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当前位置:文档库 › 陕西省延安市延川县第二中学八年级英语下册Unit5WhatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcameSectionA(3a_4c)学



Unit5WhatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcameSectionA (3a_4c )学

案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 What were you doing when th e rainstorm came

【Learning procedure 】


确保______________ 睡着__________ 一团糟____________

看一看___________ 逐渐减弱_____________ 【Teaching procedure 】 T : What ’s the weather like today?

T:What kind of weather do you like? Do you like rainy days? T: What will you do when the rain storm come?


(2)总结讲解 when 和while 引导时间状语从句的用法

(3)自主学习,复述3a 文章大概内容,交流讨论3c

(4)小组学习,完成4a —4c

3、根据3a 短文内容回答下列问题: (1)When the news on TV was repo rted, strong winds _________outside.

(2)While Ben ’s mom was making sure th e radio was working, his dad _____________________. 学习目标 【Stud y-ai ms 】

1.知识目标:学习并能够运用以下新单词和短语:storm,wind,light,report,area,wo od,window,match,beat,against,asleep,rise,fallen,kid,realize ;have a look, fall asleep, die down.

2.能力目标:学生能够用过去进行时谈论过去发生的事情,能够正确运用when 和wh

ile 引导的时间状语从句。

3.情感态度:能够谈论3a 文章内容及自己对灾难使民心凝聚的理解。

【Key & difficult points 】

1.when 和while 引导的时间状语从句的用法

2.能用过去进行时态正确复述3a 课文的内容

(3)Ben _______________when the heavy rain finally started. (4)When Be n __________ at 3:00 a.m., the wind ___________.


用when 和while进行填空

1、I was just reading a book ______ she came into my room.

2、______ he was a child he was always trying out new ideas.

3.You can’t do your homework _______ you’re w atching TV.

4、_______ they were talking , the bell rang.

5、I was watching TV _______ Peter came in.



I ______________ my homework when Mike _______ last night.


While Ann ___________ TV, her father came home.

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