at the Sitting Around All Day Wearing Yoga Pants Factory?


Penny: They’re comfortable.



Howard: Ma, I hope you’re decent. Raj is here! You just started seeing naked women again, and I don’t want you to be confused about where the boobs should be.


Stuart: Oh, hey, guys. What are you doing here?


Howard: Uh... w-what are you doing here? I thought you moved out.


Stuart: Oh, yeah, I was going to, and then Debbie and I got to talking over dinner the other night. I didn’t have anyplace to go, she likes having me around, so we both said, “Why leave?” at the same time. It was precious.


Howard: It’s not that precious.


Raj: I’d like to back you up, but it sounds like it was pretty precious.


Debbie: Stewie, I can’t find my glasses!


Stuart: Be right there, Deb Deb!


Stuart: They’re probably on her head.


Howard: Or in her neck. Listen. You staying here seems like something she would’ve talked to me about.


Stuart: Well, maybe if you called your mother more often, you’d know.


Raj: It wouldn’t kill you to pick up the phone.



Sheldon: Any word on my stolen items?


Officer Hernandez: We’re doing everything we can.


Sheldon: You know, Sherlock Holmes like to use cocaine to sharpen his focus. But I’m sure those Cool Ranch Doritos are doing the trick.

谢尔顿:神探福尔摩斯喜欢用可卡因来让自己集中注意力,但我确定膨化垃圾食品对你也有同样功效。Leonard: Sheldon.


Sheldon: Oh! Leonard! Oh, I’m so happy to see you.


Amy: Are you okay?


Sheldon: Oh, I’m fine. Why did you come?


Amy: What do you mean, why did I come? You are my boyfriend. I haven’t seen you in over a month. I just drove six hours to help you out. Don’t you have anything to say besides, “Why did you come?”


Sheldon: I do, but... I feel uncomfortable saying it out loud in front of these police officers.


Amy: Fine. Whisper it.


Sheldon: Shotgun.



Leonard: So, Sheldon, tell us about your trip. Where did you go?


Sheldon: Where didn’t I go? I went to New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Denver, Seattle.


Leonard: How were they?


Sheldon: Oh, I have no idea. I never left the train station.


Leonard: Hang on. You traveled across the entire country and never left a train station?


Sheldon: Why would I? That’s where all the cool trains are.


Leonard: I’m sorry, so you never went outside?


Sheldon: Or had a single piece of fruit.



Dan: So... Why do you think you’d make a good pharmaceutical sales rep?


Penny: Well, I’m a people person. People like me. Some of my favorite people are people. I feel like I’m saying “people” a lot. People, people, people, pe... Okay, I’m done.


Dan: You sure?


Penny: People. Yes.


Dan: Good! So, how do you feel your previous job experience has prepared you for a career like this?


Penny: Uh, well, as a waitress, sales was a big part of my job. I mean, believe me, I convinced a lot of very large customers, who should not be eating cheesecake, to have more cheesecake. I mean, one of those chubsters even had an insulin pump!


Dan: I have an insulin pump.


Penny: People.



Howard: It’s weird, right? A grown man in his 30s living with my mother.


Raj: That is weird. I thought he was, like, 45.


Howard: Come on, you don’t think it’s a little odd?


Raj: I don’t know! I mean, she’s lonely. He needs a place to stay. I doubt there’s any funny business going on. And even if there was, who cares? They’re both adults.


Howard: “Who cares”?! You wouldn’t care if I slept with your mom?


Raj: You know what? You’re my best friend, and she’s in a bad marriage. I give you my blessing.拉杰:知道吗?你是我的好基友,我妈婚姻不幸福,我祝福你们。

Howard: This is stupid. I’m just gonna call my mother and be honest with her.


Raj: ‘Cause that’s what little matzo balls do.


Phone: This is Debbie! And this is Stuart! Just kidding! Leave a message!


Raj: This is the part where you talk.



Dan: All right, let’s say a physician was prescribing one of our competitor’s drugs. How would you convince them to switch to ours?

丹(面试官):假设有个医生本来开的是我们竞争对手的药,你要如何说服他转用我们的药呢?Penny: Um, any chance his car needs to be washed by a girl in a bikini? No... Okay, I’m really sorry for wasting your time.


Dan: Don’t worry about it. Thanks for stopping by.


Penny: Okay, thanks. Um, I’m sor... listen, could you do me a favor and not tell Bernadette how badly I blew this interview? She’ll get upset. And honestly I’m a... a little terrified of her.


Dan: Wait, wait. You’re scared of Bernadette?


Penny: Yeah, kind of.


Dan: I thought it was just me! E-Everyone thinks she’s so nice with that squeaky little voice.


Penny: I know, but she’s kind of a bully!


Dan: She is. I-I didn’t even want to meet you, but, uh, I was too scared to say no to her.


Penny: Me, too!


Dan: Yeah, yeah! One-one time, I had... Oh! I had to tell her we were cutting the-the research funding foe one of the drugs she was developing.


Penny: What happened?


Dan: I couldn’t do it! She’s still working on it! We’re not gonna tell her about this, right?


Penny: Oh, my God, no!


Dan: No, no...



Sheldon: At the hot dog stand in the Denver train station--Heinz ketchup. At the hot dog stand in the Salt Lake City train station--Heinz ketchup. At the hot dog stand in the Indianapolis train station...


Leonard: I don’t care.


Sheldon: Wrong! Hunt’s!


Sheldon: Hey, Amy! What do you say? You ready to move on to the mustard round?


Amy: have you not noticed that I’ve been sitting back here quietly stewing for the past two hours?艾米:你难道没察觉到我这两个小时一直默默地坐在后面吗?

Sheldon: I just thought you were bad at the game.


Amy: I’m mad at you! How could you just go away like that without even saying good-bye, and then call Leonard for help instead of me?

艾米:我是在生你的气!你怎么能就这样不告而别的走掉,然后打电话给莱纳德求助,却不来找我。Sheldon: Amy. May I please have a moment of privacy to speak with my roommate?


Amy: We’re in a moving car! What do you expect me to do? Stick my fingers in my ears?


Sheldon: Well, I was thinking put your head out the window like a dog, but that’ll work. Please? This’ll be quick.


Sheldon: Leonard? As soon as we get home, I want to have coitus with Amy. Okay, she can’t hear. The reason I called you is because I didn’t want Amy to know I couldn’t make it on my own.


Leonard: What’s the big deal?


Sheldon: Oh, of course it’s no big deal to you. You idolize me, and nothing could ever knock me off that pedestal you put me on.

谢尔顿:当然,这对你来说不算什么。你视我为偶像,把我供在神台上,没什么可以让我从神坛上下来。Leonard: Well, yeah, it’s true. You-you a god to me.


Amy: Can I stop now?


Leonard: Just tell her.


Sheldon: I called Leonard because... I failed. And I didn’t want you to think less of me.


Amy: You were worried about that?


Sheldon: Yes.


Amy: Sheldon... it’s okay with me that you are not perfect.


Sheldon: Can I have one more moment with Leonard?


Amy: Sure.


Sheldon: Amy just hurt my feelings. I want to break up with her.



Howard: Now, I never thought I’d say this, but I’m kind of excited to see Sheldon.


Bernadette: I never thought I’d say this, but Penny got a job today.


Howard: She did?


Bernadette: Well, the only reason she got it is ‘cause the guy who interviewed her loves me.


( Stuater knocks the door )斯图尔特在敲门

Howard: What do you want?


Stuart: I, uh, kind of got the feeling you might not be okay with me staying at your mom’s.


Howard: You’re right, I’m not. I think it’s weird.


Bernadette: Howie?


Howard: It is. He’s a grown man. He’s just gonna live there rent-free? How is that gonna motivate him to get off his butt and get a job? I mean, do you even have a plan?


Stuart: Hey, you’re not my father, okay? And besides, your mother and I were talking...


Howard: “Your mother and I”? You’re not my father!


Stuart: I didn’t say I was your father!


Howard: Well, I didn’t say. I was your father!


Bernadette: Okay, calm down. You’re not his father, he’s not your father! Nobody’s anybody’s father.


Stuart: I-I’m sorry you don’t like my life choices, but it’s my life!


Howard: Well, it’s my house, it’s my rules!


Stuart: Oh, haha. Okay, Dad! If I mow the lawn, can I have my allowance?


Bernadette: Hey, don’t you take that sarcastic tone with him!


Stuart: I don’t have to listen to you!


Howard: Don’t talk to her like that! That is my mother... Wife! My wife! I said my wife!


Stuart: You know what? This isn’t getting us anywhere. When you’re ready to apologize, you know where to find me.


Howard: Yeah, in my house!


Stuart: That’s right, sucka!



Sheldon: I wish I’d never gone on that trip. I feel no better now than when I left.


Amy: But you still accomplished something.


Leonard: Yeah. If you had told anyone that you were going away on a train by yourself across the country, do you know what they would have said?


Sheldon: That I couldn’t do it?


Leonard: Exactly. Right after they said, “yay!”


Amy: But you did do it. So what if it didn’t all go your way? That’s what makes it an adventure.


Sheldon: That’s a good point. Yeah, I’m a lot like Gandalf the Grey. He fought the Balrog and emerged stronger than ever as Gandalf the White. I was robbed of my phone and pants, and I, too, came back stronger. And whiter, too, ‘cause I wasn’t in direct sunlight for six weeks.


Amy: See? This trip was good for you.


Sheldon: Indeed. I was the world’s smartest caterpillar. And then after pupating in our nation’s railway system, I’ve burst forth as the world’s smartest butterfly.


Leonard: Butterfly could have gotten himself home from Arizona.


Sheldon: Yeah, I feel renewed. I’m ready to deal with any changes that come my way.


Penny: Hey, look who’s back!


Sheldon: Your hair is different. You changed your hair. I can’t take this. I’m out.


Sheldon: Would you like to see pictures from my trip?


Penny: I thought your phone got stolen.


Sheldon: Yeah, it did, but luckily all my photos got backed up to the Cloud.


Leonard: And you thought they all had a silver lining.


Sheldon: Here-- day one. Uh, this was the seat I was going to sit in but didn’t because there were

cracker crumbs on it. As it was first class, I suspect Ritz. This is the train bathroom. This is the Imodium I took so I would never have to use the train bathroom.

谢尔顿:看,这是第一天的,这个是我本来要坐的座位。但我没坐,因为那上面有饼干屑。因为是一等座,我怀疑是乐之饼干。这是火车上的厕所。这是我吃的泻立停,这样我不必使用火车上的厕所。Penny: I cannot believe you traveled the entire country and never left the train station.


Sheldon: I know. You know, I almost died in a fire in Des Moines, but I stayed put. FYI-- that’s when the Imodium gave out.



S06E02 And the next wedding gift is... a gravy boat. Ooh, one gravy boat. That's from Sheldon. He told me he had it engraved. "In the event of a divorce, please return to Sheldon Cooper." One "inappropriate, yet I wish I thought of that" gravy boat. When I get married I'm going to register at the UCLA Cadaver Lab. Ew, why? 'Cause I've always wanted a whole human skeleton and they are really spendy. So, you actually see you and Sheldon getting married someday? Not just someday. In exactly four years. But don't tell Sheldon. He's still a flight risk. What about you, Penny? What about me what? you think you and Leonard might ever get married? Oh, well, you know, Leonard is great. But do you think you'll ever get married? He's a sweetie. You're not answering the question. Do you love him? Yeah, sure, of course I love him. It doesn't sound like it. Well, I do. Do you tell him that? No, he'd just take it the wrong way. What does that mean? It means he is special and smart and nice and... Are you gonna break up with him? No! Maybe. I don't know. I had no idea you were unhappy. That's the thing: I'm not. I'm not unhappy at all. It's just... I don't know... I-I've been in love before, but it felt different. But maybe this is a new, better, boring kind of Do you ever feel that way about Howard? Oh, that's not really a fair comparison. I'm basically married to a sexy Buzz Lightyear. Amy, you? Can't help ya, kid. Whenever I'm around Sheldon, I feel like my loins In the good way. Not the urinary tract infection way. KOOTHRAPPALI:


看生活大爆炸学英语The Big Bang Theory 第1季14集:The Nerdvana Annihilation -Sheldon: This sandwich is an unmitigated disaster. I asked for turkey and roast beef with lettuce and Swiss on whole wheat. unmitigated: 绝对的,十足的disaster: 灾难turkey:火鸡roast:烤肉,烘烤 lettuce:莴苣swiss:瑞士奶酪whole wheat:全麦 这个三明治真是太失败了,我点了土司夹火鸡肉和烤肉和莴苣还有瑞士奶酪 -Rajesh: What did they give you? 他们送给你的是什么? -Sheldon: Turkey and roast beef with Swiss and lettuce on whole wheat. 火鸡肉和烤肉和瑞士奶酪还有莴苣 It's the right ingredients, but in the wrong order. In a proper sandwich, the cheese is adjacent to the bread to create a moisture barrier against the lettuce. ingredient:要素,配料adjacent: 邻近的,紧靠的moisture:水分barrier:障碍 成分虽然是对的但顺序不对啊。正宗的三明治奶酪应涂在土司和莴苣之间,防止土司被莴苣弄潮湿 They might as well have dragged this thing through a car wash. might as well:或许drag:拖拉 真怀疑他们是不是把三明治在洗车房洗过一遍了 -Rajesh: I don't believe it. 不太可能吧 -Sheldon: I know. It's basic culinary science. culinary:烹饪的 是啊做三明治是厨艺基础的基础 -Leonard: Some guy is auctioning off a miniature Time Machine prop from the original film, and no one is bidding on it. auction off:拍卖,竞卖miniature:小规模的prop:支柱,支架bid on:出价,投标 有人在网上拍卖迷你时间机器,那可是原版电影的仿制品但是没有人在竞拍 -Howard: A time machine from the movie The Time Machine? 时间机器电影里的时间机器? -Leonard: No. A time machine from Sophie's Choice 不是,是"苏菲的抉择"里的时间机器 -Rajesh: Boy, Sophie could have used a time machine in that movie. Did you see it? It's rough. rough:粗糙的,粗暴的 哥们苏菲可是在那部电影里用过时间机器你们见过它么? 挺猛的 -Howard: Oh, that's cool. 哦看起来好酷啊 -Rajesh: It's only $800? 只有800块? -Leonard: Yeah. And that's my bid. bid: 竞标 是啊那是我的竞标价


Sheldon: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration; 冬天的时候,这个地方离电暖器最近,很暖和,也不会很热到直流汗。 In the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there, and there. 夏天的时候,这里又刚好可以吹过堂风,是来自这扇窗户和那扇的。 It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion. 而且坐这里看电视的角度,可以直接看,又不会影响谈话,不会太远,不至于造成脖子过分扭曲。 I could go on, but I think I've made my point. 我可以继续,我想我已经说明白了。 Forget? You want me to forget?This mind does not forget. I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me. 别老记着? 这能忘得掉吗? 我这脑子啥东西忘得掉啊! 从我妈给我断奶后我就没忘掉过一件事 Notify the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary. The word "plenty" has been redefined to mean "two." "许多"现在被重新定义为"两个" Sheldon,you are a smart guy. Sheldon,你是个聪明人 You must know... - I'm "smart"? 你得知道- 我是"聪明人"? I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as "smart." 要被归为"聪明人" 我得去掉60点智商才行 You've given me an obligation. 你给了我一份责任 Don't feel bad,Penny,it's a classic rookie mistake. My first Hanukah with Sheldon,he yelled at me for eight nights. 别太郁闷Penny,一般新手都会犯这个错误。我和Sheldon过的第一个光明节他吼了我八夜 Sheldon: Why are you crying?你为嘛哭呢? Penny: Because I'm stupid! 因为我太傻了! Sheldon: That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.这可不是什么好理由。大家都是因为伤心才哭嘛。比方我吧,我总为别人太傻哭,因为人家愚蠢搞得我很伤心 If I've learned anything from British televishion shows on PBS, it's that servants dine downstairs with their own kind. 要说我从PBS台的英剧里学到什么的话,那就是仆人和他的同伴们都是坐楼下吃饭的。 It's just that all the years I've known him, he's never had the opportunity to receive my admiration. 只是认识他这么久,他从没被我表扬过。 Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors. 剪刀剪纸,纸包石头,石头砸蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死斯巴克,斯巴克击碎剪刀,剪刀砍断蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃了纸,纸反驳斯巴克,斯巴克蒸发石头,最后就是一直都那样的,石头硌坏剪子。 I thought she was a highly evolved creature of pure intellect, like me. But recent events indicate that she may be a slave to her baser urges.


All right, we're about to go live. 好啦节目马上开始直播 Everyone on their A-game! 大家拿出最佳表现 Good energy! 精神点 Hello. 大家好 I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 我是谢尔顿·库珀博士 And I'm Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. 我是艾米·菲拉·福勒博士 And welcome to a special retrospective, 欢迎收看特殊回忆集 where we will take a look back at the history of Fun with Flags 我们将回顾《有趣的旗帜》这一节目的起源 on an episode we're calling... 请收看这一集... Fun with Flags: Behind the Flags: A Retrospective. 《有趣的旗帜: 旗帜背后回忆特辑》? Wondering how it all began ? ? 好奇节目如何开始 ? ? You'll need a good attention span ? ? 得超长待机不打盹 ? ? For information and entertainment ? ? 无论知识还是娱乐 ? ? That's equally effective ? ? 这个节目统统都有 ? ? It's fun with flags ? ? 有趣旗帜 ? ? Behind the flags ? ? 旗帜背后 ? ? A retrospective ? ? 回忆特辑 ? ? Flags. ? ? 旗开得胜 ? Mind you, when we say behind the flags 提醒大家我们说旗帜"背后" we don't literally mean these flags. 不是指这两面旗帜的背后 That's just where we have dinner. 它们背后是我们的餐桌 Now, I'm sure many of you are wondering 好了我相信你们很多人都好奇 how Fun with Flags began. 《有趣的旗帜》是如何开始的 So let's hear from some people who were there 让我们听听见证我们节目开始的 at the very start. 老朋友们怎么说 H-Howard. Flashback sounds. 霍华德记忆闪回音效


生活大爆炸经典台词整理 -Shel d on: In the winter, that seat is cl ose enough to the radiator to remain warm, 冬天的时候,这个地方离电暖器最近,很暖和, and yet not so cl ose as to cause perspiration; 也不会很热到直流汗。 in the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening wind ows there, and there. 夏天的时候,这里又刚好可以吹过堂风,是来自这扇窗户和那扇的。 It faces the tel evision at an angl e that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, 而且坐这里看电视的角度,可以直接看,又不会影响谈话, nor so far wid e as to create a parall ax distortion. 不会太远,不至于造成脖子过分扭曲。 I coul d go on, but I think I've mad e my point. 我可以继续,我想我已经说明白了。 别老记着? 这能忘得掉吗? Forget? You want me to forget? 我这脑子啥东西忘得掉啊! This mind does not forget. 从我妈给我断奶后我就没忘掉过一件事 I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me. - 那天是周二下着毛毛雨- 好了... - It was a drizzly Tuesday. - Okay... 你哭什么 Why are you crying? 我哭我自己蠢啊 Because I'm stupid! 那也没理由哭啊 That's no reason to cry. 人只有悲伤的时候才该哭 One cries because one is sad. 比如说其他人都太蠢我感到悲伤 For example, I cry because others are stupid 所以我才哭 我和许多女生交往过 Well,I've dated plenty of women. Joyce Kim还有Leslie Winkle... There was Joyce Kim... Leslie Winkle... 通知牛津英语词典的编辑们


good morning everyone ! i?m pleasure to be on the stage and bring you a speech ! and my topic is we are young . last week we have learned an article by bertrand russell . these is a sentence touched to me .“most people ,when they are left free to fill their own time according to their choice , are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing . ” i fell into deeply thought because sometimes i will face this situation too . then i thought why . why i am the most people ? suddenly , some words appear in my mind . “ youth is the season of dreams of flying ! ” yes , we are young ! our mind should be filled with dreams and know where is our dream , how to achieve her ! but why i am not ! perhaps there is so much temptation in our life that we will be disoriented . but now i know we are young and the dreams of youth are invincible ! imagine this , if we have a dream and know where is her , how to get her . are we still don?t know what we should do ? so , do you have think about this problem ? let me give you a few examples to look at how others treat their dreams . arnold schwarzenegger , everyone knows him . he is the one knows what he really wants . when he is a 15 years old boy , he want to be the champion of world bodybuilder . then , he train himself five hours a day . at 20 years old, he became the youngest ever word bodybuilder champion . then he wants to be a actor . but everyone told him it?s impossible . they said: are you kidding me . hear your accent, as long as you have the strange accent, you can?t be an actor . but he is never give up ! he also spent five hours a day in actor courses, pronunciation courses ,remove accent course and so on . all the things you can imagine, he have to do . finally, he did ! he get more than $ 30 million paycheck in the film terminator iii, the highest in the history of the paycheck. he knows what is him realy want at every stage of his life . now he is the governor of california . next he may want to be the president of america . there are a lot of people can also stick to their dreams like edison , nobel and so on . they make their life is full of surprises and wonders . so , we are young , we have more time to create more wonders than they . we don?t have nothing pleasant to be worth doing . conversely ,there is too mach . so , let?s calm down and think about it . what is we realy want and where is our dream ? then hold on ! that?s all , thank you very much !篇二:生活大爆炸英文演讲ppt 角色介绍 today,i want to introduce my favorite tv show, it called the big bang theory. there being hit in the seasonnine.theseareposters of the first season to season seven. set in pasadena, california, the show is centered on five characters: two roommate caltech(加州理工)geniuses, experimental physicist leonard hofstadter and theoretical physicist sheldon cooper; their neighbor across the hall penny, an attractive blonde waitress and aspiring actress; and leonards and sheldons equally geeky and socially awkward co-workers and friends howard wolowitz, an aerospace engineer and a non-phd from jpl, and rajesh koothrappali, a particle astrophysicist postdoc also working at caltech. leonard is an experimental physicist with an iq of 173 who received his ph.d. when he was 24 years old. he’s parents are all scientists. he shares an apartment with colleague and friend sheldon cooper. the writers immediately implied a potential


如果一个光子打向有两个狭缝的平面 So if a photon is directed through a plane 如果有一个狭缝可以观测到 with two slits in it and either slit is observed, 那它没有同时通过两个狭缝 it will not go through both slits. 如果观测不到那它会通过 If it's unobserved,it will. 但如果它是在离开平面后 However,if it's observed after it's left the plane 在击中目标物之前被观测到 But before it hits its target, 那它不会同时通过两个狭缝 it won't have gone through both slits. 没错你想说什么 Agreed. what's your point? 没什么我只是觉得这个主意放在T恤上不错 There's no point,I just think it's a good idea for a t-shirt. -您好 -稍等 -excuse me. -hang on. 横1是"爱琴海" One across is "aegean." 竖8是"纳巴科夫"(1899-1977 俄裔美国小说家) Eight down is "nabokov." 横26"MCM" 26 across is "mcm." 竖14是...你手挡住了...

14 down is... move your finger... 是"门"(生物分类) 所以说横十四是"太子港"(海地首都) "phylum" which makes 14 across "port-au-prince" 你看 "Papa Doc"(海地总统绰号)提示了所以是"太子港" See,"papa doc's capitol idea," that's "port-au-prince." 在海地 Haiti. -需要帮忙吗 -是的 -can I help you? -yes. 这里是高智商精子库吗 Is this the high-iq sperm bank? 如果这还要问的话那你可能不该来这 If you have to ask,maybe you shouldn't be here. 我看就是这儿了 I think this is the place. -把表格填了 -谢谢 -fill these out. -thank you. -马上就好 -不急 -we'll be right back. -take your time. 我正好把填字游戏做完 I'll just finish my crossword puzzle. 等等 Oh,wait. 莱纳德我觉得我做不到 Leonard,I don't think I can do this. 开什么玩笑你都是"半职业选手"了 What,are you kidding? you're a semi-pro.


1. 帮Penny拿电视事件。 2. Leonard和Sheldon帮penny搬家具,后帮Penny整理房间事件。 3. Leonard想和leslie发展感情失败,抑郁,后和Penny约会事件。 4. Sheldon被炒事件。(luminous fish) 5. Leonard和leslie ONS,Sheldon不知所措事件。 6. 万圣节舞会事件。(多普勒效应) 7. Penny朋友和Howard**。penny玩光晕。中餐馆点菜事件。(Penny借宿L&S的公寓) 8. 鸡尾酒事件。(Raj相亲) 9. 物理发表会事件。(意念爆头、远程灯控及四川男生) 10. Penny唱歌引起的Sheldon撒谎事件。(Sheldon的“堂弟”) 11. Sheldon感冒事件。 12. Sheldon嫉妒15岁棒子事件。 13. 物理碗比赛事件。 14. 时光机事件。(Sheldon的莫洛克人梦) 15. Sheldon的twin sister (姐姐/妹妹)来了事件。 16. Leonard的生日派对事件。 17. Sheldon学中文事件。Leonard和Penny正式约会。(薛定谔的猫) S2 1. Sheldon保守秘密四处搬家事件。(叠衣板) 2. Leonard和leslie在家约会,Sheldon玩超级玛丽事件。 3. Penny的网游瘾事件。(sheldor & afk) 4. Raj发现行星事件。(Sheldon的诡异笑容) 5. Sheldon学车事件。 6. Sheldon的女粉丝事件。(有丝分裂) 7. Sheldon和penny杠上了事件。(klingon拼字& ANTM、mua-ha-ha) 8. Leonard和医生Stephanie的date,Howard的火星车事件。(剪刀-石头-布-蜥蜴-斯波克) 9. Sheldon想促进Leonard和医生的关系事件。 10. 关于Leonard和医生的同居事件。(slow down & 分手了oh yeah) 11. 圣诞节礼物事件。(Sheldon和penny的拥抱) 12. Howard被Penny打击事件。机器人对决。 13. Sheldon交朋友事件。(攀岩恐高症) 14. Sheldon借钱给Penny及Leonard帮Penny向前男友讨债事件。(Sheldon给Leonard的颂歌) 15. Leonard的妈妈来了事件。(L和P XX未遂,Sheldon找到同类了) 16. Howard被leslie用XX操控。Penny用彩弹枪弄脏Sheldon的座位事件。 17. Raj和Howard在火车上泡summer事件。Sheldon让Penny帮忙找u盘事件。(moon pie) 18. Sheldon帮penny做Penny blossoms头饰生意事件。(激光障碍特工象棋、Radiohead、咖啡致high) 19. 新美女邻居搬来,Penny吃醋事件。 20. Penny与漫画店男date,H、L、R泡吧事件。 21. Howard被leslie甩,和L、R去拉斯维加斯,Sheldon忘带钥匙被迫和Penny共处一室事件。 22. Penny和漫画男二次约会。大伙帮Howard修太空厕所事件。 23. 四人去北极度夏,Penny惜别Leonard事件。(bazinga、Sheldon和Penny对着敲门XD)


Hey, Leonard, if you're not busy tomorrow, I have to do a little reception after work. Oh, I would, but we need to make a push on the air force project. Oh, are you sure? We're celebrating our new A.D.D. Drug, and it'll probably be over in, like, six minutes. Did you say you guys are working on the guidance system tomorrow? Yeah, why? Well, Sheldon said that he was gonna work with me on our quantum perception project. We've had this planned for a week. Well, he reconfirmed with me this morning. Guys, before this gets ugly, remember, the winner gets Sheldon. Hey, Raj, do you want to go with me tomorrow? Are you asking because you want me there or out of pity? Actually, never mind, don't answer. I'd love to. Hello. Why did you tell Leonard you're working on - the gyroscope tomorrow? - Because I am. But you said you were working with me. Someone's got two dates to the nerd prom. I have a plan to work on both projects simultaneously. And for your information, the summer conference


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Humor 2 中西婚礼风俗对比 3 Social Causes for Tess’s Tragedy 4 Analysis of the Symbolic Meanings of the Major Characters in Moby Dick 5 Application of Constructivism to Task-based Reading Teaching in Senior High School 6 古诗英译中意象与意境的处理 7 《人鼠之间》中两主人公乔治和雷尼的对比分析 8 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 799 75 79 38 9 Pragmatic Differences of Politeness in Intercultural Communication Between English and Chinese 10 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 11 《都柏林人》——一座城市的精神瘫痪 12 On the Disillusion of Gatsby's American Dream 13 观音与圣母之比较 14 李清照词英译研究 15 《缅湖重游》之语义分析 16 论“老友记”中的幽默翻译 17 分析内战对《飘》中斯佳丽的影响 18 国际商务中的跨文化沟通 19 从纽马克的交际翻译和语义翻译理论论英语新闻标题的翻译 20 浅析女性主义在薇拉﹒凯瑟作品中的表现 21 《紫色》中“家”的解读 22 A Study of Stylistic Features and Translation of Journalistic English 23 《人鼠之间》中两主人公乔治和雷尼的对比分析 24 The Joy Luck Club-A Bittersweet Picture of Chinese-Americans across Two Generations 25 浅析《美国的悲剧》中克莱德的悲剧命运 26 中英道歉语的比较分析 27 中国民俗词语汉译英初探 28 从东西方文化差异视角看动物词汇的翻译 29 从模因论角度研究中文新闻标题中的流行语 30 论《茶花女》中女主人公玛格丽特的女性魅力在男权主义下的体现 31 简析《卡斯特桥市长》中亨查德的悲剧命运 32 A Study of the Differences between Chinese and American Business Etiquette 33 On Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs: Problems and Suggested Solutions 34 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 35 家庭教育对保罗的影响:品读《儿子与情人》 36 On the Sufferings of the Protagonists in Wilde’s Fairy Tales from the Aesthetic Perspective 37 英语长句的理解和翻译 38 《呼啸山庄》的哥特式传统 39 奥巴马胜利演讲的语篇分析 40 The Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Tess in Tess of The D'Urbervilles 41 浅论中西文化差异及其对翻译策略的影响

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