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1.努力提高工厂工人的工作条件是值得做的事情. (It is worthwhile to…; condition)

2.她的行为鼓舞了替他人继续为野生动物保护而奋斗. (behavior; inspire)

3.作为一名学生你应该谦虚, 不应该瞧不起那些知道得比你少的同学. (modest; look down upon)

4.如果人类继续这样干, 我们很快就会陷入能源危机. (human beings; be short of)

5.年轻的一代中, 许多人都喜欢外国音乐和电影. (generation)

6.如果想知道如何翻译这个句子, 你最好查字典. (refer to)

7.当游行的队伍离开广场后, 人群拥了进来. (move off; crowd in)

Unit 1

1.It is worthwhile to improve working condition for factory workers.

2.Her behavior inspired others to carry on the fight for wildlife protection.

3.As a student, you should be modest and not look down upon the classmates who don’t know as much as you.

4.If human beings go on behaving like this, we will be short of energy soon.

5.Many of the young generation enjoy foreign music and films.

6.If you want to know how to translate this sentence, you’d better refer to a dictionary.

7.When the parade moved off from the square, the people crowed in.

Unit 2:

1.今天的课主要讲如何写新闻总结. (focus on; summary)

2.我们必须快速浏览这个报告, 找到它的主要内容. (skim)

3.老师让我们将难懂的单词划线并查字典(找出其意思). (underline)

4.他说像统计数据这样的细节就不必包括在内了. (statistics; details)

5.我想我将用到一篇关于你们农民们让自己的土地远离化肥的报告. (keep…free of; chemical fertilizer)

6.这个农民花了20年时间来创建自己的企业. (build up)

7.使用过多的化肥导致了严重的问题. (lead to)

Unit 2

1.Today’s lesson focuses on how to write a summary of a news article.

2.We must skim the report to find the main idea.

3.The teacher told us to underline the difficult words and look them up in the dictionary.

4.He said that details like statistics should not be included.

5.I think I’m going to use a report about how farmers are keeping their fields free of chemical fertilizers.

6. It took the farmer twenty years to build up his business.

7.Excessive use of fertilizers has led to serious problems.

Unit 3:

1.直到现在, 医生还对这种致命的疾病束手无策. (treat; deadly; disease; up to now)

2.父亲死后的一段时间里, 查理非常穷困. (badly off)

3.地震过后, 政府为无家可归者提供了食物和毯子. (the homeless)

4.爱玛(可)不是一个一般的作家. (ordinary)

5.戴茜羞怯地走进来, 穿着一件破旧地大衣. (worn)

6.比赛过后, 戴维挥舞着双臂, 十分兴奋. (gesture)

7.弗雷迪专门为这个场合买了一套西装. (occasion)

8.爱德华脚下一滑, 在冰上失去了平衡. (slide)

Unit 3

1.Up to now, doctors have been able to do very little to treat this deadly disease.

2.Charlie was quite badly off for a while after his father died.

3.After the earthquake, the government provided food and blankets foe the homeless.

4.Emma is no ordinary writer.

5.Daisy came in shyly wearing a worn-out coat.

6.After the race, David waved his arms in a gesture of excitement.

7.Freddy bought a new suit just for the occasion.

8.Edward slid on the ice and lost his balance.

Unit 4:

1.为了捍卫国家的尊严, 他牺牲了自己的生命. (defend)

2.伊丽莎白不信任他, 所以给他留了假姓名和假地址. (false)

3.如果早上不喝上一杯咖啡, 詹妮就无法正常工作. (function)

4.在第二次世界大战期间, 他由一名上尉逐步晋升为将军. (rank)

5.别忘了明天把你的卡式录音机带来. (cassette)

6.这里一定有什么误会, 我不知道妮在说些什么. (misunderstanding)

Unit 4

1.He died defending the honor of his nation.

2.Elizabeth did not trust him, so she gave him a false name and address.

3.Jenny can’t function without a cup of coffee in the morning.

4.During the World War II, he roe gradually from the rank of major to general.

5.Don’t forget to bring your cassette recorder tomorrow.

6.There must be some misunderstanding. I don’t know what you’re talking about.


1.许多运动衣, 运动鞋的品牌都采用先进技术寻求最好的设计. (brand; athletic; sneakers; advanced)

2.到游乐园有很多方法: 可以坐高速大巴, 宾馆的往返汽车, 或者承地铁. (various; amusement; freeway; shuttle)

3.美国早期的移民不得不自己动手制作从布匹到奶油之类的一切东西. (settlers; cloth; cream)

4.如果你想从事旅游行业, 当一个至少懂一门外语的翻译是很有帮助的. (tourism; translator)

5.我发现我能从接近真实生活的情景中学到很多. (get close to)

6.这个主题公园有一部分模拟的是古代中国的生活(场景). (theme; be modeled after)

Unit 5

1.Many brands of athletic clothing and sneakers use advanced technology to find the best design.

2.There are various ways to reach the amusement park: by freeway, by hotel shuttle, or by subway.

3.Early settlers in the US usually had to make everything from cloth to cream by themselves.

4.If you want to be part of the tourism business, it would be very helpful to be a translator for at least one language.

5.I find that I can’t learn a lot from getting close to real life situation.

6.A part of the theme park was modeled after life in ancient China.

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