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Unit Test 7 答案

Unit Test 7 答案
Unit Test 7 答案

Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

toss glint stack fund defines amazement spine outgoing




Disney World. Your answer

Correct answer

amazement amazement


My brother Thomas has always been

He always seems to be the

centre of attention.

Your answer Correct answer

outgoing outgoing


Your answer Correct answer toss



Your answer Correct answer




check in. Your answer Correct answer

protective protective 6. I remember

my mother's necklace as she would lean over to kiss

me goodnight. Your answer Correct answer

glint glint 7.

Your answer Correct answer

spine spine


"For me," Sandra wrote, "the smell of Every

summer, it seemed to grow absolutely everywhere."

Your answer Correct answer

defines defines


the coffee table.

Your answer Correct answer

stack stack


Your answer Correct answer

spoil spoil

Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

11. My little brother always has a look of __________ on his

face when he rides his bicycle.

B. determination

12. "Don't use that __________ of voice with me, young lady!"

D. tone

13. Can you name the most __________ memory of your childhood?

A. significant

14. I really didn't like my baby brother at first. All he did

was eat, sleep, cry, and __________.

B. whimper

15. Don't talk to Theresa. She's in a foul __________.

C. mood

16. Don't forget to call me. I __________ want to go with you.

D. definitely

17. Determination and __________ are two of the most important

values my parents taught me.

B. perseverance

18. My children must finish their homework at the kitchen

table. There are too many __________ everywhere else.

D. distractions

19. Her father always speaks so __________, it's impossible

to not listen.

C. eloquently

20. Neil Armstrong was a __________ in my house growing up.

A. legend

Section C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.


Your answer Correct answer

back back


Your answer Correct answer

of of


Her brother got probably had no money saved up to financially

support himself.

Your answer Correct answer

off off


Your answer Correct answer

up up


Your answer Correct answer

off off


Your answer Correct answer

for for


Your answer Correct answer

with with


Your answer Correct answer

without without

The best way is to use all the time you've got to get ready for opportunities 29.

Your answer Correct answer

along along


In weather, we still managed to have a great day at the park.

Your answer Correct answer

of of

Part II: Banked Cloze

Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.

If I had to choose a favourite member of my family, it would

be Charlie. Charlie might still be a baby, but he plays such a(n) (32)


He always shows so much learn new things. For example, the

other day, we were playing with a ball. I would

him to see if he could catch it. To my

only a few times!

Charlie isn't very

However, he sometimes the night and wakes me up. I don't

mind, though; I usually

together. I'll admit it, I absolutely Why not? Charlie's the best puppy in the world!

Your answer Correct answer

(31) definitely definitely

(32) significant significant

(33) thankful thankful

(34) determination determination

(35) toss toss

(36) amazement amazement

(37) outspoken outspoken

(38) whimpers whimpers

(39) cuddle cuddle

(40) spoil spoil

Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

Families around the world are very much the same and very different. Culture, beliefs, and family structure are usually closely connected. Relatively

speaking, families in Asian cultures tend to be closer and play a more

important role in society than those in many other cultures.

Society in Mongolia has traditionally been, and continues to be, nomadic in nature. Families tend to live in close proximity with each other in

single-room homes, even in cities. Though families tend to be physically and emotionally close, there also exist strong relationships between

generations. As in most Asian countries, respect for the elderly and for one's

parents is strong and younger generations are expected to value and follow the examples set forth by the older. Many Mongolians continue to adhere to the proverb, "Regardless of how good a son is born, he can never be wise without

a father's instructions."

Similar to many Chinese cultures, the Spring Festival (lunar New Year) is

a major holiday and occasion for families to come together. On New Year's

Eve, the entire family will gather for singing, dancing, offering thanks to the elder generations, cooking and eating a large feast, and storytelling.

Celebrations will often last through the night. For many families that inhabit the generally isolated countryside, this is a rare opportunity for

togetherness, festivities, and thanksgiving.

Traditionally, Mongolians viewed the family as their primary obligation.

Therefore, the family, rather than the individual, usually defines the basic unit of social organization. Since many Mongolians lead nomadic lifestyles and / or live in very remote locations, parents were historically responsible for disciplining and educating their children. Many urban families now have the option to send children to public schools or private boarding schools.

Many children in the countryside, however, continue to spend most of their childhoods herding livestock, as they do not have the opportunity to attend formal school.

41. This passage would probably appear in _____.

A. a popular magazine

B. a financial newspaper

C. a world history textbook

D. an advertising brochure

42. Which of the following sentences best sums up the main idea

of the entire passage?

A. Families around the world are very much the

same and very different.

B. Culture, beliefs, and family structure are

usually closely connected.

C. The Spring Festival is a major holiday and

occasion for families to come together.

D. Traditionally, Mongolians viewed the family

as their primary obligation.

43. The third paragraph is about the role of the family versus

the role of ____.

A. society

B. the individual

C. the countryside

D. school

44. Which paragraph defines the basic structure of Mongolian


A. Paragraph 1.

B. Paragraph 2.

C. Paragraph 3.

D. Paragraph 4.

45. With which of the following statements would the author


A. Families in Asian cultures play a more significant role than those in Western cultures.

B. Families in Western cultures play a more significant role than those in Asian cultures.

C. Families in Asian and Western cultures play equally significant roles.

D. Families in Asian and Western cultures do not play significant roles.

unittest 文档

热门知识点:老王python推荐:python 基 础教程下载 , python 字符串 python>>软件测试自动化.python 自动化测试框架>>python unittest单元测试方法和用例 python unittest单元测试方法和用例 python内部自带了一个单元测试的模块,pyUnit也就是我们说的:unittest 先介绍下unittest的基本使用方法: 1.import unittest 2.定义一个继承自unittest.TestCase的测试用例类 3.定义setUp和tearDown,在每个测试用例前后做一些辅助工作。 4.定义测试用例,名字以test开头。 5.一个测试用例应该只测试一个方面,测试目的和测试内容应很明确。主要是调用assertE qual、assertRaises等断言方法判断程序执行结果和预期值是否相符。 6.调用unittest.main()启动测试 7.如果测试未通过,会输出相应的错误提示。如果测试全部通过则不显示任何东西,这时可以添加-v参数显示详细信息。 下面是unittest模块的常用方法: assertEqual(a, b) a == b assertNotEqual(a, b) a != b assertTrue(x) bool(x) is True assertFalse(x) bool(x) is False assertIs(a, b) a is b 2.7 assertIsNot(a, b) a is not b 2.7 assertIsNone(x) x is None 2.7 assertIsNotNone(x) x is not None 2.7 assertIn(a, b) a in b 2.7 assertNotIn(a, b) a not in b 2.7 assertIsInstance(a, b) isinstance(a, b) 2.7 assertNotIsInstance(a, b) not isinstance(a, b) 2.7 下面看具体的代码应用:


部编版七年级历史下册期中试卷 (范围:第1—11课时间:60分钟满分:100分) 一、选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分。下列各题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题意) 1.下列关于隋朝历史的叙述,不正确 ...的是( ) A.结束了南北朝分裂局面 B.国力强盛,“古今称国计之富者莫如隋” C.开凿了大运河 D.因存在时间很短,对后世没有多大影响 2.“隋氏作之虽劳,后代实受其利。”让后人发出这一感慨的工程是( ) 3.如果你是唐太宗统治中期中央的一名官员,那么你可能遇到的情况有( ) ①有幸与魏征等名臣同朝为官②唐太宗常常告诫大臣“水能载舟,亦能覆舟”的道理③由于唐太宗善于纳谏,你提出一些有利于朝政的提议,得到唐太宗的赏识④见证了唐太宗死后,武则天登上皇位的一幕 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④ 4.我国古代出现了很多政治清明、经济发达、文化繁荣的治世局面。下列繁荣局面与唐太宗在位时期有关的是( ) A.“开皇之治” B.“贞观之治” C.“开元盛世” D.“康乾盛世” 5.“告诉我,历史有什么用?”——古往今来人们已经做出各种思考,其中符合唐太宗的是( ) A.究天人之际,通古今之变 B.知己知彼,百战不殆 C.以古为镜,可以知兴衰 D.鉴前世兴衰,考当今得失 6.武则天遗言立无字碑,由后人评价自己的功过。史学家之所以肯定武则天主要是因为( ) A.她是中国历史上唯一的女皇帝 B.其执政时期社会经济继续发展 C.发展科举制度,创立殿试制度 D.重用有才能的人 7.唐朝时创制的新型灌溉工具是( ) 8.唐朝出现的下列社会现象中,与大运河关系最密切的是( )


Unit test 1 Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box. 1. The former rivals decided to create a(n) _______ when they realized they shared a common threat. Correct answer alliance 2. The streets around the courthouse were all closed down because of the____ against the ruling. Correct answer demonstration 3. Sandra was explaining how her daughter is beginning to ____ against her rules and authority. Correct answer rebel 4. The government has passed many laws that intended to make us safer, but (a) ___ would probably suggest that we're just as vulnerable as before. Correct answer cynic 5. The ___of California held a press conference to announce his candidacy for the US Senate. Correct answer governor 6. I found the Prime Minister's speech to be very_____ ; it made me feel hopeful and patriotic. Correct answer inspirational 7. At this point, Jim has no ___ of landing a job anytime soon; he just can't find a job for someone with a history degree. Correct answer prospects 8. Radicalism, by ___, means that people are acting outside the accepted norms of society. Correct answer definition 9. My children are growing up today in the Internet ____—a time when all the knowledge of the world is only a few mouse clicks away. Correct answer era 10. The September 11 terrorist attack in the United States caused more ____ than many people thought possible. Correct answer destruction 11. During the 1960s, many young people chose to _____their country's involvement in the Vietnam War. Correct answer protest 12. The collapsed housing industry in America ultimately had severe consequences for the entire_____ . Correct answer economy 13. Pedro asked me to sign the _____ in favor of the proposed law. Correct answer petition 14. Traveling through Mexico was a wonderful ____to practice Spanish which I spent so many years studying. Correct answer opportunity 15. She chose to major in business at college because she thought it would increase her chances of well-paid _____ after graduation. Correct answer employment 16. This artist must be fairly _______; I've never heard of her and I'm an art major! Correct answer obscure 17. Mike explained that it was his personal______ that governments should never interfere with other countries' internal problems. Correct answer philosophy 18. My father always told me that if I don't have ____ for what I do, I should find something else to do. Correct answer passion 19. Subjects like physics and chemistry can cause considerable _____ for students who aren't good at mathematics. Correct answer frustration 20. To an economist, there is a huge difference between an _____ society and an agricultural one. Correct answer industrial Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word. 21. The students took ____ the streets in protest and got a lot of media attention. Correct

综合教程课后练习UNIT 7答案

Unit7 Learning about English Part II Reading Task Comprehension Content Question Pair Work 1.It has borrowed and is still borrowing massively from other languages. Today it has an estimated vocabulary of over one million words. 2.They don’t like borrowing foreign words. They try to ban words from English. 3.Old English or Anglo-Saxon English. 4.The Germanic tribes brought it to the British Isles in the 5th century. 5.They are usually short and direct. 6.They use words derived from Old English. 7.An English judge in India noticed that several words in Sanskrit closely resembled some words in Greek and Latin. A systematic study later revealed the Indo-European parent language. 8.Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, English, etc. 9.There were three languages competing for use in England. 10.Words from Greek and Roman classics came into the English language. 11.The great principles of freedom and rights of man were born in England, then the Americans carried them forward. 12.No. English is and has always been the tongue of the common people. There should not be any fence around it to protect its so-called purity. Text Organization Working On Your Own 1. Part One: Massive borrowing from other languages is a major feature of the English language. Part Two: the history of the English language from the Indo-European parent language to modern English. Part Three: Tolerance, love of freedom, and respect for the rights of others---these qualities in the English-speaking people explain the richness of their language. 2. Paras. 10-11: Germanic tribes came to settle in Britain and brought Anglo-Saxon words---Old English.


PRE-UNIT TEST 1测试1 IF YOU CAN DO THIS TEST GO ON TO UNIT 1 如果你能完成以下测验,请开始第 1 单元的学习 A Look at this example:阅读以下例句: I am tired. He is tired . Write these sentences again. Begin each sentence with He. 改写下面的句子,用He 做句子的主语。1I am busy. He is busy. 2I am learning English.He is learning English. 3I have a new book.He has a new book. 4I live in the country.He lives in the country. 5I shall see you tomorrow.He will see you tomorrow. 6I can understand you.He can understand you. 7I must write a letter.He must write a letter. 8I may come next week.He may come next week. 9I do a lot of work every day.He does a lot of work every day. 10I did a lot of work yesterday.He did a lot of work yesterday. 11I played football yesterday.He played football yesterday. 12I bought a new coat last week.He bought a new coat yesterday. 13I have had a letter from Tom.He has had a letter from Tom. 14I was busy this morning.He was busy this morning. 15I could play football very well when I was younger.He could play football very well when he was younger. 16I always try to get up early.He always tries to get up early. 17I might see you next week.He might see you next week. 18I always enjoy a good film.He always enjoys a good film. 19I had finished my work before you came.He had finished his work before you came. 20I watch television every night.He watches television every night. 注释: 人称代词 he 是第 3 人称单数主格,做句子的主语时后面的谓语动词要作相应改变:在一般现在时中,动词 be 要用 is;行为动词词尾要加 -s 或 -es;动词 have 改成 has;情态助动词同其他人称一样不需改变; He is tire. He lives in the city. He has new bike. 在一般过去时中,he 后面的动词be 要用过去时形式was: He was busy this morning. B Look at these examples:阅读以下例句: I was a biscuit.I want to a cup of coffee. I want some biscuits.I want to some coffee. Do you want any biscuits?Do you want any coffee? I don’ t want any biscuits. I don’ t want any coffee.


Unit7 期中试题 一、语音知识:从ABCD四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。(共5分,每题1分) 1. write A. light B. written C. Internet D. office 2. trouble A. without B. around C. cloud D. couple 3. thirty A. either B. weather C. without D. thought 4. allow A. low B. slow C. know D. how 5. forgive A. north B. for C. worse D. forget 二、词汇与语法知识:从ABCD四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共25分,每题1分) 6. Doctors don?t allow _____ in the hospital. A. smoke B. smokes C. to smoke D. smoking 7. My mother doesn?t allow me _____. A. to smoke B. smoking C. smokes D. smoked 8. We should help the people who are ______. A. in trouble B. into trouble C. in troubles D. into troubles 9. China is larger than ______ country in Asia. A. any B. some C. other D. any other 10. I looked _____ and found all the passengers drinking coffee. A. around B. for C. in D. at 11. I .don?t care about ______ he will come or not. A. if B. whether C. weather D. as 12. It?s a pity _____ I can?t go to the park with you. A. what B. that C. which D. where 13. Do you mind _____ the door? A. close B. to close C. closed D. my closing 14. I forgot _____ this novel last month. A. read B. to read C. reading D. readed 15. I have no way _____ the key to my door. A. to find B. find C. finding D. found 16. If the computer doesn?t work, we don?t work_____. A. too B. also C. as well D. either 17. ---Your phone number again? I _____ quite catch you, ---It?s 45678908. A. didn?t B. couldn?t C. don?t D. can?t 18. Helen _____ her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband _____ home. A. has left; comes B. left; had come C. had left; came D. had left; would come 19. ---Can I help you? ---Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it ______. A. didn?t work B. won?t work C. can?t work D. doesn?t work 20. ---Is this raincoat yours? ---No, mine _____ there behind the door. A. is hanging B. has hang C. hangs D. hang


Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1. Though it was difficult, Carlos knew the only _______ thing to do would be to admit cheating on the test. A. honestly B. honor C. honorable D. honest 2. Debbie is very _______ to the plight of homeless people and always gets very emotional when she sees them on the street. A. empathy B. empathetic C. sympathy D. sympathetic 3. Certain types of birds often develop the skill of _______ and sound like they can speak. A. impressions B. mimicry C. personification

D. imitating 4. As babies develop, they need to learn to _______ before they can walk. A. run B. climb C. swim D. crawl 5. When he was a child, Tony lost all vision in his right eye, so he feels _______ for the difficulties faced by blind people. A. empathy B. empathetic C. sympathy D. sympathetic 6. Kindergarten teachers often have to reprimand their students for _______. A. mimicry B. misbehaviour C. misery D. misunderstanding 7. During the Christmas holiday, many people feel a surge of _______ and give to charities.


新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 10 答案 Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box. ?hollow ?configuration ?gauge ?predecessor ?doubtless ?intervene ?subtle ?paralyzed ?complication ?annihilated 1. Your answer Correct answer paralyzed paralyzed 2. Your answer Correct answer doubtless doubtless 3. Your answer Correct answer hollow hollow 4. Your answer Correct answer annihilated annihilated 5. Your answer Correct answer

predecessor predecessor 6. Your answer Correct answer intervene intervene 7. Your answer Correct answer gauge gauge 8. Your answer Correct answer subtle subtle 9. Since Mike was prepared to speak to Sally over the phone, her presence creates an Your answer Correct answer complication complication 10. attention. Your answer Correct answer configuration configuration Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 11. It's important that our first radio _____ to another planet is one of peace. a. transmission b. remission c. commission d. mission 12. The judge found it difficult to believe the boys since there were far too many _____ in their story.

新世纪大学英语综合教程3 Unit7课后答案

Unit Seven Education Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions 1.In the box below are some of the words you have learnt in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1)associate 2)specializes 3)combined 4)emphasis 5)suffices 6)phase 7)presided 8)peculiar 9)rear 10)negotiate 11)indispensable 12)illusion 13)implemented 14)reconcile 2.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1)stay out of 2)try out 3)in store 4)lend themselves to 5)in essence


七年级历史下册知识点归纳1、历朝历代对边疆地区的管辖 3、历代王朝加强君主专制中央集权的措施。 北宋—军事:1、解除军队将领的兵权。2、控制对军队的调动。3、经常调换军队将领。 中央:分化事权,削弱相权。 地方:1、派文臣担任各地州县的长官,实施三年一换的制度。2、在各州府设置通判,以分知州的权利。 3、取消节度使收税的权力。 4、在地方设置转运使,把地方财赋收归中央。 元朝—在中央:由中书省掌管全国的行政事务,下设六部,并将山东、山西、河北称作“腹里”直属于中书省;设枢密院负责全国的军事事务;设御史台负责监察事务。 在地方:设置行省制度。 明朝—地方:取消行中书省,设立“三司”,分封诸子为王,巩固皇室。 中央:废除丞相制度(秦朝确立了丞相制度)和中书省,提升吏、户、礼、兵、刑、工六部的职权,直接向皇帝负责;分散兵权,将大都督府分为五军都督府,将军队调动和武官任命的权力统归兵部,皇帝直接掌握了军事大权。 司法:明朝设立了厂卫等特务机构,其中朱元璋设立了锦衣卫,明成祖设立了东厂。 思想:改革科举制,实行八股取士。 清朝—政治:雍正时,设立了军机处,军政大事完全由皇帝裁决,君主专制进一步强化。 思想:为从思想领域严密控制知识分子,康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,实行文字狱,造成了社会恐怖,摧残了许多人才,禁锢了人们的思想言论,严重阻碍了思想、学术的发展和进步。

5、科举制的演变过程与评价 创立:隋炀帝时设置进士科,标志着科举制度的正式确立。 完善:唐太宗时增加科举考试科目,进士科成为最重要的科目;武则天大力发展科举制,创立殿试制度。 进一步完善:宋朝改革和发展了科举制,大幅度增加科举取士名额,提高进士地位。 僵化:明朝时期实行八股取士。 评价: 积极:科举制的创立,是中国古代选官制度的一大变革,加强了皇帝在选官和用人上的权力,扩大了官吏选拔的范围,使有才学的人能够由此参政,同时也推动了教育的发展。 消极:随着明朝八股取士,科举制脱离实际,禁锢思想,严重阻碍了中国古代思想文化和科学技术的进步与发展。 6、隋唐明清时期的著名帝王及活动


新标准大学英语综合教程U N I T T E S T答案公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

1. For me, television is just a(n) manual, but some people consider it a full-time activity. Your answer Correct answer manual diversion 2. S norkeling and scuba diving are great pastimes, but they also have excitement risks that make them dangerous. Your answer Correct answer excitement inherent 3. W hen I move to a new house, I think I'll need a(n) additional room for all of my hobbies. Your answer Correct answer additional additional 4. J ohn plays team sports in his free time because he appreciates the outlook with other people. Your answer Correct answer outlook interaction 5. M y current job involves a lot of diversion labor, so I'd prefer that my next job be at a desk. Your answer Correct answer


《新标准大学英语 视听说教程 3》张杰(学号: 200900171269)详细记 录 班级:31002017-314 教师:张静
Unit 7 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 1
Percent score
Unit 7 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 2
Percent score
Unit 7 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 3
Percent score
Unit 7 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 1
Percent score
Unit 7 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 2
Percent score
Unit 7 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 3
Percent score
Unit 7 Outside view: Activity 1
Name ID
张杰 200900171269
Percent score Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24
83 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 24 Unit 7 Outside view: Activity 2
Nam e
20090017126 9
Percen t score
Questio n1 Key: a
Questio n2 Key: d
Questio n3 Key: c
Questio n4 Key: a
Questio n5 Key: d
Unit 7 Outside view: Activity 3


部编版历史七年级下册 期末教学质量检测 七年级历史试卷 一、精挑细选(每小题只有一个正确答案,每小题2分,共58分) 1、史学界认为隋朝是承前启后的朝代,它在中国历史发展进程中最突出的贡献体现在() A.结束割据、完成统一 B.开凿运河、便利交通 C.励精图治、繁荣经济 D.实行改革、创立科举 2、唐代“诗圣”指的是() A、李白 B、杜甫 C、李春 D、白居易3.下列史实与唐太宗无关的是() A.制定法律,减轻刑罚 B.任用魏征等贤才 C.节用戒奢、减轻农民负担 D.创立科举制 4.唐玄宗时期应日本僧人邀请6次东渡日本的唐朝高僧是() A.玄奘 B.鉴真 C.晁衡 D.崔志远 5、唐朝以后,我国封建国家的官吏主要来自于() A.荐举 B.九品中正制 C.科举制 D.世袭制 6、为中印文化交流做出了突出贡献的是() A.张骞 B.甘英 C.鉴真 D.玄奘 7“黄袍加身”的典故与哪一位皇帝有关?() A.隋文帝 B.唐玄宗 C.唐太宗 D.宋太祖 8、澶渊之盟是()之间的盟约 A、北宋与西夏 B、北宋与辽 C、南宋与金 D、南宋与西夏

9、南宋初年的抗金名将是() A、杨业 B、岳飞 C、文天祥 D、戚继光 10、12世纪时,阿骨打建立了金政权,他属于哪个民族() A、契丹 B、党项 C、女真 D、汉族 11、南宋最大的商业都市是() A、开封 B、临安 C、广州 D、泉州 12、瓦子在宋代城市的盛行,主要是因为() A、士大夫的提倡 B、市民阶层不断壮大 C、农民的需要 D、达官贵人的需要 13、中国古代经济重心从黄河流域转移到南方完成于() A.三国 B.南北朝 C.唐朝中期 D.两宋 14、“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”是谁的名言? () A、岳飞 B、文天祥 C、范仲淹 D、黄宗羲 15、北宋时期的重大科技发明是() A.造纸术 B.火药 C.指南针 D.司南 16、南宋时,有位商人来临安做生意,见到市场上商品琳琅满目,客商往来不绝。下列选项他不可能有的经历是() A.上午携带纸币购买来自外国的商品 B.午餐吃是的稻米、玉米等粮食C.下午边读唐诗、宋词边饮茶 D.晚上到临安夜市去看看 17、明朝中期抗击倭寇侵略的民族英雄是() A、李纲 B、戚继光 C、于谦 D、文天祥 18、清代军机处创设于() A、顺治时期 B、康熙时期 C、雍正时期 D、乾隆时期 19、明长城东西起讫地点是() A、西起临洮,东到辽东 B、西起临洮,东到山海关 C、东起鸭绿江,西到嘉峪关 D、东起辽东,西到嘉峪关 20、明朝末年科学家宋应星编著、被誉为“中国17世纪的工艺百科全书”的是() A、《周髀算经》 B、《农政全书》 C、《天工开物》 D、《本草纲目》 21、我国第一部以农民起义为题材的小说是()


Unit test 3 Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____ secret to success, 1. but relatively few have actually done it. a. elusive b. evasive c. illusory d. eloquent It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversy since she is such a 2. _____ part of the company. a. visibility b. risible c. visible d. visibly Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutely 3. everything to be at your _____. a. dispose b. disposal c. disposing d. disposed The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat of selflessness when they turned 4. around to help an injured stranger. a. advantageous b. gorgeous c. outrageous d. courageous Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _____. 5. a. jewellery b. jewels c. jewelers d. jewelling Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young women to believe they 6. could be whatever they wanted. a. emboldened b. embittered c. empowered d. embroidered

七年级上册Unit 7测试卷及答案

Unit7综合测评 (分数:100分时间:90分钟) 第Ⅰ卷听力部分(15分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分) Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答语(5分) 6.A.A blue T-shirt. B.My friend. C.Her name’s Sally. 7.A.$1. B.$2. C.$4. 8.A.$9. B.$3. C.$4. 9.A.No, it isn’t. B.Yes, it is. C.It’s 7 dollars. 10.A.Her mother’s. B.Hersister’s. C.Her sweater. Ⅲ.听短文,判断正(T)误(F)(5分) 11.YongHui’s Clothes Store sells hats, sweaters and shorts. 12.The hats are $30. 13.The sweaters are blue and black. 14.The shoes are $25. 15.The store has yellow shorts. 第Ⅱ卷笔试部分(85分) Ⅳ.单项选择(10分) 16.—I want that bag. —. A.You are here B.Give you C.Here you are D.Here are you 17.This pair of pants very good.I like . A.is;them B.are;it C.are;them D.is;it 18.The store school things students. A.sell;to B.buy;from C.sells;to D.buys;from 19.We have bags white,black and red only ¥5. A.at;for B.in;for C.for;in D.in;on 20.He is a collector.He has basketballs. A.twenty three B.twenty-three C.two ten three D.three-twenty

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