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Idleness is the son of cowardice, and the neglect of laziness.


The measure of a man's worth is what he does when he has power.


When it comes to love, everyone becomes a poet.


One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.


With physical exercise, with music to cultivate the soul.


Patience is bitter; bitter; wronged; is no regrets, waiting for people to learn a strong, optimistic, and all this is because of love.



Wise people talk because they have something to say, it is because the dumbass talk, say something.


True love marriage, no matter how simple form, in short, is

a sacred marriage.


A classic youth never redeem.


Man is the measure of all things, the existence of the existence, the scale of the non existence.


The greeting is not necessarily very careful, but must be sincere.


If the will is not pure, the knowledge is sufficient.


If you are really a kind and honest person, then, when you do benevolence righteousness, will never hurt.


Philosophers have been preparing for life.


Love is not the only, he just saw two people from the acquaintance to the end of the process.


Manufacturing than to suffer more shameful injustice.


The kind of love only love Stefan with noble style is beautiful, it is worth celebrating.


God will always be all geometry.


Where there is hope, there is joy in pain.


Virtue is mostly contained in good habits.


If you want to overcome the anxiety and depression in life, you must first learn to be your own master.


Searching for eternity in a short life.


Treat others kindly when you are self satisfied, because you will need them when you are frustrated.


Good people don't need the law to tell them to take responsibility.


It is always a beautiful thing to love a person for virtue.


Love, this is something Ningquewulan, not urgent. There is love, then the whole heart, no love, but also a person comfortable.


There are so many things in our lives that we can't change, we can't change, and what's worse, we lost the idea of change.


Genius is one percent inspiration and an effort of ninety-nine percent.


Hope for the best, try for the best and prepare for the worst.


Which is the best way to suppress but slightly angry.


God is a geometer.


Ordinary people are brave out of fear. They give up some pleasure because they covet another pleasure, and their self-control is self indulgent.


Because of the fear of defeat, will never succeed.


Love and happiness are synonyms.


Any kind of happiness is not as big and strong as the love of the flesh, but nothing is more rational than this.


Full of melody can penetrate into the hearts of people.


Education is not him, but the turning of the heart.


Who can see the shadow behind the scenes, through their culture lies in the people, never got popular understanding, so, don't believe the public.


Lost the truth, but also lost the United states.


Early education should be a kind of entertainment, so that it is easier to find a person's natural hobby.


You do not ask for the return of the great, doomed to our tragic ending.


Happiness is not because you have more but less care.


Who have been obsessed with the things we never forget the process, we were forgotten.



Take away all the time, Months and years pass by. will put your name, appearance, character, destiny has changed.


Courage is not the absence of fear, but the courage to face it and overcome it.


Life is not worth living without careful consideration.


Nothing will make the rust of the mind.


I really want to become a star, with countless eyes looking at you.


In fact, I have been waiting for you, waiting for you to lean on my shoulder to tell, there will be a day, you are gentle belong to me, I will not let you sad, let your tears flow again!


No longer has a warm embrace, then you disappear completely.


Play your part and do what you have to do.


The only good is knowledge, the only evil is ignorance.


Respect yourself, others will respect you.


The rain drenched air, tired of the sad, I remember the fairy tale has been slowly melting.


I want to hold your hand, from the heart, to seventy.


All research, all learning is just memories.


Fool soul with physical surveillance, physical surveillance wise heart.


The beginning is the most important part of the job.


If you want to have the perfect friendship, you may never find a friend.



Where there is a knowledge of the lack of knowledge than those who dare to dare; and the person after the study is more than they did not learn before the more fierce.


And a man playing an hour to his understanding than a year of talks.


If you fall in love, don't let go. Recklessly, may make you regret for a while; cowardice, but may make you regret for a lifetime.


It is not the absence of education that is unknown, for ignorance is the root of misfortune.


Home! Sweet home! The best thing in the world is home.


Poverty and wealth can both encourage workers and their work to regress.


I declare that power is right and justice is the strength of

the strong.


All great actions and thoughts have an insignificant beginning.


The one who truly loves has no love, but he gives the whole thing to the one he loves.


God never complains about people's ignorance, but people complain about the unfairness of god.


Some are doomed to lose, some fate is never a result. Love a person does not necessarily have, if you have a person must be good to love her.


Some of the stories that we should try our best to make the children begin to hear must be the best lesson of moral influence.


Angry is to take others to do something wrong to punish yourself.


The direction of each person's initial education is easy to determine the nature of the future, and the power of inspiration is not small.


Face the future with the most dreams.


Faith is a kind of emotion, the power of this feeling.


And a man playing an hour to his understanding, more than a year of talks.


Greed is the real poverty, satisfaction is the most real wealth.


Do you look at the stars, my star? I'd like to see you in the sky.


Telling the truth is the virtue of an orator.

80、要仁慈,你所遇见的每个人都在打一场艰难的仗。Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


柏拉图名言中英文对照 导读:本文是关于柏拉图名言中英文对照的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、我想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀。 I want to hold your hand, from heartbeat to ancient. 2、为着品德而去眷恋一个人,总是一件很美的事。 It is always beautiful to love a person for virtue. 3、当碰到了爱情,每个人都成了诗人。 When it comes to love, everyone becomes a poet. 4、淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。 The air that has been drenched, tired and sad, the fairy tale in my memory has melted slowly. 5、制造不公比承受不公更可耻。 It is even more disgraceful to create unfair than to accept injustice. 6、与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。 Ignorance is the root of misfortune rather than education. 7、在短暂的生命里寻找永恒。 Search for eternity in a short life. 8、天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的努力。

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent effort. 9、开始是工作的最重要部分。 Starting is the most important part of work. 10、不进行仔细考虑安排的生活,不值得一活。 Life without careful consideration is not worth living. 11、如你想要拥有完美无暇的友谊,可能一辈子找不到朋友。 If you want to have a perfect friendship, you may never find a friend in your life. 12、和一个人玩一个小时对他的了解胜过于一年的对谈。 It's better than one year's conversation to play with an individual for an hour. 13、快乐不是因为拥有的多而是计较的少。 Happiness is not about having more, but about having less. 14、美德大都包含在良好的习惯之内。 Virtue is mostly contained in good habits. 15、失去了真,同时也就失去了美。 Lost the truth, at the same time lost beauty. 16、你不求回报的伟大,注定我们悲剧的结局。 You do not ask for the greatness of return, destined for our tragic ending.


柏拉图的名言英文 导读:1、美好的观念较美人尤为可爱。 Beautiful idea is more lovely than beauty. 2、良好的开端,等于成功的一半。 A good beginning is half the battle. 3、美是一种自然优势。 Beauty is a natural advantage. 4、理想是灵魂中最高贵的因素! Ideals are the noblest of the soul! 5、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。 Turn your face to the sunshine, and there will be no shadow. 6、美具有引人向善的作用和力量。 The United States has the effect of strength and lead to good. 7、我不仅要爱的肉眼认识我的肉身,我要你的灵眼认识我的灵魂。 I know I should not only love eye flesh, I want you to know my soul spiritual eyes. 8、现象世界是永恒变动的。只有理性才能认识持续不变的东西,只有借助观念或理念才能把握住稍纵即逝的个别现象。

The phenomenal world is eternal. The only reason to be able to know the constant things, only with the concept or idea in order to grasp the transient individual phenomenon. 9、一切皆流,无一静止。 Everything flows, there is no rest. 10、不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要停止。 No matter when you start, it is important that you do not stop after starting. 11、我想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀。 I want to hold your hand, from the heart, to seventy. 12、在一阵风吹来时,有些人冷,有些人不冷;因此对于这阵风,我们不能说它本身是冷的或是不冷的。 When a gust of wind blows, some people are cold, some are not cold, so we can't say that it is cold or not cold. 13、除非男女受着一样的教育,否则就不能使妇人有同男人一样的责任。 A woman can't have the same responsibility as a man unless she is educated. 14、时间带走一切,长年累月会把你的名字、外貌、性格、命运都改变。 Take away all the time, Months and years pass by. will put your name, appearance, character, destiny has changed.


柏拉图名言中英对照 1、我一息尚存而力所能及,总不会放弃爱智之学。 I will not give up the wisdom of learning when I am still alive. 2、恋爱是一种严重的精神病。 Love is a serious mental illness. 3、要仁慈,你所遇见的每个人都在打一场艰难的仗。 To be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a tough battle. 4、无论如何困难,不可求人怜悯。 No matter how difficult it is, do not ask for mercy. 5、只有死亡才能看到战争的终结。 Only death can see the end of war. 6、明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了希望。 Tomorrow is the fastest growing land in the world, because it is full of hope. 7、稍忍须臾是压制恼怒的最好办法。 A little tolerance is the best way to suppress anger. 8、只有驱遣人以高尚的方式相爱的那种爱神才是美,才值得颂扬。 It is only the spirit of love that drives people to love in noble ways. 9、真正的恋爱婚姻,无论形式如何简便,总之是神圣的婚姻。 True love and marriage, no matter how easy the form is, is the sacred marriage. 10、凡勇敢、克制、公正,比诸真德皆惟依智慧而立。 All bravery, restraint and justice are based on wisdom. 11、那些生活中很幸福人,往往更容易满足人。 Those who are happy in life are more likely to satisfy people. 12、不知道自己无知,乃是双倍的无知。 Ignorance of oneself is doubling ignorance. 13、你不求回报的伟大,注定我们悲剧的结局。 You do not ask for the greatness of return, destined for our tragic ending. 14、只要有信心,人永远不会挫败。 As long as we have confidence, people will never fail. 15、在短暂的生命里寻找永恒。 Search for eternity in a short life. 16、把自己当傻瓜,不懂就问,你会学的。 If you don't understand, ask yourself, you will learn. 17、我宣布,强权就是公理,正义就是强者的利益。 I declare that power is justice and justice is the interests of the strong. 18、在这个世上,你总得捍卫些什么。 In this world, you have to defend something. 19、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。


柏拉图名言中英文 导读:本文是关于柏拉图名言中英文的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、你的选择是做或不做,但不做就永远不会有机会。 Your choice is to do or not to do it, but if you don't do it, you will never get a chance. 2、教育是约束和指导青少年,培养他们正当的理智。 Education is the discipline and guidance of youngsters and the cultivation of their just reason. 3、如果命运这样注定,如果我有一百只眼睛,一百只眼睛都会看着你。 If fate is so doomed, if I have one hundred eyes, one hundred eyes will look at you. 4、生活中若没有朋友,就像生活中没有阳光一样。 Without a friend in life is like living without sunshine. 5、要纠正别人之前,先反省自己有没有犯错。 Before correcting others, reflect on whether or not you have made a mistake. 6、孤单寂寞与被遗弃感是最可怕的贫穷。 Loneliness and abandonment are the most terrible poverty.

7、孩子害怕黑暗,情有可原;人生真正的悲剧,是成人害怕光明。 Children are afraid of darkness, so it is excusable. The real tragedy of life is that adults are afraid of light. 8、女人的自然本质有多少不如我们男人的地方,就有多少优越于我们的地方。 The natural nature of women is much inferior to that of our men, and there are many advantages that are superior to ours. 9、孩子害怕黑暗,我们很容易谅解。害怕光明才是真正的生命悲剧。 Children are afraid of darkness, so we can easily understand. Fear of light is the real tragedy of life. 10、都是那些天真的成份,都是那些对你的爱太深。 It's all those innocent elements, all those deep love for you. 11、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。 If you turn your face to the sunshine, there will be no shadow. 12、人们只在梦中生活,唯有哲人挣扎着要觉醒过来。 People only live in dreams, but philosophers struggle to wake up. 13、任何一个东西都有一种特有的功能,某个工作或许只有它


柏拉图名言中英文对照 1、我想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀。 I want to hold your hand, from heartbeat to ancient. 2、为着品德而去眷恋一个人,总是一件很美的事。 It is always beautiful to love a person for virtue. 3、当碰到了爱情,每个人都成了诗人。 When it comes to love, everyone becomes a poet. 4、淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。 The air that has been drenched, tired and sad, the fairy tale in my memory has melted slowly. 5、制造不公比承受不公更可耻。 It is even more disgraceful to create unfair than to accept injustice. 6、与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。 Ignorance is the root of misfortune rather than education. 7、在短暂的生命里寻找永恒。 Search for eternity in a short life. 8、天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的努力。 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent effort. 9、开始是工作的最重要部分。 Starting is the most important part of work. 10、不进行仔细考虑安排的生活,不值得一活。 Life without careful consideration is not worth living. 11、如你想要拥有完美无暇的友谊,可能一辈子找不到朋友。 If you want to have a perfect friendship, you may never find a friend in your life. 12、和一个人玩一个小时对他的了解胜过于一年的对谈。 It's better than one year's conversation to play with an individual for an hour. 13、快乐不是因为拥有的多而是计较的少。 Happiness is not about having more, but about having less. 14、美德大都包含在良好的习惯之内。 Virtue is mostly contained in good habits. 15、失去了真,同时也就失去了美。 Lost the truth, at the same time lost beauty. 16、你不求回报的伟大,注定我们悲剧的结局。 You do not ask for the greatness of return, destined for our tragic ending. 17、只有驱遣人以高尚的方式相爱的那种爱神才是美,才值得颂扬。 It is only the spirit of love that drives people to love in noble ways. 18、一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始。 All great actions and thoughts have a negligible beginning. 19、有勇气并不表示恐惧不存在,而是敢面对恐惧、克服恐惧。


柏拉图名言中英文对照 导读:1、懒惰是怯懦的儿子,而疏忽是懒惰的儿子。 Idleness is the son of cowardice, and the neglect of laziness. 2、衡量一个人的价值就看他拥有权力时的所作所为。 The measure of a man's worth is what he does when he has power. 3、当碰到了爱情,每个人都成了诗人。 When it comes to love, everyone becomes a poet. 4、有一天那人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。 One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for. 5、用体育锻炼身体,用音乐陶冶灵魂。 With physical exercise, with music to cultivate the soul. 6、等待是苦的;是辛酸的;是委屈的;是无怨无悔的,在等待中,人们学会坚强学会乐观,而这一切,是因为爱。 Patience is bitter; bitter; wronged; is no regrets, waiting for people to learn a strong, optimistic, and all this is because of love. 7、睿智的人说话,是因为有话要说,蠢蛋说话,是因为得说些

话。 Wise people talk because they have something to say, it is because the dumbass talk, say something. 8、真正的恋爱婚姻,无论形式如何简便,总之是神圣的婚姻。 True love marriage, no matter how simple form, in short, is a sacred marriage. 9、青春一经典当即永不再赎。 A classic youth never redeem. 10、人是一切事的尺度,是存在者之存在,不存在者之不存在的尺度。 Man is the measure of all things, the existence of the existence, the scale of the non existence. 11、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。 The greeting is not necessarily very careful, but must be sincere. 12、意志不纯正,则学识足以为害。 If the will is not pure, the knowledge is sufficient. 13、你如果真正是一个善良而正直的人,那么,当你行仁守义的时候,永远不会遇到伤害。 If you are really a kind and honest person, then, when you do benevolence righteousness, will never hurt. 14、哲学家毕生都在为死做准备。


柏拉图名言英文版 导读:本文是关于柏拉图名言英文版的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、爱既不是智慧也不是美,而是对智慧和美的欲望。 Love is neither wisdom nor beauty, but a desire for wisdom and beauty. 2、温暖的怀抱不再拥有,从此你消失得一干二净。 Warm embrace no longer possesses, from then on you disappear completely. 3、得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们。 Be kind to others when you are proud, because you need them when you are disappointed. 4、不进行仔细考虑安排的生活,不值得一活。 Life without careful consideration is not worth living. 5、与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。 Rather than not being educated, ignorance is the root of misfortune. 6、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债! Don't say love easily, promises are debts! 7、只有拥有高尚目标的爱才是崇高的、值得赞美的。 Only love with noble goals is noble and praiseworthy.

8、待人不公正比受到不公正的待遇更有失体面。 It is more degrading to treat people unfairly than to be treated unfairly. 9、抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。 Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 10、我真想化作星空,用无数双眼睛望着你。 I really want to turn into a starry sky and look at you with countless eyes. 11、不管情感是哭是笑,是爱是憎,您想去问个明白,那实在是徒劳无益的。 Whether emotions are laughing or crying, or love or hatred, it's useless to ask. 12、用物质来供奉的爱情,当你停止给予的时候,它就很快消灭了。 Material love, when you stop giving it, quickly disappears. 13、一个人想事好想找个人来陪。一个人失去了自己。不知还有没有要在追的可望。 A person wants to find someone to accompany him. A man has lost himself. I wonder if there is any hope to pursue. 14、寂寞的人总是会用心的记住他生命中出现过的每一个人。 A lonely person always remembers everyone who has appeared in his life with his heart.


柏拉图爱情名言中英文 导读:本文是关于柏拉图爱情名言中英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、爱是可以宽恕一切的。 Love is forgiving. 2、舍善而趋恶不是人类的本性。 To be good and evil is not human nature. 3、拖延时间是压制恼怒的最好方式。 Procrastination is the best way to suppress anger. 4、美不是人工造就的,而是天生固有。 Beauty is not made by man, but by nature. 5、信仰是一种感情,这种感情的力量。 Faith is a kind of emotion, the power of this feeling. 6、不知道自己的无知,乃是双倍的无知。 Ignorance of one's own ignorance is a double ignorance. 7、把你的脸迎朝阳光,那就不会有阴影。 Turn your face to the sunshine, and there will be no shadow. 8、我们若凭信仰而战斗,就有双重的武装。 If we fight by faith, we have double arms. 9、为着品德而去眷恋一个人,总是一件很美的事。

It is always a beautiful thing to love a person for virtue. 10、我宣布,强权就是公理,正义就是强者的利益。 I declare that power is right and justice is the strength of the strong. 11、美,节奏好,和谐,都由于心灵的聪慧和善良。 Beauty, rhythm, harmony, because of the wisdom and kindness of the heart. 12、既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,不会再回来。 Since love, why not say, some things lost, will not come back. 13、真正的恋爱婚姻,无论形式如何简便,总之是神圣的婚姻。 True love marriage, no matter how simple form, in short, is a sacred marriage. 14、孩子害怕黑暗,情有可原;人生真正的悲剧,是成人害怕光明。 Children are afraid of the dark, excusable; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. 15、被人爱和爱别人是同样的幸福,而且一旦得到它,就够受用一辈子。 Is love and love of others is the same happiness, but once it was enough for a lifetime. 16、爱,从来不是件简单的小事,得经得起不爱,经得起离开,


柏拉图爱情名言英文 本文是关于柏拉图爱情名言英文,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 1、无论如何困难,不可求人怜悯! No matter how difficult, do not ask for mercy! 2、爱是可以宽恕一切的。 All love is forgiveness. 3、人们活着是为了爱,这是生活的要旨。 People live for love, this is the essence of life. 4、男孩子是所有野兽中最难驯服的。 The boy is one of the most difficult to tame the beast of all. 5、如果,舍不得、放不下,那就痛苦吧。 If, loathe to give up, not put, that pain. 6、为了爱情而痛苦,也是一种幸福。 In order to love and pain, is also a kind of happiness. 7、其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。 In fact, I've been behind you, just sent you a back. 8、明天对于世界而言,永远是一个奇迹。 To the world tomorrow, will always be a miracle. 9、为着品德而去眷恋一个情人,总是一件很美的事。 For character and to care for a lover, always a beautiful thing. 10、明明是你先靠近我的,可是最后舍不得的却是我。 Clearly is you close to me first, but finally I loathe to give up instead. 11、真正的爱就要把疯狂的或是近于不健康的东西赶得远远的。 True love is crazy or approximate to unhealthy things far away. 12、若爱,请深爱;若弃,请彻底。不要暧昧,伤人伤己。 If love, please love deeply; If abandon, please thoroughly. Don't ambiguity, cuts hurt yourself.


柏拉图爱情名言的英文80句 1. Love is the joy of the soul. 2. Love is a madness that only the wise can understand. 3. Love is the desire for the eternal possession of beauty. 4. Love is the ladder to divine knowledge. 5. In the realm of love, lover and beloved become one. 6. Love is a heavenly gift that should be cherished above all else. 7. Love is the harmonious union of two souls on a spiritual journey. 8. Love is the purest form of happiness that can be found in life. 9. Love is the source of all creativity and inspiration. 10. Love is the essence of life, without it, everything is meaningless. 11. Love is the bridge that connects the mortal world to the divine. 12. Love is the fire that ignites the soul and fills it with passion. 13. Love is the greatest force in the universe, stronger than any power or weapon. 14. Love is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. 15. Love is the only cure for a broken heart. 16. Love is the foundation of a strong and lasting relationship. 17. Love is patient, kind, and forgiving. 18. Love is a precious gift that should never be taken for granted. 19. Love is the language that all hearts speak. 20. Love is a journey that two souls embark on together. 21. Love is a powerful force that can overcome all obstacles. 22. Love is the ultimate truth that transcends all borders and boundaries. 23. Love is the fuel that keeps the flame of life burning. 24. Love is a beautiful melody that resonates in the hearts of those who hear it. 25. Love is a delicate balance of passion and understanding.


柏拉图的名言名句英文 1、在这个世上,你总得保卫些什么。 You have to defend something in this world. 2、敬重人不应当赛过敬重真理。名言。 Respect for people should not be better than respect for truth. well-known saying. 3、不进展认真考虑支配的生活,不值得一活。 Life without careful consideration is not worth living. 4、一遇到爱,每个人都会成为诗人。 When you meet love, everyone becomes a poet. 5、人的灵魂是永恆不朽,无法毁灭的。 The human soul is immortal and cannot be eliminated. 6、那些生活中很奇特人,往往更简洁满足人。 Those who are happy in life tend to be more satisfied. 7、要慈祥,你所遇见的每个人都在打一场困难的仗。 Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a tough battle. 8、头脑更常因严苛的思考,而非严苛的操练而昏厥。 The mind is more often dazed by severe thinking than by severe practice. 9、懒散是怯懦的儿子,而疏忽是懒散的儿子。 Laziness is the son of cowardice, while negligence is the son of laziness. 10、良好的开端,等于成功的一半。 A good beginning is half done. 11、教育非他,乃心灵的转向。 Education is not his, but the turning of the mind. 12、成功的唯一秘诀,坚持到最终一分钟。 The only secret of success is to stick to the last minute. 13、爱情是一种严峻的精神病。 Love is a serious mental illness.


Socrates (苏格拉底)名言: 1、The easiest and noblest way is not to be crushing others,but to be improving yourselves。 最简单而高贵的方式不是压榨别人,而是提高你自己。 2、There is only one good,knowledge,and one evil,ignorance。 唯一的好是知识,唯一的坏是无知。 3、The secret of happiness,you see,is not found in seeking more,but in developing the capacity to enjoy less。 幸福的秘诀,不是寻求更多发现,而是在成长中享受到细微的一种能力。 4、Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions;but those who kindly reprove thy faults。 那些总是赞美你言行的人必定不是忠诚的朋友,忠诚意味着温和地指出你的过失。 5、The hottest love has the coldest end。 最热烈的爱会有最冷漠的结局。 6、Let him who would move the world first move himself。 要想改变世界需先改变他自己。 7、I am not an Athenian or a Greek,but a citizen of the world。 我不是一位雅典人或是希腊人,而是世界的公民。8、Strong minds discuss ideas,average minds discuss events,weak minds discuss people。 大智论道,中智论事,小智论人。 9、One should never do wrong in return,nor mistreat any man,no matter how one has been mistreated by him。 永远不该以错事作为回报,也不要虐待任何人,无论别人如何虐待了他。 10、Be kind,for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle。 与人为善,因为你所遇到的每一个人都在进行着某种形式的艰苦斗争。 11、Death may be the greatest of all human blessings。 死亡,可能是所有人类福气中最棒的。 12、Having the fewest wants,I am nearest to the gods。 有愈少的欲望,我就愈接近神。 13、The unexamined life is not worth living。 没有经过考验的人生,是不值得活的。 14、Every action has its pleasures and its price。 每个行为都有它的乐趣和它的代价。 15、Be as you wish to seem。如你所愿。 16、The really important thing is not to live,but to live well。And to live well meant,along with more enjoyable things in life,to live according to your principles。 真正重要的不是活着,而是活得更好。而且好的生活意味着生活中还有更有趣的事物,要按照你的原则生活。 17、Understanding a question is half an answer。 理解一个问题就是答案的一半。 18、Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others。 已所不欲,勿施于人。 19、Once made equal to man,woman becomes his superior。 一旦与男人平等,女人就高高在上。 20、Bad men live so that they may eat and drink,whereas good men eat and drink so that they may live。 坏人为着他们能吃喝而活着,然而好人则是为了他们能活着而吃喝。 21、It is not shame for a man to learn that which he knows not,whatever his age。 一个人不论年龄多大,都要学习自己不懂的东西。这不是羞耻。 22、The unexamined life is not worth living。 不知反省的生命不值得一活。 23、I am not an Athenian or a Greek,but a citizen of the world。 我不是一位雅典人或希腊人,而是一位世界的公民。 24、Contentment is natural wealth,luxury is artificial poverty。 知足是天然的财富,奢侈是人为的贫困。 25、Education is the kindling of a flame,not the filling of a vessel。 教育是燃起火焰,而非灌输一个容器。 26、To find yourself,think for yourself。 要想找到自我,必须独立思考。 27、The greatest way to live with honour in this world is to be what we pretend to be。 这世上获得荣誉的最佳方式是我们将伪装成的样子(而得到的荣誉)。 28、Remember what is unbecoming to do is also unbecoming to speak of。 记住:不适合去做的事,也是不适合说的事。


柏拉图理想国名言阅读欣赏大全 柏拉图理想国名言阅读欣赏大全 在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家或多或少都接触过一些经典的名言吧,熟记名言有助我们增加知识储备,打造语言亮点。什么样的名言才具有借鉴意义呢?以下是小编为大家整理的柏拉图理想国名言阅读欣赏,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 柏拉图理想国名言阅读欣赏 1 1. 一切背离了公正的知识都应叫做狡诈,而不应称为智慧。 2. 衡量一个人的价值就看他拥有权力时的所作所为 3. 英译:Watch a man at play for an hour and you can learn more about him than in talking to him for a year. 4. 英译:At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. 5. 如果不幸福、不快乐,唯有放手;如果舍不得、放不下,是为痛苦。 6. 孩子害怕黑暗,情有可原;人生真正的悲剧,是成人害怕光明。 7. 智者说话,是因为他们有话要说;愚者说话,则是因为他们想说。 8. 把你的脸迎朝阳光,那就不会有阴影。 9. 如果有两枚可以隐身的古格斯戒指,一枚戴在正义者的手上,一枚戴在不正义者的手上,这两个人会有不同的行为表现吗?他认为无论一个人平日里是否循规蹈矩、奉公守法,一旦拥有古格斯戒指,他就一定会去做他想做的事情,而不是做他应该做的事情。——[古希腊]柏拉图《理想国》 10. 人们总会找到某种带头人,把他供奉起来,培养成伟人……暴君就是这么来的;暴君最初都是以保护者的形象出现的。——柏拉图,《理想国》 11. 不知道自己的无知,乃是双倍的无知。 12. 有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。 13. 有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。 14. 如果,不幸福,如果,不快乐,那就放手吧

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