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The UK

Unit 1

1.The official name:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Since 1927)

national flag:The Union Flag OR popularly known as the Union Jack

national anthem(国歌):GOD SAVE THE QUEEN

national capital of the country :


Greater London大伦敦都市区: the City of London + 32 boroughs[?b?r?](自治的市镇)

The City of London伦敦城: at the center of the metropolitan-the financial center of the country

Inner London: the City of London + its 12 boroughs

Outer London: 20 boroughs [?b?r?](自治的市镇)surrounding Inner London

2. The location and size of the country (了解)

3. The terrain [t??re?n](地形), rivers and mountains of the country

Roughly two kinds of terrain---highland and lowland.

The highland area --- in the northern part of the country, comprising the mountainous regions of Scotland, Northern Ireland, northern England and north Wales.

The lowland area --- especially in the Midland, southern and eastern England.

The longest river in the UK is River Severn(塞文河).

Among the most important rivers is the Thames(泰晤士河), which is second longest but is the deepest river in the county.

Ben Nevis(本·尼维斯)is the highest peak of the UK.


Lough Neagh (396km2)(內伊湖): the largest lake in the whole country

4. The natural resources of the country

Coal 煤

●Britain has a rich deposit of coal with major coal mines in central and southwest of England.

●For the last decades, there has been a steady decline in both coal production and number of coal mines.

Petroleum [p??tr?uli?m] 石油

●1965 saw discovery of big oil and oil fields under the North Sea, east of Britain.

5. The climate of the country

Temperate maritime climate(温带海洋性气候)

What are the characteristics of the climate in Great Britain?



Uncertain and changeable

6. Major cities

London ;

Edinburgh [?edn?b?:r?] 爱丁堡;

Cardiff [?kɑ:d?f] 加地夫(威尔士的主要海港);

Belfast [?bel?f?st] 贝尔法斯特(北爱尔兰首府);

Birmingham ['b?:m???h?m] 伯明翰市(英国中部城市,第二大城市)

Manchester: the Guardian(卫报)

Glasgow:[?ɡlɑ:sɡ?u] 格拉斯哥(苏格兰最大城市,第三大城市)

7. Population Density and Population Distribution

?Population density: 248 persons per square kilometer.

The Population of the UK is the 3rd largest in Europe.

?Population distribution: high urbanization (7 conurbations)

7 conurbations:Greater London大伦敦区, W. Midlands西密德兰都市郡, South Yorkshire 南约克都市郡, W. Yorkshire西约克郡都市郡, Greater Manchester大曼切斯特都市郡, Merseyside默西赛德都市郡(England), Tyne& Wear泰恩及威尔都市郡(Scotland) (了解)

8. Nations and the Languages Spoken

1) Nations: English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish

English (80%): descendants [d?'send?nts] 后裔of Anglo-Saxons

Welsh, Irish & Scottish::descendants of Celts

2)Languages:A) English (official language):

B) Gaelic [?g?l?k] 盖尔语: Scotland & Northern Ireland

C) Welsh [wel?] 威尔士语: Wales [we?lz]

3) T he history and development of the English language(p.7)

?Old English (450AD-1100 AD) influenced by Old Norse (古斯堪的纳维亚语) spoken by Vikings (北欧海盗) and was closely related to the German and Dutch (荷兰) languages. The introduction of Christianity added the first wave of Latin and Greek words to the language and ended with the Norman Conquest.

?Middle English (1100AD-1500AD) French replaced English as the official language in England. Numerous French words came into the English vocabulary and ended with the Black Death (黑死病).

?Modern English (1500AD- present) Assimilating(吸收) words from Latin and Greek words throughout the Renaissance (文艺复兴) such as William Shakespeare and the King James Bible.

?Standard English= the Queen’s Englis h= BBC English

?Explanation of Standard English

Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of the southeastern England.

It is preferred by the educated and

it is widely used in media and taught at schools. Is has developed and has been promoted as a model for the correct British English. It is also the norm(标准)

carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used.

9. Religion

? 1. Britain is a multi-faith society in which everyone has the right to religious freedom.

? 2. Christianity is the dominant religion of the country. Most of citizens are either

Protestant ['pr?t?st?nt]新教徒or Catholic.

? 3. English nation: The church of England(英格兰圣公会)is the established church of the

English nation.

? 4. The major non-Christian communities in Britain are the Jews, the Moslems and the


10. Character and manners of British people


?Talking about the Weather


11. Traditions and custom

●Trooping the Color英国皇家军队阅兵仪式around the Bucking Place in London(P.62)

to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday Parade. (The Changing Guard ceremony)

●Religious Festivals

Christmas ( Three Christmas Traditions )

①Christmas pantomime [?p?nt?ma?m] (童话剧)

②Queen's Christmas message

③Boxing Day(节礼日)



12. Media


Traditionally British newspapers have been divided into "quality", serious-minded newspapers (usually referred to as "broadsheets宽幅印刷品" because of their large size) and the more populist ['p?pj?l?st] 平民化, "tabloid" varieties.

Quality Press: The Times(泰晤士报), The Guardian(卫报), The Daily Telegraph(每日电讯报)Tabloid [?t?bl??d] 通俗小报: The Sun on Sunday

Television and Broadcast

BBC(the British Broadcasting Corporation), ITV(Independent Television) 英国独立电视台, BSkyB(the British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC)英国天空广播集团

TV programs done well by the BBC (P.60)

Unit 4. British Economy

1. The Relative Decline of British Economy (Why?)

?1) The country suffered a great loss in the two World Wars.

?2) The era[???r?]时代of the British Empire was over.

?3) Britain was still forced to maintain a substantial and expensive military presence.

?4) Britain failed to invest in industry after WWII.

?However, the decline is not an absolute one. The UK is not poorer than before. In fact, it is

wealthier and more productive than before. The only thing is that other countries develop faster than the UK. So, the UK has experienced a relative decline.

2. Recent History of British Economy

?1970 - high Inflation rate, strikes

?1979 - Reformation Program(改革方案)by Thatcher government

→去国有化privatization [?pra?v?ta?'ze??n]

?What was the content of the program?

Thatcherism [?θ?t??(r)z?m] 撒切尔主义:Throughout the 1980s an extensive program of privatization was carried out.---Denationalization [?di:?n??n?la?'ze??n] 非国有化

①Government expenditure [?k?spend?t??(r)] 花费was reduced;

②Taxation reformed;

③Foreign exchange controls lifted外汇管制解除

④Rules governing banks loosened;

⑤Worker strikes restricted.

?What was the long-term results?

①Inflation(通货膨胀) has been controlled

②Unemployment rate falling

③Encouraged by low interest rates, investment has increased. It is second only to the US as a destination for international direct investment. It is also itself a major source of international investment --- it is the second biggest international investor in the world.

?Policies of Blair Government & Results (P.45)

Policies: ①Blair made the Bank of England independent.

②In social policy, the Blair government changed the old Labor Party’s practice of using

tax system, public expenditure[?k?spend?t??(r)] 花费and price controls to reduce inequality and put an emphasis on the minimum wage and supplementing low incomes. It also emphasized individual responsibility.

Results:①limit government spending

②keep inflation under control

③reduce unemployment

By the end of the 20th century, British economic growth surpassed that of other major European countries.

3. The Current British Economy

?1) Primary Industries


A. Features: small population, high mechanization[?mek?na?'ze??n]机械化and high

efficiency; but can not satisfy its domestic needs

B. Chief agricultural products:wheat(小麦),barley [?bɑ:li]大麦,sugar beet(甜菜) and potatoes

?Energy production (5% of national wealth).

Main energy resources: coal (Rio Tinto Group力拓集团),

oil (Shell 壳牌, British Petroleum and British Gas)

? 2) Secondary Industries:P .47

? 3) Tertiary Industries: 65% of national wealth

1. (P .50)Foreign Trade ---- Lifeline. Britain is both an importer and exporter in the world.

2. Finance

The position of London in the world economy

Central Bank----Bank of England

The Big Four: Lloyds 劳埃德, Barclays 巴克莱银行, Midland 米德兰,

the National Westminster Bank Group 国民西敏寺银行

3. Currency :Pound Sterling [paund ?st ?:li ?] 英镑

Unit 3 Political System

1. Political System : Constitutional Monarchy [ ?k ?nst ??tu:??n ?l ?m ?n ?ki ] 君主立宪制

What does it mean by Constitutional Monarchy?

? The King or Queen reigns [re ?n]君主统治and is the head of the country, but dose not

rule the country. The country is governed, in the name the Sovereign [ ?s ?vr ?n ] 君主, but by His or Her Majesty ’s [ ?m?d ??sti ]陛下government---- a body of ministers who are responsible to Parliament [ ?p ɑ:l?m ?nt ]议会.

2. Parliament

议会(最高立法机关)、立法 政府、行政部门 司法机关 [ d ?u?d ???ri ]

上议院 下议院 君主


?The UK is a unitary [ ?ju:n?tri ]中央集权country.

?The British Parliament is often referred to as

supreme legislative authority(最高立法机关)of the UK.

?The Main functions are making laws and supervising(监督)government and finance.

?The life of Parliament is fixed at five years.

Sovereign: Theoretically[ ?θ??'ret?kl? ]理论上, the Queen has all the power. In reality, she does everything on the advice of the Prime Minister.

The significance of the Queen? P.32

It represents the continuity and adaptability of the whole political system and is a symbol of British unity, an indissoluble [ ??nd??s?lj?bl ] (牢不可破的) bond among people who retain many regional and cultural difference.( 它代表了整个政治体系的连续性和适应性,是英国团结的象征,人们保留了许多地区和文化差异的不解之缘。)

The House of Lords

President: The Lord Chancellor

1). The members of the House of Lords.P.33

2) The power of the House of Lords: P.33

? a revising chamber(议事厅) for legislation(修正立法议事厅)

?the highest court of appeal(最高上诉法院)

?introducing bills(引入法案), except for those dealing with financial matters.

The House of Commons

Chairman: Mr. Speaker ---- impartial(公正)in debates

1) The members---- The MPs(下院议员)are elected every 5 years

2) The functions of the House

? 1. Legislation: create, abolish or amend laws.

? 2. Pass bills(通过法案)proposed by government.

? 3.Supervise(监管)the government and finance: vote the taxation and expenditures[?

ks'pend?t??z] of government(表决政府的税收和支出), examine government policies and administration, and debate major political issues. (检查政府政策和行政管理,以及重大政治问题的争论)

3. The Executive: The central government

The UK government, officially known as His (or Her) Majesty’s Government, is centered on Whitehall in London(位于伦敦白厅). It includes:

1)Prime Minister; 2) The Cabinet(内阁) [?k?b?n?t];

3) Privy[?pr?vi:] Council(枢密院); 4) Departments(部门);

5) Civil Service(政府文职机构)

Prime Minister ---- the really powerful leader of the UK


?The head of the government oversees the operation of the Civil Service and government


?The leader of the party that holds the most seats in the House of Commons.

?He appoints members of the Cabinet and control it.

?He recommends a number of appointments(任命) to the Queen.


?Prime Minister is appointed by the monarch.

The Cabinet

?The Prime Minister appoints up to 20 ministers to sit in the Cabinet. Members of the

Cabinet are usually members of his own party in the House of Commons. They are also ministers of government department.

?The Cabinet is the committee at the centre of the British political system and is the

supreme decision-making body in government. (政府最高决策机构)

?The Cabinet meets regularly, usually once a week.

3. The Judiciary

?“No written constitution.”Why? P.30

Because it is not summarized into one single document as “the British Constitution”.

?The Constitution is made up of Statutes[s't?t?u:ts](法规), Acts of Parliament(议会)and

common law.

?No Ministry of Justice(司法部).

?Court system in England:

①Lowest level: the magistrates’[?m?d??stre?t] courts(地方法庭)and county courts (治安法庭和郡法院)

②Highest level: The House of Lards

?Jury: A jury is made up of 12 citizens(陪审团由12名公民组成). Every citizen who should

be open-minded and impartial to the court case at hand.(每个公民都应该对法院的案件进行公正的和公正的诉讼。) A jury’s job is to decide whether or not the accused (被告)they defended a guilty or not a guilty(陪审团)

If the jury finds the accused guilty(有罪), then it is for the judge to announce sentence.

?No death penalty[?pen?lti](无死刑)since1969.

?The Police: The Metropolitan Police(都市警察):whose zone of operation covers Greater

London, is under the direct responsibility of the Home Secretary(内政大臣).

?Scotland Yard(伦敦警察厅):(officially New Scotland Yard ) the Criminal Investigation

Department (英国刑事调查局)(CID), where its offices are situated close to Whitehall and the House of Parliament in London(白厅和伦敦的英国国会大厦).

4. Party Politics

Three main political parties of Britain:

①The Conservative Party (Its Characteristics P.36)

It favors reducing the influence of trade unions and minimizing expenditure on social welfare.Its policies are characterized by pragmatism[?pr?gm?t?z?m](实用主义)and a belief in individualism.这有利于减少工会的影响,最大限度地减少对社会福利的支出,其政策具有实用主义和个人主义的信念。

②The Labor Party(Its Characteristics P.37)

1.believe in an egalitarian(平等主义) economy

2.public services

3.nationalize a wide range of industries

It became known as a party of high taxation. The party activities are largely funded by the trade unions.(它被称为一个高税收的政党。党的活动主要是由工会资助的。)

③The Liberal Democracy[d??m?kr?si](自由民主党)

5. General Election(大选)

?How long is it held? Every 5 years.

?For what purpose?

To elect a member of the House of Commons..

?Process of General election---Direct Election (P.38)

?Result: The party which has a largest number of seat will win the election. The leader of

this party will be the Prime Minister.

The party which wins over half of the constituencies[k?n?st?tju?nsi]选区的全体选民is the majority in the House of Commons, subsequently forming the new government.

6. The British Commonwealth(联邦) of Nations, normally referred to as the Commonwealth is an intergovernmental organization of fifty-four independent member states.(英联邦,通常称为英联邦是一个政府间组织的五十四个独立的成员国。) Queen Elizabeth II, is the current head of the Commonwealth.

All but two (Mozambique and Rwanda) of these countries were formerly part of the British Empire.(这些国家的所有,但(莫桑比克和卢旺达)以前是大英帝国的一部分。)

The Commonwealth is not a political union, but an intergovernmental organization through which countries with diverse social, political, and economic backgrounds are regarded as equal in status.


Unit 2 History

1. Earliest Settlers

1) The Iberians [ la?'b??r??n ] 利比里亚人: They were nomadic [ n??'m?d?k ](游牧的)Stone Age hunters. Their social system was a tribal[?tra?b?l]部落的society. The only Relic left by them was Stonehenge [?sto?n?hend?]史前巨石柱

2) The Celts凯尔特人: Two big waves of Celtic[?k?lt?k, ?s?l-]凯尔特人的invasion[?n?ve??n]侵袭:

①the Gaels['ɡ?lz]少女, still found in Ireland and Scotland, came over as early as 600 B.C. ②the Britons英国人, still found in Wales, came over before 300 B.C. From the Britons came the English name for Britain.

余志远《英语国家概况》(2015年版)复习笔记和课后习题详解(第7章 英国政治——第9章 美国地理)

第7章英国政治 7.1 复习笔记 【知识框架】 Ⅰ. Constitutional Framework Ⅱ. Parliament 1. The Crown or Sovereign 2. The House of Lords 3. The House of Commons 4. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ⅲ. Regional Government Ⅳ. Local Government Ⅴ. Justice Ⅵ. Political Process 1. Elections 2. Two-part System 3. Female Representation in Britain Politics Ⅶ. Security 【重难点归纳】 The UK is a state of constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. In the

UK, the country’s head of state is the reigning king or queen, and the head of government is the prime minister, who is the leader of the majority political party in the House of Commons. 英国是一个君主立宪制和议会民主制国家。在英国,国家元首是在位的国王或女王,政府首脑是首相,他是下议院多数党领袖。 Ⅰ. Constitutional Framework 1. The British constitution is made up of statute law, common law and conventions. 2. The main elements of the government are the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. Ⅰ. 宪法框架 1. 英国宪法由成文法、普通法和公约组成。 2. 政府的主要组成部分是立法、行政和司法。 Ⅱ. Parliament The UK Parliament was formed in 1707. The separate British and Irish parliaments are integrated into a single Parliament of the UK from January 1, 1801. Ⅱ. 议会 英国议会成立于1707年。从1801年1月1日起,独立的英国和爱尔兰议会合并为英国的单一议会。 1. The Crown or Sovereign


Unit 1 UK 著名景点 Big Ben 大本钟2、Tower Bridge(crosses the River Thames; close to the Tower of London; symbol of London ) 3、Westminster Abbey ( Gothic church in the City of Westminster,London; Coronation and burial site for British monarchs.) 4、Red Double Decker Bus (mass transit) 英国基本知识 1、constituent parts ? England/ Scotland/ Northern Ireland/ Wales(国旗) 2、the national anthem(国歌)? God save the queen 3、The national Emblem? 4、National flower? Rose (Wars of the Roses - civil wars (1455-1485) between the royal house of Lancaster ( red rose) and the royal house of York (white rose).) 5、地理位置 6、Full name?The "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".(The British Isles不列颠岛; Great Britain; UK ; Commonwealth) 7、Three political divisions(行政区域): England, Scotland, and Wales. 8、Commonwealth? A free association of sovereign states comprising Great Britain and a number of its former dependencies ; united as ?free and equal members‘. 9、Capital England(London); Scotland(Edinburgh); Wales(Cardiff); Northern Ireland(Belfast) 10、Backbone of England? Pennine 11、Ben Nevis? the highest mountain in UK. 1343m 12、North Ireland? National flower: Irish clover (三叶草);Lough Neagh (the largest lake in UK) ; industrious; agricultural 13、Rivers and lakes?1. The Severn River(longest river; from the mountain of Wales to the Bristol Channel) 2. The Thames River (Main source of London‘s water supply;Second longest river in Britain; Costwold Hills--North Sea)3. The Clyde River (The most important river in Scotland)4. Lake District 5. Lough Neagh(The largest lake in Britain (396 square kilometers), Northern Ireland.) 14、The climate in Britain?pea souper 超级浓雾 Unit2 UK 1、the first settler? The Iberian(伊比利亚人) 2、Stonehenge(巨石阵)?was a place of healing center;The most important monument left by Iberian;There are about 80 stones, and each is five meters tall. 3、The Celtic language? the basis of both Welsh and Gaelic(盖尔语) (Irish,Scotish). 4、Hadrian ‘s Wall 5、7th century Heptarchy(七国联盟)?(Wessex; Sussex; Kent; Essex; East Anglia; Mercia; Northumbria) 6、Viking pirates(维京海盗) ? Vikings from Denmark;established some small kingdoms;Northern and eastern England 7、The Norman Conquest(1066)? The Normans that invaded England in 1066 came from Normandy in Northern France.


英语国家概况考试题型如下: 1.选择题(30 X 1’) 2.填空题(20 X 1’) 3.简答(10 X 2’)--必须回答完整的句子 4.分析题(6 X 5’)-- 必须回答完整的句子 总分100 分 主要内容包括: 一.U.S. Geography 1.Full name of U.S.. 2.Number of States: 50 states. 3.After President Jefferson brought the Louisiana territory from France there was a desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men. 4.The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometers. The fourth largest countries. 5.Taxas is the largest mainland state of the U.S.. Alaska is the largest state of the U.S.. 6.Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. 7.America’s movies are mostly made in Hollywood near the city of Los Angeles in south California. 二.U.S. People 1.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is the Blacks (Afriican-Americans). 2.The “first Americans” were the Indians. 3.The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States. 4.The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today’s V erginia in the year of 1607. 5.The “Three Faiths” in the U.S. refer to: ?Protestan ?Catholic ?Jewish 6.The majority of the Catholics in the U.S. are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. 7.American society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and pestige are unequally distributed among the population. 8.WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.


英语国家概况-Land and people I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分 1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。 2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。 3. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones. 不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。 4.Three political divisions on the island:England, Scotland and Wales. 大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。 (1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section. 英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。 (2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。它有三大自然区:北部高地,中部低地及南部山陵。首府:爱丁堡。 (3) Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫 (4) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast. 北爱尔兰是英国第四个区域。首府:贝尔法斯特。 5.The Commonwealth (of nations)is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. It was founded in 1931, and has 50 member countries until 1991. 英联邦是独立的前英国殖民地组成的自由联合体。它成立于1931年,至1990年止已有50个成员国。 II. Geographical Features 英国的地理特征 1.Geographical position of Britain: 英国的地理位置: Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. 英国是一个岛国。它位于大西洋北部,与欧洲大陆的北海岸隔海相望。南面的英吉利海峡和东面的北海将它与欧洲其它部分隔开。 2.The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; and the east and southeast are mostly lowlands. 英国的西部和北部主要是高地,东部和东南部主要是低地。 III. Rivers and Lakes 河流与湖泊 Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain (1,343m).


第五章 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire (1688-1990) 大英帝国的兴衰 I. Whigs and Tories 辉格党人和托利党人 These two party names originated with the Glorious Revolution (1688). 这两个政党名称皆起源于1688年的光荣革命。 The Whig were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists. The Whig were to form a coalition with dissident Tories in the mid-19th century and become the Liberal Party. 辉格党人是指那些反对绝对王权,支持新教徒宗教自由权利的人。辉格党人在19世纪中叶与持不同意见的托利党人组盟组成自由党。 The Tories were those who supported hereditary monarchy and were reluctant to remove kings. The Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party. 托利党人是指那些支持世袭王权、不愿去除国王的人。托利党是保守党的前身。 I. Agricultural Changes in the Late 18th Century 18世纪末的农业革命 During the late 18th and early 19th centurie s, the “open-field” system ended when the Enclosure Act was passed. The movement lasted for centuries. Agricultural enclosure had good as well as bad results: 18世纪末、19世纪初的农业革命期间,随着《圈地法》的颁布,传统的“开放田地”制结束。圈地运动持续了将近一个多世纪。农业圈地运动的利弊共存:(1) Farms became bigger and bigger units as the great bought up the small;


英语国家概况(阅读) 1、Which of the following statements is NOT true? C.The Social Democratic and Labour Party is a very important political party in Britain 2、Which of the following statements is NOT correct? D.Parliament has no power to change the terms of the Constitution. 3、To get a bachelor’s degree, an American undergraduate student is required to do the following except ____. C.taking certain subjects such as history, language and philosophy 4、Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes? B.The legislative. 5、Which one of the following is NOT particularly British Christmas tradition? C.Eating chocolate eggs on Easter Day. 6、Which of the following statements is NOT true about blacks after the 1960s? A.Blacks felt that they could be fully integrated into the mainstream of American life. 7、The New Deal was started by ___. A.Franklin Roosevelt. 8、Which of the following is NOT based on the fact? A.Members of Parliament elect the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. 9、Three of the following are characteristics of London, Which of the four is the EXCEPTION? C.London is not only the largest city in Britain, but also the largest in the world 10、In order to go to university, secondary school students in the US must meet the following requirements except that ___. D.They pass the college entrance examinations 11、Which of the following statements is NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, ___. D.the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined. 12、Which of the following about the tabloids is not true? A.They are big format newspapers. 13、In the 17th century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland, because ____. A.they wanted to increase its control over Ireland 14、The largest religion in the US is ___. B.Christianity 15、Which of the following is NOT a feature of the House of Lords? C.The lords are expected to represent the interests of the public.


新版“英语国家概况”精讲笔记【7】 Chapter 18 The U.S. Economy美国经济 1)Factors that contribute to the fast growth of the economy: ①the geographical location of the United States povides very good conditions for the country to grow and become strong. ②the United States has been blessed by being a land rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil, together with a moderate climate. ③America has been fortunate in having enough people to provide the labour necessary for a constantly expanding economy. ④ the quality of available labour. The United States has a skilful and willing labour force. 经济快速增长的几个因素:1.美国的地理位置为国家的发展壮大提供了良好的条件;2.美国有幸是一块矿产资源丰富、土壤肥沃的陆地,气候温和;3.拥有足够的劳动力以满足不断发展的经济增长;4.这些劳动力的质量。美国拥有技术高和能动性好的劳动力大军。 2)Characteristics of the U.S. economy: character ised by a high degree of monopoly. 经济特征:已高度垄断为特点。 3)the importance of foreign trade:the United States supplies a larger share of the imports of all other countries than does any other country in the world. But the U.S. share of the world trade has declined in recent years.①Currently US exports are about 15% of the world’s total;②the US imports about 13% of all world imports; ③ Canada is the largest single source of goods imported by the U.S., accounting for nearly 30% of the total. Asia provides about 18% of American imports. Thus the economy of these countries is often affected when the U.S. economy is in trouble. 美国进口的商品比世界任何国家都多。但最近几年比例有所下降。1.美国出口量占全世界出口总数的15%;2.美国的进口占13%左右;3.加拿大是最大的供应国,占总数的近30%。亚洲占18%左右。因此,一旦美国经济陷入困境,这些国家也会受到影响。 4)problems facing the US economy: unemployment, inflation, financial deficit, and trade deficit. 经济存在的问题:失业,通货膨胀,财政赤字和贸易赤字。 Chapter 19.Political Institution政治体制 1)A workable form of government under the Constitution: a federal system of


英语国家概况教学大纲 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

《英语国家概况》课程教学大纲 课程名称:英语国家概况计划学分:2学分 计划学时:32学时课程性质:选修课 课程类型:专业课面向专业:商务英语、应用英语专业 编制单位:外语系编制时间:2012年8月 一、课程的性质、地位和作用 随着我国对外交往的日益频繁和涉外工作的需要,大学生不仅要学好英语,提高语言应用能力,还应加深对英语国家社会与文化生活基本情况的了解,从而在工作和生活中更好地进行跨文化交流。本课程就是根据此需要,根据《大学英语课程教学要求》而开设的选修课,体现了英语教学必须实行语言教学与文化知识课程紧密相结合的原则,有利于基础阶段语言教学与文化知识教学的相互促进。 二、教学目的及要求 本课程涉及了英语国家的地理、历史、语言发展、文化、社会等方面,目的在于扩大学生视野、对于英语国家的理解不仅从经济、政治的角度,而且要从社会、文化的角度来看问题。 1.提供了一个对于英语国家的中立的、恰当的、多角度的、贴近实际 的调查。 2.提高学生思维能力、分析和解决问题的能力。 3.培养学生对于人类和社会的客观的、健康的、科学的人生观、价值 观。

4.培养能把英语的语言基础知识和广阔的文化背景知识结合在一起的 优秀英语人才,即复合型人才。 5.帮助学生对于英语文学、报纸、杂志、脱口秀、英语笑话等的理 解。 三、课程的章节、具有的深度、广度、难点、重点 Chapter 1 Geography, People and Language 通过对本章的学习,了解英语国家的地理、气候、主要城市、人民、英语语言的发展。 重点:地理、人口特点 难点:英语语言发展的三个阶段 Chapter 2 History 从国家的建立、进入封建社会、到现代社会的转化,全面地了解英语国家的历史。 重点:历史转折性事件、关键人物、工业革命、现代社会 难点:两次世界大战以及其对英语国家的影响 Chapter 3 Government 了解英语国家的宪法、政府、政党、选举等。 重点:英语国家的立法机关、行政机关、司法机关 难点:不同政治体制下这三者的关系、作用 Chapter 4 Economy 了解英语国家的近代经济、现代经济。 重点:英语国家的近现代经济 难点:在国家经济中起重要作用的产业


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1 Geography, People and Language 全名: the United Kingdom of Great Britain(大不列颠联合王国)and Northern Ireland (北爱尔兰). 由成千上万的小岛组成(the British Isles). 两大岛屿:Great Britain(大不列颠)and Ireland(爱尔兰) The River Thames(second longest and most important), originates(起源于)in southwestern England -----North Sea. Scotland ( Edinburgh爱丁堡) important river:Clyde River kilts(苏克兰小短裙)Wales( Cardiff加迪夫,著名港口). The Severn River is the longest river of Britain------flow through western England. Northern Ireland(Belfast贝尔法斯特,首府) Lough Neagh----the largest lake in the British Isles. Climate: temperate, with warm summers, cool winters and plentiful precipitation(降雨量),冬暖夏凉,降雨充沛 Three major features: winter fog, rainy day, instability 冬天多雾,常年多雨,天气不定London---Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫), Guildhall (市政厅), St. Paul’s Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂), The Tower Bridge of London(伦敦塔桥) The majority of the population is descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic people from Europe.大部分的人口是盎格鲁-撒克逊人的后裔,从欧洲来的日耳曼人Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendants of the Celtic people, including the Irish people威尔士和苏格兰的大多数人都是凯尔特人的后裔,包括爱尔兰人 English belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. English is in the Germanic group.英语属于日耳曼语语系 Germanic group: East Germanic, North Germanic, West Germanic. English evolved from the West Germanic group.日耳曼语系:东日耳曼语,北日耳曼语,西日耳曼语。英语从西日耳曼语中发展。 1、Old English: was influenced by Old Norse spoken by the Vikings and was related to the German and Dutch languages.受古代维京人所说的古斯坎德纳威亚语影像并和德语法语密切相关.was ended with the Norman Conquest, when the language was influence by the French-speaking Normans.古英语时代结束于说法语的诺曼人的征服 2、Middle English: William the Conqueror invaded and conquered and the Anglo-Saxons (Numerous French words came into the English vocabulary)征服者威廉入侵并征服和盎格鲁-撒克逊人(大量的法语词汇进入英语词汇) 3、Modern English(15 century): William Caxton brought standardization to English, and spelling and grammar became fixed. The first dictionary published in 1604. Samuel Johnson: A Dictionary of the English Language was influential in a standard form of spelling.卡克斯顿威廉带来了标准化的英语,并成为固定的拼写和语法。第一本字典发表于1604。约翰逊塞缪尔:一本英文字典是有影响的一种标准形式的拼写。 Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England. It is also


2011英语国家概况期末考 1 of 100 Whose speech is closest to BBC English? A Cockney Southerners in England northerners in England A Welsh 2 of 100 The two newest states which joined the United States are _____. Alaska and Hawaii California and New Mexico Alaska and Florida Hawaii and Oregon 3 of 100

Which of the following is NOT one of the general standards for admission into an institution of higher learning in the U. S. A.? ACTP GPA MBA SAT 4 of 100 Britain's longest rivers are _____. the Severn and the Thames the Thames and the Clyde the Clyde and the Humber the Severn and the Clyde 5 of 100 New Englanders were originally known as _______. Yankees German farmers

Fishermen from Scandinavia English Puritans 6 of 100 The Constitution of the United States provides that _____ shall be President of the Senate. the Chief Justice the Secretary of State the Vice President the President 7 of 100 Which of the following is NOT one of the clauses in Magna Carta? There should be the same weights and measures throughout the country. The principle of parliamentary supremacy should be confirmed and free speech in Parliament should be guaranteed.


第十一章 Part Two The Republic of Ireland 爱尔兰共和国 地理与历史 Geography and History 不列颠群岛由两大岛屿和几百座小岛组成。两大岛屿是大不列颠和爱尔兰岛。爱尔兰也因其乡村绿荫而被称为绿宝石岛。爱尔兰分为两个政治区域:北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国。北爱尔兰是联合王国的一部分。爱尔兰共和国是个独立国家。 The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because ot its rich green countryside. Ireland is divided into two political units. They are Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Northern Island is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland (Eire) is an independent country. I.Geographical Features地理特征 爱尔兰共和国的面积为70,282平方公里。与北爱尔兰接壤的边界为434公里。 The Republic of Ireland covers an area of 70,282 sq.its land border with Northern Ireland is 434 km. 首都是都柏林,The capital is Dublin. 爱尔兰一直被比作盆地,内有海滨高地围起的石灰岩高原。海洋性气候影响全国。 Ireland has been compared to a basin in which a limestone plateau is rimmed by coastal highland s. Maritime influences penetrate the land. 最高峰是卡朗图山(1,041米) The highest peaks are Carrantuohill (1,041 m) 爱尔兰最大的河是香农河,它发源于斯利戈湾附近的高原, 香农河为共和国提供了大部分电力。 The largest river in Ireland is the Shannon River. It rises in the plateau near Sligo Bay, The Shannon River provides electric power for much of the Republic. 多样化是低地的主要特征。中部低地是爱尔兰的心脏。山谷的通道和低地走廊通向每一个爱尔兰海岸, Variety is the main feature of the lowlands. The Central Lowland is the heart of Ireland. Easy passageways along valley and lowland corridors lead from it to every Irish shore. 因为爱尔兰在冰川时期完全被冰层覆盖,现在所有的动植物种类都是从欧洲其他地方迁徙来的。 As Ireland was completely covered by ice sheets during the lce Age, all extant plants and animals are migrant species from other parts of Europe. 沼泽仍是爱尔兰最重要的地形特征。在所有山脉中随处可见,并覆盖低地的大片地区。


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d213881569.html, 《英语国家概况》的教学反思 作者:童方吟 来源:《读与写·上旬刊》2017年第11期 摘要:《英语国家概况》是每所大学英语专业都会开设的课程,这一学科对于经济全球化的今天来说至关重要,因此,对于这门学科的教学,教师应该认真反思,如何高效的提高教学质量。 关键词:国概;教学方法;存在问题 中图分类号:G648 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1578(2017)11-0001-01 英语教育专业的专业课程大致包括三种类型:英语语言课程、英语文学课程、英汉与汉英翻译课程。英语国家概况则属于英语语言课程中的一门专业必修课,其总体目标是:比较系统的介绍英、美、加、澳、新等主要英语国家在历史、地理、社会、政治、经济、教育等方面的情况以及其文化传统,让学生了解这些主要英语国家的背景知识,以扩大学生知识面,增强学生对英语国家文化的识别力、理解力,培养和提高学生观察、分析和解决问题的能力,使学生的在了解英语国家文化的过程中理解和运用英语进行有效的交际和成功的沟通。 进入新世纪以来,《基础教育课程改革纲要》的颁布,标志着我国的英语教育进入了一个崭新的大好时机。作为英语专业知识类课程,英语国家概况具有自身显著的特点,如果不改进与完善该课程的教学理论和方法,该课程就很难适应新的教学要求。 1.课程教学现状以及问题 1.1 教材及教学资料。《概况》课程的一大缺陷就是教材及教学资料很不完整,给老师的备课无形中增加了难度。目前市场上使用较普遍的是周叔麟主编的新版《英美概况教程》、王恩铭主编的《英语国家概况》、来安方编著的《英美概况》等,虽然看起来版本很多,但是每个版本都有自己的缺陷所在,体系并不很完整合理,并且,配套教学资料相当匮乏,这也严重的影响了学生学习的自主性。 1.2 课时安排。现今很多大学都在大二开设《概况》课程,通常为36个学时,并且是作为考查课程。要想学生在短短的36个课时里面掌握五个国家的历史、文化、政治、社会、经济等各方面内容,这对于教师的教学和学生的学习来说都比较困难,很容易造成学习上囫囵吞枣的现象。 1.3 学生的主观能动性。《国概》课程由于知识面广,生词量大,阅读量也大,这就导致学生在接触这本教材的时候就会产生畏惧心理,不知如何开始。将国概课程试卷与英语专业其

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